Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCER"" "subject:"[enn] PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCER""
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Analyse par impédance électromécanique du comportement de transducteurs piézoélectriques ultrasonores en milieu cavitant / Analysis by electro-mechanical impedance of ultrasonic piezoelectric transducers in cavitating mediaSamah, Diana 26 October 2012 (has links)
La présente étude a été réalisée dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre le groupe de recherche GREM3 du laboratoire LAPLACE de Toulouse et la société de recherche contractuelle SINAPTEC située à Lille. SINAPTEC conçoit et développe des systèmes ultrasonores piézoélectriques résonants pour un grand nombre d'applications industrielles et a pour volonté d'améliorer sa compréhension des phénomènes mis en jeu ainsi que les performances et les fonctionnalités de sa technologie actuelle. L'objectif de cette étude est d'exploiter la sensibilité des transducteurs piézoélectriques résonants afin de leur conférer une fonction de capteur en vue de mieux contrôler leur action sur le milieu à traiter par le suivi de l'évolution de l'impédance électromécanique. Actuellement, pour le pilotage et le contrôle des transducteurs US de puissance dédiés aux applications en milieu liquide - qui font l'objet de la présente étude - plusieurs difficultés se posent. Tout d'abord la première difficulté, inhérente à la nature même des transducteurs piézoélectriques de puissance, est la dérive de leurs caractéristiques avec l'échauffement. L'échauffement dans le transducteur provoque une dérive de sa fréquence de résonance et de ses propriétés mécaniques qui est partiellement solutionnée par un asservissement en fréquence (et/ou en puissance) mais il n'en reste pas moins qu'une dégradation des performances de l'actionneur est observée. La deuxième difficulté réside dans le fait que le transducteur plongé dans une charge liquide est difficile à contrôler car l'application des ondes ultrasonores de puissance dans ce milieu provoque l'apparition de microbulles de vapeur, c'est le phénomène de cavitation qui est extrêmement complexe et fortement non linéaire. L'objectif est donc de trouver une méthode simple, peu consommatrice en ressources pour être implémentée dans la nouvelle génération de générateurs électroniques de SINAPTEC et qui permette d'extraire des informations pertinentes sur le milieu liquide - comme l'intensité de la cavitation par exemple - mais aussi sur l'état du transducteur et son évolution pendant qu'il fonctionne à forte puissance dans des conditions normales d'utilisation. Le principe de la méthode proposée repose sur le calcul de l'impédance de charge du transducteur en fonctionnement et son suivi en « temps réel »par mesure des signaux électriques et à partir de ses caractéristiques à vide. Pour montrer la faisabilité d'une telle méthode, une modélisation analytique par le modèle des matrices de transfert ainsi qu'une modélisation numérique, à l'aide du logiciel ANSYS, ont été réalisées afin de qualifier l'effet de la charge liquide en régime stable et cavitant sur l'impédance électrique du transducteur. Deux transducteurs ont été modélisés : un système ultrasonore standard de SINAPTEC, classiquement utilisé pour les applications en milieu liquide, et un transducteur spécialement conçu pour être plus sensible à la charge et plus facilement pilotable. Cette modélisation a été complétée par des expérimentations afin de confirmer la faisabilité de la méthode en milieu cavitant. La modélisation ainsi que les expérimentations ont permis de confirmer que les propriétés du milieu liquide en contact avec le transducteur sont corrélées à l'impédance électrique de ce dernier (et à sa fréquence de résonance). De ce fait, il devient alors possible, en suivant/observant l'impédance électrique du transducteur, de déterminer certaines propriétés du milieu et ainsi permettre un meilleur suivi de l'action du transducteur sur sa charge. / This study is the result of a collaboration between the research group GREM3 of the LAPLACE Laboratory in Toulouse and SINAPTEC, a research company located in Lille. SINAPTEC designs and develops resonant piezoelectric ultrasonic systems for many industrial applications and wants to improve the performance and functionality of its current technology. The objective of this study is to exploit the sensitivity of resonant piezoelectric transducers to use them as sensors in order to better control their action on the medium to be treated by monitoring the evolution of their electromechanical impedance. ABSTRACT : Currently, several difficulties arise for the control of high power ultrasonic transducers dedicated to applications in liquid media - which are the subject of this study. The first difficulty - inherent in the nature of piezoelectric transducers- is the shift of their characteristics with heating. Heating in the transducer causes a drift of the resonance frequency