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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestores de referencias bibliográficas

Caro, Gabriela 17 August 2007 (has links)
Manual para usar el gestor de referencias bibliográficas Biblioexpress.

Estrategias de búsqueda

Caro, Gabriela 17 August 2007 (has links)
Presentación sobre estrategias de búsqueda para el curso Informática para médicos del semestre 2007-1.

Seminario de Investigación Académica (MTA 2): búsqueda y registro de fuentes de información

15 December 2012 (has links)
Búsqueda y registro de fuentes de Información.

Recherche cards : live it through the Recherche DVD cards

Yildiz, Afsina January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this creative thesis project is to complete video greetings for the business "Recherche Cards," expected to be launched by late August 2007. Recherche DVD cards is a relatively new concept in the greetings industry, and will offer various video and 2D/3D animated greetings. The greetings can be sent online as they are or can be personalized with the client's videos and be mailed on a DVD format. For the clients looking for something exclusive, they can order a custom made card designed just for them. The ordering will take online only at www.recherchecards.com. The following proposal will discuss how it was conceived and brought to completion. / Department of Telecommunications

Informationsföreläggande vid intrång av upphovsrättsskyddade verk på Internet i förhållande till skyddet för den personliga integriteten / The right to information about copyright infringement on Internet inrelation to the protection of the human right to privacy and integrity

Jakobsson, Samantha, Alderbrant, Isabelle January 2014 (has links)
Ipred-lagen, som trädde i kraft den 1 april 2009, implementerades i lag om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk. Bestämmelserna, som infördes i 53 c-g §§ URL, innebär att det har blivit lättare att ingripa mot illegal fildelning på Internet. Upphovsrättsinnehavare har, enligt bestämmelserna, rätt att få ut information om ursprung och distributionsnät för de varor eller tjänster som intrånget gäller, efter beslut av domstol. Förfarandet kallas informationsföreläggande. Bestämmelserna genomfördes trots personuppgiftslagens bestämmelser om att människor ska skyddas mot att deras personliga integritet kränks genom behandling av personuppgifter.I uppsatsen analyseras var gränsen mellan upphovsrättsinnehavares ekonomiska intressen och skyddet för den personliga integriteten ska anses gå genom studerande av bestämmelserna om informationsföreläggande i 53 c-g §§ URL i förhållande till bestämmelser kring skyddet för den personliga integriteten.Analysen visar klart att lagstiftningen på områdena är utformad till upphovsrättsinnehavarnas fördel och att skyddet för den personliga integriteten ofta får stå tillbaka för upphovsrättsinnehavarnas ekonomiska intressen. Praxisen som behandlas visar att det viktiga för att få till stånd ett informationsföreläggande är att kunna visa att ett intrång troligtvis har skett i ensamrätten som upphovsrättsinnehavare åtnjuter. Domstolarna ska också i en avvägning slå fast att upphovsrättsinnehavares intressen i det särskilda fallet väger tyngre än motpartens intresse av att förbli anonym.

Urban [virtual] morphologies

Gibson, Robyn 21 January 2008 (has links)
An investigation into the nature of public space in the North American city, this research seeks establish a more appropriate approach to a complex situation. Due to the manner in which North America has developed, true public space is superseded by the dominance of the automobile and private commercial interests. When this condition is tempered with the proliferation of ICTs and internet technology issues of private and public inhabitation become paradoxical. As a result of this study a new navigational system and series of interventions are proposed. These interventions are offered as only one of an incalculable set of possibilities and hope to generate further dialogue.

AI Planning-Based Service Modeling for the Internet of Things

Bahers, Quentin January 2015 (has links)
It is estimated that by 2020, more than 50 billion devices will be interconnected, to form what is called the Internet of Things. Those devices range from consumer electronics to utility meters, including vehicles. Provided with sensory capabilities, those objects will be able to transmit valuable information about their environment, not only to humans, but even more importantly to other machines, which should ultimately be able to interpret and take decisions based on the information received. This “smartness” implies gifting those devices with a certain degree of automation. This Master’s Thesis investigates how recent advances in artificial intelligence planning can be helpful in building such systems. In particular, an artificial intelligence planner able to generate workflows for most of IoT-related use cases has been connected to an IoT platform. A performance study of a state-of-the planner, Fast Downward, on one of the most challenging IoT application, Smart Garbage Collection (which is similar to the Traveling Salesman Problem) has also been carried out. Eventually, different pre-processing and clustering techniques are suggested to tackle the latest AI planners’ inefficiency on quickly finding plans for the most difficult tasks.

