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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La relación entre los factores que inhiben la compra online de ropa casual en tiendas por departamento y el proceso de decisión de compra en mujeres de 25 a 39 años, de NSE B- y C+ de Lima Metropolitana / The relationship between the factors that inhibit the online purchase of casual clothes in department stores and the purchase decision process in women aged 25 to 39, from NSE B- and C + in Metropolitan Lima

Lajo Ñañez, Nuria Elizabeth 08 July 2020 (has links)
Hoy en día existe un nuevo comportamiento del consumidor, en donde la tecnología forma parte de su día a día. La falta de tiempo, representa cada vez menos un problema para las personas por lo que las empresas buscan llegar a ellos y estos puedan realizar compras sin la necesidad de salir de casa. Para la solución de esta problemática aparece la compra online, que se mantiene en auge y facilita la vida de muchos clientes. Sin embargo, a pesar de representar algo positivo para las empresas, aún presentan barreras. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre las barreras que inhiben la compra de ropa casual en tiendas por departamento en el canal online y la decisión de compra Para ello, según los hallazgos encontrados, se analizaron los diferentes riesgos que giran en torno a la confianza: riesgo funcional (relacionado al funcionamiento del producto), temporal (tiempo de entrega del producto), financiero (el costo de devolución de una prenda) y la reputación (de la tienda en cuestión), las cuales se convierten en barreras al no poder ser mitigadas por las empresas. Los resultados indicaron que el riesgo funcional y la reputación de los retailers poseen una relación positiva con la intensión de compra. Esto se debe existe una fuerte desconfianza de adquirir productos online. No obstante, el riesgo financiero y riesgo temporal obtuvieron una relación negativa, lo cual indica que este tipo de riesgos han sido mitigados, ya que las consumidoras muestran mayor confianza. / Today there is a new consumer behavior, where technology is part of their day to day. Lack of time represents less and less of a problem for people, so companies seek to reach them and they can make purchases without the need to leave home. For the solution of this problem, online shopping appears, which remains booming and makes life easier for many customers. However, despite representing something positive for companies, they still present barriers. For this reason, this research aims to determine the relationship between the barriers that inhibit the purchase of casual clothing in department stores in the online channel and the purchase decision. For this, according to the findings, the different risks that revolve around trust were analyzed: functional risk (related to the operation of the product), temporary (product delivery time), financial (the cost of returning a garment) and the reputation (of the store in question), which become barriers as they cannot be mitigated by companies. The results indicated that the functional risk and reputation of the retailers have a positive relationship with the intention to buy. This is because there is a strong distrust of purchasing products online. However, financial risk and temporary risk obtained a negative relationship, which indicates that these types of risks have been mitigated, as consumers show greater confidence. / Trabajo de investigación

Driving Online Brand Engagement, Trust, and Purchase Intention on Instagram : The Effect of Social Commerce Marketing Stimuli

Ziadkhani Ghasemi, Sandra, Palmet, Merili January 2019 (has links)
Building on the stimulus-organism-response model, this paper aims to fill the considerable research gap by developing a deeper understanding of social commerce as a global emerging phenomenon and investigating the effectiveness of social commerce marketing stimuli and its consequences on consumer behavior on Instagram. The study adopts a mixed-methodology approach, including a web-based survey and a focus group interview, to build a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and account for the social aspects of social commerce. Based on a sample of 317 international consumers, the analysis demonstrates that all dimensions of social commerce marketing stimuli have significant effects on online brand engagement on Instagram; which consequently positively influences brand trust and online purchase intention. Moreover, the focus group interview complements the findings and provides potential explanations for the discovered relationships.

