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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation de la bande passante disponible et traitement du partage dans les réseaux sans fil multisauts basés sur le standard IEEE 802.11 DCF / Performance evaluation and improvement of IEEE 802.11 in multihop wireless networks

Nguyen, Van Nam 10 December 2012 (has links)
Les réseaux sans fil multisauts présentent un certain nombre d'intérêts car ils n'ont pas besoin d'infrastructure fixe, sont peu coûteux et sont simples d'utilisation. Le mode DCF de IEEE 802.11 est souvent utilisé comme le protocole d'accès au canal pour les nœuds dans ces réseaux. Un avantage de ce protocole est qu'il est facile à implémenter. Pourtant, ses performances dépendent de deux facteurs importants : le partage du canal sans fil et les collisions entre paquets provenant des nœuds cachés. L'évaluation de ces paramètres est donc importante afin d'améliorer la performance de ce protocole. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'évaluation de la bande passante disponible. C'est un paramètre qui est souvent utilisé pour le contrôle d'admission ou pour le routage dans ces réseaux. Dans la littérature, il existe de nombreuses méthodes qui permettent d'estimer la bande passante disponible sur un lien sans fil. Pourtant, ces méthodes ne prennent pas en compte la notion de retransmission qui est définie dans IEEE 802.11 et qui a clairement des impacts sur la bande passante disponible. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle méthode passive, appelée RABE (Retransmission-based Available Bandwidth Estimation). Notre méthode se base principalement sur des informations locales qui peuvent être détectées par chaque nœud du lien. Nous évaluons également la probabilité de collisions non conditionnelle des paquets provenant des nœuds cachés via un modèle analytique. Cette probabilité nous permet d'estimer le nombre moyen de retransmissions qui est ensuite utilisé pour évaluer d'autres paramètres utilisé par RABE. Les simulations réalisées avec le simulateur ns2.33 montrent que notre méthode produit des résultats plus précis que d'autres méthodes existantes / The first part of the thesis is devoted to the evaluation of the available bandwidth. This is a parameter that is often used for admission control in these networks. In the literature, there are many methods for estimating the available bandwidth on a wireless link. However, these methods do not take into account the concept of retransmission which is defined in IEEE 802.11 and have clear impacts on the available bandwidth. We propose therefore a new passive method called RABE (Retransmission-based Available Bandwidth Estimation). Our method is based mainly on local information that can be detected by each node. We also evaluate the unconditional collision probability of packets from hidden nodes via an analytical model. This probability allows us to estimate the average number of retransmissions, which is then used to evaluate other parameters used by RABE. The simulations performed with the simulator ns2.33 show that our method produces more accurate results than other existing solutions. In the second part, we focus on the distribution of idle periods of a node that is often used to evaluate the performance of wireless networks based on IEEE 802.11. The problem is that there are different assumptions for this distribution in literature. We first characterize different types of idle periods in some fundamental scenarios such as the scenario as asymetric hidden stations and the scenario of flow in the middle. We then generalize these types of idle periods for relatively highly loaded networks. The obtained simulation results in ns2.33 are similar to our proposed model. This work also brings out that these distributions are multimodal, unlike what is often assumed in the literature

Contributions pour la localisation basée sur les réseaux corporels sans fil / Contributions to cooperative localization techniques within mobile wireless bady area networks

