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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovation and Optimization of Energy Systems in the Temporary Entertainment Events Industry : Modeling & Optimization of temporary energy systems

Mergulhao, Vasco January 2019 (has links)
An unprecedented view into the nature of energy systems in the Temporary Entertainment Events Industry (TEEI) is developed. A characterization of the context of the latter and its energy systems state-of-the-art is performed. Allowing for the main development of the present study, the modeling of temporary energy systems in the TEEI, ultimately delivering a tool for the assessment of the performance of these systems at a level of analytical detail previously inexistent in the industry. In the absence of previews literature on the topic, state-of-the-art modeling techniques have been reviewed from the field of small-scale polygeneration system to develop a customized approach for the modeling of temporary energy systems. An Integrated Design, Synthesis and Operation Optimization (IDSOO) approach has been adapted in a Mixed Integer Linear Programing (MILP) model and contextualized for the TEEI. Additionally, a customized approach has been developed for the treatment and compression of the original energy demand curves in a separate optimization algorithm defined in respect to the constraints and priorities of the given context. The model has been developed to cater to the evaluation of the targets set by the Festival Vision 2025 pledge. Which is then applied in a case study event set in the United Kingdom (UK), with over 50 000 visitors over a period of 4 days. In addition to the evaluation of the pledge’s targets, two additional scenarios are created to better explore to full potential of the methodology presently developed. Namely, first an integrated system approach and its benefits has been evaluated to counterpose the established practice of isolating the event’s energy sub-systems. Secondly, the effects of the prevailing energy demand uncertainty in TEEI and its typical preference of overgenerous systems’ designs are analyzed in a hypothetical, yet representative, scenario. Finally, given the pioneering nature of the developed study, a listing has been made with the argued most relevant future study topics that were found to offer the highest benefits to the TEEI. In conclusion, it has been found that there seems to be more potential than previously thought for the improvement of the performance of the TEEI’s current energy systems. It is shown that even when optimized, isolated generator-based systems in some cases will inevitably incur into undesired operational conditions, thus demonstrating the limits of the current practices and technology selection. Nevertheless, it was found that, at least for the given case study, the Festival Vision 2025 medium term targets are achievable even when resorting solely to the optimization of the current diesel-based systems. Reinstating the need for better energy systems planning and designs. Ultimately, it was concluded that the developed model fulfills the objective of representing the TEEIs energy systems to a level of detail unprecedented and that it, or similar tools, could be used to quantify and substantiate the implications of the industry’s environmental goals for its energy systems. / En ny syn på energisystem för tillfällig underhållning (TEEI) är under utveckling. En karaktärisering av sammanhanget för det senare och dess energisystem har varit fokus i denna studie. Utgående från utvecklingen av den aktuella studien, modellering av tillfälliga energisystem i TEEI, levereras ett verktyg för bedömning av prestandan hos dessa system på en nivå av analytisk detaljering som tidigare inte fanns i branschen. I avsaknad av tidigare litteratur om ämnet har state-of-the-art modelleringstekniker från området för småskaligt polygenerationssystem använts för att utveckla ett anpassat tillvägagångssätt för modellering av tillfälliga energisystem. En integrerad strategi för design, syntes och driftoptimering (IDSOO) har anpassats i en MILPmodell (Mixed Integer Linear Programing) och kontextualiserats för TEEI. Dessutom har ett anpassat tillvägagångssätt utvecklats för behandling och komprimering av mätningar av faktiska energibehov i en separat optimeringsalgoritm definierad med avseende på begränsningarna och prioriteringarna i det givna sammanhanget. Modellen har utvecklats för att tillgodose utvärderingen av de mål som fastställts av Festival Vision 2025- pantsättningen. Som sedan tillämpas i en fallstudiehändelse i Storbritannien (Storbritannien), med över 50 000 besökare under en period av fyra dagar. Förutom utvärderingen av de uppsatta målen skapas ytterligare två scenarier för att bättre utforska till den fulla potentialen för den för närvarande utvecklade metodiken. Först har en integrerad systemansats och dess fördelar utvärderats för att motverka den etablerade praxisen att isolera evenemangets energi-delsystem. För det andra analyseras effekterna av den rådande osäkerheten om energibehov i TEEI och dess typiska preferens för systemdesign med alltör generösa säkerhetsmarginaler i ett hypotetiskt men ändå representativt scenario. Slutligen, med tanke på studiens banbrytande karaktär, har en lista gjorts med de mest relevanta framtida studieämnen som visat sig ge de främsta fördelarna för TEEI. Sammanfattningsvis har det visat sig att det verkar finnas mer potential än man tidigare trott för förbättring av prestandan i TEEI: s nuvarande energisystem. Det visas att även när optimerade och isolerade generatorbaserade system i vissa fall oundvikligen kommer att drabbas av oönskade driftsförhållanden och därmed demonstreras gränserna för den nuvarande praxisen och teknikvalet. Trots det konstaterades att, åtminstone för den givna fallstudien, Festival Vision 2025 målsättningarna på medellång sikt kan uppnås även om man endast använder sig av optimeringen av de nuvarande dieselbaserade systemen, vilket återinför behovet av bättre planering och design av energisystem. I slutändan drogs slutsatsen att den utvecklade modellen uppfyller målet att representera TEEI: s energisystem till en ny detaljnivå och att den, eller liknande verktyg, skulle kunna användas för att kvantifiera och underbygga konsekvenserna av branschens miljömål för dess energisystem.

