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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Studies in patients with sepsis and organ failure : diagnostic and therapeutic aspects

Sakr, Yasser 26 June 2007 (has links)
Sepsis et défaillances viscérales; aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques Le sepsis est un problème fréquemment rencontré en unité de soins intensifs (USIs) avec une morbidité et une mortalité élevées. Comprendre les mécanismes physiopathologiques du sepsis est essentiel à la fois pour mieux déterminer les bénéfices et/ou les effets indésirables des thérapies déjà en cours et développer de nouvelles statégies thérapeutiques. Des études épidémiologiques offrent une vue d´ensemble sur l´importance de la mobidité et la mortalité liées au sepsis et permettent d’apporter un élément de réponse aux questions essentielles concernant le sepsis et son traitement à l’USI, ce qui permet de réaliser les fondements de nouvelles études contrôlées randomisées à venir. Ces dernières années, un certain nombre d´études ont été publiées concernant les données épidémiologiques sur la fréquence de survenue, les facteurs associés et le coût engendré par la prise en charge des patients atteints de sepsis. Cependant, vu la dynamique du sepsis qui est un syndrome multifactoriel et complexe, une mise à jour régulière de nos connaissances sur le diagnostic, la prise en charge et le pronostic du sepsis est d’importance capitale. L´étude SOAP, une étude de cohorte, multicentrique d´observation a été réalisée pour mieux définir l´incidence du sepsis et les caractéristiques des patients hospitalisés en USI en Europe. Chez tous les patients admis entre le 1er et le 15 mai 2002 dans 198 USI dans 24 pays d´Europe, les données épidémiologiques, cliniques et biologiques et les maladies chroniques sous-jacentes ont été relevées de façon prospective. Les patients ont été suivis jusqu´à leur décès ou leur sortie de l´USI pendant une durée de 60 jours. Sur 3147 adultes, avec un age moyen de 64 an, 1177 (soit 37.4%) avaient un sepsis; parmi eux 777 (soit24.7%) avaient un sepsis à l´admission. L´origine du sepsis était le plus souvent pulmonaire (68%) et abdominale dans 22%. Une preuve bactériologique a été mise en évidence dans 60% des cas. Les germes rencontrés étaient un staphyloccoque doré (30%, dont 14% méthicilline-résistant), Pseudomonas sp.(14%), Escherischia coli (13%). Par analyse multivariée, Pseudomonas sp. était le seul germe associé à une mortalité plus élevé. Les patients septiques avaient des défaillances viscérales plus graves, un séjour hospitalier et en USI plus long et une mortalité plus élevé que les patients sans sepsis. Chez les patients septiques l´âge, un état de choc, un cancer, un bilan hydrique positif et une admission médicale (plutôt que chirurgicale) étaient les facteurs pronostiques corrélés à une mortalité plus élevée. Il y avait des variations considérables selon les pays, avec une corrélation importante entre la fréquence du sepsis et les taux de mortalité en USI dans chaque pays. Des publications récentes ont suggéré que les conditions de ventilation mécanique pouvaient influencer le devenir des patients présentant un ALI et un ARDS. Nous avons étudié si l´utilisation de volumes courants plus élevés en cas d´infection/sepsis que ceux utilisés dans l´étude ARDSnet (> 7,4ml/kg) avait des conséquences péjoratives (en terme de mortalité) chez les patients présentant un ALI/ARDS. Sur les 3147 patients inclus dans l´étude SOAP, 393 (soit 12,5%) avaient les critères d’ALI/ARDS. Le taux de mortalité en USI et la mortalité hospitalière étaient plus élevés chez ces patients (respectivement 39 contre 16% et 46 contre 21 %, p < 0,001). Un analyse multivariée en régression logistique prenant le devenir en USI comme facteur déterminant a montré que les facteurs pronostiques indépendants étaient: l´existence d´un cancer, l´utilisation de volumes courant plus élevés que ceux utilisés dans l´étude ARDSnet, le degré de défaillance multiviscérale et un bilan hydrique positif. Le sepsis, le choc septique et la saturation d´O2 au début de l´ALI/ARDS n´avaient pas de valeur pronostique. Chez les patients en USI, l´utilité d´un monitorage par cathéter artériel pulmonaire (PAC) est discutable. Nous avons étudié les aspects épidémiologiques de l´utilisation du monitorage artériel pulmonaire dans les USI en Europe et leur impact en terme de mortalité. Les patients sous PAC (n: 481, 15,3%) étaient plus âgés, plus souvent atteints d´une