Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TOXICITY"" "subject:"[enn] TOXICITY""
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Avaliação da atividade anti-inflamatória e toxicidade de Valeriana glechomifolia Meyer (Valerianaceae)Almeida, Tielle Moraes de January 2016 (has links)
Um estudo prévio de nosso grupo de pesquisa demonstrou que uma fração eriquecida em valepotriatos obtida a partir de partes aéreas e subterrâneas de V. glechomifolia submetida à extração com CO2 supercrítico (VAL) possui efeito antidepressivo e prevenção do comportamento de doente (sickness behavior) induzido por LPS. Além disso, alguns estudos revelaram propriedades antiinflamatórias de V.wallichii e de V.amurensis. Estes dados da literatura sugerem que os valepotriatos podem ser utilizados no desenvolvimento de novos farmácos. Entretanto, dados sobre toxicidade, segurança e atividade anti-inflamatória de valepotriatos ainda são escassos. Considerando isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a atividade anti-inflamatória periférica e a toxicidade oral aguda e de doses repetidas de VAL. A atividade anti-inflamatória foi avaliada por meio do teste de formalina em camundongos CF1 e o ensaio de migração de leucócitos em ratos Wistar. Além disso, os estudos de toxicidade seguiram as normativas 423 e 407 da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD). Diferentes grupos de camundongos foram tratados com VAL (1, 10 e 30 mg/kg), diclofenaco 50 mg/kg (controle positivo) ou saline (controle negativo) 1 h antes da injeção de formalina. No ensaio de quimiotaxia, os leucócitos foram tratados com concentrações de 0,1-1,0 μg/mL de VAL, indometacina ou diclofenaco (1 μg/mL). No estudo de toxicidade aguda, três camundongos CF1 machos foram tratados com uma dose única de VAL (2000 mg/kg, v.o.) e observados durante 14 dias. Já para o estudo de toxicidade de doses repetidas, diferentes grupos de animais (n = 10) receberam doses únicas diárias de VAL (30, 150 e 300 mg/kg, v.o.) ou veículo durante 28 dias. No teste de formalina, VAL inibiu o comportamento do tipo nociceptivo na segunda fase do teste de forma dose-dependente. O efeito da dose mais elevada de VAL foi comparável com o diclofenaco na dose de 50 mg/kg (v.o.). VAL (0,1-1 μg/mL) também inibiu a migração de leucócitos induzida por LPS (65 μg/mL) de modo dependente da concentração. Este efeito foi comparável ao efeito de indometacina (0,1 - 1 μg/mL) e superior ao efeito do diclofenaco (1 μg/mL). No estudo de toxicidade aguda apenas uma morte foi detectada, o que classifica VAL como segura (categoria 5), de acordo com a OECD-normativa 423. O estudo toxicidade de doses repetidas demonstrou que VAL na dose de 300 mg/kg retardou o ganho de peso e reduziu o consumo de ração dos animais deste grupo na primeira semana de tratamento, provavelmente devido aos efeitos sedativos da mesma. As outras doses não alteraram o ganho de peso e ingesta de ração. Nenhuma das doses de VAL alterou qualquer parâmetro comportamental, urinário, bioquímico, hematológico, anatômico ou histológico. Em conclusão, estes resultados demonstram pela primeira vez que valepotriatos, uma classe especial de terpenos que ocorrem apenas no gênero Valeriana, apresentam atividade anti-inflamatória periférica e são seguros em doses pré-clínicas eficazes, por via oral. / A previous study by our research group demonstrated that an enriched fraction obtained from the aerial and subterranean parts of V. glechomifolia submitted to supercritical CO2 extraction (VAL) shows antidepressant-like effect and prevented LPS-induced sickness behavior. Also, some studies revealed anti-inflammatory properties of V.wallichii and V.amurensis. Altogether, these findings suggest that the valepotriates scaffold might be useful to develop new antidepressant and antiinflammatory drugs. However, data about the toxicity, safety and anti-inflammatory activity of valepotriates from V. gelchomifolia are still scarce. Considering this, the aim of this study was to investigate the peripheral anti-inflammatory activity and the oral acute and repeated toxicity of VAL. The anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by using the formalin test in CF1 mice and Wistar rat’s leukocytes migration assay. Besides, the toxicity studies followed the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) toxicity studies guidelines 423 and 407. Different groups of mice were treated with VAL (1, 10 and 30 mg/kg), diclofenac 50 mg/kg (positive control) or saline (negative control) 1 h before the formalin injection. In the chemotaxis assay, the leukocytes were treated with a range of 0.1-1.0 μg/mL of VAL, indomethacin or diclofenac (1 μg/mL). In the acute toxicity, three CF1 mice were treated with a single dose of VAL (2000 mg/kg, p.o.) and observed for 14 days. To perform the repeated toxicity study, separated group of animals (n=10) received single daily doses of VAL (30, 150 and 300 mg/kg, p.o.) or vehicle during 28 days. In the formalin test, VAL inhibited the nociceptive behavior in the late phase in a dose dependent