Thermodynamic and Economic Evaluation of Hybridization Biomass-solar for a Cogeneration Power Plant in a Cuban Sugar Mill, George Washington

Lehtinen, Silja January 2019 (has links)
This study evaluates the thermodynamic and economic performance of hybridization of biomass-solar for a cogeneration power plant in a Cuban sugar mill, George Washington. The evaluation is performed by varying the parameters of the thermal power block and considering scenarios with 1) bagasse and marabú, 2) bagasse and solar field, and 3) bagasse, marabú and solar field as heat sources for the cogeneration cycle. The most feasible configuration combines all the three heat sources having the superheated steam parameters of 100 bar and 540 ⁰C and the solar field aperture area of 88,560 m2 using SkyTrough collectors. The NPV for the proposed system is 30.97 million USD which indicates that it is economically feasible and the LCOE of 0.091 USD/kWh is in the range of a typical LCOE for biomass electricity generation with a stoker boiler (0.06 – 0.21 USD/kWh). / Denna studie utvärderar den termodynamiska och ekonomiska prestandan för hybridisering av biomassa och solenergi för ett kraftvärmeverk i ett kubanskt sockerbruk, George Washington. Utvärderingen utförs genom att variera parametrarna för kraftvärmecykeln och studera scenarier med 1) bagasse och marabú, 2) bagasse och solfält, och 3) bagasse, marabú och solfält som värmekällor för kraftvärmecykeln. Den rekommenderade konfigurationen kombinerar alla tre värmekällorna med överhettade ångparametrarna på 100 bar och 540 ⁰C och solfältets öppningsarea på 88,560 m2 med SkyTrough-solfångare. Nettonyvärdet för det föreslagna systemet är 30.97 miljoner USD vilket indikerar att förslaget är ekonomiskt genomförbart samt LCOE på 0.091 USD/kWh ligger inom en typisk LCOE för elproduktion av biomassa med en stoker panna (0.06 – 0.21 USD/kWh).

