Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FALSE SELF"" "subject:"[enn] FALSE SELF""
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The Relationship of False Self Behavior to Object Relations, Attachment, and AdjustmentSelby, Christine Louise Buntrock 08 1900 (has links)
The focus of this investigation is to assess the relationship between false self behavior, object relations and attachment variables, and adjustment. Theory suggests that object relations and attachment are interrelated, and have been independently linked to psychological consequences. Theory also postulates a relationship between false self behavior and object relations theory. Given the interrelatedness of object relations and attachment theory it is possible that false self behavior may also be linked to attachment variables. While the relationship between object relations and false self behavior seems to have been established object relations theory and attachment theory have not been studied in tandem as related to false self behavior. In addition, this investigation will explore the relationship of adjustment variables to attachment and object relations variables. Undergraduate males and females will be solicited for participation, and will be asked to complete self-report questionnaires measuring false self behavior, object relations, attachment, and adjustment. The primary research hypothesis is that less false self behavior will be related to mature object relations, secure attachment, and fewer symptoms.
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Communication familiale, construction en faux-self et cancer du sein. / Family communication, false self-construction and breast cancerHamelin-Brelet, Pascale 04 June 2012 (has links)
Objet : Dans le champ de la psychologie clinique et, plus particulièrement, dans le champ de la psychosomatique, cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude de liens potentiels complexes, non linéaires, entre une communication familiale défaillante,une construction psychique en faux-self et la survenue d’un cancer du sein à l’âge adulte. Méthode : Les données utilisées ont été recueillies auprès de 50 patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein. Trois entretiens semi directifs et un test de Rorschach complétés par la grille simplifiée des risques psychosomatique du Pr Stora nous ont servi d’outils.Résultats : La grille des risques psychosomatiques nous permis d’identifier trois groupes : léger, modéré, sévère. Nous constatons que, si les résultats des entretiens ne sont éloquents que pour le groupe sévère, les données du test de Rorschach, quant à elles, dévoilent pour l’ensemble de notre population une spécificité. Cette spécificité est caractérisée par une fragilité de l’enveloppe corporelle avec problématique d’intégrité corporelle et retentissement sur le sentiment identitaire et , également, par une socialisation difficile, voire limite. La totalité de nos sujets présente une personnalité avec structure psychique en faux-self. / Subject : In the field of clinical psychology and, more particularly, in the field of psychosomatic, this thesis aims is to investigate potential and complex linkages, nonlinear, between a defective family communication, a psychic construction in false self and the occurrence of breast cancer in adulthood. Method : Data were collected from 50 patients with breast cancer. Three semistructured interviews and a Rorschach test complemented by the risk psychosomatic assessment grid simplified of Pr Stora we have used tools.Results : The risk psychosomatic grid helped identify three groups : mild, moderate, severe. We not that if the interview results are eloquent than severe for the group, data from the Rorschach test, in turn, reveal the whole of our population specificity. This specificity is characterized by fragility of the body envelope with problems relating to the physical integrity and impact on the sense of identity and also by socialization difficult or limited. All our subjects presented a personality psychic structure in false self
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O conceito de falso si-mesmo na teoria do amadurecimento pessoal de D. W. Winnicott / The concept of false self in D. W. Winnicott´s theory of personal maturationGalvan, Gabriela Bruno 18 April 2013 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo sistematizar e analisar o conceito de falso si-mesmo na teoria do amadurecimento pessoal de D. W. Winnicott e mostrar que esse conceito contribui para a compreensão da saúde e do adoecimento psíquico nas diversas etapas do desenvolvimento. O falso si-mesmo patológico foi compreendido como uma organização defensiva que se origina de um padrão de falhas na facilitação ambiental relativo ao início do contato com a realidade compartilhada tarefa fundamental que se impõe ao bebê no começo da vida e raiz da capacidade de se relacionar saudavelmente com o mundo externo ao longo da existência. Foi avaliado que o falso si-mesmo caminha na direção da patologia, pois implica uma cisão da personalidade e vários níveis de perda da espontaneidade e do sentido pessoal