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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecos do libertador - o pensamento de Simón Bolívar no discurso de Hugo Chávez / Liberators Echoes - Simón Bolíavars ideas in Hugo Chávezs speeches

Figueiredo, Alexandre Ganan de Brites 18 April 2011 (has links)
O objeto desta dissertação é o discurso político do presidente venezuelano Hugo Chávez, no que tange à constante referência à vida e obra de Simón Bolívar. Chávez, um dos fundadores, nos anos de 1980, do Movimento Revolucionário Bolivariano-200, é eleito presidente da República em 1998 apresentando Bolívar como a fonte de seu projeto político. Um ano depois, é aprovada, via referendo, uma nova Constituição para o país, elaborada por uma Assembleia Nacional Constituinte prometida por Chávez durante a campanha. A nova Constituição muda o nome do país para República Bolivariana da Venezuela e declara, em seu artigo primeiro, que a Venezuela fundamenta seus valores e objetivos na obra de Simón Bolívar. Esta dissertação se debruça sobre os discursos de Hugo Chávez pronunciados no ano de 1999, primeiro ano seu na presidência e também ano da elaboração e promulgação da Constituição, para investigar as relações entre um projeto político de fins do século XX e o projeto intentado por Bolívar na Revolução de Independência. O que faz Bolívar, herói do século XIX, ser aceito como o fundamento de um projeto elaborado 200 anos após a Emancipação? Qual a relação que a sociedade venezuelana constrói com o passado? Como e por que esse bolivarianismo de fins do século XX se projeta para outros países da América Latina? Para responder a essas perguntas recorremos primeiro ao pensamento do próprio Bolívar, analisado a partir do contexto em que foi formulado: as guerras pela emancipação e a busca pela consolidação de novas estruturas políticas na América independente. Para Bolívar, a resposta que enfeixa todas as demais questões que então se colocaram foi unir as repúblicas independentes, projeto intentado com o Congresso do Panamá, em 1826. Sem consequências práticas na época, essa ideia de unidade continental tornou-se presente no pensamento político latino-americano. Como nossa pesquisa pretende demonstrar, Hugo Chávez é mais um dentre os muitos que recorreram a Bolívar para explicar os problemas do presente e embasar um projeto político. Portanto, concluímos que existe um Bolívar e um pensamento bolivariano descrito por Chávez, assim como existem outros Bolívares que podem levar a visões diferentes e mesmo opostas. Apresentamos a visão da oposição a Chávez, bem como a de seus apoiadores, demonstrando a complexidade do problema. Por fim, a dissertação indaga como e por que a revolução do passado pode ser feita presente na política e no imaginário popular. O conceito de culto a Bolívar, formulado por Germán Carrera Damas, e a obra de Leopoldo Zea orientaram as formulações de hipóteses para as questões propostas. / The subject of the presente dissertation is the Venezuelan President Hugo Chávezs political speeches, in what relates to their constant reference to the life and works of Simón Bolívar. Chávez, one of the founders of the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement in the 1980s, was elected President of the Republic in 1998 pointing out Bolívar as the source of his political project. One year later a new Constitution, elaborated by a National Constituent Assembly promised by Chávez during his campaign, is approved by referendum for the country. The new Constitution changes the countrys name to Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and declares, in its first article that Venezuela fundaments its values and objectives in Simón Bolívars work. The present dissertation analyses Hugo Chávezs speeches pronounced in 1999, his first year as President which is also the year in which the Constitution was elaborated and promulgated, in order to investigate the relationship between a political project conceived in the end of the 20th century and the project intended by Bolívar in the Independence Revolution. What makes Bolívar, a 19th century hero, be accepted as basis for a project which was elaborated 200 years after the Emancipation? What kind of relationship does the Venezuelan society build with the past? How and why this end of the 20th century Bolivarianism projects itself towards other Latin American countries? In order to answer the former questions we have evoked first Bolívars own thought, analyzing it in the context it was first formulated: the emancipation wars and the search for the new political structures consolidation in the independent Latin America. For Bolívar, the answer to all of the questions asked then was to unite the independent republics, a project intended by the Panamas Congress in 1826. Though it produced no further consequences at that time, the idea of continental unity became present in the Latin American political thought. As our research intends to demonstrate, Hugo Chávez is one among many that have resorted to Bolívar in order to explain present problems and base their political projects. Therefore, we have concluded that there is a Bolívar and a Bolivarian thought described by Chávez, as there are other Bolívars that may lead to different and even to opposite views. We present Chávez oppositions view, as well as his supporters, demonstrating the problems complexity. Last but not least, the dissertation questions how and why the past revolution may be present in politics and in peoples imaginary. The concept of cult to Bolívar, formulated by Germán Carrera Damas and the work of Leopoldo Zea have oriented the hypothesis formulation for the proposed questions.

