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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

České básnířky v exilu / Czech women poets in exile

NĚMEČKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
After the introductory chapters dealing with problematics of living abroad including memories of writers and non-writers, the thesis presents literary (especially lyrical) work of women writers who have decided to live beyond the borders of Czechoslovakia between years 1968-1989. This requires reflection of the whole context of post-war period. The attention is primarily focused on topics, motifs and instruments of poetic language that are present or absent in the chosen collections of poetry and on their potential changeability as well. There are also discussed the causes of exile or emigration of poetesses as well as other hypothetical effects on their work that are based on socio-cultural events. The final chapter outlines the situation after the year 1989 when some of poetesses have chosen the comeback to their motherland, some of them have stayed abroad or they have decided for life that does not have to consist of decision for a single country.

A conspiracy of love : exile and the double Heroides

Lacki, Glenn Christopher January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Frente Brasileño de Informaciones e Campanha: os jornais de brasileiros exilados no Chile e na França (1968-1979) / Frente Brasileño de Informaciones and Campanha: journals produced by Brazilians exiles in Chile and France (1968-1973)

Fabio Lucas da Cruz 11 August 2010 (has links)
A pesquisa analisa periódicos produzidos por brasileiros exilados no Chile entre 1968 e 1973, com o objetivo de identificar como esses intelectuais concebiam o Brasil e a América Latina a partir das experiências do exílio e das revisões das concepções teóricas que regiam a ação dos grupos de esquerda. Foram selecionados para análise os periódicos com maior duração e circulação: o Frente Brasileño de Informaciones, publicado entre 1968 e 1973 pelo Comitê de Denúncia de Repressão no Brasil, e o Campanha, produzido a partir de 1972 pelo grupo de esquerda Fração Bolchevique. Embora apresentassem posicionamentos políticos distintos, ambos debatiam as complexas transformações do exílio e possibilitavam a troca de informações e ideias entre os grupos de brasileiros presentes no Chile, no Brasil e na Europa. Após a implantação do regime militar chileno em 1973, que obrigou os brasileiros a partirem para um novo exílio, o Campanha reapareceu em Paris e passou a apresentar artigos que evidenciavam uma grande alteração de perspectivas sobre a realidade latino-americana e sobre os projetos revolucionários discutidos e conduzidos a partir do exílio. A pesquisa também analisa a trajetória desse periódico em Paris para observar qual foi o impacto da vivência do exílio no Chile e do golpe militar de 1973 para a redefinição das concepções e estratégias de ação do grupo que o produzia. Por meio da análise dos textos e imagens dos impressos produzidos no Chile e também do Campanha após sua reorganização em 1974, almeja-se identificar quais alterações ocorreram nas diferentes abordagens sobre o exílio, o Brasil, a América Latina e a Esquerda. A pesquisa estende-se até o ano de 1979, quando os exilados começam a retornar ao Brasil, intensificando os debates sobre a redemocratização e a reinserção numa sociedade por tanto tempo imaginada e muito distante da realidade que viriam encontrar. / The research analyzes journals produced by Brazilians exiles in Chile between 1968 and 1973, aiming to identify how these intellectuals understood Brazil and Latin America according to the experiences of exile and the reviews of the theoretical concepts that guide the actions of leftist groups. Two journals that have greater duration and circulation were selected for the analysis: Frente Brasileño de Informaciones, published between 1968 and 1973 by the Comitê de Denúncia e Repressão no Brasil, and Campanha, produced in 1972 by a group denominated Fração Bolchevique. Although they presented different political positions, both debated the complex transformations from exile and made possible the exchange of information and ideas between groups of Brazilians present in Chile, Brazil and Europe. After the implementation of the Chilean military regime in 1973, which forced the Brazilian to leave for a new exile, Campanha reappeared in Paris and began to submit articles that demonstrate a significant change in perspectives on the Latin American reality and about the revolutionary projects discussed and led from exile. The survey also examines the trajectory of this journal in Paris to see how the impact of living in exile in Chile and the military coup of 1973 redefine the concepts and action strategies of the group that produced it. Through analysis of texts and images of printed materials produced in Chile and also from Campanha after its reorganization in 1974, we aim to identify what changes occurred in the different approaches on exile, Brazil, Latin America and the Left. The research extends to the year 1979, when the exiles began to return to Brazil, intensifying the debate on democratization and reintegration in society for so long imagined and far from reality that they would find.