Lärobok vs Internet : En studie av elevsvar utifrån olika informationskällor / Textbook vs Internet : A study of students ́ responses based on different sources of information

Granqvist, Elin, Ryttersson, Josefina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersoka de elevsvar eleverna ger när de använder sig av en lärobok i svenskämnet som informationskälla eller av internet som informationskälla. Dessa elevsvar sätts i perspektiv genom betygsättning både av oss samt av en extern lärare. Studiens forskningsansats är en kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersokningsmetod med en experimentell tendens. I resultatet framkom det skillnader mellan elevsvar utifrån de olika informationskällorna så som tidsaspekt, betygsspridning samt svarsinnehåll.

Cultural influences on consumer interactions in the context of electronic commerce

Siala, Haytham January 2001 (has links)
Researchers and academics from diverse disciplines have highlighted the role of 'trust' for establishing and strengthening existing relationships between individuals and organisations in the commercial and the social context. Trust in the cultural context specifically, is credited with being the social 'glue' for sustaining bonds between members of cultural groups. The 'trust' phenomenon has become a 'hallmark' of success for organizations as they become more involved with Information Technology (IT). A precondition for trust to manifest is the natural presence of risk or uncertainties in a potential decision. Since the fears and risks associated with online transactions in the context of ecommerce are high, gaining a customer's trust becomes a must. Some studies have found the ingrained cultural values, which form an essential part of the cultural heritage of a person, to be influential in evoking an individual's trust. Various sources in the marketing and consumer behaviour literature have highlighted the role that religious subcultures play in the purchase decisions of their members. The customs, values, and norms set by a religious group are highly esteemed by its members. The objective of this thesis is to investigate if religious Web sites are more likely to instil trust in online fellow-members than their generic counterparts. From a HCI point of view, we can say that our research will investigate an "abstract" interface of e-commerce systems: the 'theological' interface of a commercial Web site. Consequently, we can also ascertain if religious consumers basing their purchasing decisions on 'religious' trust alone overlook more important issues such as the privacy and security problems associated with financial transactions performed over the Internet. Our empirical findings have discovered that conservative Muslims, who are not very familiar with the Internet, trust a Muslim Web site more than a Christian Web site and a generic Web site. In contrast, conservative Muslims with higher Internet experience were found to be more cautious. They based their 'trust' on more appropriate criteria such as the extent of privacy and security safeguards adopted by a Web site. A qualitative analysis of the post-experimental interviews that we conducted purports that Web-based trust develops with a company's good reputation, previous personal purchasing experiences, and through word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family or peers. In light of our findings, we argue that the time experience gained in using the Internet plays a major role on how consumers perceive culturally or religiously oriented Web sites. We believe that less experienced Internet users are unaware of the security vulnerabilities inherent in the Internet environment. Therefore, we assume that they are context-blind: they do not differentiate between traditional and the digital marketing environments. Consequently, they would trust purchasing from an electronic store (Web site) in the same manner they would trust purchasing from a 'brick-and mortar' store. In contrast, experienced Internet users deem reputable Web sites adopting good security and privacy safeguards for online transactions to be trustworthier than Web sites designed with a 'religious' interface. We conclude that in the context of e-commerce, one cannot expect to establish a trustworthy commercial relationship based on religious trust alone. From the findings of this study, it has become apparent that the trait of strict religious affiliation seems to disappear in the context of e-commerce. The threats and risks inherent in online transactions seem to restructure the religious community by merging it into a traditional global community of e-consumers. When contemplating a purchase from a Web site, traditional e-consumers pay more attention to the company's reputation and the extent of data security measures adopted by a Web site rather than basing their purchase decisions on the religious affiliations and cultural values taught by parents and ancestors. Thus, Web sites aiming to sell products behind a 'religious' interface could become disappointed. Having said that, we reiterate that the time experience in using the Internet seems to play an influential role in how users' perceive cultural or religious Web sites.

e-Voting.at. Entwicklung eines Internet-basierten Wahlsystems für öffentliche Wahlen

Prosser, Alexander, Kofler, Robert, Krimmer, Robert, Unger, Martin Karl January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Internetwahlen (e-Voting) sind zu einer realen Möglichkeit geworden,es müssen aber die allgemeinen Wahlrechtsgrundsätze eingehalten werden.Bei der Entwicklung eines e-Voting-Systems müssen insbesondere folgende Probleme gelöst werden: eindeutige Identifikation des Wahlberechtigten bei der Registration für die elektronische Wahl bei gleichzeitig vollkommen gesicherter Anonymität in der Stimmabgabe. Außerdem darf die Systemadministration der Wahlbetreiber keinerlei Möglichkeit haben (i) die Anonymität zu unterlaufen oder (ii) Stimmen zu manipulieren. Der vorliegende Prototyp basiert auf einem an der Abteilung Produktionsmanagement der WU Wien entwickelten Verfahren,das international publiziert und damit der öffentlichen Diskussion und Prüfung zugänglich ist (siehe dazu die Auswahl an Publikationen in diesem Bericht). / Series: Working Papers on Information Systems, Information Business and Operations

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