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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affect, perceived service quality, and satisfaction : assessing the moderating role of service setting

Jiang, Ying 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Padronização de métodos analíticos para a determinação de filtros solares em emulsões / Preparation and analytical evaluation of emulsions containing solar filters

Fátima Cristina Franco e Silva 19 July 2000 (has links)
Quando a pele humana é exposta à radiação solar excessiva podem resultar eritemas, dermatites e até câncer. O sol provoca redução nas células de Langerhans, responsáveis pela resistência imunológica da pele. Os filtros solares podem fornecer ampla proteção contra as radiações UVA, UVB e IV (infravermelhas). Compostos químicos são capazes de interagir com a luz UV, absorvendo sua energia danosa. As ligações químicas dessas moléculas podem absorver a luz UV e reabsorvê-la na forma inofensiva. Os filtros físicos tem a capacidade de difundir as radiações ultravioletas (UV), visíveis e mesmo infravermelhas (IV), criando uma barreira que reflete, espalha ou bloqueia fisicamente a radiação que chega à superfície da pele. O objetivo do trabalho foi preparar emulsões protetoras solares e padronizar métodos analíticos para a determinação quantitativa dos filtros UVA, UVB e infravermelhos (IV) nelas contidas. Estudos de estabilidade foram realizados variando-se o tempo e a temperatura. Para tanto foram efetuadas medidas reológicas e empregadas técnicas como as análises térmicas, a espectrofotometria no UV, a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e a espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo. Todas as amostras, armazenadas a temperatura ambiente, 10ºC, 35ºC e 45ºC, apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico e tixotropia. As análises térmicas, tais como a termogravimetria (TG), e a calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), fornecem importantes informações sobre a estabilidade da emulsão. A cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência permitiu a separação e determinação quantitativa da 3-benzofenona e do metoxicinamato de octila. / When the human skin is exposed to excessive solar radiation it could lead to erythema, dermatitis and even skin cancer. The sun provokes a reduction in the Langerhans cells, responsible for the immunological resistance of the skin. Solar filters must encompass ample protection against UVA, UVB and IR (infrared) radiations. Certain chemical compounds interact with ultraviolet (UV) rays and have a capacity to absorve their harmful energy. Their chemical bonds can absorve UV radiation and transform it into inoffensive form. The physical filters have potential to dissipate UV, visible and even infrared radiations, creating physical barrier that reflects, spread and block radiation that reaches skin surface. The aim of this work was the preparation and analytical evaluation of emulsions containing UVA, UVB and infrared (IR) filters. Stability studies were performed, by varying time and temperature, using rheological measurements, thermal analysis, UV spectrophotometry, high performance liquid chromatography and near infrared spectroscopy. Most of all the samples, stored at room temperature, 10ºC, 35ºC and 45ºC, presented pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior. Thermal analysis, such as thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), provided important information on the emulsion stability. High performance liquid chromatography enabled the separation and quantitative determination of benzophenone-3 and octyl methoxycinnamate.

Avaliação posicional de dados altimétricos gerados por diferentes sistemas de varredura a laser terrestre: estudo de caso