manner at 30mg/kg dose. The effect of the VAL highest dose was comparable to diclofenac 50 mg /kg (p.o.). VAL (0.1 - 1 μg/mL) inhibited the leukocyte migration induced by LPS (65 μg/mL) in a concentration dependent manner. This antichemotatic effect was comparable to indomethacin (0.1 – 1μg/mL) and better than diclofenac (1 μg/mL) effect. In the acute toxicity study only one death was detected, which classify VAL as safe (category 5), according to OECD-guideline 423. The repeated dose toxicity study demonstrated that VAL 300 mg/kg delayed the weight gain and reduced the food consumption in the first week, probably due to sedative effects. The other doses had no effect on weight gain and food consumption. None of doses altered any behavioral, urinary, biochemical, hematological, anatomic or histological parameters. In conclusion, these results demonstrate for the first time that valepotriates, a special class of terpenes occurring only in Valeriana genus, present peripheral anti-inflammatory activity and are safe at effective pre-clinical doses, by oral route.
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Avaliação dos possíveis efeitos tóxicos do extrato fluido de Casearia sylvestris, em ratos Wistar / Evaluation of the possible toxic effects of fluid extract of Casearia sylvestris in Wistar ratsAline Zancheti Ameni 13 July 2011 (has links)
A planta Casearia sylvestris, popularmente conhecida como guaçatonga, é comumente utilizada para o tratamento de diversas afecções como queimaduras, ferimentos, herpes labial e genital, distúrbios do trato gastrointestinal, como gastrites, úlceras, gengivites, aftas, halitose; além disto, atribui-se à planta ação cicatrizante, tônica, depurativa, anti-reumática, antiinflamatória, antiofídica, antidiarréica, entre outras. Atualmente, é catalogada como planta medicinal de interesse ao Sistema Único de Saúde no Brasil. Entretanto, até o momento, não haviam estudos relativos à avaliação de sua toxicidade. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estudar, em ratos, os possíveis efeitos tóxicos da C. sylvestris. Para tal, foram realizados os testes de citotoxicidade com o objetivo de analisar o potencial tóxico das diferentes formas de extração da planta, e estudos pré-clínicos de toxicidade oral aguda, e em doses repetidas, por 28 e 90 dias, realizados de acordo com protocolos preconizados pelas agências reguladoras nacionais (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA) e internacionais (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD) de avaliação de risco para substâncias químicas. No presente estudo, o extrato fluido (EF) de C. sylvestris foi administrado, a ratos, por via oral, através de gavagem, em dose única de 2000mg/kg; ou em doses repetidas, durante 28 ou 90 dias, nas doses 60, 120 e 240mg/kg,. Foram avaliados sinais sistêmicos de toxicidade, ganho de peso e consumo de ração, hemograma completo, avaliação bioquímica (AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, uréia, creatinina, ácido úrico, colesterol, triglicerídes, glicose, albumina, proteínas totais e cloreto), análise macroscópica e histopatológica de órgãos e avaliação do peso relativo dos órgãos linfóides baço e timo e celularidades do baço e medula óssea para averiguar os possíveis efeitos imunotóxicos. Além disso, foi obtido o perfil cromatográfico (fingerprint) utilizando a técnica analítica CLAE/UV. Os resultados mostraram que o EF de C. sylvestris não causou efeitos tóxicos quando administrado em dose única 2000mg/kg no estudo de toxicidade aguda, assim como também não mostrou efeitos sistêmicos de toxicidade ou efeitos imunotóxicos nos estudos em doses repetidas por 28 e 90 dias. Estes dados aqui encontrados permitem sugerir que o EF da C.sylvestris é seguro quando utilizado mesmo prolongadamente. No entanto, outros estudos, como por exemplo, de genotoxicidade e de carcinogenicidade, devem ser realizados para complementar esta etapa de avaliação pré-clínica. / Casearia sylvestris Sw commonly known in Brazil as guaçatonga, is currently used to treat many diseases such as burns, wounds, labial and genital herpes, gastrointestinal disorders- gastritis, ulcers, gingivitis, aphthae and halitoses. C.sylvestris has been also used as cicatrizant in skin diseases, blood purifier and general detoxification, anti-inflammatory, antiofidic, diarrhea, among others. In our country it is considered as medicinal plant and for this reason C.sylvestris is catalogued at The Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) as a plant of interest for Brazilian population .However, no toxicological studies concerned the safety of extract fluid of this plant have been reported. