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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assembly station development by flow analysis and systematic layout planning : Mapping of the current state of production, evaluation of alternatives and development of concepts for improved flow and flexibility

Abrahamsson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Modul system HH deliver modular storage systems and electrical solutions that can be combined according to the customer's wishes. This thesis combines argues for the importance for companies to keep improving their organization and production to remain competitive. By relating to a holistic view of the development of production environments, the project focuses on improvements for efficiency and social sustainability in the development of production. The project became relevant as the company has discovered difficulties in balancing production in the event of capacity changes and wants to develop rational flows and increase its flexibility. The project is limited to exploring three assembly stations and the operations and flows that belong to the assembly. The project spiral's iterative 3-step development process was chosen for strategic planning. This methodology allowed the work to continue forward despite the lack of data. The first step deals with planning and processes where technology and users were examined. In this planning phase, a Gantt schedule was used in the ClickUp program to plan the project and to-do lists and deadlines could be set. A literature study was conducted to strengthen arguments and raise new ideas. The theoretical overview focuses on areas around production development with a focus on the development of layouts/assembly stations, psychosocial work environment and organizational management. In the second phase of the project, requirements and wishes were mapped. This was done together with the company, the results from this step were then used to evaluate concepts before detailed development. The project also has several parts of the framework that Muther & Wheeler developed called Systematic layout planning. It provided the tools to understand important connections through relationships and proximity analysis. These methods were also used to evaluate the results. Interviews, observations, and 3D modelling were also performed in this phase to gather information and to understand different production structures. Semi-structured interviews were performed with product managers, production designers, production planners. From these methods, I was together with some employees able to conclude that customer order-driven product development is the focus. That production places demand on rapid implementations in production and that modularity means great flexibility needs and fast lead times. We also found opportunities to minimize repetitive and time-consuming steps through development based on the operator's point of view. Concepts were developed through a development process based on proximity analysis, time studies and results from more subjective interviews. The concepts were then evaluated through an evaluation matrix based on formulated future requirements and wishes. The winning concept was developed in more detail and developed iteratively together with staff from the company. The final concept combines a new, more compact layout that considers proximity requirements between stations as well as flows of materials and operators. The final layout also introduces new types of material buffers and action proposals for improved collaboration and communication for increased flexibility.

Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2024: Menschen, Technik und Methoden in Produktentwicklung und Design

Paetzold-Byhain, Kristin, Augsten, Andrea, Krzywinski, Jens 26 June 2024 (has links)