A multiplicidade de vozes no salmo 137 / The multiplicity of voices un psalm 137

Miriam Kleingesinds Rachmann 29 November 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a análise do salmo 137. Apontamos quais são os sujeitos falantes neste salmo identificando, então, uma multiplicidade de vozes. Comentaristas e exegetas bíblicos analisam estas vozes sob diferentes perspectivas. Propomos apresentar um paralelo destas interpretações , assim como também analisar o modo como tais vozes estão organizadas no salmo de forma que, mesmo com múltiplos falantes, o poema convirja para um único ponto de vista, formando a unicidade do salmo: o lamento pelo exílio e as possíveis réplicas para a crise instaurada. / This paper presents the analysis of Psalm 137. Pointed out which are the subject identifying speakers in this psalm, then a multiplicity of voices. Biblical exegetes and commentators analyze these voices from different perspectives. We propose a parallel display of these interpretations, as well as examine how these voices are arranged so that in the psalm, even with multiple speakers, the poem converge to a single point of view, forming the unity of the psalm: the lament for the exile and possible replies to the crisis brought.

Vintilă Horia, exil et création / Vintilă Horia, exile and creation / Vintila Horia, exil si crea

Costin, Alina-Elena 25 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’analyser la relation entre l’exil, la création littéraire et leslangues d’écritures dans l’oeuvre de Vintila Horia. Les méthodes que nous avons utilisées – lacomparaison de quelques exemples célèbres d’exils, l’analyse thématique et psychanalytiquedes romans, l’application aux textes de Horia des nouvelles théories concernant le personnageet l’écrivain comme personnage, tout cela signale l’interdisciplinarité et désigne la pluralité denotre domaine d’étude, à savoir la littérature de l’exil. Le corpus comprend les romans Dieuest né en exil, Le Chevalier de la résignation, Persécutez Boèce !, Une Femme pourl’Apocalypse, Les Impossibles, Le Voyage à San Marcos, La Septième lettre et Les Clefs ducrépuscule. Nous y avons ajouté des textes non fictionnels tels le Journal d’un paysan duDanube et des fragments de la correspondance de l’auteur avec son frère, de même que desarticles de presse, et des textes fictionnels qui ne s’inscrivaient pas du point de vuelinguistique à notre démarche, mais qui révèlent l’unité de l’oeuvre.Le fil conducteur de notre thèse est l’exil, étudié dans ses aspects multiples ; enparticulier nous avons surtout insisté sur le fait que l’exil déclenche et stimule la création. Deplus, l’exil apparaît comme un élément diffus, insinué dans les oeuvres, au point que saprésence ne se révèle pas toujours de la même manière.Dans la première partie, l’exil est présenté comme concept qui nécessite unedéfinition ou une redéfinition, selon plusieurs perspectives. L’analyse de l’exil (considérécomme réalité objective sociopolitique, psychologique et littéraire) procède d’une certainetradition européenne de l’exil ; elle est représentée par les Russes et par les Allemands. Cesdeux exemples se distinguent non seulement du point de vue quantitatif, mais aussi du pointde vue qualitatif. Aussi ont-ils servi de base à une démarche inductive qui tache de construireune théorie de l’exil en littérature, susceptible ensuite de s’appliquer, de manière déductive,au cas roumain, en particulier au cas de Vintila Horia.La deuxième partie est l’étude de cas induite précédemment. Le « portrait » de Horiaest réalisé à partir de ses propres textes, ce qui évite l’introduction d’une biographietraditionnelle dans la thèse et rend compte de la direction de recherche adoptée. L’intérêt decette partie est d’observer l’évolution identitaire et linguistique de l’individu Vintila Horiadans sa vie personnelle et surtout dans sa vie d’écrivain. Le plurilinguisme de sa création y estconçu comme un intermédiaire entre sa brève existence monolingue et sa francophoniepotentielle.La dernière partie s’appuie davantage sur les textes de Horia. Le roman Dieu est néen exil y occupe une place centrale, mais son analyse n’occulte pas l’importance d’autrestextes de l’écrivain et qui relèvent de sa préoccupation pour les problèmes théoriques de lacréation romanesque. Le dernier chapitre (qui propose une lecture nouvelle