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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη και υλοποίηση διαδικασιών τηλεελέγχου μέσω της χρήσης ασύρματων δικτύων

Τσομπανάκης, Αλέξανδρος 19 July 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία κινήθηκε ανάμεσα σε δύο στόχους. Σε πρώτο επίπεδο είναι η παρουσίαση του κατάλληλου εξοπλισμού για τον τηλεέλεγχο υποδομών ευφυούς κατοικίας με τη βοήθεια ασύρματων τεχνολογιών, όπως το GSM. Δεύτερος στόχος είναι η θεωρητική μοντελοποίηση της συμπεριφοράς του καναλιού μετάδοσης σε εσωτερικό περιβάλλον, όσον αφορά την λαμβανόμενη ισχύ και τις απώλειες που προκαλούνται από το φαινόμενο της σκίασης. Στo πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται παραμετροποίηση των υποδομών της ευφυούς κατοικίας Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται οι πιο σημαντικές σύγχρονες ασύρματες τεχνολογίες, ενώ παράλληλα γίνεται μια επισκόπηση ως προς τα πρωτόκολλα για την υλοποίηση της ευφυούς κατοικίας. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζουμε το δίκτυο GSM και προτείνουμε λύσεις και εφαρμογές πάνω στην ευφυή κατοικία .Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται εκτενής αναφορά στα μοντέλα που περιγράφουν την ηλεκτρομαγνητική διάδοση για το εσωτερικό περιβάλλον που μας ενδιαφέρει. Σ’ αυτό το κεφάλαιο δίνεται μια πρώτη αίσθηση του σημαντικού ρόλου των απωλειών και πως αυτές επηρεάζουν τις επικοινωνίες γενικότερα. Επίσης, εστιάζουμε στις απώλειες που προκαλούνται από το φαινόμενο της σκίασης. Τέλος, στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο προβαίνουμε στην πειραματική διαδικασία και την θεωρητική μοντελοποίηση της συμπεριφοράς του καναλιού μετάδοσης σε τοπολογία εσωτερικού σπιτιού, σε μια κατοικία στο κέντρο της Πάτρας, Πιο συγκεκριμένα, διεξήχθη μία επαλήθευση του μοντέλου απωλειών καναλιού ενός συστήματος 802.11g Wi-Fi λειτουργίας στα 2,4 GHz, όσον αφορά την λαμβανόμενη ισχύ και τις απώλειες που προκαλούνται από το φαινόμενο της σκίασης. Στα αποτελέσματα αναγνωρίσαμε ότι η μέθοδος, που βασίζεται στο μοντέλο απώλειας καναλιού Multi-Wall-Floor, παρέχει ένα πιο αξιόπιστο υπολογισμό της απόκλισης σκίασης. / The current thesis is moved between two targets: The first objective is the presentation of appropriate equipment for remote monitoring infrastructure of a smart home using wireless technologies such as GSM. The second objective is the theoretical modeling of the behavior of the transmission channel in indoor environment of the received power and the losses caused by the phenomenon of shadowing. In the first chapter we analyse the configuration of the smart home. The second chapter presents the most important modern wireless technologies and an overview on protocols for the implementation of smart home. The third chapter presents the GSM network and proposes solutions and applications using it on a smart home. The fourth chapter includes a comprehensive reference on models that describe the electromagnetic diffusion of the internal environment. This chapter gives a first sense of the important role of the path losses and how they affect communications in general. Also, we focus on losses caused by the phenomenon of shadowing. Finally, in the fifth chapter we conduct the experiment and theoretical modeling of the behavior of the transmission channel topology in domestic house, specifically a house in the center of Patras was chosen and we conducted a verification of the path losses model of 802.11g Wi-Fi in 2,4 GHz regarding the received power and the losses caused by the phenomenon of shadowing. The results showed that the method based on Multi-Wall-Floor Model path losses, provides a more reliable calculation of the deviation bands.

