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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os consumidores das camadas de baixa renda e o valor percebido do seu consumo : uma abordagem qualitativa

Saldanha, Carlos Sergio Valdez January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever o valor percebido dos consumidores das camadas de baixa renda, moradores de bairros notadamente pobres de Porto Alegre, sobre o seu consumo de alimentos e produtos de limpeza, adquiridos preferencialmente em estabelecimentos comerciais (pequenos mercados) de bairros. Ao partir da premissa de que os consumidores das camadas de baixa renda pagam mais por seus alimentos e produtos de limpeza, se buscou investigar seus hábitos de consumo, procurando entender as motivações que norteiam seu consumo, aspectos cujo entendimento nos leva também a compreender o valor percebido que estes consumidores atribuem ao seu universo de consumo. Para tanto, o trabalho foi apoiado num referencial teórico essencialmente da área de marketing, transitando por aspectos essenciais da disciplina, como preço, comportamento de consumo, níveis de envolvimento e percepção de valor (noção de justiça X noção de injustiça). A opção pela abordagem qualitativa deve-se ao fato de que o objeto de estudo não demanda um resultado que possa ser expresso em números, mas a descrição e o melhor entendimento de um fenômeno social. Recentemente, Deighton; MacInnis; McGill & Shiv (2010) destacaram as pesquisas conceituais como ricas em ideias, na maior parte das vezes inovadoras, interessantes, fundamentadas teoricamente e capazes de estimular outras pesquisas, além de proporcionarem novas maneiras de se pensar o comportamento do consumidor. A utilização de uma etapa de observação ao trabalho proporcionou uma vivência fundamental do universo de estudo e sedimentou o terreno para a elaboração e execução das entrevistas em profundidade, instrumento este que propiciou uma riqueza significativa de informações na sua coleta. Por fim, a análise de conteúdo, apoiada nos trabalhos de Bardin (1979) e Minayo (2012), trouxe à tona resultados que demonstram um valor percebido de seu consumo altamente positivo pelas camadas de baixa renda da população, afastando a ideia de injustiça pelos preços mais altos que pagam e colocando os estabelecimentos comerciais (pequenos mercados) de bairros de baixa renda no centro de um processo de sociabilização das comunidades, aonde as pessoas encontram confiança, ética e, em especial, um universo de consumo com o qual tem afinidade cultural, colocando o valor percebido em um patamar muito distante dos modelos tradicionais de preço, qualidade e conveniência. / This monograph aims to describe the perceived value of low-income consumers, residents of poor neighborhoods in Porto Alegre, on their consumption of food and cleaning products, preferably acquired in neighborhood’s shops (small markets). Based on the premise that consumers of low income populations pay more for their food and cleaning products, seek to investigate their consumption habits, trying to understand the motivations that guide their consumption, aspects whose understanding leads us also to understand the perceived value these consumers attach to their universe of consumption. Therefore, the work was supported by a theoretical framework mainly in the area of marketing, moving through the essential aspects of the discipline, such as price, to consumer behavior, levels of involvement and perceived value (notion of justice X notion of injustice). The choice of a qualitative approach is due to the fact that the object of study does not require a result that can be expressed in numbers, but an understanding, as it is a description of a social phenomenon at its best. Recently, Deighton; MacInnis; Shiv & McGill (2010) highlighted the research conceptual as rich in ideas, in most cases innovative, interesting, theoretically grounded and able to stimulate further research, in addition to providing new ways of thinking about the behavior of consumer. Using an observation phase the work experience provided a fundamental study of the universe and cemented the ground for the development and implementation of in-depth interviews, this instrument that provided a significant wealth of information in its collection. Finally, content analysis, supported by the work of Bardin (1979) and Minayo (2012), brought up results that demonstrate a perceived value of their consumption highly positive by layers of low-income population, pushing the idea of injustice by higher prices they pay and putting commercial establishments (small markets) of low-income neighborhoods in the center of a process of socialization of communities, where people are trusted, ethical and, in particular, a universe with which the consumer has an cultural affinity, placing the perceived value at a level far away from the traditional models of price, quality and convenience.

