Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DE-INTERNATIONALIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] DE-INTERNATIONALIZATION""
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The European Director : - How International Offices work to market their Exchange ProgramsArklöf, Rebecca, Åström, Viktoria January 2007 (has links)
As two former exchange students ourselves and studying the International Business and Economics program we were appealed by writing this thesis on commission for the International Office at Umeå University. The marketing of education is an area of research still in development. This lead us to our problem: In what way do International Offices work to market their exchange programs? The purpose of the study was to get an understanding of how International Offices in Europe work to market their exchange programs. We wanted to see and compare how the International Offices work to make students go and come on exchange programs. All this to improve the knowledge of the International Offices in Europe to become more effective and achieve greater success. We started our theory chapter by writing about service marketing: describing a service and how to work with it. We continued with theories about the marketing of education. Australia turned out to be the country where we found the basis for our study. They are researching the most within the marketing of education. Using the theories as a basis we constructed a model called ‘the European Director’ of how International Offices in Europe work to market their exchange programs. The study was done using a qualitative method. Three telephone-, and one face-to-face interview were conducted with persons working in International Offices. Our view of knowledge was hermeneutical and we had a deductive approach even though somewhat influenced by the ‘golden middle way’. Our perspective was that of the International Offices. The results of our study were a compilation of our model that we constructed. Placing any IO in the head of ‘the European Director’ can tell how an International Office is working on a national- and international level towards students, other IOs and other universities. On an international level towards students the Internet and student ‘recruiters’ are tools that are used. Towards other IO’s and universities the Internet, brochures, personal selling and relationships are important. On a national level the Internet towards students is also an important tool, as is also personal selling and direct marketing. Towards other IO’s and universities the Internet and cooperations in different forms are used. The internationalization and the staff is very important in all offices. The internationalization is constantly on their minds and some offices even feel great pressure from it. The internationalization is evident in all offices since they all, except one, use individual marketing campaigns towards different countries.
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Internationalization Of Capital, Globalization, And The StateGunay, Sedat Ilgaz 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the relation between the internationalization of capital and the national state in the context of globalization is put under critical scrutiny. Elucidation of the dynamics of the globalization process constitutes a crucial significance for the understanding of the contemporary transformations in the capital accumulation and the state. It is aimed to propose a conceptual framework to transcend the dualist comprehensions between the political and economic, capital and the state, and global and national that are widespread within the analyses of globalization. It is asserted that dualist conceptualizations obscure the elucidation of the underlying social relations that pave the way for the internationalization of capital. It is argued that a relational perspective, which emphasizes the social relational character of the state and capital, can explicate the contradictory unity of the political and economic by conceiving these phenomena as forms of presence of the capitalist relations of production. It is claimed that a relational perspective provides a fertile framework of analysis for the elucidation of the process of globalization by overcoming the juxtaposition of the global capital and the national states through the argument that they exist in and through their internal relations within the capitalist relations of production. It is proposed that, the internationalization of capital should not be conceived as a recent phenomenon, but as an incessant process reconstituted through different forms beginning from the historical constitution of the capitalist relations of production. Furthermore, a relational perspective, which conceives the international system of national states not as in opposition to the international capital accumulation but as an indispensible internal part of it, is proposed. In the thesis, neo-Gramscian analyses, the regulation school and the relational approaches are critically examined in terms of their conceptualizations of the relations between the political and economic, capital and the state, and global and national. It is intended to propose a conceptualization that enables the elaboration of the continuity and unity of the internationalization of the capitalist relations as well as their differentiation and uneven development.
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'A Valuable Link': The Opportunities for Swedish SMEs by Incorporating Diasporas into the Process of InternationalizationStartseva, Ksenia, Vysniauskaite, Vaida January 2009 (has links)
With the conditions of new economy such tendencies as internationalization of firms, mi-gration of high skilled workers, growing importance of the knowledge and others become relevant. Having these contextual matters in mind, the authors of this thesis identify the beneficial aspects that are related to Diasporas' inclusion into the process of internationali-zation. In broad outline, this thesis is about the competitive advantage achieved by a firm which employs foreigners to work with the process of business expansion to foreigners' countries of origin. This competitive advantage is proved to manifest itself through the knowledge and competences embedded in those employed foreigners. The purpose of this thesis is to answer 'in what ways can Swedish SMEs benefit from Di-asporas' inclusion into the process of internationalization?' and thus fill the theoretical gap in the existent studies. In order to address the purpose of the research, a theoretical model which merges the research field of internationalization and Diaspora studies, considered the conditions of new economy, was constructed. With the help of this model, the role of Diasporas in the process of internationalization has been explored and explained. For the empirical study, the qualitative method was applied and semi-structured interviews were conducted in five different Swedish SMEs. The interview guide, which was based on the theoretical model and on the main research objectives, was used when conducting in-terviews with a number of management positions fulfilling participants, as well as Diaspora. The results of an empirical study showed that Diasporas can be efficiently used for compa-ny's expansion strategies and significantly benefit due to several reasons. First of all, fo-reigners, or Diasporas, can be considered as holding relevant knowledge base in regards to their home countries, such as language, culture, personal contacts, etc. At the same time, while staying in Sweden, they get to familiarize with the Swedish culture, social structures, and business opportunities, and establish diversified contacts. With regards to international business expansion, this knowledge of two-fold nature is proved to be highly valuable.