A idéia de América Latina nos livros didáticos de geografia / The idea of Latin America in the geography\'s textbook

Dias, Wagner da Silva 16 September 2009 (has links)
A América Latina é um conteúdo trabalhado geralmente no oitavo ano do ensino fundamental, quando a geografia escolar aborda a regionalização do espaço mundial. Os livros didáticos apresentam uma abordagem simplória e generalizante desse conteúdo, distanciando-se de uma proposta mais próxima da realidade, e favorecendo a criação de estereótipos. É marcante, nesses livros, a ausência de uma discussão mais aprofundada acerca do conteúdo América Latina, justificada através de uma pretensa unidade latino-americana, com base em contexto histórico e dados estatísticos. Os livros didáticos analisados invariavelmente situam a América Latina no Sul subdesenvolvido, apresentam determinadas características dessa condição e assumem como principais causas dela a colonização de exploração e o domínio externo. Um conjunto de 33 países estaria rotulado com o gentílico latino-americano, que se tornaria sinônimo das citadas características. Procuramos analisar em nosso trabalho o conteúdo referente à América Latina em três livros didáticos, além de suas referências e bases teóricas. O resultado comprovou que há um esforço para justificar uma determinada ideia de América Latina, apesar da grande quantidade de exceções para cada argumento assumido como verdadeiro e da simplificação dispensada nas justificativas. Verificamos ainda que, exatamente por se buscarem elementos unificadores para toda a região, estão ausentes discussões como: as origens do termo América Latina, a proposta inicial de sua formação e a pertinência dessa região para o conjunto de países que a integram, tendo em vista a diversidade aspectos físico-geográficos, níveis de desenvolvimento socioeconômico, nacionalidades e identidades étnicas que eles apresentam. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho constatou a necessidade de uma reformulação do conteúdo, menos simplificadora e mais questionadora da realidade latino-americana. Assim, ao contrário de continuar a busca por elementos que justifiquem a existência de uma região chamada América Latina, esperamos que se busquem outros critérios para uma regionalização menos generalizante, inclusive questionando se América Latina seria um recorte adequado para os estudos da geografia escolar. / Latin America is a content generally worked in the eighth year of middle school when the school geography deal the regionalization of the global space. Regarding the study of Latin America, the textbooks have a simplified and generalized, hold off a proposal closer to reality and favoring the creation of stereotypes. The absence of further discussion in the textbook of the content is marked, despite attempts to justify the claim of Latin American unity in the historical context and based on statistical data. The textbooks examined invariably located Latin America in southern underdeveloped, have certain characteristics for this condition and take as the main cause of exploration and colonization to the external field. A set of thirty-three countries will be labeled with the ethnic Latin American, which became synonymous with these characteristics. We analyze the content in our work on Latin America in three textbooks, their references and theoretical bases. The result showed that there is an effort to justify an idea of Latin America, despite the large number of exceptions for each argument given as real and simplifying the reasons given. We note that, just search for unifying elements for the whole region, there is the absence of discussions such as: the origins of the term Latin America, the initial proposal for its formation and relevance of this region for all the countries belonging to it in order to diversity - physical and geographical aspects, levels of socioeconomic development, ethnic identities and nationalities that they have. Thus, this paper noted the need for a reformulation of content, less simplified and more questioning of the \"Latin American reality.\" So, unlike continue to search for evidence to justify the existence of a region called Latin America, we hope that other search criteria for a regional less generalized, even to question whether Latin America would be a suitable crop for the study of school geography.

