Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SEARCH ENGINE"" "subject:"[enn] SEARCH ENGINE""
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Framtagning av en konceptuell kostnadsmodell för sökmotoroptimerade webbapplikationer : Ett förslag på kostnadsmodell som beskriver uppkomna kostnader utifrån centrala aktiviteter / Development of a conceptual cost model for search engine optimized web applications : An alternative cost model that describes expenses based on key activitiesRosvall, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
Den digitala utvecklingen har förändrat sättet människor kommunicerar och lever sina liv. Idag är det möjligt att boka ett möte, beställa mat eller köpa en resa online. Den moderna människans konsumtionsvanor gör det livsviktigt för företag att etablera en digital närvaro. Som ett resultat av detta väljer allt fler företag att utveckla nya webbapplikationer för att sälja och marknadsföra sina produkter. För att synas finns det idag många olika marknadsföringsstrategier men under de senaste åren har det visat sig vara populärt att använda sig av sökmotorer. Sökmotormarknadsföring kan utföras med hjälp av sökmotoroptimering (SEO) och sökmotorannonsering. Båda metoderna behandlar olika områden som gör att en webbsida syns bland sökresultaten på sökmotorer såsom Google, Yahoo och Bing. Som ett resultat har det blivit vanligt att dessa två metoder används i symbios med varandra för att skapa ett konstant inflöde av användare. Att räkna ut priset för sökmotorannonsering är enkelt eftersom webbägaren betalar ett pris för varje annonsklick. Att räkna ut priset för SEO är något mer komplicerat eftersom kostnaden beror på vilket optimeringsarbete som utförs. Problemet är att det inte finns en känd kostnadsmodell som presenterar uppkomna kostnader vid framtagning och underhåll av en sökmotoroptimerad webbapplikation. Denna rapport syftar därför till att ta fram och presentera en konceptuell kostnadsmodell som ökar förståelsen för uppkomna kostnader vid centrala aktiviteter. Rapportens mål är däremot att ta fram en modell som kan användas av företag, organisationer, forskargrupper och individer för att identifiera och kategorisera uppkomna kostnader vid skapande och underhåll av en sökmotoroptimerad webbapplikation. Framtagandet av den konceptuella kostnadsmodellen genomfördes via en kvalitativ studie vilket innebär att studiens resultat bygger på observationer, upplevelser och sinnesintryck. Insamling av data gjordes med hjälp av en utforskningsmodell som består av två forskningskriterier. Arbetet inleddes med att utforska (1) centrala aktiviteter som påverkar kostnaden och därefter studerades (2) initiala och löpande kostnader. En fallstudie och fyra stycken intervjuer har använts som rapportens forskningsinstrument. De data som samlats in har analyserats med en tematisk analys där samband och olikheter identifieras. Utifrån upptäckterna i analysen skapades sedan en primär kostnadsmodell. Den primära kostnadsmodellen utvärderades med hjälp av arbetets utvärderingsmodell som präglades av tre forskningskriterier. Utvärderingen gjordes med en av intervjupersonerna och fokus låg på att studera hur bra modellen speglar verkligheten. Under intervjun utvärderades modellens övergripande (1) struktur, (2) aktiviteter och (3) kostnadsslag. Resultatet från utvärderingen resulterades sedan i en slutgiltig kostnadsmodell vid namn SEOCM (Search Engine Optimization Cost Model). Modellen tar och beskriver centrala aktiviteter som påverkar tillverkningskostnader och underhållskostnader för en sökmotoroptimerad webbapplikation. / The rise of technology has changed the way people communicate and live their lives. Nowadays, people can book a meeting, order food, or buy a trip online. The change in consumption habits makes it vital for companies to establish a digital presence. As a result, more companies are choosing to develop web applications to sell and market their product. To be visible, there are many different marketing strategies, but in recent years it has proven popular to use search engines. Search engine marketing can be done with search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising. Both methods deal with different areas that make a web application visible on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. As a result, both methods are usually combined to generate a higher number of visitors. Calculating the price of search engine advertising is easy because the web owner pays a price for each ad clicked. Calculating the price for SEO is somewhat more complicated as the cost depends on the optimization work performed. The problem is that there is no known cost model that presents costs categories during development and maintenance of a search engine optimized web application. This purpose of the report, is therefore, to develop and present a conceptual cost model that demonstrates costs incurred in key activities. The goal of the report, however, is to develop a model that can be used by companies, organizations, research groups, and individuals to identify and categorize the cost incurred in creating a web application that applies search engine optimization. The development of the conceptual cost model has been carried out via a qualitative study, which means that the results are based on observations, experiences, and sensory impressions. Data collection has been done using an exploration model that consists of