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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1880-1935 : des communautés rurales meusiennes de la veille de la grande guerre à la fin de la reconstruction : entre permanences, archaïsmes et modernités / 1880-1935 : meusian rural communities from the eve of the great war to the end of the reconstruction : between permanences, archaisms and modernities

Streiff, Karine 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le département de la Meuse est essentiellement rural et agricole. Les communautés rurales de 1880 à 1914 ne sont pas figées. Elles se transforment par la synthèse d'éléments issus de la tradition et de facteurs liés au contexte général. Elles ne sont ni réfractaires au progrès ni passéistes. Le département devient une terre de guerre. Les paysages et les patrimoines sont bouleversés et métamorphosés. Les rapports sociaux sont modifiés. À l'armistice, la situation rend le système d'avant-guerre obsolète. La loi de réparation des dommages de guerre offre un espoir de relèvement. Les bilans des destructions sont conséquents. La reconstruction est une période charnière. L'argent apparaît être le nerf de la reconstruction. Elle devient un moyen de moderniser et de rationaliser les communes rurales. Le territoire se mémorialise et de nouveaux éléments d'identification et de reconnaissance modifient la tradition / The department of the Meuse is mainly rural and agricultural. The rural communities from 1880 to 1914 are not fixed. They are transformed by the synthesis of elements from tradition and factors related to the general context. They are neither refractory to progress nor past. The department became a land of war. Landscapes and heritages are overturned and transformed. Social relations are modified. At the armistice, the situation made the pre-war system obsolete. The war damage compensation law offers hope of recovery. The results of the destruction are substantial. Reconstruction is a pivotal period. Money appears to be the nerve of reconstruction. It becomes a means of modernizing and rationalizing rural communes. The territory is memorized and new elements of identification and recognition change the tradition

Transformações e permanências no bairro do Bom Retiro, SP (1930-1954) / Changes and permanences in the Bom Retiro district, SP (1930-1954)

Mangili, Liziane Peres 22 April 2009 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar as transformações e permanências de um bairro central de São Paulo, o Bom Retiro, a partir das estruturas físicas e dos agentes que sobre elas atuaram, no período de 1930 a 1954. A partir da análise de fontes documentais, a pesquisa constata processos diversificados de transformação, específicos ao bairro, que acabam gerando diferenças internas no Bom Retiro, e que estiveram associados à presença de diferentes grupos de imigrantes. O grande volume de transformações de pequena escala no bairro - os aumentos e as reformas - mostra que o bairro se transforma acomodando nas edificações existentes os usos característicos do bairro desde sua origem: cortiços, indústrias de fundo de quintal, pequenos estabelecimentos comerciais. Esses usos predominantes e a nova atividade econômica instalada no bairro no período - indústria e comércio de confecções - bem como a característica dos lotes e das edificações onde se instalam, cuja configuração permite essas associações, são elementos de permanência, para os quais as transformações ocorreram no sentido de acomodá-los. Nesse processo de transformação do bairro, o traçado urbano não é alterado de forma significativa, apesar da sua expansão para a área da várzea do Tietê na década de 1950, caracterizando-se também como uma permanência. / This study seeks to identify the changes and permanences in a central district of Sao Paulo, the Bom Retiro, from physical structures and the agents who acted on them, from 1930 to 1954. From the analysis of documentary sources, the research finds diverse processes of transformation, specific to the neighborhood, which eventually generating internal differences in Bom Retiro, which were associated with the presence of different groups of immigrants. The large volume of processing of \"small scale\" in the neighborhood - the increases and reforms - shows that the neighborhood changes accommodating existing buildings in the typical uses of the neighborhood since its begining: hives, small industries, small establishments. The predominant uses and the new economic activity installed in the neighborhood - the clothing industry and trade - as well as the characteristic of the lots and buildings where they settle, whose configuration allows such associations, are elements of permanece, for which the changes occurred to accommodate them. In this process of transformation of the neighborhood, the urban layout is not changed significantly, despite its expansion into the area of the lowland Tietê in the 1950s, characterizing it as a permanence.

