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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of surface treatment on veneering porcelain shear bond strength to zirconia after cyclic loading

Nishigori, Atsushi January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Statement of problem: Yttria-partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) all-ceramic restorations have been reported to suffer from chipping or cracking of the veneering porcelain (VP) as the most common complication. There is little information in the literature regarding the influence of surface treatment on VP shear bond strength to Y-TZP after cyclic loading. Purpose of this study: The goals of this study were (1) to investigate the influence of zirconia surface treatments on veneering porcelain shear bond strength and (2) to investigate the influence of cyclic loading on the shear bond strength between VP and Y-TZP. Materials and Methods: 48 cylinder–shaped specimens (6mm in diameter and 4mm in height) were divided into 4 groups containing 12 specimens each according to the surface treatment. As a control group (C), no further treatment was applied to the specimens after grinding. Group H was heat-treated as a pretreatment according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Group S was airborne-particle abraded with 50 µm alumina (Al2O3) particles under a pressure of 0.4 MPa for 10 seconds. In the group SH, the heat-treatment was performed after the airborne-particle abrasion. A VP cylinder (2.4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in height) was applied and fired on the prepared Y-TZP specimens. The shear bond strength was tested using a universal testing machine. Six specimens from each group were subjected to fatigue (10,000cycles, 1.5Hz, 10N load) before testing. Results: The 3-way ANOVA showed no statistically significant effect of surface treatment and cyclic loading on shear bond strength. The highest mean shear bond strength was recorded for the air-particle abrasion group without cyclic loading (34.1 + 10 MPa). The lowest mean shear bond strength was the air-particle abrasion group with cyclic loading (10.7 ± 15.4 MPa). Sidak multiple comparisons procedure demonstrated cyclic loading specimens had significantly lower shear bond strength than non-cyclic loading specimens after air-particle abrasion without heat treatment (p=0.0126) Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, (1) Shear bond strength between Y-TZP and VP is not affected statistically by surface treatment using heat treatment, airborne-particle abrasion, and heat treatment after airborne-particle abrasion. (2) There is significant difference in shear bond strength with air-particle abrasion between with and without cyclic loading groups. This difference suggested that air-particle abrasion should be avoided in clinical situations as a surface treatment without heat treatment.

Effect of halloysite aluminosilicate clay nanotube incorporation into bonding agents on shear bond strength to human dentin

Alkatheeri, Mohammed Saeed January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In adhesive dentistry, obtaining a good bond is a fundamental goal. It has been suggested that filler addition to the adhesives would increase the bonding strength of the adhesive layer. Halloysite aluminosilicate nanotubes (HNTs) are biocompatible, hydrophilic, durable, and have high mechanical strength. These advantages make them good candidates to be used as reinforcing agents for improving the properties of dental adhesives. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporating HNTs into a commercial two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system or one-step self-etch adhesive system on dentin shear bond strength. HNTs were incorporated into the two commercial adhesive systems in 0 wt%, 5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 20 wt%. The commercial control adhesives and the experimental adhesives were used to bond occlusal dentin of 120 extracted human molar teeth and then tested for shear bond strength by a universal testing machine with a semi-circular edge at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Debonded specimens were examined under light microscopy to evaluate the fracture pattern. Resin-dentin interface were evaluated under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after bonding dentin slabs using commercial control adhesives and experimental adhesive that showed numerically highest shear bond strength from each adhesive system. Two-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the effects of adhesive system and nanofiller content on shear bond strength. Pair-wise comparisons between groups were made using Fisher's (LSD) (p < 0.05). For the self-etch adhesive system, only incorporation of 5 wt% showed a significant increase in shear bond strength to dentin compared with the commercial control group. For the etch-and-rinse adhesive system, there was no significant difference in shear bond strength between HNTs filled adhesives groups and the commercial control group. Resin-dentin interface SEM evaluation showed nanotubes infiltrated into dentinal tubules. In conclusion, incorporating the self-etch adhesive system with 5 wt% HNTs increased the bond strength to dentin. Incorporation of up to 10 wt% filler concentration into both the self-etch and the etch-and-rinse adhesive systems did not adversely affect the bond strength to dentin or the handling properties. HNTs can penetrate along with resin tags into dentinal tubules, which could expand the use of their unique properties.

Numerické modely pro posuzování stability zemního svahu / Numerical Patterns for Evaluation of the Stability Slope

Ekr, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with numerical patterns for evaluation of the stability slopes. Solutions have been made with finite element method for different design situations with using programme system ANSYS. The results were compared with conventional approaches determining of the slope safety factor.