Uso da internet pelo consumidor da terceira idade : influências do risco percebido e impacto na intenção de compra online

Esteves, Priscila Silva January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, observa-se que o ambiente virtual está cada vez mais povoado por pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e com os mais diversos interesses, todavia, verifica-se que há pouco conhecimento sobre como os consumidores idosos formam julgamentos e tomam decisões a respeito de produtos e serviços oferecidos na Internet, chegando a existir, inclusive, um pré-conceito de que estes indivíduos não são usuários da Internet e, portanto, não merecem que se façam investimentos para adequar produtos e serviços a eles. Sabe-se que diferentes fatores podem influenciar o comportamento do consumidor em sua tomada de decisão, principalmente quando se abordam produtos e serviços tecnológicos. Frente a esse contexto, é fundamental que se compreendam melhor os elementos que estão presentes nesse comportamento de consumo e as suas implicações futuras. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa foi elaborada, pretendendo-se identificar os principais construtos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor da terceira idade na Internet e analisar o seu impacto sobre a intenção de compra online. Objetivando responder a tal questionamento, projetou-se este estudo, para o qual foi elaborado um modelo teórico (testado empiricamente) contendo diversas variáveis e moderadores. Após 5 pré-testes e 8 entrevistas em profundidade, um questionário foi aplicado em 430 respondentes com 60 anos ou mais que tivessem utilizado a Internet pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 3 meses. O processamento de dados incluiu uma análise fatorial exploratória e uma confirmatória e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Ao final deste estudo, obteve-se aceitação plena de cinco hipóteses, parcial de três e rejeição de duas, além de um bom ajuste do modelo proposto (a partir dos índices pré-definidos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o risco percebido pelos consumidores da terceira idade ao utilizar a Internet é um moderador no modelo estrutural proposto, uma vez que se comprovou diferença estatística significante entre as respostas dadas por um grupo mais avesso ao risco (Grupo 1) e outro menos avesso ao risco (Grupo 2) no que concerne às características demográficas e comportamentais (relacionadas ao uso da Internet). Já a escala de Tipo de Uso não se mostrou adequada para analisar a utilização da Internet pelo público da terceira idade. Constatou-se, da mesma forma, que a idade cognitiva influencia, de maneira inversa, no tempo de uso da Internet e que a satisfação com o uso da mesma tem impacto positivo no boca-a-boca positivo realizado, na intenção de (re)compra online e, também, no tempo de uso da rede. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos a partir do teste do modelo apresentado possam fornecer importantes implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais, as quais possibilitarão uma maior compreensão sobre o uso da Internet por indivíduos da terceira idade, seus impactos futuros e a existência de moderadores importantes nesta relação. / Virtual environment has been increasingly used by people aged 60 and over who have a variety of interests. However, there is little knowledge concerning how elderly consumers form judgment and make decisions regarding products and services offered on the internet. Additionally, there is a preconception that these individuals do not use the internet; therefore, there would be no need for investment in redesigning products and services to suit them. It is known that there is a range of factors that may influence consumer behavior, especially in online environments involving technological products and services. In this context, understanding the elements involved in consumer behavior as well as its future implications is of paramount importance. Thus, this study reviewed the main constructs that influence the consumer behavior of the elderly on the internet and analyzed its impact on the online purchase intention. A theoretical model containing several variables and moderators was created and empirically tested. After 5 pretests and 8 in-depth interviews, a questionnaire was applied to 430 respondents aged 60 and over who had used the internet within the last 3 months. Data processing included an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the Structural Equation Modeling. As a result, five hypotheses were fully supported, three were partially confirmed and two were rejected. Moreover, the proposed model proved to be well adjusted according to the pre-defined indexes. The hypothesis which states that the perceived risk by the elderly regarding the use of internet is a moderator on the proposed structural model was confirmed, since there was a statistically significant difference between the answers given by a more risk-averse group (Group 1) and the answers provided by a less risk-averse group (Group 2) concerning demographic and behavioral characteristics related to internet use. On the other hand, the Type of Internet Use scale was shown to be inadequate to analyze the internet usage by the aforementioned age group. Likewise, it was observed that cognitive age has an inversely proportional influence on time of Internet usage, and that satisfaction with its usage has a positive impact on positive word of mouth, online (re)purchase intention and time of web usage. It is believed that the results obtained from the testing of the presented model may provide important academic and managerial implications which will bring a greater understanding of internet usage by the elderly as well as its future impacts and the existence of important moderators within this relationship.

