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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microstructural studies on failure mechanisms in thermo-mechanical fatigue of repaired DS R80 and IN738 Superalloys

Abrokwah, Emmanuel 16 March 2012 (has links)
Directionally solidified Rene 80 (DS R80) and polycrystalline Inconel 738(IN 738) Superalloys were tested in thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) over the temperature range of 500-900°C and plastic strain range from 0.1 to 0.8% using a DSI Gleeble thermal simulator. Thermo-mechanical testing was carried out on the parent material (baseline) in the conventional solution treated and aged condition (STA), as well as gas tungsten arc welded (GTAW) with an IN-738 filler, followed by solution treatment and ageing. Comparison of the baseline alloy microstructure with that of the welded and heat treated alloy showed that varying crack initiation mechanisms, notably oxidation by stress assisted grain boundary oxidation, grain boundary MC carbides fatigue crack initiation, fatigue crack initiation from sample surfaces, crack initiation from weld defects and creep deformation were operating, leading to different “weakest link” and failure initiation points. The observations from this study show that the repaired samples had extra crack initiation sites not present in the baseline, which accounted for their occasional poor fatigue life. These defects include lack of fusion between the weld and the base metal, fusion zone cracking, and heat affected zone microfissures.

Neural Network Approach for Predicting the Failure of Turbine Components

Bano, Nafisa 24 July 2013 (has links)
Turbine components operate under severe loading conditions and at high and varying temperatures that result in thermal stresses in the presence of temperature gradients created by hot gases and cooling air. Moreover, static and cyclic loads as well as the motion of rotating components create mechanical stresses. The combined effect of complex thermo-mechanical stresses promote nucleation and propagation of cracks that give rise to fatigue and creep failure of the turbine components. Therefore, the relationship between thermo-mechanical stresses, chemical composition, heat treatment, resulting microstructure, operating temperature, material damage, and potential failure modes, i.e. fatigue and/or creep, needs to be well understood and studied. Artificial neural networks are promising candidate tools for such studies. They are fast, flexible, efficient, and accurate tools to model highly non-linear multi-dimensional relationships and reduce the need for experimental work and time-consuming regression analysis. Therefore, separate neural network models for γ’ precipitate strengthened Ni based superalloys have been developed for predicting the γ’ precipitate size, thermal expansion coefficient, fatigue life, and hysteresis energy. The accumulated fatigue damage is then estimated as the product of hysteresis energy and fatigue life. The models for γ’ precipitate size, thermal expansion coefficient, and hysteresis energy converge very well and match experimental data accurately. The fatigue life proved to be the most challenging aspect to predict, and fracture mechanics proved to potentially be a necessary supplement to neural networks. The model for fatigue life converges well, but relatively large errors are observed partly due to the generally large statistical variations inherent to fatigue life. The deformation mechanism map for 1.23Cr-1.2Mo-0.26V rotor steel has been constructed using dislocation glide, grain boundary sliding, and power law creep rate equations. The constructed map is verified with experimental data points and neural network results. Although the existing set of experimental data points for neural network modeling is limited, there is an excellent match with boundaries constructed using rate equations which validates the deformation mechanism map.

Microstructural studies on failure mechanisms in thermo-mechanical fatigue of repaired DS R80 and IN738 Superalloys

Abrokwah, Emmanuel 16 March 2012 (has links)
Directionally solidified Rene 80 (DS R80) and polycrystalline Inconel 738(IN 738) Superalloys were tested in thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) over the temperature range of 500-900°C and plastic strain range from 0.1 to 0.8% using a DSI Gleeble thermal simulator. Thermo-mechanical testing was carried out on the parent material (baseline) in the conventional solution treated and aged condition (STA), as well as gas tungsten arc welded (GTAW) with an IN-738 filler, followed by solution treatment and ageing. Comparison of the baseline alloy microstructure with that of the welded and heat treated alloy showed that varying crack initiation mechanisms, notably oxidation by stress assisted grain boundary oxidation, grain boundary MC carbides fatigue crack initiation, fatigue crack initiation from sample surfaces, crack initiation from weld defects and creep deformation were operating, leading to different “weakest link” and failure initiation points. The observations from this study show that the repaired samples had extra crack initiation sites not present in the baseline, which accounted for their occasional poor fatigue life. These defects include lack of fusion between the weld and the base metal, fusion zone cracking, and heat affected zone microfissures.

