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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rodni identiteti u intersekciji sa etniĉkim i religijskim: na primeru istraživanja Banatskih Bugarki u Srbiji, Rumuniji i Bugarskoj / Gender Identity in the Intersection with Ethnicity and Religion: the case of Banat Bulgarians Women of Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria

Vasić Slobodan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U etniĉkoj grupi Banatskih Bugara, u Srbiji,<br />Rumuniji i Bugarskoj, rodni odnosi su predmet<br />kontinuiranih transformacija. Pružajući doprinos<br />prouĉavanjima identiteta ţena iz manjinskih<br />etniĉkih grupa, kao i komparativnom prouĉavanju<br />etniciteta u zemljama koje dele sliĉne dru&scaron;tvenopolitiĉke<br />okolnosti socijalizma i postsocijalizma,<br />ovo istraživanje ima za cilj da utvrdi na koje<br />naĉine Banatske Bugarke u razliĉitim<br />dru&scaron;tvenim kontekstima, oblikuju rodni,<br />etniĉki i religijski identitet. Kako su jezik i<br />religija dva najznaĉajnija dru&scaron;tvena i politiĉka<br />domena kulturne razlike u modernom svetu, a<br />rodni identiteti ne deluju nezavisno, već u<br />sadejstvu sa drugim identitetima, intersekciju<br />rodnih identiteta sa etniĉkim i religijskim<br />posmatram sa stanovi&scaron;ta oĉuvanja identiteta<br />grupe. Analizama položaja žena u javnoj sferi<br />života posvećuje se znaĉajnija pažnja, a<br />zanemaruju se rodni odnosi u privatnoj sferi<br />života, posebno brojĉano malih etniĉkih grupa.<br />Privatna sfera života je, međutim, znaĉajna, jer<br />rodni identiteti u ovoj sferi utiĉu na<br />oblikovanje etniĉkog i religijskog ideniteta i na<br />njihovu intersekciju. Reĉ je o regionu sa<br />razliĉitim istorijskim iskustvima i tradicijama<br />multikulturalizma i koji se odlikuje ĉestim<br />promenama državnih granica. Kontekstualni<br />okvir analize, pored rodnih režima, ĉine<br />potiskivanje religije u socijalizmu, te<br />afirmacija etniĉkih i religijskih identiteta u<br />postsocijalizmu. Akcenat istraživanja je na<br />ženama, ali da bi analiza intersekcije bila<br />celovita, u ovom etnografskom istraţivanju,<br />zastupljeni su i mu&scaron;karci. Ukupno je 51 osoba<br />u osnovnom uzorku, od ĉega, 31 žena i 20<br />mu&scaron;karca. Rezultati pokazuju zadržavanje<br />patrijarhalnih rodnih odnosa u privatnoj sferi<br />života u seoskim okruženjima, uz izuzetak<br />Bugarske, u pojedinim aspektima. Intersekcije<br />identiteta se razlikuju u odnosu na<br />kontekstualne karakteristike Srbije, Rumunije i&nbsp;</p><p>Bugarske i zavise od vi&scaron;estrukih povezanosti<br />na relaciji privatna/javna sfera: od mogućnosti<br />upotrebe maternjeg jezika, karakteristika<br />etniĉki i religijski me&scaron;ovitih brakova i<br />porodica, te od rodnih razlika u religioznosti.<br />Najveći uticaj na oĉuvanje identiteta imaju<br />rodni identiteti žena, jer one socijalizaciju decu<br />i prenose etniĉki i religijski identitet u sledećoj<br />generaciji. Po&scaron;to su žene religioznije od<br />mu&scaron;karaca u sve tri države, veći stepen<br />religioznosti je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa<br />oĉuvanjem i etniĉkog i religijskog identiteta, u<br />kontekstu etnifikovane crkve. Uloge<br />mu&scaron;karaca u oĉuvanju identiteta, nalaze se u<br />javnoj sferi života i one su omogućene rodnom<br />podelom rada u privatnoj sferi ţivota. U<br />postsocijalizmu, u kontekstu desekularizacije i<br />afirmacije jezika i etniĉkog identiteta, mu&scaron;karci<br />su zastupljeniji u javnim ulogama, ali se beleži<br />postepena transformacija rodnih odnosa u<br />pravcu veće egalitarnosti, posebno u mlađoj<br />generaciji u uzorku, u urbanom okruženju i kod<br />osoba sa većim stepenom obrazovanja.