Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MAGNETOMETER"" "subject:"[enn] MAGNETOMETER""
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Definition and evaluation of a system for measuring local geomagnetic variations : Autonomous station for magnetic measurements / Definition och utvärdering av ett system för mätning av lokala geomagnetiska variationer : Autonom station för magnetiska mätningarOlsson, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Earth is under constant influence of the Sun and phenomena driven by the solar wind that may affect man-made technology. These events are summarized under the concept of space weather. This creates variations in Earth’s magnetic field and nearby space. Space weather can affect power grids, gas pipelines and also have effects on human health. Due to these effects, as well as the scientific interest in space and the growing space industry, the need to monitor space weather, the space environment and how Earth is affected by them increases. Accurate magnetic mesurements rely on expensive magnetometers and careful calibration. Swedish Institute of Space Physics IRF, operates two magnetometers in Sweden, one observatory and one variometer to measure local geomagnetic variations. For the purpose of space weather, measurements of local variations have high demands on temporal resolution and precision but not the same need for long-term accuracy. The purpose of this thesis is to define and evaluate an autonomous system for local geomagnetic variations, with future hopes of creating a network of systems for space weather monitoring. The future goal is to be able to place systems in remote locations where they will be able to conduct measurements autonomously. The work was done by analysis and testing of a fluxgate magnetometer that was placed close to one of the IRFs existing magnetometers. Using data from the existing station as a reference, an analysis of the magnetometer could be performed. The results showed that the tested magnetometer had less precision than the existing station but could within a certain frequency range provide good results that make it possible to measure the local geomagnetic variations that may be of use for space weather. Conclusions from this study show that it is possible to create a simpler autonomous system for measurements of the local geomagnetic variations, but that this system requires further development, where future work can be based on this degree project as a basis. / Jorden är under konstant påverkan av solen och fenomen drivna av solvinden som kan påverka mänsklig teknologi. Dessa event sammanfattas under begreppet rymdväder. Genom detta skapas variationer i Jordens magnetfält och närliggande rymd. Rymdväder kan påverka kraftnät, gasledningar och även ha effekter på mänsklig hälsa. På grund av dessa effekter samt det vetenskapliga intresset för rymden och den växande rymdbranschen ökar behovet av att övervaka rymdväder, rymdmiljön samt hur Jorden påverkas av de. Exakta magnetiska mätningar är beroende av dyra magnetometrar och nogrann kalibrering. Institutet för Rymdfysik IRF driver två magnetometrar i Sverige, ett observatorium och en variometer för att mäta lokala geomagnetiska variationer. Då mätningar av lokala variationer har höga krav på temporal upplösning och precision men inte samma behov av kontroll på långsiktig noggrannhet. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att definiera och utvärdera ett autonomt system för lokala geomagnetiska variationer, med framtida förhoppningar om att skapa ett nätverk av system för övervakning av rymdväder. Framtidsmålet är att kunna placera ut system på avlägsna platser där det autonomt ska kunna bedrivas mätningar. Arbetet gjordes genom analys och tester med en fluxgate-magnetometer som placerades i närheten av en av IRF befintliga magnetometrar. Med data från den existerande stationen som referens kunde en analys av magnetometern utföras. Resultatet visade att den testade magnetometern hade mindre precision än den befintliga stationen men kunde inom ett viss frekvensspann förse goda resultat som gjorde det möjligt att mäta de lokala geomagnetiska variationerna som kan vara till nytta för rymdväder. Slutsatser från denna studie visar att det är möjligt att skapa ett enklare autonomt system för mätningar av de lokala geomagnetiska variationerna men att detta system kräver vidare utveckling, där framtida arbete kan utgå från resultaten som erhölls i detta examensarbete.
