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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Yang, Li 01 January 2015 (has links)
Packed bed reactors with counter-current, gas-liquid flows have been considered to be applicable in CO2 capture systems for post-combustion processing from fossil-fueled power production units. However, the hydrodynamics within the packing used in these reactors under counter-current flow has not been assessed to provide insight into design and operational parameters that may impact reactor and reaction efficiencies. Hence, experimental testing of a laboratory-scale spherical ball, packed bed with two-phase flow was accomplished and then a meso-scale 3D CFD model was developed to numerically simulate the conditions and outcomes of the experimental tests. Also, the hydrodynamics of two-phase flow in a packed bed with structured packing were simulated using a meso-scale, 3D CFD model and then validated using empirical models. The CFD model successfully characterized the hydrodynamics inside the packing, with a focus on parameters such as the wetted surface areas, gas-liquid interactions, liquid distributions, pressure drops, liquid holdups, film thicknesses and flow regimes. The simulation results clearly demonstrated the development of and changes in liquid distributions, wetted areas and film thicknesses under various gas and liquid flow rates. Gas and liquid interactions were observed to occur at the interface of the gas and liquid through liquid entrainment and droplet formation, and it became more dominant as the Reynolds numbers increased. Liquid film thicknesses in the structured packing were much thinner than in the spherical ball packing, and increased with increasing liquid flow rates. Gas flow rates had no significant effect on film thicknesses. Film flow and trickle flow regimes were found in both the spherical ball and structured packing. A macro-scale, porous model was also developed which was less computationally intensive than the meso-scale, 3D CFD model. The macro-scale model was used to study the spherical ball packing and to modify its closure equations. It was found that the Ergun equation, typically used in the porous model, was not suitable for multi-phase flow. Hence, it was modified by replacing porosity with the actual pore volume within the liquid phase; this modification successfully accounted for liquid holdup which was predicted via a proposed equation.

The Onsager heat of transport at the liquidvapour interface of p-tert-butyltoluene

Biggs, Georgina Aimee January 2007 (has links)
The Onsager heat of transport for p-tert-butyltoluene was measured, as part of a series of preliminary experiments towards the determination of the importance of temperature gradients on the air-sea flux of carbon dioxide. The results presented in this thesis imply that the temperature gradient is a major contributor to the magnitude of the air-sea flux. The heat of transport has been measured for the p-tert-butyltoluene system by measuring stationary-state pressure changes for known temperature differences on the vapour side of the interface. At the pressure ranges used the number of mean free paths was always outside the Knudsen zone, but the values of Q* were approximately 100 % of the latent heat of vaporisation. Departures from linearity of plots of P against ΔT are attributed to temperature jumps at the surface of the dry upper plate. Both the results taken for p-tert-butyltoluene and the earlier results for water from this laboratory fit to a Type III BET isotherm, where the c parameter is not constant. They also reveal the importance of the temperature gradient in determining the value of the thermal accommodation coefficient, and provide a new method of measuring thermal accommodation coefficients for a variety of surfaces and vapours

Effet de la configuration des agitateurs dans une colonne à faible entrefer mécaniquement agitée sur la dispersion du gaz en foisonnement : approches expérimentale et numérique / Effect of the configuration of the agitators in a column with a low mechanical air gap on the dispersion of the gas in expansion

