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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieversorgung autarker Sensorsysteme im industriellen Umfeld durch kinetische Energiewandler mit Schwerpunkt auf dem elektrostatischen Wandlerprinzip

Schaufuß, Jörg 12 November 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung eines kinetischen Energy Harvesters vorgestellt, der auf Grundlage des elektrostatischen Wandlerprinzips aus Vibrationen elektrische Energie generiert. Für die Umsetzung wurde eine Siliziummikrostruktur entworfen, die für Arbeitsfrequenzen unter 100 Hz ausgelegt ist. Die Zahnstruktur der verwendeten Elektroden ermöglicht Spaltabstände im Submikrometerbereich und folglich große Kapazitätsänderungen, die durch die Elektrodengeometrie zusätzlich mit einer höheren Frequenz als die mechanische Bewegung stattfinden. Vergleichsweise große Leistungsausbeuten und geringe Quellimpedanzen sind dadurch erreichbar. Die geometrischen Parameter der Elektroden wurden unter Berücksichtigung der auftretenden Fertigungstoleranzen und Wechselwirkungen zueinander optimiert. Für die Ausnutzung einer ausreichend großen Inertialmasse wurde ein feinwerktechnisch hergestellter Hebelmechanismus an die Mikrostruktur angekoppelt. Über diesen wird zusätzlich ein neuer Ansatz zur Abstimmung der Eigenfrequenz des Harvesters umgesetzt. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zeigten Ausgangsleistungen im einstelligen Mikrowattbereich bei Anregungen im Zehntel m/s²-Bereich. Durch fortschreitende Optimierungen der Fertigungstechnologie sind noch deutliche Leistungssteigerungen um mindestens zwei Größenordnungen möglich. Weiterhin wird ein Energiemanagementsystem vorgestellt, welches die effiziente Übertragung der Energie auf den Verbraucher ermöglicht. / In this work the development of a kinetic energy harvester using the electrostatic conversion principle is presented. The silicon microstructure is designed to work in frequency ranges below 100Hz. Its toothed electrode structure enables gap distances in the sub micrometer range and consequently high changes of capacitance. Additionally, due to the electrode geometry the frequency of the capacitance changes is higher then the frequency of the mechanical movement. Thus high power outputs and low source impedances can be reached. The electrodes geometric parameters were optimized considering manufacturing tolerances and interactions of the parameters. To reach a sufficient inertial mass, a lever mechanism manufactured by precision engineering was connected to the microstructure. This mechanism also allows the implementation of a new method of frequency tuning. In experimental tests power outputs in the single digit microwatt range under excitations of 0.3 m/s² were reached. In accordance of further optimizations of the manufacturing technology significantly higher outputs, by at least two orders of magnitude, are possible,. Furthermore an energy management system is presented, that allows the efficient transfer of the electrical energy to the consumer.

Evaluation of key performance indices for frequency quality : A method for evaluating frequency stability in the Nordic power system

