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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grief care to children ophaned by HIV and AIDS within Nairobi province Kenya : towards a pastoral strategy for identity formation

Nguru, Janet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with pastoral grief care for children orphaned through HIV and AIDS in Nairobi City County in Kenya (formerly Nairobi Province in Kenya). This concern developed as a result of realising that children’s grief is rarely attended to before, during and after burial in most Kenyan communities. The research question that guided the research was: What theoretical, theological and contextual pastoral intervention strategy can the church use to provide grief care to children orphaned through HIV and AIDS? To respond to this question, the research had four objectives, which helped the researcher to remain focused on the key problem. An empirical research design was adopted to establish the impact the death of parents has on children and to examine how their grief has been responded to, particularly by the church. It was clear that children do experience grief that manifests in various forms including emotional, behavioural, cognitive, spiritual and physical responses. Grief is also heightened by the events that transpire after the death of parents plus the status of the children as double orphans, paternal orphans or maternal orphans. Despite the fact that children are overwhelmed by grief and grief-related issues when their parents die, the family and community as well as the church, rarely provide children with grief care. Through a literature study the research engaged with other disciplines in order to broaden the understanding of children’s grief. The study revealed that children’s development in general is affected by their grief and their stage of development, in turn, has an effect on their grief. However, it should be noted that African cultures have great impact on the development of African children and their grief. It was also noted that African people have their own way of grieving and mourning when a family loses a person through death. Various rituals that are calculated to help the mourning family work to through the grief process are performed. Interestingly, children rarely participate in the performance of such rituals. It was very clear that, in order to provide pastoral grief care to children orphaned through HIV and AIDS, it is of utmost importance to understand the nature of human beings in relation to God. Such an understanding could determine how the church responds to the grieving children’s situation. It is suggested that the church should work closely with the family, community and institutions in order to provide meaningful pastoral grief care within an African setting. It was argued that various rituals performed during funeral ceremonies are of help in grieving and the mourning process; hence it is suggested that children should also be given the opportunity to participate in performing the rituals. It is noted that the Christian and cultural rituals that are relevant to grief care could be employed. Given the above understanding, a pastoral intervention strategy for grief care to children orphaned through HIV and AIDS is proposed. Different interventions that respond to children’s grief and grief-related issues before, during, and after burial are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die pastorale vertroosting van kinders wat in die Nairobi City County in Kenya (die voormalige Nairobi Provinsie) as gevolg van MIV en vigs wees gelaat is. Dit bied 'n pastorale ingrypingstrategie in reaksie tot die verdriet van kinders wat as gevolg van MIV en vigs as wese atergelaat is. Kommer hieroor het ontstaan by die besef dat die bedroefdheid van kinders in die meeste Keniaanse gemeenskappe selde vóór, tydens of ná ‘n begrafnis aandag kry. Die navorsingsvraag wat die navorsing gerig het, was: Watter teoretiese, teologiese en kontekstuele pastorale intervensiestrategie kan deur die kerk gebruik word om vertroosting vir treurende kinders wat vanweë MIV en vigs wese geword het, te bied? Vier doelstellings is vir die beantwoording van hierdie vraag opgestel om te verseker dat die navorser se fokus op die kernprobleem ingestel bly. ‘n Empiriese navorsingontwerp is gekies om die impak van die dood van ouers op kinders te bepaal en uit te vind hoe hul bedroefdheid, veral deur die kerk, hanteer is. Dit was duidelik dat kinders wel treur, en dat hul droefheid in die vorm van emosionele, gedrags-, kognitiewe, geestelike en fisiese reaksies geopenbaar word. Die intensiteit van kinders se droefheid word ook verhoog deur gebeure wat op die dood van die ouers volg, sowel as die kinders se status as dubbele weeskinders of as vaderlose of moederlose weeskinders. Ten spyte van die feit dat kinders deur hartseer en verdriet-verwante aangeleenthede oorweldig word wanneer hul ouers sterf, bied die familie en die gemeenskap, sowel as die kerk, selde vertroostende sorg aan sulke kinders. Die navorser het ander dissiplines deur middel van ‘n literatuurstudie betrek om begrip van kinderdroefheid te verbreed. Die studie het onthul dat kinders se ontwikkeling in die algemeen deur hul bedroefdheid geaffekteer word en dat hul fase van ontwikkeling weer hul droefheid beïnvloed. Daar moet egter in ag geneem word dat Afrika-kulture ’n groot impak op die ontwikkeling van kinders van Afrika en hul verdriet het. Dat mense van Afrika droefheid en rou op ‘n eie manier bedryf wanneer ‘n familielid te sterwe kom, moet ook in ag geneem word. Daar is ‘n verskeidenheid rituele wat daarop gemik is om die roubeklaers in staat te stel om die rouproses te deurwerk. Kinders neem selde hieraan deel. Dit was duidelik dat dit van uiterste belang is om die natuur van die mens in verhouding tot God te verstaan om vertroostende pastorale sorg aan kinders wat vanweë MIV en vigs wees geword het, te bied. Die verstaan hiervan kan bepaal hoe die kerk op die situasie van kinders wat treur, reageer. Die voorstel is dat die kerk noue samewerking met die familie, die gemeenskap en instellings moet handhaaf om betekenisvolle vertroostende pastorale sorg binne die Afrika-opset te bied. Daar word aangevoer dat die verskillende rituele wat gedurende begrafnis seremonies uitgevoer word, van hulp is in rou en die rouproses, dus word voorgetel dat kinders ‘n geleentheid moet kry om aan die rituele deel te neem. Christelike en kulturele rituele wat van toepassing is kan gebruik word. 'n Pastorale intervensiestrategie vir vertroostende sorg aan kinders wat as gevolg van MIV en vigs wees gelaat is, word aan die hand van die bogenoemde insig voorgestel. Verskillende ingrypings wat op die kind se hartseer en rou-verwante kwessies vóór, gedurende en ná die begrafnis betrekking het, word bespreek.

