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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CRISTIANE GOMES DE OLIVEIRA 14 March 2005 (has links)
[pt] Inserida no contexto dos estudos sociológicos sobre a relação família e escola, esta pesquisa focaliza o processo de escolha do estabelecimento de ensino vivenciado por uma fração de famílias consideradas pertencentes às elites econômicas e culturais. Para identificar os aspectos sócio- culturais embutidos no processo de escolha de escola, foram investigadas 81 famílias cujos filhos foram matriculados em uma tradicional escola confessional do sistema privado de ensino no ano de 2003. Através do questionário auto-administrado aplicado aos pais, foi possível identificar o perfil das famílias quanto ao patrimônio econômico, cultural, social e escolar por elas adquirido. Este principal instrumento de investigação, acrescido de outras fontes de dados, permitiu a identificação dos critérios e estratégias de escolha de escola reveladas por essas famílias, assim como a caracterização do processo de escolha de estabelecimento de ensino por elas vivenciado. Foram consideradas ainda, as expectativas das famílias frente à escolarização dos seus filhos. Para a análise dos dados, as informações obtidas foram cotejadas com parte da literatura da sociologia da educação existente, especialmente, com as tipologias estabelecidas em estudos anteriores sobre o processo de escolha de estabelecimento de ensino, para a classificação dos diferentes grupos familiares, das condutas de escolha de escola e dos estabelecimentos escolares da rede privada de ensino. As considerações finais do estudo apontam, no caso das famílias investigadas, para o sentido da escolarização como estratégia de distinção de classe social, cujas condutas que orientaram a escolha foram influenciadas pelo volume e estrutura dos diferentes tipos de capital das famílias, e possivelmente, pelo ethos escolar.Tais constatações indicam novas práticas familiares na relação estabelecida com as escolas, fomentando a luta concorrencial existente na lógica do mercado educacional, onde os diferentes tipos de escolas estão sendo adequados aos diferentes tipos de famílias. / [en] The present research is part of a wider field, i.e. sociology studies concerning family/school relationship, and it focuses the choice process that a portion of families (part of the Brazilian elite, culturally and economically speaking) experience when sending their children to school. In order to identify the cultural and social aspects present in the choice process the survey included 81 families who enrolled their children in a traditional confessional private school in 2003. Self-filling questionnaires were handed to the parents, and their answers provided the information needed to build a profile of the families, concerning their net worth, and their cultural, educational and social backgrounds. This main methodological tool, as well as other data sources, allowed the identification of the criteria and the strategies used by these families which provided a description of the whole choice process they experience. The families` expectations concerning their children`s level of education were also considered. In order to analyze the data, the information gathered was confronted with part of existing sociology of education literature, especially with typologies that have been established by previous research on the process of choice of schools. It aimed at classifying different family groups, attitudes concerning choice of school and the private education institutes. The final considerations indicate, in the particular case of the families surveyed, that education is part of a strategy of social differentiation. The behavior that oriented their choice was influenced by the structure and bulk of the families budget, and possibly, by the school ethos. These conclusions indicate new practices amongst families in their relationship with the schools, fomenting the competition that is part of the education market, where different types of schools have been striving to fit different types of families.

The Internationalisation of Higher Education in Thailand: Case Studies of Two English-Medium Business Graduate Programs

Chalapati, Supaporn, Supaporn.chalapati@rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
This thesis discusses the impact of economic globalisation on Thai higher education and society. Thailand's severe economic crisis in the second half of 1997 through 1998 has led to education reform at all levels. Since the crisis, Thailand has been focusing on the development of its human potential and creativity and enhancing the capability of communities, societies and the nation as a whole. The education system of Thailand is being redirected away from nation-building objectives towards 'human capital' creation; education is seen as a form of economic investment. Thailand, like its industrialising neighbours in Southeast Asia and close Western neighbours, is striving to adjust to the pressures of economic globalisation. As a result, Thailand's higher education system is undergoing significant intellectual and strategic reorientation to meet the demands of the modern global economy. Urged by government and employers to produce graduates with more globally relevant knowledge and skills, Thai universities are attempting to redefine their relevance with increased emphasis on proficiency in English. This imperative explains the expansion of full-fee English-medium education and the emergence of government policies encouraging the internationalisation of curricula. Since the mid-1990s, successive Thai governments have paid some attention to the concept of internationalisation but have yet to produce a clear statement of what internationalisation means in the Thai context. Thailand's internationalisation policy, such as it is, aims to cultivate a globally skilled workforce and has directly encouraged the establishment of English-medium business graduate programs, branded as 'international' at a number of leading universities in Bangkok. This thesis examines concerns as to the level of English proficiency achieved by students passing through these programs and questions the appropriateness of the term 'international' for programs, many of which appear to be cloned from business studies degrees offered in major native English-speaking countries. While government policies assert the need to reform education at all levels, both the idea and the parameters of 'internationalisation' remain ill-defined. Consequently, this thesis maps out the scope of internationalisation in education from a global and a local Thai perspective to present a more integrated framework for analysing the implications of the policies. The approach taken presents a multilayered and holistic reading of significant economic and cultural change taking place in Thailand through the lens of higher education reforms and public debates about globalisation and education. More specifically, this thesis examines internationalisation of Thai higher education as an aspect of globalisation and 'global' practice at the 'local' level, observable in the policies, statements, actions and intentions expressed by political leaders, government officials, university administrators, teachers, students and employers. Significantly, Thai cultural characteristics have a profound impact on these key acto rs' attitudes towards practice of international education, particularly in the cross-cultural teaching and learning settings. This thesis argues that a more holistic and integrated approach to internationalisation across all related policy domains is needed if the country is to more effectively respond to the challenges of a globalising world.