two research criteria. The work began with exploring (1) key activities that affect the cost and then studied (2) initial and running costs. A case study and four interviews have been used as the report's research instruments. The data collected have been analyzed with a thematic analysis where similarities and differences are identified. Based on the findings, a primary cost model was created. The primary cost model has been evaluated with an evaluation model, which carried three research criteria. The evaluation was made with one of the interviewees and the focus was on studying how well the model reflects reality. During the interview, the model's overall (1) structure, (2) activities, and (3) cost categories were evaluated. The results of the evaluation then resulted in a final cost model called SEOCM (Search Engine Optimization Cost Model). The model captures and describes key activities that affect manufacturing costs and maintenance costs for search engine optimized web applications.
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Utilization of AI in Digital Marketing : An empirical study of Artificial Intelligence and the impact of effectiveness, ethics and regulations.Sundqvist, Belinda, Ohanisian, Jerar, ali, shaafi osman January 2023 (has links)
Date: 2023-05-30 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society & Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Belinda Sundqvist Jerar Ohanisian Shaafi Osman Ali 00/09/08 97/09/03 99/02/05 Title: Utilization & impact of AI in digital marketing Examinator: Magnus Linderström Supervisor: Stylianos Papaioannou Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Digital marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO), Customer relationship management (CRM), Gathered data, Ethics, Effectiveness, Regulation Research question: How do businesses utilize AI and how does it impact digital marketing? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how organizations use artificial intelligence (AI) technology in their digital marketing, and how this affects their efforts to communicate digitally. This in conjunction with any repercussions regarding ethical and legal concerns, that may occur through the utilization of AI. Method: Qualitative method Conclusion: AI tools, especially text generators like ChatGPT, are being widely used in digital marketing, especially by small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Larger businesses consider ethical and legal aspects like GDPR in AI implementation. The utilization and choice of AI tools depend on a business's needs and resources. While AI helps improve margins, reduce costs, and enhance quality, it also includes challenges like potential skill gaps. Business size matters: large businesses can invest more but struggle with implementation, whereas SMEs adapt quicker and can achieve growth through AI. The study confirms AI's profitability in business, specifically in digital marketing.
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Search Engine Optimization: A New Literacy PracticeRobisch, Katherine A. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Web Accessibility and Search Engine Optimization: an investigation on the implementation and its effect within e-commerce websites in Sweden / Användartillgänglighet och Sökmotoroptimering: en undersökning kring implementationen och dess effekt på e-handelshemsidor i SverigeAlfvén, Mikaela, Creutz, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
With the digital world we live in today, inclusion on the web is crucial. Ensuring all who want to access the web can do so is a responsibility that can be vague. As prior research has shown that making a website accessible is a low prioritized matter because of time and money, but also lack of knowledge, the purpose with this thesis was to find out if factors used for search engine optimization could cater to web accessibility. There is a general understanding that there are overlapping factors between the two concepts. Since search engine optimization is a desired and successful part of providing a website with traffic, an overlap should improve accessibility. To understand in what way the search engine optimization factors could affect the accessibility of a webpage as a whole, with this thesis we go into the context of implementation by interviewing web professionals. As this thesis will show, there are multiple aspects needed to be taken into consideration when measuring to what extent the overlapping factors affect website performance in regards to accessibility. Factors like the clients, thoughts about responsibility, experience and even personal interest come into play. The method used was qualitative where we analysed the data with a thematic analysis and descriptive statistics. The data collection had three parts: a survey, an in-depth interview with a few of the participants from the survey, and finally a web performance test. The latter was performed by Siteimprove crawl, which administers one of the top accessibility ranking tools online. The general indication was that we cannot draw a conclusion to the benefit of it being enough to just implement the SEO factors that overlap. Although, this investigation provides an insight into to what extent web professionals are implementing the overlapping factors between search engine optimization and web accessibility, and what other aspects may influence web performance.
