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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laborationers inverkan på elevers intresse för kemi

Kindmark, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen var att komma fram till hur man med hjälp av laborationer kan entusiasmera elever till att bli intresserade av kemi. Undersökningen utfördes i form av en enkät bland elever på gymnasiet (år 1-3). Enkäten hade en öppen struktur med dels öppna frågor men även frågor med flervalsalternativ. Elevsvaren har sammanställts i kategorier och diskuteras utifrån aktuell forskning. Resultatet visade att gymnasieeleverna efterfrågar laborationer med tydlig koppling till vardagen. De efterfrågar också en tydlig koppling mellan teori och laboration. Eleverna gav också uttryck för att det är viktigt med kunskaper i kemi för att påverka utvecklingen i framtiden samt kunna granska vad som skrivs och sägs i media. En slutsats av undersökningen är att man i elevgruppen finner elever med en inställning som tyder på att kemi anses som viktigt, men att man som lärare måste koppla laborationerna till såväl elevernas vardag som till teorin. Det innebär att en laboration om t.ex. syror och baser kan leda till att eleven lär sig såväl om försurning som om den mer teoretiska delen av kemin. För att sådana laborationer ska bli genomförbara krävs det noggrann förberedelse av läraren. Det är också viktigt i samband med laborationer att det förs diskussioner kring experimentets slutsats så att eleven med hjälp av t.ex. laborationen om syror och baser kan förklara försurning och hur det påverkar naturen, men även få stöd i sin teoretiska förståelse för syra-basreaktioner. På så sätt kan eleven använda sig av sin nyvunna kunskap från laborationen i ett större sammanhang.

An in situ spectro-electrochemical study of aluminium/polymer interfaces : development of ATR-FTIR and its integration with EIS for corrosion studies

Öhman, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>In order to extend the applications of aluminium, organic coatings may be applied on sheet materials, for instance for corrosion protection or aesthetic surface finish purposes in the automotive and construction industries, or on foil materials in the flexible packaging industry.</p><p>The most common mechanisms for deterioration and structural failure of organically coated aluminium structures are triggered by exposures to the surrounding environment. Despite the great importance to elucidate the influence of exposure parameters on a buried aluminium/polymer interface, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanisms that destabilise the structure. It is generally believed that a detailed <i>in situ</i> analysis of the transport of corroding species to the buried interface, or of surface processes occurring therein, is most difficult to perform at relevant climatic and real-time conditions.</p><p>In this work, Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) in the Kretschmann-ATR configuration was successfully applied to <i>in situ</i> studies of the transport of water and ionic species through polymer films to the aluminium/polymer interface upon exposure to ultra pure deionised water and to a 1 M sodium thiocyanate (NaSCN) model electrolyte. Other main processes distinguished were the formation of corrosion products on the aluminium surface and swelling of the surface-near polymer network. Hence, <i>in situ</i> ATR-FTIR was capable to separate deterioration-related processes from each other.</p><p>To perform more unambiguous interpretations, a spectro-electrochemical method was also developed for<i> in situ</i> studies of the buried aluminium/polymer interface by integrating the ATR-FTIR technique with a complementary acting technique, Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). While transport of water and electrolyte through the polymer film to the aluminium/polymer interface and subsequent oxidation/corrosion of aluminium could be followed by ATR-FTIR, the protective properties of the polymer as well as of processes at the aluminium surface were simultaneously studied by EIS. The integrated set-up provided complementary information of the aluminium/polymer sample investigated, with ATR-FTIR being sensitive to the surface-near region and EIS being sensitive to the whole system. While oxidation/corrosion and delamination are difficult to distinguish by EIS, oxide formation could be confirmed by ATR-FTIR. Additionally, while delamination and polymer swelling may be difficult to separate with ATR-FTIR, EIS distinguished swelling of the polymer network and also identified ultimate failure as a result of delamination.</p><p>The capability of the integrated ATR-FTIR / EIS <i>in situ</i> technique was explored by studying aluminium/polymer systems of varying characteristics. Differences in water and electrolyte ingress could be monitored, as well as metal corrosion, polymer swelling and delamination.</p>