Kerklidmaatskap : 'n kerkregtelike studie

Spies, Johannes Hendrik January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)-- Stellenbosch University, 1996. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Questions and problems concerning church membership are plenty and surface regularly in church . meetings. The way in which the church operates reflects a particular concept of the church. The· ideal is that way the church functi~ns according to the church law must express the essence of the church. Therefore it is important to ask questions on church membership in the light of the scriptures and the confession. This study shows that there is tension between the concept of the church which comes forwardin the Scriptures and the confession on the one hand and that which is reflected in the practical handling of membership issues on the other hand. An investigation into certain historic backgrounds, the conventions of a variety of churches on the issue of membership as well as the views of church members from· the Presbytery of the Dutch Reformed Church in Pietermaritzburg was necessary to acquire insight into the present situation. These investigations have shown that there are several customs and views on membership issues that do not have a sound theological basis. On what membership means and how it must be handled in practice there is also a wide variety of opinions. From the Old and New Testaments it becomes evident that a complete definition of the church is not possible. The Bible speaks in different ways about thechurch. God's presence and initiative in the church as his people of the covenant is that which makes the faith community the church. Faith, the relation with Jahwe in the Old Testament and with Jesus Christ iri the New Testament, is that which distinguishes the members of the faith community from those who do not belong to it. The handling of membership developed in such a way that membership issues constitutes the delimitation of churches amongst each other. That hampers the visible unity of the church. In the last chapter an attempt was made to formulate guidelines for the handling of membership in such a way that the unity of the church is emphasized while the confessional base of the church is protected at the same time. In this process a distinction is made between the delimitation of the church against the world on the one hand and the delimitation of churches amongst each other on the other hand. An attempt is made to unite the soteriological and the canonical meaning of the baptism in the membership practice. Baptism, as the sacrament of incorporation .into the church of Jesus Christ is fundamental in the acknowledgment of membership and membership privileges in the congregation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vrae oor lidmaatskap en die probleme wat daarmee verband hou, is volop en korn dikwels na vore • tydens kerkvergaderings. Die manier waarop die kerk funksioneer, gee uitdrukkirig aan 'n bepaalde · kerkbegrip. Die ideaal is dat die kerkordelike inrigting van die kerk uitdrukking gee aan die wese van die kerk. Daarom is dit belangrik om die vrae oor kerklidmaatskap te vra vanuit dit wat die . . Skrif en belydenisskrifte oor die kerk leer. Hierdie studie toon aan dat daar ;n spanning bestaan tussen die kerkbegrip, soos wat dit in die Skrifen belydenisskrifte geleer word,. rum dieeen kant en die kerkbegrip wat · deur die praktyk van kerklidmaatskap gereflekteer word aan die ander kant · Om begrip vir die huidige situasie te kry, word daarook gekyk na bepaalde.historiese agtergronde · vir huidige gebruike. Gebruike in 'n verskeidenheid van kerke word ondersoek en die siening van 'n groep lidmate van die Ned Geref Kerk in d.ie Ring van Pietermaritzburg bepaal. Hierdie onder- - soeke het aangedui dat daar 'n verskeidenheid van gebruike en opvattings is ten opsigte van lidmaatskap wat nie 'n gesonde teologiese basis het nie. Daar is ook 'n wye verskeidenheid opvattings oor wat lidmaatskap behels en hoe dit hanteer moet word in die kerklike praktyk. U it die Ou en Nu we Testament blyk dit dat afgehandelde definisie van wat kerk is, nie moontlik is nie. Die Bybel praat op wye verskeidenheid maniere oor die kerk; God se teenwoordigheid en inisiatief in die gemeente as verbondsvolk maak van die geloofsgemeenskap kerk. Geloof, verbondenheid aan Jahwe in dieOu Testament en Jesus Christus in die Nuwe Testament onderskei lede van die geloofsgemeenskap van diegene wat nie daaraan behoort nie. Die bantering van lidmaatskapreelings het so ontwikkel dat dit dikwels 'n afgrensing van kerke teenoor mekaar behels en so die sigbare eenheid van die kerk belemmer. In die laaste hoofstuk word· 'n poging aangewend om riglyne daar te stel waarvolgens lidmaatskap so hanteer kan word dat die eenheid van die kerk daarin sigbaar word terwyl die belydenisgrondslag van die kerk beskerm word. In hierdie proses word onderskeid gemaak tussen lidmaatskap as die kerk se afgrensing teenoor die wereld aan die een kant en die afgrensing van kerke teenoor mekaar aan die ander kant. 'n Poging word aangewend om die soteriologiese en kerkregtelike betekenis van die doop byeen te bring in die praktyk. Die doop, as sakrament van inlywing in die kerk van Jesus Christus, word fundamenteel in die erkertning van lidmaatskap en lidmaatvoorregte in die gemeente.

'n Ondersoek na die bediening van laerskoolkinders in en deur die gemeente as intergenerasionele ruimte

Grobbelaar, Jan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The focus of the research is the problem that congregations experience in ministry when they are trying to integrate children and adults in inclusive intergenerational spaces in such a way that it will enable children and adults to serve God together and grow together spiritually. The research may be described as a quest for a theology and a church that truly invite and welcome children into their midst, and care for the children’s total humanness. As an exploratory study the research aims to contribute to the development of knowledge in respect of the theological foundation of a ministry in which adults accept the challenge of growing spiritually together with their children. The research was embarked upon from the perspective of Child Theology and a practical-theological ecclesiology. As a theology-from-below, Child Theology is a contextual theology and as such an inductive methodology was followed in the research. The first phase of the research examined the social and ecclesiastical context in which children grow up during the beginning of the 21st century. The social analysis revealed that children grow up in a global network society, characterized by fragmentation in different generations and developmental groups, an excessive emphasis on individualistic self-fulfilment, the disintegration of family life, the social exclusion and marginalization of children, and the search for identity. The ecclesiastical analysis has revealed that, from various quarters, a demand has arisen for greater theological contemplation about, and a new approach to, children’s ministry. The second phase of the research examined the diverse Biblical testimony concerning children, God, and the faith communities’ involvement with children. A number of Biblical theological perspectives in respect of children and the ministry to them have come to the fore, and were formulated. Beside all the other perspectives that have come to the fore, it became clear that, for the 21st century, the church and theology should reinterpret especially the radicalism of the testimony about Jesus’ interaction with children in the Gospel of Matthew. In the final phase, the hermeneutical process was continued in a sensitive correlative dialogue between the Word and the world in order to find basic-theoretical pointers for a discourse regarding the design of a practice theory for a ministry that can integrate children and adults in congregational life. These pointers are expressed as six lenses, while the parameters for a practice theory are shown. Enacting this practice theory demands more than a few superficial adaptations in the ministry of congregations. It demands, under the guidance of the Word and Spirit, that congregations rediscover their kenosis identity as God’s communities in which all have been transformed and have become like little children. God’s missional and community-founding identity will be reflected by the identification of values that can guide them in the realization of this kenosis identity in their ministry to, with, by and for children. Thus, this research generates the following condensed hypothesis: The ministry with children in and through the congregation as intergenerational space, can be a corrective of the disintegration of family life, the fragmentation of society in different generations and developmental groups, the excessive emphasis on individualistic self-fulfilment and the social exclusion and marginalization of children if, in the development of an effective ministry with children, the focus is on the rediscovery and realization of identity as a reflection of God’s missional and community-building identity.

