Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DE-INTERNATIONALIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] DE-INTERNATIONALIZATION""
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Factors That Influence a Jewelry Brand's Globalization ProcessFaitaihi, Mohammed Ahmed 01 January 2014 (has links)
Local retail jewelry leaders of Saudi Arabian (S.A.) small to medium enterprises (SMEs) have struggled to survive through declining profits and increasing business foreclosures, thus threatening the sustainability of the Saudi retail sector and the Saudi economy. A globalization strategy to enhance profitability for jewelry retail SMEs in S.A. is needed, given the limited options for improving profitability. Despite this acknowledged need, leaders in S.A. have refrained from such a strategy because they lack knowledge of economic attraction features to target in the globalization process. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study using discriminant analysis was to examine specific countries' economic attraction features in the historical globalization strategy of a leading U.S. global jewelry company that could facilitate the implementation of a successful globalization strategy for a local Saudi jewelry SME retail company. The study addressed the effects of 6 independent predictor variables of 25 target countries' economic attractions on the dependent grouping variable, which distinguished among 3 order-of-entry groups according to the U.S. company's date of entry in each country between 1972 and 2009. Results indicated that except for the Hofstede index, no other variable had a significant role in the classification of the target countries. Because there was a scarcity of research on this topic, the study is beneficial for its theoretical and academic value, and may be practical for the derivative benefits of catalyzing business growth by empowering leaders of local, successful luxury brands in S.A. to implement their own globalization expansion process and increase employment in the Middle East.
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Marketing estratégico e competitividade: um estudo de casos em empresas brasileiras que atuam no Mercosul / Strategic marketing and competitiveness: a case study in brazilian companies operating in MercosulRimoli, Celso Augusto 18 September 1996 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, busca-se examinar atividades de marketing estratégico na competitividade de empresas brasileiras que atuam no Mercosul. Em primeiro lugar, é realizada uma discussão envolvendo as últimas tendências mundiais no cenário sócio-político-econômico que motivaram a exploração do tema. Em seguida, constrói-se o referencial teórico para a realização do trabalho, em que se exploram conceitos-chaves relativos à administração e planejamento estratégico, ao marketing estratégico, tático-operacional e global e também à competitividade, procurando-se enfatizar suas interfaces e complementaridades. Nesse ponto, são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória com base em um estudo de casos, envolvendo a atuação de duas empresas industriais brasileiras de diferentes setores nos países do Mercosul, em que se procura investigar o processo de gerenciamento relativo ao corpo teórico constituído. São feitas então as considerações finais e explicitadas as limitações e contribuições do estudo, bem como sugestões para estudos futuros. / This dissertation examines activities of strategic marketing in the competitiveness of brazilian companies that deal with Mercosur. First, there is a discussion involving the major world trends related to the socio-political and economic scenarrio that motivated the adoption of this subject. The theoretical framework on which this study is based is then presented, and some key concepts related to strategic management and planning are explored, along with strategic, operational and global marketing and competitiveness, with a stress on their interfaces and complementarities. Results are presented of an exploratory research based on the Case study method, involving the performance of two industrial brazilian companies operating at Mercosur, belonging to different sectors of the economy. The analysis of these results tries to investigate how the managerial process goes along with the theoretical framework. The final considerations are then presented and the limitations and contributions of the study are stated, as well as some suggestions for future studies.
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C-K Theory in Practice : C-K Theory in Practice: How can CK Theory serve as a model of reasoning for Startups’ Internationalization?Rallis, Nikolaos January 2019 (has links)
Background: In the past few decades the world business map has shrunk considerably. Economic unions, tighter cooperation between different countries and across continents is nowadays setting the pace of current economy trends. Moreover, the rise of the internet and technology has interconnected people and markets more than ever. In this dynamic new setting, entrepreneurs and novel ideas have found the ideal ground to flourish. Startups are taking the business world by storm. Moreover, many of them are ambitious enough to engage in International markets right after their conception. It would be interesting to study the process they undergo and revisit it through the application of C-K Design Thinking Theory. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis dissertation is to apply Design Thinking C-K Theory in the Internationalization process of Startups and study how it can serve as model of reasoning for that process. Methodology: Primary data in the form of qualitative interviews were retrieved from three Startups concerning their Internationalization process. They were in turn analyzed by being revisited, with the application of Design Thinking Theory of C- K (Concept – Knowledge) and supported by relevant theory. The results were thought-provoking and will demonstrate how C-K can be used as a model of reasoning for this Process. Results: The study demonstrated that C-K Theory can be used as a model of reasoning for the Internationalization process by strengthening reasoning, improving management and organizing and working synergistically with other theories to generate creativity and problem solving.