Fate of Cu, Cr, As and some other trace elements during combustion of recovered waste fuels

Lundholm, Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The increased use of biomass and recovered waste fuels in favor of fossil fuels for heat and power production is an important step towards a sustainable future. Combustion of waste fuels also offers several advantages over traditional landfilling, such as substantial volume reduction, detoxification of pathological wastes, and reduction of toxic leaches and greenhouse gas (methane) formation from landfills. However, combustion of recovered waste fuels emits more harmful trace elements than combustion of other fuels. These elements are distributed between bottom ash, fly ash and flue gas, depending on the elements partitioning and enrichment behavior. Volatilized harmful trace elements are mainly enriched in the submicron fly ash fraction. If emitted to the atmosphere, submicron particles can penetrate deep into the alveoli of the lungs, causing severe impacts on human health. Consequently, to reduce ash related problems and to control the emissions to the atmosphere, there is an increased need for understanding the physicochemical processes involved in ash transformation, including particle formation.</p><p>The objective of this thesis was to carefully and systematically study the fate of trace elements during combustion, i.e. the chemical form of the elements and the partitioning behavior, by means of chemical equilibrium model calculations, X-ray diffraction, microscopy techniques and various spectroscopy methods. The influence of some fuel additives was also analyzed. Primarily, the elements copper, chromium and arsenic were studied.</p><p>An initial review and evaluation of the content of thermodynamical data in commercial thermochemical databases used for chemical equilibrium model calculations showed that there was a significant difference in number of included phases and species between databases. Thermodynamical data also differed between databases, although in general less for condensed phases than for gaseous species. A state-of-the-art database for Cu, Cr and As was compiled and used for further chemical equilibrium model calculations. The fate of Cu, Cr and As was determined in combustion experiments on wood impregnated with copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) in a bench scale reactor (15 kW). The results showed that global chemical equilibrium model calculations predicted the overall fate of Cu, Cr and As in bottom ash and ash particles quite well. However, compared to the experimental results the global model overpredicted the formation of refractory calcium arsenates, thus the arsenic volatilization was found to be higher then the predicted volatilization. In terms of chromium volatility, copper was found to be an important refractory element forming stable CuCrO<sub>2</sub>(s) and CuCr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(s) that suppressed the formation of CrO<sub>2</sub>(OH)<sub>2</sub>(g). The retention and speciation of Cu, Cr and As in bottom ash was further determined from combustion experiments of CCA wood fuel particles in a single particle reactor. Local chemical equilibrium model calculations were performed to simulate the combustion stages of a burning CCA treated wood fuel particle: drying, devolatilization, char burning and post-combustion. The results from the work showed that a mix of global and local chemical equilibrium model calculations is needed to describe the reality and that the combustion stages are partially overlapping. The fate of harmful trace elements, including Cu, Cr and As, was finally studied in full scale (65 MW) combustion experiments. Particles from the raw flue gas emissions were sampled and analyzed. The comparison with chemical equilibrium model calculations showed that the model explained the results well, but due to lack of thermodynamic data for K<sub>2</sub>ZnCl<sub>4</sub>(s), the formation of this phase could not be predicted.</p>

The effect of water chemistry and fibre-size distribution on dissolved air flotation efficiency

Sjölander, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this diploma work was to investigate the problem of insufficient fibre recovery in the dissolved air flotation-cell at the new thermomechanical pulping-line at Braviken Paper Mill. An investigation of the effect of process parameters on the removal efficiency in the micro-flotation process was undertaken.</p><p>The experiments were carried out for two setups at the Noss pilot plant with a small-scale flotation unit. Factorial design helped plan the experiments and four factors were controlled; temperature, fibre-size distribution, water quality and feed concentration. Three samples, feed, overflow and filtrate, were taken from each experiment and concentration measurements were made. The results were analyzed using the software MODDE.</p><p>The results from showed an influence from the fibre-size distribution. To see if the fibre-size distribution really had an effect on the results, follow-up experiments were carried out. These experiments showed no influence from temperature, fibre-size distribution or water quality. This concludes that none of those three factors influenced the results significantly.</p><p>Additional experiments were done to examine the influence from concentration and fibre-size distribution on the flotation efficiency and these showed an influence from the feed concentration. When increasing the feed concentration the efficiency of the flotation process decreased.</p>

