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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um olhar sobre o simbolismo mágico-religioso no livro de êxodo / A glance over the magic-religious symbolism in the book of exodus

Carlos Augusto Vailatti 14 April 2016 (has links)
A presente tese visa analisar algumas passagens bíblicas do livro de Êxodo, situadas especialmente entre os capítulos 4 a 14, a partir do referencial teórico do simbolismo mágico-religioso. Para alcançar esse propósito, dividiremos a nossa pesquisa em quatro partes. Em primeiro lugar, buscaremos compreender o significado do símbolo, bem como a sua importância para a Bíblia Hebraica como um todo e, especialmente, para o livro de Êxodo. Em segundo lugar, dissertaremos sobre o significado da magia e da religião, percorreremos as principais teorias antropológicas e sociológicas a esse respeito e, então, justificaremos o emprego do termo composto mágico-religioso em nossa pesquisa. Em terceiro lugar, discorreremos sobre o fenômeno do mágico-religioso na Bíblia Hebraica. Por fim, em quarto e último lugar, com o auxílio do instrumental simbólico mágico-religioso previamente construído, apresentaremos a nossa tradução e respectiva exegese de alguns trechos do livro de Êxodo, compreendidos entre os capítulos 4 a 14. Para isso, nos basearemos no texto hebraico massorético presente na edição crítica padrão do Tanakh, isto é, a Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, editada por Karl Elliger e Wilhelm Rudolph, a qual encontrase atualmente em sua quinta edição revisada. Com esse trabalho pretendemos contribuir para os estudos concernentes à Bíblia Hebraica e, sobretudo, ao livro de Êxodo. / This thesis aims to analyze some biblical passages of the book of Exodus, especially situated between chapters 4-14, from the theoretical framework of magicreligious symbolism. To achieve this purpose, we will divide our research into four parts. First, we will seek to understand the meaning of the symbol, as well as its importance to the Hebrew Bible as a whole and especially to the book of Exodus. Second, we will discourse about the meaning of magic and religion, we will cover the main anthropological and sociological theories about it and then we justify the use of the compound term magical-religious in our research. Third, we will discuss on the phenomenon of the magical-religious in the Hebrew Bible. Finally, in fourth and last place, with the help of magical-religious symbolic instrumental previously constructed, we will present our translation and its exegesis of some excerpts from the book of Exodus, ranging from chapters 4 to 14. For this, we will base on the Hebrew Masoretic text present in the standard critical edition of the Tanakh, that is, the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, edited by Karl Elliger and Wilhelm Rudolph, which is currently in its fifth edition revised. With this work we intend to contribute to the studies concerning the Hebrew Bible and especially the book of Exodus.

Indícios do traumático no romance De Amor e Trevas: um exercício de leitura / Traces of the traumatic in the novel A Tale of Love and Darkness a reading exercise

Flávia Albergaria Raveli 12 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma interpretação da obra de Amós Oz que parte da identificação de aspectos traumáticos desta narrativa. Esta consideração, por sua vez, decorreu da experiência de leitura. A discussão teórica baseada numa conceituação interdisciplinar do traumático e na noção de estranhamento como procedimento necessário à interpretação também derivou da leitura. Os procedimentos e conceitos utilizados funcionam como borda para as dissonâncias e alteridade da obra, aquilo que eu defino como indícios do traumático. A psicanálise comparece como um lugar de escuta dessas dissonâncias / This work is an interpretation of Amós Ozs novel and its starting point is the identification of traumatic aspects in this narrative. This consideration, in its turn, springs from the reading experience. The theoretical discussion based on an interdisciplinary conceptualization of the traumatic and on the notion of strangeness as a necessary procedure for the interpretation has also sprung from the reading. The procedures and concepts used here work as a border for the dissonances and alterity of the novel, for what I define as traces of the traumatic. Psychoanalysis is present as a hearing place for these dissonances

Thematic association in the Gospel of Matthew : situating exegesis in the Gospel of Matthew in its Second Temple context

