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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visual Communication on Cajamarca Ceramics from pre-Hispanic Peru, 1000 - 1460 CE

Nicewinter, Jeanette 24 April 2013 (has links)
This project analyzes a database of 118 ceramic sherds that were excavated from the Late Intermediate Period site of Yanaorco, located in the Cajamarca region of the north highlands in present-day Peru, for vessel form, style, and imagery. Through the placement of these sherds within the context of inter-community feasting events that took place at Yanaorco, fineware ceramic vessels are interpreted as prestige items that were utilized by the elite to further differentiate themselves from other community citizens. By examining key examples of representational and non-representational imagery depicted on the sherds, an understanding of the social agency of the vessel and the esoteric knowledge that the imagery communicated to feasting participants is explored. The use of fineware ceramic vessels during feasting events at the site of Yanaorco served to ideologically reinforce or manipulate social, political, and economic stratification.

Přechod k demokracii v Peru v 80. letech a následný vývoj země / Transition to democracy in Peru in the 80s and the following development of the country

Zavoralová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyses the transition to democracy in Peru and monitors the following development of the country after installing democratic regime. Since the democracy is the fundamental notion of this thesis, first of all it is defined and after is evaluated the current state of democracy in the world and more in detail in Latin America. The thesis shows that the transition to democracy in Peru was in many was similar to the others democratic processes in the region but also that it has certain specialities. In the end, the thesis evaluates the current state of democracy in Peru according to perception of the inhabitants of this country.

The Stories of the Forced Sterilizations in Peru: The Power of Women’s Voices

Flores Villalobos, Marieliv 21 August 2019 (has links)
This study explores the extent to which the implementation of the National Program for Reproductive Health and Family Planning by the Peruvian Government had consequences in the lives of women who underwent sterilizations. This study is based on a feminist methodology and used interviews as a method of data collection in order to privilege women’s voices and lived experiences from a gender perspective. It addresses notions of biopower and the concept of reproductive health within a framework of intersectionality. Finally, by linking women’s testimonies with the theoretical framework, it was possible to identify that specific Peruvian women, in vulnerable and poor conditions, were targeted by the Government because they did not represent the idea of development, and since then, women are dealing with physical, emotional, and social consequences.

Edificio sustentable de oficinas para venta.

Carranza Cabrera, Ramiro Alejandro 07 August 2014 (has links)
Un inversionista, propietario de un terreno ubicado en el centro financiero de San Isidro, ha solicitado a la empresa realizar un estudio de factibilidad técnica y económica, con el fin de verificar la viabilidad de ejecutar un proyecto de inversión de corto plazo, de un edificio de oficinas para su venta (con el valor agregado de obtener la certificación LEED), debido a la tendencia actual que tiene el mercado inmobiliario en el sector de oficinas prime A y A+, considerando que el terreno se compra a través de una de sus empresas, la cual será la encargada de desarrollar el proyecto inmobiliario. / Tesis

Consumption and wellbeing : motives for consumption and needs satisfiers in Peru

Guillen-Royo, Monica January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores how consumption impacts on people’s wellbeing in seven Peruvian communities. It draws on social science literature on consumption and incorporates the key factors highlighted by the research on wellbeing determinants. Generally, it is accepted that consumption increases wellbeing by lifting people out of poverty and that it has a negative impact if it fails to place them at a higher social position. Other aspects defining consumption such as the symbolic meaning of goods, its pleasurable dimension, the role of goods and services as basic needs satisfiers, etc. have not been systematically approached from the perspective of their effect on wellbeing. The thesis takes on this challenge by incorporating the most salient features of consumption studied by social scientists through the concepts of motives and satisfiers. It draws on psychologists’ claim that motives are important in understanding the linkages between wellbeing and people’s behaviour. It also integrates the work of human needs theorists stressing the importance of analysing the effectiveness of goods and services as basic needs satisfiers. The research follows a multi-methods approach that takes into account the local specificities of consumption, whilst aiming for a global understanding of the key factors mediating its relationship with human wellbeing; accounting for its objective and subjective dimensions. It uses regression analysis to study how consumption affects happiness through total expenditure and motives, and qualitative methods to explore the efficiency of satisfiers in meeting basic needs. The research finds, as expected, that in the Peruvian communities consumption enhances happiness when it improves basic needs levels and places people at a higher social position. People consuming because of hedonic reasons are also happier, but those consuming for social acceptance and higher status are not. Moreover, being motivated by basic needs is negatively associated with happiness. One of the reasons might be the type of satisfiers used. The exploratory study of needs satisfiers in a Peruvian slum points at their potential inefficiency, which might be contributing to people’s frustration through consumption.