Framtidens energilagring : en studie av befintliga samt potentiella metoder för lagring av förnybar el på ett hållbart sätt

Karlsson, Elin, Dahlqvist, Elin January 2014 (has links)
In today’s society there is an increasing demand for renewable energy sources such as sun and wind power. These sources are intermittent, and energy storage is therefore needed to ensure a constant power supply. This report compares pumped hydro energy storage (PHES), compressed air energy storage (CAES), flywheels, batteries, super magnetic energy storage (SMES) and hydrogen energy storage. The opportunities for further development are limited for PHES and CAES in comparison with the other technologies. Lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen energy storage are considered to have the most potential in the future. This is based on the high energy density and the high demand from other industries, the automotive industry in particular. The most limiting factor for both of these technologies is the high cost. Currently there is no method that alone can handle all types of energy storage that is needed, but lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen energy storage will play a key role in the future energy storage. / I dagens samhälle efterfrågas allt mer förnybara energikällor så som sol- och vindkraft. Dessa är intermittenta, och för att kunna förlita sig på dessa krävs energilagring. Denna rapport jämför pumpkraftverk, tryckluft (CAES), svänghjul, batterier, supraledande energilager (SMES) och vätgaslagring. <img src="file:///page2image11112" /> Utvecklingsmöjligheterna för pumpkraftverk och tryckluftslager är begränsade jämfört med de andra lagringsmetoderna. De som i denna rapport bedöms ha störst potential i framtiden är litiumjonbatterier och vätgaslagring. Detta beror på att de har hög energitäthet samt att drivkraften för utveckling är stor även i andra branscher, framför allt fordonsbranschen. Största begränsningen för båda teknikerna är kostnaden. <img src="file:///page2image16536" /> I dagsläget finns ingen metod som kan hantera alla typer av energilagring på egen hand, dock <img src="file:///page2image17744" />


Olson, Gustaf Falk, Gliniewicz, Vincent January 2014 (has links)
I denna rapport beskrivs uppförandet av en fysisk modell av ett växelströmsystem baserad på IEEE 14-bus referensmodell. Projektets resultat, en prototyp monterad på en tavla, ämnar tjäna ett pedagogiskt syfte för att kunna användas för studieändamål och har konstruerats efter önskemål från avdelningen Industrial Information and Control Systems (ICS) på KTH. Arbetet har framskridit genom att identifiera eftersträvade modellfunktioner, samt genom att välja adekvata komponenter utifrån bl.a. datorsimuleringar, budgetrestriktioner och fortlöpande tester. Mot denna bakgrund har slutprodukten konstruerats med avsikten att göra denna flexibel, säker, tilltalande och användarvänlig. Den resulterande modellen står att finna i en modifierad, förenklad, och anpassningsbar version av referensmodellen. Arbete kvarstår emellertid för att kunna använda modellen i undervisningssyfte. Styrningssystemets opålitlighet är i dagsläget en springande punkt. Det finns också utrymme att förbättra modellens överensstämmelse med ett verkligt elsystem. Slutligen bör modellen testas i det sammanhang den kommer att användas i, för att bättre identifiera dess styrkor och brister.

Fosforåtervinning genom alkalisk lakning av förbränt avloppsslam

Åkerblom, Hampus, Wiberg, Joakim Thanke January 2014 (has links)
Projektet har undersökt möjligheten att med basisk lakning skilja ut fosfor från förbränt avloppsslam. Basisk lakning jämfört med sur lakning ger ett sämre fosforutbyte. Men basisk lakning löser samtidigt ut lägre mängder tungmetaller, vilket gör att metoden med basisk lakning kan vara mer lämpad om slutanvändningen återför den lakade produkten till naturen Genom att variera parametrarna tid, temperatur och koncentrationer av reagenser gavs resultat i form av de effektivaste förutsättningarna för ett högt fosforutbyte. Allmänt verkar högre temperaturer ge bättre resultat. Blandningsförhållandet mellan förbränt avloppsslam och basisk lakvätska ger högre procentuellt fosforutbyte vid lägre koncentrationer av avloppsslam. Dock kan högre koncentrationer av avloppsslam ändå vara att föredra om denna process ska genomföras i teknisk skala när stora mängder fosfor ska utskiljas på kort tid. Problem uppstod när produkten som skulle fälla ut fosfatkristaller istället bildade en okänd gel. Det gick att undvika gelbildningen genom att använda lägre koncentrationer av den basiska lakvätskan. Resultaten av denna studie antyder att gelen sannolikt är en silikatgel. En möjlighet att undvika gelfenomenet vid starkare koncentrationer av den basiska lakvätskan är sannolikt att använda förbränt avloppsslam med lägre koncentrationer av kisel.

