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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desafios de gestão integrada de recursos naturais: a relação da gestão de recursos hídricos e a gestão territorial em bacias urbano-rurais - um estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do rio Itajai (SC) / DESAFIOS DA GESTÃO INTEGRADA DE RECURSOS NATURAIS: A RELAÇÃO ENTRE A GESTÃO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS E A GESTÃO DO TERRITÓRIO EM BACIAS URBANO-RURAIS: Um estudo de caso na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Itajaí (SC)

Schult, Sandra Irene Momm 11 September 2006 (has links)
A gestão de recursos naturais é uma estratégia fundamental no enfrentamento dos problemas ambientais e na construção de uma condição de sustentabilidade. Esta gestão pode ser de caráter setorial e regulador, na medida em que não busca interferir no modelo de desenvolvimento, ou integrada, envolvendo ações compartilhadas em diferentes níveis com vistas a uma interação sócio-ambiental. No entanto, a implementação da gestão integrada reveste-se de igual complexidade aos problemas sobre os quais pretende atuar. Na discussão sobre a complexidade da implementação destacam-se dois aspectos interdependentes: a integração espacial entre diferentes escalas e territórios, e a integração institucional, considerando que nos últimos 25 anos existe uma sobreposição de ações não articuladas na arena ambiental. A partir deste modelo teórico analisa-se a articulação entre a gestão territorial no nível municipal e a gestão da água no nível da bacia hidrográfica com vistas à construção de uma gestão integrada. A abordagem conceitual é complementada com um estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do rio Itajaí (SC). Esta bacia, com ocupação urbanorural, abrange 50 municípios e possui uma população de aproximadamente 1.000.000 de habitantes. Como procedimento metodológico foram definidas 4 etapas que investigam a articulação na bacia hidrográfica do rio Itajaí. A primeira etapa trata da contextualização do objeto de estudo, ou seja, a caracterização da gestão da água e o papel do município. A segunda etapa caracteriza espacialmente agrupamentos de municípios que possuem características estruturais e dimensionais semelhantes, definindo uma tipologia. A terceira etapa metodológica estabelece relações entre os tipos definidos anteriormente, o uso do solo e a problemática da água nas sub-bacias. A quarta e última etapa, investiga, com base em uma pesquisa realizada nos municípios, as relações entre as escalas e os níveis de gestão. Do ponto de vista territorial a pesquisa demonstra que cerca de 70% do território da bacia encontra-se sob domínio de municípios rurais, em sua grande maioria em condição letárgica e esvaente. Em contraponto 40% da população da bacia reside nos dois centros urbanos atraentes. O resultado aponta que as dinâmicas de uso e ocupação do solo, cuja gestão é de competência municipal, não estão condicionadas à gestão de recursos hídricos. Por isto mesmo, as unidades de gestão de recursos hídricos não são suficientes para garantir o controle territorial e seus impactos na qualidade e quantidade de água. Entretanto, os pequenos e médios municípios muitas vezes não exercem o seu papel de gestor territorial, e a gestão de recursos hídricos, entendida aí em uma perspectiva da gestão integrada, pode representar novas possibilidades de articulação para a promoção da gestão do território municipal. / The management of natural resources is a basic strategy to face the environmental problems building the sustainable condition. This management can be described as sectorial and regulatory involving actions shared in different levels in the economic-environmental interaction with no inversion in the development model. However, the implementation of this integrated management is armed with equal complexity related to the problems on which it intends to act. In the subject on the complexity of the implementation two interdependent aspects are distinguished: the space integration between different scales and territories, and the institutional integration, considering that in last the 25 years exist an overlapping of the non-articulated actions in the environmental arena. With this theoretical model is analyzed the link between the territorial management in the district level and the water management in the level of the hydrographic basin looking to build an integrated management. The conceptual approach is complemented with the case study based on Itajaí River (SC) hydrographic basin. This basin with urban-agricultural occupation comprises 50 cities and approximately 1.000.000 of inhabitants. As methodological procedure 4 phases had been defined to investigate the link between territorial management and water management in the Itajaí River Basin. The first phase defines the context of the study object describing the water management and the function and actions the the district (duties and power of the districts). The second phase describes the groups of the cities with similar dimensions and structural characteristics defining a typology. The third methodological phase establishes relationship between the definite types (typology) defined previously, the use of the ground and the problematic related to the water management in the Itajaí (SC) river basin. The fourth and last phase, based on the research developed with all districts investigates the relationship between the scales and the management levels. In the territorial point of view the research demonstrates that about 70% of the river basin territory is under domain of the agricultural cities been the great majority in lethargic and diminishing conditions. In the other hand, 40% of the river basin population resides in the two attractive urban centers. The results show that the use and occupation of the land, which management is included in the district, is not conditioned to the water resources management. In fact, the units of management of water resources are not enough to guarantee the territorial control and its impacts in the quality and amount of water. However, many times small the medium districts can not execute their territorial management and water resources management with focus in the integrated management perspective promotes new possibilities for the district territorial management.