Essays on beliefs, democracy and local labor markets : an empirical examination for Peru

Salgado Chavez, Edgar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents three empirical chapters on local labour markets, mineral booms, beliefs, conflict and uncertainty. All the analysis was conducted using Peruvian data and context. The first chapter finds that Peruvian individuals exposed to violent events during their impressionable years trust less government institutions, and feel less identified with their neighbours, while more identified with religious groups. The estimated effect is small and heterogeneous depending on the identity of the perpetrator. The effect on identification with groups of population is also heterogeneous by the indigenous origin of the individuals. Owners of an agricultural plot embedded in a cooperative setting at the local level exhibit even smaller levels of identification with their locals while higher levels of identification with their ethnic group. In line with recent literature, these findings suggest that conflict has a small but persistent effect on the formation of trust and identity, which is a central feature to understand the interaction between culture and institutions, and ultimately to understand the persistent consequences of wars. The second chapter studies the relationship between democratic beliefs and economic uncertainty. I explored whether uncertainty experienced during the impressionable years of the individuals is a key factor behind the formation of the democratic beliefs. Results showed that this type of uncertainty had no effect on the determination of democratic beliefs. Combining uncertainty with the exposure to authoritarian regimes did not change the result. This result is robust to different definition of rural individuals, the interaction of uncertainty and degree of experienced authoritarianism, and different formative periods. Current uncertainty, on the other hand, was unable to fully explain the formation of democratic beliefs. The final chapter investigated the local labour effects of mining booms. Using two rounds of population census for 1043 districts in Peru I documented that large-scale mining activity had a positive effect on local employment over 14 years. The effect was differentiated by industry, skill and migration status. Employment grew by 4% faster by one standard deviation increase in the mineral prices. Both high and low skilled workers enjoyed similar employment increase, however only low skilled workers experienced a decline in unemployment. Using data from 10 annual household surveys I found that, consistent with a model of heterogeneous firms and labour, wages for low skilled workers in districts close to the mining activity was 5% higher by every standard deviation increase in the index of mineral prices. Additional evidence with the census data suggested that to a large extent locals working in the mining or the agricultural sector filled the new employment opportunities. Together these findings suggest that large-scale mining activity increases the demand for mining and agricultural local employment, and the wages in the local economy.

Sistematização, descrição e território das artérias cerebrais média e caudal, artéria cerebroetmoidal e da artéria cerebelar ventral caudal na superfície do encéfalo em peru (Meleagris gallopavo)