and its mechanical properties which is partially solved by a frequency control loop, but a performance degradation of the actuator is still observed. The second difficulty lies in the fact that the transducer immersed in a liquid load is difficult to control because the application of high power ultrasonic waves in the medium generates micro-bubbles in the liquid: it is the phenomenon of cavitation, extremely complex and highly non-linear. The objective is to find a simple method, to be implemented in the next generation of electronic generators of SINAPTEC, that allows to extract relevant information on the liquid medium (such as the intensity of cavitation for instance) but also on the state of the transducer and its evolution during operation at high power under normal conditions of use. The principle of the proposed method is based on the calculation of the transducer load impedance while functioning by measuring electrical signals and using its unloaded characteristics. To show the feasibility of such an approach, the analytical model of the transfer matrices as well as a finite element model ( using ANSYS software) were implemented to characterize the effect of stable and cavitating liquid loads on the electrical impedance of the transducer. Two transducers were modeled: a standard ultrasound system of SINAPTEC, typically used for applications in liquid media, and a transducer specifically designed to be more sensitive to the load and more easily controllable. These model were complemented by experiments to confirm the feasibility of the method in a cavitating environment. Modeling and experiments have confirmed that the properties of the liquid in contact with the transducer are correlated with the electrical impedance of the latter (and its resonance frequency). Thus, it becomes possible to determine certain properties of the medium by monitoring the electrical impedance of the transducer and it should allow a better control of the action of the transducer on the load.
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Termo eletretos de teflon FEP como transdutores piezelétricos / Thermo electrets of teflon FEP as piezoelectric transducersLeandro Lima 25 August 2006 (has links)
Os termo eletretos piezelétricos de teflon FEP apresentam-se como elementos que podem competir em preço e funcionalidade com os transdutores atuais. Quando carregados impulsivamente, as folhas de teflon FEP retêm cargas elétricas superficiais por um período longo, superior a 500 anos. Excitados mecanicamente, resultam em um alto nível de sinal elétrico e, excitados eletricamente, retornam a energia em deformação mecânica. O processo de fabricação projetado envolve a produção de um transdutor piezelétrico com uma densidade superficial de carga uniforme, através da formação de vacúolos gasosos formados sobre a superfície do filme polimérico. Os altos índices piezelétricos dos transdutores fabricados são confirmados por um sistema de medição estático, também projetado e desenvolvido neste trabalho, onde o coeficiente piezelétrico é medido de maneira direta. / The thermo-formed electrets of teflon FEP films are shown as elements that can be competitive either in price and functionality matters, as per the transducers being used nowadays. Once charged by an impulse voltage, the teflon FEP sheets keep the superficial electric charges for long periods, up to 500 years. Mechanically excited, they result in a high electric signal and, once electrically excited, return in a mechanical deformation. The projected manufactory process includes the production of a piezoelectric transducers with uniformly charged superficial density, though the formation of gaseous vacuoles over the polymeric film surface. The high piezoelectric levels of the manufactured transducers are confirmed by a static measurement system, also projected and developed in this same work, where the piezoelectric coefficient is measured by a direct way.
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Optimisation de transducteurs piézoélectriques pour la génération d'ondes guidéesYazdanpanah Moghadam, Peyman January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Les systèmes de surveillance de santé structurale sont proposés pour la détection d’endommagement dans les infrastructures qui dépassent leur durée de vie en utilisant les ondes guidées (GW). Les ondes guidées peuvent parcourir de longues distances et sont sensibles à une variété d’imperfections. Les transducteurs piézoélectriques sont communément utilisés pour générer et mesurer les ondes guidées dans des structures minces. Comme la détection du défaut et sa localisation sont souhaitées, la nature de la génération des ondes guidées sous forme de plusieurs modes implique une complexité supérieure dans le traitement du signal. Pour remédier à cette limitation, une nouvelle méthode est présentée ici pour la génération des ondes guidées par sélection de mode, et un nouveau transducteur piézoélectrique est ensuite conçu, fabriqué et testé.