Mineralisation rates of natural organic matter in surface sediments affected by physical forces

Ståhlberg, Carina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Nedbrytning av organiskt material är en nyckelfaktor som påverkar omvandlingar av de många grundämnen som utgör eller är associerade till just organiskt material. En stor del av nedbrytningen av akvatiskt organiskt material (OM) sker i gränsskiktet mellan sediment och vatten. Eftersom så många biogeokemiska cykler styrs av nedbrytningen av OM är det viktigt att ha kunskap om processer och påverkansfaktorer både på mikro- och makronivå. Mineraliseringshastigheten av OM är en vanligt förekommande mätparameter, men vanligtvis inkluderar mätningarna inte de naturliga processer som kan påverka nedbrytnings-hastigheterna, t.ex. fysiska krafter.</p><p>Syftet med den här studien är att studera mineraliseringshastigheten av det OM som finns naturligt i ytsediment i söt- och brackvatten när det utsätts för fysiska krafter som orsakar förändringar i redox-förhållanden, resuspension eller advektivt porvattenflöde. Fem</p><p>laborativa experiment har utförts för att belysa syftet:</p><p>Åldrat ytsediment från en sötvattens å utsattes för olika redox förhållanden där oxisk respiration, sulfatreduktion respektive metanogenes gynnades. Resultaten visade ingen skillnad i mineraliseringshastighet beroende på behandling. Detta motsäger studier utförda i marina miljöer, där anoxiska förhållanden ger en lägre mineraliseringshastighet än oxiska.</p><p>Vidare gjordes två studier på brackvattensediment där effekten av resuspension var i centrum. Den ena studien fokuserade på frekvens och varaktighet av resuspensionstiderna, den andra på olika typer av sediment. Studierna visade att väldigt korta resuspensionstider med upp till 48 timmars stillhet mellan varje resuspension ökade mineraliseringstakten med fem gånger jämfört med diffusivt utbyte, och mer än dubblerades i jämförelse med kontinuerlig resuspension eller resuspension i långa perioder. Resuspensionen under kort tid var troligen gynnande då resuspension fysiskt stör bildningen av stabila bakteriesamhällen. Mineraliseringshastigheterna i sediment som domineras av väldigt fin, fin eller medium sand visade lika hastigheter, medan grov sand visade en signifikant lägre mineraliseringshastighet. Likheterna mellan de tre första sedimenttyperna kan dock ha påverkats av tillgång på lättnedbrytbart OM då sediment och vatten hämtades in under en algblomning.</p><p>Till sist studerades effekten på mineraliseringshastigheten av advektivt porvattenflöde. Detta gjordes på åldrat sediment dels från en sötvattensbäck dels från en brackvattenstrand. Inget av de två sedimenttyperna visade någon skillnad i mineraliseringshastighet i jämförelse med diffusivt styrda system. Det är i motsats till tidigare marina studier, men är i linje med den första studien, där mineraliseringshastigheten var oberoende av redox-förhållande.</p><p>Den generella slutsatsen från den här studien är nödvändigheten att studera samma aspekter i olika typer av akvatiska system, eftersom responsen verkar vara annorlunda beroende på system, t.ex. söt- brack- och saltvatten. Faktorer som kan förklara de här skillnaderna finns ännu inte, vilket gör att småskaliga studier och modeller blir viktiga verktyg för att utreda detta.</p> / <p>Organic matter mineralisation is a key parameter that affects most other element transformations associated with organic matter. A substantial part of aquatic organic matter (OM) mineralisation takes place at the interface between sediment and water. Understanding OM mineralisation is important at both the micro and macro scales, since it drives many biogeochemical cycles. OM mineralisation rates are widely measured, but generally not all the natural factors possibly affecting the rates, such as physical forcing, are considered.</p><p>This thesis examines the mineralisation rates of indigenous OM in fresh and brackish surface sediments, subjected to different physical forces inducing changed redox conditions, resuspension, and advective pore water flow. Five experiments were performed to this end.</p><p>Aged surface sediment from a freshwater river was subjected to different redox conditions favouring oxic respiration, sulphate reduction, and methanogenesis, respectively. Results indicated no difference in mineralisation rate irrespective of treatment. This contradicts what has been found in marine environments, where anoxic mineralisation rates are lower than oxic ones.</p><p>Further, two studies of resuspension of brackish sediments were performed, one addressing the impact of the frequency and duration of the resuspension events, and the other addressing the impact of resuspension on different types of sediments. The studies found that very brief resuspension events followed by calm periods of up to 48 h increased mineralisation rates by five times compared to diffusion, and more than doubled the rate compared to continuous or long-term resuspension. The short-term events were possibly favoured because resuspension physically disturbs the arrangement of a stable bacteria community. Mineralisation rates on sediments dominated by very fine, fine, or medium-grained sand were the same, while coarse sand displayed a significantly lower rate. The similar rates of the three first sediment types could stem from access to labile OM, due to an ongoing algae bloom when the sediment and water samples were collected.</p><p>Finally, the effect of advective pore water flow on aged sediment from one fresh and one brackish sediment was studied. Neither of the sediments displayed a mineralisation rate different from those occurring in incubations in which only diffusive exchange occurred. This contradicts the findings of previous marine studies, but is in line with the first study, which did not detect different mineralisation rates irrespective of redox conditions.</p><p>The general conclusion is that it is necessary to study the same physical forces in different aquatic environments, since responses appear to differ, for example, between freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. Factors explaining these differences have not yet been expressed, making small-scale studies and modelling a challenge for future research.</p>

