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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PE SOBRINHO MOREIRA 20 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] A rasura é uma prática de vida: eu risco sobre o outro, o outro risca sobre mim. Proponho a escrita de um ensaio que tem como norte investigar gestos de rasura da binariedade de gênero. Olho para afetos, palavras e matéria que compõem a gramática de gênero Ocidental. São, neste texto, representantes do afeto: a dor e a vergonha; das palavras: o nome; da matéria: o corpo. A primeira rasura se apresenta como uma proposta de novas formas de se relacionar com afetos marcados como negativos em sua associação com o feminino e a improdutividade. As segunda e terceira rasuras localizam o projeto no campo dos estudos da transgeneridade, quando entramos a/efetivamente nas experiências de modificação de si. Busco repensar a relação com o passado de corpos trans, habitualmente convidados ao esquecimento em busca de uma aproximação da cisnormatividade. Revisito os gestos de retificação do nome e modificação corporal como gestos de rasura que não se esquecem. Proponho pensarmos o nome morto a partir de uma relação fora da binariedade Ocidental que exclui os mortos das relações vivas. E também refletirmos sobre formas de nos relacionar criativamente com a transformação dos nossos corpos em corpos monstruosos, inventada pela cisnormatividade branca e potencializada pelas modificações hormonais e cirúrgicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é pensar que possibilidades se abrem quando não esquecemos o passado dos nossos corpos e damos atenção à rasura como modo de vida e de mundificação em seu potencial destruidor do mundo binário. / [en] Stains are part of life: I leave a mark on the other, the other leaves one on me. Here, I propose the writing of an essay that aims to investigate gestures of staining the gender binary. I look at affects, words and matter that make up the grammar of Western gender. In this work, the following are representatives of affection: pain and shame; of words: the name; of matter: the body. The first stain is presented as a proposal aiming new ways of relating to affects marked as negative in their association with the feminine and unproductiveness. The second and third stains locate the project in the field of transgender studies, when we enter a/effectively in the experiences of transforming the self. I seek to rethink the relationship with the past of trans bodies, usually invited to oblivion in order to achieve an approximation of cisnormativity. I revisit the name rectification gestures and body modifications as stain gestures that are not forgotten. I propose that we think of the dead name from a point of view outside the Western binary that excludes the dead from living relationships. And I also reflect on ways to relate in an inventive way with the transformation of our bodies into monstrous bodies, invented by white cisnormativity and potentiated by hormonal and surgical modifications. The objective of this research is to think about what possibilities open up when we do not forget the past of our bodies and pay attention to stains as a way of life and mundification in its destructive potential of the binary world.

Analysis of Asthmatic Lung Remodeling in Summer Pasture-Associated Recurrent Airway Obstruction

Ferrari, Claudenir Rodrigues 17 May 2014 (has links)
Summer pasture-associated recurrent airway obstruction (SPARAO) is characterized by reversible airway obstruction resulting from airway hyper-reactivity to aeroallergens, mucus accumulation, and airway inflammation. These are key clinical features that are shared with human asthma, suggesting SPARAO’s utility as an animal asthma model. SPARAO affects horses maintained on pasture in conditions of high heat and humidity. Common in the southeastern United States, the cause of SPARAO is unknown, but is presumed to reflect reactivity to seasonally inhaled pasture-associated aeroallergens. This investigation sought to identify well-characterized histopathological lesions of human asthma, collectively termed ‘asthmatic remodeling’, in lung tissue from horses with SPARAO. Two histological staining techniques were used: H&E and Movat’s Pentachrome. Similar to chronic asthma, lung tissue from horses with SPARAO demonstrates statistically significant increases in airway smooth muscle, fibrosis, airway occlusion and inflammation, goblet cell hyperplasia, and remodeling of terminal bronchioles and elastin fibers.