Die Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben adressiert aktuelle Fragestellungen, Innovationen und Herausforderungen in Produktentwicklung und Design. Die Themen virtuelle Entwicklung und menschzentriertes Design bilden die Klammer, um aktuelle Forschung aus verschiedenen Wissenschaftsbereichen und relevante Fallstudien unterschiedlicher Branchen vor dem Hintergrund des technologischen und nachhaltigen Wandels zu reflektieren. Ziel ist es, Ihnen einen inspirierenden Blick über die eigene Praxis hinaus zu bieten und damit vielfältige Impulse zu geben. Ein besseres Verständnis der menschlichen Arbeitsweise, Potenziale der Digitalisierung und Anforderungen des nachhaltigen Wandels eröffnen neue Perspektiven in Produktentwicklung und Design. Neue Ansätze, Methoden, Werkzeuge und Lösungen adressieren beispielsweise das Handeln in Entwicklungsteams, die Kooperation mit lernenden Algorithmen, die Komplexität von Produkt-Service-Systemen und cyber-physischen Systemen oder systematische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen in Entwicklungsprozessen. Forschende und Praktizierende aus Wissenschaft und Industrie präsentieren ihre Arbeit, Ihre Positionen und Ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu den Herausforderungen der Produktentwicklung.:POTENTIALE DER PERSONA-METHODE IM KONTEXT DER NACHHALTIGEN PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Björn Kokoschko, Laura Augustin, Michael Schabacker, Ramona Träger & Christiane Beyer 1 USER-CENTERED DATA PROVISION FOR CLIMATE-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT Stephan Arndt, Frauke Hänel, Maria Dos Santos & Bernd Zimmermann 15 SUSTAINABILITY ATTITUDES AND WILLINGNESS TO BUY ECO-FRIENDLY PCRPRODUCTS: THE EXAMPLE OF LIGHT SWITCHES Nikolas Neumann, Aline Mangold & Julia Schneider 23 VERORTUNG VON PRODUKTPROFILEN IM ZUKÜNFTIGEN UMFELD DURCH ABGLEICH VON SZENARIEN Carsten Thümmel, Domonkos Kiss, Stefan Schwarz, Andreas Siebe & Albert Albers 36 WISSENSBASIERTES UND KOLLABORATIVES SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MECHATRONISCHER PRODUKTE Stephan Husung, Faizan Faheem & Zirui Li 46 ERWEITERUNG EINES ONTOLOGIE-BASIERTEN PRODUKTKONFIGURATIONSMODELLS MIT GENERALISIERTER MICROSERVICE ARCHITEKTUR FÜR DIE ENTWICKLUNG IN EINEM PRODUKTIONSDATENRAUM Erik Konietzko 59 MBSE–GESTÜTZTE BEWERTUNG VON TECHNISCHEN ÄNDERUNGSAUSWIRKUNGEN IM MODELL DER SGE – SYSTEMGENERATIONSENTWICKLUNG Alex Martin, Jannis Lützelschwab, Vanessa Michelle Clermont, Albert Albers 71 DESIGN DRAWING PARAMETERS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE EVALUATION OF DESIGN PROPOSALS Frank Mühlbauer, Julia Schneider, Jens Krzywinski & Christian Wölfel 84 ENTWICKLUNG EINES METHODENKARTENSETS ZUR STEIGERUNG DER MULTIMODALITÄT VON BEDIENKONZEPTEN Julius Röhlig, Sebastian Lorenz 99 MULTIFUNKTIONALER JOYSTICK FÜR EINEN RADLADER Lukas Fuchs, Marcel Racs & Thomas Maier 111 ADAPTIVE BEDIENSYSTEME IM ACKERSCHLEPPER Timo Schempp, Björn-Gerrit Hülle, Marcel Racs 123 DESIGN FOR ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING – APPLICATION SYSTEM BASED ON DESIGN METHODOLOGY IN INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS Florian Günther & Alexander Koch 134 ASSESSMENT SCHEME FOR PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION FLEXIBILITY – AN INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDY Julia Beibl & Dieter Krause 147 STRATEGIEN UND METHODEN DES ROBUST DESIGNS FÜR DEN EINSATZ IN FRÜHEN PHASEN DER PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Torsten Brix & Stephan Husung 157 ANWENDUNG VON ALLGEMEINTOLERANZEN IM ISO GPS-NORMENSYSTEM – ASPEKTE DER NORMUNG Wolfgang Steger, Thorsten Engelke, Christian Lipp, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Peter Robl & Bernhard Wegner 172 A THEORETICAL APPROACH TO DESIGN COMMUNICATION IN MIXED TRAFFIC Lars Gadermann, Daniel Holder & Thomas Maier 183 KONZEPTION EINES DIGITALEN ZWILLINGS FÜR DIE PRODUKTENTSTEHUNG IN DER LUFTFAHRTINDUSTRIE Jörg Brünnhäußer, Thomas Zimmermann, Terence Larusch, Renaud Kenfack, Christoph Jurczok, Jacob Böhnke, Pascal Lünnemann, Kai Lindow 196 CLOSING THE LOOP – INTEGRATING PROCESSES AND OPERATIONAL DIGITAL TWIN DATA INTO THE DIGITAL THREAD GRAPH Nico Kasper, Michael Pfenning, Martin Eigner 206 ENTSCHEIDUNGSFRAMEWORK ZUR AUSWAHL VON WIEDERHOLKOMPONENTEN