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the possible toxic effects of fluid extract (EF) of C. sylvestris. For this, it was performed citotoxicity tests in order to analyze the toxic potential of different extracts of the plant. It was also performed preclinical studies, in rats, according the guidelines proposed by National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA) and OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) being performed the following tests: acute oral toxicity and repeated dose 28 and 90-day. The EF of C. sylvestris was administered by gavage at a single dose of 2000 mg/kg, or during 28 and 90 days with doses 60, 120 e 240mg/kg. It was evaluated systemic signs of toxicity, body weights and food consumption, hematology, serum biochemistry (AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, urea: creatinine, uric acid cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, albumin, total proteins, and chloride) macroscopic and histopathological analysis of different organs and evaluation of relative weight of lymphoid organs, spleen and thymus and the cellularity of spleen and bone marrow to investigated the possible immunotoxic effects. We also obtained the fingerprint chromatogram of C. sylvestris, using CLAE/UV. The results showed that there were no toxic effects by the EF when administered as a single dose at 2000mg/kg in acute toxicity study, as well as showed no systemic effects of toxicity or immunotoxic effects in studies with repeated doses of 28 and 90 days. This data suggest that the EF of the plant is safety even used for long period. However, other studies, eg, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity studies should be performed to complement the preclinical evaluation.
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"Análise da citotoxicidade do EDTA e do ácido cítrico aplicados em cultura de macrófagos peritoneais residentes" / Cytotoxicity analysis of EDTA and citric acid applied on murine resident macrophages culture.Amaral, Kali Fatima 08 December 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou in vitro o efeito citotóxico das soluções de EDTA a 17% e ácido cítrico a 15% sob macrófagos peritoneais residentes, valendo-se do método MTT. Após anestesia e sacrifício de 32 camundongos Swiss machos, procedeu-se a coleta do exsudato celular pela injeção e aspiração de meio de cultura estéril na cavidade abdominal dos animais. Pelo processamento do exsudato peritoneal, obteve-se em média 95% de macrófagos. Alíquotas de 5 x 10 5 células foram plaqueadas em triplicata, de acordo com os grupos experimentais. Diluições de 0,5% de EDTA e ácido cítrico foram adicionadas ao meio de cultura num total de 1 mL. O grupo controle recebeu somente meio de cultura estéril. Verificou-se a citotoxicidade em dois momentos: períodos de curto prazo (0, 6, 12 e 24 horas) e médio prazo (1,3, 5, 7 dias). Ao final dos referidos tempos de observação, as amostras foram tratadas pelo corante MTT, obtendo-se valores de absorbância em leitora ELISA 550 nm. Todo o procedimento experimental foi repetido 2 vezes. No período de curto prazo, a análise de variância apontou diferenças significantes (p< 0,05), sendo Fc=46,07 contra Ft= 3,15, para os grupos avaliados: os Grupos EDTA (0,253 nm) e ácido cítrico (0,260 nm) foram mais citotóxicos que o Grupo controle (0,355 nm). Observações de médio prazo revelaram significância estatística (p< 0,05) entre os grupos, sendo Fc= 171,0 contra Ft= 3,15. Ambas as soluções, EDTA (0,158 nm) e ácido cítrico (0,219 nm), mostraram maior toxicidade em relação ao controle (0,310nm), porém o EDTA apresentou-se mais citotóxico que o ácido cítrico, reduzindo substancialmente a população macrofágica. Como conclusão, as soluções irrigantes testadas exerceram toxicidade aos macrófagos peritoneais em cultura, no entanto, a viabilidade tardia destas células foi menos alterada pelo ácido cítrico / The present study evaluated in vitro cytotoxic effects of 17% EDTA and 15% citric acid in murine resident macrophages using MTT assay. After anesthesia and sacrifice of thirty two Swiss male mice, it had processed the peritoneal cellular exudates by fresh culture medium injection and aspiration in peritoneal animals cavities. The peritoneal exudates were composed approximately by 95% of macrophages. 5x 10 5 cells were plated in triplicate, according experimental groups. Each 0.5% dilutions of EDTA and citric acid were applied in medium culture, resulting 1 mL volume. Fresh medium served as control. The cytotoxicity was evaluated in two moments: short term (0, 6, 12, 24 hours) and long term (1, 3, 5, 7 days). After tested periods, the samples were treated by MTT ink assay and absorbance was determined using ELISA microplate reader at 550 nm. All these procedures were repeated twice. To short term period, ANOVA showed significant differences (p< 0.05) among groups (Fc= 46.07 x Ft= 3.15). EDTA (0.253 nm) and citric acid (0.260 nm) groups exhibited more cytotoxicity than control group. Long term observations exhibited statistical differences (p< 0.05), that Fc= 171.0 x Ft= 3.15. EDTA (0.158 nm) and citric acid (0.219 nm) solutions were cytotoxic when compared to control group, thus EDTA reduced greater macrophages viability than citric acid. Based on our results it seems that final irrigants tested presented toxic effects to murine macrophages culture, but in long term evaluation citric acid was considered less irritant.
