Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INCINERATION"" "subject:"[enn] INCINERATION""
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TRATAMENTO DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS URBANOS COM APROVEITAMENTO ENERGÉTICO: AVALIAÇÃO ECONÔMICA ENTRE AS TECNOLOGIAS DE DIGESTÃO ANAERÓBIA E INCINERAÇÃO / Municipal Solid Waste as a Source of Energy: Economic Assessment Comparing Anaerobic Digestion and Incineration TechnologiesClauber Barão Leite 12 December 2016 (has links)
Duas questões da sociedade do século XXI podem ser destacadas: a grande geração de resíduos; a carência por sistemas de tratamento adequado desses resíduos; e a crescente demanda por energia. A busca por alternativas para lidar com essas questões vem mobilizando os setores público e privado no sentido de explorar soluções ainda não praticadas na maior parte do mundo em desenvolvimento. A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), instituída pela Lei nº 12.305/2010, estabeleceu um novo paradigma na gestão de resíduos sólidos no Brasil. Entre as mudanças apresentadas, uma das mais relevantes é a exclusividade de destinação de apenas rejeitos aos aterros sanitários, sendo os rejeitos entendidos como os resíduos que não mais apresentam possibilidade de tratamento. O cumprimento dessa lei irá requerer o estudo de alternativas de tratamento de resíduos gerados na fase anterior à sua disposição final. Entre as soluções possíveis está o seu aproveitamento energético, também previsto na PNRS. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação busca analisar duas tecnologias de tratamento de resíduos digestão anaeróbia e incineração e verificar suas respectivas viabilidades econômicas, tendo como objeto o cenário brasileiro, com foco especial no estado de São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, respeitando-se as diretrizes da PNRS, entre os métodos de tratamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos analisadas, a digestão anaeróbia se mostrou mais viável do que a incineração para as regiões estudadas. Tais resultados tomaram como pressuposto que a PNRS é uma lei que deverá ser cumprida e exigida tal como se apresenta, e seu cumprimento implicará numa mudança significativa do modo como é feita a gestão de resíduos sólidos no país. Adicionalmente, as análises realizadas apontaram que, além dos aspectos econômicos, aspectos ambientais, sociais e culturais também são de fundamental importância na tomada de decisão por uma opção tecnológica adequada dos RSU. / Three issues of the XXI century society can be pointed out: The increasing volume of waste generation, the lack of adequate waste treatment systems and the increasing demand of energy. The search for alternatives to deal with these issues is calling the attention of both public and private agents who are engaged in exploring solutions not yet in place in most part of developing countries. The National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS), established by the Law # 12,305/2010, set a new paradigm for the solid waste management in Brazil. Amongst the proposed changes, one of the most relevance is the destination of the so-called \"rejects\" to landfill, in which \"rejects\" stands for the residues that can no longer be processed. To abide by this law will require the analysis of alternatives for treating the residues prior to their final disposal. Amongst the possible solutions, there is the utilization of residues to generate electric energy. In this context, this master\'s thesis examines the two of the most used technologies in the developed world anaerobic digestion and incineration and evaluation their economic feasibility in the Brazilian scenario, particularly in the State of São Paulo. The analysis took as an assumption that the PNRS is a law that shall be enforced as it was stated, and that its compliance will require in a significant change in the way the solid waste management is done within the country. For the regions analyzed, our results showed that, under the PNRS requirements, the anaerobic digestion appeared to be more feasible than the incineration technology. Additionally, our work also indicates that, beyond the economic aspects, other issues such as environmental, social and cultural ones are fundamental for the decision making regarding the best technology applied in urban solid waste process.