Souidi, Kaïes 17 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude de l’effet de la configuration des agitateurs (pales planes) et la nature du tensioactif sur la dispersion de gaz dans un liquide en vue d’obtenir un produit foisonné. Cette étude est menée à deux échelles pilote et locale. Le premier chapitre est dédié à une étude à l’échelle pilote. Les résultats ont montré qu’à conditions opératoires fixées, lorsque les agitateurs sont collés et décalés, l’aspect distributif de la dispersion de gaz est amélioré. L’aspect dispersif (taille des bulles), en revanche, reste peu sensible à la configuration des agitateurs. Les protéines sériques« WPI » comme agent tensioactif améliore l’efficacité de la rétention de gaz alors que le Tween 20 la réduit et provoque l’augmentation de la taille des bulles. Le deuxième chapitre concerne une approche locale qualitative (observation optique) et quantitative (détermination de capillaire critique). L’étude qualitative a montré que l’ajout d’un angle de décalage modifie l’écoulement du liquide et les bulles suivent la trajectoire imposée par le liquide. Lorsque les protéines WPI est utilisé comme agent tensioactif, sous l’action de la contrainte de cisaillement, les bulles subissent une déformation qui se termine par une rupture par extrémité. Un système couette a permis de déterminer un nombre capillaire critique correspondant à cette rupture. Par contre, en présence du Tween 20, la déformation ne conduit jamais à une rupture par extrémité. Le troisième chapitre de ce travail est dédié à une étude numérique de l’hydrodynamique de l’écoulement. Cette étude a permis de confirmer les résultats obtenus par l’approche qualitative. A titre d’exemple, un décalage entre deux agitateurs collés conduit à la multiplication des zones de vortex, à l’apparition des élongations supplémentaires et d’effet venturi favorables à l’aspect distributif de la dispersion. L’étude numérique montre également que le gradient maximal et moyen de vitesse reste indépendant de la configuration, ce qui explique pourquoi la taille moyenne est indépendante de la configuration. / Flat-blad impellers configuration coupled with tensioactif agents have been used to study gas dispersion in foaming process. The work has been conducted at pilot and local scales. The first chapter is devoted to a study at the pilot scale. The results showed that under a given operating conditions, a shift between two glued successive impellers promotes distributive aspect of the gas dispersion. However the dispersive aspect (bubble size), remains independent of the impellers configuration. The pilot-scale experiments have also shown that the "WPI" enhance foaming efficiency, while, Tween 20 reduces it and increases the size of the bubbles. The second chapter links with a qualitative (optical observation) and quantitative (determination of critical capillary) at local scale. It has been observed that shifted-impellers modify the flow pattern and promotes the distributive aspect of the mixture. When the WPI is used as a surfactant, shear stress induces bubble deformation until a tip-breakup occurs. Using a Couette system, it has been shown that there exist a critical capillary number corresponding to this rupture. However, the deformation does never induced tip-breakup when using Tween 20. The third chapter of this work is devoted to a numerical study of liquid hydrodynamics under different configuration. It appears that the configuration where the impellers are glued and shifted induces the multiplication of the vortex, the appearance of additional elongations and venturi effect. These effects seem to improve the distributive aspect of mixing in agreement with the results obtained previously. The numerical study also shows that the maximum and average shear gradient is independent of the configuration. This result explains why the mean bubble size remains independent of the configuration.

Influência da umidade atmosférica sobre o mecanismo de transferência de gases através da interface água-atmosfera / Influence of the atmospheric humidity on the mechanism of the gas transfer at the atmosphere-water interface

Alexandre Silveira 19 March 2004 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre a influência da umidade atmosférica no processo de absorção de oxigênio atmosférico por corpo de água através de sua superfície líquida livre. Os experimentos realizados em laboratório consistem na reoxigenação de uma massa de água, contida em um tanque cilíndrico, submetida à agitação mecânica. A atmosfera que reabastece de oxigênio a massa líquida é controlada e os ensaios são conduzidos com vários níveis de umidade do ar, o que provoca diferentes taxas de evaporação. Simultaneamente, determinam-se os coeficientes de reoxigenação, K2 (h-1), em cada experimento. Investiga-se neste trabalho a correlação entre esses dois parâmetros. O processo de reoxigenação é analisado inicialmente com o uso de metodologia clássica baseada em modelos matemáticos tradicionais (possivelmente inadequados). Propõe-se neste trabalho, um modelo original para essa mesma análise. / The influence of the atmospheric humidity on the process of absorption of oxygen by a water body through its free surface is presented herein. Laboratory experiments were run for the reoxygenation of a water mass kept in a cylindrical vessel under mechanical agitation. The quality of the atmospheric air transferring oxygen to water is controlled and the tests are run with several levels of air humidity, what renders different rates of evaporation. The corresponding coefficients of reaeration K2 (h-1) are determined for each experiment. The correlation between these two latter parameters is investigated. The process of reoxygenation is analyzed initially using a classical methodology based on traditional mathematical models (possibly inadequate). An original model for the same analysis is proposed in this work.