Carvalho, Amarílis Díaz de January 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi descrito e sistematizado a distribuição e território das artérias cerebrais média e caudal, artéria cerebroetmoidal e artéria cerebelar ventral caudal na superfície do encéfalo de 30 perus (Meleagris gallopavo), 10 machos e 20 fêmeas, jovens e adultos (idade entre 2,5 meses e 3,5). A artéria cerebral caudal de um antímero formava a artéria inter-hemisférica que lançava ramos hemisféricos dorsais para a face convexa de ambos os antímeros. Seu ramo tectal mesencefálico dorsal de apenas um antímero originava a artéria cerebelar dorsal. No interior da fissura transversa do cérebro, após a origem da artéria tectal mesencefálica dorsal, a artéria cerebral caudal lançou ramos hemisféricos occipitais, ramos pineais e hemisféricos mediais em ambos os antímeros. O território da artéria cerebral caudal compreendeu toda a superfície do hemilobo óptico dorsal, a face rostral do cerebelo, as estruturas diencefálicas, o polo caudal e a face medial do hemisfério cerebral e na face convexa do hemisfério cerebral a eminência sagital exceto seu terço mais rostral. Devido à assimetria encontrada nas ramificações das artérias cerebrais caudais, foram classificados os modelos em três tipos com seus respectivos subtipos. A artéria cerebral média projetou-se em arco rostrolátero- medialmente através da superfície ventral do hemisfério cerebral e lançou inúmeros ramos perfurantes que penetravam no complexo estriado das aves. Lançou ramos hemisféricos ventrais que projetaram-se em direção medial na base do hemisfério cerebral e concorriam com a artéria cerebral rostral na vascularização dessa área, e uma sequência de ramos hemisféricos laterais que ascendiam no hemisfério cerebral, na face convexa, até a altura da valécula telencefálica e terminou-se em seus ramos hemisféricos rostrais, que curvaram-se lateralmente ao bulbo olfatório, dorsalmente, ascendendo à face convexa, vascularizando o terço mais rostral da eminência sagital. O território da artéria cerebral média compreendeu toda a extensão da base do hemisfério cerebral exceto uma área triangular mais medial e caudal que era vascularizada pela artéria cerebral rostral. Na face convexa do hemisfério cerebral, seu território alcançava a valécula telencefálica. Seus ramos hemisféricos rostrais vascularizavam o polo frontal do hemisfério cerebral e bulbo olfatório, mais o terço rostral da eminência sagital. A artéria cerebroetmoidal é a continuação natural do ramo rostral da artéria carótida do cérebro, a partir da origem da artéria cerebral média. Emitiu como ramos colaterais a artéria cerebral rostral, um vaso pequeno projetado da artéria cerebroetmoidal e a artéria etmoidal que projetou-se rostralmente em direção ao bulbo olfatório, acompanhando a fissura inter-hemisférica, alcançando o bulbo olfatório e a cavidade nasal, através do forame olfatório. O território da artéria cerebroetmoidal e suas ramificações vascularizaram uma pequena área triangular da base do hemisfério cerebral entre a artéria cerebral média e o quiasma óptico, porém sua principal função vascular nas aves, é irrigar toda a cavidade nasal. No peru a artéria carótida do cérebro, de apenas um antímero, apresentou seu ramo caudal desenvolvido formando à artéria basilar. No antímero oposto, o ramo caudal transformou-se na artéria tectal mesencefálica ventral e sua terminação medial, o ramo caudal vestigial, mergulhava na fossa interpeduncular, não se anastomosando com o ramo desenvolvido do antímero oposto. O círculo arterial cerebral foi sempre aberto caudalmente. O ramo caudal desenvolvido apresentou como ramo colateral a artéria tectal mesencefálica ventral. O mesencéfalo do peru era composto pelo lobo óptico que teve sua face dorsal vascularizada pela artéria tectal mesencefálica dorsal, ramo da artéria cerebral caudal. Sua face ventral foi vascularizada pelas ramificações da artéria tectal mesencefálica ventral. Esta apresentou variações alcançando parte do cerebelo, principalmente seus lóbulos ventro-rostrais. O rombencéfalo era composto por medula oblonga e cerebelo e foi vascularizado por dois pares principais de artérias cerebelares ventrais rostrais e caudais. A face rostral do cerebelo foi suprida, quando da presença, pela artéria cerebelar dorsal, proveniente de apenas um antímero, ramo da artéria tectal mesencefálica dorsal, pertencente ao sistema arterial cerebral caudal. / In this work was described and systematized the distribution and territory of the middle and caudal cerebral arteries, cerebroethmoidal and caudal ventral cerebellar arteries at the surface of the brain of 30 young and adult turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo), 10 males and 20 females. The caudal cerebral artery of one antimere formed the interhemispheric artery, which gave off dorsal hemispheric branches to the convex surface of both antimeres. Its dorsal tectal mesencephalic branch of only one antimere originated the dorsal cerebellar artery. Inside the cerebral transverse fissure, after the origin of the dorsal tectal mesencephalic artery, the caudal cerebral artery gave off occipital hemispheric branches, pineal branches and medial hemispheric branches on both antimeres. The territory of the caudal cerebral artery comprehended the entire surface of the dorsal hemioptic lobe, the rostral surface of the cerebellum, the diencephalic structures, the caudal pole and the medial surface the cerebral hemisphere and on the convex surface of the cerebral hemisphere the sagittal eminence, except for its most rostral third. Due to an asymmetry found in the ramifications of the caudal cerebral arteries, the models were classified in three types with their respective subtypes. The middle cerebral artery projected in arch rostrolateromedialwards through the ventral surface of the cerebral hemisphere and gave off several perforating branches, which penetrated in the striated complex of the birds. It gave off ventral hemispheric branches, which were projected medialwards at the base of the cerebral hemisphere and disputed with the rostral cerebral artery for the vascularization of this area, and a sequence of lateral hemispheric branches, which ascended to the cerebral hemisphere, at the convex surface, at the level of the telencephalic vallecula and the terminal branch was the rostral hemispheric branches, which curved towards the lateral side of the olfactory bulb, ascending to the convex surface, vascularizing the most rostral third of the sagittal eminence. The territory of the middle cerebral artery comprehended the entire base extension of the cerebral hemisphere, except for a most medial and caudal triangular area, which was vascularized by the rostral cerebral artery. At the convex surface of the cerebral hemisphere, its territory reached the telencephalic vallecula. Its rostral hemispheric branches vascularized the frontal pole of the cerebral hemisphere and olfactory bulb, and also the rostral third of the sagittal eminence. The cerebroethmoidal artery is the natural continuation of the rostral branch of the cerebral carotid artery, from the origin of the middle cerebral artery. It gave off as collateral branches the rostral cerebral artery, a small vessel projected from the cerebroethmoidal artery and the ethmoidal artery, which projected rostralwards towards the olfactory bulb, following the interhemispheric fissure, reaching the olfactory bulb and the nasal cavity, through the olfactory foramen. The territory of the cerebroethmoidal artery and its ramifications vascularized a small triangular area of the base of the cerebral hemisphere between the middle cerebral artery and the optic chiasm, however its main vascular function in birds is to irrigate the entire nasal cavity. In the turkey, the cerebral carotid artery, in only one antimere, presented a developed caudal branch forming the basilar artery. On the opposite antimere, the caudal branch transformed into the ventral tectal mesencephalic artery and its medial terminal branch, the vestigial caudal branch, entered the interpeduncular fossa, not anastomosing with the developed branch of the opposite antimere. The cerebral arterial circle was always opened caudalwards. The developed caudal branch presented as collateral branch the ventral tectal mesencephalic artery. The mesencephalon of the turkey was composed by the optic lobe, which had its dorsal surface vascularized by the dorsal tectal mesencephalic artery, branch of the caudal cerebral artery. Its ventral surface was vascularized by the ramifications of the ventral tectal mesencephalic artery. This presented variations reaching part of the cerebellum, mainly its rostroventral lobules. The rhombencephalon was composed by medulla oblongata and cerebellum and was vascularized by two main pairs of caudal and rostral ventral cerebellar arteries. The rostral surface of the cerebellum was supplied, when present, by the dorsal cerebellar artery, provided from just one antimere, branch of the dorsal tectal mesencephalic artery, pertaining from the caudal cerebral arterial system.