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[pt] Enquanto, nas últimas três décadas, as empresas chamadas de Nascidas
Globais (Born Globals) têm se destacado na literatura, um outro fenômeno,
também atrelado ao processo de internacionalização de empresas, parece estar
ocorrendo, muito embora, tenha sido pouco comentado. Trata-se das Empresas
sem Fronteiras (ESF). Estas são as empresas que verdadeiramente teriam nascido
globais, assemelhando-se assim às Born Globals, porém, diferenciando delas
porque, desde do momento em que foram concebidas, iniciaram suas atividades
internacionais, sob um amplo escopo geográfico, psíquico e organizacional,
possuindo indícios de cultivarem uma mentalidade global que as faz ver o mundo
sem fronteiras. As nuances do processo de internacionalização de uma empresa
classificada como sem fronteira foram analisadas por meio de um estudo de caso
em profundidade. Da mesma forma, os fatores que tenderiam a levar a este padrão
peculiar de internacionalização também são investigados no presente estudo. / [en] While the last three decades, born global companies have distinguished
themselves in literature, another phenomenon, also linked to the
internationalization process of companies, seems to be happening but has been
little discussed. These are bordless companies. Ones that resemble the born
global, however, differ from them because, started its international activities from
the moment they are conceived, over a wide geographic, organizational and
psychological scopes, having evidence to cultivate a global mindset that makes
them see the world without borders. The nuances of the process of
internationalization of a company classified as a Borderless Company were
analyzed using a case study in depth. Likewise, the factors that tend to lead to this
peculiar pattern of internationalization are also investigated in this study.
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Étude de la formation du contrat électronique, comparaison droit français et droit marocain / Study of the formation of electronic contract, comparison between French law and Moroccan lawChahbar, Taoufik 20 November 2018 (has links)
L’activité du commerce électronique reçoit habituellement traduction dans un outil juridique classique mis à la disposition des acteurs économiques par le droit : le contrat. Celui-ci se conclue nécessairement à distance. Ainsi est-il dématérialisé. S’ajoutent le caractère éventuellement dépersonnalisé et le caractère éventuellement international grâce à la capacité procurée par les réseaux informatiques de s’affranchir des frontières. Ces caractéristiques du contrat du commerce électronique ont perturbé les paramètres du droit. Celui-ci étant essentiellement conçu pour encadrer une relation contractuelle dont les protagonistes sont des humains en faisant recours à des éléments tangibles. Dans une telle situation, un processus d’adaptation aux nouveaux paramètres du contrat du commerce électronique s’impose au droit sous peine d’un recul historique. Le droit français et le droit marocain se sont montrés réactifs dans la mesure où le droit des contrats ici et là connaît d’ores et déjà un processus d’adaptation aux nouveaux paramètres du contrat du commerce électronique. L’analyse d’un tel processus révèle; l’émergence des règles propres à un tel contrat; certaines règles y ont été déclarées inapplicables; certaines institutions ont été repensées en prenant en compte ces nouveaux paramètres et des définitions portant sur des notions déjà existantes ont été introduites dans le cadre d’un tel processus. La comparaison entre le droit des contrats français et le droit des contrats marocain en matière du contrat du commerce électronique nous a permis d’observer les lacunes . Ainsi, nous avons relevé à titre non exhaustif que : la règle de la capacité en l’état actuel du droit positif français ou marocain est défavorable à la conclusion du contrat par « les agents électroniques »; l’application du délai raisonnable à l’offre par voie électronique en droit français est incompatible avec le besoin de la veille concurrentielle qui se fait sentir dans le marché virtuel (cyberespace) plus qu’ailleurs; le législateur marocain s’est montré ferme à la reconnaissance de la qualité de l’offre par voie électronique en ignorant certaines techniques de la publicité qui permettent la mise en vente immédiate; etc. Toute initiative de nature à combler de telles lacunes doit être confiée à la jurisprudence, car la règle jurisprudentielle n’est pas obligatoire, elle est susceptible d’être rejetée ou modifiée à tout moment à l’occasion de l’examen d’une nouvelle espèce. Cette possibilité de revirement permet de marcher de pair avec le contrat du commerce électronique par nature mouvant. L’intervention du législateur en matière du contrat du commerce électronique dans la mesure où elle est nécessaire doit se limiter à adopter les cadres juridiques existants de façon à lever les blocages réels découlant d’une contrainte juridique. / The e-commerce business is usually embodied in a traditional legal tool made available to economic actors by the law: the contract. This one is usually signed from afar. Thus it is dematerialized. In addition, there is the possibility of depersonalization and internationalization thanks to the ability of computer networks to break free of borders. These characteristics of the e-commerce contract have disrupted the legal framework. The latter being essentially aimed at regulating a contractual relationship in which the parties involved are human beings by using tangible elements. In such a