de l’oeuvre deHoria) est constitué de deux parties entre lesquelles l’analyse des romans se fait de manièrecontinue mais selon des perspectives différentes. Le point de départ de la première partieréside dans l’observation des pouvoirs bénéfiques de l’écriture sur l’existence de l’exilé. Acette occasion sont pris en compte d’autres moyens à travers lesquels l’exilé se défend contrela peine résultant de sa nouvelle condition. Le fonctionnement de ces moyens est suivi au6niveau des textes littéraires. Dans la seconde partie du chapitre les questions de l’écriture et del’écrivain deviennent centrales. Par les thèmes abordés – celui du personnage-écrivain et celuide la présence de l’auteur au niveau de son texte – Horia se révèle comme un auteur moderne,malgré l’air archaïque de son oeuvre. / The objective of this study is to analyze the connection between exile, literarycreation and the languages used by Vintila Horia in his works. The methodology of thepresent study – based on the comparison of several famous exile cases, the thematic andpsychoanalytic analysis of the novels, the application of the new theories about the writer as acharacter to Horia’s work – indicates the interdisciplinary and plural nature of our field ofstudy, which is the literature of exile. The corpus consists of the following novels: Dieu est néen exil, Le Chevalier de la résignation, Persécutez Boèce !, Une Femme pour l’Apocalypse,Les Impossibles, Le Voyage à San Marcos, La Septième lettre and Les Clefs du crépuscule. Tothese, we have added some non fictional texts such as Journal d’un paysan du Danube, somepassages of the correspondence between the author and this brother, some press articles andfinally some fictional texts that were linguistically separated from the rest of our corpus, butwere chosen for their capacity of proving the unity of the work.Our study was built around the concept of exile, studied in its multiple forms, ofwhich we chose to insist on the one that represents this phenomenon as an initiator and animpulse of the human creative attitude. The exile is conceived in our research as an elementdiffused into the works in various manners, thus requiring different approaches.In the first section exile appears as a concept in search of its own definition,approached from different perspectives. The analysis of the exile (as an objective,sociopolitical, psychological and literary reality) was based on the existence of a tradition ofexile in Europe, best represented by the Russian and the German case. These two exampleswere distinguished not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. That is why they were usedin the developing of an inductive approach that was aimed at the discovery of a theory on theliterature of exile, to be subsequently used for the description of the Romanian exile,especially that of Vintila Horia.The second section is the case study previously announced. The „portrait” of Horia iscreated on the basis of his own texts, which gives us the opportunity to offer a less traditionalform of biography. It also indicates the direction of our research. This section has focused onthe development of Vintila Horia – as a man and as a writer – seen under the aspects oflanguage and identity. The plurilingualism of his creation is designed as an intermediarybetween his short monolingual existence and his potential Francophony.7The third and last section is based even to a greater extent on the author’s texts. Dieuest né en exil helds a central position in this process, yet its analysis does not reduce theimportance of other texts, that refer to the author’s interest in theoretical matters of the literarycreation, especially that of the novel. The last chapter is composed by two parts connected bythe analysis of the novels undertaken from different perspectives. The starting point of thefirst part is the observation of the positive effects of writing on the exile. On this occasion westudied some means of defense used by the exile in order to face his new existence. Wesearched and examined these elements at text’s level. The second part of the chapter focusedon the matters of writing and writer. The topics present in Horia’s novels – the writer as acharacter and the presence of the author in the text itself – reveal a modern writer, in spite ofthe archaic appearance of his work.

