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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revisão de modelos CTL / CTL Model Revision

Oliveira, Paulo de Tarso Guerra 16 December 2010 (has links)
Verificação de modelos é uma das mais eficientes técnicas de verificação automática de sistemas. No entanto, apesar de poder lidar com verificações complexas, as ferramentas de verificação de modelos usualmente não fornecem informação alguma sobre como reparar inconsistências nestes modelos. Nesta dissertação, mostramos que abordagens desenvolvidas para a atualização de modelos CTL inconsistentes não são capazes de lidar com todos os tipos de alterações em modelos. Introduzimos então o conceito de revisão de modelos: uma abordagem baseada em revisão de crenças para o reparo de modelos inconsistentes em um contexto estático. Relacionamos nossa proposta com trabalhos clássicos em revisão de crenças. Definimos um operador de revisão de modelos e mostramos que este obedece postulados de racionalidade clássico de revisão de crenças. Propomos um algoritmo de revisão com base no algoritmo utilizado pela abordagem de atualização de modelos. Discutimos sobre problemas e limites do algoritmo proposto, e mostramos que essa estratégia de adaptação não é uma solução apropriada. / Model checking is one of the most robust techniques in automated system verification. But, although this technique can handle complex verifications, model checking tools usually do not give any information on how to repair inconsistent system models. In this dissertation, we show that approaches developed for CTL model update cannot deal with all kinds of model changes. We introduce the concept of CTL model revision: an approach based on belief revision to handle system inconsistency in a static context. We relate our proposal to classical works on belief revision. We define an operator for model revision and we show that it obeys the classical rationality postulates of belief revision. We propose an algorithm for model revision based on the algorithm used by the model update approach. We discuss problems and limitations of our proposed algorithm and show that this strategy of adaptation is not an appropriate solution.

Revisão de modelos formais de sistemas de estados finitos / Revision of formal models finite state systems

Sousa, Thiago Carvalho de 26 March 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos uma implementação de revisão de crenças baseada em comparação de modelos (estados) em uma ferramenta de verificação automática de sistemas de estados finitos. Dada uma fórmula (na lógica CTL) inconsistente com o modelo do sistema, revisamos esse modelo de tal maneira que essa fórmula temporal se torne verdadeira. Como temos oito operadores temporais (AG, AF, AX, AU, EG, EF, EX e EU), foram criados algoritmos especícos para cada um deles. Como o modelo do sistema deriva do seu código na linguagem SMV, a sua revisão passa obrigatoriamente por mudanças na sua descrição. A nossa implementação contempla três tipos de mudanças: acréscimo de linhas, eliminação de linhas e mudança no estado inicial, sendo que as duas primeiras provocam modicações nas transições entre os estados que compõe o modelo. Alguns testes foram aplicados para comprovar a contribuição da revisão de crenças (revisão de modelos) como ferramenta de auxílio ao usuário durante o processo de modelagem de sistemas. / In this work we present an implementation of belief revision based on comparison of models (states) in a tool for automatic verication of nite state systems. Given a formula (in the language of CTL) inconsistent with the model of the system, we revise this model in such way that the temporal formula becomes valid. As we have eight temporal operators (AG, AF, AX, AU, EG, EF, EX and EU), specic algorithms for each one of them have been created. As the model of the system is related with its code in SMV language, its revision forces changes in its description. Our implementation contemplates three types of change: addition of lines, elimination of lines and change in the initial state, where the rst two cause modications in the transitions between the states of the model. Some tests were applied to prove the contribution of the belief revision (model revision) as aid-tool to the user during the process of systems modeling.

Revisão de crenças em ACTL usando verificação de modelos limitada / Belief revision in ACTL using bounded model checking

