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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vůle zůstavitele podle Nového občanského zákoníku / The will of the testator under the new Civil Code

Valešová, Nina January 2015 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is to show in detail and describe the basic institutes of inheritance with regards to the autonomous will of the testator, according to the Civic Code after the recodification in force since 1.1.2014. With regards to significant and extensive changes of the means, with which the testator can manage the treatment of the inheritance mortis causa, I considered this subject relevant and that is why I chose it. I tried to supplant a wholesome view of the possibilities open to testators in case they decide to change the division of their property out of the lawful hereditary succession. The thesis is divided into six chapters that contain the history of inheritance in our country, basic terms, reasons for the creation of the current codex, institutes governing the transition of the estate to the legal successor and the largest part explains the inheritance titles according to the changes brought about by the alteration of the civil law. In the first part of the text, I describe the historical development and basis of inheritance laws in the period since the last decade of the reign of the Habsburg dynasty, until the adoption of the Civic Code in 2012, since it is valuable to have at least some idea about the circumstances leading to the current way of inheritance. The...

Laglottsskyddet : Ett nödvändigt skydd eller ett föråldrat system?

Vargas Balladares, Leslie, Henningsson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This paper deals with the legal situation surrounding the legal statutory portion. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the statutory portions function in our society, does the rule fit into today’s society? To carry out this study, the authors analyzed the legal situation accordingly to the legal dogmatic method. Emphasis has been placed especially on laws but also non-government bills and doctrine.The statutory portion was introduced in the Swedish system, as early as in the 17th century. Its primary purpose then was to ensure a heritage to the descendants’ heirs. At this time most people died at a young age and their children were often young and incapable of supporting themselves. Today, it is more unusual to leave minor children, and it its more common to die of old age with already adult chil-dren. The statutory portion, which has as a purpose to ensure that parts of the de-scendants inheritance shall rightly fall to its heirs, is found today in 7 chapter 1§ ÄB .In recent years, a large number of non-government bills and government bills has been presented with proposals for the abolition of the statutory portion. Different writers express their view on the statutory portion as outdated and that the system does not fit into our society. Those who find the statutory portion outdated also express the meaning that statutory portion stands in conflict against both property law and the descendants last will.The authors consider the need for an investigation on the matter to determine whether the legal portion is outdated and no longer fulfills its purpose, or if it still is adapted to our modern society. / Denna uppsats behandlar den rättsliga situationen kring laglottsskyddet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda laglottens funktion i dagens samhälle, är regeln anpas-sad efter dagens rättsliga behov? För att genomföra denna undersökning har för-fattarna analyserat det rättsliga läget i enlighet med den rättsdogmatiska metoden. Tyngd har lagts särskilt på lagtext men även motioner och doktrin har spelat en viktig roll.Laglotten infördes i det svenska systemet redan på 1800-talet. Dess främsta syfte var då att säkerställa ett efterarv för den avlidnes bröstarvingar. På den här tiden dog de flesta i ung ålder och de barn som efterlämnades var ofta unga och oför-mögna att själva försörja sig. Idag är det mer ovanligt att den som avlider efter-lämnar omyndiga barn, oftast dör vi idag i en hög ålder och våra barn är då själva redan vuxna. Laglottsskyddet, vilkets innebörd är att viss del av en avlidens arv skall tillfalla dess bröstarvingar, hittas idag i 7 kap 1§ ÄB.Under de senare åren har ett stort antal motioner och propositioner lagts fram med förslag om ett avskaffande av laglotten. Olika skribenter utrycker en åsikt om att laglotten är föråldrad och att systemet inte passar in i vårt samhälle. Det menas också att laglotten strider emot både egendomsrätten och den avlidnes sista vilja.Författarna anser att det behövs en utredning på området, för att fastställa huruvida laglotten är föråldrad och ej längre uppfyller sitt syfte, eller om den än idag är anpassad till vårt samhälle. Efter en utredning finner författarna att en re-form av laglotten kan finnas nödvändig.