The influence of product price and complexity on online purchasing decision

Lan, Tsai-Yang 30 July 2003 (has links)
Consumer decision behavior has been an interesting research topic for researchers and marketing people. While E-Commerce websites and online self-service are becoming more and more popular, it is important to understand how to support consumer in their online shopping decision process. The purpose of this research is to understand how consumer¡¦s decision behavior would be influenced in online shopping environment, when facing different product price and complexity, and discover the personal factors that might influence it¡¦s decision behavior. The result of our research showed that product complexity has significant influence on consumer¡¦s decision behavior. When product complexity become higher, the effort and time for a consumer to complete a purchase decision will also become higher. When consumer is more familiar with the product, more involve with the product, or have higher computer self-efficacy, consumer will use much harder decision tools then usual. But our result also showed that product price has no influence on consumer¡¦s decision behavior, this might be that in our experiment, consumers don¡¦t really have to pay for the product, so the influence of product price has no effect on consumer. From our result we can know that for different product complexity and consumer will result in different decision behavior. In the future, online shopping store can provide different decision tools for different consumer when facing different products, to help consumer make better decision.

Showroom the Future of Online Fashion Retailing 2.0 : Enhancing the online shopping experience

Eneh, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
The following have been rectified in response to previous evaluation by examiner Olof Bruninge. -We have solely chosen qualitative methods in data collection and analysis by making use of data gathered from focus group workshop. The findings have been coded and analysed descriptively. -We have reformulated research questions and replaced the hypothesis with open questions. Allowing us to explore the participants’ behaviour rather than testing hypothesis. -All quantitative measures have been replaced with qualitative analysis and descriptions. -We have provided tables with results from focus group findings to increase transparency in our data


MARCELO BARREIROS BARRETO 04 May 2010 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo identificar nas compras on-line: por que os compradores ficam insatisfeitos, quais as razões principais das reclamações dos consumidores, através do site www.reclameaqui.com.br. Pelo canal Internet, o consumidor não só adquire, mas relata insatisfação com determinado produto/serviço, marca ou empresa. Comentários negativos na rede ganham amplitude quando comparados aos demais canais de comunicação. Foi feita a utilização do método de análise de conteúdo de 720 reclamações de consumidores, referentes a três empresas com mais reclamações no referido site. A coleta realizada de forma aleatória no período de um ano, de janeiro a dezembro de 2008, no maior site brasileiro destinado a reclamações de consumidores, o www.reclameaqui.com.br, possibilitou o agrupamento das queixas em 12 categorias. Das reclamações analisadas, grande parte é localizada em 5 categorias: falhas no serviço de atendimento ao pós-compra, de entrega, defeito no produto; quanto às políticas de devolução e de troca de produto. A causa principal de insatisfação é oriunda de falhas no serviço de atendimento pós-compra. Sob a ótica do consumidor on-line, o estudo identificou que as queixas analisadas são precedidas por tentativas infrutíferas de resolução junto aos canais de atendimento ao cliente. As descobertas sugerem que entender as categorias encontradas e suas interrelações pode ajudar as empresas a gerar estratégias de marketing, a fim de minimizar a intensidade e quantidade de reclamações, uma vez que estarão mais preparadas para solucioná-las. / [en] This dissertation has as object identify on online shopping: why consumers get dissatisfied, what are the main reasons of the consumers complains, through the www.reclameaqui.com.br website. On the internet channel, the consumer not only buys, but reports dissatisfaction with particular product/service, brand or company. Negative comments in the network are getting largeness when compared to other channels of communication. The method of content analysis was made by using 720 consumers’ complaints, related to three different companies with most complaints on the refered website. The collect were made randomly within one year period, from January to December 2008, on the largest Brazilian website, destined for consumer’s complaints, www.reclameaqui.com.br, enabling the grouping on complaints in 12 categories. Of the claims analyzed, much of it is located in 5 categories: failures in customer service after purchase, delivery, defective product, and the return policies and product exchange. The main cause of dissatisfaction is coming from failures in customer service after purchase. From the viewpoint of online consumers, the study identified that the analyzed complaints are preceded by unsuccessful attempts of resolution along the customer service channel. The results suggests aims to understand the categories found and their interrelation can help companies to create marketing strategies to minimize the intensity and amount of claims, since they will be better prepared to solve them.