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Tissue-Selective Activation and Toxicity of Substituted Dichlorobenzenes : Studies on the Mechanism of Cell Death in the Olfactory MucosaFranzén, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The nasal passages are constantly exposed to both air- and bloodborne foreign compounds. In particular, the olfactory mucosa is demonstrated to be susceptible to a variety of drugs and chemicals. In this thesis, mechanisms involved in tissue-selective toxicity in the olfactory mucosa of rodents have been investigated using the olfactory toxicant 2,6-dichlorophenyl methylsulphone (2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>) as a model compound. Comparative studies were performed with the non-toxic 2,5-dichlorophenyl methylsulphone (2,5-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>) and the reasons for the strikingly different toxicity were investigated. </p><p>A strong bioactivation and protein adduction of 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> in olfactory microsomes and S9-fractions of rodents was demonstrated. In contrast, no significant metabolic activation of 2,5-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> was observed and the bioactivation in the liver for both chlorinated isomers was negligible. <i>In vitro</i> studies with recombinant yeast cell microsomes expressing mouse cytochrome P450 2A5 (CYP2A5) demonstrated a metabolic activation of 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>. The 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>-induced lesions and CYP2A5 expression preferentially occurred in Bowman’s glands and sustentacular cells of the olfactory mucosa. A significant depletion of glutathione (GSH) in the olfactory mucosa was demonstrated <i>in vivo</i>, while no changes were observed in the liver. There was a rapid induction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-specific chaperone Grp78, activation of the ER-specific caspase-12 and the downstream caspase-3 in the Bowman’s glands. Electron microscopy revealed swelling of ER and mitochondria and a lost integrity of the Bowman’s glands. </p><p>Based on these results, the proposed mechanism for 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>-induced toxicity in the olfactory mucosa is bioactivation by CYP2A5 into a reactive intermediate causing protein adduction and GSH-depletion. This is initiating a sequence of downstream events of ER-stress, changes in ion homeostasis, ultrastructural organelle disruption and apoptotic signalling. In spite of the initial apoptotic signals, the terminal phase of apoptosis seemed to be blocked and necrotic features occurred. The predominant expression of CYP2A5 in the olfactory mucosa is proposed to play a key role for the tissue- and cell-specific toxicity induced by 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>.</p>
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The effect of chronic exposure of chinook salmon to benzo(a)pyrene and cortisol of CYP1A1 induction and susceptibility to a microsporidian parasite, Loma salmonaeMarie, Amarisa 09 May 2003 (has links)
Wild populations of fish are faced with a multitude of stressors, which may
include human interaction, toxins, and disease. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), a known
carcinogen and immunotoxin, has been reported in the stomach contents of
juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in urban waterways. We
investigated the impact of chronic dietary exposure of environmentally relevant
levels of BaP on the immune system and cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1)
expression in juvenile chinook salmon.
Two experiments were carried out in which juvenile fish were fed food
treated with ethanol (control diet), low or high concentrations of BaP, or cortisol.
In the first experiment we measured mitogen-stimulated proliferation of splenic
leukocytes using flow cytometry and a colorimetric assay using Alamar Blue[superscript TM]
Susceptibility to a microsporidian parasite, Loma salmonae, was evaluated in the
second experiment by quantification of xenomas in the gills. Hepatic CYP1A1
and plasma cortisol were measured in both experiments.
