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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů / The influence of environmental conditions of the recycling of solar modules

Langer, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surface of module after experiment in nitrogen environment, it was proven that the condensed dust is indeed ethylene vinyl acetate.

Vyhodnocení vlastností fotovoltaických článků s optickými koncentrátory / Evaluation of photovoltaic cells with optical concentrators

Pončík, Vlastimil January 2011 (has links)
This work deals about the photovoltaic systems, especially with concentration of the sunlight in use of concentrators that are placed direct on the panel. Concentrated photovoltaics systems employ sunlight concentrated onto photovoltaic surfaces for the purpose of more efficient electrical power production. A photovoltaic cell with concentrator includes difractive optical elements that concentrate light on a photovoltaic chip Flat polycarbonate optical element has difractive gratings on its surface.

Optimalizace tepelných vlastností struktur modulů fotovoltaických článků / Optimalisation of thermal properties of solar cell modules

Dohnalová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The topic of presented diploma thesis is study of thermal properties structures of photovoltaic cells. The main goal of this thesis is study of ways of heat spreading from volume and planar materials (conduction, convection and radiation). Then it is needed to determine contributions of heat spread from laminated photovoltaic cell and compare them to results measured by transient pulse method, step wise method and with thermo-camera using. At the beginning of this thesis it will be needed to define heat and ways it’s spread. Heat is closely connected with temperature. That is reason why will be there spoken about temperature and methods of its measuring. Than there will be defined basic thermo-physical parameters of materials. Thermo-physical parameters of materials will be measured by transient methods that will be characterized later and by thermo-camera. This thesis deals with photovoltaic cells, so there will be described their structure, properties, utilization and way of their production. Subsequently after the definition of all needed terms the experimental part of this thesis will be introduced. It will be needed to characterize measured volume material and define its thermo-physical parameters. Using the pulse transient method, step wise method and thermo-camera there will be measured the thermal response of PMMA sample, nonlaminated photovoltaic cell and also samples of laminated photovoltaic cells. Findings of all described methods will be finally compared.

Charge transport in organic multi-layer devices under electric and optical fields

Park, June Hyoung 17 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation numérique de la solidification et de la ségrégation des impuretés lors de la croissance du silicium photovoltaïque à l'aide d'une méthode originale de maillage glissant / Simulation of solidification and segregation of impurities for the crystallization process of photovoltaic silicon with an original moving mesh method

Tavernier, Virgile 19 December 2018 (has links)
Les panneaux photovoltaïques ont pris ces dernières années une place importante dans le secteur de l’énergie. Les performances de ces panneaux dépendent notamment de la qualité et de l’homogénéité du silicium utilisé et des impuretés qu’il contient. Pour obtenir du silicium photovoltaïque, on peut utiliser un procédé de solidification dirigée afin d’obtenir un lingot de silicium de grade photovoltaïque à partir de silicium de grade métallurgique. Cette approche reste aujourd’hui difficile à simuler efficacement en raison de l’aspect multi-échelle du procédé et du suivi de l’interface mobile avec des transferts de masse et de chaleur à l’interface solide/liquide. Cette thèse présente la mise en œuvre d’une méthode originale de maillage glissant proposée pour réaliser un suivi adaptatif de l’interface mobile, afin d’améliorer l’efficacité des simulations. Dans un premier temps, la modélisation de la solidification dirigée d’un corps pur avec un tel maillage glissant est validée à l’aide d’une solution analytique dans une configuration diffusive de référence. L’impact de la méthode proposée est ensuite étudié dans une configuration de type Bridgman vertical en présence de convection naturelle dans la phase liquide. Dans un second temps, on s’intéresse à la ségrégation des impuretés dans cette même configuration. Pour cela, on propose une modélisation spécifique du rejet d’impuretés à l’interface, et on étudie l’impact sur les simulations de la méthode de maillage glissant proposée. Les résultats et les gains de performance pour les simulations sont discutés en faisant varier des paramètres de calcul et par comparaison avec des données de la littérature. / In recent years, photovoltaic panels took a key role in the energy sector. The efficiency of these panels depends notably on the quality of the processed silicon ingots and on their homogeneity regarding the impurities they include. In order to process photovoltaic silicon, one can use a directional solidification process to obtain a solar grade silicon ingot from a metallurgical grade silicon feedstock. This approach is still nowadays hard to simulate with efficiency because of the multi-scales aspects of the process and because of the front tracking of the interface, where some heat and mass transfer occurs. This thesis presents the implementation of an original moving mesh method, proposed in order to perform an adaptive front tracking of the moving interface. The aim is to improve the efficiency of the numerical simulations. In a first time, the directional solidification model of a pure substance with such a moving mesh is validated against an analytical solution based on a purely diffusive reference configuration. The influence of the proposed method is then studied on a vertical Bridgman configuration with natural convection in the liquid phase. In a second time, the segregation of impurities is considered in the same configuration. For this study, a specific model for the rejection of impurities is proposed at the solid/liquid interface, and the influence of the proposed moving mesh method on the results is as well explored. Finally, the results and the performance improvements for the numerical simulations are discussed through variations of the calculation parameters and through comparisons against data from the literature.