Ferraz, Rodrigo da Silva January 2017 (has links)
As utilizações de dados altimétricos, nesse estudo analisados a partir de modelos digitais de terreno (MDT), são as mais variadas assim como as técnicas de obtenção desse tipo de dado. Pode-se obter MDT por radar de abertura sintética que é utilizado para o levantamento de grandes áreas e de difícil acesso. Também pode-se gerar esse tipo de dado por Fotogrametria, por Topografia utilizando estação total com apoio GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). Uma tecnologia mais atual para a obtenção de dados altimétricos é a utilização de tecnologia Lidar (light detection and ranging) que consiste na medição de distância e coordenadas através de um pulso eletromagnético que interage com os alvos. O produto básico dos sistemas que utilizam a tecnologia Lidar, seja em plataformas aéreas ou terrestres, é denominado de nuvem de pontos. Essas nuvens de pontos possuem coordenadas tridimensionais (X, Y e Z) referenciadas ao centro de fase do sensor. Nesse estudo foram realizados experimentos com dois sistemas de varredura a laser terrestre. O primeiro é um sistema de varredura modelo Optech Ilris 3D e outro Faro Focus 3D, nesse estudo denominados de SVLT Optech e SVLT Faro. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho é estimar a qualidade posicional dos dados altimétricos gerados por dois SVLT. Os estudos foram executados em dois experimentos. No primeiro experimento foram realizados escaneamentos num campo de calibração. Nessa etapa foi gerada uma nuvem de pontos de cada sistema de varredura, e esses dados foram georreferenciados e a partir de pontos de checagem medidos no mesmo e assim foi estimada o controle de qualidade posicional. No segundo experimento, os dois SVLT foram utilizados para efetuar um levantamento topográfico planialtimétrico em um percurso de aproximadamente um quilômetro. Os dados gerados pelos SVLT passaram por um processo de registro, que consiste na junção de pares de nuvens de pontos, e foram georreferenciados a partir de pontos de controle medidos no terreno. Nesse percurso foram realizados circuitos de nivelamento cujos vértices foram utilizados para se estimar o controle de qualidade posicional, planimétrico e altimétrico, das nuvens de pontos oriundas dos dois sistemas de varredura. Assim, após a realização de testes estatísticos, no primeiro experimento, obteve-se valores de acurácia altimétrica de 1,5 cm para o SVLT Faro e de 1,3cm para o SVLT Optech e no segundo experimento acurácia altimétrica de 1,9 cm para o SVLT Faro e de 5,9 cm para o SVLT Optech. / The uses of altimetric data, in this study approached from digital terrain models (TDM) are the most varied as well as the techniques for getting this type of data. It can be get DTM by synthetic aperture radar that is used for surveying wide areas and with difficult access. As well it can be this type of data by Photogrammetry, by conventional Topography using total station with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) support. A more actual technology for obtaining altimetric data is the use of light detection and ranging technology, which consists of measuring distance and coordinates through an electromagnetic pulse that interacts with the targets. The basic product of the systems that use the technology lidar, be it in aerial or terrestrial platforms, is denominated a point cloud. These point clouds have three-dimensional coordinates (X, Y, and Z) referenced to phase center of the sensor. In this study, will be performed experiments with two systems of terrestrial laser scanning (STLS). One STLS of the brand Optech Ilris 3D and another of the brand Faro Focus 3D, in this study called of STLS Faro and STLS Optech. Therefore, the aim of this work is to estimate the positional quality of digital terrain models generated by these two STLS. The studies were executed in two experiments. In the first experiment, scans has been made on a calibration wall. The generated point clouds were georeferenced and from the checkpoints measured in this calibration wall, the positional quality of these data was estimated. In the second experiment, the two STLS were has been made a planialtimetric topographic survey of a course of approximately one kilometer. In this course a leveling network was created and the vertices of this network were used to estimate the positional quality control of the points clouds from the two STLS. Therefore, after realization statistical tests, in the first experiment, it was obtained altimetric accuracy values of 1.5 cm for the STLS Faro and 1.3 cm for the STLS Optech were obtained and in the second experiment, the altimeter accuracy of 1.9 cm for the STLS Faro and 5.9 cm for the Optech STLS.

Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos para determinação do teor de atropina em folhas de Atropa belladonna (L.) solanaceae

