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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collaboration projects in the welfare - A case study on the establishment of a collaborative project

Tengdahl, Leonardo January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of why collaboration projects emerge. The background of the study is the fact that collaboration projects are increasing in the society and being impelemented in the welfare. This is the basis of the researched question, why does Lund municipality tend to start collaboration projects within the welfare for young people? The study is conducted as a case study on a chosen project, ComUng. ComUng is a collaboration project that works with youths who are at risk of alienation. Interviews, text analysis and a web survey have been used as methods to find out why collaboration projects emerge. The results have been analyzed using an analysis tool based on research by DiMaggio and Powell (1983), which attempts to identify why organizations become increasingly alike. This phenomenon is called institutional isomorphism and is analyzed using three mechanisms: coercive isomorphism, mimetic isomorphism and normative isomorphism. The result of the study is that primarily two out of the three mechanisms have influenced the formation of ComUng. These are coercive isomorphism and normative isomorphism. The main difficulty I experienced during the study is the low frequency of answers to the web survey. Despite of this I believe the case study of ComUng can contribute with knowledge about why collaboration projects are formed. The conclusion is that a combination of a mindset shared by the personel and the resource possibilities from an external actor, in this case the European Social Fund, are the primary factors that have enabled this project. Previous research has tended to focus on the external resource. However, I believe that the personel and their opinion on how welfare can be operated are equally important.

Zjišťování izomorfizmu grafů v databázi / Graph Isomorphism Problem in Databases

Stejskal, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This project introduces history and basic notions of the graph theory. It describes graph theory problems, possible graph representations and practical graph management in databases. Aims to subgraph and graph isomorphism. It describes possible ways to find graph isomorphism and chosen algorithms for subgraph and graph isomorphism. The experimental part aims to comparing two implemented algorithms. These are Ullmann and VF2 algorithm. Also searches difference between graphs stored in memory and graphs stored in database.

Normalisation & equivalence in proof theory & type theory

Lengrand, Stéphane J. E. January 2006 (has links)
At the heart of the connections between Proof Theory and Type Theory, the Curry-Howard correspondence provides proof-terms with computational features and equational theories, i.e. notions of normalisation and equivalence. This dissertation contributes to extend its framework in the directions of proof-theoretic formalisms (such as sequent calculus) that are appealing for logical purposes like proof-search, powerful systems beyond propositional logic such as type theories, and classical (rather than intuitionistic) reasoning. Part I is entitled Proof-terms for Intuitionistic Implicational Logic. Its contributions use rewriting techniques on proof-terms for natural deduction (Lambda-calculus) and sequent calculus, and investigate normalisation and cut-elimination, with call-by-name and call-by-value semantics. In particular, it introduces proof-term calculi for multiplicative natural deduction and for the depth-bounded sequent calculus G4. The former gives rise to the calculus Lambdalxr with explicit substitutions, weakenings and contractions that refines the Lambda-calculus and Beta-reduction, and preserves strong normalisation with a full notion of composition of substitutions. The latter gives a new insight to cut-elimination in G4. Part II, entitled Type Theory in Sequent Calculus develops a theory of Pure Type Sequent Calculi (PTSC), which are sequent calculi that are equivalent (with respect to provability and normalisation) to Pure Type Systems but better suited for proof-search, in connection with proof-assistant tactics and proof-term enumeration algorithms. Part III, entitled Towards Classical Logic, presents some approaches to classical type theory. In particular it develops a sequent calculus for a classical version of System F_omega. Beyond such a type theory, the notion of equivalence of classical proofs becomes crucial and, with such a notion based on parallel rewriting in the Calculus of Structures, we compute canonical representatives of equivalent proofs.