Hamie, Jihad 25 November 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, on se proposait de développer de nouveaux mécanismes de radiolocalisation, permettant de positionner les nœuds de réseaux corporels sans-fil (WBAN) mobiles, en exploitant de manière opportuniste des liens radio coopératifs bas débit à l'échelle d'un même corps (i.e. coopération intra-WBAN), entre réseaux distincts (i.e. coopération inter-WBAN), et/ou vis-à-vis de l'infrastructure environnante. Ces nouvelles fonctions coopératives présentent un intérêt pour des applications telles que la navigation de groupe ou la capture de mouvement à large échelle. Ce sujet d'étude, par essence multidisciplinaire, a permis d'aborder des questions de recherche variées, humine-biomécanique et de ayant trait à la modélisation physique (e.g. modélisation spatio-temporelle des métriques de radiolocalisation en situation de mobilité, modélisation de la mobilité groupe...), au développement d'algorithmes adaptés aux observables disponibles (e.g. algorithmes de positionnement coopératifs et distribués, sélection et ordonnancement des liens/mesures entre les nœuds...), aux mécanismes d'accès et de mise en réseau (i.e. en support aux mesures coopératives et au positionnement itératif). Les bénéfices et les limites de certaines de ces fonctions ont été en partie éprouvés expérimentalement, au moyen de plateformes radio réelles. Les différents développements réalisés tenaient compte, autant que possible, des contraintes liées aux standards de communication WBAN émergeants (e.g. Impulse Radio - Ultra Wideband (IR-UWB) IEEE 802.15.6), par exemple en termes de bande fréquentielle ou de taux d'erreur. / The PhD investigations aim at exploring new WBAN cooperative localization mechanisms, which could benefit jointly from on-body links, body-to-body links between distinct mobile users or off-body links with respect to the infrastructure. Following a multidisciplinary approach, we have thus addressed theoretical questions related to physical modeling or to algorithmic and cross-layer design. A few more practical aspects have also been dealt with. More specifically, based on WBAN channel measurements, single-link ranging error models are first discussed for more realistic performance assessment. Then a Constrained Distributed Weighted Multi-Dimensional Scaling (CDWMDS) positioning algorithm is put forward for relative MoCap purposes, coping with on-body nodes' asynchronism to reduce system latency and exploiting the presence of constant-length radio links for better accuracy. Subsequently we consider extending this algorithm for larger-scale asbolute MoCap applications within a 2-step localization approach that incorporates additional off-body links in a heterogeneous WBAN framework. Then, both individual and collective kinds of navigation are addressed. In both MoCap and navigation scenarios, low-complexity solutions exploiting on-body deployment diversity enable to combat error propagation and strong range biases due to body shadowing, relying on on-body nodes' dispersion or graph neighborhood to approximate the corrupted distances. Finally, experiments based on real IR-UWB radio platforms validate in part the previous proposals, while showing their practical limitations.

Converging over deterministic networks for an Industrial Internet / Converger sur des réseaux déterministes pour un Internet Industriel

