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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioclipse : Integration of Data and Software in the Life Sciences

Spjuth, Ola January 2009 (has links)
New high throughput experimental techniques have turned the life sciences into a data-intensive field. Scientists are faced with new types of problems, such as managing voluminous sources of information, integrating heterogeneous data, and applying the proper analysis algorithms; all to end up with reliable conclusions. These challenges call for an infrastructure of algorithms and technologies to supply researchers with the tools and methods necessary to maximize the usefulness of the data. eScience has emerged as a promising technology to take on these challenges, and denotes integrated science carried out in highly distributed network environments, or science that makes use of large data sets and requires high performance computing resources. In this thesis I present standards, exchange formats, algorithms, and software implementations for empowering researchers in the life sciences with the tools of eScience. The work is centered around Bioclipse - an extensible workbench developed in the frame of this thesis - which provides users with instruments for carrying out integrated research and where technical details are hidden under simple graphical interfaces. Bioclipse is a Rich Client that takes full advantage of the many offerings of eScience, such as networked databases and online services. The benefits of mixing local and remote software in a unifying platform are demonstrated with an integrated approach for predicting metabolic sites in chemical structures. To overcome the limitations of the commonly used technologies for interacting with networked services, I also present a new technology using the XMPP protocol. This enables service discovery and asynchronous communication between the client and server, which is ideal for long-running analyses. To maximize the usefulness of the available data there is a need for standards, ontologies, and exchange formats, in order to define what information should be captured and how it should be structured and exchanged. A novel format for exchanging QSAR data sets in a fully interoperable and reproducible form is presented, together with an implementation in Bioclipse that takes advantage of eScience components during the setup process. Bioclipse has been well received by the scientific community, attracted a large group of international users and developers, and has been awarded three international prizes for its innovative character. With continued development, the project has a good chance of becoming an important component in a sustainable infrastructure for the life sciences.

Festlegung und Mobilisierung von Uran und seinen radioaktiven Zerfallsprodukten in kohlenstoffreichen Gewässersedimenten / Fixation and mobilisation of uranium and its radioactive decay products in C-richwater sediments