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Low temperature magnetisation properties of the spin ice material Dy₂Ti₂O₇Slobinsky, Demian G. January 2012 (has links)
A way to obtain materials that show novel phenomena is to explore the interplay between geometry and interactions. When it is not geometrically possible to satisfy all the interactions by a given configuration, then to find the ground state becomes very complicated. This interplay between geometry and interactions defines geometrical frustration. One of the most popular examples of geometrical frustration in magnetism is spin ice. In this system, nearest neighbour ferromagnetic interactions between Ising spins in a pyrochlore structure emulate water ice by showing the same degree of frustration. This is manifested by the same ground state residual entropy. Although the clearest example of spin ice among magnets is shown by Dy₂Ti₂O₇, the behaviour of this material is richer than that of pure spin ice. The large magnetic moments of the rare earth Dy form a spin ice that also interacts via dipolar interactions. These long range interactions give rise to monopolar excitations which dramatically affect the dynamics of the system with respect to the pure spin ice case. In this thesis magnetisation experiments and numerical methods are used to explore the properties of the magnetic insulator Dy₂Ti₂O₇. We study its excitations at low temperature and describe the out-of-equilibrium characteristics of the magnetisation processes, below a temperature where the system freezes out. For temperatures above the freezing temperature, we describe and measure a 3D Kasteleyn transition and the concomitant Dirac strings associated to it, for the field in the [100] crystallographic direction. For temperatures below the freezing temperature, we find new out-of-equilibrium phenomena. Magnetic jumps are measured and their sweep rate dependence analysed. A deflagration theory is proposed and supported by simultaneous magnetisation and sample temperature measurements obtained by a new design of a Faraday magnetometer.
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Contribution aux aides à l’orientation des déficients visuels par GPS, magnétomètre, baromètre et centrale inertielle / Contribution to orientation aids for the visually impaired using GPS, magnetometer, barometer and Inertial Measurement UnitZegarra Flores, Jesus Victor 02 December 2013 (has links)
Nous avons évalué les performances et limitations de différents capteurs susceptibles d’aider à orienter un déficient visuel : GPS, magnétomètre, gyroscope, accéléromètre, baromètre ainsi que la façon de les combiner pour guider efficacement les déficients visuels dans trois contextes différents : le milieu urbain, la randonnée et les intérieurs. Nous avons réalisé des prototypes se plaçant sur la hanche ou tenus à la main fournissant une information présentée sous la forme d’un cap et d’une distance au point à atteindre. Cette information se réactualise en temps réel en fonction des changements de position ou d’orientation de la personne.Nous avons montré par des tests en situation réelle sur des parcours urbains et pédestres de plusieurs kilomètres, effectués par différents déficients visuels, l’efficacité de cette approche très différente de celle du guidage automobile. Les tests ont été également effectués dans des zones où les capteurs sont perturbés : forêts denses ou rues avec des bâtiments hauts (signal GPS perturbé), à proximité des lignes électriques (magnétomètre perturbé), etc. Le cas le plus complexe est celui des intérieurs (stations du métro, centres commerciaux) où le signal GPS est absent. Notre approche ne fait appel à aucun équipement du lieu (de type bornes Bluetooth ou Wifi) et utilise uniquement une cartographie préalable ou relevée sur le site. Nous sommes parvenus à des guidages fonctionnels sur quelques centaines de mètres sous certaines conditions : entrainement de l’utilisateur afin d’assimiler les spécificités du langage de la locomotion utilisé pour le guidage et apprentissage des stratégies de déplacement évitant le disfonctionnement de la centrale inertielle. Nous sommes en mesure de proposer à l’issue de ce travail un outil pouvant être diffusé auprès des utilisateurs avec des solutions fiables pour le milieu urbain et la randonnée. Pour les intérieurs les développements complémentaires se poursuivent et ne seront proposés qu’en béta-test. Cet outil va également être proposé pour initier les déficients visuels non autonomes à des randonnées simples afin de tenter de faire naître l’envie d’améliorer son autonomie. / We have evaluated the possibilities and the limitations of different sensors able to help to the orientation of the visually impaired: GPS, magnetometer, gyroscope, accelerometers, and barometers and also the way to mix their information for guiding efficiently the visually impaired in three different contexts: urban areas, hiking and indoor areas. We have implemented some belt mounted and hand held prototypes giving the information in the way of “heading” and “distance” to the destination to reach. This information is updated in real time taking into consideration the change of the position and orientation of the person. We have shown, during real situation tests, in urban pedestrian paths and hiking circuits of many kilometers done by different visually impaired people, the efficiency of this approach which is very different to the car navigation. The tests have been run including zones where the sensors data is perturbed: dense forest or big buildings in urban areas (GPS signal perturbed), proximity to electrical lines (magnetometer data perturbed), etc. The most complicated case is the indoor navigation (metro stations and commercial centers) where the GPS signal is not available. Our approach does not require any equipment apparatus in the building (such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi hotspots) and uses just a previous cartography or a cartography done in situ. We have achieved functional guidance in few hundred meters under certain conditions: the training of the user in order to make him understand the specific characteristics of the mobility language used for the navigation and the learning of the strategies of displacement in order to avoid the failure of the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). We are in position to offer, at the end of this work, one tool which can be distributed to the users with reliable solutions for the urban areas and the hiking. For the indoor navigation, complementary development is carrying on and it will be proposed just like beta-test version. This tool is also going to be proposed for initiating non-autonomous visually impaired people to easy treks in order to try to make them want to improve their autonomy.