Larbi Engelbrektsson, Sophia January 2023 (has links)
The Nordic power system is in a changing phase, with more power electronic interfaced connections, and HVDC connections to other synchronous areas, which impacts the frequency quality. This is a challenge for the transmission system operator of Sweden, Svenska Kraftnät, who, with the other Nordic transmission system operators, is responsible for the physical balancing of the Nordic power system. To ensure that the grid can maintain stable operation when power imbalances or a disturbance occur, the frequency quality is important to evaluate. According to the current measurement of frequency quality, minutes outside of the standard frequency band, the frequency quality in the Nordic power system has been deteriorating. The current measurement does not capture what impact the frequency quality and needs to be redefined, with more precise measurements, for Svenska Kraftnät to be able to take necessary actions to ensure stability of the power system. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to determine which key performance indices, KPIs, can be used to develop the definition of frequency quality, and which system parameters are captured by the different KPIs. This project is executed with simulations in Matlab/Simulink to determine the impact five system parameters have on 15 different KPIs, and the results from the simulations are validated with historical data. The results indicate that all system parameters can be captured with KPIs, but after validation with historical data only two system parameters, which correlated with four KPIs, were deemed to be valid. The amount of FCR-N energy activated can be captured with the standard deviation of frequency, frequency area, and number of FCR-D activations. The kinetic energy can be captured by the standard deviation of RoCoF. The KPIs are recommended to be used to identify, and measure, the impact of new technical requirements for frequency control, and how the frequency stability is impacted by changes in the system. The conclusion is that four key performance indices are recommended to improve the definition of frequency quality, and further research is recommended to further define the concept of frequency quality. / För tillfället sker stora förändringar i det nordiska elsystemet. Fler produktionsanläggningar och industrier ansluts med kraftelektronik och fler HVDC-anslutningar byggs till andra synkronområden, vilket har stor inverkan på frekvenskvalitén. Detta leder till nya utmaningar för det svenska transmissionsnätets systemansvariga myndighet, Svenska Kraftnät, som gemensamt med sina nordiska motsvarigheter är ansvariga för den fysiska balanseringen i det nordiska synkronområdet. Det är viktigt att kontinuerligt följa upp frekvenskvalitén i transmissionsnätet så att stabil drift kan garanteras både vid mindre obalanser eller i händelse av större störningar. Det nuvarande nyckeltalet för uppföljning av frekvenskvalité, minuter utanför normalbandet, indikerar att frekvenskvalitén i det nordiska synkronområdet har blir sämre de senaste åren. Det nuvarande nyckeltalet indikerar inte vad som påverkar frekvenskvalitén och behöver omdefinieras med mer precisa nyckeltal för att Svenska Kraftnät ska kunna vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att garantera en stabil drift av transmissionnätet. Syftet med examensarbetet är att definiera nya nyckeltal för att beskriva frekvenskvalité samt undersöka vilka systemparametrar som fångas av de olika nyckeltalen. I detta projekt har simuleringar utförts i Matlab/Simulink för att bestämma den inverkan fem olika systemparametrar har på 15 olika nyckeltal. Resultaten från simuleringar valideras med historisk data. Resultaten från simuleringen indikerar att de fem systemparametrarna kan fångas av olika kombinationer av de föreslagna nyckeltalen, men efter validering med historisk data bedöms enbart två systemparametrar fångas av totalt fyra nyckeltal. Systemparametern aktiverad FCR-N energi fångas av tre nyckeltal: frekvensens standardavvikelse, frekvensarea och antal FCR-D-aktiveringar. Systemparametern kinetisk energi fångas av ett nyckeltal: frekvensderivatans standardavvikelse. De fyra identifierade nyckeltalen kan användas för att identifiera och mäta hur frekvenskvalitén påverkas av nya tekniska krav, samt hur frekvensstabilitet påverkas av förändringar i systemet. Slutsatsen för detta projekt är att fyra nya nyckeltal rekommenderas för att utveckla definitionen av frekvenskvalité. Vidare arbete rekommenderas för att kunna utveckla begreppet vidare.

Properties of Flow Through the Ascending Aorta in Boxer Dogs with Mild Aortic Stenosis: Momentum, Energy, Reynolds Number, Womersley’s, Unsteadiness Parameter, Vortex Shedding, and Transfer Function of Oscillations from Aorta to Thoracic Wall

da Cunha, Daise Nunes Queiroz 02 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Energy optimization tool for mild hybrid vehicles with thermal constraints / Energioptimeringsverktyg för milda hybridfordon med termiska begränsningar