cardiopathie, moins souvent d´un cancer et en majorité des patients “chirurgicaux”. La mortalité en USI et hospitalière étaient plus importante chez les patients monitorés (respectivement 28,1 contre 16,8 et 32,5 contre 22,5%, p<0,001). Cependant le monitorage artériel pulmonaire n´était pas un facteur de risque indépendant pour la durée de séjour de 60 jours en analyse multivariée. De plus, et chez 453 malades pairés (“propensity matched-pairs”), les taux de mortalité en USI et hospitalière étaient similaires (27 contre 26 and 31 contre 33 %, p:NS). La survie à 60 jours était également similaire dans les 2 groupes appairés (Log Rank: 0,02, p = 0,89). Cette étude suggère que le monitorage artériel pulmonaire n´est pas corrélé à une mortalité supplémentaire dans cette population hétérogène. La drogue vasoactive “idéale” à administrer en cas de choc est également controversée. Nous avons étudié l´influence de l´administration de dopamine sur l’état de choc. Sur 3147 patients, 1058 (soit 34%) avaient un état de choc tout le long de la période d´étude; 462 (soit 15%) avaient un choc septique. Le taux de mortalité en USI par état de choc était de 38 % et de 47 % en cas de choc septique. Parmi les patients en état de choc, 375 (soit 35 %) recevaient de la dopamine (groupe dopamine) et 683 (soit 65 %) n´en recevaient pas. L´âge, le sexe, les scores de sévérité (SAPS II et SOFA) était comparables dans les 2 groupes. Le groupe dopamine avait un une mortalité en USI et hospitalière plus élevée (respectivement 43 contre 36%, p:0,02 et 50 contre 42%, p = 0,01). L´étude des courbes de survie Kaplan-Meier a montré une survie à 30 jours diminuée dans le groupe dopamine (log Rank: 4,6; p: 0,032). Dans une étude multivariée prenant le taux de mortalité en USI comme facteur indépendant, l´âge, un cancer, les patients admis pour raison médicale (non-chirurgicale), le score SOFA moyen plus élevé, un bilan hydrique positif et l´administration de dopamine étaient des facteurs pronostiques indépendants. Cette étude suggère que l´administration de dopamine est associée à une augmentation de la mortalité en cas de choc. Afin de confirmer cette hypothèse, une étude prospective comparant la dopamine à la noradrénaline dans la prise en charge de l´état de choc a été lancée. Nous avons également étudié l´administration des solutions d´albumine dans les USI en Europe et son influence en terme de mortalité : 350 patients (soit 11,2%) ont reçu de l´albumine et 2793 patients (soit 89 %) n´en ont pas reçu. Les patients du groupe albumine étaient plus souvent cirrhotiques, atteints de cancer, “chirurgicaux” ou de sepsis. Ces patients avaient un séjour en USI et un taux de mortalité plus élevé, mais étaient également plus sévèrement malades comme en témoignent des scores SAPS II et SOFA plus élevés. Un modele de Cox (risque proportional) a montré que l´administration d´albumine était significativement corrélée avec une moindre survie à 30 jours. La mortalité en USI et hospitalière était plus élevée chez les patients du groupe albumine que chez ceux n´en ayant pas reçu (respectivement 35 contre 21% et 41 contre 28%, p<0,001). Nous en avons conclu que l´administration d´albumine était associée avec une moindre survie chez ces patients gravement malades. Des études prospectives randomisées et contrôlées sont nécessaires pour étudier les effets de l´administration d´albumine sur la survie de ces patients pris en charge en USI. Finalement, nous avons étudié les effets de l´administration de solutions d’hydroxyethylamidon (HES) sur la fonction rénale chez les patients inclus dans l´étude SOAP. Les patients ayant reçu une solution de HES (n: 1075, soit 34%) étaient plus âgés (moyenne+/- DS: 62+/- 18 ans, p: 0,022), avaient en majorité des affections chirurgicales ou hématologiques, une défaillance cardiaque, un score SAPS II ou SOFA plus élevé et étaient moins susceptible de recevoir un support rénal extracorporel (2 contre 4%, p<0,001) que ceux n´ayant pas reçu de solution de HES. Le score SOFA rénal était significativement plus élevé au cours du séjour en USI indépendamment du liquide de remplissage utilisé. Cependant, dans le groupe HES plus de patients avaient besoin de support rénal extracorporel que dans le groupe “non-HES” (11 contre 9%, p: 0,006). Toutefois, en analyse multivariée, l´administration de HES n´était pas associée à un besoin plus élevé de support rénal extracorporel. Le sepsis, la défaillance cardio-vasculaire, une hémopathie maligne et un score SOFA rénal de base > 1 étaient tous