Uso da internet pelo consumidor da terceira idade : influências do risco percebido e impacto na intenção de compra online

Esteves, Priscila Silva January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, observa-se que o ambiente virtual está cada vez mais povoado por pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e com os mais diversos interesses, todavia, verifica-se que há pouco conhecimento sobre como os consumidores idosos formam julgamentos e tomam decisões a respeito de produtos e serviços oferecidos na Internet, chegando a existir, inclusive, um pré-conceito de que estes indivíduos não são usuários da Internet e, portanto, não merecem que se façam investimentos para adequar produtos e serviços a eles. Sabe-se que diferentes fatores podem influenciar o comportamento do consumidor em sua tomada de decisão, principalmente quando se abordam produtos e serviços tecnológicos. Frente a esse contexto, é fundamental que se compreendam melhor os elementos que estão presentes nesse comportamento de consumo e as suas implicações futuras. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa foi elaborada, pretendendo-se identificar os principais construtos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor da terceira idade na Internet e analisar o seu impacto sobre a intenção de compra online. Objetivando responder a tal questionamento, projetou-se este estudo, para o qual foi elaborado um modelo teórico (testado empiricamente) contendo diversas variáveis e moderadores. Após 5 pré-testes e 8 entrevistas em profundidade, um questionário foi aplicado em 430 respondentes com 60 anos ou mais que tivessem utilizado a Internet pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 3 meses. O processamento de dados incluiu uma análise fatorial exploratória e uma confirmatória e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Ao final deste estudo, obteve-se aceitação plena de cinco hipóteses, parcial de três e rejeição de duas, além de um bom ajuste do modelo proposto (a partir dos índices pré-definidos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o risco percebido pelos consumidores da terceira idade ao utilizar a Internet é um moderador no modelo estrutural proposto, uma vez que se comprovou diferença estatística significante entre as respostas dadas por um grupo mais avesso ao risco (Grupo 1) e outro menos avesso ao risco (Grupo 2) no que concerne às características demográficas e comportamentais (relacionadas ao uso da Internet). Já a escala de Tipo de Uso não se mostrou adequada para analisar a utilização da Internet pelo público da terceira idade. Constatou-se, da mesma forma, que a idade cognitiva influencia, de maneira inversa, no tempo de uso da Internet e que a satisfação com o uso da mesma tem impacto positivo no boca-a-boca positivo realizado, na intenção de (re)compra online e, também, no tempo de uso da rede. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos a partir do teste do modelo apresentado possam fornecer importantes implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais, as quais possibilitarão uma maior compreensão sobre o uso da Internet por indivíduos da terceira idade, seus impactos futuros e a existência de moderadores importantes nesta relação. / Virtual environment has been increasingly used by people aged 60 and over who have a variety of interests. However, there is little knowledge concerning how elderly consumers form judgment and make decisions regarding products and services offered on the internet. Additionally, there is a preconception that these individuals do not use the internet; therefore, there would be no need for investment in redesigning products and services to suit them. It is known that there is a range of factors that may influence consumer behavior, especially in online environments involving technological products and services. In this context, understanding the elements involved in consumer behavior as well as its future implications is of paramount importance. Thus, this study reviewed the main constructs that influence the consumer behavior of the elderly on the internet and analyzed its impact on the online purchase intention. A theoretical model containing several variables and moderators was created and empirically tested. After 5 pretests and 8 in-depth interviews, a questionnaire was applied to 430 respondents aged 60 and over who had used the internet within the last 3 months. Data processing included an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the Structural Equation Modeling. As a result, five hypotheses were fully supported, three were partially confirmed and two were rejected. Moreover, the proposed model proved to be well adjusted according to the pre-defined indexes. The hypothesis which states that the perceived risk by the elderly regarding the use of internet is a moderator on the proposed structural model was confirmed, since there was a statistically significant difference between the answers given by a more risk-averse group (Group 1) and the answers provided by a less risk-averse group (Group 2) concerning demographic and behavioral characteristics related to internet use. On the other hand, the Type of Internet Use scale was shown to be inadequate to analyze the internet usage by the aforementioned age group. Likewise, it was observed that cognitive age has an inversely proportional influence on time of Internet usage, and that satisfaction with its usage has a positive impact on positive word of mouth, online (re)purchase intention and time of web usage. It is believed that the results obtained from the testing of the presented model may provide important academic and managerial implications which will bring a greater understanding of internet usage by the elderly as well as its future impacts and the existence of important moderators within this relationship.