Leierskap in makrogemeentes : perspektiewe op kontemporêre ontwikkelings

Van Deventer, Gerhardus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This statement is not only the theoretical outcome of this study, but also the experience of the practical ministry of the researcher. Since the first senior pastor in the Dutch Reformed Church was appointed five years ago (in 2000), many other macro congregations followed suit. However, there was no frame of reference, theological foundation or church tradition which could provide guidelines for these newly appointed leaders. That coincided – initiated by the new political dispensation since 1994 – with huge transformation on the political, economic, social and religious scene in South Africa. That gave input to the research problem that traditional forms of leadership was insufficient in the contemporary situation of macro congregations in South Africa, and to the researcher’s hypothesis that transformation needs current and contemporary developments in leadership. In the hermeneutical process the researcher first of all listened to congregational practice and context via semi-structured interviews with five senior pastors of Dutch Reformed Churches. The outcome was that a vast amount of information regarding transformation in the communities, ministry models, leadership requirements and forms of leadership were accumulated. Although there were obvious differences, there was also a correspondence about transformation in the context, ministry- and leadership-models. The appointment of senior pastors was part of a total transformation process. This lead to an investigation of transformation in the macro context. A massive wave (tsunami) of transformation of timeframes, thinking systems, paradigms and shifts from christendom to post-christendom, modernism to post-modernism, towards globalization and information technology, and major shifts in the South African and the Dutch Reformed Church contexts (through the lenses of census 2001 and Kerkspieël 2004), were detected. The hermeneutical circle took the research to the investigation of transformation in Scriptural contexts. Many examples of transformation in the context, ministry models and leadership models were found. From Scripture it would appear that God led believing communities to react in every contemporary situation with new ministry models through the charismata, ministries and leadership functions for that situation. The study of 1 Timothy not only showed transformation in the context of the community and congregation, but especially how a new symbolic world was created through the use of the metaphor of the “household of God” so that the ministry model and leadership model were reinterpreted to suit their current situation. The researcher came to the conclusion that the appointment of senior pastors or congregational leaders in the Dutch Reformed Church was a current and contemporary answer to the demands of a time of transformation. Ultimately leadership is a contextual hermeneutical function.

The impact of ethnicity on the missional strategies within the Presbyterian church of Nigeria / Ethnicity and missional strategies within the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

Onwunta, Uma Agwu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology ))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study and dissertation examines the “Impact of ethnicity on the missional strategies within the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria.” A historical study of the mission methods and an empirical study of current missionary practices in the church point to the need for a new missional identity of the church. This missional identity requires a reversal of and a change to missionary strategies that should result into reconciliatory missiology. In the process of making this assessment of the Presbyterian mission in Nigeria, it was necessary to re-visit the missionary ecclesiologies that shaped and contributed to the present identity. Thus, the research focused on the missionary impact of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church in Canada, Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Netherlands Reformed Church (NRC). Insights from these historical excursions helped in determining not only the blessings that these ecclesiologies brought to bear on Nigerian Presbyterianism but also in discovering the burdens they brought on their trails, especially, regarding the seed of racism which was a precursor to the present ethnocentrism in the PCN. The second segment of this research was the empirical study of the current mission and work of the PCN. Using a focus group approach, sixteen leaders (8 Nigerians, 7 Canadians and 1 American) were interviewed through a structured questionnaire. The responses from these leaders were analysed in this paper and details of the analysis applied in chapter 4. The assumption in the hypothesis that the bane of contemporary PCN mission is ethnocentrism was affirmed. This problem as the research showed, was compounded by lack of adequate theological response both in the educational training and the liturgical activities of the church. Combining the historical data and the empirical research carried out, it was determined that the PCN needs a new theological orientation that can move it from the present institutionalized mode to a missonal frame. It was shown that this process would require a new definition of mission and a rediscovery of missional biblical metaphors that suit a conflict-ridden context of the Church as we have it in Nigeria. Three important metaphors were selected: community, servant and messenger. These metaphors formed the theological foundation for subsequent discussions on a missional frame which is the focus of chapter five. Chapter six outlines the meaning of conflicts and the causes of conflicts in Nigeria arguing for a reconciliatory missiology with a theologically-driven dialogue as its strategy. A theologically –driven dialogue is a strategy that, as is presented, enables the church to be God’s counter-cultural agent in the world, holding in tension the four cardinal points of obedience, critical contextualization, discernment and the anticipation of Christ’s return. It is argued that dialogue is a credible theological option through which the PCN can engage in the process of true reconciliation in the Nigerian society – a reconciliation which is based on the biblical cornerstones of truth, justice, peace and mercy. It is a task and a challenge for reconciliatory missiology - a momentous task the PCN is called upon to pursue in the 21st century. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die “Impak van etnisiteit op die missionale strategieë van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Nigerië”. ʼn Historiese blik op die sending metodes en ʼn studie van huidige missionêre praktyke binne die kerk dui daarop dat die kerk ʼn nuwe missionale identiteit benodig. ’n Nuwe missionale identiteit vereis ʼn transformasieproses in die huidige benadering van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Nigerië sodat die weg tot ʼn versoenende benadering gevind kan word. Om die huidige situasie te kan evalueer moes die missionêre ekklesiologie wat vorm gegee en bygedra het tot die huidige identiteit geëvalueer word. Gevolglik is die missionêre impak van die Kerk van Skotland, die Presbiteriaanse Kerke van Kanada en Amerika en die Nederlandse Gereformeerde Kerk nagegaan. Hulle het in baie opsigte help vorm aan die huidige identiteit van die Presbiteriaanse kerk in Nigerië. Die positiewe maar ook negatiewe gevolge van hulle werk is beskryf. Een aspek van hul werk was die invloed van die stille rassisme wat destyds geheers het en wat die voorloper was van die huidige etnosentrisme in die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Nigerië. Die tweede deel van die navorsing ondersoek die huidige missionêre bediening en ingesteldheid van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Nigerië. Deur middel van ʼn fokus groep benadering en ’n vraelys, is onderhoude gevoer met 16 kerkleiers (8 Nigeriërs, 7 Kanadese en 1 Amerikaner). Die antwoorde van hierdie kerkleiers is geanaliseer en in hoofstuk 4 bespreek. Die voorveronderstelling in die hipotese dat die PKN etnosentrisme openbaar, is bevestig. Hierdie probleem, soos aangetoon in die navorsing, is versterk deur ʼn gebrek aan voldoende teologiese refleksie in die teologiese onderrig en in die liturgiese aktiwiteite van die kerk. Die historiese data en die empiriese navorsing toon aan dat die PKN ʼn nuwe teologiese oriëntasie benodig en dat dit slegs kan geskied as daar wegbeweeg word vanaf die huidige geïnstitusionaliseerde bedieningspraktyk na ʼn missionale raamwerk. Verder het dit duidelik geword dat ʼn nuwe verstaan van sending en ʼn herontdekking van missionale bybelse metafore nodig is om te spreek tot die konflik geteisterde konteks van die kerk in Nigerië. Drie belangrike metafore is voorgestel: gemeenskap, dienaar en boodskapper. Hierdie metafore voorsien die teologiese fundering vir die bespreking van ’n missionale verwysingsraamwerk vir die kerk se bediening. Hoofstuk 6 lig die betekenis van konflik asook die oorsake van konflik in Nigerië uit en argumenteer vir ʼn versoenende missiologie met ʼn teologies-gemotiveerde dialoog as strategie. ʼn Teologies-gemotiveerde dialoog is ʼn strategie wat, soos voorgelê in die navorsing, die kerk bemagtig om te reageer op die heersende kultuur, waar die vier kardinale aspekte van gehoorsaamheid, kritiese kontekstualisasie, onderskeiding en die afwagting van Christus se wederkoms byeen gebring word. Daar word geargumenteer dat dialoog ʼn waardige teologiese opsie is waardeur die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Nigerië binne die Nigeriese samelewing kan opereer in ʼn proses van ware versoening – ʼn versoening wat gebaseer is op die bybelse hoekstene van waarheid, geregtigheid, vrede en genade. Die uitdaging van ʼn versoenende missiologie is die uitdaging waartoe die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Nigerië in die 21ste eeu geroepe is.