Tout d'abord, la génération des ondes guidées par optimisation systématique du profil interfacial de la contrainte de cisaillement en mode sélectif est étudiée. En utilisant le principe de superposition, une méthode d'analyse est d'abord développée pour la modélisation de la génération des ondes guidées par un nombre fini de segments de contrainte de cisaillement uniforme, chacun contribuant à un profil élémentaire d’une contrainte constante de cisaillement. Sur cette base, deux fonctions coût sont définies afin de minimiser les modes indésirables et amplifier le mode sélectionné et le problème d'optimisation est résolu avec un cadre d'optimisation d’algorithme génétique parallèle. Les avantages de cette méthode par rapport à d'autres approches de conception de transducteurs classiques sont (1) la contrainte de cisaillement peut être explicitement optimisée à la fois pour exciter un mode et supprimer d'autres modes indésirables, (2) la taille de la zone d'excitation n’est pas limitée et l’excitation en mode sélectif est toujours possible, même si la largeur d'excitation est inférieure à toutes les longueurs d'onde excitées, et (3) la sélectivité est accrue et la largeur de bande est étendue.
La méthode analytique et les fonctions coût sont ensuite développées pour concevoir un transducteur piézoélectrique à éléments multiples (MEPT) simple et performant. Une méthode numérique est tout d'abord mise au point pour extraire la contrainte interfaciale entre un seul élément piézocéramique et une structure d'accueil et ensuite utilisée comme entrée d'un modèle analytique pour prédire la propagation des ondes guidées à travers l'épaisseur d'une plaque isotrope. Deux nouvelles fonctions coût sont proposées pour optimiser la contrainte de cisaillement interfaciale pour supprimer le(s) mode(s) indésirable(s) et maximiser un mode désiré. Simplicité et faible coût de fabrication sont deux principales cibles visées dan la conception du MEPT. Un prototype TPEM est ensuite fabriqué à l'aide de micro-usinage laser. Une procédure expérimentale est présentée afin de valider les performances de la TPEM comme une nouvelle solution pour la génération des ondes guidées en mode sélectif. Des essais expérimentaux illustrent la forte capacité du TPEM pour la génération des ondes guidées en mode sélectif, puisque le mode indésirable est supprimé par un facteur allant jusqu'à 170 fois par rapport aux résultats obtenus avec un seul piézocéramique. / Abstract : Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems are being proposed for damage detection of infrastructures that exceed their life using ultrasonic Guided waves (GWs). GWs can travel over long distances and are sensitive to variety of defects. Piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) are commonly used to generate and measure GWs in plate-like structures. As damage detection and localization is sought, the multi-mode nature of GW generation involves higher complexity in signal processing. To overcome this limitation, a new method is presented here for modeselective GW generation, and a novel mode-selective PZT is then designed, manufactured and tested.
First, mode-selective generation of GWs by systematic optimization of the interfacial shear stress profile is investigated. Using the superposition principle, an analytical method is first developed for modeling GWs generation by a finite number of uniform shear stress segments, each contributing with a constant elementary shear stress profile. Based on this, two cost functions are defined in order to minimize the undesired modes and amplify the selected mode and the optimization problem is solved with a parallel Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization framework. Advantages of this method over more conventional transducers tuning approaches are that (1) the shear stress can be explicitly optimized to both excite one mode and suppress other undesired modes, (2) the size of the excitation area is not constrained and mode-selective excitation is still
possible even if excitation width is smaller than all excited wavelengths, and (3) the selectivity is increased and the bandwidth extended. The analytical method and objective functions are then developed to design a novel and costeffective multi-element piezoelectric transducer (MEPT). A numerical method is first developed to extract the interfacial stress between a single piezoceramic element and a host structure and
then used as the input of an analytical model to predict the GW propagation through the
thickness of an isotropic plate. Two novel objective functions are proposed to optimize the interfacial shear stress for both suppressing unwanted mode(s) and maximizing a desired mode. Simplicity and low manufacturing cost are two main targets driving the design of the MEPT. A prototype MEPT is then manufactured using laser micro-machining. An experimental procedure is presented to validate the performances of the MEPT as a new solution for mode-selective GW generation. Experimental tests illustrate the high capability of the MEPT for mode-selective GW generation, as unwanted mode is suppressed by a factor up to 170 times compared with the results obtained with a single piezoceramic.