Educating girls for development : A study of organizational legitimacy in donor-dependent NGOs in Tanzania

Mårtensson, Karin January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the study was to learn how donor-dependent NGOs in Tanzania, working with the issue of girls’ education, obtain and maintain legitimacy in the eyes of financial donors as well as in their local society. The investigation also aimed to explore which present and future organizational challenges they manage at the same time as they deal with the issue of legitimacy. A field study in Tanzania was conducted during ten weeks and three different NGOs concerned with legitimacy, were studied to see how they manage this issue and handle the demands from donors, government and society. Interviews and participant observation were made at each organization and a complementary study of SIDA and the National Ministry of Education was made in order to do a comparison of the situation and views. All organizations stressed the importance of well-working institutions in society, predictability in the financial support from the donors and most important: the societal support that leads to legitimacy. In order to gain legitimacy, the greatest need is transparency of the documents and records, keeping promises and being able to confirm the positive outcome of the work. The plan for future independence was not well developed at any of the organizations, even though they were at different phases. The major concern with being a donor-dependent NGO in the developing world is to manage the relationship with the government at the same time as you are accountable to society and tackle demands from the donors. The greatest fear of all organizations was that the financial support would be terminated.</p>

Subsidizing criteria and its impact on cultural and sports organizations in Stockholm

Martinez, Carlos, Skersyte, Vaiva January 2016 (has links)
In this study we are going to analyse the criteria, on which Stockholm’s Municipality distribute public grants to cultural and sport organizations. Public funding is very importantfor many organisations, and even it is necessary for survival for some of the organisations. Although previous studies give some criticism for the criteria of the public funding. It is claimed that these criteria are not clear enough, or might have an impact on the activities in organisations. In order to achieve most objective results, we have used a qualitative research method, by interviewing representatives from cultural and sports sector. Study reviews the existing criteria of the local administrations in Stockholm for concession of financial support to the different organizations active in the field of culture and sports. Using as an argument the testimonies of the same actors involved in these areas, the study tries to find out the effects of those criteria on both social activities. During this study, new institutional theories, concerning legitimacy, decoupling and isomorphism, were used. The results of this study shows that the criteria are quite different for different types of organisations. They affect one organization and the other in a very different way. For cultural organizations the criteria havea direct effect, determining their future activities and projects. Although, for sportsorganizations the influence of the criteria is more an administrative routine that must becarried out, according to established standards.

An Isomorphism Theorem for Graphs

Culp, Laura 01 December 2009 (has links)
In the 1970’s, L. Lovász proved that two graphs G and H are isomorphic if and only if for every graph X , the number of homomorphisms from X → G equals the number of homomorphisms from X → H . He used this result to deduce cancellation properties of the direct product of graphs. We develop a result analogous to Lovász’s theorem, but in the class of graphs without loops and with weak homomorphisms. We apply it prove a general cancellation property for the strong product of graphs.

Organising, sensemaking, devising : understanding what cultural managers do in micro-scale theatre organisations

Kay, Susan January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this enquiry is to challenge and add a further dimension to cultural management, through an empirical exploration of what cultural managers do in a particular domain (theatre) and scale of organisation (micro-) within the (subsidised) cultural sector, in South West England. Working from a sensemaking perspective (Weick, 1979, 1995a, 2009), it focuses attention on what these practitioners do, rather than what they could, should or do not do. It draws on literature from cultural management, theatre and performance studies and organisation and management studies to help address the following questions: • What do cultural managers do in micro-scale theatre organisations (in South West England)? • Why do they do what they do? • How do they do what they do? • In what ways might an analysis of what they do inform talk in and about cultural management? • To what other theoretical conversations might such an analysis contribute? The subjects are three cultural managers running micro-scale contemporary theatre organisations in Bristol, Plymouth and Redruth. The study adopts a qualitative, ethnographic, multi-case study approach, with data collected through non-participant observation, informal interviews and documentary sources. Analysis is inductive, deductive and abductive. The thesis concludes with a conceptual and epistemological re-framing of cultural management as cultural managing, suggesting that what the cultural managers studied do is not only vocationally dedicated to the purpose, values and work of their organisation, but is also isomorphically inflected by them in the doing. Furthermore, it offers (a) an adjusted perspective on “high reliability organising” (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2007) orientated more towards making the best than mitigating the worst; (b) a focus on organising in theatre to colleagues pursuing the relationship between management and the arts; and (c) a challenge to traditional notions of divide between theatre managing and theatre making, particularly at the micro-scale. This is an interdisciplinary study with cross-disciplinary implications.