Ecclesiology and membership trends in the South Korean churches

Gwak, Changdae 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the reasons for the recent membership decline in the South Korean Churches (SKCs) as well as the existing problems facing the Churches. It investigates the pathological pattern in the Churches and its fundamental roots. The study proposes an alternative solution that could remedy the problems and promote healthy growth within the Churches. Two issues are taken into consideration: 1) In general, the SKCs' explanations of the recent membership decline are inadequate. The reasons for the decline cannot be found by simply examining statistics. The problems are at a much deeper level and the decline requires a comprehensive examination. 2) The Churches' remedial actions are also inadequate: they are both short-sighted and, in practical terms, ineffective, as well as theologically unfaithful. A new direction for healthy growth should be proposed. This study focuses on the assumption that the reasons for the recent decline in membership of the SKCs are closely related to the distortion of the Churches' dominant ecclesiology, which has produced various ecclesial pathologies and has resulted in the Churches' loss of credibility in society. This study thus pays attention to the ecclesiology of the Churches. Chapters II and III analyse the dominant ecclesiology of the SKCs within their historical and contextual background. The analysis shows that problems relate to the SKCs' uncritical accommodation of the American churches' dominant ecclesiological models. This implies that the SKCs urgently need the construction of a contextual ecclesiology. This study hypothesises that a practical theological methodology can construct a relevant contextual ecclesiology. Hence, the central thesis of the study is: the development and application of a sound practical theological methodology will lead to the development of a biblical and contextual ecclesiology ('practical theological ecclesiology') which will explain the growth and decline in the SKCs and indicate a new direction for healthy growth. Chapter IV presents a theoretical basis for this study: it discusses a practical theological ecclesiology by means of a four-phased practical theological methodology. This consists of descriptive, explanatory, normative, and strategic phases. Subsequent chapters address the four phases and analyse the growth of the SKCs: emphasis is placed on the fact that the dominant ecclesiology of the SKCs has encouraged the Churches to accommodate contemporary culture and dominant ideologies, whether secular or religious, without proper critical, theological reflection. This accommodation has undermined healthy growth and resulted in a numerical decline. Finally, this study recommends 'a trinitarian praxial ecclesiology' as a new direction for the SKCs. This will play a critical, constructive role in promoting the healthy growth of the Churches. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die redes vir die daling in die lidmaatskap van die Suid-Koreaanse Kerke (SKKe) asook die probleme waarmee die kerke gekonfronteer word. 'n Bepaalde sigbare patologiese patroon word ondersoek. 'n Alternatiewe oplossing vir die probleme word gesoek sodat die SKKe op 'n teologies-gebalanseerde wyse kan groei. Twee sake word onder die loep geneem: 1) Daar word aangevoer dat die SKKe se verklarings vir die daling in lidmaatskap onvoldoende is. Om bloot statisties na die daling te kyk, is geen oplossing van die probleme nie. 2) Die regstellende aksie wat die SKKe aanvoer is ook onvoldoende. Dit is kortsigtig, prakties oneffektief en ontrou aan basiese teologiese beginsels. 'n Nuwe benadering tot gebalanseerde groei word voorgestel. Die studie werk met die vooronderstelling dat die redes vir die huidige daling in lidmaatskap in die SKKe verband hou met 'n teologies verwronge ekklesiologie wat tot verskeie wanpraktyke aanleiding gegee het Die verwronge ekklesiologie het die kerke geloofwaardigheid in die samelewing laat verloor. Die studie gee dus aandag aan die ekklesiologie van die SKKe. In Hoofstukke II en III word die heersende ekklesiologie in die SKKe geanaliseer teen 'n historiese en kontekstuele agtergrond. Die analise toon aan dat die probleme verband hou met die onkritiese akkommodasie in die SKKe van die heersende Amerikaanse kerkmodelle. Die implikasie is dat die SKKe dringend moet aandag gee aan hulle ekklesiologie. Die studie werk met die hipotese dat 'n prakties-teologiese metodologie kan lei tot die ontwerp van 'n kontekstuele ekklesiologie. Die sentrale hipotese van die studie is dus: die ontwikkeling en toepassing van 'n gebalanseerde prakties-teologiese metodologie sal lei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n bybelse en kontekstuele ekklesiologie ("n prakties-teologiese ekklesiologie'). As sodanig sal dit die groei- en kwynpatrone in die SKKe kan help verklaar en die basis le vir gebalanseerde groei in die kerke. Hoofstuk II handel oor 'n teoretiese basis vir die studie: 'n prakties-teologiese ekklesiologie word bespreek aan die hand van 'n vier-fase prakties-teologiese metodologie. Dit bestaan uit beskrywende, verduidelikende, normatiewe en strategiese fases. Die daaropvolgende hoofstukke handel oor die vier fases. Die groei in die SKKe word aan die hand daarvan ontleed. Daar word aangetoon in watter mate die heersende ekklesiologie in die SKKe tot die akkommodering van dominante kultuurpatrone en ideologiee aanleiding gegee het. Sekulere en godsdienstige ideologiee is sonder krities teologiese refleksie geakkommodeer. Dit het gesonde groei in die kerke oor die lang termyn gesaboteer en aanleiding gegee tot die heersende daling in lidmaatgroei. Ten slotte word 'n "trinitariese praxis ekklesiologie" as 'n nuwe metodologiese benadering in die SKKe voorgestel wat 'n krities-konstruktiewe rol kan speel om die kerke weer te help om gebalanseerd te ontwikkel.