Nassour, Mohammad 19 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of this work was to investigate the extent of uranium and radium -fixation and mobilization at the interface of mining influenced surface water and sub-hydric soils, sediment and plant detritus. A freshwater ecosystem (stream channels in an alder swamp forest – Alno-Lemnetum with low residence time shallow ponds) developed directly below a mining site (Neuensalz) and influenced by uranium containing water served as investigation site for the identification of possible fixation and mobilization mechanisms. In addition, investigations were carried out on sediments in a water reservoir downstream of the examined abandoned mining site. It could be shown, that radium concentrations of the examined surface water (2001 – 2004) are only slightly higher compared to the range of geogenic levels for German surface waters, and that its activity concentrations decreased along the investigated flow path. In contrast, uranium concentrations are well above geogenic levels and the concentration level stays high along the whole water pathway through the study area. The U-238:Ra-226 ratio of the examined surface water from the spring to a pond outflow significantly increased. The uranium chain activity concentrations in the sediments determined in this study partly exceeded considerably the regional geogenic level. For the sediment water the 238U: 226Ra ratio in the first part of the flow path is significantly shifted in favor of radium while in the second part the ratio is shifted in favor of uranium. There were indications that the dissolved uranium is transported in the form of soluble carbonate complexes. Radium however is rather fixed under dominantly oxidizing conditions along the mainly turbulent mixed shallow water pathway. The fixation of uranium and radium in the upper section of the pathway (direct below the spring) was found to be inorganically, whereas in the second part organic bonds are more indicated. The influence of allochthonous organic carbon as main metabolic energy source for low order lotic ecosystems on the fixation of uranium was investigated by analyzing, the effects of leaves (coarse particulate organic matter: CPOM) and their degradation products (mainly fine particulate organic matter: FPOM and biofilms etc.). It was found that the highly mobile fraction of uranium in the water pathway, preferably present under the given conditions in the form different uranyl-carbonato-complexes, is efficiently fixed on fresh organic plant material (plant litter, leaves) in the first steps of organic matter decomposition within a few days. But it also can be immobilized relatively stable. It was also found that CPOM is a temporary sink for uranium, which may be sedimented depending on the turbulence flow and discharge. This may contribute to the directional removal of uranium from the water into the sediment. Finally this work analyzed the conditions in the pelagic and benthic zone of the Neuensalz pre dam of the Pöhl reservoir, which is located downstream of the mining site. It presents a periodically stagnant water body with seasonally continuous sedimentation, a possible stable sink of uranium and products of radioactive decay in early diagenesis. Water samples of the pelagic zone and undisturbed sediment cores were taken and analyzed during winter stagnation. The results are discussed in front of seasonal changes in water chemistry and load data. U-238 and Ra-226 showed a culmination of activity concentrations in the sediment horizons from 25 to 35 cm depth, in particular at a centrally located sampling point (K3). At this point highest activity concentrations of 238U were found with a median value of 770 Bq*kg-1 at a depth of 30 cm. At the same location 226Ra shows activity concentrations of 250 Bq*kg-1(median). Based on the Cs-137 dating method a sedimentation rate of 1.5 cm*yr-1 was calculated for the pre-dam Neuensalz sediment. On average sedimentation rates for 238U of 3,7 ± 1,1 kBq*m-2*yr-1 and for 226Ra of 3,5 ± 0,5 kBq*m-2*yr-1 were calculated. Furthermore, a total uranium stock of 68 ± 6 kg per hectare in the sediment was estimated. In connection with a sedimentation period of 23 years, the uranium inventory in the sediments would correspond to a portion of approx. 18 % of the uranium feed by the water influx estimated for the same period. This estimation did not take into account a geogenic portion and other sources like fertilizer. For radium, the situation is reversed. An extrapolation of the cumulative load for the same period results in a lower value by almost a factor of 100 compared to uranium. This compares with a radium inventory in the sediment, which is about 15 times higher than the projected load. This leads to the conclusion that in addition to the supply from the mining legacy also the geogenic background and/or discontinuous particulate import (via storm water stream runoff etc.) has to be considered. The analysis of the bonding stability and related potential mobilization of the sedimentary uranium using sequential chemical extraction shows that most of the uranium is found in the organic fraction over the entire sediment layer, which may be identified as organically bound or as uraninite. In conclusion not only radium is immobilized near to the source but also a relevant share of uranium is permanently fixed even in/on durably deposited organic matter despite eu-trophic conditions with high nitrate load, traceable in deeper sediment layers due to e.g intensive land use. / Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung des Umfangs der Festlegung bzw. Mobilisierung von Uran und Radium an der Grenzfläche von Bergbau beeinflußtem Oberflächenwasser und subhydrischen Böden, Sedimenten sowie Bestandsabfall (Detritus). Als Untersuchungsgebiet zur Identifizierung entsprechender Fixierungs- und Mobilisierungsmechanismen diente ein Süßwasser - Ökosystem (Bach in einem