Implications for the detection, utilization, and degradation of bark beetle-attacked southern pines by subterranean termites

Little, Nathan S 11 May 2013 (has links)
Bark beetles regulate forest succession by removing weakened or stressed trees and exposing understory species to light from canopy gaps. Subterranean termites are predominate decomposers of coarse woody debris in southern pine forests; however, little is known about their role in forest health and succession. Both groups of insects rely heavily on fungal symbioses to fill their respective ecological niches in southern pine forests. During recent inspections of southern pine timber, we observed that trees in the early stages of bark beetle attack often had subterranean termites in blue-stained portions of the trunk. The frequency of subterranean termite presence in blue-stained areas of trees increased proportionally to the stage of bark beetle attack. However, practically no research has undertaken the challenge of describing how woody resources created by bark beetles are identified and utilized by subterranean termites before any signs of stress are visible. Therefore, this study examined possible facilitative interactions between subterranean termites, bark beetles and their blue-stain fungal associates, and other invertebrates, and investigated the effect of blue-stain fungi on surface properties of wood. Both native (Reticulitermes spp.) and Formosan subterranean termites exhibited a higher feeding preference for blue-stained sapwood than for unstained sapwood in laboratory assays. Native subterranean termites also consumed blue-stained sapwood at a higher rate than decayed wood. This study was the first to demonstrate that wood containing a non-decay fungus could elicit a feeding response from subterranean termites greater than that observed for decayed wood. Additionally, the surface properties of bark beetle-attacked southern pine were initially reduced by blue-stain fungal infection; however, the process of kiln-drying reversed this effect, resulting in a surface that was more conducive to wood product manufacturing.

Delningsmetodens inverkan på mikrofiberduk / The splitting method's effect on microfiber cloth

NORDSTRÖM, LEA, BRUCE, ANNA January 2010 (has links)
I arbetet för Vikan AB var uppgiften att undersöka två olika delningsmetoder för mikrofibrer. Vikan AB är ett företag som utvecklar och framställer textila rengöringsredskap i mikrofibrer och tror sig ha kommit på en ny delningsmetod som förhoppningsvis ger en rad fördelar mot den nuvarande metoden. Den nya framställningsmetoden går under arbetsnamnet Easy Split och har ännu inte introducerats på marknaden.Studien har gått ut på att i fyra olika avseenden utvärdera de olika metodernas för- och nackdelar. De olika aspekterna har således varit processgång, utseende, hållbarhet och funktion. Utvärderingen utfördes med hjälp av en rad undersökningar där bland annat tester i absorption, kvadratmetervikt och fläckreduktion ingick.Många av egenskaperna undersöktes med hjälp av befintliga standarder medan undersökningen av fläckreduktionen skedde med en egenutvecklad testmetod. Till denna metod användes en Martindale vars rörelsemönster och tryck är valdes utifrån att göra testmetoden så verklighetstrogen som möjligt. Resultaten visar att det finns en skillnad på de olika metoderna och att de önskvärda egenskaperna finns starkast representerade hos den Easy split- baserade mikrofiberdelningen. De besparingar Vikan kan göra i och med att byta delningsmetod kan ha inverkan på energi- och vattenförbrukningen vilket resulterar i tidsbesparingar och minskade kostnader. / <p>In collaboration with Vikan AB the task has been to examine the different splitting types for microfibers. The company Vikan AB develops and produces textile cleaning products in microfibers and they now seem to have come up with a new splitting method that hopefully will give a range of advantages compared to the present method. The new method goes under the name Easy split and has not yet been introduced to the market.The study consisted of an analysis of the pros and cons of the methods in four different aspects. The different points of view were processing, appearance, durability and function. The investigation was made with a variety of tests including absorption, weight per square meter and stain reduction. Many of the properties were examined with help of existing standard tests while the stain reduction was analyzed with a method developed for this specific purpose. To represent the real environment a Martindale was used because of its uniform moving pattern. The conclusion indicates that the new splitting method not only results in advantages in adsorption, weight and stain reduction but also in water and energy consumption as well as time and expenses.</p><p>Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen</p>