Thubert, Pascal 16 March 2017 (has links)
En s'appuyant sur une connaissance précise du temps, sur la réservation de ressources et l'application distribuée de règles d'admission strictes, un réseau déterministe permet de transporter des flux pré-spécifiés avec un taux de perte extrêmement bas et une latence maximale majorée, ouvrant la voie au support d'applications critiques et/ou temps-réel sur une infrastructure de réseau convergée. De nos jours, la Technologie Opérationnelle (OT) s'appuie sur des réseaux déterministes mais conçus à façon, en général propriétaires, utilisant typiquement des liens série spécifiques, et opérés en isolation les uns des autres, ce qui multiplie la complexité physique et les coûts d'achat et de déploiement (CAPEX), ainsi que d'opération et maintenance (OPEX), et empêche l'utilisation agile des ressources. En apportant le déterminisme dans les réseaux des Technologies de l'Information (IT), une nouvelle génération de réseaux commutés de l'IT va permettre l'émulation de ces liens série et la convergence de réseaux autrefois dédiés sur une infrastructure commune à base d'IP. En retour, la convergence de l'IT et de l'OT permettra de nouvelles optimisations industrielles, en introduisant des technologies héritées de l'IT, comme le BigData et la virtualisation des fonctions du réseau (NFV), en support des opérations de l'OT, améliorant les rendements tout en apportant une réduction supplémentaire des coûts. Les solutions de réseaux déterministes réclament des possibilités nouvelles de la part des équipements, possibilités qui vont bien au-delà de celles demandées pour les besoins classiques de la QoS. Les attributs-clé sont : - la synchronisation précise de tous les n'uds, en incluant souvent la source et la destination des flux- le calcul centralisé de chemins de bout en bout à l'échelle du réseau- de nouveaux filtres de mise en forme du trafic à l'intérieur comme à l'entrée du réseau afin de le protéger en tous points- des moyens matériels permettant l'accès au medium à des échéances précises. Au travers de multiples papiers, de contributions à des standards, et de publication de propriété industrielle, le travail présenté ici repousse les limites des réseaux industriels sans fils en offrant : 1. Le calcul centralisé de chemin complexes basé sur une technologie innovante appelée ARC 2. La signalisation de ces chemins complexes et la traçabilité des paquets par une extension de la technologie BIER-TE 3. Réplication, Renvoi et Elimination des doublons le long de ces chemins complexes 4. Un temps-réel basé sur un échéancier qui assure un haut taux de délivrance et garantit une latence bornée 5. La capacité de transporter à la fois des flux déterministes et du trafic IPv6 à multiplexage statistique sur un maillage 6TiSCH partagéCe manuscrit rapporte des améliorations apportées aux techniques existantes des réseaux sans fils à basse puissance (LoWPAN) comme Zigbee, WirelessHART'et ISA100.11a, afin d'amener ces nouveaux bénéfices jusqu'aux réseaux opérationnels sans fil. Elle a été implémentée en programme et sur du matériel open-source, et évaluée face à du IEEE Std. 802.15.4 classique ainsi que du 802.15.4 TSCH, utilisés en topologie maillée. L'expérience menée montre que notre nouvelle proposition permet d'éviter les à-coups et de garantir des taux élevés de délivrance, même face à des évènements exceptionnels comme la perte d'un relais ou la dégradation temporaire d'un lien radio. / Based on time, resource reservation, and policy enforcement by distributed shapers, Deterministic Networking provides the capability to carry specified unicast or multicast data streams for real-time applications with extremely low data loss rates and bounded latency, so as to support time-sensitive and mission-critical applications on a converged enterprise infrastructure.As of today, deterministic Operational Technology (OT) networks are purpose-built, mostly proprietary, typically using serial point-to-point wires, and operated as physically separate networks, which multiplies the complexity of the physical layout and the operational (OPEX) and capital (CAPEX) expenditures, while preventing the agile reuse of the compute and network resources.Bringing determinism in Information Technology (IT) networks will enable the emulation of those legacy serial wires over IT fabrics and the convergence of mission-specific OT networks onto IP. The IT/OT convergence onto Deterministic Networks will in turn enable new process optimization by introducing IT capabilities, such as the Big Data and the network functions virtualization (NFV), improving OT processes while further reducing the associated OPEX.Deterministic Networking Solutions and application use-cases require capabilities of the converged network that is beyond existing QOS mechanisms.Key attributes of Deterministic Networking are: - Time synchronization on all the nodes, often including source and destination - The centralized computation of network-wide deterministic paths - New traffic shapers within and at the edge to protect the network- Hardware for scheduled access to the media.Through multiple papers, standard contribution and Intellectual Property publication, the presented work pushes the limits of wireless industrial standards by providing: 1. Complex Track computation based on a novel ARC technology 2. Complex Track signaling and traceability, extending the IETF BIER-TE technology 3. Replication, Retry and Duplicate Elimination along the Track 4. Scheduled runtime enabling highly reliable delivery within bounded time 5. Mix of IPv6 best effort traffic and deterministic flows within a shared 6TiSCH mesh structureThis manuscript presents enhancements to existing low power wireless networks (LoWPAN) such as Zigbee, WirelessHART¿and ISA100.11a to provide those new benefits to wireless OT networks. It was implemented on open-source software and hardware, and evaluated against classical IEEE Std. 802.15.4 and 802.15.4 TSCH radio meshes. This manuscript presents and discusses the experimental results; the experiments show that the proposed technology can guarantee continuous high levels of timely delivery in the face of adverse events such as device loss and transient radio link down.