Transformações e permanências no bairro do Bom Retiro, SP (1930-1954) / Changes and permanences in the Bom Retiro district, SP (1930-1954)

Liziane Peres Mangili 22 April 2009 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar as transformações e permanências de um bairro central de São Paulo, o Bom Retiro, a partir das estruturas físicas e dos agentes que sobre elas atuaram, no período de 1930 a 1954. A partir da análise de fontes documentais, a pesquisa constata processos diversificados de transformação, específicos ao bairro, que acabam gerando diferenças internas no Bom Retiro, e que estiveram associados à presença de diferentes grupos de imigrantes. O grande volume de transformações de pequena escala no bairro - os aumentos e as reformas - mostra que o bairro se transforma acomodando nas edificações existentes os usos característicos do bairro desde sua origem: cortiços, indústrias de fundo de quintal, pequenos estabelecimentos comerciais. Esses usos predominantes e a nova atividade econômica instalada no bairro no período - indústria e comércio de confecções - bem como a característica dos lotes e das edificações onde se instalam, cuja configuração permite essas associações, são elementos de permanência, para os quais as transformações ocorreram no sentido de acomodá-los. Nesse processo de transformação do bairro, o traçado urbano não é alterado de forma significativa, apesar da sua expansão para a área da várzea do Tietê na década de 1950, caracterizando-se também como uma permanência. / This study seeks to identify the changes and permanences in a central district of Sao Paulo, the Bom Retiro, from physical structures and the agents who acted on them, from 1930 to 1954. From the analysis of documentary sources, the research finds diverse processes of transformation, specific to the neighborhood, which eventually generating internal differences in Bom Retiro, which were associated with the presence of different groups of immigrants. The large volume of processing of \"small scale\" in the neighborhood - the increases and reforms - shows that the neighborhood changes accommodating existing buildings in the typical uses of the neighborhood since its begining: hives, small industries, small establishments. The predominant uses and the new economic activity installed in the neighborhood - the clothing industry and trade - as well as the characteristic of the lots and buildings where they settle, whose configuration allows such associations, are elements of permanece, for which the changes occurred to accommodate them. In this process of transformation of the neighborhood, the urban layout is not changed significantly, despite its expansion into the area of the lowland Tietê in the 1950s, characterizing it as a permanence.

Comportements reproductifs en République du Congo : permanences et changements : pour une approche contextuelle et dynamique de la fécondité / Reproduction behaviors : permanencies and changes : for a contextual and dynamic approach of the fertility

Libali, Benoît 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les niveaux actuels de la fécondité africaine sont, pour la plupart des observateurs, l’expression d’un maintien des valeurs traditionnelles d’essence ancestrale. Celles-ci continueraient à déterminer les comportements reproductifs, en dépit des changements économiques, politiques et sociaux. En partant du cas de la République du Congo, l’analyse dynamique et contextuelle de ces comportements, révèle que ceux-ci sont plutôt en nette rupture par rapport au niveau actuel de la fécondité ; ils suggèrent d’importants besoins non satisfaits de limitation des naissances. Il est possible qu’un certain réflexe malthusien se développe progressivement, qui n’exclut nullement le besoin ou désir d’enfants, contrairement à certaines théories. Ces comportements sont caractérisés par de profonds changements se traduisant par une déconnexion entre sexualité, nuptialité et procréation ; un rajeunissement des âges au premier rapport sexuel et à la première naissance ; l’ajournement de l’âge d’entrée en union matrimoniale et par la baisse de la polygamie. Les comportements reproductifs actuels sont de nature à entraîner la fécondité à la baisse, s’ils étaient bien encadrés institutionnellement dans le contexte actuel. L’importance croissante de la fécondité des adolescentes invite à redéfinir les fondements de la fécondité africaine. Dans un contexte marqué également par d’importantes ruptures dans les mécanismes de transmission des valeurs traditionnelles, amplifiée par la scolarisation et l’urbanisation, il est souhaitable de restructurer la communication sur les choix en matière de contrôle de la fécondité. Autrement, la transition de la fécondité, irréversible, se fera à son rythme, non pas seulement au gré des crises, mais de façon durable par adaptation aux conditions de vie et au mode de production en développement. / Current levels of African fertility are, for most observers, the expression of a continuation of traditional values of ancestral essence. For those observers, the traditional values continue to determine reproductive behavior, despite the economic, political and social changes. Based on the case of the Republic of Congo, dynamic and contextual analysis of these behaviors, reveal that these are rather clear break from the current level of fertility; they suggest significant unmet need for birth control. It is possible that a Malthusian reflex develops gradually, which does not exclude the need for children, contrary to some theories. These behaviors are characterized by profound changes resulting in a disconnection between sexuality, marriage and reproduction; rejuvenation of the ages at first intercourse and first birth; postponing the age of entry into marital union and the decline of polygamy. Current reproductive behavior are likely to make fertility declining, if they were well supported institutionally in the current context. The growing importance of adolescent fertility calls for redefining the foundations of African fertility. In a context marked also by significant disruptions in the mechanisms of transmission of traditional values, enhanced by education and urbanization, it is desirable to restructure the communication on the choice of fertility control. Otherwise, the fertility transition, which is irreversible, will be at its own pace, not just at the mercy of crises, but in a sustainable way by adaptation to the conditions of life and way of production in process.


