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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema de geração distribuída controlado em tensão e potência e utilizado de forma isolada ou conectada à rede de distribuição / Distributed generation system controlled in voltage and power modes for stand-alone or grid-tie operation

Gonçalves, Amilcar Flamarion Querubini 29 January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma estratégia de controle para gerenciar a potência entregue ou absorvida da rede, independente de características das cargas locais. Para atingir este objetivo é utilizado um inversor fonte de tensão (VSI) que funcionará semelhante a um sistema de geração distribuída (GD) ou como um filtro ativo. O VSI é controlado por meio de controladores clássicos em cascata, nos quais a malha interna é utilizado para estabilizar a corrente e a malha externa controla a tensão nos terminais de saída da GD. Para melhorar a resposta do VSI são colocados filtros ressonantes em paralelo ao controlador de tensão (P+RES). Além disso, as respostas dos filtros ressonantes são melhoradas através da utilização de um método adequado de discretização, no qual os coeficientes são alterados dinamicamente mediante a frequência de sincronismo produzido pelo algoritmo de sincronismo (PLL). O controle de potência apresenta duas estruturas de controle em malha fechada: uma para controlar a potência reativa através da rede pelo ajuste da amplitude da tensão da GD, e o outra para controlar a potência ativa, modificando o ângulo de defasagem entre as tensões da rede e as tensões GD. Por fim, um conjunto de simulações e resultados experimentais é apresentado para validar todas as propostas deste trabalho. / This thesis presents a control strategy to manage the power delivered to or absorbed from the grid, independently of the local load characteristics. To achieve this goal, a voltage source inverter (VSI) will work as a distributed generation system (DG) or according to active filter. The VSI will be controlled by means of a double cascade classical controller, in which the inner loop is used to stabilize the VSI output current and the outer loop controls the DG terminal voltage. To improve the response of the VSI, resonant filters are placed in parallel. Additionally, resonant filter dynamic responses are enhanced through the use of a proper discretization method, in which the coefficients are changed dynamically by means of the synchronism frequency produced by the phase-locked loop (PLL) algorithm. This study also exhibits two closed-loop structures: one to control the reactive power through the grid by adjusting the DG voltage amplitude, and the other to control the active power by modifying the angle of displacement between the grid and the DG voltages. Both power control structures operate adequately in decoupled operation mode, so that one has a faster dynamic response than the other. To verify all statements proposed in this thesis, a set of simulations and experimental results are presented.

A distributed control approach to optimal economic dispatch of power generators

Cho, Brian Bumseok 01 December 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation, we propose a novel distributed approach to the control of generators in the electric grid. Specifically, we consider the problem of the optimal economic dispatch of generator; we present a simple, distributed algorithm, which adjusts the power-frequency set-points of generators to correct for power imbalances arising from generation and load fluctuations. In this algorithm each generator independently adjusts its real-power output based on its estimate of the aggregate power imbalance in the network; such as an estimate can be independently obtained by each generator through local measurements of the frequency deviation on the grid. Eventually, over the course of network operation, the distributed algorithm achieves the equal-marginal-cost power allocation among generators while driving the power imbalance exponentially to zero. In the absence of power losses, we prove the eventual optimality of the distributed algorithm under mild assumptions (strict convexity and positivity of cost functions) and present simulation results to compare its performance with traditional (centralized) dispatch algorithms. Furthermore, we present numerical simulation results that show that the distributed algorithm performs well even in the presence of power losses and other constraints. We argue that distributed control methods are especially attractive for electric grids with smart meters and other advanced capabilities at the end node and grids with high penetration of alternative energy generators and we identify interesting open problems for future work in this area.

On the Benefits of Distributed Generation of Wind Energy in Europe

06 September 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Feasibility study of a VirtualPower Plant for Ludvika

Lundkvist, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a feasibility study of avirtual power plant (VPP) in centralSweden and part of a project withInnoEnergy Instinct and STRI. The VPPconsists of a wind park, small hydroplant as well as solar photovoltaic andenergy storage. The 50 kVsubtransmission network was modeled inorder to evaluate the network servicesthat could be provided by coordinatingexisting distributed energy resources inthe network. Simulations where performedusing measured hourly variations inproduction and consumption of allnetwork nodes. The studied networkservices included both reactive andactive power control.The aim of this thesis is to evaluatethe potential contribution from the VPPfor capacity firming in order to allow abalance responsible party to meet placedbids on the day-ahead spot market,minimize peak load in order to reducesubscribed power, decrease networklosses, the contribution from reactivepower control using the power convertersis studied. Comparisons of the economicgains from spot and balance markets ofthe VPP distributed energy resources aremade for each operation case.Sponsor: InnoEnergy / InnoEnergy Instinct