LUDMILA BIANCA SCHULZ DE SOUZA 01 April 2024 (has links)
[pt] Nas últimas décadas, o capital financeiro tornou-se cada vez mais fortemente presente na educação nacional, refletindo a influência crescente de organismos internacionais na formulação de políticas para a área. Segundo dados do Censo da Educação Superior (ES) de 2022, o Brasil contava com 1.449 Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) privadas com fins lucrativos, as quais tinham apenas 34 por cento de seu alunado matriculado em cursos presenciais. O aumento de 189 por cento no número de cursos a distância entre 2018 e 2022 se reflete em números particularmente preocupantes no que diz respeito à formação de professores oferecida em cursos de Pedagogia. Em 2022, quase 80 por cento do total de 821.864 matrículas nesses cursos concentrava-se no Ensino a Distância (EaD). Nesse contexto, caracterizado por uma forte presença da tecnologia e uma ótica mercantil da educação, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar como se apresentam os cursos de Pedagogia, na modalidade a distância, das IES que compõem os principais grupos educacionais de ES privado de capital aberto do Brasil. Esse objetivo desdobrou-se nos seguintes objetivos específicos: (1) Analisar as concepções de educação presentes nos discursos dos sites dos principais grupos educacionais da rede privada do país; (2) Examinar o papel ocupado pela tecnologia na formação de professores nos programas apresentados nos sites dos principais grupos educacionais da rede privada; (3) Analisar as articulações estratégicas baseadas em ideias de inovação dos principais grupos educacionais da rede privada, utilizadas para apresentar suas ofertas como soluções modernas. Foi conduzida uma pesquisa documental de cunho qualitativo, tendo como corpus uma seleção de materiais de divulgação dos cursos de Pedagogia a distância oferecidos por duas instituições integrantes dos maiores conglomerados em operação no país: a Ahanguera, pertencente ao Grupo Cogna Educação, e a Estácio de Sá, que faz parte do Grupo Yduqs. Além dos materiais disponibilizados abertamente nos sites dessas IES, o corpus incluiu os relatórios de sustentabilidade dos respectivos grupos às quais pertencem as instituições escolhidas para o estudo. Os materiais foram submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo categorial temática, informada por literatura pertinente à formação de professores, suas políticas e oferta na modalidade a distância, bem como a aspectos relativos à presença da tecnologia na educação. A análise sugere que a formação inicial do docente se constitui, na divulgação feita pelas empresas, como um processo acelerado, pragmático, focado em competências e habilidades voltadas principalmente para demandas escolares imediatas. O papel do professor é redefinido como o de um facilitador do processo de aprendizagem, uma ideia associada à necessidade de readequação do perfil docente às ditas exigências da reestruturação produtiva e às demandas do mercado de trabalho. Sugere-se, também, que, à formação de professores a distância, associa-se uma demanda secundária por produtos como soluções integradas de gestão, recursos didáticos e plataformas educacionais, tanto para o ensino superior quanto para a educação básica. A pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de estudos que rompam com o reducionismo tecnicista presente na formação docente a distância, cuja ênfase recai sobre os métodos de integração de tecnologias no contexto educacional para que alunos e professores desenvolvam as competências necessárias ao alcance de objetivos e resultados previamente definidos para um mercado em crescente expansão. / [en] In recent decades, financial capital has become increasingly present in national education, reflecting the growing influence of international organizations in policy formulation in the area. According to data from the 2022 Higher Education (ES) Census, Brazil had 1,449 private, for-profit Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), which had only 34 percent of their students enrolled in face-to-face courses. The 189 percent increase in the number of distance learning courses between 2018 and 2022 is reflected in particularly worrying numbers related to teacher training offered in Pedagogy courses. In 2022, almost 80 percent of the total 821,864 enrolments in these courses were concentrated in Distance Learning (EaD). In this context, characterized by a strong presence of technology and a commercial perspective of education, the present research aimed to analyse how distance learning Pedagogy courses are presented that are offered by the main private HE groups in Brazil. This objective unfolded into the following specific objectives: (1) to analyse the conceptions of education presented in websites of the main educational groups in the country s private network; (2) to examine the role played by technology in teacher training in programs as presented on the websites of the main private educational groups; (3) to analyze strategic articulations based on innovation ideas from the main educational groups in the private network, used to present their offers as modern solutions. A qualitative documentary research was conducted, using as corpus a selection of promotional materials for distance Pedagogy courses offered by two institutions that are part of the largest conglomerates operating in the country: Ahanguera, which belongs to the Cogna Educação Group, and Estácio de Sá, which is part of the Yduqs Group. In addition to the materials made openly available on the websites of these HEIs, the corpus included the sustainability reports of the respective groups to which the institutions chosen for the study belong. The materials were subjected to a thematic content analysis, informed by literature pertinent to teacher training, its policies and distance learning offerings, as well as aspects relating to the presence of technology in education. The analysis suggests that initial teacher training is, as advertised by companies, an accelerated, pragmatic process, focused on skills and abilities aimed mainly at immediate school demands. The role of the teacher is redefined as that of a facilitator of the learning process, an idea associated with the need to readjust the teaching profile to the so called demands of productive restructuring and the demands of the job market. It is also suggested that distance teacher training is associated with a secondary demand for products such as integrated management solutions, teaching resources and educational platforms, both for higher education and basic education. The research points to the need for studies that break with the technical reductionism present in distance teaching training, whose emphasis is on methods of integrating technologies in the educational context so that students and teachers develop the skills necessary to achieve objectives and results previously defined for a growing market.