Detecção de objetos por reconhecimento de grafos-chave / Object detection by keygraph recognition

Hashimoto, Marcelo 27 April 2012 (has links)
Detecção de objetos é um problema clássico em visão computacional, presente em aplicações como vigilância automatizada, análise de imagens médicas e recuperação de informação. Dentre as abordagens existentes na literatura para resolver esse problema, destacam-se métodos baseados em reconhecimento de pontos-chave que podem ser interpretados como diferentes implementações de um mesmo arcabouço. O objetivo desta pesquisa de doutorado é desenvolver e avaliar uma versão generalizada desse arcabouço, na qual reconhecimento de pontos-chave é substituído por reconhecimento de grafos-chave. O potencial da pesquisa reside na riqueza de informação que um grafo pode apresentar antes e depois de ser reconhecido. A dificuldade da pesquisa reside nos problemas que podem ser causados por essa riqueza, como maldição da dimensionalidade e complexidade computacional. Três contribuições serão incluídas na tese: a descrição detalhada de um arcabouço para detecção de objetos baseado em grafos-chave, implementações fiéis que demonstram sua viabilidade e resultados experimentais que demonstram seu desempenho. / Object detection is a classic problem in computer vision, present in applications such as automated surveillance, medical image analysis and information retrieval. Among the existing approaches in the literature to solve this problem, we can highlight methods based on keypoint recognition that can be interpreted as different implementations of a same framework. The objective of this PhD thesis is to develop and evaluate a generalized version of this framework, on which keypoint recognition is replaced by keygraph recognition. The potential of the research resides in the information richness that a graph can present before and after being recognized. The difficulty of the research resides in the problems that can be caused by this richness, such as curse of dimensionality and computational complexity. Three contributions are included in the thesis: the detailed description of a keygraph-based framework for object detection, faithful implementations that demonstrate its feasibility and experimental results that demonstrate its performance.

Estudo sobre sistemas de custos gerenciais de subsidiárias alemãs em operação no Brasil: um enfoque da nova teoria institucional / Study on the cost management systems of German subsidiaries operating in Brazil: an approach of the new institutional theory

Ramalho, Leticia Damo Ferreira 31 October 2016 (has links)
O propósito desta pesquisa é estudar características dos sistemas de custos gerenciais (SCG), sendo elas o método de custeio utilizado pelas empresas, as ferramentas de gestão em uso, os principais objetivos do sistema de custos gerenciais e o suporte provido pelo ERP (software de gestão). Estas características são analisadas a luz das pressões isomórficas de convergência e do decoupling, discutindo as implicações destas por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica expondo conceitos das práticas de custos gerenciais e o paradoxo das pressões isomórficas de convergência e o decoupling. Esta pesquisa explora dados coletados por meio de questionário com 27 subsidiárias de empresas alemãs operantes no Brasil, de grande e médio porte, dos setores automobilístico e de máquinas e equipamentos, afim de identificar as práticas do sistema de custos gerenciais em uso, a presença de evidências complementares do isomorfismo e do decoupling. A análise dos dados foi realizada de forma qualitativa e quantitativa (estatística descritiva) a luz da revisão bibliográfica apresentada, buscou-se consolidar conhecimentos que contribuem com o provimento ao meio acadêmico e profissional com uma ampla descrição das características gerais dos sistemas de gerenciamento de custos empregados por subsidiárias de empresas alemãs, uma população economicamente relevante e pouco explorada em estudos anteriores. Dentre os principais achados, ressalta-se que quanto maior o isomorfismo coercitivo, menor o decoupling das práticas do sistema de custos gerenciais. O baixo nível de decoupling demonstra ainda ter influência sobre a baixa divergência nos objetivos do sistema de custos gerenciais. Ainda a respeito das propriedades do sistema de custos gerenciais, é importante destacar que a maior parcela das subsidiárias utiliza o método de custeio por absorção para tomada de decisão e o orçamento e o custo padrão são ferramentas de gestão institucionalizadas na maioria das empresas. Como objetivo principal do SCG, a redução de custos é uma unanimidade, seguida por aumento da transparência, facilitação da formação de preço e fomento de melhorias de processo. Elementos do isomorfismo coercitivo e mimético são apresentados em todas as subsidiárias, sendo na maioria delas de maneira expressiva. O isomorfismo em sua forma normativa mostra-se presente na maioria delas. / The purpose of this research is to analyze aspects of Costs Management System (CMS), these being the costing method used by companies, the management tools in use, the main objectives of cost management system and the support provided by ERP (software management). These features are analyzed through the light of isomorphic convergence pressures and the occurrence of decoupling, discussing these implications applying the bibliographical research showing the management cost practical concepts and the paradox of isomorphic pressures of convergence and the decoupling. This research explores data obtained through a questionnaire with 27 senior executives of subsidiaries of German companies in Brazil of large and medium-size, in the automotive and machinery equipment industry with the objective of identifying management cost practices in use, evidences of the isomorphism and the decoupling. The data analyses was made through quantitative and qualitative ways applying the bibliographical research, searching to consolidate knowledge that provides the academic and professional field with a large description of the main features of cost management system in use by German subsidiaries working in Brazil, a population with economic relevance but not being showed in former research. Concerning the main findings, it is noteworthy that the bigger the isomorphic coercion found in the subsidiaries, smaller the decoupling of the cost management practices investigated. The smaller level of decoupling shows also an influence on the smaller level of divergence in the goals to the cost management system. Still about the cost management system features it is important to highlight that the large portion of subsidiaries apply the absorption cost method by decision making and the budget and cost standard are the most used management tools and are institutionalized in almost all companies. The cost reduction shows up as the main objective of the CMS, followed by increasing transparency, facilitating pricing and incentive to process improvements. Coercive isomorphism elements are presented in almost all subsidiaries, the mimetic and normative isomorphism also have remarkable presence. Evidence of isomorphic coercion and isomorphism mimetic are presented by all subsidiaries, being in the most of them very expressive. The isomorphism normative are present in the most part of subsidiaries.