associés à un besoin plus élevé de RRT. Les altérations microcirculatoires sont fréquentes chez les patients septiques. Les sont directement liées à la sévérité du sepsis et plus marquées chez les patients qui sont décédés que chez ceux qui ont survécu, sans toutefois être corrélées à l´état hémodynamique ou aux besoins en agents vasoactifs. Ces obnservations ont été faites au début de la maladie si bien que leur évolution dans le temps n´a pas bien pu être caractérisée. L´OPS est une nouvelle technqiue, qui permet d´étudier la microcirculation des tissus recouverts d´un fin épithélium, comme les muqueuses. Cette technique a été validée pour l´étude de la microcirculation chez l´homme et l´animal. Pour préciser l´évolution de l´altération de la microcirculation et son pronostic en terme de morbidité et de mortalité chez les patients présentant un choc septique, nous avons étudié chez 49 patients en choc septique, l’évolution des altérations microcirculatoires (par OPS) du jour du début de l´état de choc et de façon quotidienne les jours suivants jusqu´à résolution complète du choc ou le décès. Au début de l´état de choc, les survivants et les non survivants avaient la même densité de capillaire et le même pourcentage de capillaire perméable au niveau du tissu étudié. La microcirculation était préservée chez les survivants, mais pas chez les patients décédés. Malgré un statut hémodynamique et des besoins en drogues vasoactives similaires ainsi qu´à des taux de saturation en oxygène comparable, les patients décédés des suites du choc septique dans un tableau de défaillance multiviscérale avaient un pourcentage de capillaires perfusés significativement inférieur aux patients ayant survécu. Nous en avons conclu que les altérations de la microcirculation s´améliorent rapidement en cas d’évolution favorable, mais au contraire progressent en cas de défaillance multiviscérale. Pour étudier les effets de la transfusion de concentrés érythrocytaires sur la microcirculation au cours du sepsis, nous avons évalué la microcirculation de la muqueuse sublinguale à l´aide de l´OPS chez 35 patients avant et après la transfusion de 1 à 2 unités de concentrés érythrocytaires. Cinq séquences de 20 secondes chacune ont été enregistrées et analysées par une méthode semi- quantitative. La transfusion de concentrés érythrocytaires a augmenté le taux d´hémoglobine, la pression artérielle et le transport en oxygène. La microcirculation ne s´est pas significativement altérée mais des variations individuelles considérables ont été relevées. Les modifications de la perfusion capillaire après transfusion ont été significativement corrélées avec le degré inital de perfusion capillaire. La perfusion capillaire de base était significativement inférieure chez les patients qui ont augmenté leur perfusion capillaire de plus de 5% par rapport à ceux ne l´ayant pas augmenté, et cela à conditions hémodynamiques et de transport d´oxygène similaire dans les 2 groupes. Ces résultats montrent que la microcirculation muqueuse sublinguale n´est pas altérée par l´apport de concentrés érythrocytaires en cas de sepsis. Cependant, la perfusion capillaire de base peu augmenter en cas d´altération préexistante. Et finalement, pour évaluer les effets de la dobutamine sur la microcirculation chez les patients septiques, nous avons étudié 10 malades sous dobutamine (administrée à la dose de 5 mcg/kg.min) pendant 2 heures suivies par l´application de 10 - 2 M d´acéthylcholine sur la muqueuse sublinguale. Un monitorage hémodynamique complet avant et après l´administration de dobutamine a été réalisé. Les enregistrements ont été obtenus grâce à l´OPS avant et après l´administration de dobutamine et d´acétylcholine. La dobutamine augmente significativement la perfusion capillaire et ce avec de larges variations individuelles, alors que la densité capillaire est restée constante. L´adjonction topique d´acéthylcholine restitue entièrement la perfusion et la densité capillaire. Les modifications de la perfusion capillaire n´ont pas été en rapport avec les fluctuations de la pression artérielle et de l´index cardiaque. La baisse de la lactacidémie était proportionnelle à l´augmentation de la perfusion capillaire, et sans corrélation avec les modifications de l´index cardiaque. Nous en avons conclu que l´administration de 5 mcg/kg.min de dobutamine en cas de choc septique peut augmenter la perfusion capillaire sans toutefois la restaurer. Ces modifications sont indépendantes des fluctuations de l´hémodynamique systémique.