Erlenbruchwald – Alno-Lemnetum – und integrierte flache Teiche mit geringer Verweilzeit) unterhalb eines ehemaligen Uranerzbergbau-Gebietes (Neuensalz), das von uranhaltigem Wasser durchströmt ist. Darüber hinaus Sedimentanalysen eines periodisch stagnierenden Wasserkörpers (Vorsperre der Talsperre Pöhl) im Abstrombereich der untersuchten Bergbaualtlast vorgenommen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Radiumkonzentration des Oberflächenwassers (2001-2004) geringfügig über der des geogenen Niveaus für deutsche Oberflächenwässer liegt und dass die entsprechende Aktivitätskonzentration von Radium entlang der untersuchten Fließstrecke beginnend mit einer Quelle an einem Tailingdamm deutlich abnimmt. Dagegen liegen die Urankonzentrationen des Oberflächenwassers deutlich über dem geogenen Hintergrund. Seine Aktivitätskonzentrationen bleiben entlang der Fließstrecke weitgehend stabil. Das 238U:226Ra-Verhältnis des Oberflächenwassers wird sich entlang der Fließstrecke von der Quelle unterhalb des Tailingdammes bis zum Abfluss aus der ersten, schwächer durchflossenen kleinen Senke (Forellenteich) erhöht. Die in dieser Arbeit ermittelten Aktivitätskonzentrationen der untersuchten Nuklide der Sedimente lagen zum Teil erheblich über dem geogenen Niveau der Region. Das 238U:226Ra-Verhältnis des Bachsediments ist im ersten Teil der Fließstrecke deutlich zugunsten des Radiums verschoben, während es im zweiten Teil zugunsten von Uran verschoben ist. Dies weist darauf hin, dass das gelöste Uran in Form carbonatischer Komplexe transportiert wird. Radium wird dagegen unter den vorherrschenden oxidierenden Bedingungen entlangder Fließstrecke eher fixiert. Für die Festlegung von Uran und Radium wurde im oberen Teil der Fließstrecke (direkt unterhalb der Quelle) eher auf anorganische Bindungen geschlossen, während die Fixierung im zweiten Teil der Fließstrecke eher organischer Natur ist. Da im Oberlauf von Fließgewässern allochthoner organischer Kohlenstoff die wesentliche die Energiequelle für alle Ökosystemfunktionen bildet und eine besondere Funktion mit Blick auf Untersuchungsziel vermutet werden kann, wurde die Wirkung von Laub (grob- organisches Material: CPOM) und seinen Abbauprodukten (fein-partikuläres organisches Material: FPOM, Biofilm usw.) auf die Fixierung von Uran analysiert. Es wurde festgestellt, dass das im Wasserpfad sehr mobile Uran, welches unter den gegebenen Bedingungen vorzugsweise in verschiedenen Uranyl-Carbonato-Komplexen vorliegt, nicht nur an frischer organischer Substanz pflanzlichen Ursprungs (Bestandesabfall, Laub) im Verlauf biologischen Abbaus effizient gebunden und festgelegt wird, sondern auch sehr stabil immobilisiert werden kann. Es wurde auch ermittelt, dass CPOM ein temporärer Speicher für Uran ist, welcher je nach Fließgeschwindigkeit sedimentieren und damit zum gerichteten Transfer von Uran aus dem Wasser in das Sediment beitragen kann. Der anteilige Austrag über das verstärkt gebildete DOC über den Laubeintrag ist relativ gering. Schließlich wurden die Verhältnisse mit Bezug zur Fragestellung in der pelagischen und benthischen Zone der Vorsperre Neuensalz der Talsperre Pöhl analysiert, die stromabwärts des Bergbaugebietes anschießt. Die Vorsperre stellt einen periodisch stagnierenden Wasserkörper mit saisonaler kontinuierlicher Sedimentation dar und damit eine mögliche stabile Senke für Uran und seine radioaktiven Zerfallsprodukte in der Frühdiagenese. Wasserproben der pelagischen Zone und ungestörte Sedimentkerne wurden in der Phase der Winterstagnation entnommen, analysiert und unter Berücksichtigung saisonaler Unterschiede bezüglich Wasserchemie und Frachtdaten disskutiert. Für U-238 und Ra-226 zeigt sich eine Kulmination der Aktivitätskonzentration in den mittleren Sediment- Horizonten von 25-35 cm Tiefe, insbesondere an der Probenahmestelle K3. Dort fanden sich auch die höchsten Aktivitätskonzentrationen der Vorsperre für 238U mit einem Medianwert von 770 Bq*kg-1 in einer Tiefe von 30 cm. Für Ra-226 fand sich am selben Ort eine Aktivität von 250 Bq*kg-1 (Median). Anhand der Datierung mithilfe der Cs-137 Methode wurde für das Sediment der Vorsperre Neuensalz eine Sedimentationsrate von 1,5 cm*a-1 errechnet. Für Uran ergab sich eine Sedimentationsrate von 3,7 ± 1,1 kBq*m-2*a-1 und für Ra-226 eine solche von 3,50 ± 0,5 kBq*m-2*a-1. Darüber hinaus wurde die im Schnitt ca. 40 cm mächtigen Sedimente ein Uranvorrat von 68 ± 6 kg pro Hektar bilanziert. In Verbindung mit der Dauer des Bilanzzeitraumes der Sedimentation (23 Jahre) entspräche das in der Vorsperre vorgefundene Uraninventar einem Anteil von ca. 18 % der für diesen Zeitraum abgeschätzten Uranfracht im Wasserzufluss, wobei der geogene Anteil des Urans und die Ausbringung von Phosphatdüngemitteln in den Sedimenten noch nicht berücksichtigt ist. Für Radium sind die Verhältnisse umgekehrt. Wenn aus den gegenwärtigen Aktivitätskonzentrationen im Zufluss auf eine kumulative Fracht für den 23-jährigen Bilanzierungs- bzw. Betrachtungszeitraum hochgerechnet wird, ergibt sich ein fast um den Faktor 100 geringerer Wert, verglichen mit Uran. Dem steht ein Radiuminventar im Sediment gegenüber, welches etwa 15-mal größer als diese hochgerechnete Fracht ist. Daraus ist abzuleiten, dass neben der relativ geringen wassergelösten Zufuhr aus der Bergbaualtlast dem gegogenen Hintergrund im sedimentierenden Substrat sowie diskontinuierlich Partikel (über Regenwasserabfluss) Bedeutung beizumessen ist. Bei der Analyse der Bindungsverhältnisse des sedimentären Urans (sequentielle Extraktion) wurde der größte Anteil des Urans im Sediment als Uraninit bzw. als organisch gebunden identifiziert. Insgesamt ist zu schließen, dass nicht nur Radium in der Nähe von Quellen immobilisiert wird, sondern auch Uran eine dauerhafte Fixierung in ständig abgelagertem organischem Material erfährt. Diese Fixierung ist trotz eutropher Bedingungen mit hoher Niratbelastung stabil und in tieferen Sedimentschichten nachweisbar.