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Robotų tarpusavio orientavimo sistemos tyrimas / Research of the Robot Inter-Orientation SystemŽvirblis, Deimantas 18 June 2013 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe tiriama robotų tarpusavio orientavimo sistema, kai kryptis nustatoma pagal magnetinio lauko poveikį robotui. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgti robotų padėties erdvėje ir tarpusavio padėties nustatymo būdai. Išnagrinėtas magnetinio lauko pokyčių taikymas robotų tarpusavio padėčiai nustatyti, pateikti magnetinio lauko jutiklio paklaidų mažinimo metodai, formulės. Tiriamojoje dalyje sudaryta sistemos funkcinė schema. Ištirtos magnetometrų savybės ir parinktas tinkamiausias. Sudaryta sistemos principinė elektrinė schema. Pasirinktos trys magnetinių lauko generatorių – elektromagnetų formos ir atlikti jų magnetinių laukų tyrimai, naudojant specializuotą programą „Maxwell“. Rezultatai pateikti vaizdiniu formatu su magnetinio lauko pasiskirstymu. Atliktas sistemos eksperimentinis tyrimas, pateiktas robotų tarpusavio krypties nustatymo algoritmas, formulės ir metodika. Eksperimentų metu gauti rezultatai pateikti grafiškai. Atlikus sistemos eksperimentinį tyrimą, pateiktos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, teorinė ir tiriamoji dalys, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 72 p. teksto be priedų, 41 pav., 2 lent., 26 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / This Master thesis is a research of the robot inter– orientation system, when the direction is determined by the magnetic field effect on the robot. Theoretical part is an analysis of robot navigation and robot inter – orientation. Examined the application of the magnetic field change for robots inter – position determination, also magnetic sensor errors reduction methods are presented as well as the equations. The research part contains of functional and principle electrical scheme designing. Properties of the magnetometers are tested to select the most appropriate. Three different designs were chosen of magnetic field generator (electromagnet) to perform magnetic field studies using specialized software “Maxwell”. Results are presented in graphical form, showing distribution of magnetic fields. Experimental system study is performed also the robot between direction finding algorithm, equations and methods are presented. The experimental results are presented graphically. The conclusions and recommendations are given at the end of this work. Structure: introduction, analyze of literature, theoretical and practical parts, conclusions and suggestions, references. The thesis consists of 72 p. text without appendixes, 41 pictures, 2 tables, 26 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.
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Magnetoresistance and Space : Micro- and Nanofeature Sensors Designed, Manufactured and Evaluated for Space Magnetic Field InvestigationsPersson, Anders January 2011 (has links)
In recent years, the interest for miniaturization of spaceborne instruments and subsystems has increased steadily, as this enables development of small and lightweight satellite classes as well as more versatile payloads on traditional spacecraft. In essence, this thesis work is an investigation of the applicability of magnetoresistive technology to a magnetometer intended for space. Two types of magnetoresistive sensors, promising with respect to performance competiveness also after considerable miniaturization, were developed and evaluated, namely magnetic tunnel junctions and planar Hall effect bridge sensors. In the case of the magnetic tunnel junctions, much effort was put on the micromanufacturing process. Two schemes were developed and evaluated for sensor contouring: one employing focused ion beam processes for rapid prototyping, and the other combining sputtering and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for precise etch depth monitoring during ion etching. For the former, the resulting implantation damages were investigated with chemical analysis and correlated to the sensor properties. In the latter, the depth of the etching was monitored live with a resolution sufficient to stop the etching in the 1 nm thick tunneling barrier. The effect and extent of redeposition were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and micromagnetic analysis. With the knowledge so gained, the tunneling magnetoresistance of the manufactured junctions could be improved significantly and their inherent noise could be reduced. As a step in space flight qualification, the magnetic tunnel junctions were subjected to both g and particle radiation, leaving them unaffected by the first, but rendering them a reduced tunneling magnetoresistance ratio and an increased coercivity by the latter. In the case of the planar Hall effect bridge sensors, their inherent noise was thoroughly investigated, revealing both electric and magnetic 1/f noise at low frequencies along with thermal noise at higher frequencies. In addition, an analytical model of the magnetic properties of the planar Hall effect bridges was developed, and a design process, based on the model, was established to optimize the bridges for a particular application. In conclusion, both types of sensors show great promises for use in space. Of the two, the planar Hall effect bridge sensors had a better detection limit at low frequencies, whereas the magnetic tunnel junctions were more precise at higher frequencies. However, both sensors had a bandwidth greatly exceeding that of traditional spaceborne magnetometers. A magnetometer employing the magnetic tunnel junctions from this work is currently included as payload onboard the Vietnamese satellite F-1 scheduled for launch this year. A magnetometer using magnetoresistive sensors – planar Hall effect sensors, magnetic tunnel junctions, or both – enables a mass reduction of more than two orders of magnitudes compared with traditional systems.