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Uso de um lodo de cromo proveniente da indústria de curtume na fabricação de vidros sodo-cálcicos. / Use of tannery sludge containing chromium compounds in soda-lime glass fabrication.Marvin Marco Chambi Peralta 12 August 2014 (has links)
A indústria de produção de couro gera uma grande quantidade de resíduos com características poluentes e de elevada periculosidade, entre os quais se destacam os resíduos curtidos (aparas, serragem e pó de couro curtido) e os lodos provenientes das estações de tratamento de efluentes (lodos de cromo, lodos primários e lodos secundários). Estes resíduos possuem uma considerável quantidade de compostos de Cr(III) na sua composição, os quais, sob condições oxidantes, podem transformar-se em Cr(VI), que é altamente tóxico para animais, plantas e seres humanos. No entanto, estes resíduos constituem uma potencial fonte alternativa de cromo (tradicional pigmento industrial) que poderia ser aproveitada pela indústria de vidros e de esmaltes. No presente trabalho foi realizado o estudo das propriedades físicas e químicas de um lodo de cromo proveniente do distrito industrial do município de Franca/SP, com o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade da utilização das cinzas da incineração deste resíduo como uma potencial fonte alternativa de cromo na fabricação de vidros sodo-cálcicos coloridos para embalagens. Fluorescência de Raios X (FRX), Difração de Raios X (DRX), análises termodiferencial (DTA) e termogravimétrica (TG/DTG), análise elementar, análise granulométrica, determinação de poder calorífico pelo método da bomba calorimétrica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) foram usados para determinar as características físicas e químicas do lodo de cromo. A incineração do resíduo foi realizada numa mufla elétrica a 800 C, utilizando um cadinho de alumina. A determinação da concentração de íons Cr(VI) presentes no lodo e nas cinzas foi realizada através do método colorimétrico utilizando difenilcarbazida. Vidros sodo-cálcicos contendo as cinzas da incineração do lodo de cromo foram preparados por meio da fusão das matérias-primas industriais (areia, barrilha e calcário) em cadinhos de alumina a 1500 C por 1h, sob condições similares às utilizadas no processo industrial de produção de vidros comerciais de coloração verde (composição, adição de ferro e condições redutoras). Para fins de comparação, foram preparadas também amostras de vidros contendo cromita (tradicional fonte industrial de cromo utilizada pela indústria de vidros) sob condições semelhantes. As amostras de vidros foram caracterizadas em termos de composição química por FRX, MEV, DRX, coordenadas colorimétricas (sistema CIEL*a*b*) e absorção óptica. Os resultados de FRX mostraram que as cinzas apresentam um teor de cromo de aproximadamente 47% em massa de Cr2O3, valor não muito distante do teor de cromo observado na composição da cromita (cerca de 43% em massa de Cr2O3). Os vidros preparados utilizando cromita e as cinzas da incineração de lodo de cromo apresentaram bandas de absorção óptica semelhantes no intervalo analisado (200-3300 nm), sem a presença aparente da banda de absorção óptica entorno de 370 nm, característica do íon Cr6+. Estes resultados sugerem que sob condições adequadas de incineração do lodo, bem como formulação e fusão do vidro, é possível utilizar-se as cinzas obtidas como fonte alternativa de cromo para a fabricação de vidros coloridos do sistema soda-cal-sílica. / Leather production industry generates large quantities of solid wastes with pollutant characteristics and hazardous conditions, such as tanned wastes (Chrome shaving, chrome splits and buffing dust) and sludges from wastewater treatment process (Tannery sludge, primary and secondary sludge). These wastes containing Cr(III), which, under oxidizing conditions, can turn into Cr(VI), an extremely toxic and cancerigenous form of the element. However, these wastes are a potential source of chromium (traditional industrial pigment) which could be used by the glass and ceramic enamels industries. In the present work was studied the physical and chemical properties of a tannery sludge from the industrial district of the city of Franca, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the feasibility of using the ashes from incineration of this waste as a potential alternative source of chromium for the manufacturing of soda-lime glasses. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Xray Diffraction (XRD), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG/DTG), elemental analysis, granulometric analysis, determination of calorific value by the bomb calorimeter method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of tannery sludge. The tannery sludge incineration was performed using an alumina crucible in a electric oven at 800 C. Colorimetric method using diphenylcarbazide were conducted to determinate the Cr(VI) concentration in the waste and the ashes from incineration. Soda-lime glass containing the ashes from incineration of tannery sludge was prepared by melting of industrial raw materials (sand, soda ash and limestone), in alumina crucibles at 1500 C for 1 hour, under similar conditions to those used in the industrial production process of commercial green container glasses (composition, addition of iron and reducing conditions). For comparison purposes, glasses containing chromite (traditional industrial source of chromium used by the glass industry) were also prepared under similar conditions. The glass samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition by XRF, MEV, DRX, color (CIEL*a*b* system) and optical absorption. The FRX results revealed that the ashes are composed by about 47 wt% Cr2O3. This amount is not so far from the chromium content observed in the composition of chromite (about 43 wt% Cr2O3). The glasses containing chromite and the ashes from the incineration of the tannery sludge exhibited approximately similar optical absorption bands in the analyzed range (200-3300 nm), without the presence of optical absorption band around 370 nm, characteristic of Cr 6+. These results suggests that under appropriate incineration conditions of the sludge, as well as formulation and melting of glass, is possible use the chromium-rich ashes from incineration of tannery sludge as an alternative source of chromium for the manufacturing of colored glasses of the soda-lime-silica system.