Étude et conception de mécanismes pour applications multimédias sur réseaux IP filaires et sans fil

Turletti, Thierry 13 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Fin 2004, un quart des foyers Européens étaient connectés à l'Internet haut débit. Avec le faible coût des machines toujours plus puissantes, de nombreuses applications multimédias ont pu être élaborées pour satisfaire la demande croissante du grand public. Le besoin d'adaptation des protocoles de communication sous-jacents est essentiel pour ce type d'applications. Les protocoles doivent pouvoir passer à l'échelle et s'adapter aux caractéristiques hétérogènes de ces nouvelles applications. Parallèlement, les transmissions sans fil ont connu un essor sans égal, permettant un accès à l'Internet de n'importe quel endroit. La multiplicité des technologies d'accès (GPRS, UMTS, WIFI, WiMAX, Bluetooth, etc.) et la grande variabilité des caractéristiques des canaux de transmission sans fil ont encore accru ce besoin d'adaptation. Dans ce document d'habilitation, je présente quatre contributions qui mettent en relief le besoin d'adaptation des protocoles de communication. La première concerne un protocole de communication robuste au facteur d'échelle élaboré pour des applications d'environnements virtuels qui mettent en jeu un grand nombre de participants. La seconde décrit un algorithme pour contrôler la transmission de vidéo hiérarchique vers un ensemble hétérogène de récepteurs sur Internet. Les deux contributions suivantes portent sur la transmission<br />sans fil. Je décris un mécanisme de différenciation de services efficace pour transmettre des flots multimédias à débit variable dans les réseaux IEEE 802.11e, ainsi qu'un mécanisme d'adaptation intercouches pour la transmission multimédia dans les réseaux WIFI.

Efficient Wireless Communication in Healthcare Systems; Design and Performance Evaluation

Rashwand, Saeed January 2012 (has links)
Increasing number of ageing population and people who need continuous health monitoring and rising the costs of health care have triggered the concept of the novel wireless technology-driven human body monitoring. Human body monitoring can be performed using a network of small and intelligent wireless medical sensors which may be attached to the body surface or implanted into the tissues. It enables carers to predict, diagnose, and react to adverse events earlier than ever. The concept of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) was introduced to fully exploit the benefits of wireless technologies in telemedicine and m-health. The main focus of this research is the design and performance evaluation of strategies and architectures that would allow seamless and efficient interconnection of patient’s body area network and the stationary (e.g., hospital room or ward) wireless networks. I first introduce the architecture of a healthcare system which bridges WBANs and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). I adopt IEEE 802.15.6 standard for the patient’s body network because it is specifically designed for WBANs. Since IEEE 802.15.6 has strict Quality of Service (QoS) and priorities to transfer the medical data to the medical server a QoS-enabled WLAN for the next hop is needed to preserve the end-to-end QoS. IEEE 802.11e standard is selected for the WLAN in the hospital room or ward because it provides prioritization for the stations in the network. I investigate in detail the requirements posed by different healthcare parameters and to analyze the performance of various alternative interconnection strategies, using the rigorous mathematical apparatus of Queuing Theory and Probabilistic Analysis; these results are independently validated through discrete event simulation models. This thesis has three main parts; performance evaluation and MAC parameters settings of IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA), performance evaluation and tuning the MAC parameters of IEEE 802.15.6, and designing a seamless and efficient interconnection strategy which bridges IEEE 802.11e EDCA and IEEE 802.15.6 standards for a healthcare system.

Efficient Wireless Communication in Healthcare Systems; Design and Performance Evaluation

Rashwand, Saeed January 2012 (has links)
Increasing number of ageing population and people who need continuous health monitoring and rising the costs of health care have triggered the concept of the novel wireless technology-driven human body monitoring. Human body monitoring can be performed using a network of small and intelligent wireless medical sensors which may be attached to the body surface or implanted into the tissues. It enables carers to predict, diagnose, and react to adverse events earlier than ever. The concept of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) was introduced to fully exploit the benefits of wireless technologies in telemedicine and m-health. The main focus of this research is the design and performance evaluation of strategies and architectures that would allow seamless and efficient interconnection of patient’s body area network and the stationary (e.g., hospital room or ward) wireless networks. I first introduce the architecture of a healthcare system which bridges WBANs and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). I adopt IEEE 802.15.6 standard for the patient’s body network because it is specifically designed for WBANs. Since IEEE 802.15.6 has strict Quality of Service (QoS) and priorities to transfer the medical data to the medical server a QoS-enabled WLAN for the next hop is needed to preserve the end-to-end QoS. IEEE 802.11e standard is selected for the WLAN in the hospital room or ward because it provides prioritization for the stations in the network. I investigate in detail the requirements posed by different healthcare parameters and to analyze the performance of various alternative interconnection strategies, using the rigorous mathematical apparatus of Queuing Theory and Probabilistic Analysis; these results are independently validated through discrete event simulation models. This thesis has three main parts; performance evaluation and MAC parameters settings of IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA), performance evaluation and tuning the MAC parameters of IEEE 802.15.6, and designing a seamless and efficient interconnection strategy which bridges IEEE 802.11e EDCA and IEEE 802.15.6 standards for a healthcare system.