Validation and Functional Characterization of Novel Neurofibromin Interacting Proteins

Arun, Vedant 19 March 2013 (has links)
Neurofibromin (NF1) is a 2,818aa protein encoded by the very large NF1 tumour suppressor gene located on chromosome 17q11.2. Loss of function mutations and deletions in NF1 underlie Neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF-1) - the most common inherited syndrome of the nervous system in humans with a birth incidence of 1:3,000. The most visible feature of NF-1 is the neoplastic manifestations known as neurofibromas, however, the syndrome is also characterized by pigmentary defects, peripheral motor dysfunction, learning disabilities and several developmental abnormalities. The molecular etiology of many of these non-neoplastic phenotypes remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that the Tubulin Binding Domain (TBD) of NF1 is a binding partner of the Leucine Rich Pentatrico Peptide Repeat motif-Containing protein (LRPPRC) and cytoplasmic Dynein Heavy Chain (DHC). The NF1-LRPPRC interaction is of high significance as it links NF-1 with Leigh’s Syndrome, French Canadian variant (LSFC) – an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that arises due to mutations in the LRPPRC gene. This interaction occurs as part of an RNA granule complex, and use of transgenic mouse models establishes an important role of NF1 and LRPPRC in peripheral nerve development. The NF1-DHC interaction is of importance in melanocytes where our studies suggest a possible role in melanosome localization, disruptions in which may underlie the abnormal pigmentary features known as café-au-lait macules that are commonly associated with NF-1. The validation of LRPPRC and DHC as novel NF1 interactors reveal new roles of NF1, which open the door to better understanding the molecular mechanisms that underlie the myriad of NF-1 manifestations.

Validation and Functional Characterization of Novel Neurofibromin Interacting Proteins

Arun, Vedant 19 March 2013 (has links)
Neurofibromin (NF1) is a 2,818aa protein encoded by the very large NF1 tumour suppressor gene located on chromosome 17q11.2. Loss of function mutations and deletions in NF1 underlie Neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF-1) - the most common inherited syndrome of the nervous system in humans with a birth incidence of 1:3,000. The most visible feature of NF-1 is the neoplastic manifestations known as neurofibromas, however, the syndrome is also characterized by pigmentary defects, peripheral motor dysfunction, learning disabilities and several developmental abnormalities. The molecular etiology of many of these non-neoplastic phenotypes remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that the Tubulin Binding Domain (TBD) of NF1 is a binding partner of the Leucine Rich Pentatrico Peptide Repeat motif-Containing protein (LRPPRC) and cytoplasmic Dynein Heavy Chain (DHC). The NF1-LRPPRC interaction is of high significance as it links NF-1 with Leigh’s Syndrome, French Canadian variant (LSFC) – an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that arises due to mutations in the LRPPRC gene. This interaction occurs as part of an RNA granule complex, and use of transgenic mouse models establishes an important role of NF1 and LRPPRC in peripheral nerve development. The NF1-DHC interaction is of importance in melanocytes where our studies suggest a possible role in melanosome localization, disruptions in which may underlie the abnormal pigmentary features known as café-au-lait macules that are commonly associated with NF-1. The validation of LRPPRC and DHC as novel NF1 interactors reveal new roles of NF1, which open the door to better understanding the molecular mechanisms that underlie the myriad of NF-1 manifestations.

