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1151 |
Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm / Dosage of nutrient to an aerated lagoon : a measure to a higher TOC-reducation to the aerated lagoon of Skoghall MillBonde, Carl January 2006 (has links)
In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen. The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction. One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime. The reduction is during wintertime only 40 %, while during summertime it is about 70-80 %. This seasonal variation can to a large extent be explained by, that the water temperature in the lagoon decreases wintertime. The low water temperature does that the biological activity in the lagoon is reduced, which reduces the TOC-reduction. A second reason can also be that the microorganisms do not have enough bioavailable nutrients that is needed for growth of a new biomass. In this thesis the need of nutrient has been examined. In two test pools, addings of nutrient were being done, to come to the conclusion of a good dosage of nutrient which would lead to a larger reduction of TOC, without enlarged quantities of nitrogen/phosphorus in the outgoing water. One of the test pools hold a summer temperature (30°C), and the other test pool hold a winter temperature (10°C). The test was performed this way to see if there would be any difference in the need of nutrient between summertime and wintertime. The most important conclusion was that a nutrient dosage to the Skoghall aerated lagoon, rise the TOC-reduction wintertime. It was also concluded that it was foremost the nitrogen that contributed to the raised TOC-reduction, and nitrogen is thereby considered to be the growth restraining element wintertime. It seemed like phosphorus had been overdosed during the tests, while enlarged halts of the substance could be seen in the outgoing water, and an optimal dosage of phosphorus could not be done. The recommendation that came as a results from the tests, was that during wintertime add nitrogen and phosphorus according to TOC:N:P-quota 100:0,75:0,10. To the summer pool was no considerable improvement of the TOC-reduction seen, as a result of the nutrient addings. It is also no reason to dosage nutrients in summertime. / Vid tillverkning av kartong och pappersmassa på Skoghalls Bruk förorenas stora mängder vatten, som därmed måste renas före utsläpp till recipienten, Kattfjorden, en vik i Vänern. En av de föroreningar som är viktig att avlägsna ur avloppsvattnet är organiska kolföreningar (TOC-total organic carbon) eftersom det vid mikrobiologisk nedbrytning av TOC åtgår syre vilket kan leda till att sjöbotten blir syrefri. Rening av avloppsvatten på Skoghall Bruk sker genom en extern reningsanläggning som är placerad på bruket. Det biologiska reningssteget i reningsanläggningen är en s.k. luftad damm. Detta är en 140 000 m3 stor vattenbassäng med ytluftare som syresätter vattnet. I dammen lever mikroorganismer vilka utför den största delen av TOC-reduktionen i brukets reningsanläggning. Ett problem med dammen är att reningen av TOC är betydligt sämre vintertid än sommartid. Reduktionen av det till dammen inkommande TOC, är vintertid endast ca 40 % medan den sommartid ligger kring 70-80 %. Denna årstidsvariation kan till stor del förklaras av att vattentemperaturen i dammen sjunker vintertid. Den låga temperaturen medför att den biologiska aktiviteten i dammen sjunker, vilket hämmar TOC-reduktionen. En annan orsak till en låg TOC-reduktion kan vara att det för mikroorganismerna råder brist på biotillgängliga närsalter (kväve och fosfor) som behövs för tillväxt av ny biomassa. I detta examensarbete har det undersökts behovet av närsalter för att höja TOC-reduktionen. I två laborationsdammar (ca 20 l) skedde doseringar av närsalter i syfte att finna en bra doseringskvot som innebar en ökad reduktion av TOC, utan att det blev förhöjda kväve-/fosforhalter i utgående vatten. En av laborationsdammarna höll sommartemperatur (ca 30°C) och en höll vintertemperatur (ca 10°C) vilket gjordes för att undersöka om det var skillnad av närsaltsbehovet mellan sommar och vintertid. Den viktigaste slutsatsen av försöken var att en närsaltsdosering till Skoghalls luftade damm höjer TOC-reduktion vintertid. Det konstaterades att det var kvävet som främst bidrog till den ökade TOC-reduktionen och kväve anses därmed vara det tillväxtbegränsande ämnet vintertid. Fosfor tycktes ha överdoserats under försöken, då det sågs förhöjda halter i utgående vatten, och en optimal dosering av fosfor kunde inte avgöras. Den rekommendation som föll ut av de laborativa försöken var att vintertid dosera kväve och fosfor enligt TOC:N:P-kvot 100:0,75:0,10. Till sommardammen sågs inte någon förbättring av TOC-reduktionen till följd av närsaltstillsatserna, vilket innebär att närsaltsdoseringar sommartid är obefogat. Vidare sågs tendenser till att slammets sedimentationsegenskaper, hos framförallt vinterdammen, blev bättre till följd av närsaltsdosering, men brist på mätdata medför att det är svårt att dra slutsatser om det verkligen varit så.