AIGA: um ambiente integrado de ger?ncia para redes em malha sem fio IEEE 802.11s / AIGA: A Management Integrated Environmental for Wireless Mesh Networks IEEE 802.11s

Carvalho, Dhiego Fernandes 31 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:48:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DhiegoFC_DISSERT.pdf: 2315369 bytes, checksum: 0b56b1d402d2c768528a0bcc9847d87f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / A Wireless Mesh Network (WMN - Wireless Mesh Network) IEEE 802.11s standard to become operational it is necessary to configure the parameters that meet the demands of its users, as regards, for example, the frequency channels, the power antennas, IPs addresses, meshID, topology, among others. This configuration can be done via a CLI (Command - Line Interface) or a remote interface provided by the equipment manufacturer, both are not standardized and homogeneous, like black boxes for the developers, a factor that hinders its operation and standardization. The WMN, as a new standard, is still in the testing phase, and tests are necessary to evaluate the performance of Path Discovery Protocol, as in this case of HWMP (Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol), which still has many shortcomings. The configuration and test creation in a WMN are not trivial and require a large workload. For these reasons this work presents the AIGA, a Management Integrated Environment for WMN IEEE 802.11s, which aims to manage and perform testbeds for analyzes of new Path Discovery Protocols in a WMN / Por serem redes com diversas caracter?sticas interessantes como auto-organiza??o e toler?ncia a falhas, as Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) vem sendo estudadas a bastante tempo pela comunidade cient?fica. Muitos desses estudos tipicamente s?o conduzidos utilizando redes em ambientes controlados conhecidos como testbeds. Al?m disso, ap?s a conclus?o do processo de padroniza??o do IEEE 802.11s as WMN baseadas nessa tecnologia vem sendo cada vez mais utilizadas como redes de produ??o nas organiza??es. Como s?o redes bastante flex?veis no que diz respeito ao seu modo de opera??o, pois suportam um elevado n?mero de par?metros de configura??o, a tarefa de gerenciamento dessas redes tende a ser muito complexa. N?o existe uma configura??o ideal que atenda a qualquer cen?rio, sendo preciso identificar o conjunto de valores que oferecem o melhor desempenho para cada caso. Desse modo, ap?s a configura??o da rede ? importante verificar se ela se comporta conforme esperado. Para isso, ? necess?rio injetar tr?fego na rede e monitorar seu comportamento. Este trabalho prop?e o AIGA, um Ambiente Integrado de Ger?ncia para Redes em Malha Sem Fio IEEE 802.11s, que facilita o gerenciamento de WMNs de produ??o bem como da utiliza??o de testbeds para realiza??o de experimentos

Desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados para redes de sensores e atuadores sem fio aplicadas em unidades de eleva??o de petr?leo do tipo Plunger-Lift