</p> / <p>Gender relations within the ethnic group of<br />Banat Bulgarians have been a subject of<br />transformation in Serbia, Romania and<br />Bulgaria, both during the socialist as well as<br />during the post-socialist period. By<br />contributing to the study of female identity in<br />minority ethnic groups as well as to the<br />comparative study of ethnicity in countries<br />which have similar social and political<br />circumstances in light of socialism and postsocialism,<br />this thesis aims at determining the<br />manner in which the Banat Bulgarian women<br />in different political and social contexts shape<br />and define their gender, ethnic and religious<br />identity. Given the fact that the religion and<br />language are the two most significant social<br />and political domains in terms of cultural<br />differences in the modern world and that the<br />gender identities do not act independently, but<br />rather in conjunction with other identities the<br />intersection of the gender identity and the<br />ethnic and religious identity is observed from<br />the perspective of fostering and preserving the<br />identity of the group. While much focus has<br />been put on the analyses regarding the status of<br />women in the public sphere, the gender<br />relations in the private sphere in smaller ethnic<br />groups still remain under-researched. The<br />private sphere is very important since the<br />gender identities affect the shaping of the<br />ethnic and religious identity and their<br />intersection. This region has a plethora of<br />diverse historical experiences and multicultural<br />traditions and is often characterized by changes<br />in state borders. The contextual framework of<br />the analyses, in addition to gender regimes,<br />includes suppression of religion as well as the<br />affirmation of ethnic and religious identities in<br />post-socialism. Even though the focus of the<br />research was women, in order to make a<br />comprehensive analysis of the intersection, this</p><p>research also included men. The research<br />included 51 interviewees (31 women and 20<br />men). The results indicate a preservation of<br />patriarchal gender relations in the private<br />sphere in rural areas, with the exception of<br />Bulgari, in specific aspects. The identity<br />intersections differ in relation to contextual<br />differences between Serbia, Romania and<br />Bulgaria and mostly depend on multi-faceted<br />connections between the private and the public<br />sphere e.g. the use of the mother tongue,<br />characteristics of ethnically and religiously<br />mixed marriages and families as well as gender<br />differences in religiousness. The female gender<br />identity has the greatest impact on the<br />preservation of an identity i.e. the women<br />socialise their children and carry on their<br />ethnic and religious identity. Since women are<br />more religious in all three countries, the greater<br />degree of religiousness is in positive<br />correlation with the preserving of the ethnic<br />and religious identity, in the context of an<br />ethnically-specific church. Male roles<br />regarding the preservation of identity belong to<br />the public sphere. In post-socialism, in the<br />context of de-secularisation, the state enables<br />and promotes the affirmation of language and<br />ethnic identity. Men have more prominent<br />public roles, however the transformation of<br />gender relations slowly shifts towards equality<br />is noticeable, especially among the younger<br />generations in the sample, in urban areas and<br />among persons with a higher degree of<br />education.</p>

