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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and reliability of polymeric packages for high voltage power semiconductors

Nobeen, Nadeesh January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of a novel polymer based housing for power thyristor devices typically used in long distance high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission. Power thyristor devices used in HVDC power conversion stations are typically packaged in a hermetically sealed ceramic housing and have demonstrated an excellent history of reliability and performance. However, to avoid increasing the number of thyristors in future higher powered HVDC schemes thyristors having higher power ratings at 8.5 kV and sizes at 125 mm and 150 mm diameters are sought for implementation to achieve higher transmission ratings of, for example, 4000 A at +/- 800 kV. The main disadvantages of such large ceramic-based packages are higher processing cost and weight whilst robustness is also a concern. To overcome these issues, replacing the current ceramic housing with a polymeric material has been investigated in this project. The advantages it is anticipated such packages will provide include lower cost, less weight, robustness, recyclability, etc. However, some challenges it will also offer are: non-hermeticity i.e. polymers are moisture and gas permeable, potentially more complex manufacturing routes, and different electrical, mechanical and thermal properties compared to ceramic materials. The work presented in this thesis was part of a larger project where these challenges have been addressed by developing and testing a prototype polymeric thyristor housing. The prototype is aimed at demonstrating that polymer packages can deliver performance and reliability comparable to, if not better than, current ceramic packages. In this thesis, it is the package development and reliability related studies that are discussed. Because the housings will experience severe electrical stresses and various thermal excursions during their service life, the electrical and thermo-mechanical behaviour of the polymer housing was studied using finite element analysis to gain an understanding of the effects of various design variables and materials properties on performance and the tradeoffs between performance and manufacturability. From these modelling studies, design guidelines have been established for the future development of polymer housings. On the other hand, to identify the physics-of-failure of the prototype that was manufactured as part of the project, accelerated life tests were performed to study its reliability. The knowledge gained from the polymer prototype development was then applied to the design of a larger 125 mm diameter housing using the Taguchi method of experimental design.

A New Paradigm for Large Brushless Hydrogenerators : Advantages Beyond the Static System

Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen January 2017 (has links)
The grid code, FIKS, from the Norwegian transmission system operator (TSO), Statnett, states that synchronous generators > 25MVA, must have a static excitation system. However, an improved brushless excitation system is in operation on some commercial power plants (36MVA, 93.75rpm & 52MVA, 166.67rpm) with grid-assisting performance beyond the conventional static system. The convenional diode bridge is replaced with a remote-controlled thyristor bridge on the shaft. If wireless communication is not allowed, a control signal through brushes should be employed instead. The thesis explores the expected new era for large brushless hydrogenerators. The proposed brushless system have benefits of reduced regular maintenance due to elimination of brushes and reduced unscheduled maintenance due to redundancy; causing a redused cost-of-energy. A six-phase exciter design with a hybrid-mode thyristor bridge interface leads to improved fault-tolerance, better controllability, minimized torque pulsations and reduced armature currents of the exciter. Excitation boosting (EB) capability is included in the brushless system without additional components or circuitry, contrary to the static excitation system. The brushless excitation system is made insensitive to voltage dips in the interconnected grid, causing improved fault ride-through (FRT) capability and power system stabilizer (PSS) actions.

Proposta de um algoritmo eficiente para a localização de faltas por relé diferencial numérico para proteção de linhas de transmissão com compensação série controlada por tiristores (TCSC) /

Taquire, Nelson Romero January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Sanches Mantovani / Resumo: Neste trabalho propõe-se um método para a localização de faltas que, em conjunto com a lógica de um relé diferencial numérico, deve ser usado para proteção de linhas de transmissão com compensação série controlada por tiristores (TCSC). Este método visa solucionar o problema de localização de faltas melhorando a precisão dos algoritmos que utilizam medições de sinais de tensão e corrente numa terminação da linha de transmissão. O cálculo da distância entre a terminação da linha de transmissão e o ponto de incidência da falta é realizado utilizando dois procedimentos: um para faltas produzida no trecho entre a terminação local da linha de transmissão e o TCSC; e o outro para faltas no trecho entre o TCSC e a terminação remota. A detecção do trecho de incidência da falta é obtido usando as medições de escorregamento angular dos sinais de corrente em ambos os extremos da linha de transmissão e a medição da resistência de falta no extremo local, que é variável durante o intervalo de início até um ciclo depois da ocorrência da falta. A aplicação da lógica difusa na comparação destas medições permite detectar com precisão o trecho com falta. O método proposto foi testado usando um sistema teste da literatura onde múltiplos casos de faltas em diferentes pontos da linha de transmissão foram simulados. Os resultados mostram a capacidade do algoritmo em localizar precisamente a posição de ocorrência da falta. / Abstract: This paper proposes a methodology for locating faults in transmission lines with thyristor-controlled series compensation (TCSC) that are protected by numerical differential relays. The proposed methodology aims to overcome problems of fault location improving the accuracy of algorithms that use voltage and current measurement signals from a transmission line termination. The calculation of the distance between the transmission line termination and the fault incidence point employs two procedures: one for faults in the transmission line section limited by the local termination and TCSC; and other for faults in the section limited by the TCSC and remote termination. The detection of the fault incidence section is achieved using measurements of angular deviation for both transmission line terminations and the measurement of fault resistance in the local termination, which varies during the interval from the beginning to one cycle after the fault occurrence. The use of fuzzy logic for comparing these measurements permits the accurate detection of the fault incidence section. The proposed method is tested using a test system from literature system where multiple fault cases in different positions of the transmission line are simulated. The results show the algorithm capability to locate accurately the position of fault occurrence. / Mestre