Face milling of nickel-based superalloys with coated and uncoated carbide tools

Köksal, Sakip January 2000 (has links)
Face milling machinability investigation of two difficult-to-machine nickel-based superalloys, namely Inconel 718 and Waspaloy, has been carried out with four different types of tungsten carbide tools under various cutting conditions. The tools comprised of one double-layer CVD-TiCN+Al2O3 coated (KC994M), two PVD-TiN coated (KC720 and KC730) and one uncoated (KMF) tungsten carbide tools. The objectives of the study include investigation of tool performance, failure modes and wear mechanisms under the cutting conditions employed. In addition, surface integrity of the machined surfaces, with regard to surface finish, subsurface microhardness and metallographic examination of the subsurface microstructure, was investigated. CVD-coated KC994M gave the best overall performance in terms of tool life at low and high cutting conditions on both workpieces. The second best-performing tool was the uncoated KMF grade which gave as high tool lives as KC994M at lower cutting speeds. However at higher cutting speeds, KMF was generally outperformed by PVD-TiN coated tools. Short tool lives were obtained at higher cutting speeds of 75 and 100 m/min due to premature failure by chipping. Tool wear at low cutting speed range was due to a combination of progressive microchipping and plucking through a fracture/attrition related wear mechanism associated with cyclic workpiece adhesion and detachment and abrasion/diffusion-related flank wear. Plucking and microchipping were the dominant wear mechanisms. Coating layers on the rake face of both CVD and PVD coated tools were almost completely removed within the first few seconds of cutting at all cutting speeds tested, thus becoming ineffective. On the flank face, however, they remained intact for a longer period and hence increasing tools performance at the medium cutting speed range. Analysis of the subsurface microstructures and microhardness measurements showed that plastic deformation was the predominant effect induced onto the machined surface, the degree of which influenced by the cutting speed, tool wear and prolonged machining. In addition surface irregularities in the form of tearing and embedded hard particles were found to occur which was mainly associated with the chipping dominated wear mode.

Microstructural evolution in coated conventionally cast Ni-based superalloys

Newman, Scott January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this research project was to investigate the microstructural changes of MCrAlY coated Ni-based superalloys that are routinely used in industrial gas turbine engines for power generation. One of the main aims of the characterisation was to understand ageing time and temperature effects on the microstructural evolution so that a methodology could be developed where the characterisation of a thermally exposed microstructure can be used to estimate unknown service exposure conditions.

Avaliação do método de correntes parasitas para caracterização microestrutural e inspeção de defeitos em superligas à base de níquel