SUELI TIOMNO TOLMASQUIM 01 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] Na indústria do petróleo, a passagem de pigs em dutos tem sido largamente aplicada com diferentes propósitos: limpeza do tubo, inspeção, remoção de líquido e separação de produtos, entre outros. A eficiência e segurança de uma operação com pig demandam que diversos parâmetros operacionais, tais como pressões máximas e mínimas no duto e velocidade de movimentação do pig, sejam bem avaliados durante a etapa de planejamento e mantidos dentro de determinados limites durante o acompanhamento da operação. Tendo como objetivo a obtenção de uma ferramenta eficiente para ajudar no controle e projeto das operações de passagem de pigs, desenvolveu-se um código numérico baseado no método de diferenças finitas para a simulação de escoamentos transientes de dois fluidos, podendo estes ser líquido-líquido, gás-gás ou líquido-gás. Módulos para controle automático das variáveis do processo foram incluídos, visando à previsão do escoamento mediante diferentes estratégias para alcançar uma operação eficiente. Problemas teste foram realizados, validando a metodologia. Por fim, os resultados obtidos com o simulador são comparados com um caso real de esvaziamento de um trecho do oleoduto OSPAR, pertencente à Petrobras, com 30`` de diâmetro e extensão de 60 km. / [en] In the oil industry, pigging operations in pipelines have been largely applied for different purposes: pipe cleaning, inspection, liquid removal and product separation, among others. Pigging operations to be efficient and safe require a number of operational parameters, such as maximum and minimum pressures in the pipeline and pig velocity, to be well evaluated during planning stage and maintained within stipulated limits while the operation accomplishment. With the objective of providing an efficient tool to assist in the controlling and designing of pig operations through pipelines, a numerical code based on a finite difference scheme for a two-fluid transient flow simulation was developed. The model accounts for liquid-liquid, gas-gas and liquid-gas products in the pipeline. Automatic control modules for some process variables were included to permit the flow prediction by means of different strategies to reach an efficient operation. Test problems were performed to validate the methodology. At last, simulation results were compared with an actual liquid displacement operation at a 60 km segment of the 30`` diameter OSPAR pipeline, owned by Petrobras.

Étude d'un procédé propre couplant l'absorption gaz/liquide microstructurée avec la distillation pour le traitement d'air chargé par un Composé Organique Volatil / Study of a clean process coupling microstructured gas/liquid absorption with distillation for treament of air contaminated by a volatil organic compound