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Påverkan av business intelligences på digital marknadsföring och affärsutveckling : En fallstudie om hur business intelligence kan användas för affärsutveckling i samband med digital marknadsföring för att öka konvertering. / Business intelligences influence on digital marketing and business development : A case study on how business intelligence can be used for business development with digital marketing to increase conversionGruffman, Emma, Gunnarsson Johnson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Digital marknadsföring genomsyrar dagens samhälle och är en viktig del i att företag förblir konkurrenskraftiga. I och med digitaliseringens ökning så ökar även informationsmängden som genereras. Business intelligence är ett system vilket kan presentera användbar information från en stor mängd data till användaren, som kan användas för bättre beslutfattande. Denna studie har genomfört en fallstudie med syfte att undersöka i vilken utsträckning BI kan appliceras för att öka lönsamheten av digital marknadsföring. Resultatet visar på att kunder initialt är negativt inställda till annonsering i sökmotorer, däremot kan attityden till annonsering förändras ifall annonseringen förmedlar något värde till kunden. Men för att skapa värde för kunden krävs kunskap, både om kundens beteende och om marknadsföringens påverkan. Det gäller att hitta rätt sökord för företaget samt att dessa sökord är tillräckligt individbaserade så att de matchar kundens sökning. Studien har identifierat att det krävs mer än en effektiv digital marknadsföring för att öka konvertering, utan även andra faktorer har stor betydelse. Den största påverkan studien har kunnat identifiera är själva varumärket. Därmed för att öka konverteringar bör fokus först och främst ligga på varumärkesexponering och att utveckla effektiva marknadsföringsstrategier / Digital marketing permeates today's society and is an important part of companies creating unique competitive advantages. In addition, it has led to the growth of information digitally. Business intelligence is a system that generates useful information to the user of the system, which can be used to make better decision making The study has been conducted by a case study, with the aim of investigating the extent to which BI can be applied to increase the profitability of digital marketing. The results show that initially customers often think negatively about advertisements in search engines, the attitude towards advertisement can shift if the advertisement presents some sort of value to the customer. To create value knowledge is required, about customer behavior and marketing. It is important to find the right search words for the company and that these search words are sufficiently individual based, so they match the customer search. Furthermore, the results show that to increase purchases there is more than to create effective digital marketing. The study has found that the brand has the biggest impact on customers. Therefore to increase purchases, the focus should primarily be on brand exposure and developing effective marketing strategies.
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Internet v marketingu / Internet in MarketingGabriel, Vladislav January 2008 (has links)
This project describes internet marketing and its components (search engine marketing, internet advertising, internet PR, e-mail marketing etc.). It also describes the possibilities of employing internet in marketing and depicts new ways of online communication. The expenses for internet advertising are constantly growing as well as the number of internet users. The number of universities is increasing and so is the competition. That's why it's vital that they should act as a part of the market and use marketing strategies. The objective of this project is to analyse and suggest communication strategies of the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Prague using the knowledge acquired from the theoretical part. The practical part specifies the target group, draws up a report and chooses the way of communication. Further on, we will consider the timing of every single activity and the overall budget.
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Elektronický obchod a jeho marketing / E-commerce and its MarketingMusilová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
I will attend to creation suitable model of e-marketing for e-shop with flowers in my diploma work. The aim will by join the possible instruments of online marketing in order that the company can succesfully work on the Internet. and ensure the betterposition before the competition. I will focus on e-marketing and its individua instruments. I will make some analysis of the company, by virtue of I will propose what kind of e-marketing can company use. Last but not least I will attend to the aims, which company should achieve and own potential which should valorize.
