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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of thermal maturation indicators within hydrocarbon bearing sedimentary rock

Kowal, David Anazario January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Geology / Matthew W. Totten / The thermal maturity of hydrocarbon-rich source rocks can be estimated by several different methods. These methods focus on a specific geochemical or mineralogical aspect contained within the rock. Because each method has limitations, it is advisable to use several methods to better determine thermal maturation. This report summarizes two common methods used to determine thermal maturity, vitrinite reflectance and illitization. Vitrinite reflectance and illitization have both been shown to be effected by similar temperatures that are within the hydrocarbon generation window. In some previous studies these two methods give different levels of maturation when looked at in tandem. Formations such as the Woodford Shale of Oklahoma are made up almost completely of illite in the clay fraction, even at low levels of vitrinite reflectance. These are also without a clear source of potassium, which is often the limiting factor in the process of illitization. Totten et al. (2013) suggest that in place of potassium feldspars, which are a common source of K⁺ for illite (but lacking in the Woodford) that the needed K⁺ was provided by the organic material that was being altered under the same temperatures of the clay minerals. The Woodford contains large amounts of organic matter, This would be consistent with promoting illitization at lower thermal maturities than organic-poor shales.

Thermal History of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater

Harvey, Samuel Vernon 30 June 2004 (has links)
Anomalously high groundwater salinities exist within the syn-impact sediment of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, including an unexplained brine. This brine may be the result of phase-separation of seawater that occurred within the syn-impact sediments as underlying deformed and possibly melted basement rock cooled following impact. The 85 km wide crater has been described as a complex peak-ring crater; created 35.8 million years ago in the then submerged unconsolidated sediments of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and now completely buried by post-impact sediments. An annular trough with relatively undisturbed basement surrounds a ~38 km diameter inner basin with a peak ring and central uplift. The basement surface within the inner basin was modified by the impact and is projected to be approximately 1.6 km below sea level. Geothermometry and advective and conductive heat flow modeling was performed to characterize a possible post-impact hydrothermal system. Thermal maturity and radiogenic techniques were used to estimate the temperature history of the crater sediments. Core samples from one borehole just outside the crater, two within the annular trough, and one shallow borehole within the inner basin were examined. Numerical heat and fluid flow models were developed using a range of likely sediment parameters and basal heat flow values to determine if phase-separation temperatures were likely to have occurred, and to evaluate what affect, if any, lithostatic overpressures may have had on post-impact cooling. Geothermometry results indicate that no detectable thermal anomaly exists within the syn or post-impact sediments at these boreholes; however, no data are available within the deep inner basin where temperatures were likely to have been higher. Samples from existing boreholes suggest that sediment are organically immature and likely were never heated above ~40°C for a geologically significant period of time. These results support apatite He (U/Th) and previously published apatite fission track radiogenic ages indicating no Cenozoic resetting. Heat flow simulations indicate that a high temperature (>400°C) hydrothermal system could have existed within the inner basin and not caused any measurable effect on thermal maturity in the annular trough and shallow portion of the inner basin. Results also indicate that phase-separation could have occurred in the syn-impact sediments using reasonable estimates of basal heat flow, permeability, thermal conductivity, and porosity values, and that overpressures resulting from rapid deposition of syn-impact sediments dissipate within a few thousand years and are not an important heat transport mechanism. / Master of Science

Evolution of the Mio-Pleistocene forearc basin induced by the plate subduction in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan / プレート沈み込みによる房総半島新第三系および第四系前弧海盆の形成過程

Kamiya, Nana 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22424号 / 工博第4685号 / 新制||工||1731(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 林 為人, 教授 小池 克明, 准教授 村田 澄彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Impactites from the Hiawatha crater, North-West Greenland