situation, an adjustment process due to the new parameters of the electronic commerce contract is required for the law to avoid a historical setback. French and Moroccan laws have proved to be reactive insofar as contract law here and there already witnesses a process of adaptation to the new parameters of the electronic commerce contract. The analysis of such a process reveals; the advent of rules specific to such a contract; certain rules have been declared inapplicable; some institutions have been rethought taking into account these new parameters and definitions of existing concepts have been introduced as part of such a process. The comparison between French contract law and Moroccan contract law in the field of electronic commerce contracts allowed us to observe the shortcomings. Thus, we noted, but not exhaustively, that: the capacity-rule in the current state of French or Moroccan positive law is detrimental to the signing of the contract by "electronic agents"; the application of the reasonable time limit to the offer by electronic means under French law is incompatible with the need for competitive intelligence which is felt in the virtual market (cyberspace) more than elsewhere; the Moroccan legislator has been quite firm in recognizing the quality of the offer through electronic means by ignoring certain advertising techniques which allow immediate sale; etc. Any initiative likely to fill such gaps must be entrusted to the case law, since the case-law is not mandatory, it is likely to be rejected or modified at any time when a new case is examined. This turnaround possibility makes it possible to work alongside the evolving nature of the e-commerce contract. The legislator's intervention in the field of electronic commerce contracts, insofar as it is necessary, must be limited to adopting existing legal frameworks in order to remove the real obstacles resulting from a legal constraint.
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La sculpture russe, du naturalisme à l'art nouveau : une approche géopolitique des pratiques artistiques / Russian sculpture, from Naturalism to Art Nouveau : geopolitical approach of artistic practices / Русская скульптура, от Натурализма до Ар Нуво : геополитический аспект художественных практикLaurent, Nicolas 23 November 2018 (has links)
Le présent travail intègre une dimension internationale dans son sujet : La sculpture russe du naturalisme à l’Art Nouveau : géopolitique des pratiques artistiques. Il a pour fondement l’étude de ceux des sculpteurs russes qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre, ont voyagé ou séjourné à l’étranger entre 1870 et 1914. En faisant converger les approches de la nouvelle « macro-histoire de l’art », soutenue par les méthodes statistiques de l’histoire de l’art quantitative, avec l’émergence d’une problématique non pas « bilatérale » mais « multilatérale », à même de rendre compte de manière complète de l’évolution internationale d’un art et de ses acteurs, l’étude se concentre sur les rapports entretenu par des artistes d’un pays avec les autres pays en général. Il cherche ainsi à redéfinir une géographie européenne de l’art, avec une mise en relation des différents centres artistiques entre eux vus par un prisme étranger. Ainsi, par une approche multinationale, distingue-t-il les centres artistiques européens majeurs de la période : Paris supplantant progressivement Rome au cours du siècle en tant que centre artistique de niveau mondial, Munich et Berlin se disputant la place de centre majeur de l’Europe médiane. Paris assoit alors sa domination écrasante dans la concentration des sculpteurs par rapport à ses concurrentes allemandes et italiennes. Les circulations internationales influencent dès lors l’évolution artistique en Russie, notamment lorsque les sculpteurs y reviennent après un séjour à l’étranger : les apports de la sculpture occidentale interviennent dans les multiples évolutions qui affectent la plastique russe depuis les années 1870 jusqu’à l’Âge d’Argent. / The following work is to be considered from a global point of view, as shown in this topic: Russian sculpture from naturalism to Art nouveau: a geopolitical analysis of artistic practices. The basis of this study is that of the Russian sculptors who have somehow traveled or stayed abroad between 1870 and 1914. By putting together the new ‘macro art history’ approaches supported by the statistics of a quantitative method of art history with the emergence of a rather multi-lateral question than a bi-lateral one which has the power to fully acknowledge the global evolution of an art and its participants, this study focuses on the relations maintained by the artists from one country with other countries in general. From a foreign perspective, this study aims at redefining the European geography of art while connecting various artistic centers together. A distinction is therefore made from a global approach between the most important art-related European centers of the time; namely Paris, which progressively replaced Rome over the century as a nationally-scaled point of interest, as well as Munich and Berlin, which challenged their number one standing in central Europe. Unlike its German and Italian competitors, Paris managed to establish its authority by gathering sculptors. Global migration consequently influenced the evolution of art in Russia, especially when sculptors went back after staying abroad. Thereby, contributions from Western sculptures played an essential role in the various artistic evolutions that affected Russia from the 1870’s to the Silver Age.