Uso da internet pelo consumidor da terceira idade : influências do risco percebido e impacto na intenção de compra online

Esteves, Priscila Silva January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, observa-se que o ambiente virtual está cada vez mais povoado por pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e com os mais diversos interesses, todavia, verifica-se que há pouco conhecimento sobre como os consumidores idosos formam julgamentos e tomam decisões a respeito de produtos e serviços oferecidos na Internet, chegando a existir, inclusive, um pré-conceito de que estes indivíduos não são usuários da Internet e, portanto, não merecem que se façam investimentos para adequar produtos e serviços a eles. Sabe-se que diferentes fatores podem influenciar o comportamento do consumidor em sua tomada de decisão, principalmente quando se abordam produtos e serviços tecnológicos. Frente a esse contexto, é fundamental que se compreendam melhor os elementos que estão presentes nesse comportamento de consumo e as suas implicações futuras. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa foi elaborada, pretendendo-se identificar os principais construtos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor da terceira idade na Internet e analisar o seu impacto sobre a intenção de compra online. Objetivando responder a tal questionamento, projetou-se este estudo, para o qual foi elaborado um modelo teórico (testado empiricamente) contendo diversas variáveis e moderadores. Após 5 pré-testes e 8 entrevistas em profundidade, um questionário foi aplicado em 430 respondentes com 60 anos ou mais que tivessem utilizado a Internet pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 3 meses. O processamento de dados incluiu uma análise fatorial exploratória e uma confirmatória e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Ao final deste estudo, obteve-se aceitação plena de cinco hipóteses, parcial de três e rejeição de duas, além de um bom ajuste do modelo proposto (a partir dos índices pré-definidos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o risco percebido pelos consumidores da terceira idade ao utilizar a Internet é um moderador no modelo estrutural proposto, uma vez que se comprovou diferença estatística significante entre as respostas dadas por um grupo mais avesso ao risco (Grupo 1) e outro menos avesso ao risco (Grupo 2) no que concerne às características demográficas e comportamentais (relacionadas ao uso da Internet). Já a escala de Tipo de Uso não se mostrou adequada para analisar a utilização da Internet pelo público da terceira idade. Constatou-se, da mesma forma, que a idade cognitiva influencia, de maneira inversa, no tempo de uso da Internet e que a satisfação com o uso da mesma tem impacto positivo no boca-a-boca positivo realizado, na intenção de (re)compra online e, também, no tempo de uso da rede. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos a partir do teste do modelo apresentado possam fornecer importantes implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais, as quais possibilitarão uma maior compreensão sobre o uso da Internet por indivíduos da terceira idade, seus impactos futuros e a existência de moderadores importantes nesta relação. / Virtual environment has been increasingly used by people aged 60 and over who have a variety of interests. However, there is little knowledge concerning how elderly consumers form judgment and make decisions regarding products and services offered on the internet. Additionally, there is a preconception that these individuals do not use the internet; therefore, there would be no need for investment in redesigning products and services to suit them. It is known that there is a range of factors that may influence consumer behavior, especially in online environments involving technological products and services. In this context, understanding the elements involved in consumer behavior as well as its future implications is of paramount importance. Thus, this study reviewed the main constructs that influence the consumer behavior of the elderly on the internet and analyzed its impact on the online purchase intention. A theoretical model containing several variables and moderators was created and empirically tested. After 5 pretests and 8 in-depth interviews, a questionnaire was applied to 430 respondents aged 60 and over who had used the internet within the last 3 months. Data processing included an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the Structural Equation Modeling. As a result, five hypotheses were fully supported, three were partially confirmed and two were rejected. Moreover, the proposed model proved to be well adjusted according to the pre-defined indexes. The hypothesis which states that the perceived risk by the elderly regarding the use of internet is a moderator on the proposed structural model was confirmed, since there was a statistically significant difference between the answers given by a more risk-averse group (Group 1) and the answers provided by a less risk-averse group (Group 2) concerning demographic and behavioral characteristics related to internet use. On the other hand, the Type of Internet Use scale was shown to be inadequate to analyze the internet usage by the aforementioned age group. Likewise, it was observed that cognitive age has an inversely proportional influence on time of Internet usage, and that satisfaction with its usage has a positive impact on positive word of mouth, online (re)purchase intention and time of web usage. It is believed that the results obtained from the testing of the presented model may provide important academic and managerial implications which will bring a greater understanding of internet usage by the elderly as well as its future impacts and the existence of important moderators within this relationship.

