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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimering av solcellssystem : Integration av batterilager till ett existerande PV system för en fastighet i Stockholm, norra djurgårdsstaden

Hökeberg, Hugo January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis examines if a PV system in “norra Djurgårdsstaden” (Stockholm) can be optimized by the addition of a battery storage system. Both in terms of increasing the usage of the produced PV energy and also (partly as a consequence) becoming more efficient and environment friendly. Simulations were run in both MATLAB and PVsyst. The simulations were based on measured data - PV production and consumption - and different scenarios were examined. Though the central aspect was to maximize the amount of PV energy used, simulations for peak shaving and a combination of the two were also examined.  The major differences between simulation in MATLAB and PVsyst were firstly, the fact that the input for consumption was monthly in PVsyst and hourly measurement (given by Incoord) was used in MATLAB and secondly, that different types of battery types had to be used. The battery type used in the MATLAB simulation was a NiMH battery from a company called Nilar. This battery type has the ability to be rejuvenated and thereby extend its lifetime. This type of battery did not exist as an option in PVsyst. Due to this the result of the simulation was not exactly the same. They were however similar enough to be useful; they showed similar patterns even at points of divergence.  Although the real estate was planned and built to be very energy efficient and environmentally friendly, the integration of a battery storage system was definitely able to optimize the PV system. Of the different integration options examined the most optimal was determined to be when the battery system was fed by the surplus energy from the existing PV system; after it has met momentary consumption needs. At the largest, battery storage system (10 batteries) the primary energy number (EPpet) decreased with almost 8 kWh/m2 - i.e. from 48,2 to just above40 kWh/m2. Self - consumption and self - sufficient was also positively affected by the battery storage with the former going from 59 to 77 % and the latter from 31 to 41 %. Furthermore with around 4 batteries in the battery storage system the EPpet decreased such as the real estate entered a higher order of environmental classification.  The battery system will always be an expense, however this expense is lessened by utilizing as much as possible of the PV energy, i.e. when the momentary consumption is met by the PV system before the surplus PV energy is directed to the storage in order to maximize self - consumption.

Energianvändning vid pelletering : En undersökning av strömningsenergins betydelse för den totala energianvändningen vid pelletering / Energy requirements during the pelletizing process : A study of the importance of the flow component for the total energy requirement during pelletizing

Abrahamsson, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Biobränslen utgör 25% av Sveriges energitillförsel och majoriteten av dessa är träbaserade. Träpellets är ett biobränsle och i Sverige producerades 1,6 miljoner ton pellets 2018. Egenskaper hos pellets så som hållbarhet och energiåtgång för produktion testas ofta i en singelpelletspress. Då den totala energianvändningen för att pressa en pellet i en industriskalig matris innefattar tre energikrävande delmoment; komprimering, friktion och strömning. Strömning är då material som ligger över ytorna mellan presskanalerna, klacken, komprimeras och flytts ner mot konorna, samt då materialet som befinner sig i en kona deformeras när det trycks ner i presskanalen. Pelletering i en konventionell singelpelletspress innefattar enbart komprimering och friktion. Denna studie har fokuserat på att undersöka strömningsmomentets inverkan på den totala energianvändningen. För att undersöka detta har komprimeringsenergi, friktionsenergi, strömningsenergi samt den kraft som krävs för att strömningsmomentet ska påbörjas, Fflow, undersökts för 3 olika partikelstorlekar. Färsk gran med en fukthalt på 10% har pressats i olika matriser. Detta för att bestämma strömningens inverkan på den totala energianvändningen samt hur stor inverkan pressning av material som befinner sig runt inströmningskonan, på klacken, till presskanalen har på den totala energianvändningen. Partikelstorleken påverkar inte energianvändningen. Fflow var högre för tester i matris med klack jämfört med tester i matris utan klack. Detta ledde till att även komprimeringsenergin ökade. Materialet kring konöppningen påverkade pressningen så att den producerade pelleten blev 1 mm kortare, vilket gav en lägre friktionsenergi för dessa tester. Strömningsenergin stod för 43–57% av den totala energianvändningen. Energin som krävdes för den delen av strömningen där material runt inströmningskonan pressas stod för 35–52% av den totala energianvändningen. / Biofuels make up 25% of Sweden’s energy supply and the majority of biofuels used are made from wood. Wood pellets is one type of biofuel and in Sweden, 1.6 million tonnes of wood pellets were produced in 2018. Different pellet properties such as durability and energy use for production is often tested in a single pellet press. The total energy use for making a pellet in an industrial scale machine is the sum of the energy required for three different component sequences, compression, friction and flow. Flow is when the material that lies on the surfaces between the press channel openings is compressed and pushed downwards towards the coned openings and the materiel in the coned opening is deformed and pushed down to the press channel. Only compression and friction can be studied using a conventional single pellet press. Thus, this study focuses on the impact of the flow component on the total energy use for pelletizing. In order to do this, energy used for compression, friction and flow, as well as the power required for the material to enter the flow component, Fflow, has been studied for three different particle sizes. Fresh spruce with a moisture content of 10% has been pressed in different dies. With these pressings, the impact of the flow component, as well as the impact of pressing material located around the coned press channel opening on the total energy use was determined. Particle size did not affect energy use. Fflow was higher for pressings with material located on the surface around the coned opening, compared to pressings without. This resulted in an increased compression energy for pressings with material around the coned opening. The material located around the press channel opening affected the pelletizing so that the produced pellet was 1 mm shorter, which resulted in a lower energy use for the friction component. Energy used by the flow component made up over 43-57% of the total energy use. The part of the flow energy that is needed to compress the material around the press channel opening and move that material towards the opening stood for 35-52% of the total energy use for palletization.