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Absorptive capacity and internationalization of New Zealand high-tech SMEs in the agro-technology sectorSedoglavich, Vesna January 2008 (has links)
This study investigates the relationships between firm's technology, absorptive capacity and the internationalization process in the high-tech SMEs. The research identifies the most influential factors that affect the international activities and expansion decisions of New Zealand high-tech SMEs with core capabilities in agro-technology. Mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative elements in the data collection and analysis, were employed in this research for a reason that a deeper understanding of the research subject and the analysis of complex issues such as the internationalization process and absorptive capacity required methodological variety. The use of qualitative and quantitative methods took place in parallel. Both methods were used to study the same subject but they had specific objective related purposes and they offered the possibility of developing rich empirical data as well as a more comprehensive understanding of the subject under the study. The findings show that it is absorptive capacity that explains internationalization process, not internationalization process that explains absorptive capacity. The practice of internationalizing is as much a reflection of a firm's absorptive capacity as it is its determinant. The research identifies that high-tech SMEs possess technological and non-core absorptive capacity which in a different way influence firms' strategies. The research suggests that firm's technological capabilities and the advantage of specialized knowledge along with their limited non-core absorptive capacity act as constraints to the development of the future international strategy in high-tech SMEs. The study expands the existing literature on internationalization by developing variables for evaluating absorptive capacity in firms. This helped develop an absorptive capacity model which can be used as a valuable tool for self-assessment by firms to facilitate gaining insight towards further growth and development. The research suggested that if firms were able to measure its absorptive capacity this may result in improved business activities and enhanced presence in the world market. The results of this study should encourage firms to identify, capture and articulate knowledge achieved by their ventures. Managers must develop and nurture skills that ensure effective integration of learning as their firms expand, particularly internationally. These findings and absorptive capacity model offered as a tool should encourage managers to explore when, where, and how to best use firm's resources in the business operations. This is particularly important in regards to the research context (high-tech SMEs) where scientists are managers as well.
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台灣商業銀行經營困境及發展海外業務之探討 / Taiwan commercial banking landscape - current insights and trends邱凌蘭, Chiu, Lin Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇頗受國際財經專業雜誌肯定的個案銀行為例,個案銀行連續多年被國際財經專業雜誌選為台灣地區最佳銀行,在台灣市場的外匯交易、貿易融資、現金管理、網路銀行、財富管理、投資銀行、債券交易與聯貸等業務皆於國內同業領先之地位。本研究試圖分析目前台灣銀行業與個案銀行在現行的海外市場營運面臨之問題與挑戰,並探究個案銀行如何依循其企業願景,擬定海外擴張策略,並決定經營目標和經營方針,然後透過新商業模式的建立,將其所擁有的資源,進行分配和調整,複製台灣成功經驗,建置亞太地區交易型金融平台,有效連結海外分行平台,使得銀行可以建立以客戶為中心的核心價值,以經營客戶全面關係管理為主軸,深入掌握不同客戶區隔的需求與市場脈動,提供最貼切的金融解決方案與服務,以獲得可持續之競爭優勢。 / As a combined result of globalization, economic zone integration, and increased cross strait openness stipulated by WTO rules, Taiwan’s banking industry is now experiencing both intense challenges and increased opportunities. As Taiwanese companies have become more internationalized and Taiwan’s local banking market remains hypercompetitive – Taiwan banks have increasingly focused on building up overseas platforms to meet customers’ financial needs. In short, maintaining competitiveness and growth expectations within this dynamic business environment is a top goal for Taiwanese banks.