Spiritualiteitsdiversiteit as uitdaging aan die erediens : 'n verkenning van die funksie van lofprysing in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Janse, Rhe, Hendriks, H. J., Cilliers, J. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk is die afgelope paar jare in debatte gewikkel oor die een aktiwiteit wat uniek aan die kerk is, naamlik haar aanbidding. Aanbidding het vandag een van die belangrike redes geword waarom kerke groei, maar is terselfdertyd ook een van die oorsake waarom gemeentes lidmate verloor en kwyn. Aan die voorpunt van die debat oor aanbidding, is die kwessie van lofprysing. Lofprysing het vandag vir baie gelowiges 'n middel geword om hulle geloof en aanbidding tot uitdrukking te bring. In plaas daarvan dat die nuwe beklemtoning en behoefte aan lofprysing die kerk in haar aanbidding van God verenig het, het dit egter 'n bron van frustrasie en konflik geword. Hierdie konflik sentreer hoofsaaklik om die styl waarin lofprysing plaasvind en word aangehelp deur die gebrek aan kennis oor die onderwerp en die diversiteit wat in gemeentes heers. Gemeentes van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk bestaan vandag uit lidmate wat uiteenlopende lewensuitkyke handhaaf en verskillende spiritualiteite besit. Om die hele kwessie van lofprysing binne die konteks van diverse gemeentes aan te spreek, moes die studie eerstens die aard en funksie van lofprysing binne die liturgie bepaal. Daarna moes 'n wyse gevind word waarop die diversiteit in gemeentes hanteer kon word. Deur middel van 'n spiritualiteitstipologie wat Holmes in 1980 opgestel het, en wat later as basis van verskillende spiritualiteitsanalises gedien het, is 'n instrument daargestel waarmee gemeentes en individue se spiritualiteit getoets kon word. In hierdie studie is die analises nie net gebruik om mense se spiritualiteit vas te stel nie, maar ook om te bepaal of daar 'n korrelasie tussen spiritualiteitsgroepe en hulle aanbiddingsbehoeftes bestaan. Die navorsing het daarin geslaag om nie net 'n verband tussen spiritualiteit en aanbiddingspatrone aan te toon nie, maar ook die waarde van 'n spiritualiteitsanalise te beklemtoon om die diversiteit ten opsigte van aanbidding en lofprysing in gemeentes aan te spreek. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the past few years the Dutch Reformed Church has been embroiled in a debate regarding worship within the church. Whilst the worship within a congregation has become one of the most important factors in church growth, it is also one of the reasons why some congregations loose membership and shrink in size. A major point of contention within this debate relates to the use of praise. To many believers, praise has become a process through which they worship and reinforce their faith. Instead of unifying the church in her worship of God, the current emphasis on praise within the church has become a source of frustration and a point of contention. This controversy mainly centres around the style with which praise is practiced within the congregation and is exacerbated by a lack of knowledge surrounding the topic and the diversity that exists within congregations. Members of the Dutch Reformed Church has widely divergent life views and also possess different spiritualities. To determine the use of praise within divergent congregations, this study evaluated the nature and function of praise within the context of the liturgy. Subsequently, a method to manage the diversity within congregations was developed. In 1980, Holmes developed a spirituality typology within which he identified four spirituality groups. Based on the spirituality typology, some spirituality analyses were formed to help congregations and individuals to test their spirituality. These analyses were used to identify the correlation between a spirituality group and their worship requirements. The results from this research clearly showed a positive correlation between these two parameters and also highlighted the value of using the spirituality analysis as a method to manage the different praise and worship requirements that exists within congregations.