Ranking of Energy Saving Devices for Smart Homes according to their Payback Time

Felderer, Astrid, Brandtweiner, Roman, Hoeltl, Andrea January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This paper discusses the average energy savings of various smart devices in connection with their average price. By calculating the devices' payback times, a ranking of the tools can be given. The whole study focuses on the average household within the EU-28 in terms of climate as well as in terms of user behaviour. The purpose of the research was to provide a win-win situation for users' wallets and the environment by showing the device which suits both players best. As a result of the research, it was found that the greatest reduction in energy consumption can be reached by an interaction of the smart device and the inhabitants of a smart home. By giving users feedback on their energy consumption through smart meters, average savings of 7.5% are reached. As a smart meter is available for about Euro 80, it has a payback time of only 4.24 months.

Modéliser le concept de confort dans un habitat intelligent : du multisensoriel au comportement / Modelling the concept of comfort within a smart building : from senses to behaviour

Gallissot, Mathieu 26 April 2012 (has links)
La notion de confort dans les habitats est une problématique majeure pour résoudre des problèmes écologiques (consommation et émissions des bâtiments), économiques (réduction de coûts d'exploitation) et sociaux (maintien et assistance à domicile) qui définissent le développement durable. Cependant, cette notion de confort est complexe, par le nombre de paramètres qu'elle intègre, paramètres à la fois humains (perception) et physiques (mesure). Notre étude vise à modéliser cette notion de confort dans un contexte d'habitat intelligent. L'habitat intelligent émerge depuis le début des années 2000, et se positionne en héritier de la domotique, bénéficiant des progrès technologiques illustrés par l'informatique ubiquitaire et l'intelligence artificielle, concepts formants l'intelligence ambiante. La première partie de notre étude consiste à définir l'habitat intelligent, en formalisant les acquis (domotique) et les problématiques de recherche, sous l'angle de la représentation de connaissances par les modèles. Notre approche du bâtiment intelligent nous à permis de définir un cadre d'interopérabilité : un intergiciel capable de concentrer les paramètres et commandes d'un environnement. Cette interopérabilité est nécessaire de par l'hétérogénéité des objets communicants qui composent un habitat : hétérogénéité des applications, des protocoles de communication, de savoir-faire et d'usages. Les travaux réalisés dans cette première partie de l'étude nous ont permis d'instrumenter une plate-forme d'expérimentation : la plateforme Domus. Ainsi, en reconstituant un appartement, et en le dotant d'objets communicants, nous avons pu mettre en œuvre, par le biais de l'interopérabilité, un environnement intelligent, environnement qui se caractérise par une forte densité d'information et une capacité de réaction. La réalisation de cette plate-forme est nécessaire pour aborder des thématiques diverses liées à l'habitat, comme le confort. En effet, l'intelligence ambiante apporte une nouvelle dimension dans ce cadre de recherche : l'ubiquité. La densité croissante de capteurs nous permet de collecter plus d'informations, non seulement sur l'environnement mais également sur l'utilisateur et son comportement, définissant ainsi une nouvelle approche du confort : le confort adaptatif. Les travaux sur l'étude du confort dans les bâtiments se focalisent sur le confort thermique. Dans nos travaux, nous avons voulu nous intéresser au confort multi-sensoriel. Celui-ci permet d'une part de prendre en compte l'ensemble des paramètres qui agrémentent un environnement (l'air, le son, la vue) mais permet également de nous intéresser aux effets sensoriels croisés que peuvent induire ces modalités sur l'occupant. Par exemple, on soupçonne la température d'éclairage (éclairage rouge/chaud, éclairage bleu/froid) d'avoir une incidence sur la perception thermique. Des expérimentations ont en effet démontré l'approche pratique et l'approche théorique de ces effets multi-sensoriels. La mise en place de notre cadre d'interopérabilité, en première partie, dans la plateforme Domus et les résultats de nos évaluations expérimentales, en seconde partie, sur le confort réalisés dans cette même plateforme, nous permettent de participer à la définition d'un « confort-mètre », qui s'appuie à la fois sur les capteurs, les objets de l'habitat et la perception des habitants. / The notion of comfort in homes is a major problem to solve environmental problems (consumption and emissions of buildings), economic (reduction of operating costs) and social (maintenance and home care) that define sustainable development. However, this notion of comfort is complicated by the number of parameters that integrates both human (perception) and physical (measurement) parameters. Our study aims to model the concept of comfort in a smart home. Smart homes emerged in the early 2000s, and are positioned as heir to home automation, benefiting from technological advances illustrated by ubiquitous computing and artificial intelligence, ambient intelligence concepts formants. The first part of this study was to define habitat intelligent, formalizing the gains (home automation) and research issues, in terms of knowledge representation by the models. Our approach to intelligent building allowed us to define a framework for interoperability: a middleware able to focus and control the parameters of an environment. This interoperability is required by the heterogeneity of communicating objects that make up a habitat: heterogeneity of applications, communication protocols, know-how and practices. This first part of the study allowed us to instrument an experimental platform: the platform Domus. Thus, by restoring an apartment, and by providing it with smart objects, we could implement, through interoperability, an intelligent environment, environment characterized by high information density and capacity reaction. The realization of this platform is needed to address various topics related to housing, such as comfort. Indeed, ambient intelligence brings a new dimension in this research framework: ubiquity. The increasing density of sensors allows us to collect more information, not only the environment but also on the user and its behavior, thus defining a new approach to comfort: Adaptive comfort. Most of the work focusing on thermal comfort, we are interested in multi-sensory comfort. This allows one hand to take into account all the parameters that enhances an environment (air, sound, sight) but also allows our attention to cross-sensory effects that can induce these terms on the occupier. For example, it is suspected the temperature light (red light / heat, light blue / cold) to affect the perception of heat. Experiments have shown the practical approach and the theoretical approach of multi-sensory effects. The results of this study will be led to participate in the definition of "comfortmeter", a tool to sense comfort for both habitat and the inhabitant.