Mhiri, Neïla 26 June 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’un procédé industriel propre constitué par un couplage absorption-distillation, destiné aux traitements d’effluents gazeux chargés par un Composé Organique Volatil (COV). L’absorption est effectuée dans un microabsorbeur à film tombant. La première étape de ce travail consiste à caractériser le transfert de matière dans cet appareil, lors de l’absorption gaz/liquide du Perchloroéthylène (PCE) par le Di(2-EthylHexyl)Adipate (DEHA). Les expériences ont montré la faisabilité et l’intérêt de cette opération dans un micro-contacteur. En effet, les efficacités d’épuration obtenues sont comparables à celles des procédés classiques (jusqu’à 97%) et les quantités de solvant d’absorption utilisées sont très faibles. Une étude paramétrique a révélé une intensification significative du transfert de matière, côté gaz, et un gain en compacité, à la suite de la minimisation de l’épaisseur de la veine de gaz (2mm) et du débit de la phase gazeuse. Cette étude a également montré la limite du microabsorbeur à traiter de grands débits de gaz avec de bonnes efficacités, causée par la faible influence qu’exerce la vitesse du gaz sur le coefficient de transfert de matière. Ce comportement a été expliqué, grâce à des simulations en 2D, par une dispersion importante des profils de concentration indiquant une limitation diffusionnelle. Cette dernière provient essentiellement du régime laminaire lisse et de la petite taille caractérisant ce type de micro-procédé. Pour s’affranchir de cette limitation, la turbulence doit être favorisée dans le gaz. La deuxième étape de ce travail concerne l’extrapolation du microabsorbeur de laboratoire à l’échelle industrielle des PME/PMI, basée sur le concept du numbering-up. A l’issu des calculs, un absorbeur microstructuré efficace (95%), et compact (surface occupée ˜ 0,5m2) a été développé. Pour rentabiliser son fonctionnement, un recyclage par distillation flash du solvant d’absorption a été étudié. Les résultats obtenus ouvrent la voie sur une technique d’épuration prometteuse, qui nécessite néanmoins une validation théorique et expérimentale du couplage absorbeur-distillateur / This project focuses on the development of an industrial process, in which a coupled absorption/distillation unit is developed to treat gaseous effluents contaminated by a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC). Absorption is performed in a falling film microabsorber. The first stage of this work consists in characterizing the mass transfer in this device. The gas/liquid absorption of Perchloroethylene (PCE) by Di (2-EthylHexyl) Adipate (DEHA) is used as test case. Experiments showed the feasibility and the benefit of this separation process operated in a micro-contactor. Indeed, the purification efficiencies obtained are comparable to those of conventional processes (97%). Moreover, the required absorption solvent quantities are very low. A parametric study revealed significant mass transfer intensification on gas side and a gain in compactness due to the minimization of gas cavity thickness (2mm) and gas flowrate. This study also showed the limits of microabsorbers to handle large gas flowrates with good efficiencies, due to a low influence of gas velocity on the mass transfer coefficient. This behaviour was explained, thanks to 2D simulations, by a significant dispersion of concentration profiles, which indicates a diffusion limitation. The latter comes mainly from smooth laminar flow and the small size, a typical characteristic of micro-processes. To overcome this limitation, turbulence should be promoted in the gas. The second stage of this work concerns the microabsorber extrapolation from laboratory scale to industrial SMEs, based on the numbering-up concept. Calculations predict high throughputs with a microstructured absorber of competitive efficiency (95%) and high compactness (area occupied ˜ 0.5 m2). For profitable operation, solvent absorption recycling by a flash distillation is studied. The results lead to a promising treatment technique, which still requires a theoretical and experimental validation of the coupled absorber-distiller unit

Inherent Electric Field Measurements of Liquid Surfaces using Ionizing Surface Potential

Adel, Tehseen January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanical Effects of Flow on CO2 Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel Pipelines

Li, Wei 21 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental and kinetic modelling of multicomponent gas/liquid ozone reactions in aqueous phase : experimental investigation and Matlab modelling of the ozone mass transfer and multicomponent chemical reactions in a well agitated semi-batch gas/liquid reactor