Urban poverty as a challenge for ministry within the Malawian context

Joda-Mbewe, Osborne Lukiel, Hendriks, H. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation develops a theory for doing Malawian urban ministry called "Holistic hermeneutical practical theology." The effects of urbanization: secularization, disorientation, poverty and pollution in Malawi's urban centers make it difficult for the CCAP to implement successful ministry that deals with the shantytowns' circumstances. Chapter one: The first chapter describes the Malawian urban context. It defines the five components of the researcher's topic of study: "Urban poverty as a challenge for ministry within the Malawian (African) context" and the three components of the methodology: "Holistic hermeneutical practical theology." Four relational hypotheses are formulated to guide the study. Different research methods applied to gathering information for chapters of this dissertation are documented at the end of this chapter. Chapter two: The second chapter examines the CCAP's existing ministry practice and addresses the first hypothesis: "Its rural background and theory of ministry prevent the CCAP from developing an effective urban ministry that adequately addresses the problems of the poor." The missionaries introduced a comprehensive ministry approach to the early leaders of the CCAP Nkhoma Synod. In the process of blending the missionary approach to ministry in the local Chewa context, a philosophy of ministry that emphasizes spiritual salvation (neglecting the physical needs) was developed in the CCAP Nkhoma Synod. This approach poses a problem for the Church to adequately address the physical needs and realities of Malawians in the cities. Chapter three: The third chapter discusses the poverty situations of Malawian and South African shantytowns and slums and is the result of research conducted in order to examine the validity of the four hypotheses. The responses of the groups interviewed were helpful for an understanding of the current congregational challenges and ministry opportunities in urban areas. This chapter addresses issues of this thesis positively: research objectives, the population growth data of urban inter-censal, a brief historical description of Malawian cities, the government efforts to address urban challenges and problems, the CCAP ministry approach to urban ministry, and a brief description of two South African poverty scenarios. The research reveals that the church and the government work independently of each other. In this way the validity of the third hypothesis: "A holistic approach to urban ministry with joint forums for development is needed to address urban poverty problems," is confirmed. Chapter four: This chapter describes the extent of poverty in Malawi, which is most disturbing. The recent studies on Malawian poverty indicate that the poverty scenario is a pervasive problem affecting approximately 60% of the population; urban poverty, in particular, is 65%. Furthermore, chapter four discusses a number of issues, some of which are: a description and Christian views of the poor, an overview definition of urban poverty, the causes of poverty and the vocation of the urban church. The cities' informal economies can make a huge difference in the lives of the poor. All of the four hypotheses form the background to this chapter. Chapter five: Chapter five examines four different approaches of the urban ministry in poverty areas. The purpose of this chapter is to understand the approaches of current work in poverty areas. Various approaches are discussed: community organization, effective congregationally based advocacy ministries, a liberation model, and a church in solidarity with the poor and oppressed. This chapter repeatedly confirms the first and the fourth hypotheses. Chapter six: In this chapter the theory of a holistic, hermeneutical practical theology is applied to a number of activities called pillars, juxtapositioning it with the four hypotheses. This is presented as a model for doing urban ministry in Malawian (African) cities. In the process of describing or developing the model, the four hypotheses - that have already been thoroughly proved and discussed - now serve as orientation markers pointing the CCAP towards its future role in urban ministry. The model emphasizes a hermeneutic-communicative praxis, which makes it constantly concerned with understanding the Christian meaning produced in the past, and relating it to interaction with the present-day faith community. Thus, the church in urban Malawi will address the challenges presented by the effects of urbanization and industrialization. The model's ten pillars are discussed: i) ministry in a new era and context, ii) urban ministry among the poor requires community participation, iii) proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed, iv) Christian faith development, v) urban evangelism, vi) effective pastoral care, vii) the need to build faith communities, viii) the need to equip the urban mission, ix) moving towards ecumenical alliances in African cities, and x) the importance of congregational studies. Chapter seven is a summary and conclusion of the dissertation. It discusses issues of this thesis positively: orientation of the study hypotheses, congregational study methods used in each chapter, the study's path and results, the contribution the study has made to the existing knowledge, and the conclusion of the whole dissertation. Urbanization is Africa's new missionary challenge for this century. The Christian task in Africa is the mission of the continent, which is in the process of rapid urbanization. If the church delays its adaptation to the urban context (the theories of which are changing constantly) it will forsake her strategic mission of being a foreign body in the world, where the old and new overlap in her, rendering her too early for heaven and too late for the earth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ontwikkel 'n teorie vir die Malawiese stadsbediening wat beskryf word as 'n "Holistiese hermeneutiese praktiese teologie." Die invloed van verstedeliking, sekularisasie, disorientasie, armoede en besoedeling in Malawi se stedelike sentra maak dit moeilik vir die CCAP om suksesvolle bediening, onder plakkersdorp-omstandighede, te implementeer. Hoofstuk een: Die eerste hoofstuk beskryf die Malawiese stedelike konteks. Dit omskryf die vyf komponente van die navorser se studie-onderwerp, "Stedelike armoede as 'n uitdaging vir die bediening binne die Malawiese (Afrika) konteks" en die drie komponente van die metodologie, "Holistiese hermeneutiese praktiese teologie." Vier verwante hipoteses is geformuleer om as riglyn vir die studie te dien. Verskillende navorsingsmetodes, toegepas vir die inwin van inligting vir hierdie tesis se hoofstukke, word aan die einde van hierdie hoofstuk beskryf. Hoofstuk twee: Die tweede hoofstuk ondersoek die CCAP se huidige bedieningspraktyk en is gerig tot die eerste hipotese: "Die CCAP se landelike agtergrond en teorie van bediening verhinder die kerk om 'n doeltreffende stedelike bediening te ontwikkel wat die armes se probleme toereikend kan aanspreek." Die sendelinge het 'n omvattende bedieningsbenadering vir die vroee leiers van die CCAP Nkhoma Sinode ingestel. In die proses om die sendingbenadering tot die bediening in die plaaslike Chewa konteks in te voer, is 'n filosofie van bediening wat die geestelike verlossing beklemtoon (terwyl fisieke behoeftes verwaarloos word) in die CCAP Nkhoma Sinode ontwikkel. Hierdie benadering veroorsaak 'n probleem vir die Kerk om die fisieke behoeftes en realiteite van stedelike Malawiers toereikend aan te spreek. Hoofstuk drie: Die derde hoofstuk bespreek die Malawiese en Suid-Afrikaanse plakkersdorpe en agterbuurtes se toestande van armoede. Die hoofstuk is die produk van navorsing wat die geldigheid van die vier hipoteses ondersoek het. Die reaksies van die groepe met wie onderhoude gevoer is, het bygedra tot 'n begrip van die huidige gemeentelike uitdagings en bedieningsgeleenthede in stedelike gebiede. Die proefskrif spreek die volgende kwessies in hierdie hoofstuk aan: navorsingsdoelstellings, die tussentydse data van die bevolkingsgroei van stedelike gebiede, 'n kort historiese beskrywing van Malawiese stede, die regering se pogings om stedelike uitdagings en probleme aan te spreek, die benadering van die CCAP tot stedelike bediening en 'n kort beskrywing van twee Suid-Afrikaanse armoede-tonele. Die navorsing toon dat die kerk en die regering onafhanklik van mekaar werk. Dus, die geldigheid van die derde hipotesis: "'n Holistiese benadering tot die stedelike bediening met gemeenskaplike forums vir ontwikkeling is nodig om stedelike armoedeprobleme aan te spreek" is hiermee bevestig. Hoofstuk vier: Hierdie hoofstuk beskryf die ontstellende impak van armoede in Malawi. Die onlangse studies, met betrekking tot Malawiese armoede, toon dat die armoede-toneel 'n deurdringende probleem is wat ongeveer 60% van die bevolking raak; stedelike armoede, in die besonder, is 65%. Hoofstuk vier bespreek 'n aantal kwessies, sommige hiervan is: 'n beskrywing en Christelike perspektief op armoede, 'n oorsigtelike definisie van stedelike armoede, die oorsake van armoede en die roeping van die stedelike kerk. Die stede se informele ekonomiee kan 'n baie groot verskil in die lewens van die armes maak. Al vier hipoteses vorm die agtergrond van hierdie hoofstuk. Hoofstuk vyf: Hierdie hoofstuk ondersoek vier verskillende benaderinge tot stedelike bediening in areas van armoede. Die doel van hierdie hoofstuk is om die benaderinge in arm dele te verstaan. Verskeie benaderinge word bespreek: gemeenskapsorganisasie, doeltreffende gemeentelik-gebaseerde voorspraakbedienings, 'n bevrydingsmodel en 'n kerk in solidariteit met die armes en verdruktes. Hierdie hoofstuk bevestig herhaaldelik die eerste en die vierde hipoteses. Hoofstuk ses: In hierdie hoofstuk word die teorie van 'n holisties-hermeneutiese praktiese teologie toegepas op 'n aantal aktiwiteite, wat pillare genoem word, en stel dit naas die vier hipoteses. Dit word voorgestel as 'n model vir stedelike bediening in Malawiese (Afrika) stede. In die proses om die model te beskryf of ontwikkel, dien die vier hipoteses (wat reeds deeglik bewys en bespreek is) nou as orientasie merkers wat die pad vir die CCAP vir sy toekomstige rol in die stedelike bediening aanwys. Die model beklemtoon 'n hermeneuties-kommunikatiewe praktyk, wat gedurig in verband gebring word met die verstaan van die Christelike betekenis wat in die verlede teweeggebring is en wat dit, deur interaksie met die huidige geloofsgemeenskap, in verband bring. Dus, die kerk in stedelike Malawi sal die uitdagings wat deur die uitwerking van verstedeliking en industrialisasie gebied word, aanspreek. Die model se tien pilare word bespreek: i) bediening in 'n nuwe era en konteks, ii) stedelike bediening onder die armes benodig gemeenskapsdeelname, iii) die verkondiging van die Evangelie in woord en daad, iv) Christelike geloofsontwikkeling, v) stedelike evangelisasie, vi) doeltreffende pastorale sorg, vii) die behoefte vir die opbou van geloofsgemeenskappe, viii) die behoefte om die stedelike sending toe te rus, ix) die vorm van ekurneniese alliansies in die stede van Afrika, en x) die belangrikheid van gemeentelike studies. Hoofstuk sewe is 'n opsomming en afsluiting van die proefskrif. Dit bespreek hierdie proefskrif se hoofpunte: die orientasie en die hipoteses van die studie, die navorsingsmetodes geimplementeer in elke hoofstuk, die studie se ontwikkeling en resultate, die bydrae van die studie tot die bestaande kennis, en die afsluiting van die werk. Afrika se stede is die nuwe sendinguitdaging. Die Christelike taak in Afrika is die evangelisasie van die vasteland wat tans in die proses van snelle verstedeliking is. Indien die kerk in gebreke bly om in die stedelike konteks aan te pas, sal die kerk sy strategiese missie versaak om lig in die wereld te wees.