A imagem percebida pelo consumidor em relação ao valor da marca em perfumes de luxo

Bacichetto, Vinícius de Vargas 19 December 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa consistiu em identificar a imagem percebida pelo consumidor em relação ao valor da marca em perfumes de luxo. Com a evolução do Marketing ao longo dos anos muitas mudanças e aperfeiçoamentos foram necessárias para que o marketing viesse contribuir para o desenvolvimento e crescimento das organizações, bem como, incentivar o consumo no mercado. Com isso, o entendimento do comportamento do consumidor é importante para saber e compreender as necessidades e desejos do consumidor e, também, o comportamento da oferta e da demanda. Neste aspecto, o comportamento do consumidor aborda um sistema de configuração de imagem que consiste no inter-relacionamento, explicações e experiências (emocionais e racionais) do consumidor com o ambiente fazendo com que uma imagem seja gerada na mente do cliente. Além disso, é importante saber como o consumidor toma a decisão de compra, quais os fatores externos que influenciam esta geração de imagem no cognitivo. Neste sentido as classes sociais são destacadas, pois cada produto é criado para nichos específicos do mercado. Nesta pesquisa destaca-se o luxo buscando uma relação entre os fatores e, assim, surge o problema de pesquisa: Qual a afinidade existente entre imagem de marca, qualidade, envolvimento, imagem de preço e valor percebido em relação à intenção de compra? Para responder a esta pergunta a pesquisa se deteve em uma pesquisa quantitativa e, através de um experimento, estudou o comportamento do consumidor em relação ao perfume 212 MEN e 212 Sexy, perfumes caracterizados de luxo. Para o experimento se adotou um modelo fatorial de 2 x 2 (duas marcas e dois preços), aplicou-se a pesquisa em 4 grupos diferentes. O grupo n.º 1 caracterizava-se na apresentação do perfume, marca, preço e aroma original, o grupo 2 foi exposto à marca e aroma original e preço inferior. No grupo 3 foi apresentado uma marca manipulada mas o preço e aroma do perfume original e no grupo 4 a marca e o preço foram manipulados e o aroma original. Após a aplicação do questionário nos grupos, foi feito ajuste no questionário e os dados obtidos foram tratados. Como resultados foram feitos os testes das hipóteses, onde H1 foi confirmada, com apresentando 44,5% de explicação no valor percebido como impacto positivo na intenção de compra. H2 também foi confirmada, e a imagem da marca influencia em 46,2% na intenção de compra. H3 obteve-se 49,7% no fator qualidade percebida como fator influenciador na intenção de compra. Por fim, a imagem de preço e o envolvimento foram rejeitados na intenção de compra, apresentando 23,7% e 24,4%, respectivamente. / The present research was to identify the image perceived by the consumer to the value of the brand in luxury fragrances. With the evolution of marketing over the years many changes and improvements were necessary for the marketing would contribute to the development and growth of organizations, as well as encouraging the consumption market. With this understanding of consumer behavior is important to know and understand the needs and desires of the consumer and also the behavior of supply and demand. In this respect, consumer behavior covers a system image configuration consisting of the inter-relationship, explanations and experiences (emotional and rational) consumer with the environment so that an image is generated in the mind of the customer. Furthermore, it is important to know how the consumer decides to buy, what external factors that influence this imaging in cognitive. In this sense social classes are highlighted, as each product is created for specific market niches. This research highlights the luxury seeking a relationship between the factors and thus arises the research problem: What is the affinity between brand image, quality, engagement, image price and perceived value in relation to the purchase intent? To answer this question, the research stopped in quantitative research and, through an experiment, studied consumer behavior in relation to perfume MEN 212 and 212 Sexy, perfumes featured luxury. For the experiment was adopted a model of 2 x 2 factorial (two marks and two prices), applied research in 4 different groups. The group n.º 1 was characterized in the presentation of perfume, brand, price and original aroma, group 2 was exposed to the brand and original aroma and lower price. In group 3 was presented a brand but manipulated the price and original aroma of perfume and group 4 to brand and price were manipulated and original aroma. After the questionnaire in groups, adjustments were made in the questionnaire and the data were treated. As results were made tests of hypotheses, where H1 was confirmed, with 44.5% presenting explanation on perceived value as positive impact on purchase intent. H2 was also confirmed, and brand image influences in 46.2% in purchase intent. H3 was obtained in 49.7% factor influencing perceived quality as a factor in purchase intent. Finally, the price image and involvement were rejected in purchase intent, with 23.7% and 24.4%, respectively.