Advance control of multilevel converters for integration of distributed generation resources into ac grid

Pouresmaeil, Edris 27 March 2012 (has links)
Distributed generation (DG) with a converter interface to the power grid is found in many of the green power resources applications. This dissertation describes a multi-objective control technique of voltage source converter (VSC) based on multilevel converter topologies, for integration of DG resources based on renewable energy (and non-renewable energy)to the power grid. The aims have been set to maintain a stable operation of the power grid, in case of di erent types of grid-connected loads. The proposed method provides compensation for active, reactive, and harmonic load current components. A proportional-integral (PI) control law is derived through linearization of the inherently non-linear DG system model, so that the tasks of current control dynamics and dc capacitor voltage dynamics become decoupled. This decoupling allows us to control the DG output currents and the dc bus voltage independently of each other, thereby providing either one of these decoupled subsystems a dynamic response that signi cantly slower than that of the other. To overcome the drawbacks of the conventional method, a computational control delay compensation method, which delaylessly and accurately generates the DG reference currents, is proposed. The rst step is to extract the DG reference currents from the sensed load currents by applying the stationary reference frame and then transferred into synchronous reference frame method, and then, the reference currents are modi ed, so that the delay will be compensated. The transformed variables are used in control of the multilevel voltage source converter as the heart of the interfacing system between DG resources and power grid. By setting appropriate compensation current references from the sensed load currents in control circuit loop of DG link, the active, reactive, and harmonic load current components will be compensated with fast dynamic response, thereby achieving sinusoidal grid currents in phase with load voltages while required power of loads is more than the maximum injected power of the DG resources. The converter, which is controlled by the described control strategy, guarantees maximum injection of active power to the grid continuously, unity displacement power factor of power grid, and reduced harmonic load currents in the common coupling point. In addition, high current overshoot does not exist during connection of DG link to the power grid, and the proposed integration strategy is insensitive to grid overload. / La Generació Distribuïda (DG) injectada a la xarxa amb un convertidor estàtic és una solució molt freqüent en l'ús de molts dels recursos renovables. Aquesta tesis descriu una técnica de control multi-objectiu del convertidor en font de tensió (VSC), basat en les topologies de convertidor multinivell, per a la integració de les fonts distribuïdes basades en energies renovables i també de no renovables.Els objectius fixats van encaminats a mantenir un funcionament estable de la xarxa elèctrica en el cas de la connexió de diferents tipus de càrregues. El mètode de control proposat ofereix la possibilitat de compensació de les components actives i reactives de la potencia, i les components harmòniques del corrent consumit per les càrregues.La llei de control proporcional-Integral (PI) s’obté de la linearització del model inherentment no lineal del sistema, de forma que el problema de control del corrent injectat i de la tensió d’entrada del convertidor queden desacoblats. Aquest desacoblament permet el control dels corrents de sortida i la tensió del bus de forma independent, però amb un d’ells amb una dinàmica inferior.Per superar els inconvenients del mètode convencional, s’usa un retard computacional, que genera les senyals de referència de forma acurada i sense retard. El primer pas es calcular els corrents de referència a partir de les mesures de corrent. Aquest càlcul es fa primer transformant les mesures a la referència estacionaria per després transformar aquests valors a la referència síncrona. En aquest punt es on es poden compensar els retards.Les variables transformades son usades en els llaços de control del convertidor multinivell. Mitjançant aquests llaços de control i les referències adequades, el convertidor és capaç de compensar la potencia activa, reactiva i els corrents harmònics de la càrrega amb una elevada resposta dinàmica, obtenint uns corrents de la xarxa de forma completament sinusoïdal, i en fase amb les tensions.El convertidor, controlat amb el mètode descrit, garanteix la màxima injecció de la potencia activa, la injecció de la potencia reactiva per compensar el factor de potencia de la càrrega, i la reducció de les components harmòniques dels corrents consumits per la càrrega. A més, garanteix una connexió suau entre la font d’energia i la xarxa. El sistema proposat es insensible en front de la sobrecarrega de la xarxa

Some Aspects of Distribution System Planning in the Context of Investment in Distributed Generation

