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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Über die Lösung von elliptischen Randwertproblemen mittels Gebietszerlegungstechniken, Hierarchischer Matrizen und der Methode der finiten Elemente

Drechsler, Florian 11 May 2011 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir einen Löser für elliptische Randwertprobleme. Dazu diskretisieren wir ein Randwertproblem mittels der Methode der finiten Elemente und erhalten ein Gleichungssystem. Mittels Gebietszerlegungstechniken unterteilen wir das Gebiet der Differentialgleichung und können Teilprobleme des Randwertproblems definieren. Durch die Gebietszerlegung wird eine Hierarchie von Zerlegungen definiert, die wir mittels eines Gebietszerlegungsbaumes festhalten. Anhand dieses Baumes definieren wir nun einen Löser für das Randwertproblem. Dabei berechnen wir die verschiedenen Matrizen des Lösers durch den sogenannten HDD-Algorithmus (engl. hierarchical domain decomposition). Die meisten der zu erstellenden Matrizen sind dabei vollbesetzt, weshalb wir sie mittels Hierarchischer Matrizen approximieren. Mit Hilfe der Hierarchischen Matrizen können wir die Matrizen mit einem fast linearen Aufwand erstellen und speichern. Der Aufwand der Matrixoperationen ist ebenfalls fast linear. Damit wir die Hierarchischen Matrizen für den HDD-Algorithmus verwenden können, müssen wir die Technik der Hierarchischen Matrizen erweitern. Unter anderem führen wir eingeschränkte Clusterbäume, eingeschränkte Blockclusterbäume und die verallgemeinerte Addition für Hierarchische Matrizen ein. Zusätzlich führen wir eine neue Clusterbaum-Konstruktion ein, die auf den HDD-Algorithmus zugeschnitten ist. Die Kombination des HDD-Algorithmus mit Hierarchischen Matrizen liefert einen Löser, den wir mit einem fast linearen Aufwand berechnen können. Der Aufwand zur Berechnung einer Lösung sowie der Speicheraufwand ist ebenfalls fast linear. Des Weiteren geben wir noch einige Modifizierungen des HDD-Algorithmus für weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten an. Zusätzlich diskutieren wir die Möglichkeiten der Parallelisierung, denn durch die Verwendung der Gebietszerlegung wird das Randwertproblem in unabhängige Teilprobleme aufgeteilt, die sich sehr gut parallelisieren lassen. Wir schließen die Arbeit mit numerischen Tests ab, die die theoretischen Aussagen bestätigen.

Modèle multi-échelle de la fatigue des lignes d’ancrage câblées pour l’éolien offshore flottant / Multi-scale modeling of the fatigue of mooring wire ropes for floating offshore wind turbines