Närståendes besök hos patienter som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning / Family visits to patients treated in an intensive care unit.

Eriksson, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The overall objective of the present thesis was to describe and assess the importance and impact of visits by the patients’ families in an ICU, from patient and family perspectives, and to develop, from a hermeneutic perspective, a research method to study the interplay between patient and family during the visit. Method: The comprehensive methodology of the thesis was hermeneutic. Qualitative as well as quantitative methods were applied to elucidate the issues at stake. In paper I, 198 patients were consecutively included, and data were statistically analysed to establish patient mortality and length of stay at the hospital, in relation to visits of families in the ICU. In paper II, ten patients and 24 visitors were observed during visits. In paper III, seven patients and five relatives were interviewed about their memories of the visits in the ICU. Field notes from the observations, and the interviews with patients and relatives, were interpreted and analysed inspired by Gadamer’s hermeneutic philosophy. Paper IV represents a theoretical discourse, and presents methodological aspects of the hermeneutic interpretation of data from the observations. Results: There were no significant differences between the patients having visitors and those who did not. The patient group with no visits comprised 25 %; they were older, and lived in single households, which contrasted to the patient group having visitors. Analyses of the three clinical studies revealed four themes. The themes relate to the meaning of visiting for patients and their relatives, and are as follows: the visit means to see and realize, to guard and watch, to meet, and to sacrifice. The caring entails that you witness and see with your own eyes, and that you feel a communion with the sick. From the patient perspective, the visit signifies that you are confirmed, empowering you to fight to get back to life. Communion and availability in conjunction enable an individual to achieve a thorough involvement with another being. The results of study IV disclosed that what you observe is depending on your theoretical view. If you see from your heart, you interpret from your heart. Conclusions: The conclusions drawn from the studies of the present thesis are that opportunities to create a presence in the community - a communion - between patients, relatives, and carers, are at want. The present fundamental view of caring in intensive care units is in need of change, in order to create optimal conditions for a communion. Visits need to be regarded as an essential part of caring, and relatives’ visits ought to be facilitated and encouraged. Furthermore, visits are important both for patients and their relatives, as sharing the event of critical illness, in the sense of sharing the suffering, the healing, and the restoration of health, is considered a precondition for their recovery. Care should be organized around the patients and their families. Families and patients bring their fellow stories of life, including values and beliefs, thereby increasing the probability of dignified individualized care. / <p>Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av filosofie doktorsexamen vid Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet kommer att offentligt försvaras i hörsal 2118, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa, Arvid Wallgrens backe, Hus 2, Göteborg, fredagen den 19 oktober 2012 kl. 09.00</p>

Cytokines associated with insulin resistance in critically ill patients.