Los que se quedan : non-migrant experiences of emigration, absence and diaspora in contemporary Cuba

O'Shea, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
Fundamentally, this thesis explores emigration, exile and diaspora as central experiences of contemporary Cuban society and culture but, crucially, understands the processes of experience as lived mutually and simultaneously by both those who emigrate and those who do not. Through interviews conducted in Cuba, the biographical narratives of those who have not emigrated serve to interrogate some assumptions that characterise the study of Cuba and attempt to account for the complexity of the Cuban cultural encounter with emigration, exile and diaspora since 1959. A generational approach is employed to better understand how the absence of family members, friends, colleagues and compatriots has been experienced over several generations of Cubans living on the island. Intertwined discourses of migration mediate various iterations of national, family and interpersonal relationships through complex and often conflictive emotional and psychological processes of separation and absence over time. The manner in which the absences of those who have left are articulated in the imaginations of those who have stayed can cast a certain degree of illumination upon how exile and emigration have been lived in contemporary Cuba, not exclusively as political or economic experiences, but as nuanced social and cultural experiences of diaspora.

<em>¡Che gallego!:</em> Relaciones transatlánticas entre Galicia y Argentina en el siglo XX

Suárez Garcia, Fabio 07 March 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is focused on demonstrating the strong influence that Galician immigrants exerted on the Argentinian society at the beginning of the 20th century. In this transatlantic literary study, the bonds between the old and the new continent will be established by analysing some of the authors who became affected by immigration and exile conditions: Xosé Neira Vilas, Luis Seoane and Alfonso Rodríguez Castelao. The thesis will also examine the Argentinian literature related to immigration, and how some relevant authors accepted or rejected stereotyping. Both views, the one from exiles and the one from local authors, were blended in order to study the mutual influence that both cultures have had upon each other. There has not been much research regarding literary links between Galician and Argentinian authors, therefore the main purpose of this work is to search for connections among different writers from both sides of the Atlantic. In addition, the thesis analyses the importance of mainstream ideas such as nation, transnationalism and transculturation, and how these concepts have changed throughout history due to common experiences of migration and exile.

Post–exilic an old South African returns to the new South Africa

Devereux, Stephen January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This portfolio of poems, prose poems and short fiction pieces is quasi-autobiographical and tracks the trajectory of my life, from childhood in Cape Town (‘pre-exilic’) to emigration abroad (‘exilic’) and return to Cape Town in late middle age (‘post-exilic’). Themes explored include the deceptive nature of memory and the risk of imbuing a childhood recollected in later life with affective or narrative nostalgia; the psychologically dislocating nature of exile on personal identity and notions of home; and Cape Town as both an imaginary construct and a multi-layered reality: specifically, ‘my’ Cape Town – now as well as half a century ago – and ‘other’ Cape Towns, reflecting a diversity of highly unequal experiences within this city. The dominant mode of expression chosen to explore these largely personal themes is confessional.

Lumen Obscurum: late illuminations of Aleksander Wat

Leigh-Valles, Alissa Z. 04 June 2021 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation is to provide an English-language edition of the poems written by Aleksander Wat in the last five years of his life (1962-1967), with annotations elucidating the complex literary, intellectual, historical and religious context and publication history of the poems, as well as an extensive biographical-critical essay examining the circumstances in which the poems arose - including political exile, physical pain, and philosophical doubt - and the triad of aesthetic, ethical and spiritual concerns that dominated the poet's final years. The essay also considers the problems of translation posed by Wat's poetry, the role in shaping his corpus and reputation played by Wat's widow Ola, the poet Czeslaw Milosz, and the art by Jan Lebenstein used for Wat's book covers. The essay proposes a broader intellectual framework for the understanding of Wat's life and work that draws on Kierkegaard and Jewish studies. The main body of the translations consists of poems of 1962-1967 that Wat published in his posthumous volume Ciemne Świecidło (Lumen Obscurum) and poems written in the same period but not included in the book, some of which were subsequently published in periodicals. The dissertation also includes a basic chronology of Wat's life and contemporary events and a list of the poems translated in the order in which they were composed, to the extent this can be determined from available sources.

Exiled As The Ship Itself: Liminality And Transnational Identity In Malcolm Lowry's Ultramarine, Under The Volcano, And Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid

Tricker, Spencer 01 January 2012 (has links)
The themes of empire, nationality, and self-imposed exile constitute underexplored topics in critical discussions of modernist author Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957). Until recently, most academic studies have approached his work from biographical, mythological, and psychoanalytic perspectives. While a few studies have performed historical readings of his novels, such investigations tend, primarily, to focus on his engagement with western literary and theoretical movements of the early twentieth century. Of the few studies that address the cross-cultural reach of his novels, most are limited to discussions of Mexican history and traditions, thus prioritizing a specific geographical region when they might, instead, illuminate the author’s career-long engagement with cultural developments on a world scale—historical realignments triggered by wartime anxieties and the impending dissolution of the British Empire. Employing an interpretive framework that synthesizes postcolonial theory, cultural anthropology, and contemporary theories of the transnational, I demonstrate how the exile-heroes of three of Lowry’s novels—Ultramarine (1933), Under the Volcano (1947), and Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend is Laid (1968)—struggle to navigate the experience of social liminality, dramatizing, in the process, an increasingly fraught relationship between English expatriates and imperial models of English national identity. Rejecting the well-known mythical hero’s cyclical quest, so often culminating in a triumphant return to society, the Lowrian exile-hero, instead, remains in a liminal state, emblematizing, through persistent cultural questioning, a transnational concept of identity that resists institutionally prescribed models of thought and behavior.

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