Aplicações de técnicas de impressão à dispositivos eletrônicos orgânicos / Applications of printing techniques for organic electronic devices

Rebello, Pedro Henrique Pereira 27 January 2014 (has links)
O trabalho desta dissertação versou sobre avanços em tecnologias de eletrônica impressa de baixo custo. Em particular, aplicamos as técnicas de impressão por serigrafia e por jato de tinta para confeccionar dispositivos eletrônicos e optoeletrônicos. O primeiro dispositivo construído foi resistências impressas por jato de tinta tendo como matérias primas o poli(3,4-etileno dióxido tiofeno) com sulfonato de poliestireno (PEDOT:PSS) e nanopartículas de prata sobre substratos de vidro. Os valores das resistências foram analisados em se variando parâmetros de impressão. Como segundo dispositivo, imprimimos pela técnica de serigrafia sobre vidro e kapton, antenas de cartões de RFIDs (Radio-Frequency Identifications), também com os dois materiais: tinta de prata e PEDOT:PSS. Os RFIDs foram projetados para operar em frequências entre 860 MHz e 960 MHz. A antena de PEDOT:PSS mostrou alcance de 0,45 m, enquanto que a de tinta prata teve alcance de 1,6 m em 860 MHz e de 4 m em 960 MHz. Fabricamos também células eletroquímicas emissoras de luz (Organic Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells - OLECs), no qual substituímos o eletrodo transparente de óxido de índio (ITO), por um feito de PEDOT:PSS, aplicado por serigrafia sobre vidro. A camada ativa da célula luminescente foi feita por uma mistura de óxido de polietileno complexado com sal de lítio e um polímero luminescente derivado de polifluoreno que emite no verde. As curvas características de corrente e luminância em função da voltagem externa aplicada mostrou o bom desempenho das células fabricadas. Finalmente, produzimos células fotovoltaicas orgânicas, em que o eletrodo transparente, também de PEDOT:PSS, foi depositado por serigrafia sobre vidro. A camada ativa nesse caso foi um sistema bifásico feito de poli(3hexiltiofeno) (P3HT) e um éster, o [6,6]-fenil-C61-ácido metil-butírico (PCBM). Esse dispositivo apresentou um Fator de Preenchimento de 0,47 e uma eficiência externa de aproximadamente 2%. / The work developed along this thesis presents advances in printed electronic technologies of low cost. In particular we applied printable serigraphic and Inkjet technologies to produce electronic and optoelectronic devices. First, we produced resistances having poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and silver paint as active materials, using an Inkjet printer on glass substrate. We made studies of the resistance performance varying some printed parameters. Then, by serigraphy screen printing was printed, on substrates of kapton and glass, an antenna in an Radio-Frequency Identification card (RFID), also from PEDOT:PSS and from silver paint. This RFID was projected to operate in a frequency range from approximately 860 MHz to 960 MHz. The antenna made of PEDOT:PSS operated in a distance of 0.45 m, while that of silver varied from 1.6 m at 860 MHz to 4 m at 960 MHz. In an Organic Light Emitting Electrochemical Cell (OLEC) we applied one of the electrodes, a PEDOT:PSS layer, as a transparent electrode by serigraphy on glass substrate for made to replace of ITO. The active layer was a mixture of a poly(ethylene oxide) complexed with lithium salt and a derivative of polyfluorene that is a green emitter. The characteristic curves of current and luminance against the applied external voltage assured us the good performance of the device. Similar result was obtained with the performance of an organic photovoltaic (OPV), in which the active layer was a biphasic system made by poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), in which the transparent electrode (PEDOT:PSS) was also printed by serigraphy on glass substrate. In this device we obtained a Fill Factor of 0.47 and an external efficiency of almost 2%.