Bussolati, Federico 26 September 2019 (has links)
La fonction principale des systèmes d'ancrage des éoliennes offshore flottantes est de limiter les mouvements du support. Les lignes d'ancrage qui les composent sont typiquement constituées de chaînes, de câbles aciers, de câbles synthétiques ou d'une combinaison de ces composants.Dans cette thèse, on se concentre sur les câbles en acier qui permettent de réduire le poids et d'augmenter la résistance en tension par rapport aux chaînes. Leur dimensionnement dépend des chargements en tension et flexion, liés aux mouvements du flotteur sous l'action de la mer et du vent.L'objectif de la thèse est le développement d'un nouveau modèle numérique pour prédire la durée de vie en fatigue des câbles d'ancrage d'une éolienne offshore flottante. Il doit notamment simuler les glissements relatifs entre les fils au cours d'une flexion du câble. Des résultats d'essais de tension-flexion de la littérature ont en effet montré que la première rupture est localisée près du plan neutre de flexion, où ces déplacements relatifs sont les plus grands. Cet effet majeur sur la durée de vie du câble n'est pas pris en compte par les lois de fatigue en tension-tension des normes de design offshore actuelles.Il faut aussi remarquer que l'utilisation d'un modèle détaillé de câble dans une démarche de dimensionnement à la fatigue représente un vrai défi. Le nombre élevé d'interactions de contact à modéliser, de l'ordre de plusieurs milliers par mètre de câble, et le grand nombre de cas de chargement rendent ce type de calculs très coûteux.Les chargements qui sont utilisés dans le modèle local de câble sont issus de calculs globaux réalisés à l'aide d'un logiciel multiphysique (Deeplines). Ce logiciel permet de simuler les conditions environnementales (vent, houle, courant) appliquées sur l'ensemble de la structure offshore.Nous montrons que le comportement non linéaire en flexion du câble, lié aux interactions de contact entre les fils, n'influence pas significativement les résultats du modèle global. Cette observation justifie une démarche de type descendante, les calculs globaux pouvant être réalisés en première étape. Les évolutions temporelles des tensions et courbures globales sont appliquées uniformément sur le fil central du modèle local du câble. La continuité du câble est représentée par des conditions de périodicité reliant les sections de bord à des points internes du modèle situés sur la même position circonférentielle. Les fils sont modélisés par des éléments poutres. On obtient les contraintes généralisées sur les fils, les forces de contact et les glissements relatifs. Des premières analyses ont montré que les déplacements relatifs entre les fils restent petits dans notre cadre d'application. Afin de réduire le coût calcul, nous avons développé un nouvel élément de contact entre poutres non parallèles, avec un appariement fixe de contact, dans l'hypothèse de petits glissements mais en grands déplacements et grandes rotations. Des tests numériques montrent l'amélioration obtenue, avec un résultat plus proche d'un modèle de référence qui considère un contact surfacique. De plus, le nouveau modèle réduit significativement le coût calcul et se montre plus robuste en convergence, ce qui s'avère crucial pour un calcul de fatigue. Les sorties du modèle local sont ensuite utilisées pour prédire un état de contrainte 3D, en exploitant des solutions analytiques de contact entre corps cylindriques. Finalement, un critère de fatigue multiaxial de la littérature est appliqué pour évaluer le risque en dommage. / The main function of mooring systems of floating offshore wind turbines is to ensure station keeping. The mooring lines can be composed of chains, wire ropes, synthetic ropes, or even a combination of them. In this thesis we focus on wire ropes, whose advantage over chain is to sustain high tension at a lower weight. Their design must consider the successive tension and bending loading induced by the floater movement for various wind and waves conditions.The thesis purpose is to develop a new numerical model, dedicated to the prediction of fatigue damage in mooring wire ropes of a floating wind turbine. In particular it has to simulate the relative movements between the wires when the rope is bent. Results from free-bending fatigue tests in the literature show the importance of these effects, since the first rupture is localized near the neutral plane, where fretting is more important. This phenomenon affecting the fatigue life is not considered by fatigue criteria of current offshore standards, which are related to tension-tension loading.It is worth noting that the use of a detailed model of wire rope in a fatigue design procedure represents a real challenge. The high number of contact interactions to be modeled, which are several thousands per meter of rope, and the large amount of loading cases make this type of computations extremely time-consuming.The loading used in the developed local model of wire rope is obtained from global computations performed with a dedicated multiphysics software (Deeplines). This software allows to simulate the environmental conditions (wind, waves, current) applied on the whole structural system.Some preliminary computations showed that the nonlinear bending behavior of the wire rope, linked to the wire contact interactions, does not significantly affect the output of the global model. This observation justifies the use of a top-down scheme, with a prior computation of the global scale.The global scale tension and curvature are then uniformly imposed on the central wire of the local model. The continuity of the rope is represented by periodic conditions which link the end sections to points within the model, at the same circumferential locations. The wires are modeled by beam elements. The outputs at the local scale are the stress resultants on the wires, and the contact forces and relative displacements at contact locations.Small sliding between the wires has been observed from first numerical analysis, for a representative loading case. Therefore, in order to reduce the computational cost of the wire rope model, a new node-to-node contact element has been developed, dedicated to the modeling of contact between non-parallel beams with circular cross section. It assumes fixed contact pairing and finite rotations. Numerical benchmarks and experimental tests on wire ropes show the improvement with results closer to a reference surface-to-surface model, when compared to standard algorithm for the simulation of contact between beams. Moreover, the new model reduces significantly the CPU cost and is also more robust, which is crucial for fatigue life estimates.The outputs of the local scale model are then used to obtain the complete 3D stress state by means of analytical solutions of contact between solids with cylindrical shape. Finally, a multiaxial fatigue criterion is applied in order to assess the safety of the system.