Sesuvy v mělkých neogenních pánvích při jihozápadním okraji karpatské předhlubně na Moravě / Landslides in shallow Neogene basins along the southwestern margin of the Carpathian Foredeep in Moravia

Brdečková, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The Carpathian foredeep is a lengthwise depressed area in the Carpathian foreland. In Moravia, it is mainly filled with Neogene soils. The thesis focuses on the South Moravian landslides which occurred in shallow relicts of Neogene deposits along a foredeep margin which lie on the rocks of the Bohemian Massif. Landslide activity within these shallow basins is a result of a number of factors. In the theoretical part, important general features of landslide areas, their geological conditions and hydrogeological regime are investigated. Next, available data on the geomechanical behaviour of soils, often connected with these landslides, are summarized and evaluated. The case studies deal with the landslide localities Budkovice-Svízla, Brno-Bystrc and Znojmo. The case study of Budkovice-Svízla is based on an extensive engineering geological survey of the locality and the measurement of groundwater levels in the years 1988 – 2017. In the thesis, the hydrogeological regime of the area is analysed and a reconstruction of the ground surface before slope movement is carried out. The probable trigger mechanisms, the development of sliding and the efficiency of the executed remedies of the landslide are evaluated by numerical studies. In conclusion, general recommendations for an engineering-geological survey and building activities in the area of interest are formulated.

Landslide Hazard Assessment on the Upstream of Dam Reservoir / ダム貯水池の上流域における地すべり災害の評価に関する研究

Hendy, Setiawan 23 March 2017 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: グローバル生存学大学院連携プログラム / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20340号 / 工博第4277号 / 新制||工||1662(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 寶 馨, 教授 角 哲也, 准教授 佐山 敬洋 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Transient Seepage in a Variably Saturated Levee: Laboratory Testing, Field Monitoring and Numerical Modeling

Rivera-Hernandez, Xavier Arnaldo 14 December 2018 (has links)
Several hydraulic loadings impose earthen levees to time-dependent variably saturated seepage conditions. The main objective of this study is to improve the analysis of levees under transient seepage with the use of unsaturated soil mechanics. An extensive set of laboratory testing, field monitoring and numerical modeling are performed to analyze a silty sand setback levee located near Seattle, WA. In-situ data obtained from field monitoring are used to monitor suction and effective stress within the levee’s embankment and foundation over the past two years. Soil samples taken from the site are used to perform index, water retention, and unsaturated multi-stage triaxial tests in the laboratory. A finite element model of transient seepage under saturated-unsaturated conditions is then developed and calibrated to reasonably match the field data. The results highlight the need to consider unsaturated soil mechanics along with climatic variables and soil-atmosphere interaction when analyzing levees under transient seepage conditions.


THOMAS LIMA DE RESENDE 12 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para um melhor entendimento do comportamento à força cortante de vigas de concreto armado sem e com fibras de aço via seus mecanismos resistentes. Para isto, foi feita ampla revisão do estado da arte e, com base nesta revisão, planejado o estudo experimental realizado. Este estudo contemplou quatro composições de concretos que visaram resistência à compressão em torno de 40MPa, variando-se o teor em volume (Vf = 0,0 por cento, 0,5 por cento ou 1,0 por cento) e o fator de forma das fibras (lf/df = 45 ou 80). Além dos ensaios de caracterização dos materiais, realizaram-se ensaios para estudo dos efeitos de pino e de engrenamento dos agregados, além de ensaios de vigas sem estribos com relação entre vão de cisalhamento e altura útil igual a 2,55. Constatou-se influência de Vf(lf/df) nos efeitos de pino e de engrenamento dos agregados, bem como no comportamento das vigas. O emprego da Correlação de Imagem Digital (CID) permitiu acompanhar a fissuração dos espécimes ensaiados e a obtenção de informações para a proposição de modelos teóricos para análise dos efeitos de pino e de engrenamento dos agregados. Os dados de fotogrametria obtidos nos ensaios das vigas permitiram avaliar a formação e a cinemática da fissura diagonal crítica e, com base nesses dados e nos modelos aqui propostos e em outros apresentados na literatura, buscou-se analisar a contribuição dos mecanismos resistentes em diferentes estágios de carregamento. Foi possível observar que vigas semelhantes podem apresentar posição, forma e cinemática da fissura crítica diferenciadas, embora com respostas globais próximas. Em decorrência disso, as contribuições dos mecanismos resistentes também resultam diferentes. / [en] The objective of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams without and with steel fibers via their resistant mechanisms. For this, a comprehensive review of the state of the art was made and, based on this review, the experimental study carried out was planned. This study contemplated four concrete compositions that aimed a concrete compressive strength around 40MPa, varying the volume content (Vf = 0.0 percent, 0.5 percent or 1.0 percent) and the aspect ratio of the fibers (lf /df = 45 or 80). In addition to the materials characterization tests, tests were carried out to study the dowel action and the aggregate interlock effects and also tests of beams without stirrups with span to effective depth ratio of 2.55. Influence of Vf(lf/df) in the dowel action and the aggregate interlock effects, as well as in the behavior of the beams was observed. The use of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) allowed monitoring the cracking of the tested specimens and to obtain information that led to theoretical models to analyze the dowel action and the aggregate interlock effects. The obtained photogrammetry data during the beams tests made it possible to follow the formation and kinematics of the critical diagonal crack and, based on these data and on the models proposed here and on others presented in the literature, the contribution of the resistant mechanisms in different loading stages was analyzed. It was possible to observe that similar beams may present differentiated position, shape and kinematics of the critical diagonal crack, although with similar global responses. As a result, the contributions of the resistant mechanisms are also different.