Pereira, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Superligas à base de níquel vêm sendo extensivamente utilizadas em diversas aplicações nas indústrias devido ao excelente comportamento mecânico e anticorrosivo. No entanto, essas ligas possuem certas particularidades que levam à necessidade de desenvolvimento de técnicas de inspeção e caracterização metalúrgica, como forma de garantir a integridade estrutural dos componentes fabricados com essas ligas. Neste trabalho, a técnica de correntes parasitas foi aplicada à superligas à base de níquel com duas propostas distintas: 1) Em um primeiro momento foi realizado o estudo da evolução microestrutural da liga Inconel 718 durante o processo de envelhecimento através da combinação do ensaio por correntes parasitas, análise de difração de raios-X, análise metalográfica, medidas de dureza e tamanho de grão. As medidas foram realizadas em amostras submetidas a diferentes ciclos de tratamentos térmicos variando entre 620-1035°C. Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes microestruturas do Inconel 718 têm efeitos distintos na condutividade elétrica quando medidos através da técnica de correntes parasitas. A influência da microestrutura na condutividade pode ser mostrada sendo devido à competição de dois efeitos sobre o espalhamento de elétrons: a purificação da matriz e a morfologia, distribuição e tamanho dos precipitados. A combinação dos valores de dureza e condutividade elétrica provou ser uma forma rápida e prática de determinar o nível de envelhecimento da liga; 2) Em um segundo momento foi desenvolvido um processo de otimização de sensores através de modelagem por elementos finitos (MEF). Através de uma metodologia de otimização, os parâmetros de construção e operação de um sensor foram otimizados para inspeção de defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais esperados em materiais cladeados com Inconel 625. O sensor com a geometria ótima foi construído e testado a fim de verificar a eficiência do processo de otimização. Uma ótima correlação entre os resultados numéricos e experimentais foi encontrada e o sensor ótimo se mostrou eficiente na inspeção de pequenos defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais na liga Inconel 625 quando operado nas frequências apropriadas. / Nickel-based superalloys have been extensively used in various industries due to its unique mechanical and corrosion behavior. However, these alloys show particular characteristics which lead to the need for specific inspection and metallurgical characterization techniques in order to ensure the structural integrity of components manufactured from these alloys. In this work , the eddy current technique was applied to nickel-base superalloys with two aims: 1 ) Firstly, the microstructural evolution of Inconel 718 during aging processes has been studied through a combination of eddy current testing, X-ray diffraction analysis, metallography, hardness and grain size measurements. Measurements were carried out in samples subjected to different heat treatment cycles between 620-1035°C. Results show that different microstructures of Inconel 718 have a distinguishable effect on electrical conductivity when this is measured through an appropriately sensitive technique (i.e. eddy current testing). The influence of microstructure on conductivity could be shown to be due to the competition between two effects on the scattering of electrons: matrix purification and precipitate size, distribution and morphology. A combination of hardness values and electrical properties proved to be a fast and practical way of determining the stage of aging of the alloy; 2) An optimization method of eddy current sensor design was developed through finite element modeling (FEM). Through a methodology of optimization, the construction and operation parameters of the sensor were optimized for inspection of superficial and subsuperficial defect, commonly found in weld overlay Inconel 625 claddings. A prototype of this sensor with the optimum geometry was built and tested on blocks identical to those considered in the models in order to verify the efficiency of the optimization process. A very good agreement between numerical and experimental results was found. Moreover, the optimal sensor was efficient to detect small surface and subsurface defects in Inconel 625 when operated at appropriate frequencies.

Avaliação microestrutural e mecânica da Incoloy® 945 após tratamentos térmicos / Microstructural and mechanical evaluation of Incoloy® 945 after heats treatment

Igor Colado Porto Martins 18 September 2015 (has links)
Superligas de níquel são materiais mundialmente empregados nas áreas de petróleo e gás natural, aeroespacial e nuclear. A Incoloy® 945 uma liga desenvolvida em meados dos anos 2000, para ser uma liga hibrida entre a Inconel® 718 e Incoloy® 925, concebendo uma liga com propriedades mecânicas e anticorrosivas capaz de suportar as mais adversas operações de serviço. Neste trabalho foram determinadas algumas características mecânicas do material, após laminação a frio, seguindo duas diferentes rotas de tratamento térmico. Foram realizados testes de dureza Vickers e tração, onde mostrou que a rota experimental criada no IPEN (por intermédio da análise por calorimetria exploratória diferencial), tem a mesma resistência mecânica do que a rota comercialmente usada, contudo possui uma maior ductilidade. O material demonstra uma excepcional união resistência mecânica e ductilidade, podendo ser empregada no uso de tubulações e válvulas de alta complexidade de manufatura, para a exploração das camadas do pré-sal. / Nickel super alloy materials are used worldwide in the areas of oil and gas, aerospace and nuclear. The Incoloy® 945 an alloy developed in the mid-2000s, to be a hybrid alloy between the Inconel® 718 and Incoloy® 925 by designing an alloy with mechanical and anti-corrosion properties able to withstand the most adverse service operations. In this work we were determined some mechanical characteristics of the material after cold rolling, following two different routes of heat treatment. Hardness Vickers tests and traction test were conducted, which showed that the experimental route created at IPEN (through analysis by differential scanning calorimetry), has the same mechanical strength than the route used commercially, it nevertheless has a higher ductility. The material shows an exceptional union strength and ductility and can be used in the use of pipes and high complexity manufacturing valves for the operation of the pre-salt layers.