Wilgen, Urs 13 February 2009 (has links)
Abstract Mortality of patients requiring intensive care treatment for greater than 5 days has been shown to be about 20% worldwide. Hyperglycaemia is common in critically ill patients. Strict glucose control with insulin in critically ill patients was shown to reduce mortality and morbidity significantly. Several interrelated mechanisms are involved in the development of “stress hyperglycaemia” in critically ill patients. These include dextrose containing intravenous infusions and total parenteral nutrition; the counter regulatory hormones (catecholamines, cortisol, glucagon and growth hormone) which oppose the effects of insulin; nervous system signaling; increased insulin clearance; and excess production of cytokines that interfere with intracellular insulin signaling pathways. Aim of study: To determine if the cytokines TNFα, IL-6 and adiponectin are significant determinants of insulin resistance in critically ill patients. Methods: The study was a prospective observational study conducted in the intensive care unit (ICU) at the Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital. Forty sequential adult ICU admissions that met with the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Blood specimens were drawn for adiponectin, TNF, and IL-6 at the time of ICU admission, on day 3, day 7 and on discharge from the ICU. Demographic data and clinical data were recorded, and body mass index (BMI) and APACHE II scores were calculated on admission. Blood glucose was measured every 2 to 4 hours, recorded and a mean value was calculated over the 24 hour period. Insulin infusions were started when the blood glucose values exceeded 6.0mmol/l. Administration of insulin was according to a fixed sliding scale. The total amount of insulin administered intravenously over that 24 hour period was recorded. Other factors known to be related to insulin sensitivity, such as inflammation (as indicated by C-reactive protein), vii triglycerides, insulin, C-peptide and cortisol levels were also drawn in addition to the blood drawn for routine investigations. Results: Duration of stay in ICU correlated with severity of illness as assessed by the APACHE II score (r = 0.44, p = 0.004). There was no significant difference in the mean 24 hour plasma glucose concentration throughout the duration of stay in ICU, there were however significant differences in the amount of insulin administered to maintain normoglycaemia. The amount of administered insulin required was found to peak on day 3 and decline thereafter. The main determinant of insulin administered was mean glucose (r = 0.79, p < 0.00001). The measured insulin concentrations on admission correlated with mean plasma glucose (r = 0.41, p = 0.009) and C-peptide (r = 0.45, p = 0.004) levels. The main determinants of mean plasma glucose levels on admission were BMI (r = 0.38, p = 0.013) and serum cortisol (r = 0.41, p = 0.008) levels. Serum triglycerides levels showed a significant difference from admission to discharge, with values increasing from admission levels. Adiponectin levels showed a significant increase from admission to discharge. IL-6 levels showed a significant decrease. TNFα levels did not show statistically significant changes. No statistically significant correlations were found between the levels of TNFα or IL-6 and administered insulin. Adiponectin concentrations showed a negative correlation with amount of administered insulin on discharge (r = -0.457, p = 0.0049). There were significant gender differences in BMI, administered insulin on admission, serum cortisol and C-peptide concentrations, with females having higher values than males. BMI was shown to account for the gender differences in administered insulin and C-peptide levels. viii There were significant differences in IL-6 and TNFα concentrations between the survivors and nonsurvivors, with higher levels being seen in non-survivors. Adiponectin levels were lower in nonsurvivors, but this did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Although there was a demonstrable change in insulin sensitivity during the stay in ICU, there was no statistically significant association between the cytokines TNFα or IL-6 and insulin administration. There was a negative correlation between adiponectin concentrations and administered insulin on discharge. This data also demonstrates that mortality is associated with increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines.