Under the influence : A quantitative study about social media influencers different attributes effect on online purchase intent.

Nordström, Linn, Pannula, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Research Questions: How does influencer marketing affect online purchase intent?  How do social media influencers’ trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness affect online purchase intent?   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between online purchase intent and social media influencers, as well as how their attributes affect this relationship.  Method: This empirical study consists of a quantitative online survey with 476 respondents. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that social media influencers have a positive impact on online purchase intent. Furthermore, the collected data could confirm that trustworthiness has a clear impact on online purchase intent, while expertise and attractiveness showed no significant impact.

Impact of covid 19 Pandemic on customers purchasing Behavior: Adoption of online services platforms.

Jannat, Sheratun, Toor, Sajjad Aslam January 2021 (has links)
Title: Impact of covid 19 Pandemic situation on customers purchasing Behavior: Adoption of online services platforms. Level: Final assignment for Master degree in Business Administration (MBA) Authors: Sheratun Jannat and Sajjad Aslam Toor Supervisor: Dr. Olivia Kang Examiner: Professor Akmal Hyder Date: 2021- January  Aim: The study aims to find the factors that impact consumer purchasing behavior on the Covid-19 pandemic and adaptation of online services platform. Methodology: A qualitative study was applied with the semi-structured online interview conducted with nine respondents from Stockholm and Gävle of Sweden. The collected primary data were transcribed, compared, and thematically analyzed with the literature reviews.  Findings and Conclusion: We conclude that Covid-19 impacts consumer purchase behavior. Besides, consumers adopted online services to purchase different items as per their needs. We have also found that various factors impact consumer online purchase behavior. Furthermore, trustworthiness and transparency is the essential factor that has implications on consumer online purchase behavior.  Contributions of the Thesis: This study suggests that online purchase behavior during Covid-19 significantly impacts the consumer. Besides, consumers face various impacts on online purchase such as product, price and quality, personality and characteristics, psychological, cultural and social, and trustworthiness and transparency. It is recommended for the managers to determine the impacts and develop strategies to maintain online business effectively.  Suggestion for future research: We suggest future research on a similar topic using a larger sample size. We also recommend a comparative study with two or more countries on a similar case to determine the differences and results. Focusing on different issues or services with a larger audience might be done for future research. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Consumer purchase behavior, Online purchase behavior, Adoption of online service platform, and Factors impacting online purchase behavior.

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