Communautés virtuelles de marque : vers une définition unifiée et premières contributions à la mesure de la performance / Virtual brand communities : towards a unified definition and first contributions to the measurement of performance

Morgat, Pierre 27 June 2017 (has links)
L’avènement des communautés virtuelles de marque (VBC) bouleverse les relations avec les consommateurs et pousse les annonceurs à adopter une véritable Orientation Clients. Or, la littérature a mis en exergue certains avantages induits sans pour autant offrir une analyse holistique des bénéfices et impacts des plateformes d’engagement communautaires. Tel est donc l’objet de cette recherche qui tente d’apporter une première modélisation des bénéfices qualitatifs et quantitatifs des VBC. Le cadre théorique de notre recherche s’inscrit dans celui des théories relationnelles et de l’engagement des consommateurs. L’exploration conceptuelle de la littérature nous a permis de mieux appréhender les enjeux des VBC pour le champ du comportement du consommateur et le management du Marketing, avant de dresser une typologie des bénéfices induits. Aussi, compte tenu du faible nombre de VBC et de l’aspect stratégique de notre problématique, nous avons opté pour des entretiens semi-directifs avec des experts ou Dirigeants Marketing. Cette recherche hypothético-déductive nous a permis de mettre en lumière des catégories de bénéfices, avec notamment les impacts sur la Connaissance Clients, la Relation Clients, l’innovation participative, le crowd sourcing ou encore la gouvernance et le management. La phase exploratoire a validé les propositions de recherche avec des nuances récurrentes, notamment pour ce qui est de la représentativité relative des membres. Les principaux apports de cette recherche sont la mise en avant des facteurs d’optimisation de l’engagement des membres au sein des VBC, ainsi que l’impact sur le retour sur investissement. Ce travail ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche du fait de son aspect pluridisciplinaire et des enjeux pour le management du Marketing, de la Relation Clients et des marques. / The advent of Virtual Brand Communities (VBC) is changing customer relationships and pushing advertisers to adopt a true Customer Driven Strategy. The literature has highlighted some of the benefits that have been gained, without providing a holistic analysis of the benefits and impacts of community engagement platforms. It is therefore the object of this research that attempts to provide a first modelization of the qualitative and quantitative benefits of VBC. The theoretical framework of our research is in line with relational theories and consumer engagement. The conceptual exploration of literature allowed us to better understand the stakes of the VBCs for the field of consumer behavior and marketing management, before drawing up a typology of the profits induced. Also, given the low number of VBCs and the strategic aspect of our research, we have opted for semi-directive interviews with experts or marketing executives. This hypothetico deductive research has allowed us to highlight families of benefits, with impacts on Customer Knowledge, Customer Relationship, participative innovation, crowd sourcing, governance and management. The exploratory phase validated the research proposals with recurring nuances, in particular with regard to the relative representativeness of the members. The main contributions of this research are the optimization of the factors of member’s engagement within the VBC, as well as the impact on the return on investment. This work opens new research perspectives, because of its multidisciplinary aspect and the stakes for Marketing management, Customer Relations and brands.