Singh, Chitranjan, Tamilinas, Tamas January 2020 (has links)
The current global scenario is such where impact on the environment is becoming a rising concern. Global automotive manufacturers have focused more towards hybrid and electric vehicles as both more aware customers and governmental legislation have begun demanding higher emission standards. One of the many ways that Volvo Car Group approaches this trend is by mild hybridization which is by assisting the combustion engine by a small electric motor and a battery pack. A smart energy management strategy is needed in order to get the most out of the benefits that hybrid electric vehicles offer. The main objective of this strategy is to utilize the electrical energy on-board in such a manner that the overall efficiency of the hybrid powertrain becomes as high as possible. The current implementation is such that the decision for using the on-board battery is non-predictive. This results in a sub-optimal utilization of the hybrid powertrain. In this thesis, a predictive energy optimization tool is developed to maximize the utility of hybridization and the practical implementation of this tool is investigated. The optimization considers both the capacity as well as the thermal loadconstraints of the battery. The developed optimization tool uses information about the route ahead together with convex optimization to produce optimal reference trajectories of the battery states. These trajectories are used in a real-time controller to determine the battery use by controlling the adjoint states in the Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy equation. This optimization tool is validated and compared with the baseline controller in a simulation environment based on Simulink. When perfect information about the road ahead is known, the average reduction in fuel consumption is 0.99% relative the baseline controller. Several issues occurring in the real implementation are explored, such as the limited computational speed and the length of the route ahead that can be predicted. For this reason the information input to the optimization tool is segmented and the resulting performance is investigated. For a 30 second segmentation of the future route information, the average saving in fuel consumption is 0.13% relative to the baseline controller. It is shown that the main factor limiting the amount of savings in fuel consumption is the introduction of the thermal load constraints on the battery. / Det nuvarande globala scenariot är sådant där miljöpåverkan håller på att bli en växande angelägenhet. Globala fordonstillverkare har fokuserat mer på hybrid- och elfordon, eftersom både mer medvetna kunder och statlig lagstiftning har börjat kräva högre emissionskrav. Ett av de många sätt som Volvo Car Group närmar sig denna trend är genom mild hybridisering genom att bistå förbränningsmotorn med en liten elmotor och ett batteripaket. En smart strategi för energihantering behövs för att få ut det mesta av de fördelar som hybrida elfordon erbjuder. Huvudsyftet med denna strategi är att utnyttja den elektriska energin ombord på ett sådant sätt att den totala effektiviteten hos hybriddrivlinan blir så hög som möjligt.Den nuvarande implementeringen är sådan att beslutet att använda det fordonsbaserade batteriet är inte-förutsägbart. Detta resulterar i en suboptimal användning av hybriddrivlinan. I denna avhandling är ett prediktivt Energioptimeringsverktyg utvecklat för att maximera nyttan av hybridisering och det praktiska implementerandet av detta verktyg undersöks. Optimeringen beaktar både kapaciteten och de termiska belastningsbegränsningarna hos batteriet. Det utvecklade optimeringsverktyg använder information om vägen framåt tillsammans medkonvex optimering för att producera optimala referenstrajektorier av batteritillståndet. Dessa trajektorier används i en realtidsstyrenhet för att bestämma batterianvändningen genom att kontrollera adjungerade tillstånden strategiekvationen för den ekvivalenta förbrukningsminimiseringen. Optimeringsverktyget verifieras och jämförs med den ursprungliga styrenheten i en simuleringsmiljö baserad på Simulink. När perfekt information om vägen framåt är känd, är den genomsnittliga minskningen av bränsleförbrukningen 0,99 % relativt den ursprungliga styrenheten. Flera frågor som uppstår i den verkliga implementeringen undersöks, såsom den begränsade beräkningshastigheten och längden på den väg framåt som kan förutses. Av denna anledning är segmenteras informationen till optimeringsverktyget och den resulterande prestandan undersöks. För en 30 sekunders segmentering av framtida väginformation är den genomsnittliga besparingen i bränsleförbrukningen 0,13 % i förhållande till den ursprungligastyrenheten. Resultaten visar att den viktigaste faktorn som begränsar bränsleförbrukningsbesparingen är införandet av de termiska belastningsbegränsningarna på batteriet.

Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP). Research Report 1.

Lewer, N. January 1997 (has links)
yes / The NLW database illustrates the extensive and eclectic literature regarding NLWs which covers the last few decades. It currently contains over 250 entries. It is important to have access not only to the more recent material, but also to earlier sources since many of the general debates and controversies have already been rehearsed, and lessons learnt from them are still relevant today. Yet, it is also vital to follow new developments of NLWs closely because rapidly changing technology is producing weapons whose implications for integration into military and civil police forces have yet to be clearly defined and understood. Of particular interest are not only NLW applications for war fighting, but opportunities for deployment in peace enforcement and peace keeping missions. These technologies span many bases including: psycho-chemicals; unmanned weapons platforms and delivery systems; biogenetics; acoustic and microwave weapons; biological and chemical weapons; laser systems; kinetic energy ballistics; dual purpose (lethal/non-lethal) weapons; and, sprays and foams which inhibit movement. The database will keep up to date on these developments and future reports will highlight new issues and debates surrounding them. With these rapid technological advances come a series of associated dangers and concerns including: the ethics of use; implications for weapons control and disarmament treaties; military doctrine; public accountability and guidelines; dangers of misuse and proliferation; and, research and development strategies. Using the database, and drawing from military and non-military sources, this report will select the main current issues and debates within the non-lethal community. Bearing in mind that many operations undertaken by military forces are now more akin to policing actions (such as peace support operations) there are lessons to be learnt by military units from civil police experience. There still remains a tension between perceived benign and malign intent both in NLW operational use and non-lethal research and development.

A Novel Micro Fluid Kinetic Energy Harvester Based on the Vortex-Induced Vibration Principle and the Piezo Effect

Wen, Quan 21 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a miniaturized energy harvester system is developed. The energy harvester converts fluid kinetic energy into electrical energy without using any rotating components. The working principle of the energy harvester is based on the so called vortex-induced vibration. Such systems have the potential to provide energy for wireless sensor networks in the field of inline measurements for gas, oil or water transportation systems. The theoretical background of the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) is studied. Based on the studies, a fluid-structure interaction simulation is carried out to optimize the structure of the energy harvester. As result, the conversion efficiency is significantly improved, which is experimentally confirmed. A series of demonstrators are manufactured according to the simulation and optimization results. It is tested on a self-constructed test bench. To further improve the performance, an electromagnetic generator is proposed, and therefore, a multimethod demonstrator realized. The demonstrators are working in air flow already at a velocity of 2 m/s, and reach the maximum efficiency at 3.6 m/s. This performance ranks among the best published results and is discussed in detail. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein miniaturisiertes Energiegewinnungssystem entwickelt, das unter Verzicht auf rotierende Komponenten kinetische Strömungsenergie in elektrische Energie umwandelt. Die Funktion dieses Wandlers basiert auf der sogenannten wirbelinduzierten Vibration. Derartige Systeme besitzen unter anderem das Potenzial, drahtlose Sensornetzwerke zur Erfassung von Messdaten in Gas-, Öl- oder Wassertransportsystemen mit Energie zu versorgen zu können. In der Arbeit wird der theoretische Hintergrund der wirbelinduzierten Vibration untersucht und darauf basierend werden Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkungssimulationen zur Strukturoptimierung durchgeführt in deren Ergebnis eine theoretische Verbesserung der Effizienz des Wandlers um ein Mehrfaches erreicht wird, die auch praktisch bestätigt wird. Unter Berücksichtigung der Simulations- und Optimierungsergebnisse wurden eine Reihe von Demonstratoren gefertigt, die auf einem selbst konstruierten Prüfstand getestet wurden. Zur weiteren Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Wandlers wird ein zusätzlicher elektromagnetischer Generator vorgeschlagen und damit ein Multi-Methoden-Demonstrator technisch realisiert. Die Demonstratoren arbeiten in strömender Luft bereits bei Geschwindigkeiten von 2 m/s und erreichen bei 3,6 m/s ihre maximale Effizienz. Die erreichten Ergebnisse ordnen sich im Vergleich mit denen aus entsprechenden Publikationen vorn ein und werden ausführlich diskutiert.