Etude et conception d'un interrupteur de puissance monolithique à auto-commutation:le thyristor dual disjoncteur.

Capy, F. 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les dispositifs à récupération d'énergie nécessitent des convertisseurs réversibles en courant dont le circuit de commande est complexe et encombrant. Les interrupteurs auto-commutés sont une solution pour simplifier les topologies de ces convertisseurs car leurs commutations ne nécessitent ni alimentation auxiliaire, ni circuit de commande et capteur externes. Le travail mené consiste à développer, par le biais de l'intégration fonctionnelle, un interrupteur monolithique réversible en courant à auto-commutation : un thyristor dual auto-blocable. Pour réaliser cette fonction, deux architectures sont proposées : une basée sur un thyristor-MOS et une basée sur un IGBT. Les deux solutions sont étudiées à l'aide de la simulation 2D puis réalisées technologiquement. Les tests électriques des composants montrent que la première solution, intéressante d'un point de vue intégration monolithique, présente un comportement électrique très sensible aux paramètres technologiques. La deuxième solution est plus difficilement intégrable, mais son fonctionnement s'avère beaucoup moins délicat.

Etude de la thermomigration de l'aluminium dans le silicium pour la réalisation industrielle de murs d'isolation dans les composants de puissance bidirectionnels

MORILLON, Benjamin 18 July 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire présente nos travaux sur la thermomigration de l'aluminium dans le silicium comme alternative à la diffusion bore pour la réalisation des murs d'isolation dans les composants de puissance bidirectionnels. Dans un premier temps, nous avons ainsi mis en évidence les limites de la diffusion du bore à l'état solide, limites dues essentiellement à son bilan thermique prohibitif. Parmi les solutions alternatives envisagées, la thermomigration de l'aluminium présente un certain nombre d'avantages parmi lesquels un bilan thermique très faible et un dopage élevé et constant. Le procédé consiste en la migration d'un alliage liquide Al/Si sous l'effet d'un gradient de température vertical avec cristallisation, dans le sillage de la goutte, d'une solution solide de silicium dopé aluminium (à 1019 at/cm3 environ). L'exigence de gradient thermique vertical impose l'utilisation d'un four de recuit rapide spécialement conçu à cet effet. L'étude expérimentale du phénomène nous a permis de mettre en évidence les problématiques "industrielles" liées au procédé et à l'équipement. Ainsi, l'utilisation nécessaire d'oxygène pendant le recuit de thermomigration perturbe très fortement le déroulement du procédé et nous avons dû apporter des réponses nouvelles à ce problème, notamment en considérant les paramètres géométriques du motif d'aluminium. De même, l'analyse approfondie des résultats obtenus sur le four de laboratoire nous a permis de donner les spécifications d'un nouveau four en vue du transfert industriel de la thermomigration. Enfin, grâce à la maîtrise relative du procédé dans son ensemble, nous avons conçu et réalisé une structure nouvelle de puissance, le thyristor sur épitaxie, dont la fonction de tenue en tension inverse a été démontrée. Même si un certain nombre de problèmes restent en suspens, les résultats obtenus au cours de cette étude sont très prometteurs en vue d'une industrialisation future du procédé.