Psychological sequelae following treatment in intensive care

Hatchett, Cindy F 22 February 2010 (has links)
MSc (Nursing), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2009 / Anxiety, depressive and post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms have been identified in many patients following ICU treatment (Rattray, Johnston & Wildsmith 2005). The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a stressful environment and patients may be left with long standing psychological symptoms that impair their quality of life (Scragg, Jones & Fauvel 2001). There is a dearth of research on early assessment of the psychological sequelae following treatment in ICU in South Africa and interventions required to aid in the recovery process. Post-traumatic stress symptoms do not appear to decrease over time after ICU discharge (Jones et al 2001, Rattray et al 2005), indeed they may endure for a number of years (Kapfhammer et al 2004) causing the patients significant suffering. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress in patients, at their first follow up visit in the outpatient department at a level one academic hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. A prospective, quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive format was used to investigate these variables. The total sample number was 98 and the instruments used in the structured interview were the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Experience After Treatment in ICU –7 (ETIC-7). The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety in this sample population was 48%, depression 28% and post-traumatic stress 32%. Fifty-eight percent of the sample had combined anxiety and depression scores severe enough to have a ‘possible clinical disorder’.

Improving New Nurses' Transition to Practice

Morgan, Merri 01 January 2017 (has links)
Almost 30% of new nurse graduates leave the position within the first year of practice, and almost 60% leave within 2 years. When new nurse graduates do not effectively transition into practice, nursing satisfaction is affected, and additional costs are incurred by their organizations through continual hiring of nurses. The purpose of this project was to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based nurse residency program (NRP) for new nurse graduates working in a 16-bed intensive care unit (ICU) of a 160-bed community hospital in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Using a team approach, Rosswurm and Larrabee's model of evidence-based practice was used to guide the project design, which included a pretest followed by 10 educational sessions. The plan concluded with a posttest to assess knowledge gained. The curriculum focused on 3 key areas identified by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education: leadership, patient outcomes, and the professional role of the nurse. Evaluation of the curriculum was completed by 3 Master of Science in Nursing-prepared content experts using a dichotomous scale. An average score revealed that the content met the objectives of each session. The experts also conducted a content validation index (CVI) of each pretest/posttest item using a Likert scale that ranged from 1 (not relevant) to 4 (highly relevant). The scale-CVI average, or the average CVI of all items, was .99; the universal agreement scale-CVI, or universal agreement of all items was .98, meaning there was high agreement across raters. Nurses who participate in the nurse residency program will be better able to transition into practice in the ICU as they provide care for today's complex patients, thereby positively impacting social change in their role as nurses as well as impacting patient, family, and organizational outcomes.

Outcomes after Postoperative ICU Admission in the Elderly in France: A Population-Based Cohort Study

Saadat, Pakeezah January 2019 (has links)
Postoperative ICU admission is afforded to patients with high clinical severity, but the benefits and harms of such an endeavour are debateable. The purpose of my thesis was to further understand a) the type of patients being admitted to ICU, b) the role of age in ICU admission, and c) the association (if any) between ICU admission and subsequent mortality and complications. The thesis consists of 4 chapters. Chapter I provides a brief introduction of the topic and the rationale behind the researched questions. Chapter II examines the association between chronological age and ICU admission in postoperative patients. This analysis sheds light on one of the 17 variables included in the score (i.e. age), which drives the clinical severity score in parts of the population. Chapter III uses a propensity score model to match patients that were admitted to ICU and those that were not based on several pretreatment variables, to assess the impact ICU admission has on postoperative mortality and complications. Finally, Chapter IV reflects the conclusions of the thesis and suggests further research agendas. Overall, these three thesis components will illustrate the role of ICU admission in an adult postoperative population as well as its consequences in comparison to those not admitted to an ICU. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Family members' experiences of a diary kept during their sick relative's stay within the intensive care setting.