Caractérisation et modélisation du vieillissement thermique d'élastomères chargés par une approche multiphysique / Characterization and modelling of thermal ageing in filled elastomers by a multiphysics approach

Ahose, Komla Dela Mawulawoe 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude s'intéresse au vieillissement thermique d'élastomères synthétiques, amorphes, vulcanisés et additionnés de charges (noir de carbone). Sur la base d'une même formulation matériau, on étudie plus particulièrement, l'impact du procédé initial (conditions de vulcanisation), les conséquences de l'évolution physico-chimique des matériaux sur le comportement mécanique et l'influence d'un chargement mécanique permanent durant le vieillissement. Des caractérisations mécaniques (essais cycliques, relaxations par paliers, essais de compressibilité) et physico-chimiques (suivi des variation de dimension et de masse, essais de gonflement dans un solvant) sont réalisées afin de quantifier l'impact du vieillissement. Le phénomène dominant étant une augmentation de la densité de réticulation (maturation des ponts polysulfures en ponts disulfures ou monosulfures). D'une manière générale la partie expérimentale a permis de formuler un certain nombre d'hypothèses (isotropie, insensibilité de certaines caractéristiques physiques aux vieillissement, etc.) qui ont guidé le développement d'un modèle multiphysique. Ce modèle s'appuie sur une approche thermo-chimio-mécanique formulée dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles avec introduction de variables internes afin de traduire d'une part les non-linéarités de comportement de ce type de matériau (grandes déformations, viscoélasticité non-linéaire et effet Payne), et d'autre part de décrire l'évolution physico-chimique du réseau macromoléculaire (qui dépend de la température et de l'état mécanique). Cette modélisation a permis d'introduire un couplage réciproque entre les états physico-chimique et mécanique / This study mainly concerns the thermal aging phenomenon in amorphous synthetic rubbers, initially vulcanized and filled with carbon blacks. On the basis of one material formulation, we study: the impact of the process (vulcanization condition), the influence of the chemo-physical evolution of the cross-linked network on the mechanical behavior and the influence of a permanent mechanical load during aging. Mechanical characterizations (cyclic, relaxation and hydrostatic tests) and chemo-physical ones (variation of mass and volume, swelling in solvent) are realized in order to quantify the impact of ageing. The main phenomena observed is an increase of the crosslink density (maturation of polysulfides to monosulfide or disulfide crosslinks). From a general point of view, we can formulate many hypothesis from the experimental characterizations (isotropy, non-dependence of some physical properties on ageing, etc.). For the modeling, we have adopted a themo-chemo-mechanical approach that is based on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes and the introduction of internal variables in order to phenomelogically describe on one hand the nonlinear mechanical behavior at finite strain (nonlinear viscoelasticty, Payne effect, etc.) and on the other hand the chemo-physical evolution of the macromolecular network (which depends on temperature and mechanical state). This approach has permitted to introduce a reciprocal coupling between chemo-physical and mechanical states

Programmbeschreibung SPC-PM3-AdH-XX - Teil 1

Meyer, Arnd 11 March 2014 (has links)
Beschreibung der Finite Elemente Software-Familie SPC-PM3-AdH-XX für: (S)cientific (P)arallel (C)omputing - (P)rogramm-(M)odul (3)D (ad)aptiv (H)exaederelemente. Für XX stehen die einzelnen Spezialvarianten, die in Teil 2 detailliert geschildert werden. Stand: Ende 2013:1 Allgemeine Vorbemerkungen 2 Grundstruktur 3 Datenstrukturen 4 Gesamtablauf 5 Parallelisierung 6 Die Grundvariante A3D_Original und ihre Bibliotheken