A Dredging Knowledge-Base Expert System for Pipeline Dredges with Comparison to Field Data

Wilson, Derek Alan 2010 December 1900 (has links)
A Pipeline Analytical Program and Dredging Knowledge{Base Expert{System (DKBES) determines a pipeline dredge's production and resulting cost and schedule. Pipeline dredge engineering presents a complex and dynamic process necessary to maintain navigable waterways. Dredge engineers use pipeline engineering and slurry transport principles to determine the production rate of a pipeline dredge system. Engineers then use cost engineering factors to determine the expense of the dredge project. Previous work in engineering incorporated an object{oriented expert{system to determine cost and scheduling of mid{rise building construction where data objects represent the fundamental elements of the construction process within the program execution. A previously developed dredge cost estimating spreadsheet program which uses hydraulic engineering and slurry transport principles determines the performance metrics of a dredge pump and pipeline system. This study focuses on combining hydraulic analysis with the functionality of an expert{system to determine the performance metrics of a dredge pump and pipeline system and its resulting schedule. Field data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pipeline dredge, Goetz, and several contract daily dredge reports show how accurately the DKBES can predict pipeline dredge production. Real{time dredge instrumentation data from the Goetz compares the accuracy of the Pipeline Analytical Program to actual dredge operation. Comparison of the Pipeline Analytical Program to pipeline daily dredge reports shows how accurately the Pipeline Analytical Program can predict a dredge project's schedule over several months. Both of these comparisons determine the accuracy and validity of the Pipeline Analytical Program and DKBES as they calculate the performance metrics of the pipeline dredge project. The results of the study determined that the Pipeline Analytical Program compared closely to the Goetz eld data where only pump and pipeline hydraulics a ected the dredge production. Results from the dredge projects determined the Pipeline Analytical Program underestimated actual long{term dredge production. Study results identi ed key similarities and di erences between the DKBES and spreadsheet program in terms of cost and scheduling. The study then draws conclusions based on these ndings and o ers recommendations for further use.

Analysis of Compressible and Incompressible Flows Through See-through Labyrinth Seals

Woo, Jeng Won 2011 May 1900 (has links)
The labyrinth seal is a non-contact annular type sealing device used to reduce the internal leakage of the working fluid which is caused by the pressure difference between each stage in a turbomachine. Reducing the leakage mass flow rate of the working fluid through the labyrinth seal is desirable because it improves the efficiency of the turbomachine. The carry-over coefficient, based on the divergence angle of the jet, changed with flow parameters with fixed seal geometry while earlier models expressed the carry-over coefficient solely as a function of seal geometry. For both compressible and incompressible flows, the Reynolds number based on clearance was the only flow parameter which could influence the carry-over coefficient. In the case of incompressible flow based on the simulations for various seal geometries and operating conditions, for a given Reynolds number, the carry-over coefficient strongly depended on radial clearance to tooth width ratio. Moreover, in general, the lower the Reynolds number, the larger is the divergence angle of the jet and this results in a smaller carry-over coefficient at lower Reynolds numbers. However, during transition from laminar to turbulent, the carry-over coefficient reduced initially and once the Reynolds number attained a critical value, the carry-over coefficient increased again. In the case of compressible flow, the carry-over coefficient had been slightly increased if radial clearance to tooth width ratio and radial clearance to tooth pitch ratio were increased. Further, the carry-over coefficient did not considerably change if only radial clearance to tooth width ratio was decreased. The discharge coefficient for compressible and incompressible flows depended only on the Reynolds number based on clearance. The discharge coefficient of the tooth in a single cavity labyrinth seal was equivalent to that in a multiple tooth labyrinth seal indicating that flow downstream had negligible effect on the discharge coefficient. In particular, for compressible fluid under certain flow and seal geometric conditions, the discharge coefficient did not increase with an increase in the Reynolds number. It was correlated to the pressure ratio, Pr. Moreover, it was also related to the fact that the flow of the fluid through the constriction became compressible and the flow eventually became choked. At low pressure ratios (less than 0.7), Saikishan’s incompressible model deviated from CFD simulation results. Hence, the effects of compressibility became significant and both the carry-over coefficient compressibility factor and the discharge coefficient compressibility factor needed to be considered and included into the leakage model. The carry-over coefficient compressibility factor, phi, had two linear relationships with positive and negative slopes regarding the pressure ratios. This result was not associated with the seal geometry because the seal geometry ratios for each instance were located within the nearly same ranges. Further, the phi-Pr relationship was independent of the number of teeth regardless of single and multiple cavity labyrinth seals. The discharge coefficient compressibility factor, psi, was a linear relationship with pressure ratios across the tooth as Saikishan predicted. However, in certain flow and seal geometric conditions, Saikishan’s model needed to be modified for the deviation appearing when the pressure ratios were decreased. Hence, a modified psi-Pr relationship including Saikishan’s model was presented in order to compensate for the deviation between the simulations and his model.