do viver, base da saúde psíquica em Winnicott. O lactente, imaturo e extremamente dependente dos cuidados maternos, precisa que a mãe lhe apresente o mundo de acordo com a necessidade dele, complementando o seu gesto espontâneo. A mãe falha ao apresentar o mundo ao bebê fora de seu ritmo, de maneira alheia a seu gesto, impondo um padrão próprio dela, que desconsidera a pessoa do bebê. Isto configura uma invasão, uma descontinuidade do existir, perda da espontaneidade e da capacidade de criar o mundo a partir do si-mesmo pessoal e verdadeiro. Considerou-se que o bebê, a fim de preservar o si-mesmo verdadeiro e protegê-lo para não ser definitivamente violado ou aniquilado, opera a cisão entre o verdadeiro si-mesmo fonte da espontaneidade e o falso si-mesmo, que se adapta e se relaciona com as exigências do mundo externo tal qual se apresentam. O bebê se submete ao padrão materno e torna-se reativo. O falso si mesmo pode ser descrito como um padrão de reatividade em oposição à espontaneidade, e a articulação dessas duas maneiras de se relacionar com a realidade externa envolvem graus diversos de saúde ou de doença psíquica. Procedeu-se a uma análise dos graus de cisão entre o verdadeiro e o falso si-mesmo e concluiu-se que, nessa perspectiva, a saúde psíquica não pode ser avaliada considerando-se a adequação de uma pessoa à realidade externa; e que é a combinatória de fatores como a precocidade da irrupção da externalidade antes da prontidão do bebê, o tipo de falha materna que se estabelece como padrão e a o grau de perda de contato com o impulso pessoal, que comporá os diversos distúrbios relativos ao falso si-mesmo / The objective of this study is to systematize and analyze the concept of false self in D. W. Winnicotts theory of personal maturation and show that this concept contributes for the comprehension of health and psychic illness on the diverse steps of development. The pathological false self was presented as a defensive organization that is originated by a pattern of flaws in the facilitating environment during the beginning of the contact with the shared reality a fundamental task that imposes itself on the baby at the start of life and is the root of the capacity to relate healthily with the external world throughout existence. It was evaluated that the false self walks toward the pathology, as it implicates a personality scission and the loss of various levels of spontaneity and the personal sense of living, the base of the mental health for Winnicott. The newborn, immature and extremely dependent of maternal care, needs the mother to introduce him to the world accordingly to his need, complementing his spontaneous gesture. The mother fails when introducing the world to the baby not following his rhythm, not considering his gesture, imposing her own pattern that does not consider the newborns person. That configures an invasion, a discontinuity of existing, the loss of spontaneity and the loss of the capacity to create the world based on the personal and true self. It was considered that the baby, in order to preserve the true self and protect it from being definitely violated or extinguished, operates the scission between the true self the spontaneity source and the false self, that adapts itself and relates to the requirements of the external world as they are presented. The baby submits to the maternal pattern and becomes reactive. The false self can be described as a reactivity pattern as opposed to spontaneity, and the articulation of these two manners of relating with the external reality involve diverse degrees of psychic health or illness. From an analysis of the degrees of scission between the true and the false self, it is concluded that, in this perspective, the mental health cannot be evaluated considering a persons adequacy to the external reality; and that it is the combinatorial of factors, as the earliness of the externalitys outbreak prior to the babys readiness, the type of maternal flaw that establishes itself as pattern and the degree of contact with the personal impulse loss, that will compose the diverse disorders related to the false self
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De que cor será sentir? : método psicanalítico na psicoseCosta, Marina de Oliveira 10 December 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-10 / This paper aims to describe and discuss the tortuous paths of the psychoanalytic method when dealing with institutionalized psychotic patients. Starting from a liaison between literature, poetry and painting, the author seeks to understand the difficulties of establishing a regressive process engaged in the work of rescuing the split parts of the self after a psychotic explosion. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how the need for a modification of the technique can be put at the service of the time of holding, if we able to recognize the fundamental role of image in the experience, as archaic language in early problems, and as a possibility of communication and transformation in psychosis. This includes the possibility of exploring this time of holding, without becoming pure handling and, indeed, without losing the name of psychoanalysis, as Winnicott2 said in relation to what, when and how to do, based on clinical experience. Through fragments of a clinical case treated by the author for almost eight years in a mental institution, she tries to understand the listening of images revealed by painting as a way of thinking directly connected not only to the unconscious mechanisms and fantasies of the person being analyzed, but also with points of fracture in his functioning. Along the way, the association of emerging images, supported by the analyst, promotes the approach of some of the contents deeply cleaved by the patient, who becomes able to fill the absence of that which could not become psychic. On this journey the author found herself accompanied by several authors interested in the field of modified analysis with difficult patients, such as Winnicott and Ferenczi, and in the question of figurability, such as Antonino Ferro, Gaetano Benedetti, the couple Botella and René Roussillon, as well as national authors, researchers in those fields of interest such as Alfredo Naffah Neto, Luis Cláudio Figueiredo, Daniel Kuperman and others / RESUMO Esta dissertação se propõe a descrever e problematizar os caminhos tortuosos do método psicanalítico, quando tratamos de pacientes psicóticos em instituição. Procuro compreender, a partir de uma articulação com a literatura, com a poesia e com a pintura, quais as dificuldades de se estabelecer um processo regressivo empenhado no trabalho de resgate de partes cindidas do sujeito, após uma explosão psicótica. O objetivo desse trabalho é ilustrar como a necessidade de uma modificação da técnica, pode se colocar a serviço desse tempo de sustentação, se pudermos reconhecer o papel fundante da imagem na experiência, como linguagem arcaica na problemática precoce, como possibilidade de comunicação e transformação na psicose. Isso inclui a possibilidade de explorarmos esse tempo de holding, sem tornar-se puro manejo e, na verdade, sem perder o nome de psicanálise, como nos disse Winnicott1 em relação ao que, quando e como fazer, a partir da experiência clínica. Através de fragmentos de um caso clínico acompanhado por quase oito anos em instituição psiquiátrica, procura-se compreender a escuta das imagens reveladas pela pintura como um modo de pensar diretamente conectado, não só com os mecanismos e fantasmas inconscientes do analisando, mas com os pontos de fratura em seu funcionamento. Durante o percurso, a associação de imagens emergentes, sustentada pela analista, promove a aproximação de alguns conteúdos profundamente clivados pelo paciente e vai se tornando capaz de preencher a ausência do que não pôde se tornar psíquico. Neste caminho encontro-me acompanhada de diversos autores interessados no campo da análise modificada com pacientes difíceis, como Winnicott e Ferenczi, e na problemática da figurabilidade, tais como Antonino Ferro, Gaetano Benedetti, o casal Botella e René Roussillon, além de autores nacionais pesquisadores desses campos, como Alfredo Naffah Neto, Luis Cláudio Figueiredo, Daniel Kupermann e outros estudiosos do assunto
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O lugar do borderline em Winnicott / The place of borderline in WinnicottJacques, Sabrina 25 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / The patient with borderline personality disorder is considered exemplary of contemporary psychoanalysis. The lack of research about the causes of this pathology and the treatment for patients, affects the scientific development of this condition. This research identifies the groundwork of Andr? Green's thesis, which determines that Winnicott s theory formed the basis to understand patients with borderline personality. However, Winnicott s theory is dispersed and presented in an ambiguous manner. This thesis aims to understand what Winnicott s core research was in relation to the development of borderline personality disorder. Also, it will identify where this pathology is situated in the diagnostic spectrum for patient with this disorder. The conclusion is that borderline personality disorder has a place within the category of psychosis, distinct from schizophrenia but encompasses all kind of false self and schizoid pathologies. / O paciente borderline ? considerado exemplar da cl?nica contempor?nea. Entretanto, a falta de consenso em torno desta patologia e do tratamento desses indiv?duos s?o prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento cient?fico. Esta pesquisa, de natureza te?rica, teve como ponto de partida a tese de Andr? Green de que Winnicott ? o psicanalista do borderline. No entanto, suas contribui??es encontram-se esparsas em sua obra e apresentadas de forma nebulosa e amb?gua. Este trabalho objetivou, ent?o, compreender de que fala Winnicott quando se refere ao dist?rbio borderline e qual o lugar que esta patologia ocupa no seu modo de entender a classifica??o diagn?stica. A conclus?o ? a de que o borderline ocupa um lugar dentro da categoria das psicoses, distinta da esquizofrenia, mas que engloba todas as patologias do tipo falso self e do tipo esquizoide.