Programmbeschreibung SPC-PM3-AdH-XX - Teil 2

Meyer, Arnd 20 November 2014 (has links)
Beschreibung der Finite Elemente Software-Familie SPC-PM3-AdH-XX für: (S)cientific (P)arallel (C)omputing - (P)rogramm-(M)odul (3)D (ad)aptiv (H)exaederelemente. Für XX stehen die einzelnen Spezialvarianten, die in Teil 2 detailliert geschildert werden. Stand: Ende 2013:1 Vorbemerkungen 2 Probleme mit transversal-isotropem Material 3 Gleichungen vom Sattelpunktstyp 4 Probleme der Thermo-Elastizität 5 Nichtlineare Probleme der großen Deformationen


RAQUEL QUADROS VELLOSO 30 July 2001 (has links)
[pt] A análise de fluxo em solos parcialmente saturados exige o conhecimento das propriedades hidráulicas do solo: a curva característica, q(y), e a curva de permeabilidade, k(y). Entre os problemas geotécnicos que envolvem fluxo em meios parcialmente saturados pode-se citar a instabilização de encostas, muitas vezes associada a variações de sucção, e o transporte de contaminantes, pois, freqüentemente, a fonte contaminante está acima do nível d`água. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a implementação numérica de um programa, baseado num código de elementos finitos, para a realização da retroanálise de parâmetros de fluxo em solos parcialmente saturados a partir de ensaios de campo, e que forneça também informações sobre a qualidade da estimativa obtida. O método de retroanálise utilizado permite a determinação simultânea da curva característica e da curva de permeabilidade a partir de dados de fluxo transiente. O programa desenvolvido foi utilizado para determinar os parâmetros de fluxo de um ensaio realizado no campo experimental II da PUC - Rio. Com base na análise dos resultados obtidos neste ensaio e na análise de sensibilidade foi proposto um ensaio de configuração mais simples que pode fornecer resultados satisfatórios na determinação das propriedades hidráulicas de solos parcialmente saturados. / [en] Flow analysis in partially saturated soils requires the determination of soil hydraulic properties: its characteristic curve, q(y), and its permeability curve k (y). The instabilization of slopes, often associated with suction variations, and the transport of contaminants, where the source of contaminants is often above water leve, are some of the geotechnical problems involving flows in partially saturated media. The main objective of this work is the numerical implementation of a program, based on finite element coding, for the back analysis of flow parameters in partially saturated soils, based on field experiments, capable of providing information on the quality of the estimates obtained. The back analysis method used here allows the simultaneous determination of the characteristic and permeability curves from transient flow data. The program was used to determine flow parameters of a field experiment conducted in Experimental Field II (PUC- Rio). A simpler configuration test is proposed based on the analysis of the results obtained in this field experiment and on a sensitivity analysis. This test may provide satisfactory results in the determination of hydraulic properties of partially saturated soils. / [es] El análisis de flujo en suelos parcialmente saturados exige el conocimiento de las propiedades hidráulicas del suelo: la curva característica, q(y), y la curva de permeabilidade, k(y). Entre los problemas geotécnicos que consideran flujos en medios parcialmente saturados se puede citar la inestabilidad de pendientes, muchas veces asociada a la variaciones de succión; y el transporte de contaminantes, ya que frecuentemente la fuente contaminante está encima del nível de agua. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es la implementación numérica de un programa, basado en un código de elementos finitos, para la realización del retroanálisis de parámetros de flujo en suelos parcialmente saturados a partir de ensayos de campo, y que brinde también informaciones sobre la calidad de la estimatición obtenida. El método de retroanálisis utilizado permite la determinación simultánea de la curva característica y de la curva de permeabilidad a partir de datos de flujo transitorio. El programa desarrollado fue utilizado para determinar los parámetros de flujo de un ensayo realizado en el campo experimental II de la PUC - Rio. Analizando los resultados obtenidos en este ensayo y el análisis de sensibilidad, se propone un ensayo de configuración más simple que puede dar resultados satisfactorios en la determinación de las propiedades hidráulicas de suelos parcialmente saturados.