A importância das unidades centrais em anéis de grupo / The importance of central units in group rings

Souza Filho, Antonio Calixto de 14 December 2000 (has links)
Na presente dissertação, discutimos o Problema do Isomorfismo em anéis de grupo para grupos infinitos da forma G × C, apresentado no artigo de Mazur [14], que enuncia um teorema mostrando a equivalência para o Problema do Isomorfismo entre essa classe de grupos infinitos e grupos finitos que satisfaçam a Conjectura do Normalizador. Nossa ênfase concentra-se na relação entre a Conjectura do Isomorfismo e a Conjectura do Normalizador, primeiramente, observada nesse artigo. Em seguida, consideramos um teorema de estrutura para as unidades centrais em anéis de grupo comunicado, pela primeira vez, no artigo de Jespers-Parmenter-Sehgal [9], e generalizado por Polcino Milies-Sehgal em [17], e Jespers-Juriaans em [7]. Evidenciamos a importância desse teorema para a Teoria de Anéis de Grupo e apresentamos uma nova demonstração para o teorema de equivalência de Mazur, considerando, para tanto, uma apropriada unidade central e sua estrutura, caracterizada pelo teorema comunicado para as unidades centrais. Concluímos a dissertação, descrevendo a construção do grupo das unidades centrais para o anel de grupo ZA5 , um grupo livre finitamente gerado de posto 1, utilizando a construção dada no artigo de Aleev [1]. / In this dissertation, we discuss the Problem of the Isomorphism in group rings for infinite groups as G × C. This is presented in [14]. Such article states a theorem which shows an equivalence to the isomorphism problem between that infinite class group and finite groups verifying the Normalizer Conjecture. Our main purpose is the Normalizer Conjecture and the Isomorphism Conjecture relationship remarked in the cited article to the groups above. Following, we consider a group ring theorem to the central units subgroup firstly communicated in [9] and generalized in [17] and [7]. We point up the importance of such theorem to the Group Ring Theory and we give a short and a new demonstration to Mazurs equivalence theorem from using a suitable central unit altogether with its structure lightly by the Central Unit Theorem on focus. We conclude this work sketching the ZA5 central units subgroup on showing it is a free finitely generated group of rank 1 from the presenting construction in Aleevs article [1].

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