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Análise numérica de um transdutor piezelétrico de potência para processamento de termoplásticos têxteis. / Numerical analysis of a high power piezoelectric transducer for thermoplastic textiles procesing.Silva, João Batista da 09 February 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de transdutores piezelétricos de potência usados em máquinas de estampagem e soldagem de tecidos sintéticos por ultra-som, através de modelos de elementos finitos implementados no software ANSYS e verificações experimentais. O transdutor é do tipo sanduíche e está acoplado a um amplificador mecânico e a um sonotrodo. Os comportamentos elétrico e vibracional do transdutor tipo sanduíche foram analisados em relação à quantidade de discos de piezocerâmicas em modelos axi-simétricos com quatro e oito discos. Comparam-se os resultados numéricos da resposta em frequência da impedância elétrica e do coeficiente de acoplamento eletromecânico com resultados experimentais de protótipos. Apresentam-se também análises numéricas do comportamento vibracional do amplificador mecânico e de dois tipos de sonotrodos, um cilíndrico e outro com o formato de uma lâmina larga, usados no processo de corte e soldagem de tecidos por ultra-som. É feita uma análise da distribuição de amplitude de vibração ao longo da face de trabalho dos dois sonotrodos. Os resultados simulados são comparados com os resultados experimentais de uma varredura feita na superfície de trabalho de cada protótipo usando-se um vibrômetro laser Doppler. Mostra-se que a vibração na face do sonotrodo cilíndrico ocorre com maior amplitude em uma região na sua borda. Considerando que para o processamento adequado do tecido é necessário que todos os pontos ao longo da face de trabalho do sonotrodo vibrem com a mesma amplitude, verifica-se a necessidade de modificar a forma do sonotrodo visando obter uma distribuição uniforme de deslocamentos em sua face. Para isso utiliza-se a modelagem do sonotrodo com a técnica de otimização paramétrica disponível no ANSYS, com o objetivo de se obter uma distribuição de vibração uniforme ao longo de sua face de trabalho. Os resultados experimentais do protótipo do sonotrodo cilíndrico otimizado são comparados com os resultados numéricos da distribuição de vibração ao longo de sua face de trabalho mostrando uma boa concordância e, portanto, validando o modelo numérico. / This work presents a study of high power piezoelectric sandwich transducers used in ultrasonic cutting and welding of thermoplastic textiles using finite element models with ANSYS and experimental verifications. The electrical/vibrational behaviour of transducers with four and eight piezoceramics is analysed using axisymetric models. The numerical results of electrical impedance frequency response and electromechanical coupling factor are compared with experimental results of prototypes. There are presented the numerical analysis of the vibrational behaviour of an acoustical amplifier and two types of sonotrodes, a cylindrical and an wide blade shape, used in the ultrasonic cutting and welding of thermoplastic textiles. It is performed an analysis of the distribution of vibration amplitude along the work surface of both sonotrodes and the simulated results are compared with esperimental measurements of the prototypes using a laser Doppler vibrometer. The results show that the amplitude of vibration of the cylindrical sonotrode is not uniform on its working surface. A maximum of amplitude occurs in its border. In order to guarantee the process quality it is necessary that all points along the working surface vibrate with the same amplitude. It is used the parametric optimization technic of ANSYS in order to obtain an uniform amplitude of displacement on the working surface of the cylindric sonotrode. The simulated and experimental results optimized prototype of the cylindric sonotrode are compared showing good agreement and therfore validating the numerical model.