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Performance of pulse-jet bag filter regarding particle removal for nano-waste incineration conditions / Performances d’un filtre à manche pour la capture de particules en conditions représentatives de l’incinération de nano-déchetsBoudhan, Rachid 05 July 2017 (has links)
Les performances de filtration d’un filtre à manche vis-à-vis de particules submicroniques et nanométriques ont été évaluées à l’échelle du laboratoire durant plusieurs cycles de colmatage/décolmatage. La distribution granulométrique des particules (aérosol de combustion) était représentative de celle rencontrée en incinération de nano-déchets en sortie de chambre de combustion à l’échelle du laboratoire. Le filtre à manche opérait en conditions réalistes, représentatives de celles rencontrées dans les lignes de traitement des fumées d’incinération de déchets en termes de température, humidité, vitesse de filtration, présence de réactifs et conditions de décolmatage. Le flux d’air et le filtre à manche étaient chauffés à 150°C, la teneur en eau était de 10-12% (soit 3% d’humidité relative HR), et la vitesse de filtration était fixée à 1,9 cm.s⁻¹. Un mélange de particules de taille submicronique de charbon actif et de bicarbonate de sodium, utilisées dans les lignes de traitement des fumées d’incinération pour l’abattement des dioxines/furanes et des gaz acides, était généré simultanément avec l’aérosol de combustion. L’étude s’est centrée sur les performances de filtration au début de la durée de vie du filtre à manche, avant stabilisation de la perte de charge résiduelle du filtre résultant des précédents cycles de filtration. La perte de charge maximale du filtre était fixée à 150 Pa pour tous les cycles de filtration avant décolmatage par rétro-soufflage à air comprimé. Les performances du filtre à manche ont été évaluées en termes d’évolution de sa perte de charge et de son efficacité de collecte (totale et fractionnelle) au cours des cycles de colmatage/décolmatage. De plus, des études expérimentales et théoriques ont été menées afin d’étudier l’influence de divers paramètres sur les performances de filtration du filtre en configuration manche ou plane, tels que l’humidité de l’air (3% HR versus 0% HR à 150°C), la température (150°C versus 24°C), la vitesse de filtration (1,9 cm.s⁻¹ versus 1,4 cm.s⁻¹) et l’influence de l’injection de réactifs. Les principaux résultats de cette étude sont : (i) importante efficacité de capture des particules du filtre à manche en conditions représentatives des lignes de traitement des fumées d’incinération : efficacité minimale de collecte de 98,5% mesurée pour des particules de taille 74 ± 15 nm (diamètre de mobilité électrique), (ii) influence du gâteau résiduel de particules au début de chaque cycle de filtration sur les performances de traitement, (iii) influence significative de l’humidité de l’air sur la structure du gâteau de particules probablement due à l’augmentation des forces d’adhésion entre les particules en présence d’humidité (150°C – 3% HR soit environ 100 g d’eau par kg d’air sec) ; augmentation plus rapide de la perte de charge du filtre à manche en présence d’humidité (150°C – 3% HR) qu’en conditions d’air sec (150°C – 0% HR). / Filtration performance of a pulse-jet bag filter was evaluated at the laboratory-scale regarding submicronic particles with a nanosized fraction during clogging/unclogging cycles. The particle size distribution was representative to those encountered at the outlet of a nano-waste incineration device at laboratory-scale. The bag filter was operated in conditions as similar as possible to those found in flue gas treatment of waste incineration plants, in terms of temperature, humidity, filtration velocity, injection of sorbent reagents and unclogging conditions. The air flow and the bag filter were heated to 150°C, the water content was maintained in the air flow in the range of 10-12% (3% of relative humidity RH), and filtration velocity throughout the bag filter was fixed at 1.9 cm.s⁻¹. A mixture of submicronic suspended particles of activated carbon and sodium bicarbonate, both used in flue gas treatment systems mainly for the removal of dioxins/furans and acid gases, was generated simultaneously with the aerosol representative of combustion emissions.The study focused on the filtration performance at the beginning of the bag filter’s lifetime filter for the 11 first clogging-unclogging cycles before stabilizing the residual pressure drop reached after pulse-jet unclogging. The maximum pressure drop was set at 150 Pa for all filtration cycles. Once the maximum pressure drop was reached, the filter was unclogged