A trama das ideias: intelectuais, ensaios e construção de identidades na América Latina (1898-1914) / An intricate web of ideas: intellectuals, essays and identity-building in Latin América (1898-1914)

Santos Junior, Valdir Donizete dos 27 November 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a questão da circulação de ideias e a construção de identidades na América Latina a partir de três ensaios produzidos entre fins do século XIX e inícios do século XX: El porvenir de las naciones hispanoamericanas (1899), do mexicano Francisco Bulnes (1847-1924); A América Latina: males de origem (1905), do brasileiro Manoel Bomfim (1868-1932) e Les democraties latines de lAmerique (1912), do peruano Francisco García Calderón (1883-1953). Por meio desses textos, este trabalho procura discutir as concepções sobre o fazer intelectual presente em cada um desses autores, o processo de elaboração e circulação das ideias no subcontinente em relação aos paradigmas europeu e norte-americano e a variedade de projetos identitários existentes na América Latina no umbral do século XX. O cotejo desses três ensaios permite que se explicite um conjunto de temas e problemas comuns que permeavam o pensamento político na América Latina da época, entre os quais é importante ressaltar a discussão sobre o lugar do subcontinente no mundo diante da expansão do capitalismo e do imperialismo entre fins do século XIX e inícios do século XX. / I intend to analyze in this research three major essays produced in Latin America in the beginning of the 20th Century: El porvenir de las naciones hispanoamericanas (1899), by Mexican Francisco Bulnes (1847-1924); A América Latina: males de origem (1905), by Brazilian Manoel Bomfim (1868- 1932) and Les démocraties latines de lAmerique (1912), by Peruvian Francisco García Calderón (1883-1953). I will emphasize the problems around the circulation of ideas and the building of identities in the subcontinent. The comparison among these three essays will allow me to discuss a whole set of common themes and issues related to political ideas in Latin America at that time and to think about Latin Americas place during the so called Age of Empire.

Bienais de arquitetura na América Latina: dez anos de grandes prêmios bienais (2005-2015) / Biennial architecture in Latin America: ten years of large biennial awards (2005-2015)

Javier Enrique Romero Avila 11 May 2017 (has links)
As Bienais de Arquitetura constituem meios institucionalizados para a difusão e promoção das diferentes realizações da arquitetura em lugares onde essas práticas acontecem, consolidando, ao longo dos anos, uma arraigada tradição em vários países da América Latina, ao ponto de se tornarem importantes eventos de arquitetura no contexto nacional, continental e global. Sobre o formato do concurso, as Bienais convocam revisões periódicas de uma parte da produção arquitetônica amparadas pelo reconhecimento do mais significativo dela. Entre as diferentes formas de premiação, os Grandes Prêmios Bienais comparecem quase de maneira consensual nesses eventos, sendo os máximos representantes da qualidade arquitetônica. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta um panorama preliminar sobre as onze Bienais de Arquitetura mais emblemáticas do cenário Latino-americano, a fim de consolidar uma caracterização dessas práticas de difusão arquitetônica como conjunto. Por sua vez, o recorte temporal das últimas cinco Bienais ocorridas entre 2005 e 2015, partindo do mapeamento das obras ganhadoras dos grandes prêmios dessas Bienais, permitirá trazer alguns questionamentos que envolvem a natureza desses máximos prêmios no âmbito dessas mostras de arquitetura. Dentro das diversas variáveis que envolvem os laureados, nos aproximaremos de dois casos particulares de obras premiadas, com o intuito de identificar e tentar entender quais seriam as relações existentes entre o discurso da obra e o laudo do Júri, no contexto particular de cada Bienal. O nosso esforço, ao longo deste trabalho, estará norteado pela ideia de panorama contemporâneo dessas Bienais de arquitetura, como formas de avaliação e difusão de uma parte da produção arquitetônica atreladas à pratica disciplinar. / Architecture Biennials organize institutionalized means for diffusion and promotion of varied architecture achievements in places where those practices happen, consolidating along the years an ingrained tradition in several Latin American countries to an extent of becoming important events of architecture in the national, continental and global contexts. Concerning the format of the contest, Biennials call for regular reviews of a part of the architectural production supported by the recognition of its meaning. Among the varied ways of reward, the Biennials Grand Prix make it to these events almost in a consensual manner, being the maximum representatives of the architectural quality. In this context, this work represents a primary panorama over the top eleven Architecture Biennials in Latin America, in order to consolidate a characterization of these practices of architectural diffusion as a whole. In turn, the temporal cut of the last five Biennials that took place between 2005 and 2015, starting from the mapping of the winning buildings in these Biennials grand prix, will allow us some questionings that surround the nature of these maximum prizes within the scope of these architecture exhibitions. Within the numerous variables that surround the laureates, we will approach two specific cases of rewarded buildings, aiming for identifying and trying to understand what would be the existing relations between the oeuvre\'s speech and the jury\'s decision, in the specific context of each Biennial. Our effort, along this work, will be guided by the idea of the contemporary panorama of these Architecture Biennials as means of evaluation and diffusion of a part of the architectural production in harness with disciplinary practice.