Customer perceived value of emerging technology-intensive business service

Komulainen, H. (Hanna) 01 June 2010 (has links)
Abstract This study explores customer perceived value in the context of emerging technology-intensive business service, in particular a mobile advertising service that is at the application phase of development. The purpose of the study is to conceptualise customer perceived value as a multidimensional concept by exploring 1) the complex interaction between benefits and sacrifices 2) temporality and 3) learning. This way the study contributes to the existing research within services marketing and business relationships. The empirical part of the study is conducted in the form of a qualitative single-case study. The empirical setting organised to acquire data is qualitative real-life experiment. It consists of three field experiments that were organised by the research project to simulate real-life situations and to gain understanding of developing technological services that are not yet in commercial use. Interviews, observations and personal experiences form the main sources of information and are complemented by secondary documental data. In this study the sources of value are first identified, which enhances understanding of what kind of value customers perceive from emerging technological service. In addition, value sub-elements have a complex interaction in service value co-creation, since certain sacrifices made by users may increase the benefits they perceive, whereas some benefits can increase the sacrifices and thus reduce the customer perceived net value. Second, the concepts of expected value, realised value and potential value are identified which enables deeper understanding of the temporality of customer perceived value. Third, learning has an important role in customer perceived value. When looking at learning at the process level, it is a sacrifice, but at the outcome level it turns into a benefit and thus also amplifies the customer perceived net value. Learning is needed from the customer to be able to use the new technological service and utilise it effectively, which in turn leads the customer to perceive higher value from the service. Moreover, the temporal dimensions of value are connected to each other through the customer’s learning that varies according to its type and object at different points of time. For the service providers of new technological services understanding value related to the service and its production is essential. The future success and viability of these kinds of services requires that service providers know what kind of value their customers perceive from the service and especially what kind of future expectations they have for it. This study provides implications for the service providers on how to co-create value with their business customers and thus make technology-intensive business service a profitable business in the future.

Communication and sales channels' role in international market entry for innovative new venture firms : A case study on TLight

Winblad von Walter, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Globalisation has taken the world by storm by opening opportunities for new markets and easier communication. The general economic climate during the last decade is one reason to this, and the impact has resulted in internationalisation as a key strategy for survival. This has affected many kinds of industries and companies, not least new venture firms. There is today a competitive market climate where companies need to have a strategic advantage to succeed. One advantage could be to increase customer value through the selection of communication channels and sales channels, which has resulted in the following research objective: The purpose of this study is to examine how international market entry decisions based on customer perceived value can affect the choice of communication and sales channel strategies for new venture firms in a B2B context. This study has been of exploratory descriptive kind where a qualitative data collection has been conducted through in-depth interviews with five gemmologists active worldwide. The results of the research were varied since the respondents had different opinions, but some conclusions could still be made. The findings suggest the use of a multiple channel strategy regarding sales channel. The study also highlights the importance of 1) Building and cherishing customer relations, 2) Looking up potential resellers or distributors, 3) Communicating a solution and not a product and finally 4) Focus on internet advertising rather than paper and television. Since this study has been of qualitative kind, one suggestion for future research is to make a quantitative study of the same study to confirm the previously mentioned findings. These findings are due to the nature of the study only implications, but a quantitative study would make them generalizable. / Globalisering är ett område som tagit världen med storm, detta genom att förenkla kommunikation och öppna möjligheter till nya marknader. Det ekonomiska klimatet i skrivande stund är en av faktorerna som har påverkat detta, vilket har resulterat i internationalisering som en viktig strategi för överlevnad. Detta har påverkat många typer av industrier och företag, inte minst startups. Dagens konkurrenskraftiga marknadsklimat medför att företag behöver ha någon slags strategisk fördel för att lyckas. En fördel kan vara att öka kundvärdet genom val av kommunikationskanaler och försäljningskanaler, vilket lett till följande syfte för denna studie: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur marknadsbeslut baserade på kundvärde kan påverka valet av kommunikations- och försäljningskanaler i ett B2B-sammanhang. Denna studie har varit av förklarande och beskrivande slag, där en kvalitativ datainsamling har genomförts genom djupintervjuer med fem gemmologer som är aktiva på en internationell marknad. Resultaten av studien var varierade då respondenternas åsikter skildes, det gick dock trots detta att dra en del slutsatser. Resultaten indikerar att användning av en hybrid försäljningsstrategi vore optimal. Studien belyser också vikten av att 1) Bygga upp och värna om kundrelationer, 2) Söka potentiella återförsäljare eller distributörer, 3) Sälja en lösning istället för en produkt och slutligen 4) Fokusera på internetannonsering i stället för tidningar och tv. Då denna studie har varit av kvalitativt slag är ett förslag till framtida forskning att göra en kvantitativ studie av samma ämne för att bekräfta resultaten. Resultaten är i nuläget endast indikationer medans en kvantitativ studie skulle göra dem generaliserbara.