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Análise numérica de um transdutor piezelétrico de potência para processamento de termoplásticos têxteis. / Numerical analysis of a high power piezoelectric transducer for thermoplastic textiles procesing.João Batista da Silva 09 February 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de transdutores piezelétricos de potência usados em máquinas de estampagem e soldagem de tecidos sintéticos por ultra-som, através de modelos de elementos finitos implementados no software ANSYS e verificações experimentais. O transdutor é do tipo sanduíche e está acoplado a um amplificador mecânico e a um sonotrodo. Os comportamentos elétrico e vibracional do transdutor tipo sanduíche foram analisados em relação à quantidade de discos de piezocerâmicas em modelos axi-simétricos com quatro e oito discos. Comparam-se os resultados numéricos da resposta em frequência da impedância elétrica e do coeficiente de acoplamento eletromecânico com resultados experimentais de protótipos. Apresentam-se também análises numéricas do comportamento vibracional do amplificador mecânico e de dois tipos de sonotrodos, um cilíndrico e outro com o formato de uma lâmina larga, usados no processo de corte e soldagem de tecidos por ultra-som. É feita uma análise da distribuição de amplitude de vibração ao longo da face de trabalho dos dois sonotrodos. Os resultados simulados são comparados com os resultados experimentais de uma varredura feita na superfície de trabalho de cada protótipo usando-se um vibrômetro laser Doppler. Mostra-se que a vibração na face do sonotrodo cilíndrico ocorre com maior amplitude em uma região na sua borda. Considerando que para o processamento adequado do tecido é necessário que todos os pontos ao longo da face de trabalho do sonotrodo vibrem com a mesma amplitude, verifica-se a necessidade de modificar a forma do sonotrodo visando obter uma distribuição uniforme de deslocamentos em sua face. Para isso utiliza-se a modelagem do sonotrodo com a técnica de otimização paramétrica disponível no ANSYS, com o objetivo de se obter uma distribuição de vibração uniforme ao longo de sua face de trabalho. Os resultados experimentais do protótipo do sonotrodo cilíndrico otimizado são comparados com os resultados numéricos da distribuição de vibração ao longo de sua face de trabalho mostrando uma boa concordância e, portanto, validando o modelo numérico. / This work presents a study of high power piezoelectric sandwich transducers used in ultrasonic cutting and welding of thermoplastic textiles using finite element models with ANSYS and experimental verifications. The electrical/vibrational behaviour of transducers with four and eight piezoceramics is analysed using axisymetric models. The numerical results of electrical impedance frequency response and electromechanical coupling factor are compared with experimental results of prototypes. There are presented the numerical analysis of the vibrational behaviour of an acoustical amplifier and two types of sonotrodes, a cylindrical and an wide blade shape, used in the ultrasonic cutting and welding of thermoplastic textiles. It is performed an analysis of the distribution of vibration amplitude along the work surface of both sonotrodes and the simulated results are compared with esperimental measurements of the prototypes using a laser Doppler vibrometer. The results show that the amplitude of vibration of the cylindrical sonotrode is not uniform on its working surface. A maximum of amplitude occurs in its border. In order to guarantee the process quality it is necessary that all points along the working surface vibrate with the same amplitude. It is used the parametric optimization technic of ANSYS in order to obtain an uniform amplitude of displacement on the working surface of the cylindric sonotrode. The simulated and experimental results optimized prototype of the cylindric sonotrode are compared showing good agreement and therfore validating the numerical model.
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Toward an energy harvester for leadless pacemakersDeterre, Martin 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This work consists in the development and design of an energy harvesting device to supply power to the new generation pacemakers, miniaturized leadless implants without battery placed directly in heart chambers. After analyzing different mechanical energy sources in the cardiac environment and associated energy harvesting mechanisms, a concept based on regular blood pressure variation stood out: an implant with a flexible packaging that transmits blood forces to an internal transducer. Advantages compared to traditional inertial scavengers are mainly: greater power density, adaptability to heartbeat frequency changes and miniaturization potential. Ultra-flexible 10-µm thin metal bellows have been designed, fabricated and tested. These prototypes acting as implant packaging that deforms under blood pressure actuation have validated the proposed harvesting concept. A new type of electrostatic transducer (3D multi-layer out-of-plane overlap structure with interdigitated combs) has been introduced and fully analyzed. Promising numerical results and associated fabrication processes are presented. Also, large stroke optimized piezoelectric spiral transducers including their complex electrodes patterns have been studied through a design analysis, numerical simulations, prototype fabrication and experimental testing. Apower density of 3 µJ/cm3/cycle has been experimentally achieved. With further addressed developments, the proposed device should provide enough energy to power autonomously and virtually perpetually the next generation of pacemakers.