JANAINA VEIGA CARVALHO 03 August 2001 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho estuda problemas geotécnicos e de interação solo-estrutura utilizando o método dos elementos finitos acoplado com a transformada de Fourier. Pela aplicação da transformada de Fourier, as equações diferenciais que governam o problema elástico linear, com as correspondentes condições de contorno, são reescritas no plano de Fourier, permitindo que um problema de natureza tridimensional possa ser numericamente analisado por uma discretização bidimensional. Esta técnica foi empregada neste trabalho para certos problemas de engenharia, como dutovias, túneis e fundações tipo radier, onde a geometria e os parâmetros dos materiais mantêm-se constantes ao longo do eixo longitudinal do corpo, porém admitindo-se variações espaciais no carregamento imposto ao sistema, gerando , assim, um estado tridimensional de tensões. Alguns elementos de interface, com formulação publicada na literatura, foram também considerados na implementação computacional, visto que em problemas de interação solo- estrutura o comportamento do sistema é bastante influenciado pelas propriedades e características mecânicas do solo imediatamente vizinho à estrutura. Os exemplos numéricos apresentados são comparados, sempre que possível, com os resultados obtidos por outra solução analítica ou numérica, procurando discutir as vantagens e limitações do acoplamento da transformada de Fourier com o método dos elementos finitos para a análise de determinada classe de problemas geotécnicos tridimensionais. / [en] In this work some geotechnical and soil-structure interaction problems are studied using the finite element method coupled with a Fourier transform technique. For linear elastic problems, Fourier transforms are applied to the governing field equations, thus enabling that some specific tridimensional problems can be analyzed using a 2D finite element mesh. In conventional finite element applications, a 3D discretization is usually required, but difficulties associated with the preparation of the finite element mesh and the involved computational efforts prevent, in general, the use of a true 3D model. The integral transform method is used in this research for the analysis of some very common problems in geotechnical engineering, such as piping systems, raft foundations and tunnels, where the geometry and the soil profile may be considered constant along a coordinate direction. The applied loading, however, can assume any possible surface distribution, which does not allow to treat the problem under the plane strain assumptions. Some special finite elements presented in the literature, called joint or interface elements, are also incorporated into the finite element computational program written in this research, given that for soil-structure interaction problems the material behavior at the common interface may greatly affect the entire system results. Some numerical examples are presented, and their numerical results are compared, whenever possible, with other solutions obtained using analytical or other numerical technique. Advantages and limitations of the integral transform method to solve tridimensional geomechanics problems are also discussed in this work. / [es] Este trabajo estudia problemas geotécnicos y de interacción suelo-extructura utilizando el método de los elementos finitos acoplado con la transformada de Fourier. Por la aplicación de la transformada de Fourier, las ecuaciones diferenciales que goviernan el problema elástico lineal, con las correspondentes condiciones de contorno, son reescritas en el plano de Fourier, permitiendo que un problema de naturaleza tridimensional pueda ser numericamente analizado por una discretización bidimensional. Esta técnica fue utilizada en este trabajo para ciertos problemas de Ingeniería, como canales, túneles y fundaciones tipo radier, donde la geometría y los parámetros de los materiales se mantienen constantes a lo largo del eje longitudinal del cuerpo, aunque se admiten variaciones espaciales en la carga impuesta al sistema, generando , así, un estado tridimensional de tensiones. En la implementación computacional fueron considerados algunos elementos de la interfaz, con formulación publicada en la literatura, ya que en problemas de interacción suelo-extructura, el comportamiento del sistema está bastante influenciado por las propiedades y características mecánicas del suelo imediatamente vecino a la extructura. Los ejemplos numéricos presentados se compararon, siempre que fue posible, con los resultados obtenidos por otra solución analítica o numérica, discutiendo las ventajas y limitaciones del acoplamiento de la transformada de Fourier con el método de los elementos finitos para el análisis de determinada clase de problemas geotécnicos tridimensionales.