Predicting the overall perceived value of a leisure service : a survey of restaurant patrons in Pretoria

Ali, Husam 25 July 2007 (has links)
Services are becoming increasingly important. Almost two-thirds of the world’s total economic output is accounted for by services. Moreover, the leisure services industry is one of the fastest growing industries around the world. The global growth rate was more than 6% per year in the last five years. The global leisure services industry is expected to be worth $3.4 trillion by 2010, with a growth rate of 6.1% for the 2005-2010 period. Marketers should focus on value-creating processes that involve customers as co-creators of value, because marketers cannot create or deliver customer value alone. Therefore, assessing consumers’ value perceptions can provide informative feedback that marketers can use to adjust their market offerings and meet consumers’ needs and expectations more effectively. This replication study investigated the application and relevance of Petrick’s (2002:119) SERV-PERVAL scale as a measure of consumers’ perceptions of service value in mid-scale restaurants. The SERV-PERVAL scale measures five dimensions of perceived value, namely perceived quality, emotional response, monetary price, behavioural price and reputation. The results should assist marketers to decide how best to influence overall value perceptions and favourable behavioural intentions amongst target markets through understanding how consumers make purchase decisions based on their perceptions of value. First, a conceptual framework of the relationships between perceived value and its antecedents and consequences was synthesised from the leisure marketing literature. Then the study surveyed students at the University of Pretoria and asked them to report their perceptions of a dining experience at a mid-scale restaurant. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyse the data. Two multiple regression models were tested. The findings provided support for the conceptual framework, as well as evidence for the relevance of utilising the SERV-PERVAL scale to measure the value perceptions of South African restaurant patrons. The significance of the two multiple regression models, analysed in the replicated study, was established. Seven hypotheses were tested. In only two cases, the null hypotheses could not be rejected in favour of the alternative hypotheses. The results of the first multiple regression model indicate that consumers' emotional response is the best predictor of their overall perceptions of value. Thus, mid-scale restaurant managers should enhance the pleasurable attributes of the service experience (e.g., background music; interior decoration and lighting; air-conditioning and scent) in order to enhance the consumer's dining experience. The results of the second multiple regression model indicate that consumers' perceived value is a better predictor of consumers' favourable behavioural intentions than satisfaction. An implication for managers is that they can increase their consumers' perceptions of value by enhancing the pleasurable attributes that consumers' experience, a well as the quality and the monetary price of services as perceived by the consumers. It is also important to maintain the level of the services' behavioural price and reputation perceived by consumers. However, managers need to identify the attributes that add pleasure to their target customers and understand how to employ them effectively. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Marketing Management / MCom / Unrestricted

Valor percebido pelo consumidor de produtos de luxo: proposição de um modelo teórico / Customer perceived value of luxury products: proposition of a theoretical framework