Detection of Bordetella pertussis using a PCR test in infants younger 3 than one year old hospitalized with whooping cough in five 4 Peruvian hospitals

Castillo, María Esther, Bada, Carlos, Del Aguila, Olguita, Petrozzi Helasvuo, Verónica, Casabona Ore, Verónica, Reyes, Isabel, Del Valle Mendoza, Juana Mercedes 24 November 2015 (has links)
Objectives To report the incidence, epidemiology, and clinical features of Bordetella pertussis in Peruvian infants under 1 year old. Patients and methods A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in five hospitals in Peru from January 2010 to July 2012. A total of 392 infants under 1 year old were admitted with a clinical diagnosis of whooping cough and tested for B. pertussis by PCR. Results The pertussis toxin and IS481 genes were detected in 39.54% (155/392) of the cases. Infants aged less than 3 months were the most affected, with a prevalence of 73.55% (114/155). The most common household contact was the mother, identified in 20% (31/155) of cases. Paroxysm of coughing (89.03%, 138/155), cyanosis (68.39%, 106/155), respiratory distress (67.09%, 104/155), and breastfeeding difficulties (39.35%, 61/155) were the most frequent symptoms reported. Conclusion An increase in pertussis cases has been reported in recent years in Peru, despite national immunization efforts. Surveillance with PCR for B. pertussis is essential, especially in infants less than 1 year old, in whom a higher rate of disease-related complications and higher mortality have been reported. / This 312 work was supported by Sanofi Aventis del Peru. Conflict 313 of interest: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author 314 states that there are no conflicts of interest or funding related 315 to this study

Representations of the Peruvian agrarian reform, 1968-75

Cant, Anna Frances January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Desenhos, relações e desenvolvimento : conflitos em torno da mineração na região andina de Cajamarca, Peru