Resistência de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) ao acaricida hexitiazox em citros. / Resistance of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) to the acaricide hexythiazox in citrus.

Campos, Fernando Joly 28 January 2002 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de coletar informações básicas para a implementação de um programa de manejo da resistência de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) ao acaricida hexitiazox na cultura de citros. A suscetibilidade de ovos de B. phoenicis a hexitiazox foi avaliada através de um bioensaio de contato direto. Foi verificado que há efeito da idade de ovos de B. phoenicis na suscetibilidade, sendo que ovos no início do desenvolvimento embrionário (1 a 3 dias) foram menos tolerantes a hexitiazox do que ovos de 4 a 9 dias de idade. A CL50 estimada para a população suscetível de referência (linhagem S) foi de 0,89 mg de hexitiazox/L de água (IC 95% 0,75-1,03). Para o isolamento da resistência de B. phoenicis a hexitiazox (linhagem R), um trabalho de seleção em condições laboratoriais foi realizado a partir de uma população coletada em um pomar de citros da região de Barretos-SP, onde o uso de hexitiazox tinha sido intenso e falhas no controle do ácaro haviam sido reportadas com esse acaricida. A intensidade da resistência de B. phoenicis a hexitiazox foi maior que 10.000 vezes. Concentrações discriminatórias entre 10 e 320 mg de hexitiazox/L de água foram definidas para um programa de monitoramento da resistência de B. phoenicis ao hexitiazox. Resultados do levantamento da suscetibilidade a hexitiazox em populações de B. phoenicis provenientes de diferentes pomares dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais revelaram uma grande variabilidade na freqüência de resistência. Não foi observada relação entre o regime de uso do hexitiazox e a freqüência de resistência. Estudos da dinâmica da resistência em laboratório revelaram que a resistência de B. phoenicis a hexitiazox é estável, isto é, a freqüência de resistência não diminui significativamente na ausência de pressão de seleção. Portanto, os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho indicam a necessidade de implementação imediata de estratégias de manejo da resistência de B. phoenicis a hexitiazox para a prolongar a vida útil desse acaricida. / The objective of this study was to collect baseline information for implementing an acaricide resistance management program of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) to hexythiazox in citrus. The egg susceptibility of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox was measured by a direct contact bioassay. It was observed a significant effect of the egg developmental stage on susceptibility; that is, 1 to 3-day old eggs were less tolerant to hexythiazox than 4 to 9-day old eggs. The estimated LC50 for the S strain was 0.89 mg of hexythiazox/L of water (95% CI 0.75-1.03). To isolate hexythiazox-resistant B. phoenicis, a laboratory selection was conducted with a field population collected in a citrus grove located in Barretos-SP, where the intensity of hexythiazox use was high and field failures in the control of B. phoenicis were reported with the use of this acaricide. The intensity of resistance was greater than 10,000- fold. Discriminating concentrations between 10 and 320 mg of hexythiazox/L of water were defined for monitoring the resistance of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox. Results from a survey of susceptibility of B. phoenicis populations collected from citrus groves located in the State of São Paulo and Minas Gerais revealed a great variability in the frequency of resistance. No correlation was observed between the intensity of hexythiazox use and the frequency of resistance. Studies on dynamics of resistance showed that the resistance of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox is stable under laboratory conditions; that is the frequency of resistance did not decline significantly in the absence of selection pressure. Therefore, results obtained herein indicate the urgent need to implement resistance management strategies of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox in order to prolong the lifetime of this acaricide.