Renata Fernandes Galhanone 04 April 2013 (has links)
O luxo é um setor que tem cada vez mais despertado o interesse de acadêmicos e profissionais de marketing, não só pela importância econômica que representa para alguns países, mas também pela sua tendência de crescimento em mercados emergentes, favorecida pelo aumento da renda disponível e do tamanho da clientela potencial. Especificamente no Brasil, o mercado do luxo tem experimentado um incremento anual significativo e superior ao da economia como um todo. A gestão das empresas atuantes nesse mercado apresenta desafios de particular interesse para os estudiosos e praticantes do marketing, pois os produtos luxuosos possuem elevado grau de valores intangíveis, subjetivos e sociais agregados, que são determinantes para a formação de sua demanda e de uma parcela considerável do preço final. O cenário de crescente competição e internacionalização exige processos gerenciais cada vez mais orientados para o mercado, nos quais análises da concorrência e do perfil dos consumidores são formas de gerar um maior valor percebido pelo cliente. Não obstante, criar e entregar esse valor exige uma clara compreensão de sua natureza e dimensões. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve por objetivo propor e testar um modelo conceitual integrador para o Valor Percebido pelo Cliente dos produtos de luxo, buscando ampliar o corpo teórico sobre o constructo e fundamentar o desenvolvimento de estratégias de marketing. A partir da análise crítica de modelos propostos por diferentes autores, de reflexões teóricas sobre o conceito do luxo, e com base na opinião de consumidores do setor, foram desenvolvidos o modelo teórico e seus respectivos itens de mensuração, testados e refinados pela técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais PLS-SEM em termos de sua confiabilidade e validade. Os resultados mostraram haver um impacto considerável das duas dimensões dos sacrifícios percebidos (não monetários e monetários) sobre o valor percebido total dos produtos prestigiosos, bem como efeitos menores, porém significativos, das dimensões dos benefícios psicológicos, sociais e intangíveis. Os benefícios tangíveis também demonstraram impacto sobre o valor percebido final, porém em menor grau. Tais resultados contribuem para a ampliação do corpo teórico de marketing sobre esse tema, ao propor e validar um modelo mais abrangente que integra os existentes e, ao mesmo tempo, preenche lacunas observadas. Em termos gerenciais, o conhecimento dos aspectos mais relevantes da percepção dos consumidores sobre o valor entregue pelos bens luxuosos é fundamental para gerenciar as marcas, direcionar os esforços de comunicação de marketing e desenvolver estratégias de mercado eficazes, levando em conta as diferentes dimensões de benefícios e sacrifícios propostos pelo estudo. / The luxury industry has been raising greater interest among marketing scholars and professionals, not only due to its economic relevance in some countries, but also because of its growth trend in emerging markets, spurred by increases in disposable income and a greater diversity of its target audiences. Specifically in Brazil, the luxury market has experienced significant annual growth rates, well above those of the total economy. The management of luxury companies presents challenges that are particularly interesting for marketing scholars and practitioners, as prestige products possess high levels of intangible, subjective and social added value, which are determinant for their demand and final price formation. In the present scenario, where growing competition and internationalization demand increasingly market-oriented managerial processes, competition and consumer behavior analysis is a necessary tool to create higher customer perceived value. Nevertheless, creating and delivering value demands a clear understanding of its nature and dimensions. Thus the purpose of this study: to propose and test an integrative conceptual framework for luxury products Customer Perceived Value, aiming to increase the construct\'s theoretical understanding and to serve as a basis for developing marketing strategies. Building upon a critical analysis of models proposed by various authors, the theory on the luxury concept, and luxury consumers\' opinions, the conceptual model and its measurement items were developed, tested and refined in terms of validity and reliability through the structural equation modeling technique PLS-SEM. The findings revealed a considerable impact of the two perceived sacrifice dimensions (non-monetary and monetary) on luxury products total perceived value, as well as smaller, though significant, effects of the psychological, social and intangible benefits dimensions. Tangible benefits have also shown an impact on the final perceived value, but to a lesser extent. Those findings contribute to the marketing theory on the subject by proposing and validating a more comprehensive framework that synthetizes preexisting ones and, at the same time, fills out gaps found in the literature. In terms of managerial practice, a better understanding of the most relevant aspects of luxury customer perceived value is vital for brand management, marketing communications and the development of effective marketing strategies that build upon the various benefit and sacrifice dimensions proposed in this study.