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Aspergers Syndrom och Psykodynamisk Psykoterapi / Asperger Syndrome and Psychodynamic PsychotherapyOlson, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
Att ha diagnosen Aspergers syndrom innebär bl a sociala problem och psykisk sårbarhet. Denna kvalitativa studie omfattar intervjuer med fyra psykoterapeuter och en psykolog, som har erfarenhet av att behandla personer med Aspergers syndrom. Syftet med studien är att undersöka psykoterapeuters syn på psykodynamisk psykoterapi med personer med Asperger syndrom. Frågeställningarna har varit: hur lägger man upp en terapeutisk behandling för personer med Aspergers syndrom? Vilka aspekter inom terapin med personer med Aspergers syndrom är viktiga för behandlingen? Studien visar att teraputerna arbetar utifrån olika psykodynamiska teorier. Terapeuten behöver också ha stora kunskaper om funktionshindret. Att terapeuten har kunskap om vilka effekter funktionshindret har på personer med Asperger syndrom medför att viktiga komponenter som bemötande och arbetsallians möjliggörs och som är grunden för ett fortsatt behandlingsarbete. Vidare anses det viktigt att ta hänsyn till den specifika livssituation och historia som personer med Aspergers syndrom har, eftersom tidigare erfarenheter har betydelse för hur patienten handlar, reagerar och förstår sina livsmönster i nuet. Samtliga terapeuter betonar att personer med Aspergers syndrom i behandlingen har förbättrat sitt sociala samspel. Dessutom tycks det som att det fordras mycket av terapeuten i behandlingen med denna målgrupp eftersom det är långa behandlingar och att det är känslomässigt påfrestande att arbeta med personer med Aspergers. / To be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome involves among other social problems and psychological vulnerability. The sample consists of four psychotherapists and one psychologist, who have experience in treating people with Asperger syndrome. The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychotherapists’ view of psychodynamic psychotherapy with people with Asperger syndrome. Questions have been; How do you set up a therapeutic treatment for people with Asperger's syndrome? What aspects in therapy with people with Asperger syndrome are important to the treatment? The study shows that therapists work from various psychodynamic theories. The therapist must also have vast knowledge of the disability. The therapist’s knowledge of the effects disability has on people with Asperger syndrome causes the key components that touch and working alliance is made possible and is the basis for continuing treatment work. Furthermore, it is important to take into account the specific situation in life and history that people with Asperger syndrome have, because past experience is relevant to how the patient react and understand their patterns of life in the present. All therapists stress that people with Asperger syndrome in treatment have improved their social interaction. Moreover, it seems that it requires a lot of the therapist in the treatment with this audience, because it is long treatments and that it is emotionally stressful to work with people with Asperger's
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Losing Sight of Ourselves: Applying Durkheim. Giddens, Baudrillard and Vaknin to Reality TelevisionCollins, Megan Elizabeth 2010 December 1900 (has links)
An application of theory to various reality television shows in order to discuss the emergence and encouragement of the false self in our society is the focus of this work. Toddlers and Tiaras, Hoarders and Sister Wives are the three television shows that will be analyzed by using content analysis in order to examine the effects of consumerism, narcissism and the emergence of the false self.
The limitless character of the economy coupled with narcissism and an increased focus on the self contributes to the development of the false self within the individual. People may not even be aware of the push to be narcissistic, focused on our own biographies and self-promotion, yet people are aware of their suffering and unhappiness. Many individuals are left questioning why it is that they are never completely satisfied even as they accumulate notoriety, success, material wealth and possessions. An ideology of greatness and being the best is found in so many avenues of our daily lives, and at times it can be overwhelming, and if we do not possess these skills and qualities we are encouraged to just fake it.