Performance Analysis & Optimization of Well Production in Unconventional Resource Plays

Sehbi, Baljit Singh 03 October 2013 (has links)
The Unconventional Resource Plays consisting of the lowest tier of resources (large volumes and most difficult to develop) have been the main focus of US domestic activity during recent times. Horizontal well drilling and hydraulic fracturing completion technology have been primarily responsible for this paradigm shift. The concept of drainage volume is being examined using pressure diffusion along streamlines. We use diffusive time of flight to optimize the number of hydraulic fracture stages in horizontal well application for Tight Gas reservoirs. Numerous field case histories are available in literature for optimizing number of hydraulic fracture stages, although the conclusions are case specific. In contrast, a general method is being presented that can be used to augment field experiments necessary to optimize the number of hydraulic fracture stages. The optimization results for the tight gas example are in line with the results from economic analysis. The fluid flow simulation for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFR) is performed by Dual-Permeability or Dual-Porosity formulations. Microseismic data from Barnett Shale well is used to characterize the hydraulic fracture geometry. Sensitivity analysis, uncertainty assessment, manual & computer assisted history matching are integrated to develop a comprehensive workflow for building reliable reservoir simulation models. We demonstrate that incorporating proper physics of flow is the first step in building reliable reservoir simulation models. Lack of proper physics often leads to unreasonable reservoir parameter estimates. The workflow demonstrates reduced non-uniqueness for the inverse history matching problem. The behavior of near-critical fluids in Liquid Rich Shale plays defies the production behavior observed in conventional reservoir systems. In conventional reservoirs an increased gas-oil ratio is observed as flowing bottom-hole pressure is less than the saturation pressure. The production behavior is examined by building a compositional simulation model on an Eagle Ford well. Extremely high pressure drop along the multiple transverse hydraulic fractures and high critical gas saturation are responsible for this production behavior. Integrating pore-scale flow modeling (such as Lattice Boltzmann) to the field-scale reservoir simulation may enable quantifying the effects of high capillary pressure and phase behavior alteration due to confinement in the nano-pore system.

Intraläsionale Anwendung von autologem thrombozytenangereicherten Plasma und xenogener, azellulärer, porziner Matrix bei Fesselträgerläsionen beim Pferd - eine klinische, vergleichende Studie