Taking God seriously, taking life seriously : praying the Psalms as a congregational strategy for integrated spirituality

Ludik, Cornelius Breda, Hendriks, H. J. 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is concerned with integrated spirituality. Spirituality is understood as a life orientation that presents itself both in worship and in a re-ordering of the elements of a person's life to a growing correspondence with the reality presented in worship. It finds expression in a web of relationships between God, the particular individual, the other and creation. Integrated spirituality is spirituality that is equally serious about God and our life in the material world, and it refuses to separate these two passions. God is the constitutive reality of Christian spirituality. He is the source of perspective and energy for Christian spirituality. However, the shape of spirituality is co-determined by factors from material existence, such as context, confessional tradition, narratives (both personal narratives and narratives of one's community) and the personal make-up of an individual. Any congregational strategy that aims at facilitating integrated spirituality, needs to incorporate both these aspects of spirituality. Nonetheless, it will have to give priority to the focus on God, but in such a way that the focus on material life retains full attention. The spirituality that we encounter in the Psalter is a clear example of integrated spirituality. Both the subject-matter and the editorial structure of the Psalter exhibit a passion for God and full attention to the concrete realities of daily life. As such, they present us with a valuable tool for facilitating integrated spirituality. We contend that the strategy of using the Psalms as prayers in congregations will have a distinct impact on the kind of spirituality that will evolve in these congregations. The Psalms can be used as prayers in liturgical and pastoral contexts, as well as in the private devotions of members of congregations. Praying the Psalms in these contexts will lead to integrated spirituality. However, this will depend on a number of prerequisites: The Psalms should be prayed from a proper understanding of their meaning and inner dynamics. Additionally, the whole spectrum of meaning found in the Psalms should become part of the prayer life of a congregation. If a congregation attains this, the result will be growth in integrated spirituality. Our exploration into the dynamics of spirituality as well as our overview of the Psalter's dual focus on God and life in the material world, forms the basis for this conviction. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing handel oor geintegreerde spiritualiteit. Spiritualiteit word verstaan as 'n lewensorientasie wat uitdrukking vind in beide aanbidding en in die herrangskikking van die elemente van 'n persoon se lewe tot 'n groeiende ooreenkoms met die werklikheid wat in aanbidding voorgehou word. Dit kom tot uitdrukking in 'n web van verhoudinge tussen God, die betrokke individu, die ander en die skepping. Geintegreerde spiritualiteit is spiritualiteit met ewe veel erns oor God en oor die lewe in die materiele wereld, en wat weier om hierdie twee belange te skei. God is die grondliggende werklikheid van Christelike spiritualiteit. Hy is die bron van perspektief en energie vir Christelike spiritualiteit. Die gestalte van spiritualiteit word egter medebepaal deur faktore uit die materiele lewe, soos konteks, konfessionele tradisie, narratiewe (beide persoonlike narratiewe en die narratiewe van iemand se gemeenskap) en die persoonlikheidstruktuur van 'n individu. Enige gemeentelike strategie wat geintegreerde spiritualiteit wil fasiliteer, moet beide hierdie aspekte van spiritualiteit insluit. Dit sal egter aan die fokus op God prioriteit moet gee, maar op so 'n wyse dat die fokus op die konkrete aardse lewe volle aandag bly geniet. Die spiritualiteit wat ons in die Psalms aantref, is 'n duidelike voorbeeld van geintegreerde spiritualiteit. Beide die inhoud en die redaksionele struktuur van die Psalms vertoon 'n passie vir God en 'n totale ingesteldheid op die konkrete werklikhede van die alledaagse lewe. As sodanig bied hulle vir ons 'n waardevolle instrument waarmee ons geintegreerde spiritualiteit kan fasiliteer. Ons voer aan dat die strategie om die Psalms as gebede in gemeentes te gebruik 'n merkbare impak sal he op die tipe spiritualiteit wat in hierdie gemeentes sal groei. Die Psalms kan gebruik word as gebede in liturgiese en pastorale kontekste, en ook in die persoonlike gebedstye van gemeentelede. Die bid van die Psalms in hierdie kontekste sal lei tot geintegreerde spiritualiteit. Dit sal egter van 'n aantal vereistes afhang: Die Psalms moet gebid word vanuit 'n behoorlike begrip vir hulle betekenis en innerlike dinamika. Verder moet die hele betekenisspektrum van die Psalms deel word van die gebedslewe van die gemeente. As'n gemeente hieraan voldoen, sal daar groei in geintegreerde spiritualiteit wees. Die grondslag van hierdie oortuiging word gevorm deur ons verkenning van die dinamika van spiritualiteit, sowel as ons oorsig oor die Psalms se dubbele fokus op God en lewe in die materiele wereld.