An open source approach to Sweden's energy system : A review of future energy pathways

Nawfal, Saadi Failali January 2013 (has links)
This paper discusses the development of an energy systems model for Swedenconsidering electricity, heat and direct fossil fuel consumption in the residential,industrial and transport sectors as well as the energy interaction with the other Nordiccountries and its impact on the Swedish energy system. The model is developed in theOpen source energy modelling system (OSeMOSYS) (Mark Howells 2011) andshowcases potential energy investment options for Sweden in the next four decades(2010-2050). It considers different scenarios and provides a technology neutralassessment of how Sweden can invest in energy infrastructure in the most judiciousway. The paper also describes the new user interface developed called ANSWEROSeMOSYS.The paper further discusses the results of the different scenarios. Thebusiness as usual scenario shows an inclination towards investments in nuclear power.Further scenarios consider the gradual phasing out of the use of oil in CHP plants andnuclear power as well as new energy policies and tax reforms. The paper discusses theseresults in detail and demonstrates how Sweden could improve its energy infrastructureconsidering different policy implications and constraints put up by the availability andfeasibility of different resources. Finally, the prospect of wider stakeholder engagementbased on this model is discussed. Building on the open-source nature of the model,inputs and modifications from research institutes, energy modelling experts,government bodies, as well as the wider public will be incorporated into the model. Thesource code and modelling data will be made publicly available.

Design av testanläggning för förbränning av pellets i matlagningsspisar : Analys av hur pelletsens egenskaper påverkar emissioner och effektivitet under förbränning

Dalqvist, Nellie January 2022 (has links)
Renewable energy sources have dominated energy use throughout human history and biomass is one of the world's oldest energy sources. The use of biomass as a fuel has increased in recent decades and has led to great technological development as a result of the growing demands for sustainable solutions. The main source of energy in households in sub-Saharan Africa is traditional biomass, such as firewood and charcoal. Charcoal production in Zambia is estimated to require 6,089,000 tonnes per year, which with its inefficient energy production and unsustainable forestry means that the country has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world in percentage terms. Since 2012, Emerging Cooking Solutions Ldt (ECS) has been supplying modern pellet stoves and producing fuel pellets in Zambia to phase out the use of charcoal in cooking. Pellet stoves minimize emissions of volatile particles and carbon monoxide emissions and reduces health risks. ECS is actively working to improve its cooking stoves and the purpose of the studies is to increase knowledge about how pellets' properties affect combustion. The study designed and built a test facility to be able to analyze the combustion of pellets in cooking stoves at the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology at Karlstad University. The plant includes measurement of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, temperature and velocity in outgoing flue gases. The fuel consumption of the stove and the temperature of the water are measured during the entire combustion process. The test unit and its design meet the majority of the requirements of ISO 19867-1 and can be used for tests on the combustion of different types of pellets in different types of cooking stoves. The study analyzed the effect of the pellets' properties on emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides during combustion. The analysis was conducted on purchased straw pellets, pellets from Zambia and pellets from bark, heartwood, sapwood and from Laxåpellets that were pelletized at Karlstad University. The combustion tests also included analyzes of efficiency, power, usable energy and fuel consumption for the pellet stove. Incineration of produced pellets, purchased straw pellets and pellets from Zambia in the test facility reported that higher moisture content, ash content and extractives lead to higher carbon monoxide emissions and poorer combustion with lower fuel consumption and efficiency. According to the study, ECS should focus the production of pellets on biomass with a low ash content and extractives to ensure efficient combustion with low carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. Using bark pellets in the cooking stove in of lack of other fuel should be avoided. This entails greater health risks such as pellets with increased moisture content. It should thus be avoided to store pellets openly in a humid environment, which can occur during the rainy season in Zambia.