IM ANLAGENBAU Lorenz Krüger, Bernhard Saske & Kristin Paetzold-Byhain 218 ERSTELLUNG EINES EINHEITLICHEN VERSTÄNDNISSES RICHTIGER PROTOTYPEN ZUR BEFÄHIGUNG VON ENTWICKELNDEN Stefan Eric Schwarz, Raphael Grau, Rebecca Schaffrath, Tobias Düser, Albert Albers 231 KOLLABORATION IN KOMPLEXEN SYSTEMEN Gerhard Glatzel, Maike Gebker, Marius Land, Stefanie Ollenburg, Samuel Zonon 245 LESEZEIT: 14 MINUTEN – DIE GESTALTUNGSPARAMETER VON ZEIT UND IHRE WIRKUNG AUF DIGITALE PRODUKT- UND SERVICE-INTERAKTIONEN Philipp Schütz & Oliver Gerstheimer 259 TOWARDS HUMAN-DRIVEN DESIGN OF TECHNOLOGY: REFLECTING ON THREE USE CASES Tina Bobbe, Sebastian Lorenz, Emese Papp, Lisa-Marie Lüneburg, Nikolas Neumann, Helge Wanta, Jens Krzywinski 279 INNOVATION DURCH KI-DIALOG – LIVING PERSONAS & DIGITAL CUSTOMER TWINS Gerstheimer, Oliver; Schütz, Philipp; Trebbin, Stefan; Rauchfuß, Frank; Holtel, Stefan 295 MIT PARTIZIPATION WIRKUNGSVOLL GESTALTEN – IDENTIFIKATION REALER BEDARFE UNTER EINBINDUNG VIELFÄLTIGER PERSPEKTIVEN Jennifer Schubert & Sophie Knittel 311 LEHRWUNDER: MR-ANWENDUNGEN FÜR DEN UNTERRICHT Ingmar S. Franke, Paulina Groschopp, Christian Steinmann 323 BERÜCKSICHTIGUNG DER PHYSIOLOGIE UND EINSTELLUNG VON NUTZERN MITTELS INTEGRATION EXTERNER EINFLUSSFAKTOREN IN AFFECTIVE ENGINEERING METHODEN Judith van Remmen, Jörg Miehling, Sandro Wartzack 336 KIEFERSYMMETRIE NACH PRIMÄREM SPALTVERSCHLUSS – ZWEI VERSCHIEDENE AUSWERTUNGSMETHODEN Michaela Buckova, Christiane Keil, Stefan Holtzhausen, Philipp Sembdner, Winnie Pradel, Franz Tritschel, Milan Drahos, Günter Lauer 346 ROUTINEN ZUM ENTWURF PATIENTENINDIVIDUELLER SCHABLONEN ZUR OPTIMALEN EINPASSUNG VON AUTOLOGEN KNOCHENAUGMENTATEN IN KIEFERSPALTEN Tom Alexander Schröder, Philipp Sembdner, Erik Selbmann, Uwe Teicher, Günter Lauer & Anas Ben Achour 357 INTERAKTION MIT LERNENDEN ALGORITHMEN ZUR UNTERSTÜTZUNG FERTIGUNGSGERECHTER BAUTEILKONSTRUKTION Sebastian Langula, Martin Erler, Christiane Kunath, Julia Schneider, Christian Wölfel, Michael Königs & Alexander Brosius 368 KEY CONCEPTS, POTENTIALS AND OBSTACLES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Maximilian Kretzschmar, Maximilian Peter Dammann, Sebastian Schwoch, Elias Berger, Bernhard Saske & Kristin Paetzold-Byhain 381 KI-BILDGENERATOREN IM HANDWERK – ENTWICKLUNG NEUER KOMMUNIKATIONSUND ENTWURFSPROZESSE IN DER PRAXIS Anne Goldammer 394 SEMANTISCHES VR-MODELL FÜR DIE QUALIFIKATION DES BEDIENPERSONALS VON VERARBEITUNGSMASCHINEN Paul Weber, Lukas Oehm 406 BEGREIFEN. MENSCHENZENTRIERTE GESTALTUNG INTERAKTIVER WISSENSCHAFTSEXPONATE Diana Simon, Jacob Richter & Ramona Wahl 419


GEORGINA DURAN QUEZADA 28 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] O homem propõe e exposto a mudanças tecnológicas desde os primeiros dias da humanidade. No entanto, o XX e início do século XXI, apresentou uma aceleração no desenvolvimento de tecnologias que transformam a vida quotidiana. Os mesmos avanços tecnológicos, juntamente com a melhoria da qualidade de vida, têm gerado um acelerado processo de envelhecimento da população e propor um campo de ação que se torna indispensável a considerar para o Design. Este trabalho teve como ponto de partida as questões sobre como idosos interagem com novas tecnologias, qual é a relação que têm com os objetos e serviços que incluem tecnologias que são estranhas ou novas para eles, bem como o impacto e a importância elas têm em suas vidas diárias. Também é importante saber, quais são os fatores que lhes permitem se aproximar ou afastar destas novas tecnologias? Para responder a estas perguntas, foram utilizadas técnicas metodológicas voltadas para o ser humano, e de inspiração etnográfica, design empático e design emocional, como forma de reconhecer o usuário idoso e propor soluções que facilitam a interação entre as pessoas idosas e as novas tecnologias. Esta tese apresenta uma abordagem metodológica de aproximação e compreensão das características e necessidades do usuário idoso. Foi realizado em duas experiências imersivas em casas de convivência para idosos; uma no Rio de Janeiro e outra na Cidade do