Assessing greenhouse gas emissions from Swedish Production : A study on the possibility to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the ten most valuable production categories in Sweden

Richter, Vide January 2015 (has links)
Industrialised and developing countries face an urgent challenge to decouple economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this study is to investigate where the largest potentials are to the Swedish industry decrease greenhouse gas emissions without increasing their costs. To limit the scope of the study is made by assessing the 10 largest categories of production by value sold in Sweden. The objectives are to investigate: (a) which the 10 largest categories are; (b) how much the productions of the products in the categories emit and where in the production those emissions come from; and (c) if policies or other actions can help lowering the amount emitted. For (a) statistics from Eurostat is used, for (b) an EIO-LCA database is used for most cases, but forestry is done with the help of a report on Swedish forestry emissions, while (c) is done by a literature review regarding the industries included in the study. The top 10 categories by value sold is: (1) Vehicle compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines; (2) Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades; (3) Coniferous wood; (4) Pine wood; (5) Parts and accessories of bodies; (6) Bodies for motor vehicles including completely equipped and incomplete bodies; (7) Drive-axles with differential, non-driving axles and their parts; (8) Spruce wood and fir wood; (9) Prefabricated buildings of wood; And (10) Other parts and accessories for vehicles. Results show that chemical wood pulp had the largest emissions both per value produced and total. Additionally, chemical wood pulp is the category where the most clear cut improvements can be done. Besides, it is found that improvement possibilities exist for forestry and motor vehicle parts production, while prefabricated buildings of wood are very sustainable compared to other building methods. Suggestions are also made for policies that could decrease greenhouse gas emissions from chemical wood pulp and forestry. A suggestion for further investigation is to assess whether those would be better than improving existing broad policies in Sweden.

Hållbar matkonsumtion : En undersökning av studenters relation, åsikter och vanor gällande miljömässigt hållbar matkonsumtion