Conception et réalisation d'une nouvelle architecture multi-entrées multi-sorties pour la gestion de micro puissance dans les systèmes autonomes / Conception et réalisation d'une nouvelle architecture multi-entrées multi-sorties pour la gestion de micro puissance dans les systèmes autonomes

Ramond, Adrien 22 November 2011 (has links)
L'autonomie énergétique des systèmes embarqués est un frein majeur au développement de l'intelligence ambiante et de l'internet des objets. Cette thèse présente un système générique de gestion de micro-puissance capable d'alimenter un nœud de réseau de capteurs autonomes et communicant sans fil (WSN). L'architecture proposée est basée sur un convertisseur DC/DC abaisseur simple inductance multi-entrées multi-sorties (SI MIMO) associé à un circuit de recherche du point de puissance maximal (MPPT) très basse consommation. Nous montrons dans ce travail que cette famille de convertisseurs permet d'hybrider efficacement plusieurs sources et plusieurs éléments de stockage pour fournir les tensions régulées nécessaires à l'alimentation électrique d'un nœud de WSN. Pour ce faire, et dans le cadre du projet PCB², nous avons réalisé un convertisseur SI MIMO à base de composants discrets ultra basse consommation sur carte PCB. Ce convertisseur interface un récupérateur piézoélectrique, une cellule photovoltaïque et une batterie fine au LIPON (Lithium Phosphorous Oxynitride) enterrée dans le circuit imprimé, pour alimenter un capteur de température enregistreur. Le développement de modèles pour chacun de ces dispositifs et leur implémentation dans un environnement de simulation système en VHDL-AMS a permis, dans un premier temps, de valider le concept présenté, puis, a guidé le travail de conception et d'optimisation du circuit du démonstrateur. Le rendement ainsi obtenu avoisine 55% dans les conditions normales d'utilisation et tend vers 70% lorsque le niveau de puissance qui transite dans le convertisseur dépasse 500 µW. / Energy supply of embedded systems is limiting the development of the internet of things and more generally of the ambient intelligence paradigm. This thesis presents a generic micro-power management system able supply a wireless sensor node. The proposed architecture is based on a Single Inductor Multi Inputs Multi Outputs (SI MIMO) DC/DC converter coupled to an ultra low power Maximum Power Point Tracking circuit. In this work, we show that this family of converter allows to efficiently hybridizing several power sources with power storage elements in order to provide different DC regulated voltages that can supply a sensor node. In this end, and in the framework of the PCB² project, we realized a SI MIMO converter made of discrete components on a printed circuit board. This converter interfaces a piezoelectric generator, a photovoltaic cell, and a thin-film LIPON Lithium Phosphorous Oxynitride) battery buried in the PCB, in order to power a temperature data-logger. The concept validation and the design of the demonstrator have been done thanks to devices modeling and system simulations in a VHD-AMS environment. The efficiency of the circuit is about 55% in standard usage conditions and reaches 70% when the power passing through the converter exceeds 500µW.

Metodologia para avaliar o emprego de técnicas de seleção e conversão da radiação solar sobre a produção de energia elétrica de células fotovoltaicas. / Methodology to evaluate the use of techniques of selection and conversion of solar radiation on the production of electric energy of photovoltaic cells.