Hora, Bruno Vercelino da 03 August 2017 (has links)
Uma importante etapa do desenvolvimento de software é o de levantamento e análise dos requisitos. Porém, durante esta etapa podem ocorrer inconsistências que prejudicarão o andamento do projeto. Além disso, após finalizada a especificação, o cliente pode querer acrescentar ou modificar as funcionalidades do sistema. Tudo isso requer que a especificação do software seja revista, mas isso é altamente custoso, tornando necessário um processo automatizado para simplificar tal revisão. Para lidar com este problema, uma das abordagens utilizadas tem sido o processo de Revisão de Crenças, juntamente com o processo de Verificação de Modelos. O objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o processo de revisão de crenças e verificação de modelos para avaliar especificações de um projeto procurando inconsistências, utilizando o fragmento universal da Computation Tree Logic (CTL), conhecido como ACTL, e revisá-las gerando sugestões de mudanças na especificação. A nossa proposta é traduzir para lógica clássica tanto o modelo (especificação do software) quanto a propriedade a ser revisada, e então aplicar um resolvedor SAT para verificar a satisfazibilidade da fórmula gerada. A partir da resposta do resolvedor SAT, iremos gerar sugestões válidas de mudanças para a especificação, fazendo o processo de tradução reversa da lógica clássica para o modelo original. / The objective of this work is to join the proccess of belief revision and model checking to evaluate project specifications looking for inconsistences, using the universal fragment of Computation Tree Logic (CTL), known as ACTL, and revise them generating changes suggestions in the specification. Our approach will translate the model (software specification) and the property to be revised to classical logic. Then we will apply a SAT solver to verify the generated formulas satsifability. From the SAT solver answer, we will create changes valid suggestions to the specification making the translation back from classical logic to the original model. To generate the changes suggestions, we proposed a framework based on heuristics where different approaches and decisions can be implemented, aiming a better application for each project scope. We implemented a basic heuristic as an example and used it to test the implementation to analise the proposed algorithm

Desenvolvimento de um mecanismo plug-and-play para o arranjo inteligente de sensores em sistemas aéreos não tripulados / Developing a plug and play mechanism for smart sensors array and unmanned aerial systems

Pires, Rayner de Melo 06 February 2014 (has links)
O uso de aeronaves não tripuladas (VANTs) tem crescido substancialmente nos últimos anos, tanto no campo militar quanto no civil. Roadmaps preveem que em um futuro próximo essas aeronaves compartilhem o espaço aéreo com aeronaves convencionais, exigindo novas arquiteturas de sistemas embarcados que possam garantir uma operação coordenada e segura desses robôs. A maior parte das suas missões baseia-se fortemente em um conjunto de sensores transportados pela aeronave como parte da payload da missão. Contudo, não é trivial a integração de diferentes missões em diferentes aeronaves, visto que ainda não há uma padronização para a comunicação nesses robôs. Para possibilitar essa associação foi proposto neste trabalho a criação de um middleware. Para que se pudesse entender sobre a área de conhecimento dos VANTs realizou-se uma pesquisa sobre esses veículos e suas aplicações e então um protocolo chamado Smart Sensor Protocol (SSP) foi modelado, utilizando-se de técnicas formais para isso. O comportamento do protocolo está modelado com diagrama de estados, seguindo uma gramática escrita utilizando a forma BNF. Este modelo foi verificado com a ferramenta UPPAAL e sua implementação testada em placas Arduino. Os resultados dos testes mostraram que o modelo é viável para o ambiente de embarcados críticos visto que ele provê as funcionalidades necessárias neste cenário sem acrescentar um overhead na comunicação / UNMANNED Aerial Vehicles applications have grown substantially in recent years, both in military and civil fields. Roadmaps predict that in the near future these aircrafts will share the airspace with the conventional planes, requiring new architectures for embedded systems which may ensure a coordinated and safe operation. Most of its tasks are mainly based on a set of sensors carried by the aircraft as part of its payload. However, it is not trivial to integrate different missions in different aircraft plataforms, since there is no standardization for communication in such robots yet. To enable this type of association it was proposed in this masters project the designing of a middleware. It has been carried out a bibliographic review to find out the state-of-the-art in such field, including the specific applications in UAVs, and then a protocol has been modeled following formal techniques. This protocol is called Smart Sensor Protocol (SSP). The SSPs behavior was modeled through state diagrams according to a grammar described using BNF form. This model was verified with the UPPAAL tool and its implementation was run and tested on Arduino boards. The test results pointed out that the model is feasible for critical embedded environments since it provides the necessary functionality in this scenario without addition of an overhead in its communication

Planejamento sob incerteza para metas de alcançabilidade estendidas / Planning under uncertainty for extended reachability goals