Winchester, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
This thesis situates Matthew's interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures within a Jewish setting. I argue that Matthew uses a Jewish technique that I call 'thematic association'. The technique involves using scriptural quotations to point to themes in the quotations' original scriptural contexts. Evoking the themes facilitates implicit interpretations of the unquoted scriptural contexts. I begin by identifying examples of thematic association in the Dead Sea Scrolls to show how thematic association is used. This discussion not only illustrates the process of implied interpretation, but it also shows that thematic association was used by Jewish sources before the Gospel of Matthew. It is, of course, one matter to show a precedent, but another to demonstrate that Matthew actually uses the technique. To that end, I will attempt to show that Matthew's narrative exhibits the same technique. I argue that Matthew uses thematic association when quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures to point to themes in unquoted parts of the scriptures, implying that these themes are relevant to events during Jesus' life. I analyze Matthew's quotations of Isa 7:14, Mic 5:2, Hos 11:1, Jer 31:15, Deut 8:3, Isa 9:1-2, Isa 53:4, Isa 42:1-4, Ps 78, and Ps 22. Comparing themes in these quotations' contexts to themes in Matthew reveals Matthew's use of thematic association.

\'À semelhança de homem e mulher\': um estudo sobre a representação humana em Dura Europos à luz do interdito bíblico / In the likeness of man and woman: a study on human representation in Dura Europos in the light of the Biblical injunction

Oliveira, Karina Santos de 13 November 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta as conclusões de nosso estudo sobre a representação humana nos afrescos da sinagoga de Dura Europos, datada do século III EC, na Síria, à luz do interdito bíblico do Decálogo (Ex 20, 4-5; Dt 5, 8-9) onde se estabelece que os israelitas não devem fazer para si imagem de escultura, e reiterado pelo versículo Dt 4,16, onde se afirma que os israelitas não devem fazer alguma imagem esculpida na forma de ídolo, semelhança de homem e mulher. Inicia-se explicando o significado desse interdito e como ele se apresenta nos livros da Bíblia Hebraica que abordam a questão da confecção de imagens e idolatria. A análise dos textos bíblicos e da bibliografia de referência sobre o tema possibilita inferir que o interdito não proibia a confecção de todo tipo de representação humana, mas somente aquelas fabricadas para adoração. Segue-se a essa análise uma contextualização da representação humana pelos israelitas na Antiguidade, desde o período pré-monárquico até o século III EC, o século em que a sinagoga de Dura Europos é construída e adornada com afrescos representando cenas bíblicas. O objetivo é criar uma conexão entre o interdito da Bíblia Hebraica e a história judaica, que levou ao desenvolvimento de um conjunto de sinagogas no final desse período, no qual Dura Europos está inserida, nas quais encontramos a representação humana na forma de afrescos em paredes ou pisos mosaicos. A pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os vestígios arqueológicos do período demonstra que os israelitas produziram tanto as imagens permitidas como aquelas consideradas interditas e sofreram influências externas que levaram à concepção da sinagoga de Dura Europos. Por último, formulamos uma apresentação dos afrescos dessa sinagoga e procuramos verificar qual o significado que os estudiosos atribuíram a eles. A partir dessa análise foi possível concluir que a representação humana nos afrescos da sinagoga de Dura Europos não contrariava o interdito bíblico, pois não tinha propósito de adoração, e sim uma finalidade didática. A intenção era transmitir um ensinamento e reforçar a identidade da comunidade judaica a partir da reprodução de cenas que retratavam a história da salvação israelita. A rememoração dos momentos gloriosos do passado visava criar expectativas positivas sobre o futuro, mediante uma situação presente preocupante em relação à sobrevivência da comunidade judaica de Dura Europos e do judaísmo em si. / This paper presents the findings of our study on human representation in the frescoes of Dura Europos synagogue, dating from the third century CE, in Syria, in the light of the biblical injunction of the Decalogue (Ex 20: 4-5; Deuteronomy 5: 8-9 ) which establishes that the Israelites should not do for themselves \"graven image\", and reaffirmed by the verse Deuteronomy 4:16, which says that the Israelites should not make a graven image in the form of idol, \"likeness of man and woman \". It begins by explaining the meaning of this decree and how it appears in the books of the Hebrew Bible that address the issue of making images and idolatry. The analysis of biblical texts and reference bibliography on the subject allows us to infer that the injunction did not prohibit the manufacture of all types of human representation, but only those made for worship. It follows that analysis a contextualization of human representation by the Israelites in ancient times, from pre-monarchical period to the third century CE, the century in which the Dura Europos synagogue is built and adorned with frescoes depicting biblical scenes. The goal is to create a connection between the decree of the Hebrew Bible and Jewish history, which led to the development of a set of synagogues at the end of that period, in which Europos Dura is inserted, in which we find human representation in the form of frescoes on walls or mosaic floors. The literature on archaeological relics from the period shows that the Israelites both produced images allowed as those considered prohibited and experienced external influences that led to the conception of Dura Europos synagogue. Finally, we formulate a presentation of the frescoes that synagogue and try to find what the meaning that scholars have attributed to them. From this analysis it was concluded that the human representation in the frescoes of Dura Europos synagogue was not contrary to biblical injunction so I had no way of worship, but rather a didactic purpose. The intention was to convey a teaching and reinforcing the identity of the Jewish community from the reproduction of scenes depicting the history of Israel\'s salvation. The remembrance of the glorious moments of the past aimed at creating positive expectations about the future, by a worrying current situation regarding the survival of the Jewish community of Dura Europos and of Judaism itself.