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Extração de energia através da técnica power harvesting baseada em vibrações mecânicas e transdutores piezelétricos /Souza, Flavilene da Silva January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jozue Vieira Filho / Resumo: Neste trabalho foram realizados estudos, análises, simulações e implementações de um sistema de power harvesting utilizando transdutores piezelétricos, com o objetivo de extrair a máxima potência. A fim de alcançar tal objetivo, o sistema mecânico e a interface elétrica foram analisados com foco na quantidade de potência extraída. Com os resultados básicos desses estudos, tem-se que o desempenho de tais sistemas depende da interação eletromecânica, da deformação, da frequência de excitação e da carga conectada. Com exceção do último, esses parâmetros não interferem no modelo tradicional de simulação no SPICE. Para aprimorar os resultados da simulação, foi proposta uma metodologia para a modelagem do sistema mecânico com a interface elétrica, implementada e avaliada em MATLAB/Simulink e em SPICE com VHDL-AMS. Além disso, um novo circuito eletrônico, denominado Conversor Direto CA-CC com Chaveamento Sincronizado - CDCS, foi projetado para maximizar a potência média extraída e reduzir sua dependência com a frequência de excitação e com a carga conectada. Os resultados das simulações foram comparados com dados experimentais para os circuitos eletrônicos retificador em ponte e SSHI em paralelo. A modelagem desenvolvida em SPICE com VHDL-AMS apresentou melhores resultados, pois permite uma modelagem mais precisa dos componentes eletrônicos sem comprometer o domínio mecânico. Comparado com três circuitos existentes na literatura (retificador em ponte, SSHI em paralelo e SECE), o cir... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In this work studies, analysis, simulations and the implementation of power harvesting system using piezoelectric transducer were done aiming to extract its maximum power. In order to achieve this goal, the mechanical system and electrical interface were analyzed especially focused on the amount of power that can be able to extracted. The conclusion of these studies was that the system performance depends of the electromechanical interaction, deformation, excitation frequency and the connected load. Except for the latter, these parameters does not interfered in the standard model by SPICE. To improve the simulation results, a novel methodology for modeling the mechanical system with electrical interface was proposed. It was implemented and evaluated in MATLAB/Simulink and in SPICE with VHDL-AMS. In addition, a new electronic circuit, well know as Direct AC-DC Converter with Synchronous Switch (CDSS), was designed to improve the extract power and the response at the frequency of excitation and the connected load. The simulation results were compared with experimental data for the electronic circuits: bridge rectifier and P-SSHI. The SPICE with VHDL-AMS model offered the best results, since it allows accurate model for the electrical component without compromising the mechanical system. The performance of the proposed circuit was compared with three electronic circuits (bridge rectifier, P-SSHI and SECE). The results show that the proposed circuit presented the higher power ext... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Extração de energia através da técnica power harvesting baseada em vibrações mecânicas e transdutores piezelétricos / Energy extraction through power harvesting technique based on mechanical vibration and piezoelectric transducerSouza, Flavilene da Silva 02 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by FLAVILENE DA SILVA SOUZA (flavilener3@gmail.com) on 2018-04-24T19:08:16Z
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tese_flavilene_final.pdf: 13353047 bytes, checksum: d43d4d8f0c658e67b155882a0640ae05 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-04-24T19:20:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Neste trabalho foram realizados estudos, análises, simulações e implementações de um sistema de power harvesting utilizando transdutores piezelétricos, com o objetivo de extrair a máxima potência. A fim de alcançar tal objetivo, o sistema mecânico e a interface elétrica foram analisados com foco na quantidade de potência extraída. Com os resultados básicos desses estudos, tem-se que o desempenho de tais sistemas depende da interação eletromecânica, da deformação, da frequência de excitação e da carga conectada. Com exceção do último, esses parâmetros não interferem no modelo tradicional de simulação no SPICE. Para aprimorar os resultados da simulação, foi proposta uma metodologia para a modelagem do sistema mecânico com a interface elétrica, implementada e avaliada em MATLAB/Simulink e em SPICE com VHDL-AMS. Além disso, um novo circuito eletrônico, denominado Conversor Direto CA-CC com Chaveamento Sincronizado - CDCS, foi projetado para maximizar a potência média extraída e reduzir sua dependência com a frequência de excitação e com a carga conectada. Os resultados das simulações foram comparados com dados experimentais para os circuitos eletrônicos retificador em ponte e SSHI em paralelo. A modelagem desenvolvida em SPICE com VHDL-AMS apresentou melhores resultados, pois permite uma modelagem mais precisa dos componentes eletrônicos sem comprometer o domínio mecânico. Comparado com três circuitos existentes na literatura (retificador em ponte, SSHI em paralelo e SECE), o circuito proposto obteve os maiores