Lutz, Sebastian Raphael 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde an 109 Patienten mit einer Erkrankung des Fesselträgers retrospektiv untersucht, ob die intraläsionale Applikation von autologem thrombozyten-reichem Plasma (PRP) Vorteile gegenüber der intraläsionalen Applikation von xenogener azellulärer Matrix aus porziner Harnblasenmukosa (ACell Vet™ UBM Powder) besitzt. Die gesamten Daten zum Patientenmaterial entstammen einer großen, schwerpunktmäßig orthopädisch orientierten Pferdeklinik. In die Gruppe mit Thrombozyten angereichertem Plasma (PRP) wurden 75 Patienten aufgenommen. Es wurden 3 verschieden Methoden zur Herstellung von thrombozytenreichem Plasma verwendet. Als Vergleichsgruppe dienten 34 Patienten, welche mit einer xenogenen Therapieform (ACell™) am Fesselträger behandelt wurden. Initial wurden alle Patienten klinisch und ultrasonographisch untersucht, wobei bei allen Patienten ein frischer oder alter aufgefrischter/chronischer Schaden am Fesselträger dargestellt werden konnte. Die Wahl der Therapieform richtete sich nach der Einschätzung, der Präferenz und den Erfahrungen des jeweiligen behandelnden Tierarztes unter Berücksichtigung des finanziellen Aufwandes für die Patientenbesitzer. Alle Patienten wurden entweder mit PRP oder mit ACell™ behandelt und Boxenruhe in Verbindung mit einem steigernd aufgebauten Schritt- und Aufbautrainingsprogramm verordnet. Die Nachuntersuchungen zur Kontrolle des Heilungserfolges und -fortschrittes beinhalteten eine klinische Lahmheitsuntersuchung sowie eine ultrasonographische Untersuchung. Je nach klinischer und ultrasonographischer Entwicklung wurde das Bewegungsprogramm angepasst. Zum Abschluss der Studie konnte als Resultat festgestellt werden, dass 45 (60 %) Patienten der PRP Gruppe ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau wieder erreicht hatten, 8 (10,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau nicht wieder erreichen, 17 (22,7 %) Patienten erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (1,3 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Im Vergleich dazu erreichten 20 (58,8 %) Patienten der ACell™ Gruppe wieder ihr ur-sprüngliches Leistungsniveau, 5 (14,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungs-niveau nicht wieder erreichen, 7 (20,6 %) erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (2,9 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Die Unterschiede im Resultat sind statistisch nicht signifikant. Ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied (p= 0,05) ist allerdings bei der Dauer der Rehabilitationsphase zu beobachten. Im Durchschnitt benötigten erfolgreich therapierte PRP Patienten signifikant weniger Zeit bis zum Erreichen der vollen Belastbarkeit als erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten. PRP Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 15,6 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten 13,2 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 29,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 20,2 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten im Anschluss im Durchschnitt 19,8 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 40,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Rehabilitationsdauer bei mit thrombozytenreichem Plasma behandelten Fesselträgerschäden signifikant kürzer ist als bei mit ACell™ behandelten Fesselträgerschäden, obwohl sich das Resultat der Behandlung statistisch nicht wesentlich unterscheidet (p= 0,88). Die vielversprechenden Ergebnisse einiger ähnlich konzipierten Arbeiten konnten in der vorliegenden Studie mit keiner der angewandten Behandlungsform erreicht werden. Erwähnte Studien umfassten deutlich größere oder deutlich kleinere Patientengruppen und unterschieden sich hinsichtlich Rasse und Nutzung des Patientenmaterials sowie dem meist kürzeren Untersuchungszeitraum. Insofern erscheint einerseits eine derartige Studie aus praktischer Sicht sinnvoll und lohnenswert, andererseits zeigt sich auch der Bedarf an vergleichbaren, klinischen, praxisorientierten Arbeiten zur Evaluierung dieser Behandlungsmethoden.

Syndicate individual service composition in the web-age

Rizzotti, Sven January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Basel, Univ., Diss., 2007

Uso de ácido hialurônico associado ao plasma rico em plaquetas na regeneração de defeitos do disco articular e da superfície osteocondral causados pela osteoartrite na ATM /