using the pulse-jet system. The performance of the bag filter was evaluated in terms of the evolution of pressure drop, fractional and total particle collection efficiencies, during the clogging/unclogging cycles.Moreover, an experimental and theoretical study was carried out on the influence of different parameters on the filtration performance of bag filter and flat filter, such as influence of humidity (3% RH versus 0% RH at 150°C), temperature (150°C versus 24°C), filtration velocity (1.9 cm.s⁻¹ versus 1.4 cm.s⁻¹) and the influence of the injection of sorbent reagents.The main results of this study are: (i) high collection efficiency of the bag filter in representative conditions of flue gas treatment of waste incineration: minimun particle collection efficiency of 98.5% for particle diameter of 74 ± 15 nm (electrical mobility diameter), (ii) influence of residual particle cake at the beginning of the filtration cycles on the bag filter performance, (iii) significant influence of humidity on the porosity of the particle cake due to the capillary condensation of water between the particles in presence of humidity (150°C - 3% RH i.e. almost 100 g of water per kg of dry air). Faster increase of bag filter pressure drop in presence of humidiy (150°C - 3% RH) as compared to the dry conditions (150°C - 0% RH).
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Moderní metody mokrého čištění spalin / Modern methods of wet cleaning flue-gasKubíček, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Research of conditions when sulphure dioxide is absorbed from flue gas, is the main objective of this master's thesis. Efficiency of this flue gas cleaning was measured on an experimental device, which consist of an absorption column filled with structured packing’s, and another component so-called "O-element". Further, a possibility of upgrade this "O-element" to tread more flue gas is presented.
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Distribution and chemical association of trace elements in incinerator residues and mining waste from a leaching perspectiveSaqib, Naeem January 2016 (has links)
Incineration is a mainstream strategy for solid waste management in Sweden and all over the world. Improved knowledge and understanding about the distribution of trace elements (in ashes) during incineration, and how trace element partitioning respond to the changes in waste composition, are important in terms of combustion process optimization and plant efficiency. Moreover, determination of chemical association of trace elements in ashes are vital for avoiding environmental concerns and to promote possible reuse. In this study, partitioning of trace elements in ashes during incineration as function of input waste fuel and incineration technology was investigated. Further, chemical association of trace elements in resulting ashes was studied. An evaluation was also performed about feasibility of metal extraction from sulfidic mining waste and flotation tailings. Moreover, green liquor dreg (GLD) was tested with respect to stabilization of metals within the sulfidic mining waste. Findings showed that the total input of trace elements and chlorine affects the partitioning and increasing chlorine in the input waste caused increase in transfer of trace elements to fly ash especially for lead and zinc. Vaporization, condensation on fly ash particles and adsorption mechanisms play an important role for metal distribution. Firing mixed waste, especially biofuel mix, in grate or fluidized (CFB) boilers caused increased transfer into fly ash for almost all trace elements particularly lead and zinc. Possible reasons might be either an increased input concentration of respective element in the waste fuel, or a change in volatilization behavior due to the addition of certain waste fractions. Chemical association study for fly ashes indicated that overall, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Sb are presenting major risk in most of the fly ashes, while in bottom ashes, most of elements are associated with stable fraction. Further, fuel type affects the association of elements in ashes. Chemical leaching of mining waste materials showed that sulfuric acid (under different conditions) is the best reagent to recover zinc and copper from sulfidic mining waste and also copper from flotation tailings. GLD indicates potential for metal stabilization in mining waste by reducing the metal mobility. Extraction methods could be applied to treat mining waste in order to meet the regulatory level at a specific mining site.Similarly stabilization/solidification methods might be applied after leaching for recovery of metals.