Bysell, Lisa, Grundström, Linnea January 2015 (has links)
Som ett resultat av det senaste århundradets snabba populationstillväxt i kombination med en livsstil vilken inneburit ökad konsumtion, större naturresursuttag och ökande miljöpåfrestningar, står vi nu inför stora utmaningar för framtiden. En viktig del av begreppet hållbar utveckling är konsumtionen som i stor grad blivit en del av vår livsstil. Mat och dryck utgör i Europeiska Unionen ungefär en fjärdedel av hushållens totala miljöpåverkan, och hur vi väljer att konsumera livsmedel har således en stor inverkan. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka studenters, vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, förhållningssätt, kunskap och agerande kring miljömässigt hållbar matkonsumtion. De mål som arbetet avser är att undersöka vilka vetenskapliga belägg som finns utifrån de fyra olika konsumtionsvalen; kött (i relation till vegetariskt), matsvinn, närproducerat och ekologiskt. Referensramen utgörs av en litteraturstudie som definierar hållbarhetsbegreppet relaterat till de olika konsumtionsvalen och utgör därför grunden för det fortsatta arbetet. Utifrån detta utformades sedan en enkät vilken delades ut till 40 stycken studenter vid lärosätet. Därefter analyserades resultatet och jämfördes med tidigare studier i ämnet. Litteraturstudien resulterade i en rangordning av de olika konsumtionsvalen, där 1 är det val av störst vikt för miljömässigt hållbar matkonsumtion; 1 kött, 2 matsvinn, 3 ekologiskt och 4 närproducerat. Detta jämfördes sedan med resultat från enkätundersökningen som visade att studenterna överskattar närproducerat. Många av studenterna ansåg att minska köttkonsumtionen var den viktigaste åtgärden för en mer hållbar matkonsumtion. Trots detta finns det en skillnad mellan denna åsikt, i relation till hur de väljer att agera. Att minska matsvinnet är den åtgärd där studenterna lägger ner störst ansträngning och varannan student konsumerar kött dagligen. Det var svårt att dra generella slutsatser kring vad skillnaderna beror på, men det finns en differens i studenternas uppfattning om vad som är hållbar matkonsumtion och hur de handlar. Det finns även en skillnad mellan vilket vetenskapligt stöd som finns och studenternas uppfattning av vad som är hållbar konsumtion av livsmedel.

SJÄLVFÖRSÖRJNING AV JORDBRUKSPRODUKTER I SVERIGE : Att föredra eller ej ur ett klimatperspektiv

Norin, Isabelle, Unevik, Ingrid January 2015 (has links)
Människor har de senaste århundradena bidragit till ökade emissioner av klimatgaser, vilket i sin tur har bidragit till den klimatförändring som idag upplevs. Jordbruket står för en stor del av dessa emissioner och i takt med att befolkningen ökar sätts ytterligare press på jordbruket att kunna förse denna befolkningsökning med livsmedel. Samtidigt ökar detta även pressen på miljön. Syftet med denna rapport var att utröna huruvida det ur ett klimatperspektiv är mest fördelaktigt att Sverige har en hög självförsörjningsgrad på ett urval av jordbruksprodukter, eller om dessa bör produceras i de länder som de idag importeras ifrån. Detta utfördes genom jämförelse av olika studier som utfört livscykelanalyser på dessa jordbruksprodukter. Klimatpåverkan uttrycktes i koldioxidekvivalenter i de studerade livscykelanalyserna. Resultaten visade att självförsörjningsgraden i Sverige för de utvalda produkterna fläskkött, mjölk, nötkött, tomat och ägg varierade mellan 14 och 103 procent. För fläskkött erhölls den lägsta klimatpåverkan vid produktion i Danmark med inkluderad transport till Sverige. För nötkött visade resultaten att den lägsta klimatpåverkan uppkom vid produktion i Danmark, och för mjölk vid produktion i Tyskland. Resultatet för tomat visade att lägst klimatpåverkan erhölls vid produktion i Spanien, med transport till Sverige. För ägg var produktion i Sverige det alternativ som gav lägst emissioner och således den enda produkt, utifrån resultaten i denna rapport, där Sverige borde ha en hög självförsörjningsgrad. Stora variationer uppvisades i de olika studierna, både mellan och inom länderna, för respektive produkt. Det diskuterades huruvida en viss del av dessa variationer kunde härledas till olikheter i studiernas utformning, med olika systemgränser och inkluderade processer som exempel. Att transport till Sverige ej inkluderades i samtliga studier noterades som en svaghet för resultaten i denna rapport. Detta kunde mycket väl tänkas påverka resultaten i den utsträckning att det optimala landet för produktion ändrades, och således att självförsörjning i Sverige blev mer fördelaktigt. Aspekter för självförsörjning som ej är kopplade till klimatperspektivet diskuterades till viss del i denna rapport. För vissa av dessa kunde det tänkas att motstridiga rekommendationer uppstod jämfört med de resultat som presenterades som fördelaktiga ur ett klimatperspektiv. Andra aspekter som sociala och ekonomiska utelämnades i denna rapport. För framtida studier rekommenderas att fler aspekter än klimatpåverkan integreras för att få ett mer allomfattande resultat gällande vilken självförsörjningsgrad som bör gälla för Sverige. / Human actions have during the last centuries contributed to increased emissions of greenhouse gases, which in turn has been a contributing factor to the climate change that is experienced today. Agriculture accounts for a large part of these emissions, and as the human population increases, further pressure is put on the agriculture to provide food for the increasing population. At the same time this also increases the pressure on the environment. The purpose of this report was to determine whether it from a climate perspective is most beneficial that Sweden has a high self-sufficiency rate on a selection of agricultural products, or if these should be produced in the countries that they today are imported from. This was carried out by a comparison between different studies that had conducted life cycle analyses on this selection of products, where the impact on climate was expressed in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents. The results showed that the levels of self-sufficiency in Sweden for the selected products pork, milk, beef, tomato and egg ranged between 14 and 103 percent. For pork, the lowest value of impact on the climate was obtained at production in Denmark with included transport to Sweden. For beef, the results showed that the lowest impact on climate emerged from production in Denmark, and for milk from production in Germany. The result for tomato showed that the lowest impact on climate was obtained at production in Spain, with included transport to Sweden. For egg, production in Sweden was the option that resulted in the lowest emissions, and was therefore the only product, according to the results in this report, where Sweden should have a high self-sufficiency rate. Large variations were demonstrated in the different studies, both between and within countries, for each product. A discussion was held whether a part of these variations could be traced to differences in how the studies were modeled, with different system boundaries and included processes as examples. The fact that transport to Sweden was not included in all of the studies was noted as a weakness for the results of this report. This could likely affect the results to the extent that the optimal country for production changes, and therefore that self- sufficiency in Sweden would be more beneficial. Aspects of self-sufficiency that are not related to the climate perspective were discussed to some extent in this report. Some of these were thought to result in contrary recommendations compared to the results that were presented as most beneficial from a climate perspective. Other aspects, such as social and economic, were excluded in this report. For future studies, more aspects than impact on the climate are recommended to be integrated, to obtain a more comprehensive result regarding which self-sufficiency rate Sweden should have.