Inkjet printed drops and three-dimensional ceramic structures

Liu, Yuanyuan January 2017 (has links)
Inkjet printing is a versatile manufacturing method with applications beyond its traditional application in graphics and text printing, particularly in structural and functional materials. This thesis aims to enhance the understanding of DOD inkjet printing processes by investigating the behaviour of solvent mixtures and nanoparticle suspensions to identify the key parameters affecting drop ejection, drying and stacking processes. Drop ejection and flight were investigated with two modes of inkjet printheads, using a range of fluids formulated from solvent mixtures and characterised by the dimensionless Z number. The printable range was found to be 1.17 smaller or equal to Z smaller or equal to 36.76 for a 10 pl (21.5 micro metre diameter) shear-mode Dimatix printhead. However, with an 80 micro metre diameter squeeze-mode MicroFab printhead, the range was found to be narrower with 4.02 smaller or equal to Z smaller or equal to 16.2. However, both printheads were found to show a printable range of Weber number with 0.4 &lt;We &lt;20. Weber number is determined by the drop velocity and hence the actuating pulse. When designing inks for future printing work, not only the fluid properties, but also the pulse voltages need to be considered. The drop stacking and solidification processes of drops containing nano ZrO2 particles were investigated to enhance the understanding of drop drying and drop/drop interactions. In-situ synchrotron X-ray radiography provides a promising method to track the time-evolved solid segregation within printed drops during drying. Both the initial contact angle and substrate temperature during printing strongly influence the drying process and the final dried deposit shape. The drops were first pinned and then there was a slight sliding of the three-phase contact line. Drops were deformed by the stacking of overprinted drops when printed on Kapton tapes and silicon wafer surfaces, but not on glass slides due to the small contact angle of water on glass slides. Crack-like defects were found at the edge of the final dried stacking structures. The coffee stain effects within a single inkjet printed droplet and the 3D structures before and after sintering were investigated to find out the influence of ink properties, printing parameters and substrate temperature on inkjet printed structures. It was found coffee staining was more obvious at high substrate temperatures. When adding 25 vol% ethylene glycol (EG) or 5 wt% polyethylene glycol (PEG), the coffee stain effect is reduced or eliminated under room temperature drying. X-ray tomography has been demonstrated as a valuable tool for the characterization of 3D printed objects and defects that form during their manufacture. Defects were characterised as microvoids or large-scale crack-like defects. The majority of the microvoids revealed are associated with mechanisms and processes within a single drop, e.g. segregation during dryings such as the formation of coffee stains or coffee rings. The size or distribution of microvoids can be controlled by changing the ink formulation, with higher PEG content inks showing lower concentrations of microvoids.

Two-dimensional crystallization of archaeal signal peptide peptidases for structural studies by electron crystrallography

Metcalfe, Maureen Grage 21 September 2015 (has links)
The membrane proteins signal peptide peptidase, signal peptide peptidase like and presenilin are intramembrane aspartyl proteases located in the endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane and organelle. These membrane proteins are able to catalyze a hydrolytic reaction in a hydrophobic space. The downstream consequences of these reactions impact a variety of cellular functions such as cytokine production, inflammatory responses, embryogenesis, and immune system regulation. Additionally, the aspartyl proteases such as signal peptide peptidase and presenilin, a part of the γ-secretase complex, hydrolyze peptides leading to pathogen maturation and Alzheimer’s disease, respectively. Electron crystallography offers the unique aspect of studying membrane proteins in a near native state. Determining the structures of Haloarcula morismortui and Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 signal peptide peptidases by electron crystallography may provide insight into how a hydrolysis reaction occurs in a hydrophobic environment and how the protein determines which transmembrane signal peptides to cleave. Additionally, structure determination may help answer questions regarding why human presenilin, part of the γ-secretase complex, incorrectly processes amyloid precursor protein into amyloid-beta peptides leading to Alzheimer’s disease. Such structural data may not only shed light on how amyloid precursor protein is processed but how other proteins are processed by signal peptide peptidase leading to immune responses, cell signaling, and pathogen maturation. In addition, structure-function data may have an impact on pharmaceutical drug designs that targets signal peptide peptidase, signal peptide peptidase like, and/or presenilin. To determine the structure of aspartyl proteases, two archaeal signal peptide peptidases were used for two-dimensional crystallization trials to be able to study their structure by electron crystallography. Haloarcula morismortui and Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 signal peptide peptidases, both human signal peptide peptidase homologues, were recombinantly over-expressed and purified. During dialysis trials, various lipid-to-protein ratios, sodium chloride concentrations, temperatures, detergents and a variety of other variables were tested. Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 signal peptide peptidase showed the most promising results in terms of crystallinity. Optimizing dialysis conditions, specifically narrowing the lipid to protein ratio, resulted in two-dimensional crystals. Ordered arrays measuring up to 200 nm x 200 nm were observed. These ordered arrays have been shown to be reproducible amongst multiple batches of purified Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 signal peptide peptidase. Preliminary projection maps of negatively stained ordered arrays show unit cell dimensions of a = 178 Å, b = 160 Å, γ = 92.0 Å and a = 175 Å, b = 167 Å, γ = 92.0 Å. The monomer measurements are approximately 70 Å by 80 Å. This is the first time a signal peptide peptidase homologue has been crystallized by two-dimensional crystallization.