Pereira, Silvio do Lago 05 November 2007 (has links)
Planejamento sob incerteza vem sendo cada vez mais requisitado em aplicações práticas de diversas áreas que eequerem soluções confiáveis para metas complexas. Em vista disso, nos últimos anos, algumas abordagens baseadas no uso de métodos formais para síntese automática de planos têm sido propostas na área de Planejamento em Inteligência Artificial. Entre essas abordagens, planejamento baseado em verificação de modelos tem se mostrado uma opção bastante promissora; entretanto, conforme observamos, a maioria dos trabalhos dentro dessa abordagem baseia-se em CTL e trata apenas problemas de planejamento para metas de alcançabilidade simples (como aquelas consideradas no planejamento clássico). Nessa tese, introduzimos uma classe de metas de planejamento mais expressivas (metas de alcançabilidade estendidas) e mostramos que, para essa classe de metas, a semântica de CTL não é adequada para formalizar algoritmos de síntese (ou validação) de planos. Como forma de contornar essa limitação, propomos uma nova versão de CTL, que denominamos alpha-CTL. Então, a partir da semântica dessa nova lógica, implementamos um verificador de modelos (Vactl), com base no qual implementamos também um planejador (Pactl) capaz de resolver problemas de planejamento para metas de alcançabilidade estendidas, em ambientes não-determinísticos com observabilidade completa. Finalmente, discutimos como garantir a qualidade das soluções quando dispomos de um modelo de ambiente onde as probabilidades das transições causadas pela execução das ações são conhecidas. / Planning under uncertainty has being increasingly demanded for practical applications in several areas that require reliable solutions for complex goals. In sight of this, in the last few years, some approaches based on formal methods for automatic synthesis of plans have been proposed in the area of Planning in Artificial Intelligence. Among these approaches, planning based on model checking seems to be a very attractive one; however, as we observe, the majority of the works in this approach are mainly based on CTL and deals only with planning problems for simple reachability goals (as those considered in classical planning). In this thesis, we introduce a more expressive class of planning goals (extended reachability goals) and show that, for this class of goals, the CTL\'s semantics is not adequate to formalize algorithms for synthesis (or validation) of plans. As a way to overcome this limitation, we propose a new version of CTL, called alpha-CTL. Then, based on the semantics of this new logic, we implement a model checker (Vactl), based on which we also implement a planner (Pactl) capable of solving planning problems for extended reachability goals, in nondeterministic planning environments with complete observability. Finally, we discuss how to guarantee the quality of the solutions when we have an environment model where the actions transitions probabilities are known.

Integrating phosphoproteomic time series data into prior knowledge networks / Intégration de données de séries temporelles phosphoprotéomiques dans des réseaux de connaissances antérieurs

Razzaq, Misbah 05 December 2018 (has links)
Les voies de signalisation canoniques traditionnelles aident à comprendre l'ensemble des processus de signalisation à l'intérieur de la cellule. Les données phosphoprotéomiques à grande échelle donnent un aperçu des altérations entre différentes protéines dans différents contextes expérimentaux. Notre objectif est de combiner les réseaux de signalisation traditionnels avec des données de séries temporelles phosphoprotéomiques complexes afin de démêler les réseaux de signalisation spécifiques aux cellules. Côté application, nous appliquons et améliorons une méthode de séries temporelles caspo conçue pour intégrer des données phosphoprotéomiques de séries temporelles dans des réseaux de signalisation de protéines. Nous utilisons une étude de cas réel à grande échelle tirée du défi HPN-DREAM BreastCancer. Nous déduisons une famille de modèles booléens à partir de données de séries temporelles de perturbations multiples de quatre lignées cellulaires de cancer du sein, compte tenu d'un réseau de signalisation protéique antérieur. Les résultats obtenus sont comparables aux équipes les plus performantes du challenge HPN-DREAM. Nous avons découvert que les modèles similaires sont regroupés dans l'espace de solutions. Du côté informatique, nous avons amélioré la méthode pour découvrir diverses solutions et améliorer le temps de calcul. / Traditional canonical signaling pathways help to understand overall signaling processes inside the cell. Large scale phosphoproteomic data provide insight into alterations among different proteins under different experimental settings. Our goal is to combine the traditional signaling networks with complex phosphoproteomic time-series data in order to unravel cell specific signaling networks. On the application side, we apply and improve a caspo time series method conceived to integrate time series phosphoproteomic data into protein signaling networks. We use a large-scale real case study from the HPN-DREAM BreastCancer challenge. We infer a family of Boolean models from multiple perturbation time series data of four breast cancer cell lines given a prior protein signaling network. The obtained results are comparable to the top performing teams of the HPN-DREAM challenge. We also discovered that the similar models are clustered to getherin the solutions space. On the computational side, we improved the method to discover diverse solutions and improve the computational time.