Carbon emission reduction targets for project-focused construction companies : A case study of the Skanska group

Schlotter, Rudolf January 2015 (has links)
The construction industry is responsible for about one third of the annual global GHG emissions and its products carry significant lock-in risks: infrastructure and structures built today will contribute to anthropogenic GHG emissions for the next decades. Due to operational diversity, structural complexity, and the emission fluctuations associated with project-based work, construction companies struggle, however, with defining relevant carbon reduction targets. This study aimed at deriving a conceptual model for how these organizations can set targets that are meaningful in respect to their business characteristics. Conducted as a case study of the Skanska group, a qualitative approach was used: Interviews with different business units as well as literature reviews about the existing target setting methodologies, science-based methods, and approaches in other yet similar industries as well as competitors were leveraged to collect information. This data was qualitatively analyzed, discussed and compared against the requirements of defining reduction targets in the construction industry. An overarching, company-wide target is neither practically conceivable nor environmentally robust. Companies such as the Skanska group are recommended to differentiate between their different operations and to develop separate targets for each. Depending on the business volatility of these operations absolute or relative target setting methods are to be used. Meaningful relative targets require operations with low emission homogeneity to be broken down into further separate targets for individual activities, e.g., individual targets for the manufacturing of asphalt and concrete. Construction work itself has to be addressed by individual targets on project level for each project type, e.g., highways, bridges, offices, and residential, in order to avoid the issues of structural complexity and emission fluctuations. Creating a company-wide performance indicator embracing all construction work is only possible by normalizing these project-based targets a second time, e.g., by measuring the turnover of projects meeting the individual reduction targets.