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To discover Kurdistan : How Swedish companies have handled the Kurdish marketPajuvirta, Andreas, Safari, Aswo January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to find factors that can be helpful for Swedish companies that are thinking about entering the Kurdish market. The Kurdish market is a new and growing market in a region that is in its development phase. The Kurdish region has an area of 88 000 km2 and is located in northern Iraq and the languages spoken in the region are mainly Kurdish and Arabic. Since the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003 the region has made an effort to attract foreign investors to the region. The efforts include laws designed to make it easier for investors to establish themselves on the Kurdish market. We thought it would be interesting to examine the Kurdish market to find out important factors that might be of interest for Swedish firms. In a globalized economy it is important to internationalize in order to meet the competition that comes from a globalized economy. So what factors could constitute an obstacle for a successful internationalization to the Kurdish market? Through contact with representatives from Kurdistan regional government (KRG) we have managed to interview four Swedish firms that already have established themselves on the market. We have used a semi-structured interview technique to conduct the interviews. To get a perspective on how the internationalization process progress, we have gathered information about the process. This information resulted in an interview guide that covered the aspects of internationalization and was a useful tool for us during the interviews. As a result from our investigation we conclude that the Kurdish market is a promising market if your company is active in the right field of business, though there are some issues that one has to be aware of and it is important to handle these correctly for a successful business on the market. Through our analysis we have contributed with some new aspects that are specific for the Kurdish market and may also be of importance on other markets as well.
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Exploring a Swedish SME entering the Congolese Electricity Market : A Case Study of PPC Engineering ABGoldberg, Caroline, Jonsson, Gabriella January 2009 (has links)
Internationalization research has for a long time been dominated by a strong focus on how large firms from large and developed economies expand into other developed countries. Until recently, little attention has been devoted towards understanding that part of the internationalization process in which small and medium sized firms from small and open economies, attempt to establish themselves in undeveloped countries. This research gap is the point of departure for this thesis. By using a recently published conceptual framework by Laanti et al. (2009) the authors study how five groups of factors have shaped the internationalization process of a small Swedish electricity company in the midst of starting up business in Congo Kinshasa. In this in-depth single-case study, data was collected through semi-structured interviews with representatives of PPC Engineering AB. The study finds that the importance of different factors vary throughout the process, but in this case, when seen as a whole, host country factors and company specific factors play the most prominent roles. Furthermore, Laanti et al.’s (2009) conceptual framework is redesigned to explain the dynamic process of internationalization. However, more research is needed to determine the extent to which this framework can be generalized.
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The Internationalization of Family Firms : Facilitating and Constraining FeaturesKoopman, Martin, Sebel, Kevin January 2009 (has links)
Introduction: Research has shown that family firms play an important role in modern economies and that they maintain special characteristics and features in comparison to non-family businesses. Furthermore, it is evident in literature and practice that internationalization is a crucial process and strategy in the present global business environment. Problem: These findings however, have not led to a family business internationalization strategy. Only some studies have been conducted concerning the influence of the special features of family firms on the process of internationalization. This means that there is a gap between theory and practice. Purpose: To increase the academic understanding of the phenomenon internationalization of family businesses, through the use of both theoretical and empirical findings. Research questions: This study attempted to fulfill the purpose by providing answers to several research questions. The main research questions are: What is the current state of knowledge about internationalization, family business features and previous research in internationalization of family firms? How do the family business features theoretically influence the internationalization process? How do the family business features empirically influence the internationalization process? What are the theoretical contributions and practical managerial implications of these findings? Method: A solid literature research has been conducted in order to determine the theoretical influences of family business features on internationalization. The empirical testing of the expectations was conducted through a qualitative approach by taking personal interviews at eight companies, four in The Netherlands and four in Sweden, and studying secondary documentation. Findings: The study shows that it is difficult to decisively determine the either facilitating or constraining influence of family business features on internationalization. The results show that the 23 features which have been studied in the sample are facilitating or constraining under certain conditions (see table 5, p. 108). This implies that managers, researchers and consultants will be required to study these conditions first in order to determine the facilitating or constraining effects in a company. In addition, a model has been constructed illustrating the empirical findings concerning the internationalization process (see figure 8, p.112). Finally, concerning internationalization theories, it is determined that family businesses tend to use the Network approach in starting their internationalization process, the Stage approaches in further developing the international operations and support their process through the Resource-based view and the Knowledge-based view.