Optimization of wind turbine loads for maximum power output and low fatigue loading / Optimering av lastprofiler hos vindturbiner för maximerat kraftutbyte och låg utmattningslast

Ergano, Wondmagegn January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis the aerodynamic loads for maximum power output at acceptable fatigue loads on a 1.5MW onshore wind turbine are examined. The objective mainly is to investigate pitch angles where optimal value of maximum power output at an acceptable level of fatigue loading can be achieved while studying the source of fatigue loading and the constraints of increasing the coefficient of performance of wind turbine power output. A total of thirteen hub height mean wind speed profiles, at the same turbulence level, ranging from cut-in wind speed of 3m/s to cut-out wind speed of 27m/s at 2m/s incremental are simulated. The reference wind speed is set at the hub height. For reference wind set below the hub height, the logarithm wind profile is used to determine the hub height mean wind speed, and then the power law follows to determine the mean speed at other height. The speeds are determined on a meshed grid point to examine the change of wind speed and direction in time and space or turbulence which is mainly due to the shape and hostile of the terrains. Wind profile simulation is performed by TurbSim simulation code, and the resulting profile is used as input to analyze the loads at the blade root. The loads are analyzed for the wind speed above the rated wind speed, 11m/s to 27m/s, where the blades are pitched to obtain an even power output. After performing several runs to investigate the relationship of wind speed to power output and fatigue loading, the wind speed, where the load should be analyzed, is narrowed to 21m/s which is close to the cut-out wind speed. The loads at the blade root are examined using the free simulation code, FAST, for different pitch angles ranging from 7.5 degrees to 17 degrees for each hub height mean wind speeds mentioned above. For examination of the loads at the selected locations the blade root is segmented to twelve equal points located 15 degrees away to each other. The points are located in angle between 0 and 180 degrees according to Load Rose approach. The loads at the blade root are FAST output and they are used as input for post-processor MLife to analyze the fatigue load. The fatigue loads are examined in terms of damage equivalent loads of the bending moment out of plane. It is observed that pitching a blade angle has a significant effect on the power output and fatigue load, the power output increases and with undesirable fatigue load while pitching the blade angle to capture as maximum power output as possible. On the other hand, attempting to decrease the fatigue load affects the power output as well, that indicates minimizing the fatigue load cannot be achieved without affecting the power output. Output power and fatigue load relation for different pitch angle ranging from 7.5 to 17 degrees of the selected wind speed 21m/s shows that while pitching the blade the power output increases with undesirable fatigue load. In general, it can be said that expected results are achieved at pitch angle ranging from 15 to 17 degrees. However, the fatigues loads may be not are in acceptable level, hence, it will not be appropriate to conclude that these pitch angles are the optimal angles where the maximum power output and minimum fatigue load can be achieved. Furthermore, looking at only the fatigue loads the minimum fatigue load is achieved at pitch angle of 7.5 at a sacrifice of 0.6MW of the maximum output power, 1.92MW, which is significant compared to the maximum output power that can be achieved. / Denna studie handlar om en analys av aerodynamiska laster hos en 1.5 MW landbaserad vindturbin. Målet handlar om specificering av stigningsvinkeln där kraftutbytet maximeras medan utmattningslaster hållas inom rimliga nivåer. Tretton hastighetsprofiler studerats (3 m/s till 27 m/s) för att kunna se samband mellan kraftutbytet och utmattningslaster. Vindhastighetsprofilerna simulerades med TurbSim, och de resulterande profilerna används som input för att analysera lasterna vid bladroten. Simuleringsverktyget FAST utnyttjas för olika stigningsvinklar (7,5 till 17 grader). Resultaten visar avvägningen mellan kraftutbyte och utmattningslast som funktion av stigningsvinkeln. Högre stigningsvinklar resulterar i ökat kraftutbytet, och oönskade utmattningslaster inträffar vid 16-17 grader. Skillnaden i kraftutbytet mellan lägsta och högsta stigningsvinklar kan vara så hög som 30%.