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O conceito de falso si-mesmo na teoria do amadurecimento pessoal de D. W. Winnicott / The concept of false self in D. W. Winnicott´s theory of personal maturationGabriela Bruno Galvan 18 April 2013 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo sistematizar e analisar o conceito de falso si-mesmo na teoria do amadurecimento pessoal de D. W. Winnicott e mostrar que esse conceito contribui para a compreensão da saúde e do adoecimento psíquico nas diversas etapas do desenvolvimento. O falso si-mesmo patológico foi compreendido como uma organização defensiva que se origina de um padrão de falhas na facilitação ambiental relativo ao início do contato com a realidade compartilhada tarefa fundamental que se impõe ao bebê no começo da vida e raiz da capacidade de se relacionar saudavelmente com o mundo externo ao longo da existência. Foi avaliado que o falso si-mesmo caminha na direção da patologia, pois implica uma cisão da personalidade e vários níveis de perda da espontaneidade e do sentido pessoal do viver, base da saúde psíquica em Winnicott. O lactente, imaturo e extremamente dependente dos cuidados maternos, precisa que a mãe lhe apresente o mundo de acordo com a necessidade dele, complementando o seu gesto espontâneo. A mãe falha ao apresentar o mundo ao bebê fora de seu ritmo, de maneira alheia a seu gesto, impondo um padrão próprio dela, que desconsidera a pessoa do bebê. Isto configura uma invasão, uma descontinuidade do existir, perda da espontaneidade e da capacidade de criar o mundo a partir do si-mesmo pessoal e verdadeiro. Considerou-se que o bebê, a fim de preservar o si-mesmo verdadeiro e protegê-lo para não ser definitivamente violado ou aniquilado, opera a cisão entre o verdadeiro si-mesmo fonte da espontaneidade e o falso si-mesmo, que se adapta e se relaciona com as exigências do mundo externo tal qual se apresentam. O bebê se submete ao padrão materno e torna-se reativo. O falso si mesmo pode ser descrito como um padrão de reatividade em oposição à espontaneidade, e a articulação dessas duas maneiras de se relacionar com a realidade externa envolvem graus diversos de saúde ou de doença psíquica. Procedeu-se a uma análise dos graus de cisão entre o verdadeiro e o falso si-mesmo e concluiu-se que, nessa perspectiva, a saúde psíquica não pode ser avaliada considerando-se a adequação de uma pessoa à realidade externa; e que é a combinatória de fatores como a precocidade da irrupção da externalidade antes da prontidão do bebê, o tipo de falha materna que se estabelece como padrão e a o grau de perda de contato com o impulso pessoal, que comporá os diversos distúrbios relativos ao falso si-mesmo / The objective of this study is to systematize and analyze the concept of false self in D. W. Winnicotts theory of personal maturation and show that this concept contributes for the comprehension of health and psychic illness on the diverse steps of development. The pathological false self was presented as a defensive organization that is originated by a pattern of flaws in the facilitating environment during the beginning of the contact with the shared reality a fundamental task that imposes itself on the baby at the start of life and is the root of the capacity to relate healthily with the external world throughout existence. It was evaluated that the false self walks toward the pathology, as it implicates a personality scission and the loss of various levels of spontaneity and the personal sense of living, the base of the mental health for Winnicott. The newborn, immature and extremely dependent of maternal care, needs the mother to introduce him to the world accordingly to his need, complementing his spontaneous gesture. The mother fails when introducing the world to the baby not following his rhythm, not considering his gesture, imposing her own pattern that does not consider the newborns person. That configures an invasion, a discontinuity of existing, the loss of spontaneity and the loss of the capacity to create the world based on the personal and true self. It was considered that the baby, in order to preserve the true self and protect it from being definitely violated or extinguished, operates the scission between the true self the spontaneity source and the false self, that adapts itself and relates to the requirements of the external world as they are presented. The baby submits to the maternal pattern and becomes reactive. The false self can be described as a reactivity pattern as opposed to spontaneity, and the articulation of these two manners of relating with the external reality involve diverse degrees of psychic health or illness. From an analysis of the degrees of scission between the true and the false self, it is concluded that, in this perspective, the mental health cannot be evaluated considering a persons adequacy to the external reality; and that it is the combinatorial of factors, as the earliness of the externalitys outbreak prior to the babys readiness, the type of maternal flaw that establishes itself as pattern and the degree of contact with the personal impulse loss, that will compose the diverse disorders related to the false self
