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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de techniques de métallisation innovantes pour cellules photovoltaïques à haut rendement / Development of innovative metallization techniques for high efficiency silicon solar cells

Boulord, Caroline 11 April 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’est focalisée sur le développement et l’optimisation de techniques de métallisation électrochimique permettant le dépôt de métaux conducteurs, l’argent et le cuivre, par voie électrolytique ou par la technique dite LIP (Light-Induced Plating). Deux approches ont été abordées pour l’élaboration des contacts en face avant : l’épaississement de contacts sérigraphiés d’une part, et la réalisation de contacts entièrement par voie électrochimique sans recours à la sérigraphie. Pour cette dernière solution, le dépôt d’une couche d’accroche avant l’étape d’épaississement est nécessaire afin d’assurer une résistivité de contact faible, une bonne adhérence et une bonne sélectivité au travers de la couche anti-reflet. Ces objectifs ont été atteints grâce à la mise en œuvre et l’optimisation de dépôts electroless de nickel-phosphore (NiP), y compris sur émetteur peu dopé. Les investigations menées ont également permis une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de formation du contact NiP/Si. La faisabilité des techniques de dépôt électrochimique a été démontrée pour diverses applications: cellules avec contacts électrochimiques NiP/Ag en face avant, cellules de type n, épaississement de contacts fins sérigraphiés… Des résultats très prometteurs d’amélioration de facteur de forme FF et de rendement η ont été obtenus et permettent d’envisager une ouverture potentielle vers de nouvelles structures de cellules photovoltaïques à haut rendement : cellules à émetteur peu dopé, cellules à émetteur sélectif avec ouverture laser de la couche anti-reflet, cellules à contacts arrières…. / This thesis is focused on the development and the optimization of electrochemical metallization techniques allowing the deposition of conductive metals, silver and the copper, by electrolytic deposition or by lip (light-induced plating). Two approaches were studied to realize the front side contacts of silicon solar cells: the thickening of screen-printed contacts and the fabrication of contacts completely by electrochemical deposition without screen-printing. For this solution, the deposition of a seed layer before thickening is necessary to insure a low contact resistivity, a satisfying adhesion and selectivity through the anti-reflection coating. These objectives were reached thanks to the optimization of electroless nickel-phosphorous (nip) deposits, including on low doped emitter. The investigations also allowed a better understanding of the NiP/Si contact formation mechanisms. The feasibility of electrochemical deposition techniques was demonstrated for various applications : cells with electrochemical front side contacts NiP/Ag, type n cells, thickening of fine line screen-printed contacts… very promising results of fill factor ff and efficiency improvement were obtained and allow to realize new structures of high efficiency photovoltaic cells : cells with low doped emitter, cells with selective emitter and with laser ablated anti-reflection coating, rear contact cells…

Detekce defektů solárních článků pomocí systému využívajcího elektroluminiscenci / System for electroluminiscence defect detection of solar cells

Marčík, Silvestr January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis focuses primarily on issues of photovoltaic cells in terms of their defects. The introductory part deals with the history of photovoltaics, their introduction into practice and finally an explanation of the photoelectric effect itself. The thesis also describes photovoltaic cells themselves. It explains their principle, advantages, disadvantages and the creation of photovoltaic systems. A substantial part of the work is focused on the topic of detection of defects using luminescent methods. Subsequently, it describes procedural defects arising from the improper handling of already manufactured products. The final part deals with the main topic of the work, which is a detection using luminescence methods and it also mentions the non-luminescence method LBIC. The practical part of the master thesis contains the analysis of the current solution and of the subsequent proposal of solution using a low cost camera. It describes how to modify the camera, verify its spectral sensitivity using a spectrometer and measure the sensitivity of the CMOS sensor. The conclusion is focused on verifying the functionality of the proposed solution on different sources of infrared radiation and photovoltaic panels themselves.