LUISA DE ARAUJO TAVARES 17 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação se propõe a caminhar por essa terra de caboclo seguindo as trilhas que as flechas dos espíritos da floresta, historicamente, abriram pela mata. Partindo de uma chave de análise exusíaca, assumo uma perspectiva metodológica circular para contemplar espaços de convivência entre o Órun e o Aiyé que compõem os modos de organização de territorialidades negras na disputa do bem viver em meio a ciscolonialidade. Fazendo uso crítico dos registros oficiais da experiência de Palmares, pretendo entender a formação de uma sociedade multiétnica contra-colonial entre o final do século XVI e o início do XVIII; bem como os seus legados de permanência para a gramática da liberdade adotada e replicada por redutos negros na cidade do Rio de Janeiro a partir do final do século XIX, como a Pequena África, até os tempos de agora – nas beirolas da Floresta da Tijuca com o Morro do Salgueiro, Horto Florestal e favela Vila-Parque da Cidade. Mesmo diante de uma realidade que somente destina à população preta e indígena a morte, com políticas de terror gestadas a partir do derramamento do nosso sangue para irrigar os jardins da Casa-Grande... uma sofisticada e insubmissa articulação feminina negra insiste, com o pouco que costumam ter em seu alcance, em autodefinir-se e redefinir-se comunitariamente no território; fazendo frente ao extermínio diaspórico e às migrações forçadas. A partir da aproximação das categorias como Amefricanidade e Afrobioética, resgato a unidade específica que nos une em uma noção de vida guiada por valores afro-centrados, herdados da memória de nossos antepassados, para que possamos continuar a falar de sonho, a construir futuro e a existir em nossas pluralidades do lado de cá do oceano Atlântico. / [en] This dissertation proposes to walk through this land of caboclo following the trails that the arrows of the forest spirits, historically, opened through the forest. Starting from an exusiac analysis key, I assume a circular methodological perspective to contemplate spaces of coexistence between Órun and Aiyé that make up the ways of organizing black territorialities in the dispute for good living in the midst of ciscoloniality. Making critical use of the official records of the Palmares experience, I intend to understand the formation of a counter-colonial multiethnic society between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 18th century; as well as their legacies of permanence for the grammar of liberty adopted and replicated by black strongholds in the city of Rio de Janeiro from the end of the 19th century, such as Little Africa, until the present time – in the edges of Tijuca Forest with Morro do Salgueiro, Horto Florestal and the Vila-Parque da Cidade favela. Even in the face of a reality that only allows black and indigenous people to die, targeting our death with policies of terror created from the shedding of our blood to irrigate the gardens of Casa-Grande... a sophisticated and insubmissive black feminine articulation insists, with the little that they usually have at their disposal, to define and redefine themselves as a community in the territory; facing diasporic extermination and forced migrations. By approaching categories such as Amefricanity and Afrobioethics, I rescue the specific unity that unites us in a notion of life guided by Afro-centered values, inherited from the memory of our ancestors, so that we can continue to talk about dreams, to build a future and to exist in our pluralities on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Avenida Goiás: lugar, monumento e memória / Goiás avenue: place, monument and memory