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En Ny Era - Artificiell Intelligens inom Digital MarknadsföringBergström Stacey, Emily, Björk, Fredrika January 2023 (has links)
I slutet av år 2022 introducerades det nya AI-verktyget ChatGPT, en AI-modell som använder maskininlärning för att generera människoliknande svar i stor skala. ChatGPT:s snabba framväxt medför en ovisshet kring hur AI-verktyget kommer påverka praxis för digital marknadsföring. Denna studie utreder därför vilken roll ChatGPT kommer spela inom olika praxis för digital marknadsföring och ämnar därmed att utreda forskningsfrågan: Hur kommer ChatGPT att påverka praxis för digital marknadsföring? Den valda forskningsstrategin för denna studie är en kartläggning där ansikte-mot-ansikte kartläggning tillämpas. Detta stöds med hjälp av intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod och vidare appliceras en tematisk analys för att analysera insamlad data. Fem marknadsföringsexperter intervjuades i denna studie och samtliga menade att ChatGPT på något vis påverkar praxis inom digital marknadsföring. Slutsatsen pekar därför mot att ChatGPT, trots dess nya upptäckt, redan börjat påverka processer inom praxis för digital marknadsföring och att det troligtvis i bredare utsträckning kommer fortsätta göra det på olika vis, genom att fortsätta inspirera, effektivisera och optimera. Vidare hade alla respondenter en positiv inställning till att se ChatGPT som ett komplement till dagens marknadsföringspraxis, dock en mer negativ inställning till att se det som ett substitut. / In late 2022, the new AI tool, ChatGPT, was introduced. It is an AI-model that uses machine learning to generate human-like responses on a large scale. The rapid rise of ChatGPT has resulted in a lack of sufficient knowledge about the effect that ChatGPT will have on digital marketing practices. Therefore, this study investigates the role of ChatGPT in different digital marketing practices and aims to address the research question: How will ChatGPT af ect digital marketing practices? The chosen research strategy for this study is a survey strategy, as well as the application of the face-to-face survey. This is supported by the data collection method interviews and then a thematic analysis is applied to analyse the collected data. Five marketing experts were interviewed in this thesis and all believed that ChatGPT will, and already has, in some way influenced digital marketing practices. The conclusion therefore points to the fact that ChatGPT, despite its recent discovery, has already begun to influence processes within the practice of digital marketing. Furthermore ChatGPT will most likely continue to enhance digital marketing in a variety of ways on a wider scale, through continuing to inspire as well as contribute with efficiency and optimisation. In addition, all respondents had a positive attitude towards seeing ChatGPT as a complement to current marketing practices, however a more negative attitude towards seeing it as a substitute.
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以諾貝爾物理學獎得主著作為例比較商業資料庫與開放取用系統之研究 / A Webometric Study on Comparing Commercial Databases and Open Access Systems: The Nobel Laureates in Physics吳岱欒, Wu, Tai Luan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2013年諾貝爾物理學獎得主之著作為研究樣本,比較八個商業資料庫(Scopus和Web of Science)與開放取用系統(搜尋引擎:Google Scholar、Microsoft Academic;匯集式機構典藏系統:OpenDOAR、OAIster;學科性開放取用系統:arXiv.org和Astrophysics Data System),於物理學文獻收錄之正確性、完整性、重複性(包含內部重複與外部重複性)和獨特性,並評析各資料庫與系統之檢索功能、資料呈現等面向。期望能對圖書館資料庫選購以及使用者檢索資料庫與系統提供建議,並為各資料庫與系統之未來發展提出建議。