A survey of blue-stain fungi in Northwestern Ontario and characterization of mobile introns in ribosomal DNA

Rudski, Shelly Marie 02 September 2011 (has links)
This work presents a survey of blue-stain fungi found in Northwestern Ontario, characterization of a homing endonuclease gene within Grosmannia piceiperda and finally an examination of the introns and homing endonuclease genes found in the large ribosomal subunit gene in species of Ceratocystis; using molecular techniques and phylogenetic analysis, we studied the molecular evolution of these mobile genetic elements. The blue-stain fungi of Northwestern Ontario were identified based on phylogenic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer region sequences. This data was supplemented with morphological characteristics of the fungal cultures. The second project was an examination of a LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease and its IC2 group I intron. This intron is uniquely positioned within the group I intron-encoded rps3 gene of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene. The final chapter is an investigation of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene in species of Ceratocystis. The 3’ segment of this gene contains several novel introns and homing endonuclease genes. There is also much diversity between strains despite their close relation on the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region phylogenetic tree. Further, our data also suggest that the single motif LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease of the rDNA mL1923 intron is likely to be an ancestor to other homing endonucleases in the area. The results of these studies demonstrate the role that these elements play in the genetic diversity observed in the blue-stain fungi.

A survey of blue-stain fungi in Northwestern Ontario and characterization of mobile introns in ribosomal DNA

Rudski, Shelly Marie 02 September 2011 (has links)
This work presents a survey of blue-stain fungi found in Northwestern Ontario, characterization of a homing endonuclease gene within Grosmannia piceiperda and finally an examination of the introns and homing endonuclease genes found in the large ribosomal subunit gene in species of Ceratocystis; using molecular techniques and phylogenetic analysis, we studied the molecular evolution of these mobile genetic elements. The blue-stain fungi of Northwestern Ontario were identified based on phylogenic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer region sequences. This data was supplemented with morphological characteristics of the fungal cultures. The second project was an examination of a LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease and its IC2 group I intron. This intron is uniquely positioned within the group I intron-encoded rps3 gene of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene. The final chapter is an investigation of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene in species of Ceratocystis. The 3’ segment of this gene contains several novel introns and homing endonuclease genes. There is also much diversity between strains despite their close relation on the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region phylogenetic tree. Further, our data also suggest that the single motif LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease of the rDNA mL1923 intron is likely to be an ancestor to other homing endonucleases in the area. The results of these studies demonstrate the role that these elements play in the genetic diversity observed in the blue-stain fungi.

The effect of sodium lauryl sulphate on blue stain, mould growth and surface properties of SA pine