Heideier, Raphael Bertrand 06 November 2017 (has links)
Esta tese propõe uma metodologia para avaliar o emprego de técnicas de seleção e conversão da radiação solar para aumentar a produção de energia elétrica de células fotovoltaicas. Foi feita uma revisão dos mecanismos fotovoltaicos para produção de energia elétrica e os entraves para aumentar sua eficiência, em especial os impactos da temperatura e da absorção do espectro solar. Uma metodologia foi criada para definir um filtro óptico ótimo a ser utilizado em uma região na presença ou não de conversão do espectro, através de simulações computacionais, que define a faixa do espectro solar que deve ser absorvida pela célula para se ter o melhor equilíbrio entre absorção e aquecimento. Um modelo matemático foi criado e implementado computacionalmente, para calcular a produção de energia de um módulo fotovoltaico, em uma dada região com ou sem a aplicação de técnicas de conversão e seleção da radiação solar. Através de um estudo de caso com dados da cidade de Petrolina, PE, Brasil, concluiu-se que o ganho esperado para utilização de um filtro óptico que reflete ondas de comprimento superiores a 1000 nm é cerca de 1% da energia gerada. Ensaios empíricos permitiram validar a metodologia proposta, comparando os dados reais com os dados teóricos obtidos pelas simulações do modelo matemático. Após a calibração do modelo matemático, verificou-se que os resultados de potência instantânea calculados com o modelo matemático variavam cerca de 5% tanto para o módulo com filtro quanto para o módulo sem filtro. Para contornar a restrição construtiva do filtro óptico e verificar outros ganhos possíveis são propostos experimentos com compostos de conversão de radiação solar associados com filtros ópticos para seleção da radiação solar. Com isto, espera-se aumentar significativamente a produção de energia elétrica de células fotovoltaicas de Silício cristalino. / This thesis proposes a methodology to evaluate the use of solar radiation selection and conversion techniques to increase the production of electric energy of photovoltaic solar cells. A review of the photovoltaic mechanisms for the production of electrical energy and the obstacles to increase its efficiency, especially the impacts of temperature and the absorption of the solar spectrum was done. A methodology was developed to define an optimal optical filter to be used in a region in the presence or not of solar spectrum conversion, through computational simulations, which defines the range of the solar radiation that must be absorbed by the cell in order to have the best balance between absorption and heating. A mathematical model was created and implemented computationally to calculate the energy production of a photovoltaic module in a given region with or without the application of solar radiation conversion and selection techniques. A case study with data from the city of Petrolina, PE, Brazil, concluded that the expected gain for the use of an optical filter that reflects wavelengths above 1000 nm is about 1% of the power generated. Empirical tests allowed validating the proposed methodology comparing the actual data with the theoretical data obtained by the simulations of the mathematical model. After calibration of the mathematical model, it was verified that the instantaneous power results calculated with the mathematical model vary about 5% for both the filter module and the unfiltered module. To avoid the constructive constraint of the optical filter and to verify other possible gains are proposed experiments with solar radiation conversion compounds associated with optical filters to select the solar radiation. With this, it is expected to significantly increase the electricity production of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells.

Metodologia para avaliar o emprego de técnicas de seleção e conversão da radiação solar sobre a produção de energia elétrica de células fotovoltaicas. / Methodology to evaluate the use of techniques of selection and conversion of solar radiation on the production of electric energy of photovoltaic cells.

Raphael Bertrand Heideier 06 November 2017 (has links)
Esta tese propõe uma metodologia para avaliar o emprego de técnicas de seleção e conversão da radiação solar para aumentar a produção de energia elétrica de células fotovoltaicas. Foi feita uma revisão dos mecanismos fotovoltaicos para produção de energia elétrica e os entraves para aumentar sua eficiência, em especial os impactos da temperatura e da absorção do espectro solar. Uma metodologia foi criada para definir um filtro óptico ótimo a ser utilizado em uma região na presença ou não de conversão do espectro, através de simulações computacionais, que define a faixa do espectro solar que deve ser absorvida pela célula para se ter o melhor equilíbrio entre absorção e aquecimento. Um modelo matemático foi criado e implementado computacionalmente, para calcular a produção de energia de um módulo fotovoltaico, em uma dada região com ou sem a aplicação de técnicas de conversão e seleção da radiação solar. Através de um estudo de caso com dados da cidade de Petrolina, PE, Brasil, concluiu-se que o ganho esperado para utilização de um filtro óptico que reflete ondas de comprimento superiores a 1000 nm é cerca de 1% da energia gerada. Ensaios empíricos permitiram validar a metodologia proposta, comparando os dados reais com os dados teóricos obtidos pelas simulações do modelo matemático. Após a calibração do modelo matemático, verificou-se que os resultados de potência instantânea calculados com o modelo matemático variavam cerca de 5% tanto para o módulo com filtro quanto para o módulo sem filtro. Para contornar a restrição construtiva do filtro óptico e verificar outros ganhos possíveis são propostos experimentos com compostos de conversão de radiação solar associados com filtros ópticos para seleção da radiação solar. Com isto, espera-se aumentar significativamente a produção de energia elétrica de células fotovoltaicas de Silício cristalino. / This thesis proposes a methodology to evaluate the use of solar radiation selection and conversion techniques to increase the production of electric energy of photovoltaic solar cells. A review of the photovoltaic mechanisms for the production of electrical energy and the obstacles to increase its efficiency, especially the impacts of temperature and the absorption of the solar spectrum was done. A methodology was developed to define an optimal optical filter to be used in a region in the presence or not of solar spectrum conversion, through computational simulations, which defines the range of the solar radiation that must be absorbed by the cell in order to have the best balance between absorption and heating. A mathematical model was created and implemented computationally to calculate the energy production of a photovoltaic module in a given region with or without the application of solar radiation conversion and selection techniques. A case study with data from the city of Petrolina, PE, Brazil, concluded that the expected gain for the use of an optical filter that reflects wavelengths above 1000 nm is about 1% of the power generated. Empirical tests allowed validating the proposed methodology comparing the actual data with the theoretical data obtained by the simulations of the mathematical model. After calibration of the mathematical model, it was verified that the instantaneous power results calculated with the mathematical model vary about 5% for both the filter module and the unfiltered module. To avoid the constructive constraint of the optical filter and to verify other possible gains are proposed experiments with solar radiation conversion compounds associated with optical filters to select the solar radiation. With this, it is expected to significantly increase the electricity production of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells.