Nové instituty dědického práva v komparaci se švýcarskou právní úpravou / New institutions of inheritance law in comparison with the swiss law

Müllerová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
1 New institutions of inheritance law in comparison with the Swiss law Abstract The new legislation of the civil code no 89/2012, brings major changes to the Czech inheritance law. Institutes, that has been traditionally part of most of the European countries has been after decades reintroduced into the Czech legal system. Moreover there are also institutes, which are completely new. These institutes are namely inheritance contract, legacy, renouncement of inheritance, surrender of inheritance, alienation of inheritance and codicil. This thesis aims to describe these institutes in detail, including their historical background. The new inheritance law legislation has been mostly influenced by the legislation effective in Czechoslovakia during 1920s and 1930s, meaning ABGB - the Austrian Civil code enacted in 1811. Also parts of the draft of a new civil code from 1937 were used as a template, as well as current civil codes of other European countries, as for example the German BGB or the Swiss ZGB. For the purpose of a legal comparison, this thesis contains also a brief description of the Swiss legislation concerning the above mentioned institutes.

Instituty dědického práva / Inheritance law institutes

Stachová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is to analyze the basic inheritance law institutes before and after the recodification of private law in the Czech Republic. Considering the forthcoming effect of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the New Civil Code which will replace the current Civil Code No. 40/1964 Coll. and which introduces significant changes into the inheritance law, the main aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive picture of selected inheritance law institutes in the light of these specific changes, their assessment and outline of the beneficial and problematic areas. The thesis is composed of five main chapters, each of them dealing with a specific area of inheritance law institutes. The introductory chapter of the thesis defines the concept and legal regulation of the inheritance law in the Czech Republic. I also briefly define the basic principles that are crucial for the inheritance law, whereas I emphasize the principle of will autonomy, which is the main principle for the new inheritance law regulation. The second chapter explains the concept of inheritance law institute and outlines also the new concepts of inheritance law. The main goal of the thesis is particularized in the final part of the chapter. Chapter three examines the basic assumptions of hereditary succession; for the...

A view from Family Law and Inheritance Law, concerning the right of residence of the surviving spouse or survivor is the case of the cohabitation / Una mirada desde el Derecho de Familia y Sucesorio, a propósito del derecho de habitación del cónyuge supérstite o si fuere el caso del sobreviviente de la unión de hecho

Aguilar Llanos, Benjamín 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article focuses on the family estate and the natural fact as death does not end the legal relationships that have led to the heritage that formed the family heritage, this transcends the subject. Therefore, the law regulates the transfer of the rights goods and obligations of the deceased in favor of the person that are his successors. In conclusion, death generates legal consequences. / El presente artículo versa sobre el patrimonio familiar y como un hecho natural como la muerte no culmina las relaciones jurídicas que han dado lugar al patrimonio que formó, sino que ésta trasciende al sujeto, y por ello el Derecho regula la transmisión de los bienes derechos y obligaciones de la persona fallecida a favor de los que resulten sus sucesores. Es decir, la muerte genera consecuencias jurídicas.

L'anticipation successorale à l'épreuve de l'allongement de l'espérance de vie / Estate planning and aging

Gayet, Marie 09 December 2016 (has links)
C’est désormais un fait acquis : la population française a vieilli. Cette évolution démographique n’est pas sans incidence sur le droit des successions et libéralités. D’une part, la personne âgée est incitée à transmettre précocement aux générations plus jeunes et plus actives. D’autre part, elle est sommée de songer au coût de la prise en charge d’une éventuelle dépendance liée au grand âge. Ces injonctions contradictoires conduisent à adopter une approche différente de l'anticipation successorale. Bien entendu, l'acte d'anticipation sera toujours considéré comme efficace lorsqu’il permettra au de cujus d’imposer durablement sa volonté, au-delà même de la mort. Mais, désormais, l’acte doit en outre faire montre d’une certaine capacité d’adaptation. Face aux différents événements jalonnant une longue existence, les besoins de chacun évoluent, si bien que les arbitrages réalisés plusieurs décennies auparavant se révéleront parfois peu judicieux. C'est pourquoi la stabilité et l'adaptabilité sont désormais devenues les deux caractéristiques primordiales, bien qu’apparemment inconciliables, d’une stratégie de transmission pérenne. Pour triompher de l’épreuve du temps, le projet doit ainsi allier tout à la fois les qualités du chêne et du roseau, c’est-à-dire aussi bien la robustesse de l’arbre séculaire que la souplesse de la jeune plante. / It’s a fact : the French population is aging. This demographic trend has an impact on inheritance law and estate planning. On one hand, seniors are encouraged to hand down property to younger generations early on. On the other hand, they are asked to put aside money for their own care. Estate planning must adapt to this new context. As of now, stability and adaptability are the two primordial characteristics of good estate planning, although they’re apparently irreconcilable. First, you must be sure that wishes will be respected and not betrayed by the heirs after your death. Then, Estate planning will be more efficient if it can adapt. Life changes, needs change, so the elderly must be free to change their mind when a project made years ago becomes irrelevant. To be more efficient, estate planning must combine the qualities of the oak and the reed : the robustness of the old tree and the flexibility of the young plant.