Um olhar sobre o simbolismo mágico-religioso no livro de êxodo / A glance over the magic-religious symbolism in the book of exodus

Vailatti, Carlos Augusto 14 April 2016 (has links)
A presente tese visa analisar algumas passagens bíblicas do livro de Êxodo, situadas especialmente entre os capítulos 4 a 14, a partir do referencial teórico do simbolismo mágico-religioso. Para alcançar esse propósito, dividiremos a nossa pesquisa em quatro partes. Em primeiro lugar, buscaremos compreender o significado do símbolo, bem como a sua importância para a Bíblia Hebraica como um todo e, especialmente, para o livro de Êxodo. Em segundo lugar, dissertaremos sobre o significado da magia e da religião, percorreremos as principais teorias antropológicas e sociológicas a esse respeito e, então, justificaremos o emprego do termo composto mágico-religioso em nossa pesquisa. Em terceiro lugar, discorreremos sobre o fenômeno do mágico-religioso na Bíblia Hebraica. Por fim, em quarto e último lugar, com o auxílio do instrumental simbólico mágico-religioso previamente construído, apresentaremos a nossa tradução e respectiva exegese de alguns trechos do livro de Êxodo, compreendidos entre os capítulos 4 a 14. Para isso, nos basearemos no texto hebraico massorético presente na edição crítica padrão do Tanakh, isto é, a Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, editada por Karl Elliger e Wilhelm Rudolph, a qual encontrase atualmente em sua quinta edição revisada. Com esse trabalho pretendemos contribuir para os estudos concernentes à Bíblia Hebraica e, sobretudo, ao livro de Êxodo. / This thesis aims to analyze some biblical passages of the book of Exodus, especially situated between chapters 4-14, from the theoretical framework of magicreligious symbolism. To achieve this purpose, we will divide our research into four parts. First, we will seek to understand the meaning of the symbol, as well as its importance to the Hebrew Bible as a whole and especially to the book of Exodus. Second, we will discourse about the meaning of magic and religion, we will cover the main anthropological and sociological theories about it and then we justify the use of the compound term magical-religious in our research. Third, we will discuss on the phenomenon of the magical-religious in the Hebrew Bible. Finally, in fourth and last place, with the help of magical-religious symbolic instrumental previously constructed, we will present our translation and its exegesis of some excerpts from the book of Exodus, ranging from chapters 4 to 14. For this, we will base on the Hebrew Masoretic text present in the standard critical edition of the Tanakh, that is, the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, edited by Karl Elliger and Wilhelm Rudolph, which is currently in its fifth edition revised. With this work we intend to contribute to the studies concerning the Hebrew Bible and especially the book of Exodus.

Ras & Religion: Christian Identity Vs. Black Hebrew Israelites

Haile, Markus January 2019 (has links)
Our society has become more and more radicalized. For many people religion plays a vital role in this radicalization process, particularly for those who justify racial supremacy through religious tenets. The purpose of this study is to examine and compare two ideologies from which radicalized followers assume racial supremacy from a God given designation as the "true Israelites". The two ideologies interpret the Bible – and sometimes even the same passages – differently.  In this study I will examine the Christian Identity movement and the Black Hebrew Israelites by using a comparative method from a prototypical approach. My focus is how two different ideologies misinterpret the biblical myth about the Lost Tribes of Israel and how this misinterpretation inspires racial supremacy and Anti-Semitism. This is a study about the connection between race and religion. Keywords: racism, race, Christian Identity, Black Hebrew Israelites, Anti-Semitism, Lost Tribes of Israel