Théorie de l’intersection sur les espaces de différentielles holomorphes et méromorphes / Intersection theory of spaces of holomorphic and meromorphic differentials

Sauvaget, Adrien 30 November 2017 (has links)
Nous construisons l'espace des différentielles stables : un espace des modules de différentielles méromorphes avec des pôles d'ordres fixés. Cet espace est un cône au dessus de l'espace Mg,n des courbes stables. Si l'ensemble de poles est vide, il s'agit du fibré de Hodge. Nous introduisons l'anneau tautologique du projectivisé de l'espace des différentielles stables par analogie avec Mg,n. L'espace des différentielles stables est stratifié en fonction des ordres des zéros de la différentielle. Nous montrons que la classe de cohomologie Poincaré-duale de chaque strate est tautologique et peut être calculée explicitement, ce qui constitue le résultat principal de la thèse. Nous appliquons ces résultats pour calculer des nombres de Hurwitz et pour prouver plusieurs identités dans le groupe de Picard des strates. Ensuite, nous nous intéressons aux espaces des modules des différentielles d'ordre supérieur. Une courbe munie d'une k-différentielle holomorphe possède un revêtement naturel de groupe de Galois Z/kZ. Le fibré de Hodge sur la courbe revêtante se décompose en une somme directe de sous-fibrés en fonction du car- actère de Z/kZ. Nous calculons la première classe de Chern de chacun de ces sous-fibrés. Un dernier chapitre sera consacré à l'exposé des liens conjecturaux entre les classes des strates de différentielles, les espaces de courbes r-spin et les cycles de double ramification. / We construct the space of stable differentials: a moduli space of meromorphic differentials with poles of fixed order. This space is a cone over the moduli space Mg,n of stable curves. If the set of poles is empty, then this cone is the Hodge bundle. We introduce the tautological ring of the projectivized space of stable differentials by analogy with Mg,n. The space of stable differentials is stratified according to the orders of zeros of the differential. We show that the Poincaré-dual cohomology classes of these strata are tautological and can be explicitly computed, this constitutes the main result of this thesis. We apply this result to compute Hurwitz numbers and to show several identities in the Picard group of the strata. Then, we interest ourselves to moduli spaces of differentials of superior order. A curve endowed with a k-differential carry a natural ramified covering of Galois group Z/kZ. The Hodge bundle over the covering curve is decomposed into a direct sum of sub-vector bundles according to the character of Z/kZ. We compute the first Chern class of each of these sub-bundles. A last chapter will be dedicated to the presentation of conjectural relations between classes of strata of differentials, moduli of r-spin structures and double ramification cycles.

Návrh řešení sil. I/42 – VMO v Brně v úseku MÚK Hlinky – MÚK Velodrom / Road I/42 – Brno Expressway in section MUK Hlinky – MUK Velodrom

Motl, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is the solution of Brno expressway in section between interchanges Hlinky and Velodrom. The thesis introduces two alternatives of height trajectory of Brno expressway. In first alternative the expressway is above current terrain on the estacade. The local roads are situated under the estacade on the terrain level. The neighboring areas stay intouched. In the second alternative the author presumes the reconstruction of part of the exhibition centre. In this case the expressway is situated on the terrain level and rises up just before interchange Velodrom. The local area is serviced by the new road situated in reconstructed area and by two bridges over the expressway. The next topic of the thesis is the solution of interchange Velodrom. Both alternatives are compared in the end.

Řešení křižovatky 1. máje a Palackého v Moravských Budějovicích / Intersection of 1.máj and Palacký in Moravské Budějovice

Soukup, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the solution of the crossroads of the 1st Máje and Palackého in Moravské Budějovice. Part of the work is security inspection, calculation of uncontrolled intersection capacity, traffic survey. The findings are applied to possible solutions of crossing of the 1st Máje and Palackého in Moravské Budějovice.

Sémantická blízkost pro vědecké články / Semantic Relatedness of Scientific Articles

Dresto, Erik January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to explore basic methods which can be used to find semantically related scientific articles. All the methods are explained in detail, compared and in the end evaluated by the standard metrics. Based on the evaluation, a new method for computing semantic similarity of scientific articles is proposed. The proposed method is based on the current state-of-the-art methods and adds the another important factor for computing similarity - citations. Using citations is important, since they represent a static bond between the articles. Finally, the proposed method is evaluated on the real data and compared with other described methods.

Studie křižovatek Pasecká, Zlín / Study of intersections Pasecká, Zlín

Pavlacká, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this Master's thesis is design solution of two intersections and a section of urban road between them in town Zlín. These T intersections without traffic signal have an inappropriate geometric design. The aim of the thesis is increasing traffic safety and reducing noise and dust in the location. This will be achieved by alteration of the urban road intersections and the sidewalk design.