Análise da existência de gestão costeira integrada no município de Imbé-RS-Brasil

Caetano, Fabrício da Silva January 2016 (has links)
A Zona Costeira é um espaço ambientalmente sensível pela sua complexidade geográfica, necessitando cuidados especiais. Ao considerar Imbé-RS, integrante da Zona Costeira no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, percebe-se, a partir do Censo 2010 do IBGE, o incremento populacional considerável, potencializando a pressão antrópica sobre este espaço, logo demandando cuidados especiais que se dão a partir de uma gestão ambiental sustentável. Para tanto, a Gestão Integrada se faz necessária para atender as demandas complexas socioambientais desta fração de Zona Costeira, aglutinando as ações para coordenadamente resultarem numa efetiva gestão ambiental sustentável. Tendo, portanto, como objetivo principal a aplicação do Decálogo visando o diagnóstico de gestão integral. E para conseguir isto foi primeiro necessário a averiguação da aplicabilidade do Decálogo com a legislação pátria, passando pelo diagnóstico e conclusão. Nisto o Decálogo, método de planificação de gestão utilizado na Europa, de forma especial na região da Andaluzia (Espanha), pelo Grupo Iberoamericano Red Ibermar-Cyted, consiste, na fase de diagnóstico, em analisar de dez itens, os quais foram aplicados no Município de Imbé, para, a partir dos resultados da pesquisa, apresentar uma série de propostas que visem ser um instrumento de integração da gestão ambiental, para o Administrador Público, resultando a produção de um espaço sócio ambientalmente sustentável. / The coastal zone is an environmentally sensitive area due to its geographic complexity, requiring special care. When considering Imbé-RS, a member of the Coastal Zone in the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, one sees from the 2010 Census of IBGE, the considerable population growth, increasing the anthropic pressure on this space, then demanding special care that they give from a sustainable environmental management. Therefore, the Integrated Management is required to meet the environmental demands of this complex fraction of Coastal Zone, coalescing actions to result in a coordinated effective sustainable environmental management. Having, therefore, the main objective of the implementation of the Decalogue for the diagnosis of integral management. And to achieve this it was necessary first to investigate the applicability of the Decalogue with the Brazilian legislation, to diagnosis and conclusion. Hereby the Decalogue, management planning method used in Europe, particularly so in the region of Andalusia (Spain), the Ibero-American Group Red Ibermar-Cyted, consists in the diagnostic phase, in analyzing ten items, which were applied in city of Imbé, for, from the results of the research, present a series of proposals to be an environmental management integration tool for the Public Administrator, resulting in the production of environmentally sustainable socio space.

Avaliação dos planos municipais de gestão integrada de resíduos solidos urbanos na Amazônia brasileira / Evaluation of municipal plans for the integrated management of municipal solid waste in the Brazilian Amazon.