Zachary Joseph Harbin (15360307) 28 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer type worldwide. Given high survivorship, increased focus has been placed on long-term treatment outcomes and patient quality of life. While breast-conserving surgery (BCS) is the preferred treatment strategy for early-stage breast cancer, anticipated healing and breast deformation (cosmetic) outcomes weigh heavily on surgeon and patient selection between BCS and more aggressive mastectomy procedures. Unfortunately, surgical outcomes following BCS are difficult to predict, owing to the complexity of the tissue repair process and significant patient-to-patient variability. To overcome this challenge, we developed a predictive computational mechanobiological model that simulates breast healing and deformation following BCS. The coupled biochemical-biomechanical model incorporates multi-scale cell and tissue mechanics, including collagen deposition and remodeling, collagen-dependent cell migration and contractility, and tissue plastic deformation. Available human clinical data evaluating cavity contraction and histopathological data from an experimental porcine lumpectomy study were used for model calibration. The computational model was successfully fit to data by optimizing biochemical and mechanobiological parameters through the Gaussian Process. The calibrated model was then applied to define key mechanobiological parameters and relationships influencing healing and breast deformation outcomes. Variability in patient characteristics including cavity-to-breast volume percentage and breast composition were further evaluated to determine effects on cavity contraction and breast cosmetic outcomes, with simulation outcomes aligning well with previously reported human studies. The proposed model has the potential to assist surgeons and their patients in developing and discussing individualized treatment plans that lead to more satisfying post-surgical outcomes and improved quality of life.</p>

Target Element Sizes For Finite Element Tidal Models From A Domain-wide, Localized Truncation Error Analysis Incorporating Botto

Parrish, Denwood 01 January 2007 (has links)
A new methodology for the determination of target element sizes for the construction of finite element meshes applicable to the simulation of tidal flow in coastal and oceanic domains is developed and tested. The methodology is consistent with the discrete physics of tidal flow, and includes the effects of bottom stress. The method enables the estimation of the localized truncation error of the nonconservative momentum equations throughout a triangulated data set of water surface elevation and flow velocity. The method's domain-wide applicability is due in part to the formulation of a new localized truncation error estimator in terms of complex derivatives. More conventional criteria that are often used to determine target element sizes are limited to certain bathymetric conditions. The methodology developed herein is applicable over a broad range of bathymetric conditions, and can be implemented efficiently. Since the methodology permits the determination of target element size at points up to and including the coastal boundary, it is amenable to coastal domain applications including estuaries, embayments, and riverine systems. These applications require consideration of spatially varying bottom stress and advective terms, addressed herein. The new method, called LTEA-CD (localized truncation error analysis with complex derivatives), is applied to model solutions over the Western North Atlantic Tidal model domain (the bodies of water lying west of the 60° W meridian). The convergence properties of LTEACD are also analyzed. It is found that LTEA-CD may be used to build a series of meshes that produce converging solutions of the shallow water equations. An enhanced version of the new methodology, LTEA+CD (which accounts for locally variable bottom stress and Coriolis terms) is used to generate a mesh of the WNAT model domain having 25% fewer nodes and elements than an existing mesh upon which it is based; performance of the two meshes, in an average sense, is indistinguishable when considering elevation tidal signals. Finally, LTEA+CD is applied to the development of a mesh for the Loxahatchee River estuary; it is found that application of LTEA+CD provides a target element size distribution that, when implemented, outperforms a high-resolution semi-uniform mesh as well as a manually constructed, existing, documented mesh.

Rot-free mixed finite elements for gradient elasticity at finite strains

Riesselmann, Johannes, Ketteler, Jonas W., Schedensack, Mira, Balzani, Daniel 05 June 2023 (has links)
Through enrichment of the elastic potential by the second-order gradient of deformation, gradient elasticity formulations are capable of taking nonlocal effects into account. Moreover, geometry-induced singularities, which may appear when using classical elasticity formulations, disappear due to the higher regularity of the solution. In this contribution, a mixed finite element discretization for finite strain gradient elasticity is investigated, in which instead of the displacements, the first-order gradient of the displacements is the solution variable. Thus, the C1 continuity condition of displacement-based finite elements for gradient elasticity is relaxed to C0. Contrary to existing mixed approaches, the proposed approach incorporates a rot-free constraint, through which the displacements are decoupled from the problem. This has the advantage of a reduction of the number of solution variables. Furthermore, the fulfillment of mathematical stability conditions is shown for the corresponding small strain setting. Numerical examples verify convergence in two and three dimensions and reveal a reduced computing cost compared to competitive formulations. Additionally, the gradient elasticity features of avoiding singularities and modeling size effects are demonstrated.

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