Paredes Peñafiel, Adriana Paola January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho de tese trata das dinâmicas da mineração a céu aberto e seus efeitos na água da região andina de Cajamarca, ao norte do Peru. O objetivo consiste em analisar “desenhos locais” que entram em conflito com os desenhos propostos – e alguns já instalados – pela mineração moderna, que começam a proliferar no Peru a partir de 1990 como um caminho inquestionável de desenvolvimento. Por meio de pesquisa de abordagem etnográfica, realizada entre 2013 e 2014, analisam-se dois casos. No primeiro, examinam-se as diferenças ontológicas mobilizadas pelas pessoas como resultado de ações causadas pelo projeto de mineração Conga, que “sacrificará” importantes lagoas na região de Cajamarca, Peru. Nesse contexto, campesinos e ronderos do centro poblado El Tambo têm se organizado para vigiar a lagoa Mamacocha. Observa-se que a relacionalidade dos campesinos com Mamacocha é ativada pela realidade da experiência vivida com a água, que começou a desaparecer a partir dos projetos de mineração, mas que é coproduzida em “encontros” com outras concepções ontológicas. Tais encontros dinamizam histórias orais da memória local. Para além de uma representação essencialista do conhecimento indígena versus o científico, são os diferentes regimes de relação com a água que intensificam colaborações entre os coletivos. O efeito é a emergência de “Mamacocha estendida”, sinalizada nas manifestações como “obra de Deus”, “água que alimenta” e “aquíferos”, a depender das relações e dos grupos, e dos campesinos como “guardiões das lagoas”. A noção de “alimentar” aparece em diálogos com campesinos que enfatizam relações entre as colheitas, os canais de irrigação e os puquios (nascentes de água) salientando que as lagoas não podem ser substituídas por reservatórios artificiais que a empresa propõe construir. Em um segundo caso, analisa-se como o desenho de uma mina a céu aberto na cidade de Hualgayoc, região próxima à anterior, influencia as pessoas que inicialmente desenhavam na terra, os velhos mineiros de socavão. Embora os mineiros articulem a história de um passado mineiro, o seu esforço por negociar suas relações com a empresa mineira oscilam entre antagonismo e expectativas por uma ocupação neste mercado de trabalho. Muitos deles são ignorados pelas grandes empresas por não serem os “mineiros modernos” que hoje manipulam maquinarias sofisticadas, apesar de terem trabalhado por muito tempo no socavão. Quando o centro urbano de Hualgayoc se tornou uma AID (Área de Influência Direta) da mineração a céu aberto, os seus habitantes foram categorizados em classificações específicas que os reprimem. Além disso, o que mostra o caso de Hualgayoc é que o projeto mineiro somente oferece trabalho pelas falhas que ele mesmo causa ao ser implementado. Esta perda é vista como uma oportunidade de trabalho para contratar pessoas que possam trazer água de outros lugares. Os efeitos na natureza e nas pessoas são reais, e, principalmente, os efeitos nas águas andam em paralelo com os projetos de vida de muitas pessoas que resistem ao projeto mineiro. Estes dois casos na região emblemática de Cajamarca ilustram os conflitos em torno de desenhos, relações e desenvolvimento. / This PhD dissertation is about the dynamics of open-pit mining activity and related controversies around water in the Andean region of Cajamarca, Peru. The goal is to analise “local designs” that are threatened by designs - some of them are already encroached on the land used by campesinos - coming from modern mining whose proliferation started in 1990 as a non-questionable way to development. Based on ethnographic research conducted between 2013 and 2014 in the region of Cajamarca, this work analises two cases. The first one, I examine ontological differences mobilized by people when the Yanacocha Mining Company officially announced its proposal to construct an open-pit copper-gold mine and would require draining important lagoons. In this context, campesinos (peasant farmers) and ronderos (rural patrol) from the hamlet of El Tambo organized themselves in order to guard the Mamacocha lagoon. Based on fieldwork in the area of the proposed Conga Mining Project, the author argue that the relationality between the campesinos and Mamacocha results from campesinos’ lived experiences with water that started to scarce, but it is also produced through encounters with other ontological conceptions. Those encounters activate older narratives about Mamacocha. These different ways of knowing designing should not be understood as an essentialist representation of ‘Indigenous’ knowledge that stands in opposition to ‘Western’ or scientific knowledge. Different regimes of relations with water intensify collaborations bewteen collectivities. The effect is the enactment of an “extended Mamacocha” as “God’s creation”, “water that nourishes” and “aquifers” and the campesinos as “Guardians of the Lagoons”. The concept of ‘nourishment’ appeared in dialogues with campesinos, emphasizing the relationship between food crops, irrigation channels, and natural water springs, could not be replaced with artificial reservoirs that the company proposed to build. In the second case, I analise how the design of an open-pit mine in the city of Hualgayoc, close to the previous area, influences people who used to be underground miners. Even though, miners articulate a narrative that Hualgayoc is a “mining region”, their efforts to negotiate with the mining company oscilate between antagonism and expectations for jobs. Some of them are ignored for not being modern miners that manipulate sophiscated machines, even though they have worked as underground miners for decades. When the urban center of Hualagyoc became an ADI (area of direct influence), their residents were also categorized in specific classification that repress them. Besides, the case shows that the Project offers jobs because of their own failures during its implementation. This loss is seen as an oportuniuty for hiring people that could bring water from other places. The effects on the environment and people are real, they travel through parallel worlds. These two cases in the emblematic region of Cajamartca illustrate conflicts around designs, relations and development.

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