Condition Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbines

Wisznia, Roman January 2013 (has links)
The growing interest around offshore wind power, providing at the same time better wind conditions and fewer visual or environmental impacts, has lead many energy suppliers to consider the installation of offshore wind farms. However, the marine environment makes the installation and maintenance of wind turbines much more complicated, raising the capital and operation costs to an undesirable level and preventing the fast progression of this technology worldwide. Availability of offshore wind turbines varies between 65 and 90% depending on location, whereas onshore turbines range between 95 and 98% in most cases. In 2009, the ETI launched a research project aiming to improve economical efficiency of offshore wind farms by increasing their availability and decreasing their maintenance costs (partly through replacing corrective maintenance by preventive maintenance). This project named “Inflow” involves the development of a condition monitoring system, a system designed to monitor the state of different wind turbine components, and to analyze this data in order to determine the wind turbines overall condition at any given time, as well as its potential system ailments   This paper describes two different approaches to perform the condition monitoring of offshore wind farms, the first one involves thresholds-based analysis, while the other involves pattern recognition.

Fuel Supply Investigation for an Externally Fired Microturbine based Micro CHP System : Case study on a selected site in Bishoftu, Ethiopia

Aga, Aboma Emiru January 2013 (has links)
Sudden change on earth’s climate, which is a result of an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, is mainlycaused by burning of fossil fuels for various energy services. However, for the energy services to befavourable to the environment, there should be a balance with the environmental protection, and we cancall that “Sustainable Innovative Development”. “EXPLORE Polygeneration” initiative will serve as an important tool to promote the application ofrenewable technologies extending to the future sustainable energy engineering field. This paper is intendedin investigating a suitable fuel supply for the microturbine based micro CHP system available at theDivision of Heat and Power Technology, KTH, Sweden; for a site called “Alema Farm PLC”, Bishoftu,Ethiopia. Though there is a large biomass energy resource and a huge potential to produce hydroelectric power inEthiopia, the modern energy sector is very small and the energy system is mainly characterized by biomassfuel supplies and household energy consumption. The nation’s limited biomass energy resource is believedto have been depleting at an increasingly faster rate. Of the many and surplus amount of renewable energy resources available in and around Alema FarmPLC, poultry litter and pig’s manure are selected to be the two main energy sources for the CHP systemavailable in the lab, after passing through different conversion techniques. However, after consideringsome basic properties like: Energy content and Bulk Density of the fuel, Moisture content , Ashcharacteristic, Tar content, Fuel logistics, Local storage, Fuel feeder system, and Magnitude of GHGReduction; poultry litter is found to be the most convenient to produce a syngas with a Downdraftatmospheric gasifier available in the HPT lab. Finally, For the problems caused by the nature of the poultry litter by itself and the methods used in theconversion process, the 40 TRIZ principles of TRIZ inventive principles is used and some major pointsare recommended.