Fate of Cu, Cr, As and some other trace elements during combustion of recovered waste fuels

Lundholm, Karin January 2007 (has links)
The increased use of biomass and recovered waste fuels in favor of fossil fuels for heat and power production is an important step towards a sustainable future. Combustion of waste fuels also offers several advantages over traditional landfilling, such as substantial volume reduction, detoxification of pathological wastes, and reduction of toxic leaches and greenhouse gas (methane) formation from landfills. However, combustion of recovered waste fuels emits more harmful trace elements than combustion of other fuels. These elements are distributed between bottom ash, fly ash and flue gas, depending on the elements partitioning and enrichment behavior. Volatilized harmful trace elements are mainly enriched in the submicron fly ash fraction. If emitted to the atmosphere, submicron particles can penetrate deep into the alveoli of the lungs, causing severe impacts on human health. Consequently, to reduce ash related problems and to control the emissions to the atmosphere, there is an increased need for understanding the physicochemical processes involved in ash transformation, including particle formation. The objective of this thesis was to carefully and systematically study the fate of trace elements during combustion, i.e. the chemical form of the elements and the partitioning behavior, by means of chemical equilibrium model calculations, X-ray diffraction, microscopy techniques and various spectroscopy methods. The influence of some fuel additives was also analyzed. Primarily, the elements copper, chromium and arsenic were studied. An initial review and evaluation of the content of thermodynamical data in commercial thermochemical databases used for chemical equilibrium model calculations showed that there was a significant difference in number of included phases and species between databases. Thermodynamical data also differed between databases, although in general less for condensed phases than for gaseous species. A state-of-the-art database for Cu, Cr and As was compiled and used for further chemical equilibrium model calculations. The fate of Cu, Cr and As was determined in combustion experiments on wood impregnated with copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) in a bench scale reactor (15 kW). The results showed that global chemical equilibrium model calculations predicted the overall fate of Cu, Cr and As in bottom ash and ash particles quite well. However, compared to the experimental results the global model overpredicted the formation of refractory calcium arsenates, thus the arsenic volatilization was found to be higher then the predicted volatilization. In terms of chromium volatility, copper was found to be an important refractory element forming stable CuCrO2(s) and CuCr2O4(s) that suppressed the formation of CrO2(OH)2(g). The retention and speciation of Cu, Cr and As in bottom ash was further determined from combustion experiments of CCA wood fuel particles in a single particle reactor. Local chemical equilibrium model calculations were performed to simulate the combustion stages of a burning CCA treated wood fuel particle: drying, devolatilization, char burning and post-combustion. The results from the work showed that a mix of global and local chemical equilibrium model calculations is needed to describe the reality and that the combustion stages are partially overlapping. The fate of harmful trace elements, including Cu, Cr and As, was finally studied in full scale (65 MW) combustion experiments. Particles from the raw flue gas emissions were sampled and analyzed. The comparison with chemical equilibrium model calculations showed that the model explained the results well, but due to lack of thermodynamic data for K2ZnCl4(s), the formation of this phase could not be predicted.