Evaluating the injuries of neoliberalism in Chile, 1973-2015

Parraguez-Camus, Carla Fernanda January 2017 (has links)
This study of the neoliberal experiment in Chile from 1973 to 2015 uses the social harm approach. It offers an alternative evaluation of the benefits and harms of the experiment, the ways in which Chileans understand its consequences and where the legitimacy of the model unravels. The study refines the conceptualisation and measurement of social harm, marrying the notion of harm with the Marxist theory of contradictions. The research design is multimethod, incorporating analysis of 59 semi-structure interviews with secondary quantitative data. The study captures and describes not only a wide array of harms and injuries in the reconfiguration of social dynamics under neoliberalism, but also investigates how these harms have been justified and challenged over time. The study finds that there are areas in which the model has brought benefits to Chileans, but these benefits are flawed. The study critiques the neoliberal conceptualisation of harms as the 'price worth paying' for social prosperity. It concludes that the 'winners' of the model are very few, while those harmed populate the Chilean social structure from top to bottom. This study argues for a normative scenario to move toward a less harmful society.

Climbing up the ladder to headship in Mexican compulsory education : perceptions of the escalafon, the point-based system currently used in Mexico to appoint school heads : an exploration in elementary schools

Lopez Delgado, Manuel January 2013 (has links)
Given the importance of educational leadership Bush (2008) argues that preparation of aspiring school leaders should not be left to chance. This exploratory case study is a critique of the Mexican system for appointing school leaders. The study is a qualitative research which used semi-structured interviews to collect data pertaining the strengths, shortcomings, and possible improvements of the system. The study revealed that there are some positive aspects in the system that could enable its consolidation. The study found a need to upgrade the current system since school leaders in Mexico are appointed by a system in which its regulations were promulgated 40 years ago. The current system does not enable the appointment of prepared leaders, since preparation for the post is not mandatory. The findings revealed a need for leadership preparation as a prerequisite for participants in competitions for leadership posts and, also for those who are already holding a leadership position. The approach adopted to appoint leaders without previous preparation seems to be problematic as time is wasted in enabling their readiness to effectively enact headship. The study also explored other topics such as talent identification, preparation, and leadership learning in which it was evident that Mexico still needs to do more when compared to what is currently done at international level.

Michelle Bachelet : the rise of the Supra-Madre from the Chilean body politic

Moran, Linda Elizabeth January 2018 (has links)
Although the number of female leaders worldwide has yet to achieve par with that of male leaders, a growing number of female heads of state and female candidacies for that position signal that transformations are underway. Among them is Chile’s current president, Michelle Bachelet. Her first election generated significant debate since she possessed none of the qualities considered essential for eligibility. Attempts to lend logic to the contradictions imposed by that event are still largely inconclusive. This study investigates a deeper root system in Chilean history for causal factors with trajectories that lead into the twenty-first century. Under consideration are ways in which women attain political power, their management of power, and the role of the body politic in both of those. The latter part of the study establishes correlations between recent developments in the Chilean political landscape of female leadership and similar developments across the globe. During Bachelet’s first election, media coined the term—the “Bachelet Phenomenon”—to reference her unprecedented and improbable attainment of the presidency. This research consults a diverse body of resources to offer one interpretation of that. The findings contribute new perspectives to the existing body of literature that can be expanded by future research.