Pinho, Paulo Mauricio Oliveira 17 May 2011 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa é realizada a avaliação dos planos de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos urbanos (PGIRSU) em cidades amazônicas. Foram alvos das reflexões todas as dezoito experiência elaboradas e implantadas na região. Além de revisão bibliográfica, foram realizadas visitas de campo e entrevistas aos secretários responsáveis pelo serviço nos 18 lugares, onde aferiu-se que os resultados foram aquém do definido nos PGIRSU. Ao longo deste trabalho, pode-se perceber os motivos do insucesso da empreita: os conceitos e as estratégias que embasaram os planos não eram adequados a realidade dos municípios e a ausência de outros instrumentos de gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos nos 3 níveis de Governo inviabiliza a gestão integrada. O trabalho é finalizado com a avaliação dos 18 PGIRSU, segundo o método de avaliação de Planos de GIRSU proposto nesta tese. Um novo conceito de PGIRSU foi formulado. Por fim, concluiu-se que a Amazônia imprescinde de formas específicas de intervenção decorrente de suas características físicas e de seu histórico de ocupação. / In the present study is performed to assess the plans for the integrated management of municipal solid waste (PGIRSU) in Amazonian cities. Reflections were targets of all eighteen experience designed and implemented in the region. In addition to literature review were conducted field visits and interviews with the secretaries responsible for the service in the 18 places where that has measured the results were below the set in PGIRSU. Throughout this paper, one can see the reasons for the failure of the enterprise: the concepts and strategies that have underpinned the plans were not adequate to the reality of the municipalities and the absence of other management tools of municipal solid waste in three levels of government undermines the integrated management. The job ends with an assessment of 18 PGIRSU, according to the method of evaluation of plans Girsu proposed in this thesis. A new concept of PGIRSU was formulated. Finally, it was concluded that Amazon lacks specific forms of interference, physical characteristics and its history of occupation.

GestÃo integrada: o municÃpio de Icapuà e os programas de administraÃÃo da orla marÃtima. / Integrated management: the municipality of Icapuà and the programs of administration of the maritime shore.

Cristina Maria Aleme Romcy 20 December 2005 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / A ocupaÃÃo desordenada da orla marÃtima tem provocado conflitos de uso e de degradaÃÃo ambiental tendo como causas o desconhecimento dos bens pÃblicos e dos seus recursos ambientais, como tambÃm a falta de integraÃÃo entre os setores governamentais e a sociedade. Este trabalho contribuiu para o ordenamento costeiro, considerando a complexidade nos processos de integraÃÃo das polÃticas de planejamento e de uso e ocupaÃÃo da orla, tendo como fundamentos bÃsicos metodolÃgicos os princÃpios do desenvolvimento sustentÃvel. Foram realizados estudos relacionados com uma ampla revisÃo bibliogrÃfica sobre planejamento e gestÃo da zona costeira, aliados a pesquisa de campo, aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrios, registros iconogrÃficos e da organizaÃÃo e leitura cartogrÃfica oficial do estado e municÃpio. Com base nestes elementos, apresentou-se uma proposiÃÃo crÃtica do Projeto Orla, contribuindo para promover e efetivar a gestÃo integrada da orla marÃtima nas Ãreas do patrimÃnio da uniÃo. Evidenciou-se, como recomendaÃÃes finais, a necessidade de ampla participaÃÃo social nas propostas e programas de conservaÃÃo da paisagem costeira, da ocupaÃÃo ordenada dos seus espaÃos e do uso dos recursos ambientais mediante a parceria com os trÃs nÃveis de governo. / The disordered occupation of the seashore has been causing usage and environmental degradation conflicts, having as causes the unawareness of the public properties and their environmental resources, as well as the lack of integration between the government sectors and the society. This work aims to contribute to the coastal ordering considering the integration process of the usage and occupation planning policies of the shore, and the sustainable development principles studied through field research, questionnaires, bibliographical surveys, iconographical registrations, and organization and reading of the official cartography of the state and municipality. Based on these elements, the Shore Project promotes the integrated management of the seashore within the union real-estate areas, through its conservation, ordered occupation of their spaces, and usage of the environmental resources through the partnership of the three government levels and the civil society.