Security and Verification of Unmanned Vehicles

James M. Goppert (5929706) 17 January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation investigates vulnerabilities in unmanned vehicles and how to successfully detect and counteract them. As we entrust unmanned vehicles with more responsibilities (e.g. fire-fighting, search and rescue, package delivery), it is crucial to ensure their safe operation. These systems often have not been designed to protect against an intelligent attacker or considering all possible interactions between the physical dynamics and the internal logic. Robust control strategies can verify that the system behaves normally under bounded disturbances, and formal verification methods can check that the system logic operates normally under ideal conditions. However, critical vulnerabilities exist in the intersection of these fields that are addressed in this work. Due to the complex nature of this interaction, only trivial examples have previously been pursued. This work focuses on efficient real-time methods for verification and validation of unmanned vehicles under disturbances and cyberattacks. The efficiency of the verification and validation algorithm is necessary to run it onboard an unmanned vehicle, where it can be used for self diagnosis. We begin with simple linear systems and step to more complex examples with non-linearities. During this progression, new methods are developed to cope with the challenges introduced. We also address how to counter the threat of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) under hostile control by developing and testing an estimation and control scheme for an air-to-air counter UAS system.<br>

Controlling information in probalistic systems / Le contrôle de l'information dans les systèmes probabilistes

Lefaucheux, Engel 24 September 2018 (has links)
Le contrôle de l'information émise par un système a vu son utilité grandir avec la multiplication des systèmes communicants. Ce contrôle peut être réalisé par exemple pour révéler une information du système, ou au contraire pour en dissimuler une. Le diagnostic notamment cherche à déterminer, grâce à l'observation du système, si une faute a eu lieu au sein de celui-ci. Dans cette thèse, nous établissons des bases formelles à l'analyse des problèmes du diagnostic pour des modèles stochastiques. Nous étudions ensuite ces problèmes dans plusieurs cadres (fini/infini, passif/actif). / The control of the information given by a system has seen increasing importance recently with the multiplication of communicating systems. This control can be used in order to disclose an information of the system, or, oppositely, to hide one. Diagnosis for instance tries to determine from the observation produced by the system whether a fault occurred within it or not. In this PhD, we establish formal foundations to the analysis of the diagnosis problems for stochastic models. We then study these problems in multiple framework (finite/infinite, passive/active).

Verification based on unfoldings of Petri nets with read arcs / Vérification à l'aide de dépliages de réseaux de Petri étendus avec des arcs de lecture