Efeito da nitretação a plasma no comportamento mecânico do Inconel 625 em temperaturas elevadas / High temperature mechanical behavior of plasma-nitrided Inconel 625 superalloy

Mauro Machado de Oliveira 15 December 2017 (has links)
As superligas a base de níquel apresentam limitações para uso em temperaturas acima de 600 °C. Por este motivo, os revestimentos protetivos podem ser usados como barreiras para evitar a propagação de nucleação e fissuras. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar as propriedades mecânicas em altas temperaturas de amostras nitretadas por plasma da superliga INCONEL 625 foram realizados ensaios de tração e fluência em amostras com e sem tratamento. Nos ensaios de tração, nas temperaturas de 200 a 700 °C, o material apresentou uma oscilação nos valores de tensão a partir do início da deformação plástica. Este comportamento da curva tensão-deformação serrilhada pode estar associado com a difusão de um soluto intersticial ou pela difusão de átomos substitucionais ou pelo envelhecimento da deformação dinâmica (DSA). Em 600 °C, o aumento da taxa de deformação promoveu um aumento da amplitude e da frequência de oscilação da tensão. Sob níveis de tensões intermediários ou elevados o mecanismo de fluência dominante da liga Inconel 625 foi por escorregamento de discordâncias mostrando-se semelhante ao de muitos metais puros e ligas de soluções sólidas. / Nickel-based superalloys have limitations for use at temperatures above 600 °C. For this reason, protective coatings can be used as barriers to avoid both nucleation and crack propagation. Thus, to evaluate the mechanical properties at high temperatures of plasma nitrided samples of the INCONEL 625 superalloy, tensile and creep tests were performed on samples with and without treatment. In the tensile tests at temperatures of 200 to 700 °C the material showed an oscillation in the tension values from the beginning of the plastic deformation. This behavior of the serrated strain-strain curve may be associated with the diffusion of an interstitial solute or by the diffusion of substitutional atoms or by dynamic strain aging effect. At 600 °C, the increase in strain rate promoted an increase of the amplitude and oscillation frequency of the stress. Under levels of intermediate of elevated stresses, the dominant creep mechanism of the Inconel 625 alloy was like that of many pure metals and alloys of solid solutions which is by slippage of dislocations.

Avaliação da resistência à fadiga em alta temperatura da superliga MAR-M247(Nb) / Evaluation of fatigue strength at high temperature superalloy MAR-M247 (Nb)

Rogério Varavallo 08 February 2012 (has links)
Este projeto faz parte de uma Rede Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Superligas no Brasil (Projeto Pró-Engenharias - CAPES), que tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento técnico e científico do Brasil nesta classe de materiais. A rede é composta por especialistas de estabelecida competência em assuntos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de materiais estruturais, tais como: fusão em vácuo, solidificação direcional, relações orientação-propriedade, tratamentos térmicos, fluência, fadiga em alta temperatura, oxidação e corrosão a quente. Assim, na parte que compete a este pesquisador, foram estudadas as propriedades de fadiga em altas temperaturas da liga MAR-M247 e de uma nova liga, a liga MAR-M247 modificada pela substituição do Ta pelo Nb, e sendo doravante denominada MAR-M247(Nb). Foram desenvolvidos estudos correlacionando parâmetros intrínsecos do material, como composição química e microestrutura adicionalmente a parâmetros extrínsecos, tais como: temperatura, estudo de oxidação, propriedades de fadiga, ensaios de tração em temperatura ambiente, 250, 500, 700, 800, 900 e 1000ºC, conforme as normas AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) E 8M-00 e ASTM E 21-00. Em relação aos ensaios de fadiga foram realizados ensaios de nucleação de trincas , conforme a norma ASTM E466-07 e os resultados foram apresentados na forma de curvas S-N e analisados estatisticamente segunda a norma ASTM E739-10. Para auxiliar na definição dos micromecanismos de fadiga, as superfícies de fratura foram analisadas utilizando o microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) e microscópio ótico estereoscópico (MO). Foi realizado ensaio de oxidação para verificar a susceptibilidade a oxidação das ligas, sendo este um dos fatores que afetam a vida em fadiga em alta temperatura. / This project is part of an interdisciplinary network of Research in Super League in Brazil (Project Pro-Engineering - CAPES), which aims to technical and scientific development of Brazil in this class of materials. The network is composed of experts of established competence in matters fundamental to the development of structural materials, such as: vacuum melting, directional solidification, relationships property-oriented, heat treatment, creep, fatigue in high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion. Thus, at the racing this researcher, were studied the fatigue properties at high temperatures MAR-M247 alloy and a new league, which in reality is the MAR-M247 alloy modified by replacing the Ta by Nb, and being hereinafter referred to as MAR-M247 (Nb). Were designed studies correlating parameters intrinsic material, such as chemical composition and microstructure, with extrinsic parameters such as: temperature and type of loading, with the properties fatigue. Thus, tensile tests at room temperature environment, 250, 500, 700 and 900ºC, and tests for compression at temperatures of 700 and 900ºC were performed to determine the elastic behavior and elastoplastic material, according to the ASTM E-8M 00, ASTM E 21-00 and ASTM E209-00. Were also conducted testing of fatigue crack nucleation, as ASTM E466-07. The results were presented at form of SN curves and statistically analyzed the second ASTM E739-10. To assist in the definition of micromechanics of fatigue, the fracture surfaces were examined in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and stereoscopic optical microscope (OM). Was oxidation test performed to check susceptibility to oxidation of the alloy, which is the factor affecting the fatigue life.