Fernandes, Jefferson Doolan 22 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JeffersonDF_DISSERT.pdf: 1592605 bytes, checksum: aa61d131dd2eadfff386030e41f5bd71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-22 / The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) methods applied to the lifting of oil present as an area with growing demand technical and scientific in view of the optimizations that can be carried forward with existing processes. This dissertation has as main objective to present the development of embedded systems dedicated to a wireless sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4, which applies the ZigBee protocol, between sensors, actuators and the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), aiming to solve the present problems in the deployment and maintenance of the physical communication of current elevation oil units based on the method Plunger-Lift. Embedded systems developed for this application will be responsible for acquiring information from sensors and control actuators of the devices present at the well, and also, using the Modbus protocol to make this network becomes transparent to the PLC responsible for controlling the production and delivery information for supervisory SISAL / As Redes de Sensores Sem Fio (RSSF) aplicadas aos m?todos de eleva??o de petr?leo se apresentam como uma ?rea com crescente demanda t?cnico-cient?fica tendo em vista as otimiza??es que podem ser realizadas frente aos processos existentes. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados dedicados a uma rede de sensores sem fio baseada no padr?o IEEE 802.15.4, onde se aplica o protocolo ZigBee, entre os sensores, atuadores e o CLP (Controlador L?gico Program?vel), visando solucionar os problemas presentes nas fases de implanta??o e manuten??o da comunica??o f?sica atual das unidades de eleva??o de petr?leo baseadas no m?todo Plunger-Lift. Os sistemas embarcados desenvolvidos para essa aplica??o ser?o respons?veis por interpretar as informa??es dos sensores e comandar os atuadores dos dispositivos presentes no po?o, como tamb?m utilizar o protocolo Modbus para fazer com que essa rede se torne transparente para o CLP respons?vel pelo controle da produ??o e envio das informa??es para o supervis?rio SISAL

Architectures adaptatives basse consommation pour les communications sans-fil / Low-power adaptive architectures for wireless communications

Lenoir, Vincent 28 September 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans la thématique des objets connectés, désormais connue sous le nom de Internet of Things (IoT). Elle trouve son origine dans la démocratisation d'Internet depuis le début des années 2000 et la migration vers des appareils hautement mobiles, rendue possible grâce à la miniaturisation des systèmes embarqués. Dans ce contexte, l'efficacité énergétique est primordiale puisque les projections actuelles parlent de dizaines de milliards de composants connectés à l'horizon 2020. Or pour une question de facilité de déploiement et d'usage, une grande partie des échanges de données dans ces réseaux s'effectue via une liaison sans-fil dont l'implémentation représente une part importante de la consommation. Effectivement, la question de l'efficacité énergétique est en général considérée comme un problème de perfectionnement des architectures matérielles, souvent associé à une évolution favorable de la technologie. Toutefois, ce paradigme atteint rapidement ses limites puisqu'il implique nécessairement un dimensionnement fortement contraint pour être compatible avec les pires conditions d'utilisation, même si elles ne sont pas effectives la plupart du temps. C'est typiquement le cas avec les communications sans-fil puisque le canal radio est un milieu caractérisé par une forte variabilité en raison des phénomènes de propagation et de la présence d'interférences. Notre étude a donc porté sur la conception d'une chaîne de transmission dont le budget de liaison peut être dynamiquement modifié en fonction de l'atténuation réelle du signal, afin de réduire la consommation du système. La thèse a notamment contribué à la mise au point d'un récepteur auto-adaptatif spécifique à la norme IEEE 802.15.4, en proposant à la fois une architecture de modem numérique reconfigurable et à la fois une méthode de contrôle automatique du point de fonctionnement. Plus précisément, le travail s'est appuyé sur deux approches, l'échantillonnage compressif et l'échantillonnage partiel, pour réduire la taille des données à traiter, diminuant ainsi l'activité interne des opérateurs arithmétiques. En contrepartie, le processus de démodulation nécessite un SNR supérieur, dégradant la sensibilité du récepteur et donc le budget de liaison. Cette solution, portée sur une technologie STMicroelectronics CMOS 65 nm LP, offre une faible empreinte matérielle vis-à-vis d'une architecture classique avec seulement 23,4 kcellules. Grâce au modèle physique du circuit qui a été développé, la consommation pour la démodulation d'un paquet est estimée à 278 uW lorsque le modem est intégralement utilisé. Elle peut toutefois être abaissée progressivement jusqu'à 119 uW, correspondant à une baisse de la sensibilité de 10 dB. Ainsi, le modem implémenté et sa boucle de contrôle permettent d'économiser en moyenne 30 % d'énergie dans un cas d'utilisation typique. / This thesis work takes part in the connected objects theme, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT). It emerges from the Internet democratization since the early 2000's and the shift to highly mobile devices, made possible by the miniaturization of embedded systems. In this context, the energy efficiency is mandatory since today's projections are around tens of billions of connected devices in 2020. However for ease of deployment and usage, a large part of the data transfers in these networks is wireless, which implementation represents a significant part of the power consumption. Indeed, the energy efficiency question is addressed in general as a fine tuning of hardware architectures, which is often associated with a favorable technology evolution. Nevertheless, this design paradigm quickly reached its limits since it necessary implies a highly constrained sizing to be compatible with the worst operating conditions, even if they are not effective most of the time. It's typically the case with wireless communications since the radio channel is a medium characterized by a strong variability due to propagations effects and interferences. Thus, our study focused on the design of a communication chain whose link budget can be dynamically tuned depending on the actual signal attenuation, in order to reduce the system power consumption. The thesis has contributed to the design of a self-adaptive receiver dedicated to IEEE 802.15.4 standard, by proposing both a reconfigurable digital baseband architecture and an automatic control method of the operating mode. More precisely, the work relied on two approaches, the compressive sampling and the partial sampling, to reduce the data's size to process, decreasing the internal activity of arithmetics operators. In return, the demodulation processing needs a higher SNR, degrading in the same time the receiver sensitivity and thus the link budget. This solution, implemented in an STMicroelectronics CMOS 65 nm LP process, offers a low hardware overhead compared to conventional architecture with only 23,4 kgates. Thanks to the circuit physical model that has been developed, the power consumption for a packet demodulation is estimated to 278 uW when the baseband is fully activated. It can however be gradually decreased down to 119 uW, corresponding to a sensitivity reduction of 10 dB. Thus, the proposed digital baseband and its control loop save 30 % of energy in average in a typical use case.