The application of biblical laws to women by the Rabbis of the Tannaitic period

Ravel, Edeet January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

The Contradictions of Genre in the Nehemiah Memorial

Burt, Sean January 2009 (has links)
<p>The first-person Hebrew narrative of the Persian courtier sent to be governor of Judah, the "Nehemiah Memorial" (or NM: Neh 1-2:20; 3:33-7:3; 13:4-31), is a crucial text for understanding how elements within ancient Judaism conceived of their relationship to the Persian Achaemenid Empire, which ruled over Judah from the 6th to the 4th centuries BCE. This dissertation investigates NM via the issue of genre. Scholarship on NM in recent years has reached an impasse on this topic, suggesting that NM resists identification with any one genre. Newer developments in genre theory, however, offer resources for understanding genre not simply as a classificatory matter but also as a malleable relationship between writers and readers that can be exploited for rhetorical effect. NM makes use of two main genres: a "foreign court narrative" (cf. Daniel, Esther, and the Joseph narrative) slowly transforms into a biographical inscription or "official memorial", a genre attested throughout the ancient Near East. The subtle combination of these different genres suggests that Nehemiah's pious advocacy for his people and his city carries over from his role as Judean courtier before the Persian king to his role as governor over the Persian province of Judah. It also, however, ultimately underscores the ideological incompatibility of these genres, just as the goals of the subversive courtier at the mercy of the Persian king are at odds with the goals of the governor representing that king. Early readers of NM responded to these contradictions. A literary investigation of Ezra-Nehemiah reveals that editors of that book incorporated Nehemiah's story, but subtly corrected it, whether by reframing his actions in terms of the work of community as a whole and the Torah (Neh 10, Neh 12:44-13:3) or by contrasting him to the superior reformer Ezra (Ezra 7-10). The book of Ezra-Nehemiah thus mutes the signals sent by NM's use of genre indicating that the authority for Nehemiah's reforms, which were essential to Jerusalem's restoration, derived not from Israelite tradition or from the will of the people, but from the power of Judah's imperial masters.</p> / Dissertation

Vanity in human life a comparative study of the role of hebel in Qoheleth and wu in the philosophical thought of Wang Bi /

Liu, Hsiao-Yung. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (S.T.M.)--Concordia Seminary, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-144). Includes additional title p. and some bibliographical references in Chinese.

Language attitude and change among the Druze in Israel

Isleem, Martin A. 13 July 2012 (has links)
This study examines language attitudes and behaviors among the Druze in Israel in order to assess the roles of Arabic and Hebrew in this community. The study utilizes four different approaches: attitude surveys, a survey of linguistic landscapes, a study of language choice in the Internet and an analysis of codeswitching. The results of the language attitude survey indicate that a significant number of Druze exhibit inconsistent attitudes toward their first language and linguistic behavior patterns that are in line with general sociolinguistic patterns of language change. Young people, those with less education, and females all express significantly positive attitudes toward Hebrew. As reported in the literature, these groups have been instrumental in the process of language change. Patterns of language production and consumption in both street signage and websites affirm Bourdieu’s (1991) ideas regarding linguistic market capital as Hebrew is found to have greater value than Arabic in the Mount Carmel area, where the Druze maintain a strong connection with the Jewish-Israeli economy. In contrast, Arabic has a stronger presence in Druze neighborhoods in the Lower Galilee area. This is also true of Druze websites, particularly those that address the Palestinian-Israeli community, the majority in the Lower Galilee area. The study finds that while mixed language is the most common code of younger Druze Internet users, a relatively high percentage of cultural tradition and creative writing works were posted in Arabic. This study also investigates Druze spoken and written codeswitching behavior within the framework of Myers-Scotton's MLF model (1993, 2002). The analysis reveals that Arabic is the Matrix Language of the mixed constituents, although it is not the most common code in overall language produced. Although Arabic does not show signs of waning in the mixed languages’ syntactic structure, and is dominant in cultural tradition and literary works, there is manifest evidence of a language shift toward Hebrew, and the leading groups are: youth in general, and speakers in Mount Carmel. / text

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