Estudo sobre a percepção de valor de jovens consumidores de produtos de luxo acessível / Study on the value of perception of young consumers affordable luxury goods

Miranda, Camila Moreira Almeida de 09 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-23T15:08:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Moreira Almeida de Miranda.pdf: 1266815 bytes, checksum: 66e3558fbbcb16267a31b699d5fe51cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-23T15:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Moreira Almeida de Miranda.pdf: 1266815 bytes, checksum: 66e3558fbbcb16267a31b699d5fe51cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-09 / This paper seeks to explain the motivators of perceived value among young consumers who purchase affordable luxury branded goods. The main objective was to study the motivators of perceived value and more specifically: to identify the latent variables which affect the behavior of the young consumer of affordable luxury branded goods; to assess how the latent variables interfere with the young consumers’ perceived value of affordable luxury branded goods; to assess how young consumers’ perceived value affects their attitude, loyalty and repurchase intention; and finally, to provide a specific measurement model for this consumer group. The model is based on existing models by Vigneron and Johnson (1999), Wiedmann, Hennings and Siebels (2009) and Galhanone (2013). This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. Data was collected using a survey, based on previously tested and validated scales, which was completed by a sample group of 246 university students at a IFES in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analisys using Smart-PLS software were used for statistical analysis. The results show a statistically significant correlation between perceived value of young people who consume products of affordable luxury with the variables identified in the study. These results contribute to an understanding of the world of luxury of these youth and how they relate to brands. In general terms, the study offers useful tools for companies operating in the luxury market and tailoring their product offerings to their clients by helping them understand how a youth perceives a luxury product, and what the motivators are behind its purchase. / Este trabalho buscou compreender quais são as variáveis da percepção de valor de consumidores jovens que compram produtos de marca de luxo acessível. O objetivo principal foi estudar os motivadores da percepção de valor e mais especificamente: identificar as variáveis latentes que interferem no comportamento do consumidor jovem de produto marca de luxo acessível; avaliar como as variáveis latentes interferem na percepção de valor do consumidor jovem que compra de produto marca de luxo acessível; avaliar como a percepção de valor do consumidor jovem que compra de produto marca de luxo acessível interfere na atitude, lealdade e intenção de recompra; e finalmente, propor um modelo de mensuração específico para esse grupo de consumidores. O modelo foi baseado nos estudos existentes de Vigneron e Johnson (1999), Wiedmann, Hennings e Siebels (2009) e Galhanone (2013). A pesquisa foi de natureza descritiva com abordagem quantitativa. Foi aplicada uma survey (survey), baseada em escalas já testadas e validadas, para uma amostra de 246 estudantes universitários em uma IFES do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul para coleta dos dados. Estes foram analisados estatisticamente por meio do software Smart-PLS para realização da modelagem de equações estruturais e análise fatorial confirmatória. Os resultados apresentaram correlação consideravelmente satisfatória entre a percepção de valor de jovens que consomem produtos de luxo acessível com as variáveis apontadas no estudo. Esses resultados contribuem para a compreensão do universo do luxo dos jovens e como eles se relacionam com as marcas. Em termos gerenciais, o estudo apresenta valiosas ferramentas para organizações que atuam no mercado de luxo e gerenciam suas ofertas de produtos para seus clientes entenderem como um jovem percebe um produto de luxo, e quais são os motivadores para tal consumo.