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar questões acerca do fenômeno esquizoide, principalmente, sua origem, características e alguns desdobramentos na vida psíquica do indivíduo. Para isso, será utilizada a teoria das relações objetais primitivas, com o apoio das formulações teóricas de Fairbairn, Guntrip e Winnicott. As principais contribuições desses três autores serão relacionadas, através do desenvolvimento de uma linha de pensamento que engloba as questões da cisão tripartite do ego de Fairbairn, o retraimento esquizoide segundo Guntrip e a divisão entre verdadeiro e falso self proposta por Winnicott. / [en] This study aims to investigate matters over the schizoid phenomenon, particularly its origins, characteristics and how it unfolds in one’s psychic life. To do so, we have chosen the early object relations theory, with the support of the theoretical formulations led by Fairbairn, Guntrip and Winnicott. The main contributions by these authors will be related through the development of a line of thought involving the matters of the tripartite ego splitting by Fairbairn, Guntrip’s schizoid retreat and the division between the true and false self as proposed by Winnicott.
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[pt] A presente dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o lugar do analista na clínica com
indivíduos que apresentam o risco de suicídio. Para isso, lançamos mão de uma
revisão de literatura e também trazemos breves vinhetas clínicas ao longo do
trabalho. Efetuamos um resgate histórico realizado por George Minois sobre a
problemática do suicídio e como o tema foi abordado ao longo da história. Num
segundo momento recorrermos as reflexões da psiquiatria sobre as psicopatologias,
tão difundidas na atualidade e a forte associação da depressão ao risco de suicídio.
Posteriormente, recorremos a psicanálise inaugurada por Sigmund Freud e sua
contribuição para o tema. Além disso, colhemos as contribuições dos psicanalistas
Sándor Ferenczi e Donald Winnicott sobre a importância do ambiente na
constituição psíquica e falhas ambientais que ocorrem nesse processo. São autores
que nos auxiliaram com o conceito de trauma, clivagem do ego e falhas ambientais
precoces. Por fim, ainda ancorados nas contribuições para os casos difíceis de
Ferenczi e Winnicott, refletimos sobre o lugar do analista e nos debruçamos sob os
conceitos de tato do analista, elasticidade da técnica e da regressão à dependência
no setting analítico, além de destacarmos a importância do holding na clínica com
pacientes que apresentam o risco de suicídio. / [en] This dissertation aims to investigate the role of the analyst in the clinic with
individuals who are at risk of suicide. For this, we make use of a literature review
and also bring brief clinical vignettes throughout the work. We carried out a
historical rescue carried out by George Minois on the problem of suicide and how
the theme was approached throughout history. Secondly, we turn to psychiatry s
reflections on psychopathologies, which are so widespread today, and the strong
association between depression and the risk of suicide. Subsequently, we turn to
psychoanalysis inaugurated by Sigmund Freud and his contribution to the theme.
In addition, we collect the contributions of psychoanalysts Sándor Ferenczi and
Donald Winnicott on the importance of the environment in the psychic constitution
and environmental failures that occur in this process. They are authors who helped
us with the concept of trauma, ego cleavage and early environmental failures.
Finally, still anchored in the contributions to the difficult cases of Ferenczi and
Winnicott, we about the place of the analyst and address the concepts of the
analyst s tact, elasticity of the technique and regression to dependence in the
analytical setting, in addition to highlighting the importance of holding in the clinic
with patients who present the risk of suicide.
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