System Performance Model and Control System for a Small-Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Banks, Niko 01 March 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Predicting the performance of wind turbines is a key part of the turbine design process and operation, as predictive models play a large role in determining potential power output and efficiency at different operating conditions to help maximize production. On small-scale wind turbines performance models become more complex, as the rotor aerodynamic performance depends not only on the tip speed ratio, but also on the flow Reynolds number. An accurate predictive model that includes this behavior on small-scale wind turbines can be used to find the optimal operating conditions for power output, and is also a critical component of the design of a control system. This project aims to develop such a model for the small-scale wind turbine operated by the Cal Poly Wind Power Research Center, and to use the developed model to redesign the current control system. The full turbine system model developed in this project for the Cal Poly Wind Turbine includes detailed models of the aerodynamic, mechanical, and electrical subsystems on the turbine based on first- principles physics. Model parameters were determined through a combination of experimental testing and theoretical analysis. The full turbine model was compared against experimental data, showing that estimations from the predictive model matched closely with the true performance of the turbine. Through the model, the turbine was estimated to have a maximum efficiency of 83.63% and to produce a maximum total ���� of 35.93% at a tip speed ratio around 5. Using the performance information from the model, a new non-linear controller was designed for constant speed, constant tip speed ratio, and maximum power output. The new maximum power controller is predicted to increase the overall power production of the turbine by 17.1% over the course of a year.

A socio-technical review of Natural Gas: Resources, environmental and political aspects

Gorugantu, Ravi Teja, Sanjeevi Rao, Sridhar Babu January 2023 (has links)
This report gives a general overview of the natural gas resources in the world, along with its importance as a source of producing energy, and technical uses. It also draws attention to the political issues raised by natural gas exploitation and the steps being taken to address them. It also discusses the long-term measures required to achieve net zero emissions. With enormous supplies spread across several locations, natural gas is essential to the world's energy balance. Its better burning characteristics makes it a desirable substitute for other fossil fuels, especially for the production of power, heating, and industrial activities. Economic growth and global energy security are significantly impacted by the availability of natural gas resources. However, natural gas extraction and use, raise additional environmental issues, particularly in light of its greenhouse gas emissions have been discussed. Despite producing less carbon dioxide than either coal or oil, natural gas is a significant source of methane emissions, a powerful greenhouse gas. So a deep dive into why methane is a stronger greenhouse gas has been presented. It is observed that the fracking, flaring and methane leaks during the mining, transportation, and storage processes are the major concerns for climate change mitigation. Furthermore, natural gas is intertwined with political issues due to its geopolitical nature and the reliance of resource-rich nations on it as a significant source of income. It is observed that geopolitical tensions and potential wars are frequently caused by disagreements over ownership, cost, and transit routes. Geopolitical stability and energy security will be impacted by a region's reliance on imported natural gas. Various mitigation measures have been proposed and implemented to tackle the environmental challenges posed by natural gas are discussed. These include improving extraction techniques such as improved drilling methods and improved leak detection systems and investing in cleaner technologies, such as carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS). Policies and rules are also being developed to encourage the use of advance energy efficiency measures and to promote the use of renewable energy sources in addition to natural gas. These measures aim to minimize the carbon footprint of natural gas and transition towards a more sustainable energy system. However, achieving long-term sustainability and net zero emissions (NZE) will require more profound transformations. To achieve NZE, EU has proposed the fit for 55 package. Some of the proposals of the fit for 55 package to achieve NZE 2030 target have been discussed. This involves developing alternative energy sources and technologies, such as renewable energy and the use of alternate fuels in various sectors. It also entails promoting energy conservation, implementing rigorous emissions regulations, fostering international cooperation, and investing in research and development for innovative solutions. Implementing all these measures ensure a sustainable and secured energy for future generations.

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