valores de potência extraída (102 µW) e de eficiência (70 %), além de apresentar resultados satisfatórios na faixa de operação da carga (1 kΩ - 1 MΩ) e largura de banda (6,0 Hz). / In this work studies, analysis, simulations and the implementation of power harvesting system using piezoelectric transducer were done aiming to extract its maximum power. In order to achieve this goal, the mechanical system and electrical interface were analyzed especially focused on the amount of power that can be able to extracted. The conclusion of these studies was that the system performance depends of the electromechanical interaction, deformation, excitation frequency and the connected load. Except for the latter, these parameters does not interfered in the standard model by SPICE. To improve the simulation results, a novel methodology for modeling the mechanical system with electrical interface was proposed. It was implemented and evaluated in MATLAB/Simulink and in SPICE with VHDL-AMS. In addition, a new electronic circuit, well know as Direct AC-DC Converter with Synchronous Switch (CDSS), was designed to improve the extract power and the response at the frequency of excitation and the connected load. The simulation results were compared with experimental data for the electronic circuits: bridge rectifier and P-SSHI. The SPICE with VHDL-AMS model offered the best results, since it allows accurate model for the electrical component without compromising the mechanical system. The performance of the proposed circuit was compared with three electronic circuits (bridge rectifier, P-SSHI and SECE). The results show that the proposed circuit presented the higher power extracted (102 μW) and of efficiency (70%). In addition, both the resistance range (1 kΩ - 1 MΩ) and the bandwidth (6,0 Hz) were improved. / CAPES: 99999.006504/2015-09
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Design and Development of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic TransducersAhmad, Babar January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the design and analysis for development of a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT), a novel sensor and actuator, aimed at replacing the conventional piezoelectric transducers for air-coupled ultrasonic imaging applications. These CMUTs are fabricated using the silicon micromachining technology wherein all fabrication is done on the surface of a silicon wafer by means of thin-film depositions, patterning with photolithography and etching. The main emphasis of this study is on developing analytical models that serve as effective design tools for the development of these devices. A desirable goal of such study is to create reasonable mathematical models, obtain analytical solutions, wherever possible, for various measures of transducer performance and provide design aids.
A logical start is the lumped parameter modeling wherein the explicit dependence of the physical parameters on the spatial extent of the device is ignored. The system lumped parameters, such as the equivalent stiffness, the equivalent mass, and the equivalent damping are extracted from reasonable analytical or numerical models and subsequently used in the static and dynamic analysis of the device. Useful predictions are made with regard to the key transducer parameters, such as, the pull-in voltage, the static deflection, the dynamic response and the acoustic field produced. The modeling work presented embodies two main objectives: (i) it serves to provide direction in the design phase, and, (ii) it serves to aid in the extraction of critical parameters which affect the device behavior. Comparison of the results with the more rigorous FEM simulations as well as with those present in the existing literature assure that the developed models are accurate enough to serve as useful design tools.
The distributed parameter modeling is presented next. Analysis of MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation is complicated due to the fact that the structural deformations alter the electrostatic forces, which redistribute and modify the applied loads. Hence, it becomes imperative to consider the electro-elastic coupling aspect in the design of these devices. An approximate analytical solution for the static deflection of a thin, clamped circular plate caused by electrostatic forces which are inherently nonlinear, is presented. The model is based on the Kirchhoff-Love assumptions that the plate is thin and the deflections and slopes are small. The classical thin-plate theory is adequate when the ratio of the diameter to thickness of the plate is very large, a situation commonly prevalent in many MEMS devices, especially the CMUTs. This theory is used to determine the static deflection of the CMUT membrane due to a DC bias voltage. The thin-plate electro-elastic equation is solved using the Galerkin weighted residual technique under the assumption that the deflections are small in comparison to the thickness of the plate. The results obtained are compared to those obtained from ANSYS simulations and an excellent agreement is observed between the two. The pull-in voltage predicted by our model is close to the value predicted by ANSYS simulations. A simple analytical formula, which gives fairly accurate results (to within 3% of the value predicted by ANSYS simulations) for determination of the pull-in voltage, is also presented. As stated, this formula accounts for the elastic deflection of the membrane due to the coupled interaction with the electrostatic field.