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Processing of shipborne magnetometer data and revision of the timing and geometry of the Mesozoic break-up of Gondwana = Auswertung schiffsfester Magnetometerdaten und die Neubestimmung des Zeitpunktes und der Geometrie des Mesozoischen Aufbruchs von Gondwana /König, Matthias. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Bremen, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-125).
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[pt] Amperímetros convencionais devem ser inseridos em série com o elemento no qual se deseja medir a corrente, constituindo uma forma de medição invasiva. Amperímetros alicate, baseados em bobinas, realizam medições de forma não invasiva, mas são limitados a correntes alternadas. Para medição de correntes contínuas, amperímetros baseados no efeito Hall são utilizados, mas possuem baixo nível de tensões de saída e pouca estabilidade em relação à temperatura. O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver um protótipo de amperímetro baseado em magnetômetros de magnetorresistência gigante (GMR) capaz de medir correntes contínuas, de forma não invasiva e com alta resolução em relação aos amperímetros alicate. A metodologia dividiu-se em: (i) utilização de dois magnetômetros GMR para medir o campo magnético gerado pela corrente elétrica em um condutor; (ii) projeto e implementação de um solenoide para polarizar os sensores na faixa de operação linear; (iii) aprimoramento e desenvolvimento de circuitos eletrônicos dedicados à excitação e leitura dos GMRs; (iv) implementação de algoritmos para solução do problema inverso, isto é, a partir da saída do circuito, em mV, estimar a corrente que passa pelo condutor e a distância entre este e o amperímetro. Foram realizados 60 testes, com correntes variando de -3 A a 3 A, com passos de 0,1 A. O protótipo foi capaz de estimar a corrente elétrica com incerteza expandida, do tipo A, de 0,091 A e 0,07 cm para a distância. Os resultados comprovam a viabilidade da realização de medições de corrente, por aproximação, utilizando sensores GMR. / [en] Conventional ammeters should be inserted in series with the element in which the current is to be measured, thus constituting an invasive measurement form. Clamp ammeters, based on coils, are able to measure non-invasively but are limited to alternating currents. For measurement of direct currents, Hall-based ammeters are used, but have low output voltages and little temperature stability. Thus, the objective of this dissertation was to develop a prototype based on giant magnetoresistance (GMR) magnetometers capable of measuring direct currents, non-invasively and with high resolution in relation to clamp ammeters. The methodology was divided into: (i) the use of two GMR magnetometers to measure the magnetic field generated by the electric current in a conductor; (ii) design and implementation of a solenoid to polarize the sensors in the linear operating range; (iii) improvement and development of electronic circuits dedicated to the excitation and reading the GMRs; (iv) implementation of algorithms to solve the inverse problem, that is, from the outputs of the circuit, in mV, estimate the current passing through the conductor and the distance between it and the ammeter. Sixty tests were performed, with currents varying from -3 A to 3 A, with steps of 0.1 A. The prototype was able to estimate the electrical current with type A expanded uncertainty of 0.091 A and 0.07 cm for the distance. The results demonstrate the feasibility of conducting current measurements by approximation using GMR sensors.
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Study and Realization of a Miniature Isotropic Helium Magnetometer / Etude et réalisation d'un magnétomètre isotrope miniature à pompage optique de l'hélium -4Rutkowski, Jaroslaw 11 March 2014 (has links)
Pas de résumé disponible / No abstract available.