Controle biológico e alternativo do percevejo de renda (Vatiga manihotae) (Drake) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) na cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) / Biological and alternative control of the lacebug (Vatiga manihotae) (Drake) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Bellon, Patrícia Paula 19 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:37:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia_Paula_Bellon.pdf: 1210763 bytes, checksum: 270b60633f78fa5cfa178543c029aa74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an important tropical crop, constituting the main source of energy for more than 500 million people in Africa and South America is a culture that traditionally had a low incidence of insect pests, however, in recent seasons some species have shown a high population, especially among those Vatiga manihotae (Drake) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), which causes early defoliation and significant reduction in photosynthetic rate. To contribute to knowledge about the control of this insect, it was evaluated in laboratory conditions, the activity of alternative pesticides and entomopathogenic fungi for the control of V. manihotae. Therefore, we tested commercial products Natualho®, Compostonat®, Pironat®, Plant Clean®, Pyronin®, Lime Sulfur and Mattan Plus® on the insecticidal activity and beyond these Vertinat®, Metanat® and Bovenat® in oviposition deterrence. The work was conducted on plants of cassava fecula branca variety. The application of the products was carried out on the underside of leaves with the aid of an airbrush device coupled to a compressor flow of air. For the experiment of inhibition of oviposition, four cassava leaves were infested with 20 adult of lacebug for oviposition. The leaves were wrapped in plastic cages, allowing oviposition for 48 h after the adults were removed and the eggs quantified. To check the mortality of insect nymphs (3rd instar) and adults were transferred to four upper leaves of cassava, and where the application of products. During 10 days there were daily observations on the number of dead insects. In the trial with the entomopathogenic fungi, we used 13 isolates of Beauveria bassiana, an isolate of B. brongniartii, four of Metarhizium anisopliae and two isolates of Sporothrix insectorum, in addition to commercial products based on fungi, Metanat®, Bovenat® and Vertinat®. The isolates were grown in medium and appropriate conditions and suspensions concentration standardized at 1  109 conídios mL and applied to 3rd instar nymphs and adults. Evaluations were made every other day for 10 days. The products had low efficiency in controlling the lacebug, with a mortality of 54.4% in nymphs with Lime Sulfur and 12.6% for adults with Pyronin®. Natualho® showed 92% of the oviposition deterrence of V. manihotae. The entomopathogenic fungi were pathogenic, and the isolated IBCB34 B. bassiana was the most effective in nymphs and adults, causing, respectively 100% and 85% mortality / A mandioca (Manihot esculenta) é uma importante cultura tropical, constituindo-se na principal fonte energética para mais de 500 milhões de pessoas na África e América do Sul. É uma cultura que tradicionalmente apresentava baixa incidência de insetos pragas, contudo, nas últimas safras, algumas espécies têm apresentado elevada população, destacando-se dentre essas Vatiga manihotae (Drake) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), que causa desfolha precoce e significativa redução na taxa fotossintética. Visando contribuir no conhecimento sobre essa espécie, objetivou-se estudar, em laboratório, a eficiência de produtos fitossanitários alternativos e fungos entomopatogênicos visando o controle de V. manihotae. Assim, foram testados os produtos comerciais Natualho®, Compostonat®, Pironat®, Planta Clean®, Pironin®, Calda Sulfocálcica e Mattan Plus® quanto à atividade inseticida e além desses Vertinat®, Metanat® e Bovenat® na deterrência a oviposição. O trabalho foi realizado sobre plantas de mandioca, variedade fécula branca. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada na face inferior das folhas com auxílio de um aparelho aerógrafo acoplado a um compressor de fluxo contínuo de ar. Para o experimento da inibição à oviposição, quatro folhas de mandioca foram infestadas com 20 adultos de percevejo de renda para oviposição. As folhas foram envoltas em gaiolas plásticas, permitindo a oviposição por 48 h, após, os adultos foram retirados e os ovos quantificados. Para verificar a mortalidade do inseto, ninfas (3o instar) e adultos foram transferidos em quatro folhas apicais da mandioca, realizando-se a aplicação dos produtos. Durante 10 dias foram realizadas observações diárias sobre o número de insetos mortos. No ensaio com fungos entomopatogênicos, foram utilizados 13 isolados de Beauveria bassiana, um isolado de Beauveria brongniartii, quatro de Metarhizium anisopliae e dois de Sporothrix insectorum, além dos produtos comerciais à base de fungos, Metanat®, Bovenat® e Vertinat®. Os isolados foram multiplicados em meio e condições adequadas e preparadas suspensões de concentração padronizada em 1  109 conídios mL e aplicados sobre ninfas de 3o instar e adultos. As avaliações foram feitas a cada dois dias, durante 10 dias. Os produtos apresentaram baixa eficiência no controle o percevejo de renda, com mortalidade de 54,4% em ninfas com Calda Sulfocálcia e 12,6% para adultos com Pironin®. Natualho® apresentou 92% de deterrência na oviposição de V. manihotae. Os fungos entomopatogênicos mostraram-se patogênicos, sendo que o isolado IBCB34 de B. bassiana foi o mais eficiente em ninfas e adultos, causando, respectivamente 100 e 85% de mortalidade