México. Em ambos os casos foi proposta uma experiência de aprendizagem do uso básico de tablets e computadores para pessoas acima de 70 anos. A experiência serviu como uma técnica de pesquisa e reconhecimento de as motivações, frustrações e desejos que este grupo da população tem com respeito de um tipo particular de tecnologia que era estranha para eles. A partir deste trabalho são apresentados conclusões e considerações que podem ser retomadas pelos designers quando eles enfrentem o desenvolvimento de propostas de design que envolvam novas tecnologias e cujo usuário final são aqueles que excedam os 70 anos. / [en] The human being, generates and exposes himself to technological changes from the earliest days of humanity; however, the 20th and 21st centuries have showed an acceleration in the development of technologies tha t transforms daily life. The same technological advances, added to an improvement in the quality of life, have generated an accelerated aging of the population. Both factors (technology and ageing combined) presents fundamental fields of action to consider for the Design. This work had as its starting points, questions about the way older adults interact and relate with objects and services that include technologies that are new to them, as well as the impact and importance that these artifacts have in their daily lives, or the factors that bring them closer or far away of these new technologies. To answer these questions, human-centered design, empathic and emotional design and ethnographic-inspired methods, were used. This thesis presents a proposal for an approximation and understanding of the characteristics and needs of the elderly adult user related to technologies that are strange to them. It was made in two immersion experiences in recreation centers for seniors; one in Rio de Janeiro and the other in Mexico City. / [es] El ser humano propone y se expone a los cambios tecnológicos desde los primeros días de la humanidad, sin embargo, los siglos XX y XXI, han presentado una aceleración en el desarrollo de tecnologías que transforman la vida diaria. Los mismos avances tecnológicos, sumados a una mejora en la calidad de vida, han generado un acelerado proceso de envejecimiento de la población y proponen un campo de acción que se vuelve indispensable de considerar para el Diseño. Este trabajo tuvo como punto de partida los cuestionamientos acerca de cómo es que los adultos mayores interactúan con los nuevos medios, cuál es la relac ión que tienen con los objetos y servicios que incluyen tecnologías que les son ajenas o nuevas así como el impacto e importancia que tienen en su vida diaria. También es importante reconocer ¿Cuáles son los factores que los acercan o alejan de estas nuevas tecnologías?. Para responder a estos cuestionamientos, fueron utilizadas técnicas metodológicas centradas en el ser humano, y de inspiración etnográfica, el diseño empático y el diseño emocional, como la forma de reconocer al usuario adulto mayor, así como para proyectar propuestas de solución que faciliten la interacción entre los adultos mayores y las nuevas tecnologías. Esta tesis presenta una propuesta de metodología de aproximación y de entendimiento de las características y necesidades del usuario adulto mayor realizada en dos experiencias de inmersión en casas de esparcimiento para adultos mayores; una en Río de Janeiro y otra en la Ciudad de México. En ambos casos, se realizó una experiencia de aprendizaje básico de uso de tabletas y computadoras de escritorio para mayores de 70 años que sirvió como técnica de investigación y reconocimiento de las motivaciones, frustraciones y deseos que este grupo de la población tiene con respecto a un tipo de tecnología en particular que les resultaba ajena. A partir de este trabajo, se presentan conclusiones y consideraciones que pueden ser retomadas por los diseñadores cuando se enfrenten al desarrollo de propuestas de Diseño que involucran nuevas tecnologías y cuyo usuario final sean aquellos que sobrepasan los 70 años.

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