No significant trends were found in leukocyte mitogen activation or plasma
cortisol between treatments or days. However, western blot analysis of CYP1A1
concentration in liver revealed interesting patterns of induction: in cortisol fed
groups CYP1A1 was <20% of control on all days, groups fed low levels of BaP
were 250% of control values on days 8 and 21 then dropped below control
values on day 29, and groups fed high levels of BaP had less CYP1A1 than
controls on all days. Similar patterns of CYP1A1 levels were found in the
second experiment, and diseased control groups showed about a 55% decrease
in CYP1A1 concentration when compared with non-diseased control groups.
Susceptibility to L. salmonae was significantly higher in groups receiving cortisol.
Whereas there was no effect of the high BaP dose, the low BaP dose appeared
to increase disease susceptibility. This study supports concerns of stress and
toxin induced immune dysfunction in wild populations of fish. / Graduation date: 2004
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Immune responses of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to p,p-��DDE and tributyltinMisumi, Ichiro 24 July 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, we examined the effects of the exposures to anthropogenic
pollutants on the fish, primarily juvenile chinook salmon, immune system using newly
and recently developed immune assays. In addition, we developed a new assay for
measuring immunocompetence of fish. In the first chapter, the Alamar Blue assay was
developed to quantify the proliferation of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
leukocytes. Isolated splenic and pronephric leukocytes were stimulated with different
concentration of mitogens (LPS, PWM, and ConA) for various incubation times.
Optimum cell culture conditions (cell density, mitogen concentration, and incubation
time) for the Alamar Blue assay were evaluated by comparison with flow cytometric
analysis. The Alamar Blue dye was non-toxic for leukocytes, and the assay proved to be
able to quantify the mitogenic responses using LPS, but PWM and ConA.
In the second chapter, we determined the effects and mechanisms by which p,p'-
DDE exposure might affect the immune system of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha). Isolated salmon splenic and pronephric leucocytes were incubated with
different concentrations of p,p'-DDE, and cell viability, induction of apoptosis, and
mitogenic responses were measured by flow cytometry and Alamar Blue assay. p,p'-
DDE significantly reduced cell viability and proliferation and increased apoptosis. The
effect of p,p'-DDE on pronephric leukocytes was more severe than on splenic leukocytes,
likely because pronephric leucocytes had a higher proportion of granulocytes, cells that
appear more sensitive to p,p'-DDE. The effect of p,p'-DDE on leucocytes appeared to
vary between developmental stages or season. The mitogenic response of leukocytes of
chinook salmon exposed to p,p'-DDE in vivo exhibited a biphasic dose-response
relationship. Only leukocytes isolated from salmon treated with 59 ppm p,p'-DDE had a
significantly lower percentage of Ig+ blasting cells than controls. Our results support the
theory that exposure to chemical contaminants could lead to an increase in disease
susceptibility and mortality of fish due to immune suppression.
In the third chapter, we evaluated the direct effects of in vitro exposures to
tributyltin (TBT), widely used biocide, on the cell mediated immune system of chinook
salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Splenic and pronephric leukocytes isolated from
juvenile chinook salmon were exposed for 6, 24, or 96 hr to a concentration range of 0.03
0.1 mg TBT 1����� in cell cultures. Effects of TBT on cell viability, induction of apoptosis,
and mitogenic responses were measured by flow cytometry. Splenic and pronephric
leukocytes in the presence of TBT experienced a concentration-dependent decrease in the
viability in cell cultures following the induction of apoptosis. In addition, pronephric
lymphocytes exhibited a greater sensitivity to TBT exposure than pronephric
granulocytes. The functional ability of splenic B-cells to undergo blastogenesis upon
LPS stimulation was also significantly inhibited in the presence of 0.05, 0.07, or 0.10 mg