Assessing Quality Of Health Services Delivery For Children In Sub-saharan Africa During The Implementation Of The Integrated Management Of Childhood Illness (imci): Kenya, 1999-2010

January 2015 (has links)
Introduction The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) is a multicomponent health system strengthening initiative widely adopted in Sub-Saharan Africa to improve poor child health outcomes. Implementation and subsequent evaluation have largely centered on the clinical management component. This study examines the clinical component in tandem with the facility improvement component, while capturing aspects of the community component over a ten year period. Methods The study utilizes a modified Donabedian quality measurement model where expected outcomes are a function of the process and structural components of healthcare quality which corresponds respectively to the clinical management and facility improvement components of the IMCI strategy. The data source is the Demographic Health Survey-Services Provision Assessment on Kenya for years 1999, 2004 and 2010 and it consists of a sample of 3,884 children and their caretakers seeking care at 1,523 health facilities. Bivariate analyses examine the change in health quality indicators and the quality indices (aggregated quality indicators) over time. Then negative binomial models assess the effect of the process and structural quality indices on the Caretaker Perceived Quality of Care (CPQoC) over time. Results Since IMCI implementation in Kenya, the clinical management and facility improvement indicators have not followed a pattern of consistent improvement while the quality indices increased consistently over time. The technical aspects of care have a higher effect on the CPQoC than the structural aspects and some of the interpersonal aspects of care were statistically significant. Privately managed facilities showed the highest impact while access to care had no impact on the CPQoC. Conclusion The findings underscore the importance of clinical management while recognizing the importance of the facility and community components of the IMCI. Revising the strategy to encourage implementation of all components with increased emphasis on the community components as well as ownership from national governments can improve child health outcomes in the region. / 1 / Felicia Aurora Osenkor Amoah

Integració de sistemes estandarditzats de gestió: anàlisi empírica

Bernardo Vilamitjana, Mercè 23 December 2009 (has links)
Els sistemes de gestió permeten millorar l'eficiència de les organitzacions i en aquest context, una organització pot tenir implantats múltiples sistemes. La forma preferible de gestionar-los és integrant-los, perquè s'aprofiten les sinèrgies existents entre sistemes. Existeixen molt pocs estudis empírics que analitzin la integració de sistemes. Així, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és conèixer i analitzar empíricament com integren les empreses els sistemes i com realitzen les auditories d'aquests.Les conclusions de l'anàlisi empírica realitzada són que les empreses:(1)integren majoritàriament els sistemes a un determinat nivell, i sembla que els models de gestió utilitzats i l'ordre d'implantació dels sistemes, condicionen aquest nivell,(2)duen a terme, majoritàriament, auditories del sistema integrades, essent el nivell d'integració de les internes superior al de les externes, i(3)en alguns aspectes, sembla que la integració de les auditories externes, està relacionada amb el nivell d'integració dels sistemes. / Management systems can improve the efficiency of organizations and in this context, an organization can have multiple systems in place. The preferable way to manage them is integrating them, so take advantage of synergies between existing systems.There are very few empirical studies that analyze systems integration. Hence, the objective of this thesis is to ascertain and analyze empirically how companies integrate systems and how perform their audits.(1)Conclusions of the empirical analysis carried out are that companies: mainly integrate systems at a certain level, and it appears that management models used and systems'implementation order, determine this level,(2)carried out, mostly, integrated system audits, being the level of integration of the internal higher than the external, and (3)in some respects, it seems that the integration of external audits is related to the level of systems integration.

Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence: perceptions of district personnel of implementation and impact on collective teacher efficacy

LeRoy, Kathryn A. 01 November 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify those elements of the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence that central office leaders, principals, and teachers perceive as having an impact on collective teacher efficacy. The study determined if there was a relationship between the perceptions of central office leaders, principals, and teachers concerning the implementation of the criteria, the difficulty of implementation, and the impact of implementation on collective teacher efficacy. The population for this study included sixty individuals from three school districts from Texas, North Carolina, and New Mexico who have implemented the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence for a minimum of five years. The Delphi Technique was used for the study utilizing a questionnaire linked to six of the seven categories of the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, which were reported using numerical and graphic techniques. The key findings of this study suggest that the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence, which the three study school districts chose as a framework for improving organizational performance, has had a perceived positive impact on collective teacher efficacy. The following conclusions were drawn from the data analysis: ?? Implementation of the Baldrige Criteria requires a long-term commitment, ?? Districts committed to implementation of the criteria develop systematic approaches to management processes, persevere in their deployment, and continually assess performance to determine areas for improvement. ?? The difficulty of implementation of the criteria relates to the effort required to align and deploy systematic approaches throughout the organization. ?? Commitment and implementation begins at the senior leadership level of central office and cascades through the organization to principals and classroom teachers. The extent to which systematic management approaches have been deployed to the classroom teacher level determines the level of impact of implementation on collective efficacy. ?? The Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence provide a framework for school districts to improve organizational performance from a systems perspective to achieve organizational and student success. ?? The more mature a district??s deployment/implementation of the criteria, the greater the impact on collective teacher efficacy.

Connections to the land: the politics of health and wellbeing in Arviat Nunavut

Blakney, Sherrie Lee 07 April 2010 (has links)
Connections to the Land: the Politics of Health and Wellbeing in Arviat, Nunavut is about traditional knowledge as process. The thesis examines the relationships between Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) [“the Inuit way of doing things”; traditional knowledge (TK);], Inuit perceptions of health and wellbeing and the land; and what the relationships mean for integrated coastal and ocean management. Among Arviat Inuit (Arviarmiut), IQ, health and wellbeing and the land are tightly interconnected. When one relationship is stressed, disruptions occur throughout the whole system. IQ is embedded in Inuit perceptions of health and wellbeing, and to be healthy, Inuit maintain they must interact with the land in Inuit ways. In 2004, issues surrounding the nature of IQ, its control, production, documentation and legitimation were contested by Arviarmiut. Inuit strongly resented input from academics, resource managers, scientists or other southern “experts”. Arviarmiut sensitivities regarding IQ were in part the result of the rapid social change that had occurred over the last half century. Social systems suffered upheaval as colonial processes and institutions impacted values, networks, families and identity. The rate of change did not allow for time for traditional systems to adapt, and aspects of social change happened out of sync with each other resulting in dysfunction. Arviat’s history of relocation, uneven social change and expanded communication ability all affected the formation of IQ. Through participatory research, participant observation, interviews and network-building with Inuit organizations, the research explores IQ as process and the interconnections with the land and wellbeing. It recommends greater integration of Inuit into resource management planning and decision-making in ways consistent with IQ; and allowing Inuit to decide what processes and policies are most appropriate for them.

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