Multidimensional Approach to Implicit Bias and the Underlying Cognitive Mechanism

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Social categories such as race and gender are associated by people with certain characteristics (e.g. males are angry), which unconsciously affects how people evaluate and react to a person of specific social categories. This phenomenon, referred to as implicit bias, has been the interest of many social psychologists. However, the implicit bias research has been focusing on only one social category at a time, despite humans being entities of multiple social categories. The research also neglects the behavioral contexts in which implicit biases are triggered and rely on a broad definition for the locus of the bias regulation mechanism. These limitations raise questions on whether the current bias reduction strategies are effective. The current dissertation sought to address these limitations by introducing an ecologically valid and multidimensional method. In Chapters 1 and 2, the mouse-tracking task was integrated into the implicit association task to examine how implicit biases were moderated in different behavioral contexts. The results demonstrated that the manifestation of implicit biases depended on the behavioral context as well as the distinctive identity created by the combinations of different social categories. Chapter 3 laid groundwork for testing working memory as the processing capacity for the bias regulation mechanism. The result suggested that the hand-motion tracking indices of working memory load could be used to infer the capacity of an individual to suppress the influence of implicit bias. In Chapter 4, the mouse-tracking paradigm was integrated into the Stroop task with implicit associations serving as the Stroop targets. The implicit associations produced various effects including the conflict adaptation effect, like the Stroop targets, which suggested that implicit associations and Stroop stimuli are handled by overlapping cognitive mechanisms. Throughout these efforts, the current dissertation, first, demonstrated that a more ecologically valid and multidimensional approach is required to understand biased behaviors in detail. Furthermore, the current dissertation suggested the cognitive control mechanism as a finer definition for the locus of the bias regulation mechanism, which could be leveraged to offer solutions that are more adaptive and effective in the environment where collaboration and harmony are more important than ever. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Human Systems Engineering 2019

Systemutvecklarna - framtidens revisorer? : En kvalitativ studie om den tekniska förändringen av revisionsprocessen samt relationen mellan IT- och revisionsbranschen / Software Developers - the future auditors? : A qualitative study about the technical change of the auditprocess and the relationchip between IT- and auditingindustry

Tapper, Rebecka, Nielsen, Felicia, Eriksson, Angelica January 2020 (has links)
Forskningsfrågor:- Hur upplevs förändringen av revisionsprocessen genom den tekniska utvecklingen avseende IT-baserade revisionssystem?- Hur uppfattas skärningspunkten mellan IT- och revisionsbranschen? Syfte:Syftet med studien är beskriva hur systemleverantörer respektive revisorer upplever den teknologiska förändringen av revisionsprocessen genom IT-baserade revisionssystem. Vidare ämnar studien att undersöka hur skärningspunkten mellan IT- och revisionsbranschen uppfattas. Metod:För att besvara studiens frågeställning och uppnå syftet används en deduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna utfördes med både revisorer och systemutvecklare från Deskjockeys, PwC, KPMG, Emfevid AB och Hogia. För att analysera det empiriska materialet med den teoretiska referensramen användes en tematisk analysmetod med ett deduktivt förhållningssätt. Slutsats:Den främsta förändringen inom revisionsprocessen var när det nya ramverket ISA infördes. De IT-baserade revisionssystemen har förändrat revisionsprocessen gällande planerings- och granskningsfasen genom verktyg för bland annat dataanalys. Arbetet går mot en realtidsbaserad revision med digitala kundplattformar vilket utvecklat nya tjänster inom rådgivning. Även då den tekniska utvecklingen förändrat revisionen upplevs skärningspunkten mellan branscherna inte vara konkurrensmässig. De hämtar snarare inspiration och samarbetar med varandra. De större byråerna utvecklar egna system medan de mindre köper in från systemleverantörer till branschen. Dock krävs innovationer för att systemutvecklarna ska hållas fortsatt konkurrenskraftiga på den svenska marknaden. / Research question:- How is the change in the audit process experienced through the technical development of audit systems?- How perceives the intersection between the IT-and audit industry? Purpose:The purpose of the study is to investigate how auditors and system developers apprehending changes in the auditing process. Further how they perceive the intersection between the IT-and audit industry. Method:To answer the research question the interviews were conducted with auditors and software developers from Deskjockeys, PwC, KPMG, Emfevid AB and Hogia. The study is based on a deductive approach and the method that is used to analyse the theoretical and empirical material is a thematic analysis. Conclusion:The prime changes with IT-based auditing systems is in the phases of planning and review. The auditing changed focus to review the client's internalcontrol systems when the framework switched from RS to ISA. The profession shifts towards an real- time economy based on digital information that develops the advisory service. The intersection between the IT- and audit industry is not perceived to be competitive, they rather draw inspiration and cooperate with each other. The larger audit agencies develop their own systems while smaller ones purchase systems from system vendors to the industry. Although there's a need of innovations from the systemdevelopers to be continued competitive on the swedish market.