Caracterização mecânica em temperaturas elevadas da Superliga MAR-M247 / Mechanical caracterization of MAR-M247 superalloy at high temperatures

Dante Antonucci Dornelas 16 March 2012 (has links)
A necessidade de trabalhos em altas temperaturas exige o desenvolvimento de materiais com elevada resistência química e mecânica em temperaturas que podem chegar próximas ao seu ponto de fusão. Em especial, os materiais empregados devem apresentar bom comportamento em fluência, de modo a suportar a combinação de altas tensões e altas temperaturas com o mínimo de deformação. O presente trabalho visa caracterizar a superliga MAR-M247, fornecida pela empresa Açotécnica, em condições de fluência para a produção de rotores empregados em turbocompressores automotivos. Os trabalhos são divididos em duas etapas. Na primeira estuda-se a melhor combinação de tratamentos térmicos de solubilização e envelhecimento, chegando à condição de solubilização por 5 horas a 1250?C e envelhecimento por 20 horas a 980?C. Um trabalho de outro aluno (SILVA, 2011) realiza o mesmo estudo para uma variação da superliga MAR-M247 em que o tântalo é totalmente substituído por nióbio. Neste caso, a melhor condição de tratamento é solubilização a 1260?C por 8 h seguida de envelhecimento duplo por 5 h a 880?C e 20 h a 780?C. Na segunda etapa, os materiais dos dois trabalhos, nas melhores condições de tratamento para cada um, são testados em condições de fluência a 850?C a 370, 390, 410 e 430 MPa. A superliga convencional apresenta os maiores valores de vida em fluência enquanto a modificada apresenta os maiores valores de ductilidade. A análise de fratura dos materiais ensaiados a 390 e 430 MPa mostra a presença massiva de carbonetos em toda a extensão da microestrutura, apresentando, em muitos casos, uma morfologia de \"escrita chinesa\". Apesar disso, todas as amostras apresentam grande quantidade de vazios, indicando que sua nucleação e crescimento são os responsáveis pela fratura do material. / The needing for high temperature work claim for new materials capable of maintain high strength and good corrosion resistance at temperatures that could reach values near their melting point. Such materials must be creep resistant to withstand high levels of tension and temperature. The aim of this work is the characterization of MAR-M247 under creep conditions for the production of automotive turbocharger rotors made by Açotécnica. The work is split in two steps. In the first one, the material is studied to find the best conditions for solution and ageing heat treatments. The result is a solution treatment at 1250?C for 5 h followed by aging at 980?C for 20 h. A work made by another student (SILVA, 2011) makes the same with a modification of MAR-M247 in which tantalum is completely substituted for niobium. The best condition for this case is a solution treatment at 1260?C for 8 h and a double aging treatment at 880?C for 5 h and 780?C for 20 h. At the second part of the work, both the materials are tested under creep conditions at 850?C with 370, 390, 410 and 430 MPa. The conventional superalloy shows the highest values for creep strength and the modified superalloy shows the highest ductility. Fracture surfaces for 390 and 430 MPa showed brittle carbides with \"chinese script\" morphology. Conversely, holes are present on all four materials what shall mean that its nucleation and growth was the most probably fracture path.

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