Oliveira, Irina Alencar de 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-29T18:43:55Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Irina Alencar de Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 15641684 bytes, checksum: e7c98b950ee7eabdcca238af4bb74c66 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2017-07-07T19:33:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Irina Alencar de Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 15641684 bytes, checksum: e7c98b950ee7eabdcca238af4bb74c66 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-07T19:33:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Irina Alencar de Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 15641684 bytes, checksum: e7c98b950ee7eabdcca238af4bb74c66 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / It is proposed to research the urban permanences verified in the initial core of Goiânia, as from Goiás Avenue, its most symbolic and expressive stretch. It starts with the analysis of the political discourse disseminated by Pedro Ludovico Teixeira, in favor of moving the capital to a place better adjusted to his political interests, after the triumph of the Brazilian Revolution of 1930. Therefore, he builds powerful social representations, based on the images of the old and the new capital, in order to oppose those against this change and consolidate his government. In addition to the speech and propaganda, Ludovico uses, as a statement element, the urban plan designed by Attilio Corrêa Lima, creating a modern intentional monument to be immortalized, translated by the monumental Goiás Avenue. Then, the city experiences a vertiginous growth in its territory and population, mainly after the 1950s, resulting in the disfigurement of its pioneering core. The spatial transformations verified in Goiás Avenue are representative of this scenario, such as its verticalization process and the changes in its layout to meet the demands from the public transportation. From these losses, consequences of the progressive mentality that is rooted in the local culture, arise the first initiatives to preserve the material evidences of the beginning Goiânia, culminating with its federal preservation in 2003. From this institutionalization as a national heritage, it is focused the appropriation by the city inhabitants, through the research of the urban imaginary created since the pioneer’s city until the present day, highlighting striking points in this trajectory. For that, it is used literature in prose and verse to reach the local collective memory, focusing on the capital early years and on the current city - violent, disjointed and that is forgetting its history day by day. / Esse trabalho investiga as permanências urbanas verificadas no núcleo inicial de Goiânia, a partir da Avenida Goiás, seu mais simbólico e expressivo trecho. Parte-se da análise do discurso político difundido por Pedro Ludovico Teixeira, em defesa da transferência da capital para um local mais ajustado aos seus interesses políticos, após o triunfo da Revolução de 1930. Para isso, ele constrói poderosas representações sociais, fundamentadas nas imagens da velha e da nova capital, visando combater os antimudancistas e consolidar seu governo. Além do discurso e da propaganda, Ludovico utiliza o próprio plano urbano projetado por Attilio Corrêa Lima como elemento de afirmação, criando um monumento intencional moderno a ser eternizado, traduzido através da monumental Avenida Goiás. A partir de então, a cidade vivencia um crescimento territorial e populacional vertiginoso, sobretudo, após a década de 1950, resultando na descaracterização de seu núcleo pioneiro. As transformações espaciais verificadas na Avenida Goiás são representativas desse cenário, a exemplo de seu processo de verticalização e das modificações em seu traçado para atender às demandas do transporte coletivo. Sentidas as perdas, em consequência da mentalidade progressista que se arraiga na cultura local, surgem as primeiras iniciativas para preservação dos testemunhos materiais da Goiânia dos primórdios, que culminam com o tombamento federal em 2003. A partir de sua institucionalização como patrimônio histórico, volta-se o olhar para sua apropriação por parte dos habitantes locais, através da investigação do imaginário urbano formado desde a cidade dos pioneiros até a atualidade, destacando-se pontos marcantes nessa trajetória. Utiliza-se, para tanto, a literatura em prosa e verso para atingir a memória coletiva local, com foco nos primeiros anos da capital e na cidade atual, violenta, desarticulada e que vem se esquecendo de sua história a cada dia.

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