Rodríguez, César 12 December 2013 (has links)
L'être humain fait des erreurs, en particulier dans la réalisation de taches complexes comme la construction des systèmes informatiques modernes. Nous nous intéresserons dans cette thèse à la vérification assistée par ordinateur du bon fonctionnement des systèmes informatiques. Les systèmes informatiques actuels sont de grande complexité. Afin de garantir leur fiabilité, la vérification automatique est une alternative au 'testing' et à la simulation. Elle propose d'utiliser des ordinateurs pour explorer exhaustivement l'ensemble des états du système, ce qui est problématique: même des systèmes assez simples peuvent atteindre un grand nombre d'états. L'utilisation des bonnes représentations des espaces d'états est essentielle pour surmonter la complexité des problèmes posés en vérification automatique. La vérification des systèmes concurrents amène des difficultés additionnelles, car l'analyse doit, en principe, examiner tous les ordres possibles d'exécution des actions concurrentes. Le dépliage des réseaux de Petri est une technique largement étudiée pour la vérification des systèmes concurrents. Il représentent l'espace d'états du système par un ordre partiel, ce qui se révèle aussi naturel qu'efficace pour la vérification automatique. Nous nous intéressons à la vérification des systèmes concurrents modélisés par des réseaux de Petri, en étudiant deux techniques remarquables de vérification: le 'model checking' et le diagnostic. Nous étudions les dépliages des réseaux de Petri étendus avec des arcs de lecture. Ces dépliages, aussi appelés dépliages contextuels, semblent être une meilleure représentation des systèmes contenant des actions concurrentes qui lisent des ressources partagées : ils peuvent être exponentiellement plus compacts dans ces cas. Ce travail contient des contributions théoriques et pratiques. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions la construction des dépliages contextuels, en proposant des algorithmes et des structures de données pour leur construction efficace. Nous combinons les dépliages contextuels avec les 'merged process', une autre représentation des systèmes concurrents qui contourne l'explosion d'états dérivée du non-déterminisme. Cette nouvelle structure, appelée 'contextual merged process', est souvent exponentiellement plus compacte, ce que nous montrons expérimentalement. Ensuite, nous nous intéressons à la vérification à l'aide des dépliages contextuels. Nous traduisons vers SAT le problème d'atteignabilité des dépliages contextuels, en abordant les problèmes issus des cycles de conflit asymétrique. Nous introduisons également une méthode de diagnostic avec des hypothèses d'équité, cette fois pour des dépliages ordinaires. Enfin, nous implémentons ces algorithmes dans le but de produire un outil de vérification compétitif et robuste. L'évaluation de nos méthodes sur un ensemble d'exemples standards, et leur comparaison avec des techniques issues des dépliages ordinaires, montrent que la vérification avec des dépliages contextuels est plus efficace que les techniques existantes dans de nombreux cas. Ceci suggère que les dépliages contextuels, et les structures d'évènements asymétriques en général, méritent une place légitime dans la recherche en concurrence, également du point de vu de leur efficacité. / Humans make mistakes, especially when faced to complex tasks, such as the construction of modern hardware or software. This thesis focuses on machine-assisted techniques to guarantee that computers behave correctly. Modern computer systems are large and complex. Automated formal verification stands as an alternative to testing or simulation to ensuring their reliability. It essentially proposes to employ computers to exhaustively check the system behavior. Unfortunately, automated verification suffers from the state-space explosion problem: even relatively small systems can reach a huge number of states. Using the right representation for the system behavior seems to be a key step to tackle the inherent complexity of the problems that automated verification solves. The verification of concurrent systems poses additional issues, as their analysis requires to evaluate, conceptually, all possible execution orders of their concurrent actions. Petri net unfoldings are a well-established verification technique for concurrent systems. They represent behavior by partial orders, which not only is natural but also efficient for automatic verification. This dissertation focuses on the verification of concurrent systems, employing Petri nets to formalize them, and studies two prominent verification techniques: model checking and fault diagnosis. We investigate the unfoldings of Petri nets extended with read arcs. The unfoldings of these so-called contextual nets seem to be a better representation for systems exhibiting concurrent read access to shared resources: they can be exponentially smaller than conventional unfoldings on these cases. Theoretical and practical contributions are made. We first study the construction of contextual unfoldings, introducing algorithms and data structures that enable their efficient computation. We integrate contextual unfoldings with merged processes, another representation of concurrent behavior that alleviates the explosion caused by non-determinism. The resulting structure, called contextual merged processes, is often orders of magnitude smaller than unfoldings, as we experimentally demonstrate. Next, we develop verification techniques based on unfoldings. We define SAT encodings for the reachability problem in contextual unfoldings, thus solving the problem of detecting cycles of asymmetric conflict. Also, an unfolding-based decision procedure for fault diagnosis under fairness constraints is presented, in this case only for conventional unfoldings. Finally, we implement our verification algorithms, aiming at producing a competitive model checker intended to handle realistic benchmarks. We subsequently evaluate our methods over a standard set of benchmarks and compare them with existing unfolding-based techniques. The experiments demonstrate that reachability checking based on contextual unfoldings outperforms existing techniques on a wide number of cases. This suggests that contextual unfoldings, and asymmetric event structures in general, have a rightful place in research on concurrency, also from an efficiency point of view.

An Analyzer for Message Passing Programs

Huang, Yu 01 May 2016 (has links)
Asynchronous message passing systems are fast becoming a common means for communication between devices. Two problems existing in message passing programs are difficult to solve. The first problem, intended or otherwise, is message-race where a receive may match with more than one send in the runtime system. This non-determinism often leads to intermittent and unexpected behavior depending on the resolution of the race. Another problem is deadlock, which is a situation in that each member process of the group is waiting for some member process to communicate with it, but no member is attempting to communicate with it. Detecting if message-race and/or deadlocks exist in a message passing program are both NP-complete. The difficulty of solving the two problems also comes from three factors that complicate the semantics: asynchronous communication, synchronous barrier, and buffering settings including infinite buffering (the system can buffer messages) and zero buffering (the system has no internal buffering). To solve the above problems with complicating factors, this research provides a novel predictive analysis that initializes a concrete execution and then predicts the behavior of other executions that arise from the initial execution. This research starts with Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) based model checking that provides precise analysis for the program behavior. Unfortunately, a precise analysis using SMT does not scale to large programs. As such, the SMT based model checking is combined with heuristic search for witnessing program properties. The heuristic search is efficient in identifying how sends may match with receives in the runtime as it only looks for the match relations for sends and receives in a small searching space initially; the space is increased only if the program property is not witnessed, until all possible match relations for sends and receives reflected in message non-determinism are found. This research also gives a static analysis approach that is scalable as it does not need to analyze the full set of program behaviors; rather, the static analysis only uses polynomial-time algorithms to identify all potential deadlocks in a send-receive templates given a set of pre-defined deadlock patterns. Given the predictive analysis consisting of SMT based model checking with heuristic search and static analysis, this research is able to solve the two problems above. The work in this dissertation also demonstrates that the predictive analysis is more efficient than the existing tools for verifying message passing programs.

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