1����� of TBT in the cell cultures. Flow cytometric assay with the fluorescent conjugated
monoclonal antibody against salmon surface immunoglobulin was employed for the
conclusive identification of B-cell in the chinook salmon leukocytes. Our findings
suggest that adverse effects of TBT on the function or development of fish immune
systems could lead to an increase in disease susceptibility and its subsequent ecological
implications. / Graduation date: 2004
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Tissue-Selective Activation and Toxicity of Substituted Dichlorobenzenes : Studies on the Mechanism of Cell Death in the Olfactory MucosaFranzén, Anna January 2005 (has links)
The nasal passages are constantly exposed to both air- and bloodborne foreign compounds. In particular, the olfactory mucosa is demonstrated to be susceptible to a variety of drugs and chemicals. In this thesis, mechanisms involved in tissue-selective toxicity in the olfactory mucosa of rodents have been investigated using the olfactory toxicant 2,6-dichlorophenyl methylsulphone (2,6-diClPh-MeSO2) as a model compound. Comparative studies were performed with the non-toxic 2,5-dichlorophenyl methylsulphone (2,5-diClPh-MeSO2) and the reasons for the strikingly different toxicity were investigated. A strong bioactivation and protein adduction of 2,6-diClPh-MeSO2 in olfactory microsomes and S9-fractions of rodents was demonstrated. In contrast, no significant metabolic activation of 2,5-diClPh-MeSO2 was observed and the bioactivation in the liver for both chlorinated isomers was negligible. In vitro studies with recombinant yeast cell microsomes expressing mouse cytochrome P450 2A5 (CYP2A5) demonstrated a metabolic activation of 2,6-diClPh-MeSO2. The 2,6-diClPh-MeSO2-induced lesions and CYP2A5 expression preferentially occurred in Bowman’s glands and sustentacular cells of the olfactory mucosa. A significant depletion of glutathione (GSH) in the olfactory mucosa was demonstrated in vivo, while no changes were observed in the liver. There was a rapid induction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-specific chaperone Grp78, activation of the ER-specific caspase-12 and the downstream caspase-3 in the Bowman’s glands. Electron microscopy revealed swelling of ER and mitochondria and a lost integrity of the Bowman’s glands. Based on these results, the proposed mechanism for 2,6-diClPh-MeSO2-induced toxicity in the olfactory mucosa is bioactivation by CYP2A5 into a reactive intermediate causing protein adduction and GSH-depletion. This is initiating a sequence of downstream events of ER-stress, changes in ion homeostasis, ultrastructural organelle disruption and apoptotic signalling. In spite of the initial apoptotic signals, the terminal phase of apoptosis seemed to be blocked and necrotic features occurred. The predominant expression of CYP2A5 in the olfactory mucosa is proposed to play a key role for the tissue- and cell-specific toxicity induced by 2,6-diClPh-MeSO2.
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Understanding the role of superoxide in mediating the teratogenicity of hydroxyureaLarouche, Geneviève. January 2008 (has links)
Hydroxyurea is a teratogen; treatment of dams during organogenesis causes various malformations. Administration of a free radical scavenger ameliorates the embryotoxicity of hydroxyurea, suggesting that oxidative stress mediates this toxicity. The goal of this thesis was to test the hypothesis that superoxide, a reactive oxygen species, is involved. Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) is an antioxidant enzyme that converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. To elucidate the role of superoxide in mediating hydroxyurea teratogenicity, dams that were wildtype or hemizygous for hSOD1 were treated on gestation day 9 with saline (control) or hydroxyurea (400 or 600 mg/kg). Fetal death rate and weight were affected similarly by hydroxyurea treatment in litters from wildtype and hemizygous dams. However, fetuses from hemizygote dams exposed to 600 mg/kg hydroxyurea had fewer specific external and skeletal malformations when compared to wildtype dams. These data suggest that superoxide dismutase 1 protects fetuses against specific consequences of oxidative insult during organogenesis.