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Energikartläggning av integrerat massa- och pappersbruk / Energy survey of integrated pulp and paper millKristofersson, Josef, Samuelsson, Christian, Jonsson, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att utföra en energikartläggning på Nymölla Bruk med utgångspunkt i företagets befintliga energiaspektregister. Syftet har varit att tydliggöra hur energianvändningen på Nymölla Bruk ser ut. Bakgrunden till detta arbete är företagets deltagande i programmet för energieffektivisering i energiintensiv industri (PFE). I examensarbetet har en energikartläggning på Nymölla Bruk för år 2010 utförts. Fallstudien delades in i två steg där första steget i studien var att kartlägga energiflödena in och ut från bruket.Andra delen av studien innefattade att kartlägga de interna processerna och deras energiflöden. Energiflödenas storlekar baseras främst på mätdata från processerna, som erhållits från Nymölla Bruks interna loggnings- och mätsystem WinMops. Antaganden som i vissa fall varit nödvändiga bygger på uppskattningar som genomförts i samråd med medarbetare på Nymölla Bruk med insikt i och kunskap om respektive delprocess. Enligt detta examensarbete förbrukades år 2010 cirka 510 GWh el, varav massafabriken förbrukade 50 % och pappersbruket 46 %. Resterande andel utgörs bland annat av mät- och överföringsförluster. Under året tillfördes totalt 2060 GWh bränsle där luten står för cirka 75 %. Från bränslena tillfördes 1800 GWh nyttig värme till ångproduktionen. Total energimängd i producerad ånga uppgick till cirka 2190 GWh (från referensnivå). De största förbrukarna av ånga var papperstillverkningen som använde 32 % och indunstningen som använde 19 % av total energimängd distribuerad med ånga. / The aim of this study was to perform an energy survey of Nymölla Mill on the basis of the company's existing energy aspect register. The aim has been to clarify how the energy at Nymölla Mill is used. The background to this thesis is the company's participation in the Programme for Improving Energy Efficiency in Energy Intensive Industries (PFE). In this thesis an energy survey based on 2010 of Nymölla Mill has been performed. The case study was divided into two stages where the first step in the study was to identify the energy flows in and out of the mill. The second part of the study included identifying the internal processes and their energy flows. Energy flows are based primarily on data from processes, obtained from Nymölla Mill's internal logging and measuring system WinMops. Necessary assumptions were made based on estimates provided in consultation with employees on Nymölla Mill with knowledge and understanding of each sub-process. According to this thesis approximately 510 GWh of electricity were consumed in 2010 of which the pulp factory consumed 50 % and the paper mill 46 %. The remaining portion consists of measurement and transmission losses. A total of 2060 GWh of fuel was added of which liquor accounts for about 75 %. From fuels 1800 GWh of useful heat was added to the steam production. The total amount of energy in the steam was about 2190 GWh (from baseline). The largest consumers of steam was the paper productioning unit using 32 % and the evaporation unit using 19 % of total energy distributed by steam.