Koetz, Mariana January 2017 (has links)
A atropina é um alcaloide conhecido pela inibição da acetilcolina e como substância antimuscarínica e está presente em folhas de algumas espécies da família Solanaceae, e, em especial, da Atropa belladonna L. A importância da produção de fitoterápicos na indústria farmacêutica tem impulsionado estudos científicos no sentido de desenvolver metodologias analíticas para quantificação de marcadores químicos, presentes em drogas vegetais, e que atendam os parâmetros de controle de qualidade da legislação vigente. Assim, neste trabalho, diferentes metodologias para quantificação da atropina (marcador químico predominante nas folhas de A. belladonna) foram desenvolvidas e validadas. Os métodos propostos por Cromatografia em Camada Delgada de Alta Eficiência (CCDAE), Cromatografia a Líquido de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) e Cromatografia a Líquido de Ultra Eficiência (CLUE) foram validados comprovando ter especificidade/seletividade, linearidade, precisão, exatidão e robustez e adequando-se à legislação vigente. Além disso, diferentes métodos de extração foram propostos. Para o primeiro método de análise (CCDAE), uma extração com ácido diluído (H2SO4 0,5 mol/L), seguida de extração líquido-líquido foi utilizada, resultando em teor médio de 0,2913 % de atropina. Para o segundo (CLAE), uma extração com solvente apolar (metanol p.a.) foi proposta, seguida também de extração líquido-líquido e com teor médio de 0,2660 % do ativo. No terceiro (CLUE), otimização de extração foi realizada através de Desenho Fatorial Fracionado, seguido de Desenho Box-Behnken, resultando em extração realizada pela mistura de solvente apolar e água (metanol 47 %), seguido de uma extração em fase sólida (sílica) e um teor de atropina médio de 0,3343 %. Um extrato otimizado foi analisado nos três métodos, resultando em teores de atropina iguais a 0,2905, 0,3598 e 0,3343 % para CCDAE, CLAE e CLUE, respectivamente. A revisão da monografia do material vegetal, com ensaios de identificação e físico-químicos, juntamente com a metodologia de doseamento por Cromatografia a Líquido de Alta Eficiência foi proposta com o objetivo de atualizar as metodologias que hoje compõe o roteiro de controle de qualidade da espécie na Farmacopeia Brasileira, que está em sua 5° edição. / Atropine is an alkaloid known for acetylcholine inhibition and as antimuscarinic substance and is present in leaves of some species of the family Solanácea, and especially of Atropa belladonna L. The importance of the production of herbal medicines in the pharmaceutical industry has driven scientific studies to develop analytical methods for quantification of chemical markers, present in herbal drugs, and that meet the quality control parameters of the current legislation. Thus, in this work, different methodologies for quantification of atropine (chemical marker predominant in the leaves of A. belladonna) were developed and validated. The methods proposed by High Performance Thin-layer Chromatography (HPTLC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) were validated proving to have specificity/selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness, and conforming to legislation. In addition, different extraction methodologies were proposed. For the first method of analysis (CCDAE), extraction with dilute acid (H2SO4 0.5 mol/L) followed by liquid-liquid extraction was used, resulting in an average content of 0.2913% atropine. For the second (HPLC), extraction with apolar solvent (methanol p.a.) was proposed, followed also by liquid-liquid extraction and with an average content of 0.2660% of the active. In the third (CLUE), optimization of extraction was done through Fractional Factorial Design, followed by Box-Behnken Design resulting in extraction by the apolar solvent mixture and Water (47% methanol), followed by solid phase extraction (silica) and an average atropine content of 0.3343%. An optimized extract was analyzed in three methods, resulting in atropine levels equal to 0.2905, 0.3598 and 0.3334 % for HPTLC, HPLC and UPLC, respectively. The review of the monograph of the plant material, with identification and physicochemical tests, together with the methodology of determination by HPLC was proposed with the objective of updating the methodologies that today compose the roadmap of quality control of specie in Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, which is in its 5th edition.

Desenvolvimento de um software para avaliação de qualidade de imagens tomográficas usando o Phantom Catphan500® / Development of a Software for Image Quality Assessment in Computed Tomography using the Catphan500® Phantom