Essais sur l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche : capacités d'accueil, frais d'inscription et mobilité internationale. / Essays on higher education and research : capacities, tuition fees and international mobility

Didisse, Jonas 12 December 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, nous nous intéressons à deux problématiques relatives aux dynamiques récentes des systèmes universitaires nationaux. D’abord, à partir d’une approche microéconomique par l’offre, nous montrons que le degré d’intervention publique et les capacités d’accueil non-rigides des établissements expliquent les divergences de frais d’inscription entre les systèmes universitaires régulés et dérégulés. Ensuite, à partir d’une approche macroéconomique par la demande, nous cherchons à appréhender les facteurs d’inélasticité de la demande à travers des modèles de gravité incluant des déterminants hors-prix de la mobilité internationale des étudiants / In a context of internationalization of higher education and research, we focus on two issues related to the recent dynamics of national university systems. First, from a supply microeconomic approach, we show that the level of public intervention and the non-rigid capacities of institutions explain the divergence of tuition fees between regulated and deregulated university systems. Then, from a macroeconomic demand approach, we try to underline the inelasticity of the demand from gravity models with non-price determinants of international student mobility

Управление оппортунизмом трудового персонала в дошкольной образовательной организации : магистерская диссертация / Management of opportunism displayed by staff members in pre-school educational organizations

Прошлецова, С. В., Proshletsova, S. V. January 2020 (has links)
Рассматриваются факторы и специфические формы проявлений трудового оппортунизма персонала дошкольной организации, дана характеристика особенностей рынка дошкольного образования, проведен анализ рынка труда педагогических кадров Свердловской области, выявлены проблемы управления в ДОО, которые могут стать основаниями для возникновения оппортунистического поведения персонала, определены механизмы преодоления. Теоретические выводы, содержащиеся в работе, могут служить обоснованием принципов построения программы мероприятий по управлению оппортунистическим поведением персонала дошкольной организации. / The article considers the factors and specific forms of labor opportunism of staff in pre-school organization, describes the features of the pre-school education market, analyzes the labor market of pedagogical personnel in the Sverdlovsk region, identifies management problems in pre-school organizations that can become the basis for the emergence of opportunistic behavior of staff, identifies the causes of their occurrence, and develops measures to overcome them.

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