El Abras Ankha, Milagros del Valle. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Yasmin Rodarte Carvalho / Banca: Rubens Guimarães Filho / Banca: Carla Roberta Tim / Banca: Luana Marotta Reis de Vasconcellos / Banca: Mônica Ghislaine Oliveira Alves / Resumo: Estudos anteriores sugerem que o ácido hialurônico (AH) e o plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) têm potencial para melhorar o processo de cicatrização da cartilagem e diminuir a progressão da osteoartrite. No entanto, poucas pesquisas avaliam seu efeito sinérgico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito do AH associado ao PRP na regeneração do disco articular e da superfície osteocondral da articulação temporomandibular (ATM). A osteoartrite será induzida por meio da perfuração bilateral do disco articular de coelhos. Quarenta coelhos foram divididos em 4 grupos, conforme o procedimento: sem lesão(SL)/sem tratamento(ST) (n=4), lesão(L)/sem tratamento (ST) (n=12), L/AH (n=12), L/AH+PRP (n=12). Quatro coelhos do grupo SL/ST foram eutanasiados no tempo zero. Após 8 e 24 semanas da perfuração dos discos articulares, seis coelhos dos grupos L/ST, L/AH e L/AH+PRP foram eutanasiados. O disco articular foi avaliado radiograficamente para visualizar possíveis calcificações. Foi realizada análise macroscópica e histológica do disco e do côndilo mandibular. Foi utilizada a análise histoquímica por Picrosirius Red para avaliar a presença de colágeno I e III e a análise imuno-histoquímica do colágeno I e II. As porcentagens de marcação obtidas nas análises histoquímica e imuno-histoquímica foram avaliadas estatisticamente, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5%. Macroscopicamente, o disco articular nos grupos tratados apresentou, na maioria dos espécimes, preenchimento parcial ou ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract : Previous studies have suggested that hyaluronic acid (HA) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have the potential to improve the healing process of cartilage and decrease the progression of osteoarthritis. However, few studies have evaluated their synergistic effect. This study aims at evaluating the effect of HA associated with PRP on the regeneration of the articular disc and the osteochondral surface of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Osteoarthritis was induced by means of bilateral perforation of the articular disc of rabbits. Forty rabbits were divided into 4 groups, according to the procedure: without lesion (WL)/without treatment (WT) (n = 4), lesion (L)/without treatment (WT) (n = 12), L/HA (n = 12), L/ HA+PRP (n = 12). Four rabbits from group G1 were euthanized at time zero. After 8 and 24 weeks of joint disc perforation, six rabbits from groups L/WT, L/HA and L/HA+PRP were euthanized. The articular disc was evaluated radiographically to visualize possible calcifications. Macroscopic and histological analysis of the disc and the mandibular condyle were performed. The histochemical analysis by Picrosirius Red was used to evaluate the presence of collagen I and III, as well as the immunohistochemical analysis was used to evaluate the expression of collagen I and II. The percentages of staining obtained from the histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis were statistically evaluated, adopting the significance level of 5%. Macroscopically, the articular disc in the treated groups presented in most of the specimens partial or total filling of the defect created. The condyles presented, in most of the specimens, degeneration of the osteochondral surface. Radiographically, after 24 weeks of disc perforation, foci of radiopacity were observed in the untreated and in some of the specimens of treated groups. Histological analysis confirmed the presence ......(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

Efeito da laserterapia e do plasma rico em plaquetas em dentes reimplantados tardiamente : análise histológica, histoquímica e por microtomografia computadorizada /

Rabello, Ariele Patricia. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Fabio Luiz Camargo Villela Berbert / Resumo: O melhor tratamento para dentes permanentes avulsionados é o reimplante imediato, porém, quando o dente permanece fora do alvéolo por longo período, o prognóstico pode ser prejudicado. Condutas têm sido buscadas na tentativa de melhorar os problemas decorrentes de reimplantes tardios. A laserterapia, devido à sua propriedade anti-inflamatória, e o plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP), devido à liberação de fatores de crescimento, são boas alternativas visando atenuar o processo inflamatório e auxiliar o processo de reparo. Avaliou-se os efeitos da laserterapia, da aplicação do PRP e da associação de ambos sobre o reimplante tardio de incisivos superiores de ratos. Cinquenta animais foram divididos em dez grupos experimentais (n=5): grupo controle onde o incisivo superior direito não recebeu alguma intervenção, e nove grupos onde houve a extração dentária simulando uma avulsão seguida do reimplante após 40 minutos. Em um desses grupos, a polpa foi mantida no canal radicular, e os demais foram submetidos à um protocolo de tratamento, de acordo com a condição da cavidade pulpar (manutenção da polpa, preenchimento com hidróxido de cálcio ou preenchimento com PRP) e tratamento do alvéolo/periodonto (coágulo ou PRP com ou sem laserterapia). As avaliações foram realizadas por meio de análise histológica e histoquímica após 30 dias e por microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT) sobrepondo-se as imagens dos períodos imediato e 30 dias após o reimplante. Os dados obtidos a ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The best treatment for avulsed permanent teeth is immediate replantation, but when the tooth remains outside the alveolus for a long period, the prognosis may be impaired. Pipelines have been sought in an attempt to improve the problems arising from late reimplants. Laser therapy, due to its anti-inflammatory property, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP), due to the release of growth factors, are good alternatives aimed at attenuating the inflammatory process and assisting the repair process. The effects of laser therapy, the application of PRP and the association of both on the delayed replantation of upper incisors of rats were evaluated. Fifty animals were divided into ten experimental groups (n = 5): control group where the right upper incisor did not receive any intervention, and nine groups where the dental extraction was performed simulating an avulsion followed by reimplantation after 40 minutes. In one of these groups, the pulp was maintained in the root canal, and the others were submitted to a treatment protocol, according to the condition of the pulp cavity (pulp maintenance, calcium hydroxide filling or filling with PRP) and treatment of the pulp. Alveolus / periodontium (clot or PRP with or without laser therapy).The evaluations were performed through histological and histochemical analysis after 30 days and by computerized microtomography (micro-CT) overlapping the images of the periods immediately and 30 days after the replantation. The data obtained from the histological and histochemical evaluations were analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests and the microtomographic data by the Kruskall Wallis and Dunn tests, with a significance level of 5%. After histological and histochemical analysis, it was verified that there was no statistically significant difference between groups regarding the number of clasts/mm ...(Complete abstract electronic access below) / Doutor