Daniel Vicente Vieira 07 October 2016 (has links)
Desde a invenção da tomografia computadorizada (CT) nos anos 70, toda década trouxe novas tecnologias para esta modalidade. Com estes avanços, também surgiu a necessidade de novas e melhores técnicas de avaliação de desempenho e segurança dos equipamentos de CT. Hoje, o controle de qualidade de equipamentos de CT é, em grande parte, feito manualmente. Portanto, é lento e, em parte, subjetivo. Neste trabalho, um software foi escrito em MatLab® para processar imagens do phantom de CT Catphan500®, aperfeiçoando a rotina do programa de controle de qualidade de CT. Com pouca interferência do usuário, o software mede a espessura de corte, incremento entre cortes e tamanho de pixel, avalia a linearidade do número CT, estima a Função Transferência de Modulação (MTF), o ruído e o Espectro de Potência do Ruído (NPS). Para a validação do software, conjuntos de imagens do phantom foram obtidas em 10 equipamentos de CT diferentes, com 27 protocolos diferentes. Cada conjunto foi analisado pelo software, e os resultados obtidos foram comparados aos resultados previamente obtidos pela rotina normal do programa controle de qualidade. Para essa comparação, dois testes de hipótese foram empregados: o teste t de Student (para os valores de espessura de corte, incremento entre cortes, tamanho de pixel e os coeficientes da avaliação de linearidade do número CT, adotando um valor-p de 0,01) e o teste F de Fisher (para o ruído, valor-p de 0,05). As funções MTF e NPS atualmente não são medidas na rotina do controle de qualidade, portanto não há resultado prévio para fazer esta comparação. Ao invés disso, o NPS foi ajustado em função da MTF (através da relação teórica que há entre os dois) e a qualidade do ajuste foi avaliada pelo teste de qui-quadrado. Dos 101 valores de t e 25 valores de F calculados, 2 e 1 respectivamente estavam fora do intervalo de aceitação. Este resultado está de acordo com os valores-p escolhidos e, portanto, os resultados obtidos pelo software estão de acordo com os resultados da rotina de controle de qualidade convencional. Os ajustes de NPS e MTF obtiveram incertezas grandes nos parâmetros de ajuste (incertezas da mesma ordem de grandeza dos próprios parâmetros). Porém, a avaliação do qui-quadrado reduzido indica que os ajustes foram aceitáveis (com exceção de um, que mostrou uma anomalia no NPS medido e foi desconsiderado). Portanto, o NPS e MTF obtidos estão de acordo com a expectativa teórica. / Since the introduction of the CT scanner as a diagnostic imaging modality, the scientific community has seen new and more complex CT technologies. These improvements brought the need for new and improved techniques to evaluate the safety and performance of these scanners. Nowadays, the interpretation of images generated during the implementation of CT quality control procedures are done visually in much of the cases. Therefore, it is slow and partially subjective. In this work, a software was written in MatLab to process images of the Catphan500 CT phantom, in order to improve the CT quality control workflow and its accuracy. The software evaluate the slice thickness, slice increment, and pixel size, calculates the CT number linearity, and assesses the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), the noise and the Noise Power Spectrum (NPS). Image sets of the phantom were obtained from 10 different scanners using 27 different protocols in order to validate the software. Comparative results correlating the software output and corresponding data previously obtained by the current quality control program routine were used to conduct this validation. For this comparison, two statistical tests were employed: the Students t-test (for slice thickness, slice increment, pixel size, and the coefficients of the CT number linearity evaluation, with a chosen p-value of 0.01) and the Fisher F-test (for the noise, with chosen p-value of 0.05).The functions MTF and NPS are not currently measured by the quality control routine, so there was no previous result for comparison. Instead, the NPS was fitted as a function of the MTF (using the theoretical relationship between both functions) and the quality of the fit was evaluated using the reduced chi-square. From 101 t values and 25 F values calculated, 2 and 1 were outside the acceptance interval, respectively. This result agrees with the chosen p-values, and therefore the software results are in good agreement with the traditional quality control routine results. The fits of NPS and MTF presented large uncertainties in the fitting parameters (uncertainties of the same order of magnitude as the parameters themselves). However, the reduced chi-square evaluation indicates a good fit (with the exception of one fit, which showed an anomaly on the measured NPS and was unconsidered). Therefore, the obtained MTF and NPS were in agreement with the theoretical expectations.

Resource allocation and throughput analysis for multi-radio multi-channel networks.

January 2007 (has links)
Xu, Ceng. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 68-71). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgement --- p.iii / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Motivation --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2 --- Contributions --- p.5 / Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Scope --- p.5 / Chapter 2 --- Background Study --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1 --- Wireless Mesh Networks --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Overview of Wireless Mesh Networks --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Challenges of Wireless Mesh Networks --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Capacity Analysis of Wireless Mesh Net- works --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2 --- Network Coding --- p.13 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Overview of Network Coding --- p.13 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Network Coding in Wireless Networks --- p.17 / Chapter 3 --- Throughput Analysis --- p.19 / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.19 / Chapter 3.2 --- Preliminaries --- p.20 / Chapter 3.3 --- Proof of Theorem 3.2.1 when n = m --- p.23 / Chapter 3.4 --- Proof of Theorem 3.2.1 when n≠ m --- p.36 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Proof of Theorem 3.2.1 when m <n --- p.36 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Proof of Theorem 3.2.1 when m > n --- p.37 / Chapter 3.5 --- Applying network coding into multi-radio multichannel networks --- p.37 / Chapter 3.6 --- Some simulation results --- p.40 / Chapter 3.6.1 --- String Topology --- p.40 / Chapter 3.6.2 --- Grid Topology --- p.41 / Chapter 3.6.3 --- Random Topology --- p.42 / Chapter 4 --- Interface Reduction in Wireless Mesh Networks --- p.43 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.43 / Chapter 4.2 --- Preliminaries --- p.44 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Assumptions and Objectives of the Algorithm --- p.44 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Definitions --- p.45 / Chapter 4.3 --- Steps of the Algorithm and an Example --- p.49 / Chapter 4.4 --- Simulation Results and Discussions --- p.53 / Chapter 4.5 --- Generalization --- p.54 / Chapter 5 --- Conclusion --- p.66 / Bibliography --- p.68