Smart Homes : Human interactions and IoT

Kamatsos, Paraskevas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies the phenomenon of human-system interaction in smart homes as a practice of Internet of Things. The research was conducted through interviews, workshops and observations and followed an interpretive research paradigm of phenomenologically-situated paradigm of HCI and a qualitative research approach. The theories of Phenomenology and Postphenomenology were used to interpret the experiences, beliefs and views of the participants. The empirical findings were processed and a thematic analysis was followed in order to identify the main themes that emerged out of the interviews, workshops and observations. The discussion of the findings showed that the research questions were answered to the grade that the participants of the research design, use and interact with smart homes in a multiple and complex way.

More than downloading : Visualization of data produced by sensors in a home environment

Bremstedt Pedersen, Ivan, Andersson, Alfred January 2012 (has links)
A home automation system usually contains a set of tools that users use to control devices in their homes, often remotely. These devices often include but are not limited to light switches, thermostats, thermometers, window blinds, and climate controls. The potential for these kinds of systems is huge because of the sheer number of devices that could be controlled and managed with minimal and inexpensive extra hardware. Many of the appliances in a normal home could benefit from being connected to a system that allows the owner to manage and control the devices in their home. Thus the number of potential devices is orders of magnitude larger than the number of homes connected to the system. There are several systems on the market that provide systems to monitor and control a home environment, however these systems only support specific in system devices. This uncovers a problem where a homeowner only has the opportunity to use specific products that fit into these systems. By introducing an open platform for the public that are not bound to any system we can allow more devices to be integrated in the home and contribute to further development of smarter homes. The goal with this project was to provide a scalable open platform with the possibility of asynchronous updating. This has been done by implementing multiple logical parts to both provide a web interface for the user and to allow us to handle communication and storage of data. All these parts are linked together to form a system of servers that handles all background operations. This thesis discusses and presents implementations of all of these servers, how they are implemented, communicate with each other, provide secure connections and how they can scale with increasing usage. In this process we also discuss and present techniques that were used, how to use them and their benefits, to help us reach our goal. / ”Home automation” syftar till ett system som låter användaren kontrollera och styra olika apparater i hemmet, ofta sker detta utifrån. Dessa apparater inkluderar, men är inte begränsade till ljusbrytare, termostater, termometrar, persienner eller klimatanläggningar. Potentialen för ett sådant system är enormt då antalet apparater som skulle kunna övervakas med endast minimal och billig extra hårdvara är stort. Många av dessa apparater kan dra nytta av att vara ansluten till ett system som gör det möjligt för ägaren att hantera och styra enheter i deras hem. Antalet apparater är därför mångdubbelt fler än antalet hem som är kopplade till systemet. Det finns flera system på marknaden som ger användaren ett sätt att övervaka och styra en hemmiljö, men dessa system är ofta låsta och stödjer bara specifika enheter. Genom