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Avaliação da atividade anti-inflamatória e toxicidade de Valeriana glechomifolia Meyer (Valerianaceae)Almeida, Tielle Moraes de January 2016 (has links)
Um estudo prévio de nosso grupo de pesquisa demonstrou que uma fração eriquecida em valepotriatos obtida a partir de partes aéreas e subterrâneas de V. glechomifolia submetida à extração com CO2 supercrítico (VAL) possui efeito antidepressivo e prevenção do comportamento de doente (sickness behavior) induzido por LPS. Além disso, alguns estudos revelaram propriedades antiinflamatórias de V.wallichii e de V.amurensis. Estes dados da literatura sugerem que os valepotriatos podem ser utilizados no desenvolvimento de novos farmácos. Entretanto, dados sobre toxicidade, segurança e atividade anti-inflamatória de valepotriatos ainda são escassos. Considerando isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a atividade anti-inflamatória periférica e a toxicidade oral aguda e de doses repetidas de VAL. A atividade anti-inflamatória foi avaliada por meio do teste de formalina em camundongos CF1 e o ensaio de migração de leucócitos em ratos Wistar. Além disso, os estudos de toxicidade seguiram as normativas 423 e 407 da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD). Diferentes grupos de camundongos foram tratados com VAL (1, 10 e 30 mg/kg), diclofenaco 50 mg/kg (controle positivo) ou saline (controle negativo) 1 h antes da injeção de formalina. No ensaio de quimiotaxia, os leucócitos foram tratados com concentrações de 0,1-1,0 μg/mL de VAL, indometacina ou diclofenaco (1 μg/mL). No estudo de toxicidade aguda, três camundongos CF1 machos foram tratados com uma dose única de VAL (2000 mg/kg, v.o.) e observados durante 14 dias. Já para o estudo de toxicidade de doses repetidas, diferentes grupos de animais (n = 10) receberam doses únicas diárias de VAL (30, 150 e 300 mg/kg, v.o.) ou veículo durante 28 dias. No teste de formalina, VAL inibiu o comportamento do tipo nociceptivo na segunda fase do teste de forma dose-dependente. O efeito da dose mais elevada de VAL foi comparável com o diclofenaco na dose de 50 mg/kg (v.o.). VAL (0,1-1 μg/mL) também inibiu a migração de leucócitos induzida por LPS (65 μg/mL) de modo dependente da concentração. Este efeito foi comparável ao efeito de indometacina (0,1 - 1 μg/mL) e superior ao efeito do diclofenaco (1 μg/mL). No estudo de toxicidade aguda apenas uma morte foi detectada, o que classifica VAL como segura (categoria 5), de acordo com a OECD-normativa 423. O estudo toxicidade de doses repetidas demonstrou que VAL na dose de 300 mg/kg retardou o ganho de peso e reduziu o consumo de ração dos animais deste grupo na primeira semana de tratamento, provavelmente devido aos efeitos sedativos da mesma. As outras doses não alteraram o ganho de peso e ingesta de ração. Nenhuma das doses de VAL alterou qualquer parâmetro comportamental, urinário, bioquímico, hematológico, anatômico ou histológico. Em conclusão, estes resultados demonstram pela primeira vez que valepotriatos, uma classe especial de terpenos que ocorrem apenas no gênero Valeriana, apresentam atividade anti-inflamatória periférica e são seguros em doses pré-clínicas eficazes, por via oral. / A previous study by our research group demonstrated that an enriched fraction obtained from the aerial and subterranean parts of V. glechomifolia submitted to supercritical CO2 extraction (VAL) shows antidepressant-like effect and prevented LPS-induced sickness behavior. Also, some studies revealed anti-inflammatory properties of V.wallichii and V.amurensis. Altogether, these findings suggest that the valepotriates scaffold might be useful to develop new antidepressant and antiinflammatory drugs. However, data about the toxicity, safety and anti-inflammatory activity of valepotriates from V. gelchomifolia are still scarce. Considering this, the aim of this study was to investigate the peripheral anti-inflammatory activity and the oral acute and repeated toxicity of VAL. The anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by using the formalin test in CF1 mice and Wistar rat’s leukocytes migration assay. Besides, the toxicity studies followed the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) toxicity studies guidelines 423 and 407. Different groups of mice were treated with VAL (1, 10 and 30 mg/kg), diclofenac 50 mg/kg (positive control) or saline (negative control) 1 h before the formalin injection. In the chemotaxis assay, the leukocytes were treated with a range of 0.1-1.0 μg/mL of VAL, indomethacin or diclofenac (1 μg/mL). In the acute toxicity, three CF1 mice were treated with a single dose of VAL (2000 mg/kg, p.o.) and observed for 14 days. To perform the repeated toxicity study, separated group of animals (n=10) received single daily doses of VAL (30, 150 and 300 mg/kg, p.o.) or vehicle during 28 days. In the formalin test, VAL inhibited the nociceptive behavior in the late phase in a dose dependent manner at 30mg/kg dose. The effect of the VAL highest dose was comparable to diclofenac 50 mg /kg (p.o.). VAL (0.1 - 1 μg/mL) inhibited the leukocyte migration induced by LPS (65 μg/mL) in a concentration dependent manner. This antichemotatic effect was comparable to indomethacin (0.1 – 1μg/mL) and better than diclofenac (1 μg/mL) effect. In the acute toxicity study only one death was detected, which classify VAL as safe (category 5), according to OECD-guideline 423. The repeated dose toxicity study demonstrated that VAL 300 mg/kg delayed the weight gain and reduced the food consumption in the first week, probably due to sedative effects. The other doses had no effect on weight gain and food consumption. None of doses altered any behavioral, urinary, biochemical, hematological, anatomic or histological parameters. In conclusion, these results demonstrate for the first time that valepotriates, a special class of terpenes occurring only in Valeriana genus, present peripheral anti-inflammatory activity and are safe at effective pre-clinical doses, by oral route.