Návrh a realizace mobilní fotovoltaické elektrárny / Design and Realization of Mobile Photovoltaic Power Station

Lednický, Ján January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis entitled Design and realization of a mobile photovoltaic power plant is dividet into two parts. In the first, theoretical part one can learn about the state of representation of renewable energy sources in the field of electrical power engineering and about the structure of photovoltaic power station systems. The secont part of this thesis is focused on the own design and realization of the mobile photovoltaic power plant, on the selection of individual suitable components and ther dimensioning. In addition, a model of a mobile power plant has been created, on the basis of which the power plant was constructed. Finally, one can find a source code analysis of a power plant monitoring using a microcontroler

Generátorové snímače / Power harvesting sensors

Arnošt, Karel January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with power harvesting sensors as a source of energy. As the power requirements for microelectronics decreases the environmental energy sources become more perspective. In a few last years batteries reach a higher capacity but there is still problem with their replacement. Power harvesting sensors appears as a good solution for powering microelectronics.

Vývoj ostrovního fotovoltaického systému / Development of RAPS systém

Svoboda, Luboš January 2011 (has links)
The project considers realization system, which will allow us to test six different operation modes on lifetime accumulators. The system will link to computer, which will execute measurement current and tension and switch betwencharging and discharging modes. The measured values will record in someone time intervals in to computer memory. After someone time will analise these measured valuer and will provide optional operation mode.

I-U charakteristiky fotovoltaických modulů spojovaných paralelně a do série / I-V characteristic on photovoltaic modules connected in parallel and in serial

Láník, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
In mentioned theses there are described the basic tenets of the photovoltaic panels operation. There is described the progress of the photovoltaic panels. Theses is focused on the theoretical knowledges about the equivalent circuits and their aplication in the proposed simulation system. The goal of theses is to create the surroundings in the program Agilent VEE Pro 8.0 and to create the program for the simulation of the serial and paralel conjunction of the photovoltaic panels. The resultant program enables the simulation of the I – V and P – V characteristics of the real photovoltaic panels.

Analýza fotovoltaických článků pomocí fotoluminiscence / Analyse of photovoltaic solar cells by the photoluminescence method

Richter, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issues of photovoltaic cells. The main aim of this thesis is to introduce the principles of operation of solar cells and methods of detection of defects affecting their quality. The first part is about the functional properties of silicon cells and it also examines the possibilities of detecting the defects of these structures. It also describes the most commonly used modern diagnostic methods. In the next part, practical tests of photovoltaic cells using the methods electroluminescence and photoluminescence are performed. These methods are based on the excitation of luminescence radiation of the silicon material by the external light source.

Provozní parametry FV panelů pracujících v hybridních energetických systémech – porovnání / Operating parameters of the PV modules operating in hybrid energy systems - comparison

Jílek, Milan January 2015 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the principle of the photoelectric effect, the composition of the photovoltaic cell and different types of solar panels. Here is described the principle of converting wind energy into electricity. This master’s thesis describes reasons for using of the hybrid system. The next section describes the measurement system which is used to measure real operating statuses. The last section is an analysis of measured values and there are listed factors influencing the design of hybrid power system.

Využití obnovitelných zdrojů realizací fotovoltaické elektrárny Drásov / Renewable resources utilisation by execution of the Photovoltaic Power Plant Drásov

Novotný, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This master’s thesis discuss the renewable energy source utilisation, to be more precise it describes the Photovoltaic Power Plants. These sources are not only capable of contributing to the regeneration of the environment and to the electricity production, but they are also capable of generating the investor’s economic profit. The individual chapters describe the external factors affecting the project, present condition of the project’s realization, the theory of photovoltaic cells and systems, CCTV camera systems, which are necessary for the power plant security.

有機半導体材料の開発 : 共役系骨格に対する置換基導入の集積性への影響とデバイス応用に向けた物性評価 / ユウキ ハンドウタイ ザイリョウ ノ カイハツ : キョウエキケイ コッカク ニタイスル チカンキ ドウニュウ ノ シュウセキセイ エノ エイキョウ ト デバイス オウヨウ ニ ムケタ ブッセイ ヒョウカ

髙木 阿久斗, 高木 阿久斗, Akuto Takagi 22 March 2018 (has links)
博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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