att införa en öppen plattform för allmänheten som inte är bunden till något system, kan vi tillåta att fler enheter kan integreras i hemmet och bidra till ytterligare utveckling av smartare hem. Målet med detta projekt var att skapa en skalbar öppen plattform med möjlighet till asynkron uppdatering. Detta har gjorts genom att implementera flera logiska delar för att förse användaren med ett webbgränssnitt och för att tillåta oss hantera kommunikation och lagring av data. Alla dessa delar är sammanlänkade för att bilda ett system av servrar som hanterar alla bakgrundsprocesser. Denna avhandling diskuterar och presenterar implementeringar av alla dessa servrar, hur de genomförs, kommunicera med varandra, ger säkra anslutningar och hur de kan skala med ökad användning. I denna process diskuterar och presenterar vi de tekniker som använts, hur man använder dem och deras fördelar.

THE CONNECTED ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: A study on adoption factors for the Internet of Things in the smart home environment

Thulin, Pauline, Henricson, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Majoriteten av svenskarna (86%) tror att vi kommer se allt fler uppkopplade produkter i våra hem, men det är bara 33% som faktiskt vill ha fler smarta produkter i sina hem. I denna studie har författarna undersökt vilka faktorer som är centrala i svenska konsumenters adoption av IoT-produkten Facebook Portal, för att bidra med ökad förståelse för konsumenters motstånd mot användandet av denna typ av produkter. Utifrån en värdebaserad acceptansmodell (VAM) genomfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där potentiella konsumenters attityd till användandet av Facebook Portal undersöktes utifrån faktorerna upplevd användbarhet (PU), upplevt nöje (PE), upplevd integritetsrisk (PPR) och upplevd påflugenhet (PI), i relation till det uppfattade värdet (PV) av produkten. Studien visade att upplevd användbarhet (PU) och upplevt nöje (PE) har ett starkt positivt samband med potentiella användares upplevda värde (PV) av Facebook Portal samt att upplevd dataintegritetsrisk (PPR) och upplevd påflugenhet (PI) har medelstarka negativa samband med potentiella konsumenters upplevda värde (PV) av produkten. Studien visade också att respondenter som identifierar produkten som användbar (PU) och upplever produkten som rolig (PE) också tenderar att vara mindre medhållande i att produkten utgör ett hot mot integriteten (PPR) eller upplevs påträngande (PI). / The majority of Swedes (86%) believe that smart home devices is a rising trend, yet only 33% actually want more smart objects in their homes. In this study, the authors elucidate the factors central to the Swedish consumers’ adoption of the IoT product Facebook Portal, to contribute to the understanding of their resistance to the use of this type of technology. Through a value based acceptance model (VAM), the authors conducted a quantitative survey, investigating consumers' attitudes toward the use of Facebook Portal through the factors perceived usefulness (PU), perceived enjoyment (PE), perceived privacy risk (PPR) and perceived intrusiveness (PI), in relation to the perceived value (PV) of the product. Perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived enjoyment (PE) showed a strong positive correlation to potential users' perceived value (PV) of Facebook Portal and perceived privacy risk (PPR) and perceived intrusiveness (PI) showed a medium strong negative correlation to potential consumers' perceived value (PV) of the product. The study also showed that respondents who identify the product as useful (PU) and perceive the product as enjoyable (PE) also tend to be less supportive in the claims that the product comes with a privacy risk (PPR) and/or is perceived as intrusive.