Open Geospatial Data for Energy Planning

Berndtsson, Carl January 2016 (has links)
Geographic information systems (GIS) are increasingly being used in energy planning and by private sector practitioners. Through qualitative interviews with 49 leading practitioners in the public and private sector, this thesis establishes the data of most importance, current open access data sources for energy access along with the information currently lacking from open data sources. The interviews revealed grid infrastructure, population density, renewable power potential and energy expenditure to be the most sought after data for both practitioners’ groups. However, it was evident that the private sector had a stronger focus on land, water resource and climate data determining the renewable power potential for a specific area of interest, while the public sector focused on socioeconomic indicators and energy expenditure. A following data aggregation and analysis of the most desired datasets showed that a majority of the needed datasets were available with the exception of energy expenditure. A least-cost option electrification model developed by KTH-dESA has proven to be a powerful tool in assessing the cost of nationwide electrification. This thesis compares the average least-cost option electrification cost for each region in Tanzania with a projected average income. The comparison showed that the average household cost for least-cost option electrification as a share of projected household income varies between regions. The average share per household in the western regions of Tanzania were significantly higher compared to households in the central and eastern regions. The comparison was combined with the geographical location of donor-supported energy development projects showing that majority of the projects were located in the central parts of Tanzania and not targeting the most vulnerable households in regions furthest away from the national grid. In order to successfully introduce electricity nationwide in Tanzania, more support needs to be provided to the poorest regions.  Open data aggregation and coordination are the key to expand the support from GIS for energy access. Even though multiple data sources have been identified, they are scattered and leads to data being collected again. Coordinated efforts aimed to provide means to share aggregated updated and freely accessible data can help reduce high transaction costs, helping to alleviate energy poverty. / Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) används i allt större utsträckning inom energiplanering och av privata aktörer. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 49 ledande aktörer i offentlig och privat sektor redogör denna rapport för de viktigaste dataseten för aktörer, befintliga källor för öppen data och vilka informationsluckor som finns i dessa källor. Intervjuerna visade att dataseten gällande energiinfrastruktur, befolkningstäthet, potential för förnybar energi och energiutgifter var viktigast för både offentlig och privat sektor. Privat sektor hade ett större fokus på land, vatten och klimatdata, som alla är viktiga för att avgöra ett områdes potential för förnybar energi. Offentlig sektor hade ett större intresse av socioekonomiska faktorer och energiutgifter. En dataaggregation och analys visade att de mest eftertraktade dataseten fanns öppet tillgängliga med undantag för energiutgifter. En modell för energialternativ till lägsta kostnad utvecklad av KTH-dESA har visat sig vara ett kraftfullt verktyg för att kostnadsbedöma en landsomfattande elektrifiering. I en fallstudie för Tanzania jämför denna rapport den genomsnittliga kostnaden för hushåll för en implementering av en sådan elektrifiering med en beräknad genomsnittlig hushållsinkomst. Jämförelsen visade att kostnaden för hushållen som andel av total hushållsinkomst varierar kraftigt mellan regioner. Den genomsnittliga andelen av hushållsinkomsten som skulle läggas på elektricitet i de västra regionerna av Tanzania var betydligt högre jämfört med de centrala och östra regionerna. Jämförelsen kombinerade även detta resultat med den geografiska positionen hos biståndsstödda energiprojekt. vilken visade att majoriteten av dessa projekt fanns i de centrala delarna av landet och inte i de mest utsatta regionerna som präglas av låg genomsnittlig inkomst och långa avstånd till det nationella kraftnätet. För att framgångsrikt kunna genomföra en landsomfattande elektrifiering behöver mer stöd ges till dessa regioner. Aggregation av öppen data och koordinering är nyckeln till att framgångsrikt utveckla GIS som stöd vid framtida energiprojekt som syftar till att ge fler tillgång till elektricitet. Trots att flertalet datakällor kunde identifieras är dessa spridda vilket leder till att data behöver samlas in gång på gång. Koordinerade insatser för att öka möjligheten till att dela redan insamlad öppen och uppdaterad data kan bidra till att minska transaktionskostnader och därmed minska energifattigdomen

Parametric Analysis of Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in a Building Located in Different Climate Regions

Patsatzis, Nikolaos January 2022 (has links)
One of the biggest challenges of a residential building, when it is designed, is to be energy efficient and to provide simultaneously many hours of thermal comfort throughout the year. So, this was the scope of this thesis: to perform a parametric analysis of thermal comfort and energy efficiency in a house that was designed for the climate of Gotland in Sweden. After that, modifications were introduced to the base model and each scenario was checked for the geographical locations of Thessaloniki, Greece and Barcelona, Spain, in order to decide what option is better. The modifications to the base model were changes in the structure of the external wall (insulation materials and total width), the insulation of the internal wall, the thermal bridges (set to good), the windows (3-pane glazing, schedule opening, external window shading, integrated shading), the installation of HVAC system, photovoltaics with efficiencies 15%, 17% and 22% and the introduction of chimney. Based on the results, the Gotland scenario that included the base model plus the modifications of the external and internal wall, HVAC system, PVs with 22% and external window shading increased the energy use by 18.7% but improved the thermal comfort as the yearly hours of dissatisfaction reduced to 22 from 882, compared to the base model. Similar results were taken from the case with the integrated shading in which the energy increased to 19.3%, but the hours of dissatisfaction declined to 24 throughout the year. Regarding only the energy cost of the house, the best location is Barcelona (without cooling). Nevertheless, when considering the overall thermal comfort, the best place for the house is Gotland, as the building was designed for the cold environment of Sweden and not the hot weather of the other southern cities.

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