In our research we look at “Case Bank”, which has been designated ‘The Best Bank in Taiwan’ by several financial magazines. Case Bank is a market leader in FX trade, transactional based lending products, cash management, net banking services, wealth and investment management, bond trading, and syndication. Our research assesses the challenges that both Case Bank and other Taiwanese banks face with respect to overseas platforms. Our study also looks at how Case Bank has executed its overseas strategic objectives including, management strategy, business objectives, resource allocation, transaction platforms, and networking synergies.
Overall, our research concludes that Taiwan banks’ best practices with respect to developing overseas business model include: focus on customer-centric core values, relationship management, understanding demand by segment and industry, and providing superior financial solutions.
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中小企業國際化策略之研究-以台灣自行車零組件廠為例 / Internationalization strategies of SME: The case of Taiwanese bicycle component manufacturer邱玲君, Chiu, Ling Jun Unknown Date (has links)
研究內容包含國際化動機,因素影響國際化策略包含資源基礎理論,地主國篩選,進入策略,進入模式及國際化管理。研究發現創始人國際化理想及母國市場規模為主要中小企業之國際化動機。地主國政策影響產品需求也會構成中小企業國際化。不可遷移之資源例如技術背景及廉價勞工都可激勵中小企業之業務及生產方面國際化。 / Facing with increase global competition, SME has to increase their competitiveness through internationalization. The objective of this research is to review the internationalization strategies of SME based on the analysis of case companies of the factors affecting internationalization decision, process and management, and then make recommendation to SME who are seeking for international opportunities.
Our research addresses the questions covering motives behind internationalization, factors including resource-based view affecting internationalization decision and host country selection, the entry strategy, process, and internationalization management. Our findings suggested that founder’s ambition and relative size of restricted home market would motivate SME to internationalize. Host country government regulation affecting product demand would also provide an incentive for SME to enter. Immobile resource endowments such as technological know-how and cheap labor will induce firms’ sales and production division to internationalize. During internationalization, SME would consider resource specificity, the amount of resource commitment and control when choosing entry strategy. SME follows Root (1982) process in choosing host country by evaluating the market size and potential. As for the entry process, it is consistent with Uppsala model of internationalization whereby SME increase their international commitment incrementally. During internationalization management, SME are more ethnocentric on the human resource perspective; meanwhile, marketing strategy on product and pricing for SME is rather homogeneous, except for distribution and promotion strategies which are adjusted based on market characteristics and channel structure.
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The European Director : - How International Offices work to market their Exchange ProgramsArklöf, Rebecca, Åström, Viktoria January 2007 (has links)
<p>As two former exchange students ourselves and studying the International Business and Economics program we were appealed by writing this thesis on commission for the International Office at Umeå University. The marketing of education is an area of research still in development. This lead us to our problem:</p><p>In what way do International Offices work to market their exchange programs?</p><p>The purpose of the study was to get an understanding of how International Offices in Europe work to market their exchange programs. We wanted to see and compare how the International Offices work to make students go and come on exchange programs. All this to improve the knowledge of the International Offices in Europe to become more effective and achieve greater success.</p><p>We started our theory chapter by writing about service marketing: describing a service and how to work with it. We continued with theories about the marketing of education. Australia turned out to be the country where we found the basis for our study. They are researching the most within the marketing of education. Using the theories as a basis we constructed a model called ‘the European Director’ of how International Offices in Europe work to market their exchange programs.</p><p>The study was done using a qualitative method. Three telephone-, and one face-to-face interview were conducted with persons working in International Offices. Our view of knowledge was hermeneutical and we had a deductive approach even though somewhat influenced by the ‘golden middle way’. Our perspective was that of the International Offices.</p><p>The results of our study were a compilation of our model that we constructed. Placing any IO in the head of ‘the European Director’ can tell how an International Office is working on a national- and international level towards students, other IOs and other universities. On an international level towards students the Internet and student ‘recruiters’ are tools that are used. Towards other IO’s and universities the Internet, brochures, personal selling and relationships are important. On a national level the Internet towards students is also an important tool, as is also personal selling and direct marketing. Towards other IO’s and universities the Internet and cooperations in different forms are used. The internationalization and the staff is very important in all offices. The internationalization is constantly on their minds and some offices even feel great pressure from it. The internationalization is evident in all offices since they all, except one, use individual marketing campaigns towards different countries.</p>
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