研究結果顯示:(一)諾貝爾物理學獎得主之個人著作揭露情形尚未普遍;(二)商業資料庫檢索功能較為多元,搜尋引擎容錯機制較強;(三)開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System和Microsoft Academic改版上線後,檢索功能Google化,重視全文鏈結、圖像化資訊呈現與語意網連結資訊;(四)各資料庫與系統普遍出現書目著錄格式不統一之問題,影響書目品質與檢索效率;(五)一般而言搜尋引擎資料完整性高於商業資料庫,商業資料庫高於機構典藏系統,但學科性開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System之資料收錄完整性僅低於Google Scholar;(六) arXiv內部重複性最低,Google Scholar和OpenDOAR內部重複性最高;(七)開放取用系統彼此重複性高,且與搜尋引擎Google Scholar和Astrophysics Data System重複性達100%。由於各資料庫與系統之收錄範圍各不相同,不同資料庫與系統亦提供不同的功能,使用者應依個人資訊需求與目的選擇資料庫與系統使用,如欲檢索物理學文獻,使用搜尋引擎與開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System可獲得較完整之文獻:若使用者欲取得引文分析之相關資訊,則以選擇商業資料庫Scopus和Web of Science為佳,亦可選擇Astrophysics Data System。 / In this study, scholarly communication system of commercial services and open access will be examined through comprehensiveness, overlap and database variation of coverage via field operations of commercial citation index databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and open access citation system (search engine: Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic; disciplinary of physics: arXiv.org and Astrophysics Data System; prestigious institutional repository: OAIster and OpenDOAR). Retrievals will be conducted in the two commercial databases, two search engines, and four open access systems stated above to analyze and compare their retrieval interfaces, and evaluations of each system will be made as well according to presentation and output of retrieval results. Noble laureates in physics sciences from 2001 to 2013 are selected as samples in this study. Records of their publications over time will be retrieved and downloaded from each system, and a computer program will be developed to perform the analytical tasks of sorting, comparison, elimination, aggregation and statistics. Bibliographic records retrieved from the two databases and six systems will undertake quantitative analyses and cross references to determine the comprehensiveness and uniqueness of their system coverage. The results of the study may provide better references for libraries to acquire citation index databases, to build institutional repositories, or to create citation index systems on their own in the future. Suggestions on indices and tools for academic assessment will be presented based on the comprehensiveness assessment of each system as well.
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網頁地理關聯性之分析與研究 / The Analysis of Geographic Relations of Internet Information黃建達, Huang, Jian Da Unknown Date (has links)
我們的研究透過包圍矩形模型(Bounding Rectangle Model;BR Model)以搜尋與使用者查詢之地理相關程度較高的網頁文件。 使用者僅需輪入文字的查詢,即能得到相符結果的網頁文件。首先,我們建立一個地名辭典以找出使用者查詢與網頁文件內出現的地名及空間資料,接著我們利用空間資料建立空間索引項(spatial index term)集合,用來表示使用者查詢與網頁文件內的地理範圍,最後再透過使用者查詢與網頁文件的空間索引項集合計算兩者之間的地理相似程度,以找出與使用者查詢有較高地理關聯性的網頁文件。
此篇論文的貢獻在於我們提一套完整資訊檢索模型架構的方法,分析使用者查詢與網頁文件之間的地理關聯性,使用者藉由輸入文字查詢即能得到相符地理關聯性的網頁文件。 / Geographic web search becomes increasingly popular in recent years. Traditional web search engine, such as Google and Yahoo, can not accommodate geographic relevance between user queries and internet documents. Hence, they can not retrieve geographic related information from user queries. However, in many cases, the geographic relevance between user queries and internet documents could enhance the accuracy of this type of searches.
In this thesis, we propose a mechanism that uses the Bounding Rectangle Model (BR Model) to retrieve geographic relevant internet documents in response to user queries. Users provide only the conventional input queries (keywords) and our search engine will return the geographic relevant results. Our method can be classified into the following three steps. In the first step, we create a gazetteer and use it to relate the user query’s geographic terms in internet documents. In the next step, we use the spatial data to build a set of spatial index terms that represents the geographic scope of user query and internet documents. And then we use these spatial index terms to calculate degree of geographic similarity between user query and internet documents to identify highly relevant geographic internet documents.
We implemented a prototype search engine using our approach. The experiment results show that we can successfully retrieve geographic relevant data through this mechanism and provide more accurate search results.
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