Éléments de conception d'un générateur électrique pour l'alimentation d'un dispositif à décharge à barrière diélectrique (DBD)

Djibrillah, Mahamat Abakar 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail traite de la conception de générateur alimentant une lampe DBD destinée à la production de rayonnement UV. Cette alimentation doit permettre un contrôle efficace du rayonnement, grâce aux degrés de liberté apportés par le contrôle du générateur (fréquence, amplitude du courant injecté dans la lampe). Le modèle électrique de la lampe est utilisé pour prédire l'impact des caractéristiques du générateur sur le rayonnement UV produit. Une synthèse des interrupteurs de puissance du convertisseur statique permettant le contrôle du courant injecté est proposée et des solutions d'implémentation sont étudiées. Une démarche de conception en vue de l'optimisation du transformateur haute tension est proposée, notamment en ce qui concerne la valeur de ses éléments parasites. L'ensemble de ces travaux est étayé par des réalisations expérimentales.


Perisse, Frédéric 17 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail présenté porte sur l'étude et l'analyse des modes de défaillance des condensateurs électrolytiques à l'aluminium ainsi que sur les thyristors. Les composants étudiés sont des éléments principaux du système de protection des aimants supraconducteurs du LHC dont la fiabilité revêt est un aspect primordial. L'étude du vieillissement des condensateurs électrolytiques à l'aluminium à montré que leur fiabilité est fortement liée à leur caractéristique technologique. L'évolution de leur principal indicateur de vieillissement (ESR) peut être modélisée selon différente loi plus ou moins pessimiste choisis selon le mode d'utilisation de ceux-ci. Il apparaît que la prédiction de défaillance de ces composants autre que celle due à l'usure ne peut être que statistique compte tenu des nombreuses causes de défaillance entraînant divers modes de défaillance. Afin de pouvoir évaluer l'influence du vieillissement des condensateurs électrolytique à l'aluminium sur un système, des modèles simples prenant en compte ce paramètre ainsi que la température effective du composant sont proposés. Une précision acceptable compte tenu de la simplicité des modèles est obtenue. L'étude des thyristors à montré que ces composants ont peu de dérive de paramètres en vieillissement statique, par contre de nombreuses défaillances par court-circuit ont été observées. Ces défaillances ont toujours une origine locale due à des défauts du composant. La tenue en tension dépend fortement de la qualité du thyristor ainsi que de la technologie employée.

Constant Voltage, Constant Frequency Operation Of A Self-excited Induction Generator

Caliskan, Ahmet 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, control schemes for the self-excited induction generator are developed with Matlab/Simulink. Self-excited induction generator is considered as a constant voltage-constant frequency supply for an isolated load. A wind turbine is assumed to be the variable-speed drive of the induction generator. Control schemes aim to ensure a constant voltage-constant frequency operation of the induction generator in case of the variations in the wind speed and/or the load. From the general model of the self-excited induction generator, the characteristics of the system and the dynamic responses of the system in case of any disturbance are examined. Next, the control strategies are developed both for the squirrel-cage rotor induction generator and for the wound-rotor induction generator. Two control loops are necessary for constant voltage-constant frequency operation of a variable speed induction generator, one for the voltage regulation and the other for the frequency regulation. After developing the control loops, constant voltage-constant frequency operation of the self-excited induction generator is simulated with a cage type saturation adaptive induction generator, a fixed capacitor with thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) used for frequency regulation and switched external resistors connected to the stator terminals used for voltage regulation.

Proposta de um algoritmo eficiente para a localização de faltas por relé diferencial numérico para proteção de linhas de transmissão com compensação série controlada por tiristores (TCSC) / Propuesta de un algoritmo eficiente para la localización de fallas por réle diferencial numérico para protección de lineas de transmisión con compensacion serie controlada por tiristores (TCSC)