On being West Indian in post-war metropolitan France : perspectives from French West Indian literature

Marshall, Rosalie Dempsy January 2012 (has links)
Most research into contemporary French West Indian literature focuses on writing that stresses the significance of the plantation and urban cultures of the islands in the early to mid-twentieth century or, more recently, on the desire of some writers to explore broader trans-national influences or environments. Despite the prominence of migration in post-war French West Indian history, however, less has been said about the engagement of French West Indian literature with migration to metropolitan France. Although commentators have recently begun to discuss the work of a handful of writers in connection with migration to the métropole, this thesis offers a full-length analysis of the issue, bringing writers, texts and literary and cultural theories together with the cultural and sociological context of migration to metropolitan France. I comment on a variety of well-known authors and texts, while also presenting writers and writing that have frequently been neglected in other studies. I also consider the reasons for what I believe to be both the slow development of a literature of migration, as well as the low profile of this issue within Francophone literary studies. Part One, ‘French and West Indian: Historical and Sociological Contexts’, considers the broad context of migration, reflecting on how that context impacts on the West Indians and their descendants in the métropole. Part Two, ‘Theory and the French West Indian Diaspora’, looks at colonisation, postcolonial criticism, and the current scholarship devoted to them, as these concern the issues of migration and identity in sociological and literary terms. Part Three, ‘Patterns of Discourse: Reflections of the Métropole’, takes recurrent themes that have appeared in the works of a variety of less well-known writers, including writers of West Indian origin born in the métropole. In Part Four, ‘Siting the Métropole’, I examine three successful yet very different writers and consider their contributions to the literature of migration, in the light of the reflections made and the patterns uncovered earlier in this thesis. My conclusion unites the themes of inclusion and exclusion that this subject brings to the fore, and suggests potential literary and scholarly developments for the future.

Women's actions, women’s words : female political and cultural responses to the Argentine state

Meachem, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the interaction of gender and the construction of the Argentine state. It pays particular attention to the emergence of women’s movements as well as women’s writing and the way in which both reflect and express the history of the Argentine state after independence. Beginning with a brief account of Argentine independence and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento as founding-father of the Argentine nation, part one focuses on the historical periods of the Liberal State, Peronism, and the military dictatorships of the 1960s and early 1970s. It investigates how national discourse incorporated gender discourse without including women as citizens in their full right. It then explores how women’s movements articulated their ensuing discontent with the patriarchal system that attempted to ensure continuity of this exclusion. Part two identifies and analyzes selected texts by nineteenth and twentieth century Argentine female authors. Written from a specifically female standpoint, these novels and short stories articulate women’s grievances with the political developments addressed in part one.

Attachment styles in alternative care : a study with caregivers and children living in residential and foster care in Chile

Garcia Quiroga, Manuela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates attachment styles in alternative care (AC) - both residential (RC) and foster (FC). Part I presents two chapters to highlight the number of children living in AC and the general move from residential to foster care across many countries. Furthermore, chapter one noted the lack of studies in less developed countries and that no study considers attachment in foster, residential and parental care in the same country. Part II presents five empirical chapters. Chapter 3 explored attachment based practices and managers' beliefs in RC (N= 17), highlighting these were associated with outcomes for children. Chapters 4 and 5 explore the experience of carers in RC (N=43) and FC (N=l4), reporting the extent of carers' emotional involvement in their relationships with children. Chapter 6 reports attachment styles in children living in AC and parental care (N=77); differences in attachment quality and other outcomes were found between AC and parental care, but no significant differences were found between RC and FC. Chapter 7 explores factors associated with attachment in AC (N=57); caregivers' sensitivity, responsivity and affection, and child:caregiver ratios were linked to secure attachments. Chapter 8 provides a general discussion of the results, with implications for policy, practice and research.

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