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A Critical review of SME internationalization : through two Swedish/Chinese SMEsLu, Yunli, Zhou, Zhisheng January 2009 (has links)
Background The internationalization of SMEs can be expected to gain further momentum because the world economy is becoming increasingly integrated with continued declines in government-imposed barriers and continued advances in technology Purpose The purpose of this paper is to design a theoretical framework for the internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises, research, analyst and discuss. Theoretical Framework We have created a model of the internationalization of SMEs which includes four elements: Resource, Mode of Entry, Competitor and Marketing. We believe they are primary considerations for the SMEs to develop foreign operation. Method We will use qualitative method in our research Conclusion Optimize the allocation of resources, suitable way to entry foreign market, determine own Competitive advantage, positioning, decision making and controlling.
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Infrastructural Assessment : A Quantitative Tool within Business & EconomicsBergdahl, Emil, Kvarnlöf, Markus January 2009 (has links)
Traditional theories, models, and methods often address a general view of the environment including sociocultural, technological, political, and economic factors. However, there is a lack in infrastructural attention in these concepts which this thesis intends to contribute with by analyzing how regional specific infrastructural variables can be aggregated to one comparative measure and what that measure’s scope of use could be in the market analysis? Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the strategic planning process research with a supporting quantitative tool, based on statistical metrics, for determining the market potential. This thesis has an inductive approach and is primary based on documentary secondary data and the strategic planning process is the main theory of concern when evaluating the possibilities of infrastructural assessment. As a complement, the infrastructural concerns in the economics are also dealt with. The empirics are compiled and calculated in a manner which allows an indexing and the finalized result is presented as an Infrastructural Status Index (InfraStat Index). Some of the utilities of this index are that it can be a complementary part of the PEST- and SWOT-models and a supporting tool in companies’ strategic planning processes. The index has both business and macroeconomic scopes of use and one of the summarizing conclusions is that further research within this concept should incorporate more variables in order to retrieve a more comprehensive result.
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It's a small world after all : the internationalization of Swedish companiesGerlofstig, Carl, Lindstrand, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
Today, the global market is a fast expanding environment. There are more and more companies that go abroad to compete with companies from all over the world. The barriers between countries have been lowered and trade is encouraged. Therefore, international expansion is an important factor for many companies. The purpose of this dissertation is to study the effect international expansion has on firm performance. Since there is limited previous research within the field of international expansion and performance done on Swedish companies this dissertation tries to fill that gap. The study is performed on listed Swedish companies. Several factors are used to measure the international expansion and performance of the companies. The relationships between international expansion and firm performance were positive when international expansion was measured as Number of Countries and Market Commitment. When international expansion was measured as Foreign Assets and as the GL-Index (Gerlofstig-Lindstrand Index), support was given to a positive relationship. The relationship between Foreign Board and firm performance as well as Foreign HR (Human Resources) and firm performance was to some extent supported. The remaining two measures of international expansion were Foreign Assets and International ownership. These measures showed no supported relationships between international expansion and firm performance. To conclude, the results of the study indicated that there are some support for a relationship between international expansion and firm performance for listed Swedish companies. This study contributes to the lack of research on the effect of international expansion on performance of Swedish companies. Swedish managers can use the conclusions drawn from the study as guidelines for international expansion.
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How to Succeed in Export : A comparative Study of Export & Marketing Strategies Among the Winners of the Export-Hermes/ Stora ExportprisetLindsten, Carl-Johan, Isefjord, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
Background International trade has dramatically increased during the last half of the 20th century and it is now of significant importance to most eco-nomies. International trade is especially crucial to countries such as Sweden, with a small domestic market. It has been said that a com-pany needs to have a committed management, as well as a strategy for it’s export and it’s marketing to reach long-term success. Never-theless, companies sometimes use a “strategy of least involvement”, leaving the international marketing strategy decisions in the hands of foreign agents and distributors. Purpose The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the export and marketing strategies have been developed and implemented by suc-cessful Swedish export companies. Method Winners of the Export-Hermes Prize and Stora Exportpriset have been used as a sample of successful export companies. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with four of them were conducted to col-lect the empirical data. Conclusion The export companies in this study showed great differences con-cerning their original export ambitions, the methods they used to se-lect foreign markets, the modes that they used to enter new markets and the pace in which the international expansions were carried out. There were however strong similarities between the successful ex-port companies in other areas. All four companies had owners and top management who had been, and in most cases still were, highly involved and driving forces in the export activities. The companies also shared a belief in working with clear goals and having a strict control over subsidiaries and intermediaries. The authors are of the opinion that this control and monitoring are crucial for the success of the implementation of the export and marketing strategies.
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