Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] HTML"" "subject:"[enn] HTML""
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Redakční herní systém / Editorial System for Game PlayingŠrot, Pavel Unknown Date (has links)
This work is concerned about publishing on Internet and ongoing processes. It aims to introduce the reader to some freely available editorial systems and their main functions. There is a description, how can be all the mentioned freely available editorial systems extended to support another functionality (especially possibility of extension supporting game uploading and replaying). In the next part of the work, there is an analysis of editorial game system, which is extended to support plugins for game upload and replay in a context of some article. The aim of this analysis is to demonstrate the process of developing an information system in practice, because many books concerning about demand specification and possibly about their analysis do not contain any complex example, where it would be possible for the reader to understand how is the analysis of a complex information system done.
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Univerzální tabulkový editor v PHP / Universal Web Datagrid Editor in PHPFránek, Emil January 2008 (has links)
The main topic of this master's thesis is to create a universal web datagrid editor. System was implemented using by HTML, PHP, Oracle and JavaScript.
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Nástroj pro usnadnění vývoje a testování PHP aplikací / Tool for Easy Coding and Debugging of PHP ApplicationPavelka, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is an introducing with tools for easy coding and debugging of PHP applications and to implement such tool on the basis of analysis of common requirements and specific requirements of IS VUT designers. The project includes an introduction with important ideas and terms referring to tool, analysis and specifications of requirements and design and implementation of final tool.
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Grafický prohlížeč mapy studijních programů a studií na VUT / Study Programme Map Graphical ViewerBrettschneider, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of two web applications for BUT portal. The first is called the map of studies. It shows for student all his studies in well-arranged graphical form. The second application is the map study programme graphical viewer. It shows in graphical form the relationships between study programs and departments for each BUT faculty.
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Metody optimalizace webových vyhledávačů - SEO a SEM / Methods for Optimization of Web Spotters - SEO and SEMBartek, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This work concerns optimalization of web pages for finders in the way that the web pages could be placed on best positions. The key of success for optimalization of web pages is the combination of some basic rules. The comparison of advantages of different ways of navigation and creation of menu, speed optimalization of pages loading, texts optimalization with the help of chosen key words, principles of choosing the key words, item placing on web pages and comparison of design, marketing and custom view of making the web pages. First of all, we will look on the difference between catalogues and full text finders, their historical development and current ratio of finders on our market. Subsequently we will describe the presumptions for optimalization from the resource code and programming languages point of view, which are used on web pages. The most important part of our interest is the optimalization methods of web pages content and also the methods which are considered as forbidden. The final implementation is made in PHP language.
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Internetový obchod s lyžařským vybavením / Internet Shop with Skiing EquipmentŠtrbík, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
The objective of this project is to design and create internet shop offering functions, which are common and essential for this type of application. It will also offer functions, which will ensure troublefree and safe run. The base of design are UML models (ER diagram, USE CASE diagram). This models will be created for compact design of database, and structure of whole application. This shop will offer standard administrative functions, which will allow administrators to control the shop. Users will be not only offered by goods, but also will have their own account, where they will be allowed to check the history of their operations. The system will use PHP, html, JavaScript and SQL languages. It will be based on MySql database, Apache server and Rewrite modul of Apache.
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Utvärdering av ett konverteringsverktyg för omvandling av text till HTML : En studie om att effektivisera repetitiva arbetsuppgifterÖsterman, Vendela January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie utvärderar effektiviteten av ett verktyg som konverterar text tillHTML och dess påverkan på tidsåtgången för repetitiva arbetsuppgifter som innefattar manuell inmatning av data till HTML-format. Trots utvecklingenav olika automatiseringsverktyg är manuellt arbete fortfarande vanligt förekommande, särskilt inom datainmatning mellan olika system och plattformar. Studien utfördes i samarbete med WebbEss, en webbyrå som dagligen uppdaterar restaurangers webbsidor med nya menyer. Denna process görs för närvarande manuellt genom att kopiera och klistra in data i HTML.En förstudie och en iterativ designprocess ledde till utvecklingen av ett verktyg som konverterar ren text till HTML. Därefter utfördes prototyptester i en verklig arbetsmiljö under 18 dagar med deltagande av fyra medarbetare från WebbEss. Verktygets användbarhet utvärderades genom intervjuer, prototyptester och mätningar baserade på TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), medan mätningar av tidsåtgången genomfördes med och utan verktyget för att undersöka tidseffektiviteten. Resultatet indikerar att användarna har en positiv syn på verktygets användbarhet trots att några brister identifierades. Användarna upplever verktyget som en förbättring i arbetsprocessen och att det minskar på det repetitiva arbetet. Resultatet av tidsmätningar och hypotesprövningar indikerar även på att verktyget signifikant minskar tiden vid utförande av uppdateringar av menyer.