Hacka Inte Min Soffa! : En omdefiniering av Gartners ramverk för External Attack Surface Management mot Smart Home teknologier för att förhindra säkerhetshack / Don’t Hack My Couch! : Redefining Gartner's External Attack Surface Management framework towards Smart-home technologies to prevent security hacks

Griberg, Rami January 2022 (has links)
Gartners presenterar External Attack Surface Management (EASM) som är en framväxande cybersäkerhetsdisciplin som identifierar och hanterar de risker som internetbaserade tillgångar och system utgör. Dock är ramverket vagt definierat och har gett författaren intrycket av att fungera som ett komplement till ett mer tekniskt ramverk för säkerhetsövervakning. Syftet med denna studie är att definiera Gartners EASM-ramverket och undersöka om elementen i ramverket har olika vikt av betydelse, samt ifall ramverket behövs omdefinieras för att göra den mer användbar mot IoT-teknologi, specifikt Smart Home. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att definiera EASM-ramverket och en kvantitativ enkät har skickats elektroniskt och besvarats av åtta olika respondenter för att värdera betydelsen av de olika elementen inom ramverket och om de skulle kunna använda ramverket för Smart Home teknologier inom sina nuvarande organisationer. Respondenterna jobbar inom Smart Homes när denna studie genomfördes och är handplockade på grund av sin erfarenhet och kompetens inom branschen.Respondenterna angav att de olika elementen av EASM-ramverket är av olika vikt och att respondenterna har en osäkerhet om att de skulle använda den nuvarande tillämpningen av EASM-ramverket i sin organisation. Olika faktorer påverkade respondenternas beslut, inklusive deras erfarenhetsnivå, positioner och de företagsstorlekar de arbetar för. Även om de olika elementen i ramverket har olika vikt/betydelse, har elementen ett sekventiellt beroende vilket gör det svårt att ta bort eller byta ut ett element. Analysen tyder på att EASM-ramverket inte är tillräckligt för att vara en komplett försvarslösning inom Smart Homes, utan bör i stället användas tillsammans med Confidentiality, Integrity & Availablity (CIA-triaden) och Autentisering, Auktorisering och Redovisning (AAA-ramverket). Den fysiska aspekten av säkerhet inom Smart Homes behöver också inkluderas för att anpassa EASM-ramverket ytterligare mot Smart Homes.

It Should Just Work : Research Through Design With Children About Smart Home Interactions

Eklund, Isak January 2022 (has links)
A smart home is a term for everyday appliances connected to each other by a hub or the internet. By research through design, this project aims to understand how children can be included in the design process and seen as users affected by the current smart home products but don’t have their own means to communicate with them. By conducting interviews and then moving on to co-design workshops, it was possible to understand and identify the design opportunities in the project. Based on the insight from interviews, most children don’t have a way to interact with a smart object in their own home. The design was pushed toward understanding how we can involve children in the interactive design process. This thesis project has been focused on research, specifically research through design. The main goal has not been to develop an artefact at the end of the project but rather to create knowledge around how we can involve children when designing smart homes. The findings of this study show that the children participating cared more about the actions they wanted to do in a specific room rather than how to interact with the room itself. However, some ideas came up when asked for particular interactions or devices.