1153 |
The effect of water chemistry and fibre-size distribution on dissolved air flotation efficiencySjölander, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma work was to investigate the problem of insufficient fibre recovery in the dissolved air flotation-cell at the new thermomechanical pulping-line at Braviken Paper Mill. An investigation of the effect of process parameters on the removal efficiency in the micro-flotation process was undertaken. The experiments were carried out for two setups at the Noss pilot plant with a small-scale flotation unit. Factorial design helped plan the experiments and four factors were controlled; temperature, fibre-size distribution, water quality and feed concentration. Three samples, feed, overflow and filtrate, were taken from each experiment and concentration measurements were made. The results were analyzed using the software MODDE. The results from showed an influence from the fibre-size distribution. To see if the fibre-size distribution really had an effect on the results, follow-up experiments were carried out. These experiments showed no influence from temperature, fibre-size distribution or water quality. This concludes that none of those three factors influenced the results significantly. Additional experiments were done to examine the influence from concentration and fibre-size distribution on the flotation efficiency and these showed an influence from the feed concentration. When increasing the feed concentration the efficiency of the flotation process decreased.
1154 |
Learning and Corporate Strategy: The Dynamic Evolution of the North American Pulp and Paper Industry, 1860-1960Toivanen, Hannes 28 April 2004 (has links)
This study analyzes the long-term evolution of the North American pulp and paper industry, and offers a new synthesis of the dynamic forces that spearheaded the expansion and transformation of this large manufacturing industry. The evolution of the North American pulp and paper industry between 1860 and 1960 was driven by successive waves of technological learning that spawned structural change. Such waves transformed and expanded the sulphite and sulphate pulp, envelope, paper container, paper bag, magazine and printing paper, coated paper, board, and many other pulp and paper industries between 1860 and 1960. These waves repeated a pattern of co-evolution of technology and industrial organization that enveloped dynamic forces of change, such as innovation, corporate strategies, industrial relocation, and policy. As distinct branches of the pulp and paper industry passed from the early nascent phase to full maturity, the sources of innovation, nature of technological change, strategy and structure of leading firms, and industrial organization underwent throughout transformation. As these waves of industrial change passed from a nascent phase to maturity, the reciprocal dynamics between organization, corporate strategy, policy, and technological learning co-evolved, and established the evolutionary path of the North American pulp and paper industry.
1155 |
An investigation of the role of recycled black liquor in sulfate pulpingMattson, Victor Frank 01 January 1954 (has links)
No description available.
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The interaction between acetovanillone and methyl beta-D-glucopyranoside in an oxygen-alkali systemFreiberg, James D. 01 January 1980 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of preferential energy absorption in earlywood and latewood fibers of loblolly pine in cyclic compressionRueckert, Cheryl B. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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EXAFS structural analysis on metal binding sites in wood pulp and a brief study on chelation of metals in bleachingOw Yang, Giselle Bei 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantitative determination of quinone chromophore changes during ECF bleaching of kraft pulpZawadzki, Michael A. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Factors Affecting the Corrosivity of Pulping LiquorsHazlewood, Patrick Evan 11 April 2006 (has links)
Increased equipment failures and the resultant increase in unplanned downtime as the result of process optimization programs continue to plague pulp mills. The failures are a result of a lack of understanding of corrosion in the different pulping liquors, specifically the parameters responsible for its adjustment such as the role and identification of inorganic and organic species. The current work investigates the role of inorganic species, namely sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide, on liquor corrosivity at a range of process conditions beyond those currently experienced in literature. The role of sulfur species, in the activation of corrosion and the ability of hydroxide to passivate carbon steel A516-Gr70, is evaluated with gravimetric and electrochemical methods. The impact of wood chip weathering on process corrosion was also evaluated. Results were used to identify black liquor components, depending on the wood species, which play a significant role in the activation and inhibition of corrosion for carbon steel A516-Gr70 process equipment. Further, the effect of black liquor oxidation on liquor corrosivity was evaluated. Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking performance of selected materials provided information on classes of materials that may be reliably used in aggressive pulping environments.
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