Taquire, Nelson Romero [UNESP] 21 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by NELSON GIOVANNY ROMERO TAQUIRE (romero.taquire.nelson@gmail.com) on 2016-05-20T21:35:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NelsonGiovannyRomeroTaquire2016.pdf: 3534022 bytes, checksum: 59ecb7956af007830fd18b15c10562c2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-24T13:42:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 taquire_ngr_me_ilha.pdf: 3534022 bytes, checksum: 59ecb7956af007830fd18b15c10562c2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-24T13:42:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 taquire_ngr_me_ilha.pdf: 3534022 bytes, checksum: 59ecb7956af007830fd18b15c10562c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-21 / Fundação de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão de Ilha Solteira (FEPISA) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Neste trabalho propõe-se um método para a localização de faltas que, em conjunto com a lógica de um relé diferencial numérico, deve ser usado para proteção de linhas de transmissão com compensação série controlada por tiristores (TCSC). Este método visa solucionar o problema de localização de faltas melhorando a precisão dos algoritmos que utilizam medições de sinais de tensão e corrente numa terminação da linha de transmissão. O cálculo da distância entre a terminação da linha de transmissão e o ponto de incidência da falta é realizado utilizando dois procedimentos: um para faltas produzida no trecho entre a terminação local da linha de transmissão e o TCSC; e o outro para faltas no trecho entre o TCSC e a terminação remota. A detecção do trecho de incidência da falta é obtido usando as medições de escorregamento angular dos sinais de corrente em ambos os extremos da linha de transmissão e a medição da resistência de falta no extremo local, que é variável durante o intervalo de início até um ciclo depois da ocorrência da falta. A aplicação da lógica difusa na comparação destas medições permite detectar com precisão o trecho com falta. O método proposto foi testado usando um sistema teste da literatura onde múltiplos casos de faltas em diferentes pontos da linha de transmissão foram simulados. Os resultados mostram a capacidade do algoritmo em localizar precisamente a posição de ocorrência da falta. / This paper proposes a methodology for locating faults in transmission lines with thyristor-controlled series compensation (TCSC) that are protected by numerical differential relays. The proposed methodology aims to overcome problems of fault location improving the accuracy of algorithms that use voltage and current measurement signals from a transmission line termination. The calculation of the distance between the transmission line termination and the fault incidence point employs two procedures: one for faults in the transmission line section limited by the local termination and TCSC; and other for faults in the section limited by the TCSC and remote termination. The detection of the fault incidence section is achieved using measurements of angular deviation for both transmission line terminations and the measurement of fault resistance in the local termination, which varies during the interval from the beginning to one cycle after the fault occurrence. The use of fuzzy logic for comparing these measurements permits the accurate detection of the fault incidence section. The proposed method is tested using a test system from literature system where multiple fault cases in different positions of the transmission line are simulated. The results show the algorithm capability to locate accurately the position of fault occurrence.

Conception de protections contre les décharges électrostatiques sur technologie avancée silicium sur isolant / Design of protections against Electrostatic discharges for advanced technologies on Silicon On insulator

Benoist, Thomas 27 April 2012 (has links)
Dans l’industrie de la micro-électronique, les efforts à fournir pour les nouvelles applications développées deviennent de plus en plus contraignants et difficiles à supporter en terme de coût. Les agressions provenant des décharges électrostatiques (ESD) générées par l’environnement direct sur les puces constituent un facteur important de la chute de rendement et donc des coûts. Ces difficultés s’ajoutent aux limites physiques plus strictes pour fabriquer des transistors lorsque l’on aborde des échelles nanométriques. La technologie Silicium sur Isolant (SOI) a été développée afin de contourner cette difficulté, mais l’intégration des protections ESD limite son émergence du fait de la complexité de la mise au point et du développement d’un réseau de protection pour la puce.L’objectif annoncé de ce travail de recherche, effectué en collaboration entre STMicroelectronics le CEA et l’IMEP est d’évaluer les caractéristiques principales de la technologie pour la protection contre les décharges et de proposer une stratégie innovante de protection adaptée au SOI. En effet, à partir de résultats expérimentaux, nous avons pu constater que l’oxyde enterré, le BOX, limite les performances en robustesse et diminue la fenêtre de conception pour le déclenchement des protections. Pour y remédier, une structure commandée bidirectionnelle a été développée sur PDSOI afin de faciliter la dissipation thermique et améliorer la robustesse. Pour prolonger cette solution sur technologie FDSOI, une étude approfondie sur le thyristor afin a été menée afin de porter cette solution. L’analyse de simulation 3D et de résultats silicium ont permis de proposer une stratégie de protections innovantes pour le thyristor sur FDSOI. / In the microelectronics industry, the fabrication process for advanced technological nodes becomes more and more cumbersome and limiting in terms of cost. The electrostatic discharges (ESD) generated by the direct environment affect the circuits and constitute an important factor for the decrease of the yield and thus result in an increase of the costs. Apart from these difficulties, there are also issues arising from the physical limits of transistor integration when reaching the nanoscale.The Silicon on Insulator (SOI) technology was developed in order to bypass this difficulty. However, the integration of ESD protections limits its emergence due to the development complexity and the protection circuit needed. The goal of this work which was a collaboration between STMicroelectronics, CEA and IMEP was to evaluate the principal characteristics of this technology for electrostatic discharge protection and propose a novel protection strategy adapted for SOI.In fact, we were able to confirm from experimental results that the buried oxide (BOX) limits the performances in terms of robustness and narrows the window of conception for the triggering of the protections. A commanded bidirectional structure was developed on PDSOI and proposed as a solution to facilitate the thermal dissipation and improve the robustness.In order to extend this solution on FDSOI technology, a detailed study on the thyristor was performed. Analysis of the 3D simulations and experimental results permitted to propose an innovative strategy for ESD protections on FDSOI.

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