Wong, Steven M. January 2009 (has links)
A paradigm shift in distribution system design and planning is being led by the deregulation of the power industry and the increasing adoption of distributed generation (DG). Technology advances have made DG investments feasible by both local distribution companies (LDCs) and small power producers (SPPs). LDCs are interested in finding optimal long term plans that best serve their customers at the lowest cost. SPPs, as private entities, are concerned about maximizing their rates of return. Also keenly interested in distribution design and planning is the government, which, through an electricity regulator, strives to meet DG penetration and emissions reduction goals through policy implementations. This thesis first examines the distribution system planning problem from the LDC's perspective. An innovative hierarchical dynamic optimization model is proposed for the planning of distribution systems and the energy scheduling of units that is also capable of reconciling uncoordinated SPP investments in DG. The first stage of the two-stage framework consists of a siting-cum-period planning model that sets element sizing and commissioning dates. The second stage consists of a capacity-cum-production planning model that finalizes element capacities and energy import/export and production schedules. The proposed framework is demonstrated on a 32-bus radial distribution system. Four case studies encompassing different policy sets are also conducted, demonstrating that this model's usefulness also extends to predicting the impact of different energy policies on distribution system operation and economics. The analysis of different policy sets is further expanded upon through the proposal of a new mathematical model that approaches the distribution design problem from the regulator's perspective. Various case studies examining policies that may be used by the regulator to meet DG penetration and emissions goals, through DG investment, are constructed. A combination of feed-in-tariffs, CO$_2$ tax, and cap-and-trade mechanisms are among the policies studied. The results, in the context of Ontario, Canada and its Standard Offer Program, are discussed, with respect to achieving objectives in DG investment, participation by SPPs, consumer costs, and uncertainty in carbon market prices. In jurisdictions such as Ontario, the LDC cannot invest in its own DG capacity but must accommodate those of SPPs. With the successful implementation of DG investment incentives by the regulator, there is a potential for significant investments in DG by SPPs, which may exceed that of the LDCs ability to absorb. This thesis proposes a novel method that can be used by the regulator or LDC to fairly assess, coordinate, and approve multiple competing investments proposals while maintaining operational feasibility of the distribution system. This method uses a feedback between the LDC and SPPs to achieve maximum investor participation while adhering to the technical operational limits of the distribution system. The proposed scheme is successfully demonstrated on a 32-bus radial distribution system, where it is shown to increase SPP-DG investments and production, improve the system's voltage profile, and reduce losses.

Some Aspects of Distribution System Planning in the Context of Investment in Distributed Generation

Wong, Steven M. January 2009 (has links)
A paradigm shift in distribution system design and planning is being led by the deregulation of the power industry and the increasing adoption of distributed generation (DG). Technology advances have made DG investments feasible by both local distribution companies (LDCs) and small power producers (SPPs). LDCs are interested in finding optimal long term plans that best serve their customers at the lowest cost. SPPs, as private entities, are concerned about maximizing their rates of return. Also keenly interested in distribution design and planning is the government, which, through an electricity regulator, strives to meet DG penetration and emissions reduction goals through policy implementations. This thesis first examines the distribution system planning problem from the LDC's perspective. An innovative hierarchical dynamic optimization model is proposed for the planning of distribution systems and the energy scheduling of units that is also capable of reconciling uncoordinated SPP investments in DG. The first stage of the two-stage framework consists of a siting-cum-period planning model that sets element sizing and commissioning dates. The second stage consists of a capacity-cum-production planning model that finalizes element capacities and energy import/export and production schedules. The proposed framework is demonstrated on a 32-bus radial distribution system. Four case studies encompassing different policy sets are also conducted, demonstrating that this model's usefulness also extends to predicting the impact of different energy policies on distribution system operation and economics. The analysis of different policy sets is further expanded upon through the proposal of a new mathematical model that approaches the distribution design problem from the regulator's perspective. Various case studies examining policies that may be used by the regulator to meet DG penetration and emissions goals, through DG investment, are constructed. A combination of feed-in-tariffs, CO$_2$ tax, and cap-and-trade mechanisms are among the policies studied. The results, in the context of Ontario, Canada and its Standard Offer Program, are discussed, with respect to achieving objectives in DG investment, participation by SPPs, consumer costs, and uncertainty in carbon market prices. In jurisdictions such as Ontario, the LDC cannot invest in its own DG capacity but must accommodate those of SPPs. With the successful implementation of DG investment incentives by the regulator, there is a potential for significant investments in DG by SPPs, which may exceed that of the LDCs ability to absorb. This thesis proposes a novel method that can be used by the regulator or LDC to fairly assess, coordinate, and approve multiple competing investments proposals while maintaining operational feasibility of the distribution system. This method uses a feedback between the LDC and SPPs to achieve maximum investor participation while adhering to the technical operational limits of the distribution system. The proposed scheme is successfully demonstrated on a 32-bus radial distribution system, where it is shown to increase SPP-DG investments and production, improve the system's voltage profile, and reduce losses.