Redox models in chemistry :  A depiction of the conceptions held by secondary school students of redox reactions

Österlund, Lise-Lotte January 2010 (has links)
According to previous research, students show difficulties in learning redox reactions. By the historical development different redox models exist to explain redox reactions, the oxygen model, the hydrogen model, the electron model and the oxidation number model. This thesis reports about three studies concerning conceptions held by secondary school students of redox reactions. A textbook analysis is also included in the thesis. The first study was an investigation of the students’ use of redox models in inorganic contexts, their use of the activity series of metals, and the students’ ability to transfer redox knowledge. Then the students’ work with an open-ended biochemical task, where the students had access of the textbook was studied. The students talk about redox reactions, the questions raised by the students, what resources used to answer the questions and what kind of talk developed were investigated. A textbook analysis based on chemistry books from Sweden and one book from England was performed. The redox models used as well as the dealing with redox related learning difficulties was studied. Finally, the students’ conceptions about redox in inorganic, organic and biochemistry after completed chemistry courses were studied. The results show that the students were able to use the electron model as a tool to explain inorganic redox reactions and the mutuality of oxidation and reduction was fundamental. The activity series of metals became a tool for the prediction of reducing agent in some reactions. Most of the students rejected that oxygen is a prerequisite for a redox reaction. In the biochemical task the resource most used to answer the raised questions were the students’ consultation of the textbook – together or individually. Most questions resulted in short answers and the majority of these questions were answered. Questions concerning redox were analysed by the students and integrated into a chemical context but they could neither identify the substances oxidised or reduced nor couple the concepts to transfer of hydrogen atoms. The majority of these redox questions became unanswered. The textbook helped the students to structure a poster as well as to answer basic chemistry questions. For questions about organic and biochemical redox, the book was of no help. The textbook analysis showed that all historical redox models are used. Different models are used in inorganic, organic and biochemistry. The mutuality of oxidation and reduction is treated differently in subject areas. The textbooks did not help the reader linking the different redox models that were used. Few redox-related learning difficulties are addressed in the books. After completed chemistry courses the students had major problems to justify a redox reaction explained by transfer of hydrogen atoms both in the organic and biochemistry examples.

The effect of water chemistry and fibre-size distribution on dissolved air flotation efficiency

Sjölander, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma work was to investigate the problem of insufficient fibre recovery in the dissolved air flotation-cell at the new thermomechanical pulping-line at Braviken Paper Mill. An investigation of the effect of process parameters on the removal efficiency in the micro-flotation process was undertaken. The experiments were carried out for two setups at the Noss pilot plant with a small-scale flotation unit. Factorial design helped plan the experiments and four factors were controlled; temperature, fibre-size distribution, water quality and feed concentration. Three samples, feed, overflow and filtrate, were taken from each experiment and concentration measurements were made. The results were analyzed using the software MODDE. The results from showed an influence from the fibre-size distribution. To see if the fibre-size distribution really had an effect on the results, follow-up experiments were carried out. These experiments showed no influence from temperature, fibre-size distribution or water quality. This concludes that none of those three factors influenced the results significantly. Additional experiments were done to examine the influence from concentration and fibre-size distribution on the flotation efficiency and these showed an influence from the feed concentration. When increasing the feed concentration the efficiency of the flotation process decreased.