High Voltage Power Line Detection Based on Intersection Point Algorithm

Du, Zijun 24 September 2018 (has links)
In this paper, an introduction of the challenge of High Voltage Power Line Detection and some methods about solving the similar problem are talked about. To get a better result, a sort of new methods is developed for detecting and tracking high voltage power lines in the field of high voltage power line inspection by using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). With the fast development of automated technology, a solution of real-time detecting and tracking of high voltage power lines can be considered on UAV instead of human work. The usability of Intersection Point Algorithm is the main task for detect the power lines from the preprocessing image. There are many lines located in the preprocessing image in different directions, which get crossing with each other many times. To eliminate the false lines, some invariant features for Intersection Point Algorithm are needed. The intersection points inside of a small region and quite similar directions can probably be considered as the intersection point of power lines. Therefore, three methods are considered for grouping points, which conform to the features of intersection points of power lines. There should be only one concentrated area, which represents both power lines and heading direction of it. Method one is to select the points based on distance of points. Method two is to select the overlap region of the circles based on overlap layers. And method three is searching the overlapped layers by using Sliding Window. Result evaluation in Project APOLI is done with the Hit, Miss, Fail standard.

Verlustzeitenbasierte LSA-Steuerung eines Einzelknotens

Oertel, Robert, Wagner, Peter, Krimmling, Jürgen, Körner, Matthias 24 July 2012 (has links)
Neue Methoden zur Verkehrsdatenerfassung wie die Fahrzeug-Infrastruktur-Kommunikation, der Floating Car-Ansatz und die Videodetektion eröffnen die Möglichkeit, neue Verfahren zur verkehrsabhängigen Lichtsignalanlagensteuerung zu realisieren. In dem Beitrag wird ein Verfahren beschrieben, das aus diesen Quellen Daten in Form von Fahrzeugverlustzeiten direkt zur Steuerung eines Einzelknotens verwendet. Die robuste Ausgestaltung des Verfahrens sorgt dabei dafür, dass auch mit einer lückenhaften Datenlage, wie z. B. aufgrund geringer Ausstattungsraten kommunikationsfähiger Fahrzeuge, angemessen umgegangen werden kann. Mit Hilfe einer mikroskopischen Simulationsstudie wird nachgewiesen, dass das neue Verfahren bei der Qualität des Verkehrsablaufs das gleiche Niveau wie eine traditionelle Zeitlückensteuerung erreicht oder dieses unter bestimmten Bedingungen sogar übersteigt. Mit abnehmender Ausstattungsrate ergibt sich dabei allerdings ein Qualitätsverlust, der ebenfalls mit Hilfe der mikroskopischen Simulation quantifiziert wird und wichtige Erkenntnisse für einen möglichen Praxistest liefert. / State-of-the-art traffic data sources like Car-to-Infrastructure communication, Floating Car Data and video detection offer great new prospects for vehicle-actuated traffic signal control. Due to this, the article deals with a recent approach which uses vehicles’ delay times for real-time control of traffic signals at an isolated intersection. One of the strengths of the new approach is that it can handle also incomplete data sets, e.g. caused by low penetration rates of vehicles equipped with Car-to-Infrastructure communication technology, in an appropriate manner. Based on a microscopic simulation study the high quality of this innovative approach is demonstrated, which is equal or even outperforms the well-known headway-based control. However, a decreasing penetration rate of equipped vehicles means a reduced quality of signals’ control, which is quantified in the microscopic simulation study, too, and provides useful information for tests in the field.

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