The effect of vacuum sealing the backside cavity of a CMUT is investigated in some detail. The presence or absence of air inside the cavity has a marked effect upon the system parameters, such as the natural frequency and the pull-in voltage. The possibility of using sealed CMUT cavities with air inside at ambient pressure is explored. In order to estimate the transducer loss due to the presence of air in the sealed cavity, the squeeze film forces resulting from the compression of the trapped air film are evaluated. Towards this end, the linearized Reynolds equation is solved in conjunction with the appropriate boundary conditions, taking the flexure of the membrane into account. From this analysis, it is concluded that, for a sealed CMUT cavity, the presence of air does not cause any squeeze film damping even when the flexure of the membrane is taken into account (the case of a rigid plate is already known).
Although the emphasis of the study undertaken here is not on the physical realization of a working CMUT, a single cell as well as a linear array based on the design presented here, were fabricated (in a foundry elsewhere) in order to verify some of the most fundamental device parameters from experimental measurements. The fabricated devices have been characterized for their resonant frequency, quality factor, and structural integrity. These tests were conducted using the laser Doppler vibrometer and the Focused Ion Beam milling.
Having investigated thoroughly the behavior of a single cell, we proceed to demonstrate how these cells can be arranged optimally in the form of an array to provide a comprehensive ultrasonic imaging system. A thorough analysis of the requirements for the array architecture is undertaken to determine the optimal configuration. The design constraints that need to be taken into account for CMUT arrays, especially for NDE applications, are presented. The main issue of designing an array consisting of a large number of CMUT cells required for producing a pressure wave of sufficient strength which is detectable upon reflection from the desired location even after suffering severe attenuation resulting from propagation in various media is addressed. A scalable annular array architecture of CMUT cells is recommended based on the analysis carried out.
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[pt] Os procedimentos de calibração de transdutores piezoelétricos, abordados
pela base normativa de ensaios de munições leves, carecem de detalhes cruciais
para assegurar a confiabilidade metrológica nas medições de pressão transiente
dessas munições leves. Diante deste fato, cabe aos laboratórios, como requisito para
a acreditação segundo a norma ISO/IEC 17025:2017, comprovarem a eficácia dos
métodos empregados, sobretudo nas calibrações, o que motivou a realização do
estudo. A abordagem metodológica baseou-se em pesquisas bibliográficas,
documentais, experimentais e de laboratório, visando a coleta de dados conforme
as etapas de avaliação dos métodos de calibração. Inicialmente realizou-se a
avaliação de certificados de calibração de transdutores piezoelétricos, estudando,
sobretudo, as características da regressão linear adotada pela base normativa nos
procedimentos de calibração. Nesta etapa, a pesquisa propôs a adoção da incerteza
do ajuste como parâmetro principal de avaliação de transdutores piezoelétricos,
mostrando sua viabilidade em relação ao erro de linearidade. Em seguida, foi
realizada a caracterização e modelagem da cadeia de medição de pressão transiente,
composta por transdutor piezoelétrico e amplificador de carga. A modelagem
permitiu a simulação de diferentes metodologias de calibração, resultando na
previsão de erros, e proporcionando a avaliação da influência do amplificador de
carga nas medições de pressão transiente. Por último, foram comparadas duas
metodologias distintas de calibração, destacando a importância de sistemas
automatizados de calibração para maior confiabilidade metrológica. / [en] The calibration procedures of piezoelectric transducers, addressed by the
normative basis of small arms ammunition testing, lack crucial details to ensure
metrological reliability in the transient pressure measurements of these small arms
munitions. In view of this fact, it is up to the laboratories, as a requirement for
accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard, to prove the effectiveness
of the methods used, especially in calibrations, which motivated the study. The
methodological approach was based on bibliographic, documentary, experimental
and laboratory research, aiming at data collection according to the stages of
evaluation of calibration methods. Initially, the evaluation of calibration certificates
of piezoelectric transducers was carried out, studying, above all, the characteristics
of the linear regression adopted by the normative basis in the calibration procedures.
At this stage, the research proposed the adoption of fit uncertainty as the main
parameter for the evaluation of piezoelectric transducers, showing their feasibility
in relation to linearity error. Then, the characterization and modeling of the
transient pressure measurement chain, composed of a piezoelectric transducer and
a charge amplifier, was performed. The modeling allowed the simulation of
different calibration methodologies, resulting in the prediction of errors, and
providing the evaluation of the influence of the charge amplifier on transient
pressure measurements. Finally, two different calibration methodologies were
compared, highlighting the importance of automated calibration systems for greater
metrological reliability.
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