Mecanismo de autenticação baseado na localização de estações sem fios padrão IEEE 802.11 / IEEE 802.11 authentication mechanism based on wireless station location

Peres, Andre January 2010 (has links)
A vantagem das redes locais sem fios, as quais permitem que uma estação móvel possa deslocar-se livremente dentro da área de abrangência da rede, possui uma contrapartida em termos de segurança. A possibilidade dos sinais de microondas atravessarem paredes e sofrerem atenuação, reflexão, refração, difração e dispersão, dependendo dos obstáculos, torna a definição dos limites da área de abrangência da rede sem fios uma tarefa difícil. Sem o conhecimento dos limites de abrangência, o administrador não tem como delimitar fisicamente o acesso à rede. Além disso, o padrão IEEE 802.11 não define um mecanismo capaz de localizar a posição física de estações móveis. Sem a possibilidade de localização de estações, é impossível restringir o acesso à rede baseando-se em limitações físicas definidas pelo administrador. Quando a rede sem fios é utilizada em ambientes internos, os diversos obstáculos e seu comportamento dinâmico (como pessoas em movimento, por exemplo), fazem com que os sinais de microondas alterem as características da área de abrangência da rede. Este trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem para localização de estações sem fios em ambientes internos, baseada no comportamento dinâmico dos obstáculos e conseqüentes alterações na rede, e, de acordo com este comportamento, tenta ampliar a eficiência da localização de estações. Por fim, é proposto um novo sistema de autenticação de estações baseado na sua localização. / The advantage of wireless local area networks, giving the mobile stations the possibility of moving free inside the network access range comes with a security drawback. The fact that microwave signals can cross walls and behave with attenuation, reflections, refraction, diffraction and dispersion, depending of the obstacles, makes very difficult to define the network access range. Without the knowledge of the network boundaries, the network administrator cannot define a physical delimiter to network access. Besides this issue, there is no default user-location mechanism in the IEEE 802.11 standard. Without the user-location, it is impossible to restrict the network access based on the physical access boundaries defined by the administrator. When the wireless network operates indoor the many obstacles and the dynamic behavior of these obstacles (some people moving around, for instance) make the microwave signal behavior change the range and aspect of the network. This work proposes a new approach to indoor user-location mechanism, based on the dynamic behavior of the obstacles and consequent changes on network range. This approach focus on the dynamic obstacles behavior analysis and according to this behavior tries to increase the user-location system efficiency. Finally a new authentication system based on the user location is proposed.

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