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Concept et développement d'un magnétomètre spintronique : application à la navigation magnéto-inertielle et à la mesure des couples de transfert de spin / Concept and developpement of a spintronic magnetometer : application to magneto-inertial navigation and spin-orbit-torques measurement.Jouy, Augustin 17 September 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons la conception et les performances de capteurs magnétiques basés sur les technologies AMR et GMR en vue d'une utilisation dans la navigation. Afin d'obtenir une sensibilité et une linéarité optimales à champ nul, le design des capteurs utilise des barberpoles et un pont de wheatstone pour l'un et prend avantage des différentes anisotropies et couplages pour l'autre. Les capteurs sont fabriqués par pulvérisations cathodiques et photolithographies et leurs performances en terme de sensibilité, de linéarité et de bruit sont testées et comparées. La conception de gradiomètres nécessaires à la navigation magnéto-inertielle repose sur l'utilisation de magnétorésistances placées aux extrémités du capteur reliées par un pont de WheatStone dont la sortie est proportionnelle au gradient du champ magnétique. Des concentrateurs de Flux destinés à amplifier le champ afin d'améliorer la sensibilité sont conçus et testés sur les capteurs. Un concentrateur de flux destiné à amplifier un champ ayant la forme du gradient est proposé comme amélioration des gradiomètres. Des solutions innovantes pour le swithching d'anisotropie et la compensation d'offset utilisant l'effet Hall de spin et le couplage spin-transfer sont étudiées. Dans cette optique, un dispositif de mesure du couplage spin-transfer appelé spin-torque-bridge est conçu et utilisé pour étudier l'effet Hall de spin et le spin transfer dans différentes multi-couches. / In this work, we present the conception and the performances of AMR and GMR-based sensors for navigation applications In order to obtain the best sensitivity and linearity at zero field, the design include barberpoles and a Wheatstone bridge for the first and takes advantage of the different anisotropies and coupling for the other. The sensor are fabricated by magnetron sputtering and photolithography and their performances in terms of sensitivity, linearity and noise are compared. The concept of gradiometers used for magneto-inertial navigation is based on the utilisation of magnetoresistances placed at each extremity of the sensor connected by a wheatstone bridge whose output is proportional to the gradient of the magnetic field. Flux concentrators designed to amplify the incoming field in order to improve the sensitivity are fabricated and tested on the sensors. A flux concentrator designed to amplify a magnetic gradient is proposed as an improvement of the gradiometers. Innovant solutions for low consumption anisotropy switching and offset compensation are being experimented using spin Hall effect and spin transfer torque with adjacent Pt and AuW layers. In that regard a spin torque measurement device: the spin-torque-bridge, is designed and used to study the spin hall effect and the spin transfer couplings in different multi layers.
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Amino acid-capped metal selenide nanoparticles: their synthesis, characterization, optical and magnetic propertiesMokubung, Kopano Edward 04 1900 (has links)
M. Tech (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Quantum dots (QDs) have already proven features that can be considered to improve their properties for biological applications. Metal selenide nanoparticles possess semiconducting behaviors that can vary with structural and optical properties evolving from their synthesis. An aqueous medium through a simple, non-toxic and environmentally friendly colloidal route for the preparation of water-soluble CdSe, Cu2Se, FeSe semiconductor nanoparticles has been developed. Different capping molecules with multi-functional moieties (-COOH, -NH2 and -OH) namely, L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and L-phenylalanine, have been employed in the preparation of cadmium selenide, copper selenide and iron selenide semiconductor nanoparticles as capping molecules. The synthesized metal selenide nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), UV-Vis spectroscopy, Photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the binding moiety through the surface of the nanoparticles which is pH dependent. The XRD patterns confirmed a cubic phase of CdSe and Cu2Se while FeSe revealed a hexagonal phase for the synthesized nanoparticles. The optical absorption as a function of wavelength for the prepared nanoparticles at different temperature is investigated. The morphology of the nanoparticles dominated through this method was spherical in shape. Amino acids capped metal selenide nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by aqueous medium through a simple colloidal route. The absorption spectra of all samples prepared were blue shifted as compared to their bulk counterparts which signify quantum confinement effect. The optical absorption measurements show some dependency of the temperature values used in the synthesis of nanoparticles. The effect of temperature and pH on the growth and morphology of nanoparticles was investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns confirms the structure, single cubic and hexagonal phase for the synthesized nanoparticles. TEM studies of metal selenide nanoparticle show that particle size increases with the increase in reaction temperature. The vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) shows almost linear without any hysteresis loop for copper selenide, which indicated the absence of magnetism and exhibits paramagnetic nature than diamagnetic properties while iron selenide revealed twofold ferromagnetic behavior in low fields and paramagnetic behavior in up fields.
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