Innovationer inom fastighetsförvaltning : Lönsamheten i att komplettera regleringen av uppvärmningen i en byggnad med mobilstyrning / Innovations within property management : The profitability of complementing the regulation of heating in a building with mobile control

Marefat, Emil, Valdani, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
I takt med att samhället digitaliseras allt mer förändras våra liv på olika plan, inte minst i det egna hemmet. Idén om smarta hem har funnits ett tag, men nya innovationer fortsätter att dyka upp på marknaden. Samtidigt är det ofta aktuellt för människor att spara pengar om de kan, och ett sätt att spara pengar är att minska energiförbrukningen i den egna bostaden.Att via en SmartPhone kunna reglera temperaturen i en bostad är i dagsläget tekniskt möjligt, men är ändå inte fullt etablerat på bostadsmarknaden. Många människor befinner sig på arbetsplatser flera timmar av dagen, och det är inte nödvändigt att bostaden håller en komfortabel temperatur när ingen är hemma. I den här undersökningen utreds det av den anledningen lönsamheten i att addera mobilstyrning som ett komplement till regleringen av uppvärmningen i en byggnad, men även själva intresset för ett sådant här system på marknaden.För att kunna uppfylla syftet med undersökningen utfördes bland annat intervjuer av allmänheten och en fastighetsägare för att undersöka intresset på marknaden. För att undersöka den ekonomiska lönsamheten i att addera mobilstyrning som ett komplement till regleringen av uppvärmningen i en byggnad gjordes även hypotetiska kassaflöden. Efter undersökningen var slutförd kunde det konstateras att det fanns ett tydligt intresse för mobilstyrning på marknaden. Från kassaflödena kunde även utläsas att det på sikt är potentiellt ekonomiskt lönsamt för en fastighetsägare att installera mobila styrenheter. Lönsamheten beror dock på olika faktorer, däribland mänskliga faktorer och byggnadsteknik. / As society is increasingly digitalized our lives are changing rapidly in many areas of everyday life, one of them is the homes in which we live. The concept of a smart home has been around for some time and new innovations continue to appear on the market to define the modern homes of the future. Also, people often want to save money at given opportunity, and reducing the daily home energy consumption is a way to accomplish that.To be able to regulate the temperature of the home with a SmartPhone is currently technically possible, but it’s still not fully established in the housing market. As most people leave their homes for several hours a day during the average week a constant heating level is unnecessary. Because of this it could be interesting to investigate the potential market interest as well as the profitability of adding mobile control as a complement to the ordinary regulation of heating in a building.In order to conduct this study, interviews of the public and a property owner were conducted to get an overview of the level of potential market interest. In order to investigate the profitability of adding the mobile controlled system, a hypothetical cash flow calculation was made. After the interviews were completed, it was noted that there was a clear interest in using this kind of mobile controlling in the market. From the cash flow calculation it could also be seen that in the long term it is likely to be economically profitable for a property owner to invest in this system as well. The profitability, however, depends on a number of factors, including human behavioral patterns and building technology.

Novel genetic algorithm for scheduling of appliances

Anuebunwa, U.R., Rajamani, Haile S., Pillai, Prashant, Okpako, O. 01 September 2016 (has links)
Yes / The introduction of smart metering has brought more detailed information on the actual load profile of a house. With the ability to measure, comes the desire to control the load profile. Furthermore, advances in renewable energy have made the consumer to become supplier, known as Prosumer, who therefore also becomes interested in the detail of his load, and also his energy production. With the lowering cost of smart plugs and other automation units, it has become possible to schedule electrical appliances. This makes it possible to adjust the load profiles of houses. However, without a market in the demand side, the use of load profile modification techniques are unlikely to be adapted by consumers on the long term. In this research, we will be presenting work on scheduling of energy appliances to modify the load profiles within a market environment. The paper will review the literature on algorithms used in scheduling of appliances in residential areas. Whilst many algorithms presented in the literature show that scheduling of appliances is feasible, many issues arise with respect to user interaction, and hence adaptation. Furthermore, the criteria used to evaluate the algorithms is often related only to reducing energy consumption, and hence CO2. Whilst this a key factor, it may not necessarily meet the demands of the consumer. In this paper we will be presenting work on a novel genetic algorithm that will optimize the load profile while taking into account user participation indices. A novel measure of the comfort of the customer, derived from the standard deviation of the load profile, is proposed in order to encourage the customer to participate more actively in demand response programs. Different scenarios will also be tested. / This work was supported by the British Council and the UK Department of Business Innovation and Skills under GII funding for the SITARA project.

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