Les déterminants de la décision d'achat d'actions de l'investisseur individuel : une analyse sous le prisme de la valeur perçue. Le cas de l’actionnaire individuel français / The determinants of the individual investor's stocks buying decision : an analysis based on the perceived value. The case of the French individual shareholder

Khelladi, Insaf 18 May 2018 (has links)
La constante baisse de l’actionnariat individuel en France est qualifiée d’énigme. Les ménages français participent faiblement aux marchés d’actions. Les entreprises éprouvent des difficultés à attirer de nouveaux investisseurs individuels, or l’actionnariat individuel est apprécié pour sa fidélité et son engagement. L’action est un produit financier et d’image qui offre une source de financement stable et durable pour les entreprises, les systèmes de retraite et les investissements à long terme. Les décisions financières et d’investissements sont nourries par la finance moderne et la finance comportementale. Bien que des contradictions existent sur leurs hypothèses fondatrices, ces courants partagent une même conception de la valeur intrinsèque d’un actif financier, une valeur objective déterminée essentiellement par les attributs monétaires du produit, limitant ainsi l’individu dans ses choix et décisions. Notre recherche explore le comportement de l’investisseur individuel en mobilisant le cadre conceptuel de la valeur perçue développé par la littérature en marketing. Nous proposons un modèle de comportement d’achat d’actions de l’investisseur individuel pour examiner les relations entre les attributs des actions et les bénéfices perçus. Ce modèle permet de comprendre le processus de formation de la valeur perçue de l’investisseur individuel qui détermine sa décision d’achat d’actions. Notre démarche exploratoire utilise une méthode mixte pour étudier le contexte de l’actionnaire individuel français détenteur d’actions en direct. Les résultats relèvent l’existence de familles d’attributs du produit action, d’une typologie de bénéfices perçus, et des liens entre attributs et bénéfices faisant ressortir des profils d’investisseurs individuels. Notre recherche éclaire davantage le processus de choix et de décision d’achat d’actions de l’investisseur individuel, et propose aux acteurs du marketing financier une segmentation des investisseurs individuels par les bénéfices perçus afin d’adapter leurs offres de produits et services financiers envers cette cible. / The constant decline of individual shareholders is a French puzzle. French households participate feebly in equity markets. Companies find it difficult to attract new individual investors, even though they are valued for their loyalty and commitment. A share is a financial and image products that provides a sustainable source of finance for businesses, retirement systems, and long-term investments. Financial and investment decisions are framed by modern finance and behavioral finance. Although they are contradictory on their founding assumptions, these streams share the same conception of the intrinsic value of a financial asset, an objective value determined essentially by the monetary attributes, thus limiting the individual in his choices and decisions. Our research explores the behavior of the individual investor through applying the conceptual framework of the perceived value developed by the marketing literature. We propose an individual investor's stock behavior model to examine the relationship between stock attributes and perceived benefits. This model allows understanding the process of the formation of the perceived value of the individual investor, which determines his decision to buy shares. Our exploratory approach uses a mixed method to study the context of the French individual shareholder holding registered shares. The results highlight the existence of families of shares’ attributes, a typology of perceived benefits, and links between attributes and benefits that exhibiting individual investor profiles. Our research sheds new light on the individual investor's decision-making and buying process, and offers financial marketers a segmentation of individual investors based on the perceived benefits, allowing them to tailor their financial products and services offerings towards this target.

Service Quality, Perceived Value, and Fan Engagement: Case of Shanghai Formula One Racing

Jones, Charles W., Byon, Kevin K., Hung, Haiyan 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of controllable service quality factors as firm-based antecedents to two dimensions of customer engagement behavior among Formula One racing spectators. This study uses the theory of customer engagement (van Doorn et al., 2010) as a guiding framework and applies Bettencourt’s (1997) model of customer voluntary performance (CVP) to examine how perceptions of ancillary services and value can prompt management cooperation and prosocial behavior among spectators of a recurring mega sport event. Findings suggest that spectator interactions with event personnel and the physical environment can positively impact consumer perceptions of value and lead to greater fan engagement. Event organizers should focus management and marketing efforts on the utilitarian value (price/value for money) associated with attending a mega event and promote physical environment factors that can enhance the overall event experience.

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