Variabilité interannuelle et analyse de la turbulence géostrophique dans le golfe de Gascogne à partir de simulations / lnterannual variability and analysis of geostroph¡c turbulence in the Bay of Biscay from simulations

Assassi, Charefeddine 16 December 2015 (has links)
Le golfe de Gascogne (GdG), un milieu riche en processus physiques a été étudié à partir de simulations numériques. L’étude est construite autour d'échelles allant du GdG à la sous méso-échelle. Dans la première partie, nous avons examiné la variabilité interannuelle de la température et de la salinité de surface sur une période de 53 ans : nous avons pu décrire deux tendances en lien avec I'Atlantique Nord-Est. Le refroidissement et la dessalure jusqu'en 1976 seraient liés à la grande anomalie de salinité, le réchauffement et la salinification actuels liés à I'augmentation de CO2 atmosphérique. Le GdG se caractérise par un courant de pente, lberian Poleward Current (lPC) : sa variabilité serait liée au vent du Sud-Ouest qui renforce l'lPC par un courant géostrophique dans le Bassin lbérique. L’un des résultats intéressant trouvé dans les simulations et confìrmé par les observations est l'apparition des anomalies froides liées à des upwellings en alternance avec des anomalies chaudes "La Navidad". Ces upwellings seraient liés au vent de Nord dans le Bassin lbérique mais au courant d'Ouest le long des côtes Nord espagnoles. Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous sommes attachés à la méso et sous méso-échelle à travers la détection des tourbillons et la variabilité des spectres d'énergie. Un indice basé sur le rapport entre I'anomalie de densité de surface et I'anomalie de niveau de la mer permet de détecter les tourbillons de subsurface et de les distinguer des tourbillons de surface. Une application de cet indice à partir des données satellites confirme le potentiel de détection des Slope Water Oceanic eDDIES (tourbillons de subsurface caractéristiques du GdG). La description de l'énergie cinétique turbulente (EKE) dans le GdG montre une variabilité spatiale avec un maximum le long de la côte Nord espagnole liée à I'lPC. Les pentes des spectres (k-4.2 pour la SSH, en k-2.4 pour la SST et en k-2.4 pour l'énergie cinétique) sont différents des observations satellites, mais comparables avec les précédentes études. Ces pentes de spectres ont également une variabilité saisonnière avec un maximum en hiver et un minimum en été, liée au cycle saisonnier de I'EKE. / The Bay of Biscay (BoB), an environment rich in physical processes has been studied from numerical simulations. Thestudy is built around scales from the size of BoB until sub mesoscale.ln the first part, we examined the interannual variability of the sea surface temperature and saliniÇ over a period of 53years: we were able to describe two trends related to the North-East Atlantic. Cooling and freshening until 1976 thatcould be related to the Great Salinity Anomaly and current salinification related to the atmospheric increase of CO2.The Bay of Biscay is characterized by a slope current, the lberian Poleward Current (lPC): its variability is linked to theSouth West wind strengthens the IPC by a geostrophic current in the lberian Basin. One of the interesting results foundin simulations and confirmed by observations is the appearance of cold anomalies related to upwellings and alternatingwith warm anomalies 'La Navidad'. These upwellings could be linked to the north wind in the lberian Basin but to the West current along the northern Spanish coast.ln the second part, we are committed to the meso and sub mesoscale eddies through a method of detection and throughthe variability of energy spectra. An index based on the ratio of surface density anomaly and sea level anomaly allowsdetecting subsurface vortices and distinguishing them from the surface ones. The application of this index from thesatellite data confirms the detection potential of Slope Water Oceanic Eddies (subsurface vortices of BoB).The description of the Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) in the BoB. shows a spatial variability with maximum along the Spanishnorth coast linked to the lPC. The slopes of the spectra (k-4.2 for SSH, k-2.4 for SST and k-2.4 for the kinetic energy) are different from satellite observations, but comparable with previous studies. These spectral slopes have a seasonalvariability with a maximum in winter and minimum in summe¡ related to the seasonal cycle of EKE.