The formation and functioning of racially-mixed congregations

Venter, Dawid 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 1994. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an empirical, qualitative study of racially-mixed urban churches (congregations) as social institutions, which includes a practical-theological perspective. Research was motivated by the rareness of mixed congregations, compared to the profusion of homogenous congregations. My purpose was to uncover social factors which support the formation, maintenance, and functioning of mixed congregations. A New Testament section is included because of the normative value that these texts hold for contemporary Christians and church structures. My theoretical base is informed by history, theology, biblical studies, sociology, and anthropology. The development of relevant aspects in these fields are sketched. Special attention is given to assimilation, pluralism, and multi-culturalism as forms of inter-ethnic interaction based on structure and culture. My methodological base incorporates congregational studies and social-scientific literary analysis. The historical development of both is sketched by means of an overview of relevant literature. The general qualitative analytical social and literary techniques that I apply are indicated, including participant-observation, semi-structured interviews, structured questionnaires, and document-analysis. A social history of South African congregations shows that the ideal of mixed congregations existed since the start, but was gradually repressed by several factors. Some studies of mixed congregations are discussed, and various mixed US and South African congregations are outlined. Three contemporary Johannesburg congregations are introduced, including Johweto, an independent charismatic church in the black city of Soweto; St. Francis Xavier, a Roman Catholic church on the borders of coloured and white suburbs in western Johannesburg; and Central Methodist Mission, an inner-city Protestant church. The Johannesburg congregations are idiographically and empirically analysed in terms of their context, identity, process, and programme. Social factors contributing to their ethnic mix are indicated. The insights from the contemporary research are applied to early Christian congregations in a social scientific reconstruction of the social world of appropriate New Testament texts. The purpose is to discover the role of ethnicity in their composition and functioning, and to show whether ethnically-mixed congregations were normative. I suggest a theory concerning the effects of ethno-cultural factors on the structures and functioning of Pauline congregations between AD 30 and 70. I conclude with a summary of the theoretical and practical implications of the study's results, and an evaluation of goals and methods. Practical strategies are suggested for dealing with commonly indicated difficulties in the formation of mixed congregations. A theory of the influence of social factors on formation is supplied, and a dynamic model of formation constructed. I posit three types of mixed churches according to the processes by which they are formed: contextual, inclusive, or intentional. These are evaluated as formation strategies, and a two-tiered typology in terms of internal structure is also proposed. The types are illustrated with reference to congregations from the US and South Africa. Segregated and integrated congregations are evaluated in theological, social and political terms and I indicate why mixed congregations are preferable. An overall theory of the formation and functioning of mixed congregations is put forward. Assimilation is seen as a contributive cause, but modified where counter-status quo and multi-cultural strategies are employed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is 'n empiriese en kwalitatiewe studie van ras- en etnies-gemengde kerke (gemeentes) as sosiale instellings, wat prakties-teologiese perspektiewe insluit. Navorsing is gemotiveer deur die skaarsheid van gemengde gemeentes, in vergelyking met die groot aantal gemeentes waartoe slegs een rasgroep behoort. My doelwit was om sosiale faktore te ontdek wat bydra tot die vorming, instandhouding, en funksionering van gemengde gemeentes. 'n Nuwe Testamentiese afdeling is ingesluit weens die normatiewe waarde van hierdie vroeg-Christelike tekste vir hedendaagse Christene en kerke-strukture. Die teoretiese begronding van die studie word toegelig deur die geskiedenis, teologie, bybelkunde, sosiologie, en antropologie. Ek skets die ontwikkeling van relevante aspekte binne hierdie velde. Spesiale aandag word geskenk aan assimilasie. pluralisme, en multikulturalisme as vorme van inter-etniese interaksie rondom struktuur en kultuur. My metodologiese grondslag word gevorm deur gemeentestudie en sosiaal-wetenskaplike letterkundige analise. Die historiese ontwikkeling van beide hierdie gebiede word geskets deur middel van 'n oorsig van relevante literatuur. Die oorkoepelende kwalitatiewe analitiese tegnieke wat ek aanwend word aangedui, insluitend deelnemende-waarneming, semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste, gestruktureerde vraelyste, en dokumentontleding. 'n Sosiale geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse gemeentes dui aan dat die ideaal van gemengdheid van die begin gehuldig is, maar in die praktyk verdwyn het onder aanslag van sekere faktore. 'n Paar studies van gemengde gemeentes word bespreek, en bondige opsommings van verskeie gemengde gemeentes in die VSA en Suid-Afrika verskaf. Drie Johannesburgse gemeentes word bekendgestel, insluitend Johweto, 'n onafhanklike charismatiese kerk wat in die swart stad Soweto byeenkom; St Francis Xavier, 'n Rooms Katolieke kerk op die grens van bruin en wit voorstede in westelike Johannesburg; en Central Methodist Mission, 'n Protestantse kerk in die middestad. Die insigte van die kontemporere navorsing word aangewend in 'n sosiaal-wetenskaplike rekonstruksie van die sosiale wereld van toepaslike Nuwe Testament-tekste. Die doelwit is om die rol van etnisiteit in die ontstaan en funksionering van vroee Christelike gemeentes te ontdek, en om aan te dui of etnies gemengde gemeentes normatief was. Ek stel 'n teorie voor oor die gevolge van etnies-kulturele faktore vir Pauliniese gemeentes tussen 30 en 70 n.C. Ek sluit af met 'n opsomming van die teoretiese en praktiese implikasies van die navorsingsresultate, en 'n evaluasie van doelwitte en metodes. Praktiese antwoorde word aangedui op algemene vraagstukke rondom die vorming van gemengde gemeentes. 'n Teorie word voorgestel oor die invloede van sosiale faktore op die ontstaan van sulke kerke, en 'n dinamiese model van onstaansfaktore opgestel. Ek stel ook drie tipes gemengde kerke voor na aanleiding van die prosesse waardeur hulle gevorm word: kontekstueel, inklusief, of doelbewus. Die tipes word evalueer as ontstaans-strategiee, en 'n twee-vlak tipologie in terme van interne organisasie word voorgestel. Die tipes word bespreek met verwysing na voorbeelde van gemeentes in die VSA en Suid-Afrika. Homogene en gemengde gemeentes word evalueer in teologiese, sosiale, en politiese terme, en ek dui aan waarom gemengde gemeentes verkieslik is. 'n Oorkoepelende teorie oor die ontstaan en funksionering van gemengde gemeentes word ter tafel gebring. Assimilasie word gesien as bydraende faktor, wat aan bande gele word tot die mate waartoe anti-status quo en multikulturele strategiee aangewend word binne 'n gemengde kerk.

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