Development of Miniature Full Flow and Model Pipeline Probes for Testing of Box Core Samples of Surficial Seabed Sediments

Boscardin, Adriane G. 01 May 2013 (has links)
The box corer is a relatively new tool used in the geotechnical community for collection of soft seabed sediments. Miniature full flow and model pipeline probes were developed as tools to characterize and obtain soil parameters of soft seabed sediments collected in the box core for design of offshore pipelines and analysis of shallow debris flows. Probes specifically developed for this study include the miniature t-bar, ball, motorized vane (MV), and toroid. The t-bar, ball, and MV were developed to measure intact and remolded undrained shear strengths (su and sur). The t-bar and ball can obtain continuous strength profiles and measure sur at discrete depths in the box corer while the MV measures su and sur at discrete depths. The toroid is a form of model pipeline testing which was developed to investigate pipe-soil interaction during axial pipeline movement. Vertical loading and displacement rates can be selected for the toroid to mimic axial pipeline displacement for a variety of pipe weights. A load frame for both miniature penetrometer and toroid testing was developed for testing directly on box core samples offshore. This research presents results from offshore and laboratory testing of the box core and recommended testing procedures for full flow and toroid probes on box core samples.

Characterization of Local Void Content in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Parts Utilizing Observation of In Situ Fluorescent Dye Within Epoxy

Warner, Wyatt Young 01 December 2019 (has links)
Experimentation exploring the movement of voids within carbon fiber reinforced plastics was performed using fluorescent dye infused into the laminates observed through a transparent mold under ultraviolet light. In situ photography was used as an inspection method for void content during Resin Transfer Molding for these laminates. This in situ inspection method for determining the void content of composite laminates was compared to more common ex-situ quality inspection methods i.e. ultrasonic inspection and cross-section microscopy. Results for localized and total void count in each of these methods were directly compared to test samples and linear correlations between the three test methods were sought. Test coupons were then cut from these laminates and were used to calculate the interlaminar shear strength at certain locations throughout the laminates. Although this research did not adequately observe correlations between results obtained from ultrasonic C-scans, cross-sectional microscopy and in situ photography of the surface, it was seen that the fluid dynamics of the thermosetting epoxy used in this experimentation correlated to results obtained from previous experimentation performed by students at Brigham Young University using vegetable oil as a substitute for resin.


TIAGO EMANUEL DE SA SCHUCK 05 December 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o comportamento tensão-deformação-resistência da areia da Praia de Ipanema, RJ, em ensaios de cisalhamento simples (DSS) realizados em corpos de prova secos, cisalhados a volume constante sob carregamento monótono de deformação controlada. Foi desenvolvido um procedimento para moldagem de corpos de prova de areia na condição seca para ensaios de DSS. Os corpos de prova foram moldados nos domínios de compacidade relativa (CR) fofo, médio, compacto e muito compacto. Para cada um desses domínios de CR, foram realizados ensaios de DSS sob os seguintes valores de tensão vertical inicial: 25, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500 e 750 kPa. Os resultados permitiram avaliar a influência da tensão vertical inicial e do índice de vazios pré-cisalhamento (epc) na variação da tensão vertical (variação da tensão vertical no cisalhamento) necessária para manter a altura (e o volume) do corpo de prova constante durante o cisalhamento, na taxa de mobilização de ângulo de atrito no plano horizontal em relação à distorção, no valor do ângulo de atrito máximo mobilizado no plano horizontal, no valor da tensão cisalhante na ruptura, no valor da distorção na ruptura, bem como nos valores dos módulos de cisalhamento secantes G25 e G50. / [en] This research aimed to investigate the stress-strain-strength behavior of the Ipanema Beach (RJ) sand in direct simple shear tests (DSS) carried out on dry specimens, sheared at constant volume under strain-controlled static loading. A procedure for preparing dry sand specimens was developed for DSS tests. The specimens were prepared in loose, medium, dense and very dense domains of relative density (Dr). For each of these Dr domains, DSS tests were carried out under the following initial vertical stress values: 25, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500 and 750 kPa. The results allowed to evaluate the influence of the initial vertical stressand the pre-shear void ratio (epc) on the vertical stress change (variation of vertical stress in shear) necessary to keep the specimen height (and volume) constant during shear, on the rate ofmobilization of the friction angle in the horizontal plane in relation to distortion, on the value of the maximum friction angle mobilized in the horizontal plane, on the value of the shear stress at failure, on the value of the distortion at failure, as well as on the values of the secant shear modulus G25and G50.

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