Derdar, Mawaheb M. Zarok January 2010 (has links)
Due to the ever increasing concerns about pollutants and contaminants found in water, new treatment technologies have been developed. Ozonation is one of such technologies. It has been widely applied in the treatment of pollutants in water and wastewater treatment processes. Ozone has many applications such as oxidation of organic components, mineral matter, inactivation of viruses, cysts, bacteria, removal of trace pollutants like pesticides and solvents, and removal of tastes and odours. Ozone is the strongest conventional oxidant that can result in complete mineralisation of the organic pollutants to carbon dioxide and water. Because ozone is unstable, it is generally produced onsite in gas mixtures and is immediately introduced to water using gas/liquid type reactors (e.g. bubble columns). The ozone reactions are hence of the type gas liquid reactions, which are complex to model since they involve both chemical reactions, which occur in the liquid phase, and mass transfer from the gas to the liquid phase. This study focuses on two aspects: mass transfer and chemical reactions in multicomponent systems. The mass transfer parameters were determined by experiments under different conditions and the chemical reactions were studied using single component and multicomponent systems. Two models obtained from the literature were adapted to the systems used in this study. Mass transfer parameters in the semi-batch reactor were determined using oxygen and ozone at different flow rates in the presence and absence of t-butanol. t-Butanol is used as a radical scavenger in ozonation studies and it has been found to affect the gas-liquid mass transfer rates. An experimental study was carried out to investigate the effects of t-butanol concentrations on the physical properties of aqueous solutions, including surface tension and viscosity. It was found that t-butanol reduced both properties by 4% for surface tension and by a surprising 30% for viscosity. These reductions in the solution physical properties were correlated to enhancement in the mass transfer coefficient, kL. The mass transfer coefficient increased by about 60% for oxygen and by almost 50% for ozone. The hydrodynamic behaviour of the system used in this work was characterised by a homogeneous bubbling regime. It was also found that the gas holdup was significantly enhanced by the addition of t-butanol. Moreover, the addition of t-butanol was found to significantly reduce the size of gas bubbles, leading to enhancement in the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa. The multicomponent ozonation was studied with two systems, slow reactions when alcohols were used and fast reactions when endocrine disrupting compounds were used. ii These experiments were simulated by mathematical models. The alcohols were selected depending on their volatilization at different initial concentrations and different gas flow rates. The degradation of n-propanol as a single compound was studied at the lowest flow rate of 200 mL/min. It was found that the degradation of n-propanol reached almost 60% within 4 hours. The degradation of the mixture was enhanced with an increase in the number of components in the mixture. It was found that the degradation of the mixture as three compounds reached almost 80% within four hours while the mixture as two compounds reached almost 70%. The effect of pH was studied and it was found that an increase in pH showed slight increase in the reaction. Fast reactions were also investigated by reacting endocrine disrupting chemicals with ozone. The ozone reactions with the endocrine disrupters were studied at different gas flow rates, initial concentrations, ozone concentrations and pH. The degradation of 17β-estradiol (E2) as a single compound was the fastest, reaching about 90% removal in almost 5 minutes. However estrone (E1) degradation was the lowest reaching about 70% removal at the same time. The degradation of mixtures of the endocrine disruptors was found to proceed to lower percentages than individual components under the same conditions. During the multicomponent ozonation of the endocrine disruptors, it was found that 17β-estradiol (E2) converted to estrone (E1) at the beginning of the reaction. A MATLAB code was developed to predict the ozone water reactions for single component and multicomponent systems. Two models were used to simulate the experimental results for single component and multicomponent systems. In the case of single component system, good simulation of both reactions (slow and fast) by model 1 was obtained. However, model 2 gave good agreement with experimental results only in the case of fast reactions. In addition, model 1 was applied for multicomponent reactions (both cases of slow and fast reaction). In the multicomponent reactions by model 1, good agreement with the experimental results was also obtained for both cases of slow and fast reactions.

Etude du comportement de mousse céramique comme contacteur Gaz/Liquide à contre courant : application à la distillation et à la distillation réactive / Study of the behaviour of ceramic foam as gas/liquid contactor at counter current : application in distillation and reactive distillation

Lévêque, Julien 05 November 2010 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse abordent la problématique du développement d'internes destinés à la distillation réactive. La méthodologie à suivre est appliquée dans le cas des mousses céramiques en Carbure de Silicium. Le comportement hydrodynamique a été étudié ainsi que la capacité en transfert de matière validant la possible application des mousses en tant que garnissage destiné à la distillation. L'activation catalytique du support a ensuite été développée afin de dégager la méthode la plus intéressante permettant d'approcher le garnissage de référence, le KATAPAK, en termes d'activité catalytique. Le greffage d'Amberlyst 15 est alors apparu comme la voie la plus intéressante pour la possible application des mousses greffées comme interne catalytique destiné à la distillation réactive. / This work of thesis approaches the problems of the development of packings intended for reactive distillation. Methodology to be followed is so applied in the case of ceramic foam in Silicon Carbide. The hydrodynamic behaviour was studied as well as the mass transfer efficiency demonstrating the possible application of ceramic foam as a packing for distillation. The aspect of the catalytic activation of the support was then developed in order to determine the most efficiency method in terms of catalytic activity making it possible to approach reference packing, the KATAPAK. The coating of Amberlyst 15 then appeared as the most interesting way for the possible application of coating foam as catalytic packing for reactive distillation.

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