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Trace Elemental Analysis of Ashes in the Combustion of the Binder Enhanced d-RDF by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission SpectroscopyTai, Chia-Hui 11 1900 (has links)
Incineration is an attractive solution to the problems of disposing of municipal solid wastes and supplying energy. Because up to 25 percent of the waste in refuse-derived-fuel systems is ash, the physical and chemical characteristics of ash become more and more important for its potential impacts and methods suitable for their disposal. Trace elements concentration in ash is of great interest because of its relationship to regulatory criteria under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regarding toxicity and hazards. The applications of a microwave oven sample dissolution method has been tested on a variety of standard reference materials, with reproducible and accurate results. Fourteen trace elements, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, and Zn, from the dissolved ash samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.
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Posouzení životního cyklu (LCA) směsného komunálního odpadu v obci Frýdek-Místek / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Mixed Municipal Waste Collected in Frýdek-MístekHamšíková, Renata January 2009 (has links)
Diploma graduation thesis deals with analytical tool called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Paper explains this analytic tool and focuses on its possible application in municipal decision-making process. Thesis carries out specific application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) targeted towards disposal of mixed municipal waste collected from Frýdek-Místek city. Municipal waste management issues are mentioned in relation with Frýdek-Místek and year 2007. The aim is to analyze nowadays landfilling of mixed municipal waste done in Frýdek-Místek and to examine the possibility of incineration of mixed municipal waste in order to reach minimal total environmental impacts. The paper offers improvement suggestions based on extensive LCA study.
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Význam dodávky tepla ze zařízení energetického využití odpadů / Importance of heat supply from waste-to-energy plantsKopecký, Václav January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on identifying main factors influencing economical rentability of energy generated using incineration of municipal waste. Research was conducted focusing on municipal waste management, waste-to-energy possibilities and the issue of district heating systems, which are important considering the economy of waste-to-energy plants. Main limiting factors were identified using mathematic models adjusted for specific geographic locations.
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Integrace materiálového a energetického využití kalů z ČOV / Integration of material and energy utilization of sewage sludgeZakov, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals in first part with options and trends on field of municipal sewage sludge management. Further thesis describes legislation in relation with sewage sludge and its incineration in European union and also in Czech republic. Second part of thesis deals with design of mechanism for material and energetic use of sludge. In design is progressively processed chioce of aparates and material and energetic balance. This data are further used for mechine technical solution of the unit. Disposition of the unit is done acording to chosen and calculated parameter of chosen aparates. Economical evaluate of project if based on investment and operation costs and capacity design of unit in the end of thesis.
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Využití odpadního tepla kompresorů do soustavy centrálního zásobování teplem pomocí absorpčního tepelného čerpadla / Utilization of compressor waste heat into the district heating system by means of an absorption heat pumpAranguren Campos, Fabian Alexis January 2020 (has links)
With the growth of energy consumption and the optimization of industrial processes worldwide, new energy sources have been explored and investigated. Waste heat is a potential source for the generation of electricity and heat. This heat can be reused at different stages of industrial processes by using absorption heat pumps, which transfer thermal energy from a location with a lower thermal potential to a location with a higher thermal potential. This research work is basically focused on the evaluation of different absorption heat pumps implemented in the SAKO Brno incineration plant. To carry out this purpose, a bibliographic review of this technology has been carried out worldwide, then the mass and energy balance in the compressor is presented, from which the waste heat to be recovered with the pump will be obtained. Using the EES software, the mass and energy balance of the selected pumps is performed, then the amount of heat and electrical energy generated by the plant when implementing each of the pumps is shown, and finally the economic analysis is presented The design and implementation of a heat exchanger in the system is also included as an essential part of improving operation. The best option arises from the highest operational efficiency at the lowest possible cost.
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