Perold, Maurits 3 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Producing high quality end products, rather than focusing on volume production, is slowly but surely becoming the main driving force in the wood processing industry of South Africa. Drying defects such as surface checks and discolouration by yellow stain and kiln brown stain are major factors in softwood timber downgrades when selecting furniture grade timber. Previous efforts to control these defects have focused on schedule adaptation, but as the industry is still mainly concerned with volume production, and because of the varying lumber price, longer schedules to control these drying defects have not yet been that attractive for the larger sawmills. In ongoing research in this laboratory, a dip treatment of freshly sawn softwood boards in an aqueous solution containing a surfactant called sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) was used to try to influence the mechanism involved in the development of these stains. Further, complementary research is reported in this study. Firstly, the possibility of using SLS solutions to control surface mould development and bluestain was investigated. Results showed that SLS did control the development of blue stain and mould growth in open-stacked boards for up to three weeks, using concentrations as low as 0.1%, and up to two weeks in closed-stacked timber when using concentrations of 0.2%. Secondly, it was investigated whether SLS treatment would have a detrimental effect on downstream product quality; in particular, kiln dried boards and glued components for furniture manufacturing. Since SLS influenced fluid water flow during kiln drying, the treatment could have exacerbated the occurrence of surface checking due to altered moisture distribution profiles. Results of this investigation showed that the SLS treatment did not result in increased surface checking. Thirdly, as furniture quality timber treated with SLS would be glued, (and also finished with surface coatings), it was further considered important to determine if SLS treatment influenced adhesion properties of wood surfaces. Based on shear test results, it was established that SLS did not influence the adhesion properties of wood when glued with two most commonly used glues in the furniture industry i.e. polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and urea formaldehyde (UF).

Manchas dentárias negras em escolares: prevalência e fatores associados / Black spots in dental students: prevalence and associated factors

MATÍNEZ, Tania Mercedes López 21 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:30:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_tania_lopez_martinez.pdf: 1972521 bytes, checksum: 41c2bc83c8d268391e9ff0e9b89adf61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-21 / The black stain are dental extrinsic pigmentations that has been associated with low caries risk. This study was divided in two parts, the first was a cross-sectional study with schoolchildren between 8 to 12 years old; the aim was determine the prevalence of black stain on the teeth and his relation with demographic and socioeconomics conditions, oral hygiene habits, presence of plaque and dental caries. 1175 children were included from 20 private and public school of Pelotas´s city. Was performed a questionnaire to parents of schoolchildren, interviews and clinical examinations to the students. In the second part was a case control study performed based on the oral survey in schoolchildren with black stain on the teeth and the control are also students that had participated in the survey, using for each case a control. The objectives were evaluated the association between the use or ferrous sulfate in childhood, the ingestion of foods containing iron ant the water source with the presence of black stain on the teeth; and describe the clinical characteristics of pigmentation, evaluated 56 children (28 case and 28 controls). Descriptive analysis and chi-square test to assess association; univariated and multivariated logistic regression to obtain odds ration (OR) with a confidence interval of 95% (IC). The first part concluded that the prevalence of black stain was 5% and an association was found with low family income, in the students who study in public schools and with low frequency of brushing. In the second part was no association between ferrous sulfate, the ingestion of foods containing iron and the water source with black stain on the teeth and was found that the black stains are more prevalent on the anterior region / As manchas dentárias negras (MDN) são pigmentações extrínsecas que têm sido associadas com baixa experiência de cárie. Este estudo foi dividido em duas partes, sendo a primeira foi um estudo transversal de base escolar, realizado na cidade de Pelotas, em 2010 com escolares de 8 a 12 anos de idade, com objetivo de determinar a prevalência das MDN e sua relação com fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, frequência de escovação, presença de placa e cárie dentária. Foram estudadas 1.157 escolares, alunos de 20 escolas públicas e privadas, foi realizado um questionário aos pais dos escolares, entrevistas e exame clínico bucal aos escolares. A segunda parte foi um estudo caso-controle baseado no levantamento de saúde bucal em escolares, os casos foram 28 escolares portadores de MDN e os controles 28 escolares não portadores, participantes do levantamento, adotando a razão de 1:1. O objetivo foi avaliar a associação entre o uso do sulfato ferroso na infância, o consumo de alimentos que contém ferro e a fonte de água com a presença das MDN e descrever as características clínicas das pigmentações. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, o teste qui-quadrado nas associações e regressão logística uni e multivariada para obter as razões de chances (OR) com um intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC). Da primeira parte conclui-se que a prevalência das MDN foi de 5% e encontrou-se associação com a baixa renda familiar, nos escolares que estudam na rede pública e com a baixa frequência de escovação. No estudo caso-controle não foi encontrada associação entre o sulfato ferroso, o consumo de alimentos contendo ferro e a fonte de agua com as MDN, sendo que as mesmas foram mais prevalentes na região anterior

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