Závěť / Testament

Šťastná, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Testament Abstract The aim of this thesis was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the testament, one of the most important institutes of inheritance law. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the New Civil Code, focuses on strengthening testamentary freedom, which permits the testator to decide, how his property is disposed of upon his death. This work is divided into three chapters. Chapter one brings general and comprehensive overview of legislation on inheritance law, notably with respect that inheritance law is part of to the private law. Attention has been paid to principles on which the law is based on. The work then defines the other two inheritance titles, i.e. heritage contract and intestate succession, and compares them with the "will". Second chapter, which is main theme of this master's thesis, outline discusses about the institute of last will, including obligatory and optional elements of testament, permissible forms of will, clauses, legatum and revocation the testament, while briefly considering some institutes more closely in the light of the current legislation. Finally, the paper examines Polish inheritance law, with an eye towards field of testate succession and explains the nuances within both systems. It sets out the fundamental differences. On the other hand points out the similarities, even...

Dědická smlouva a darování pro případ smrti / Inheritance contract and donation mortis causa

Salač, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Inheritance contract and donation mortis causa Abstract This thesis presents, defines and examines two institutes of obligation-inheritance law, namely the inheritance contract and donation mortis causa, in the Czech law. Author deals with the most burning issues which are associated with these legal institutes. Thesis is divided into ten main parts. Each part is being divided into chapters and subchapters then. The first part aims to provide a brief introduction to the law of inheritance. Parts two to five are oriented to the historical genesis with a main focus to the present domestic legislation. Attention is also devoted to special regulations of the inheritance contract of spouses and registered partners. The sixth part presents, defines and puts the institute of donation mortis causa into the historical context. Donation mortis causa is a subject of the research in the Roman law and especially in the Czech law. Thesis analyzes donation mortis causa in both of its modalities occuring in the Czech law. The part seven deals with the Roman-law institute quarta Falcidia, due to its relations with the inheritance contract, donation mortis causa and legacies. The part eight is focused on the issues related to the inheritance contract and donation mortis causa with international element. Attention of this...

Spory o dědické právo v řízení o pozůstalosti / Disputes over inheritance law in inheritance proceedings

Stoklasová, Lucie January 2022 (has links)
Disputes over inheritance law in inheritance proceedings Abstract This thesis deals with the inheritance proceedings. The thesis is primarily focused on disputes over inheritance law that may arise during the inheritance proceedings and which must be resolved in the ways prescribed by law before the final decision on inheritance is made. The content of this thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the general characteristics of inheritance proceedings. The purpose was to describe which legal provisions regulate the inheritance procedure, on which principles the procedure is based and what its normal course looks like. Chapter two is focused directly on the disputes over inheritance law. The subchapters describe what a dispute over inheritance law is and how it is defined by the Act On Special Court Proceedings. On the contrary, it is also described what the case law or commentary literature does not consider as a dispute over inheritance law, although this may not be obvious at first sight. The procedure for resolving such disputes depends on whether the dispute is based solely on a legal assessment of the situation, or whether the facts on which the right of succession of individuals depends are the subject of the dispute. The aim of the subchapter, which focuses on the...

Vybrané instituty dědického práva podle NOZ / Selected institutions of inheritance law under the new Civil Code

Olenič, Josef January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the selected institutes of inheritance law. Since the new civil code has altered, or revived some of the institutes, my thesis looks at those changes, analyses them and provides a look to German and Austrian civil codes. The thesis composes of introduction, five chapters, each one of them dealing with different aspects of inheritance law and conclusion. Chapter one gives us general insight into inheritance law. Parts as follows are - General characteristics of inheritance law, selected basic principles and systematic of the New civil code and inheritance law. Chapter two focuses on the basic institute of inheritance law, the Testament. The following parts focus on specific parts of this institute. Namely as follows - General insight into Testament, Persons that make it, The way how to make it, Irregular forms, Regular forms, How to change or cancel it, The division of assets, Compulsory shares, Disinheritance and Orders in testament. Chapter three focuses on Contract of inheritance as institute that combines parts of inheritance and contractual law. The parts as follows are - General insight, Persons that make it, Forms in which it is made, Basic protection to the sides, Cancellation and changing contract. Chapter four focuses on Legacy interesting in the...

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