Johansson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p><strong>Background:</strong> A diary often helps the critically ill patient better to understand her/his illness and fill gaps in memory regarding their experiences in the ICU. To date there appears to be a lack of research that specifically focuses on family members’ experiences of the use of a diary within the intensive care setting. <strong>Aim: </strong>The aim of the study was to explore how family members experienced a diary kept during their sick relative’s stay in the ICU. <strong>Methodology: </strong>A qualitative methodology and, in particular, a hermeneutic approach were deemed to be appropriate for the study. Eleven participants were interviewed relating to nine diaries. Collected data have been analysed using hermeneutic interpretation inspired by Gadamer. <strong>Findings:</strong> Family members experienced that the diary sustained strengthened and deepened the connection to their sick relative and confirmed the presence of family members at bedside. The diary worked as a forum for mutual exchange of information between nurses and family members which led to a feeling of being united with the nurses in understanding. This in turn created a sense of togetherness and the family members didn’t feel neglected. In addition the diary was experienced as an implied hope that the outcome of the ICU stay would be good<strong>, </strong>thereby lending strength to worried family members<strong>. Conclusion: </strong>The diary was experienced as a tool that enhanced family members’ wellbeing.</p>

Family members' experiences of a diary kept during their sick relative's stay within the intensive care setting.

Johansson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT Background: A diary often helps the critically ill patient better to understand her/his illness and fill gaps in memory regarding their experiences in the ICU. To date there appears to be a lack of research that specifically focuses on family members’ experiences of the use of a diary within the intensive care setting. Aim: The aim of the study was to explore how family members experienced a diary kept during their sick relative’s stay in the ICU. Methodology: A qualitative methodology and, in particular, a hermeneutic approach were deemed to be appropriate for the study. Eleven participants were interviewed relating to nine diaries. Collected data have been analysed using hermeneutic interpretation inspired by Gadamer. Findings: Family members experienced that the diary sustained strengthened and deepened the connection to their sick relative and confirmed the presence of family members at bedside. The diary worked as a forum for mutual exchange of information between nurses and family members which led to a feeling of being united with the nurses in understanding. This in turn created a sense of togetherness and the family members didn’t feel neglected. In addition the diary was experienced as an implied hope that the outcome of the ICU stay would be good, thereby lending strength to worried family members. Conclusion: The diary was experienced as a tool that enhanced family members’ wellbeing.

Experiences of critical care nurses of death and dying in an intensive care unit :|ba phenomenological study

Naidoo, Vasanthrie January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree in Masters of Technology: Nursing, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / Background Working in the intensive care unit can be traumatic for nursing personnel. Critical care nurses are faced with repeated exposure to death and dying as they are involved in caring for patients who are actively dying or who have been told that they have a terminal illness and are faced with the possibility of impending death. Critical care nurses relate in different ways to the phenomena of death and dying within their nursing profession and their scope of practice. These nurses often have a difficult time coping with the stress that comes with caring for those who are dying or relating to loved ones of those that are dying. Aim of the study The aim of the study was to explore the critical care nurse’s experiences of death and dying. Methodology A qualitative, descriptive phenomenological approach was used to guide the study. Four nurses were recruited and rich descriptions of their experiences were gained through individual face-to-face interviews. One broad question was asked: ‘What are your experiences regarding death and dying of your patients in ICU?’ iii Results The findings of this study revealed that issues such as communication, multicultural diversity, education and coping mechanisms relating to caring for the critically ill and dying patient are essential in nursing education and practice. Critical care nurses need to have support networks in place, not only to assist in providing care, but also for their own emotional support

Sjuksköterskors kommunikation med patienter som vårdas i respirator : Nurses’ communication with patients during mechanical ventilation

Olsson, Linda, Erneholm, Helen January 2015 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses’ experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation. Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysis Setting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide. Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected. Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up. These main categories consist of nine subcategories Conclusion: Critical ill patients during mechanical ventilation have a very limited opportunity to communicate. Therefore the patient is put in a very vulnerable position and is completely dependent on the nurse. This study shows that the nurse by communicating with the patient strive to preserve the patients dignity.

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