Suivi de glissements rocheux et de coulées dans les roches argileuses à partir de méthodes sismiques et photogrammétriques / Monitoring of rockfall and debris flows in clay-rich rocks from seismic and photogrammetric methods

Valentin, Johann 29 May 2018 (has links)
Les roches argileuses, très sensibles à la dégradation par les agents atmosphériques, se caractérisent par des mécanismes de glissement complexes, impliquant des glissements/éboulements de versants et la reprise ultérieure des matériaux argileux glissés et déstructurés par des laves torrentielles. Ce double mécanisme, très fréquent dans les Alpes, pose un problème aux responsables de l'aménagement du territoire, en raison de la soudaineté et de la dangerosité des éboulements et des laves torrentielles en cas de forte pluviométrie. Récemment, les méthodes de traitement du bruit sismique acquis en continu sur des mouvements de terrain rapides (éboulements et glissements coulées dans les sols argileux) ont montré qu'il était possible de mesurer des variations de paramètres sismiques (fréquences de résonance, vitesse de propagation des ondes S) de la zone instable. Dans deux cas d'étude (éboulement et coulée), le suivi temporel de ces paramètres à partir du bruit sismique a montré une variation significative avant le déclenchement d'un évènement gravitaire, pouvant être interprétée comme un signal précurseur. Le projet présenté vise à mettre au point une méthodologie de suivi temporel des mouvements complexes affectant les roches argileuses à partir de mesures de bruit sismique et d'acquisitions photogrammétriques. Des capteurs sismiques ont été implantés à la fois dans la zone de départ des éboulements et dans les ravines qui canalisent le matériau éboulé, afin d'étudier les variations de différents paramètres sismiques avant des instabilités de versant et le déclenchement de laves torrentielles. Ces mesures de bruit sismique ont été couplées à des campagnes d'acquisition photogrammétrique, ce qui a permis de déterminer les taux d'érosion des versants par éboulement et d'évaluer les volumes de matériaux déstabilisés susceptibles d'être affectés par des laves torrentielles. / Clay-rich rocks are very sensitive to weathering and are affected by complex sliding mechanisms, involving both slope sliding/falling and debris flows in a second stage. This double mechanism often occurs in the Alps and raise a problem for land managers, because of the suddenness of falls and flows. Recent studies have showed that continuous ambient vibration recordings could be used to infer seismic parameters (e.g. resonance frequency, shear wave velocity) that characterize the unstable mass. In both cases (falls and flows), the monitoring of these parameters evidences a significant variation before the triggering of gravitational movements, which has been interpreted as a precursory signal. We develop and test a monitoring methodology for such complex movements affecting clay-rich rocks, from ambient vibration measurements and photogrammetric acquisitions. We installed seismic sensors both in the scarp area and in the gullies, in which the material deposits, in order to study variations in seismic parameters before the triggering of movements. By combining these seismic measurements with regular photogrammetric acquisitions, we determine slope erosion rates and evaluate the material volumes likely to be affected by debris flows.

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