Energy-efficient interfaces for vibration energy harvesting

Du, Sijun January 2018 (has links)
Ultra low power wireless sensors and sensor systems are of increasing interest in a variety of applications ranging from structural health monitoring to industrial process control. Electrochemical batteries have thus far remained the primary energy sources for such systems despite the finite associated lifetimes imposed due to limitations associated with energy density. However, certain applications (such as implantable biomedical electronic devices and tire pressure sensors) require the operation of sensors and sensor systems over significant periods of time, where battery usage may be impractical and add cost due to the requirement for periodic re-charging and/or replacement. In order to address this challenge and extend the operational lifetime of wireless sensors, there has been an emerging research interest on harvesting ambient vibration energy. Vibration energy harvesting is a technology that generates electrical energy from ambient kinetic energy. Despite numerous research publications in this field over the past decade, low power density and variable ambient conditions remain as the key limitations of vibration energy harvesting. In terms of the piezoelectric transducers, the open-circuit voltage is usually low, which limits its power while extracted by a full-bridge rectifier. In terms of the interface circuits, most reported circuits are limited by the power efficiency, suitability to real-world vibration conditions and system volume due to large off-chip components required. The research reported in this thesis is focused on increasing power output of piezoelectric transducers and power extraction efficiency of interface circuits. There are five main chapters describing two new design topologies of piezoelectric transducers and three novel active interface circuits implemented with CMOS technology. In order to improve the power output of a piezoelectric transducer, a series connection configuration scheme is proposed, which splits the electrode of a harvester into multiple equal regions connected in series to inherently increase the open-circuit voltage generated by the harvester. This topology passively increases the rectified power while using a full-bridge rectifier. While most of piezoelectric transducers are designed with piezoelectric layers fully covered by electrodes, this thesis proposes a new electrode design topology, which maximizes the raw AC output power of a piezoelectric harvester by finding an optimal electrode coverage. In order to extract power from a piezoelectric harvester, three active interface circuits are proposed in this thesis. The first one improves the conventional SSHI (synchronized switch harvesting on inductor) by employing a startup circuitry to enable the system to start operating under much lower vibration excitation levels. The second one dynamically configures the connection of the two regions of a piezoelectric transducer to increase the operational range and output power under a variety of excitation levels. The third one is a novel SSH architecture which employs capacitors instead of inductors to perform synchronous voltage flip. This new architecture is named as SSHC (synchronized switch harvesting on capacitors) to distinguish from SSHI rectifiers and indicate its inductorless architecture.

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