Etude des verres d’encapsulation pour cellules solaires photovoltaïques en silicium monocristallin / Investigation of encapsulation glass for monocrystalline silicon solar cells

Merigeon, Julien 11 December 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l’étude des verres d’encapsulation pour des cellules solaires en silicium monocristallin. Deux pistes ont été explorées pour réduire les pertes d’efficacité dues à l’encapsulation : la réduction de la réflexion de verres à base de silice avec des couches antireflets ainsi que l’utilisation de verres fluorés dopés terres rares à conversion de fréquence. Dans le premier cas, des couches antireflets ont été déposées sur des verres à base de silice par la méthode sol-gel. Les caractérisations optiques des verres ont été réalisées par spectrophotométrie et ellipsométrie et l’influence des différents verres sur les caractéristiques densité de courant-tension (J-V) ont été testées sous simulateur solaire dans des conditions standards (AM1.5 et 100 mW/cm2) pour une ou plusieurs cellules de référence. Une autre piste explorée a été celle des verres fluorés dopés terres rares ayant des propriétés de conversion de fréquence (conversion de photons non absorbés vers une énergie proche du gap optique du silicium). Des matrices fluorées de type ZBLA et ZLAG dopées terres rares (Pr3+, Tm3+, Yb3+) ont été utilisées. L’influence du dopage sur les performances électriques des cellules encapsulées a été étudiée en corrélation avec les propriétés physiques et optiques (transfert d’énergie, photoluminescence, transmittance) des verres. Le bénéfice de la conversion de fréquence a pour la première fois été montrée sur les caractéristiques J-V pour des échantillons co-dopés Pr3+-Yb3+. De plus, les caractéristiques des cellules de référence en utilisant ces nouveaux verres d’encapsulation ont été comparées à celles des verres utilisés habituellement dans l’industrie. / The thesis studies the encapsulation glass for monocrystalline silicon solar cells. Two ways were explored to reduce the efficiency loss due to encapsulation: reducing reflection losses of silica based glasses with antireflection layers and the use of rareearth- doped fluoride glass for frequency conversion. On the one hand, antireflection layers have been deposited on the silica glass by sol-gel method. The optical characterizations were carried out by spectrophotometry and ellipsometry and the influence of different encapsulation glasses on the current density-voltage characteristics (J-V) were measured under solar simulator irradiation in standard conditions (AM1.5 and 100 mW/cm2) for various reference cells. On the other hand, the rare-earth-doped fluoride glasses which they can convert frequencies in order to change the energy of photons to energies adapted to the optical gap of the silicon has been investigated. The glasses used are fluorinated matrix ZLAG and ZBLA doped with rareearth elements (Pr3+, Tm3+, Yb3+). The effect of doping on the electrical performance of encapsulated cells was studied correlated with physical and optical properties of glasses (energy transfer, luminescence, transmittance). Frequency conversion was demonstrated by luminescence for all of the rare-earth-doped samples. Then the most promising results for encapsulating was found for codoped Yb3+-Pr3+ ZBLA glass. The benefit of the frequency conversion was shown for the first time in J-V characteristics. Then, characteristics of the reference cells with these new encapsulating glasses were compared to those from glasses commonly used in the photovoltaic modules industry

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