The Rôle of Side-Chains in Polymer Electrolytes for Batteries and Fuel Cells

Karo, Jaanus January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this thesis relates to the design of new polymer electrolytes for battery and fuel cell applications. Classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) modelling studies are reported of the nano-structure and the local structure and dynamics for two types of polymer electrolyte host: poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) for lithium batteries and perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) for polymer-based fuel cells. Both polymers have been modified by side-chain substitution, and the effect of this on charge-carrier transport has been investigated. The PEO system contains a 89-343 EO-unit backbone with 3-15 EO-unit side-chains, separated by 5-50 EO backbone units, for LiPF6 salt concentrations corresponding to Li:EO ratios of 1:10 and 1:30; the PFSA systems correspond to commercial Nafion®, Hyflon® (Dow®) and Aciplex® fuel-cell membranes, where the major differences again lie in the side-chain lengths. The PEO mobility is clearly enhanced by the introduction of side-chains, but is decreased on insertion of Li salts; mobilities differ by a factor of 2-3. At the higher Li concentration, many short side-chains (3-5 EO-units) give the highest ion mobility, while the mobility was greatest for side-chain lengths of 7-9 EO units at the lower concentration. A picture emerges of optimal Li+-ion mobility correlating with an optimal number of Li+ ions in the vicinity of mobile polymer segments, yet not involved in significant cross-linkages within the polymer host. Mobility in the PFSA-systems is promoted by higher water content. The influence of different side-chain lengths on local structure was minor, with Hyflon® displaying a somewhat lower degree of phase separation than Nafion®. Furthermore, the velocities of the water molecules and hydronium ions increase steadily from the polymer backbone/water interface towards the centre of the proton-conducting water channels. Because of its shorter side-chain length, the number of hydronium ions in the water channels is ~50% higher in Hyflon® than in Nafion® beyond the sulphonate end-groups; their hydronium-ion velocities are also ~10% higher. MD simulation has thus been shown to be a valuable tool to achieve better understanding of how to promote charge-carrier transport in polymer electrolyte hosts. Side-chains are shown to play a fundamental rôle in promoting local dynamics and influencing the nano-structure of these materials.

Origin of organic compounds in fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal vents of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Konn, Cécile January 2009 (has links)
Natural gas, primarily methane (CH4), is produced in substantial amounts in ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems. These systems could also generate oil (heavier hydrocarbons) and the first building blocks of life (prebiotic molecules). In the presence of iron bearing minerals, serpentinisation reactions generate H2. Subsequently, CH4 could be synthesised by Fischer-Tropsch Type (FTT) reaction (4H2 + CO2 → CH4 + 2H2O) which is an abiotic process. This has lead to the idea of abiotic formation of larger organic molecules. Both thermodynamics and laboratory work support this idea, yet field data have been lacking. This study focuses on determining the organic content of fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and the origin of the compounds. Fluids were collected from the Lost City, Rainbow, Ashadze and Logatchev vent fields during the EXOMAR (2005), SERPENTINE (2007), MoMARDREAMnaut (2007) and MOMAR08-Leg2 (2008) cruises conducted by IFREMER, France. A SBSE-TD-GC-MS technique was developed and used to extract, concentrate, separate and identify compounds in the fluids. Hydrothermally derived compounds appeared to consist mainly of hydrocarbons and O-bearing molecules. In addition, some amino acids were detected in the fluids by ULPC-ESI-QToF-MS but their origin will need to be determined. The organic content of the Rainbow fluids did not show intra field variability unlike differences could be noted over the years. In order to address the question of the source of the molecules, compound specific carbon isotopic analyses were carried out and completed with a bacterial (Pyrococcus abyssi) hydrothermal degradation experiment. The δ13C data fall in the range of -40 to -30‰ (vs. V-PDB), but individual δ13C values preclude the identification of a biogenic or abiogenic origin of the compounds. The degradation experiment, however, suggests an abiogenic origin of a portion of saturated hydrocarbons whereas carboxylic acids would be biogenic, and aromatic compounds would be thermogenic. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted. / MoMARnet

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