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Avaliação química e ecotoxicológica para seleção de bioensaios aquáticos sensíveis a efluentes contendo metais / Chemical and ecotoxicological analysis to select sensitive aquatic bioassays to effluents with metalsDanielly de Paiva Magalhães 31 October 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A Resolução CONAMA N 430/2011 exige a utilização de dois bioensaios (dois níveis tróficos) para avaliação ecotoxicológica de efluentes, mas a seleção ao acaso de bioensaios pode permitir lançamentos tóxicos. A sensibilidade dos bioindicadores irá depender da substância tóxica avaliada. Assim, baterias de bioensaios sensíveis devem ser estabelecidas às classes de contaminantes. Na literatura não há estudos que indiquem uma bateria de bioensaios ecotoxicológicos sensíveis para avaliação de efluentes contendo principalmente metais. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar uma bateria de bioensaios ecotoxicológicos que conjuntamente detectem toxicidade ao maior número de metais isolados e em misturas e que sejam realizados no menor tempo indicado pelas normas de padronização. Foram avaliadas as sensibilidades de seis bioensaios, incluindo três níveis tróficos (produtores, algas: Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata e Chlorella vulgaris; consumidores primários, cladóceros: Daphnia similis e Ceriodaphnia dubia; consumidores secundários, peixes: Poecilia reticulata e Danio rerio), a 10 espécies metálicas individuais (Ag+, Cd2+, Cu+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Cr6+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ e Hg2+) e a efluentes reais (siderúrgicos) e simulados em laboratoriais (baseado nos limites máximos permitidos para descarte). Os bioensaios com peixes foram os menos sensíveis, D. rerio não detectou toxicidade em nenhum dos efluentes testados. P. subcapitata foi um bom bioindicador de toxicidade de Cr3+ e D. similis foi o organismo mais sensível a Hg2+. O uso combinado do bioensaio crônico de 72h com C. vulgaris e do bioensaio agudo de 48h com C. dubia garantiu a detecção das menores concentrações dos metais tanto individualmente quanto em efluentes reais e simulados. Apesar de P. subcapitata ser um bom bioindicador da toxicidade de Cr3+, a interação dos metais em misturas tornou C. vulgaris igualmente sensível. Da mesma forma, apesar de D. similis ter sido mais sensível ao Hg2+, o efeito da toxicidade dos efluentes com maiores teores de Hg2+ foi detectado por C. dubia / CONAMA Resolution No. 430/2011 requires the use of at least two bioassays (two trophic levels) for ecotoxicological evaluation of effluents. The use of bioassay batteries is necessary to evaluate toxic effects at various biological levels. The selection of bioassays without prior testing and determination of the most sensitive/suitable groups for each impact may allow the discharge of effluents that pose a threat to the environment. In the present study we tested and selected a battery of sensitive ecotoxicological bioassays for detecting toxic effects of metals. The sensitivities of six organisms were evaluated (algae Pseudokirchneriella supcapitata and Chlorella vulgaris, Cladocera Daphnia similis and Ceriodaphnia dubia, and fish Poecilia reticulata and Danio rerio) after exposure to 10 individual metal species deemed toxic to the aquatic environment (Ag+, Cd2+, Cu+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Cr6+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, and Hg2+) and to real (steel-mill) and laboratory simulated effluents (based on maximum allowable cocentration of metal in effluent for disposal). In the bioassays, fish were the least sensitive; D. rerio showed no sensitivity to any of the effluents tested. P. subcapitata was a good bioindicator of Cr3+ toxicity, and D. similis was the most sensitive organism to Hg2+; but the toxic effect of effluents with higher levels of Hg2+ was better detected by C. dubia. Although P. subcapitata be a good bioindicator of toxicity of Cr3+, the interaction of metals in mixtures became equally sensitive C. vulgaris. The most sensitive battery of bioassays to detect low concentrations of dissolved metals in effluents was the 72-h chronic test with C. vulgaris and the 48-h acute test with C. dubia. The identification of these responses is important for countries that are starting to ecotoxicological assessment of their effluents, as well as Brazil, and serves as a reference for the environmental agencies in the management and control of effluents. The limits of acceptability of toxicity should be based on batteries of tests with sensitive organisms
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