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Web interface for a multi-purpose transmitterCederlöf, Elin, Mattsson, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
The project described in this report aims to construct a web interface for a multi-purpose transmitter (MPT). The MPT is a submodule that is meant to be used in future chromatography systems. This bachelor thesis project is done at Cytiva in Uppsala. The MPT uses the Azure RTOS development suite with ThreadX as the RTOS, FileX as the file system, and NetX for the TCP/IP protocol stack implementation. The Azure RTOS platform facilitates development for deeply embedded systems and comes with extensive documentation for their services. The web interface consists of 5 web pages with 5 different use cases: Overview for visualization of basic data; Data for visualization, recording, and filtering of all data; Update page for firmware update and file management; Log for development logging purposes; and Config for modifying parameters and running module diagnostic tests. Development of the front end was done in Visual Studio Code. The workflow was streamlined by developing a tool at the beginning of the project that combines the files for the front-end code into variables stored in C source files. Testing of new features was aided by a Python Flask server developed in parallel to the main back end. It embodies the same functionality as the main back end, aside from being hosted on a local computer. The web interface will mainly be used by customers and service personnel. This requires the interface to have two different access levels. The Overview page can be accessed without any authorization while the other pages require the user to be authenticated via username and password. / Vid tillverkning och forskning inom Life Science krävs det väldigt noggranna och välkalibrerade instrument. Dessa instrument behöver också underhållas, dels då de riskerar att gå sönder och för att säkerställa att de är korrekt kalibrerade. För att underlätta servicearbetet av Life Science-instrument har vi i detta projekt utvecklat ett webbgränssnitt.Ett webbgränssnitt är en hemsida som är möjlig att nå i en webbläsare för att kunna interagera med en modul. Arbetet har utförts på Cytiva, som är ett världsledande företag inom Life Science. Projektet består till viss del av utvärdering av alternativa lösningar, detta inkluderar val av dataformat, kommunikationsprotokoll, bibliotek, ramverk och metod för datauppdatering. Denna utvärdering baserades huvudsakligen på följande aspekter: minnesavtryck, robusthet och prestanda. Webbservern är skriven i programmeringsspråket C och använder sig av utvecklingsplatformen Azure RTOS. Det innehåller ett realtidsoperativsystem ThreadX, ett filhanteringssystem FileX och en nätverksstack NetX. För att lättare kunna testa uppdateringar skapade vi en utvecklingsserver parallellt med vår webbserver i C. Denna server är skriven i Python med hjälp av ramverket Flask. Den har samma funktionalitet som MPT webbservern och kan köras lokalt på datorn. Slutliga webbgränssnittet har fem olika sidor med fem olika funktioner: Overview för att visualisera grundläggande data, Data för att visualisera och filtrera all data på modulen, Update för filhantering och för att kunna uppdatera modulens mjukvara, Log för loggning vid utveckling och slutligen Config för att kunna justera parametrar och utföra diagnostik på modulen. Det som visas i webbläsaren, front end, är skrivet i programmeringsspråken HTML, CSS och JavaScript. Användandet av ramverk och bibliotek utvärderades men slutsatsen av det är att behovet för det inte övervägde ökningen i minnesavtryck. Koderna från de olika språken vävdes samman med hjälp av ett verktyg som utvecklades för att underlätta skapandet av gränssnittet. Verktyget är skrivet i Python och gör utvecklingen både snabbare och enklare genom att möjliggöra front-end utveckling i programutvecklingsmiljön Visual Studio Code.
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Schema Matching and Data Extraction over HTML TablesTao, Cui 16 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Data on the Web in HTML tables is mostly structured, but we usually do not know the structure in advance. Thus, we cannot directly query for data of interest. We propose a solution to this problem for the case of mostly structured data in the form of HTML tables, based on document-independent extraction ontologies. The solution entails elements of table location and table understanding, data integration, and wrapper creation. Table location and understanding allows us to locate the table of interest, recognize attributes and values, pair attributes with values, and form records. Data-integration techniques allow us to match source records with a target schema. Ontologically specified wrappers allow us to extract data from source records into a target schema. Experimental results show that we can successfully map data of interest from source HTML tables with unknown structure to a given target database schema. We can thus "directly" query source data with unknown structure through a known target schema.
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Database Metadata Requirements for Automated Web Development. A case study using PHP.Mgheder, Mohamed A. January 2009 (has links)
The Web has come a long way. It started as a distributed document repository and quickly became the spring board for a new type of application. Propped on top of the original HTML+HTTP architecture, this new application platform shifted the way the architecture was used so that commands and functionality were embedded in the form data of Web requests rather than in the HTTP command conveying the request. This approach enabled Web requests to convey any type of data, not just document operations. This is occurring because the Web provides such a powerful platform on which to create applications. This is occurring because web development methods are still evolving toward the structure and stability required taking on this enormous new role.
As the needs of developers change, certain themes that arise more frequently than others become embedded into new environments to support those needs. Until recently, Web application programming has largely been done with a set of keywords and metaphors developed long before the Web became a popular place to program. APIs have been developed to support Web specific features, but they are no replacement for fundamental changes in the programming environment itself. The growth of Web applications requires a new type of programming designed specifically for the needs of the Web.
This thesis aims to contribute towards the development of an abstract framework to generate abstract and dynamic Web user interfaces that are not developed to a specific platform. To meet this aim, this thesis suggests a general implementation of a prototype system that uses the information in database metadata in conjunction with PHP. Database metadata is richer in providing the information needed to build dynamic user interfaces. This thesis uses PHP and the abstract library ADOdb to provide us with a generalised database metadata based prototype. PHP does not have any restrictions on accessing and extracting database metadata from numerous database management systems. As a result, PHP and relational database were used to build the proposed framework. Additionally, ADOdb was used to link the two mentioned technologies.
The implemented framework in this thesis demonstrates that it is possible to generate different automatic Web entry forms that are not specific at any platform.
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