Voltage Stability Analysis with High Distributed Generation (DG) Penetration

Al-Abri, Rashid 03 August 2012 (has links)
Interest in Distributed Generation (DG) in power system networks has been growing rapidly. This increase can be explained by factors such as environmental concerns, the restructuring of electricity businesses, and the development of technologies for small-scale power generation. DG units are typically connected so as to work in parallel with the utility grid; however, with the increased penetration level of these units and the advancements in unit’s control techniques, there is a great possibility for these units to be operated in an autonomous mode known as a microgrid. Integrating DG units into distribution systems can have an impact on different practices such as voltage profile, power flow, power quality, stability, reliability, and protection. The impact of the DG units on stability problem can be further classified into three issues: voltage stability, angle stability, and frequency stability. As both angle and frequency stability are not often seen in distribution systems, voltage stability is considered to be the most significant in such systems. In fact, the distribution system in its typical design doesn’t suffer from any stability problems, given that all its active and reactive supplies are guaranteed through the substation. However, the following facts alter this situation: • With the development of economy, load demands in distribution networks are sharply increasing. Hence, the distribution networks are operating more close to the voltage instability boundaries. • The integration of distributed generation in distribution system introduces possibility of encountering some active/reactive power mismatches resulting in some stability concerns at the distribution level. Motivated by these facts, the target of this thesis is to investigate, analyze and enhance the voltage stability of distribution systems with high penetration of distributed generation. This study is important for the utilities because it can be applied with Connection Impact Assessment (CIA ). The study can be added as a complement assessment to study the impacts of the installation of DG units on voltage stability. In order to accomplish this target, this study is divided into three perspectives: 1) utilize the DG units to improve the voltage stability margin and propose a method to allocate DG units for this purpose, 2) investigate the impact of the DG units on proximity to voltage stability 3) conduct harmonic resonance analysis to visualize the impacts of both parallel and series resonance on the system’s stability. These perspectives will be tackled in Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5, respectively. Chapter 3 tackles placing and sizing of the DG units to improve the voltage stability margin and consider the probabilistic nature of both the renewable energy resources and the load. In fact, placement and sizing of DG units with an objective of improving the voltage stability margin while considering renewable DG generation and load probability might be a complicated problem, due to the complexity of running continuous load flow and at the same time considering the probabilistic nature of the load and the DG unit’s resources. Therefore, this thesis proposes a modified voltage index method to place and size the DG units to improve the voltage stability margin, with conditions of both not exceeding the buses’ voltage, and staying within the feeder current limits. The probability of the load and DG units are modeled and included in the formulation of the sizing and placing of the DG units. Chapter 4 presents a model and analysis to study the impact of the DG units on proximity to voltage instability. Most of the modern DG units are equipped with power electronic converters at their terminals. The power electronic converter plays a vital role to match the characteristics of the DG units with the requirements of the grid connections, such as frequency, voltage, control of active and reactive power, and harmonic minimization. Due to the power electronics interfacing, these DG units have negligible inertia. Thus, they make the system potentially prone to oscillations resulting from the network disturbances. The main goal of this chapter is to model and analyze the impact of distributed generation DG units on the proximity of voltage instability, with high penetration level of DG units. Chapter 5 studies the harmonic resonance due to the integration of DG units in distribution systems. Normally, the harmonic resonance phenomenon is classified as a power quality problem, however, this phenomenon can affect the stability of the system due to the parallel and series resonance. Thus, the main goal of this chapter is to study and analyze the impact of the integration of distributed generation on harmonic resonance by modeling different types of DG units and applying impedance frequency scan method.

Alleviations of Substation Congestions by Distributed Generations ¡V An Optimal Location and Reliability Analysis

Melvin, Galicia 18 July 2011 (has links)
With increased load demands from the customers, substation congestion problems have become inevitable to the utility companies. Instead of expanding related system installations to alleviate the short-term overloads on the facilities, feasibilities of integrating distributed generator (DG) units to defer the possible congestions are of much concern. This thesis presents an optimal location and reliability analyzing scheme for distribution system integrated with DG units, and provides the systematic guidance to utility companies for related operations. The methodology focuses on the substation capacity constraints and provides the optimal DG locations that can alleviate the congestion problem with highest reliability indices. The proposed analyzing scheme can supply valuable assistance to the utility companies and small independent power producers (IPP) for determining the installations and integrations of DG units to defer possible emerging substation expansions.

A Study on Multiple Resources Integration in a DC Microgrid

Lin, Chien-Hung 15 August 2011 (has links)
Distributed generation (DG) and microgrid will play an essential role in the modern power system. They could improve energy efficiency, reduce losses, minimize environmental impacts and enhance power system reliability and stability. Most of the renewable energy applications would require two or three power conversions before power reaches the loads. If the power from DG could be utilized in DC form, the loss could be minimized and system efficiency is improved. Fuel cell, energy storage battery, photovoltaic and power electronic building block (PEBB) are used in this research to set up a DC microgrid. Simulation and hardware implementation are conducted. Techniques studied in this thesis include different power sources interconnection and DC bus voltage and microgrid power controls. Based on the studied results, DC mircogrid integration and system operation schemes are recommended.

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