Capturing a process an analysis of culture and subcultures in a changing university 1993-1995

Hiscock, Jane E January 2000 (has links)
The globalisation of the world economy and world markets has had far reaching effects on national economies as governments try to allocate funding to potentially profitable market areas. Rapid technological change has accompanied the expansion and diversification of the higher education market in an environment of global competitiveness, as universities try to claim their market share. Universities now view themselves as businesses, with strong implications for university staff, who are subject to new forms of organisational controls which emphasise the importance of corporate goals. / Thesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2000

Quality control for integrated GNSS and inertial navigation systems

Hewitson, Steve, Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
The availability of GPS signals is a major limitation for many existing and potential applications. Fortunately, with the development of Galileo by the European Commission (EC) and European Space Agency (ESA) and new funding for the restoration of the Russian GLONASS announced by the Russian Federation the future for satellite based positioning and navigation applications is extremely promising. This research primarily investigates the benefits of GNSS interoperability and GNSS/INS integration to Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) from a geometrical perspective. In addition to these investigations, issues regarding multiple outlier detection and identification are examined and integrity procedures addressing these issues are proposed. Moreover, it has been shown how the same RAIM algorithms can be effectively applied to the various static and kinematic navigation architectures used in this research.

Software group reviews and the impact of procedural roles on defect detection performance

Land, Lesley Pek Wee, Information Systems, Technology & Management, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
Software reviews (inspections) have received widespread attention for ensuring the quality of software, by finding and repairing defects in software products. A typical review process consists of two stages critical for defect detection: individual review followed by group review. This thesis addresses two attributes to improve our understanding of the task model: (1) the need for review meetings, and (2) the use of roles in meetings. The controversy of review meeting effectiveness has been consistently raised in the literature. Proponents maintain that the review meeting is the crux of the review process, resulting in group synergism and qualitative benefits (e.g. user satisfaction). Opponents argue that against meetings because the costs of organising and conducting them are high, and there is no net meeting gain. The persistence of these diverse views is the main motivation behind this thesis. Although commonly prescribed in meetings, roles have not yet been empirically validated. Three procedural roles (moderator, reader, recorder) were considered. A conceptual framework on software reviews was developed, from which main research questions were identified. Two experiments were conducted. Review performance was operationalised in terms of true defects and false positives. The review product was COBOL code. The results indicated that in terms of true defects, group reviews outperformed the average individual but not nominal group reviews (aggregate of individual reviews). However, groups have the ability to filter false positives from the individuals' findings. Roles provided limited benefits in improving group reviews. Their main function is to reduce process loss, by encouraging systematic consideration of the individuals' findings. When two or more reviewers find a defect during individual reviews, it is likely to be carried through to the meeting (plurality effect). Groups employing roles reported more 'new' false positives (not identified from preparation) than groups without roles. Overall, subjects' ability at the defect detection was low. This thesis suggests that reading technologies may be helpful for improving reviewer performance. The inclusion of an author role may also reduce the level of false positive detection. The results have implications on the design and support of the software review process.

The prediction and management of the variability of manufacturing operations

Steele, Clint, n/a January 2005 (has links)
Aim: To investigate methods that can be used to predict and manage the effects of manufacturing variability on product quality during the design process. Methodology: The preliminary investigation is a review and analysis of probabilistic methods and quality metrics. Based on this analysis, convenient robustification methods are developed. In addition, the nature of the flow of variability in a system is considered. This is then used to ascertain the information needed for an input variable when predicting the quality of a proposed design. The second, and major, part of the investigation is a case-by-case analysis of a collection of manufacturing operations and material properties. Each is initially analysed from first principles. On completion, the fundamental causes of variability of the key characteristic(s) are identified. Where possible, the expected variability for each of those characteristics has been determined. Where this determination was not possible, qualitative conclusions about the variability are made instead. In each case, findings on the prediction and management of manufacturing variability are made.

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