Gustafsson, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
The recent discovery of the 31-km-wide Hiawatha impact crater has raised unanswered questions about its age, impactor and highly unusual organic carbon component. Previous research suggests a fractionated iron meteorite impactor, a probable maximum 3–2.4 Ma impact age and a possible Younger Dryas impact age. The first objective in this study has been to investigate a possible link between the Cape York meteorites and the Hiawatha impact crater by comparing the chromium isotopic signature in chromite from a Cape York meteorite with the chromium isotopic signature in potential chromite from the Hiawatha impactor. The second objective has been to investigate a possible Hiawatha signature in the Younger Dryas deposits from Baffin Bay. The third objective has been to study the organic carbon component in impactites derived from the Hiawatha impact crater. Heavy mineral grains were separated from glaciofluvial sediment which contains Hiawatha impactite grains. Not a single chromite grain was found and the possible link to the Cape York meteorites could not be tested. The petrographic examination of Younger Dryas marine deposits resulted in absence of impact-related Hiawatha grains. A petrological investigation revealed that organic carbon was likely found in five of six variably shocked impactites derived from the Hiawatha impact crater. The character of the organic carbon varies between the samples and also within individual samples. Vitrinite reflectance measurements of the organic carbon in two impactites yielded low reflectance values compared to charcoalification experiments of wood. Organic particles with different reflectance in the same sample suggest that the particles had different impact histories prior to settling and becoming a rock. Diagnostic conifer cellular texture was found in at least one of the samples. The character of the organic particles in the impactites supports the suggestion in a previous study that the sources of the Hiawatha organic carbon component are unmetamorphosed surficial deposits containing dead conifer tree trunks and fine-grained layered clay and organic matter.  In this study it is concluded that the apparent absence of chromite in the examined glaciofluvial sediment sample corroborates the significance of previous research which suggests that the Hiawatha impactor was an iron meteorite. The apparent absence of impact related grains in the Younger Dryas deposits suggests that although a Younger Dryas age for the Hiawatha impact crater is less likely now, the possibility remains open. The organic carbon with diagnostic conifer cellular texture in the Hiawatha impactites corroborates the conclusion in a previous study that the Hiawatha impact-related organic carbon component stems from local, thermally degraded conifer trees with a probable age of ca. 3–2.4 Ma. It is also concluded that the relatively low reflectance values of the organic carbon in the Hiawatha impactites seem to be related to the short duration of the high-temperature excursion during the hypervelocity impact event.


RICHARD BRYAN MAGALHAES SANTOS 09 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Diferentemente de muitas outras rochas, o carvão é uma rocha sedimentar composta principalmente de matéria orgânica derivada de detritos vegetais, acumulados em turfeiras em diferentes períodos geológicos. O carvão é um recurso econômico essencial em muitos países, tendo sido a principal força motriz por trás da revolução industrial. O carvão é amplamente utilizado industrialmente para diversos fins: carbonização e produção de coque, produção de ferro/aço, carvão térmico para gerar eletricidade, liquefação e gaseificação. A utilização do carvão é ditada pelas suas propriedades que são geralmente classificadas como sua composição, rank e grau. A composição do carvão, em termos dos seus macerais, e a sua classificação são determinadas manualmente por um petrógrafo, devido à sua natureza complexa. Este estudo almejou desenvolver um método automático baseado na aprendizagem de máquina para segmentação automática de macerais a nível de grupo e um módulo para determinação de rank por refletância em imagens petrográficas do carvão que pode melhorar a eficiência deste processo e diminuir a subjetividade do operador. foi desenvolvida uma abordagem de aprendizagem profunda da arquitetura baseada na Mask R-CNN para identificar e segmentar o grupo de maceral vitrinite, o qual é fundamental para a análise do rank, uma vez que a classificação é determinada pela reflectância da collotelinite (maceral desse grupo). Em segundo lugar, foi desenvolvido um método de processamento de imagem para analisar as imagens segmentadas de vitrinite e determinar a classificação do carvão, associando os valores cinzentos à reflectância. Para a segmentação de maceral, foram utilizadas cinco amostras para treinar a rede, 174 imagens foram utilizadas para treino, e 86 foram utilizadas para validação, com os melhores resultados obtidos para os modelos de vitrinite, inertinita, liptinita e colotelinita (89,23%, 68,81%, 37,00% e 84,77% F1-score, respectivamente). Essas amostras foram utilizadas juntamente com outras oito amostras para determinar os resultados de classificação utilizando a reflectância de collotelinite. As amostras variaram entre 0,97% e 1,8% de reflectância. Este método deverá ajudar a poupar tempo e mão-de-obra para análise, se implementado num modelo de produção. O desvio médio quadrático entre o método proposto e os valores de reflectância de referência foi de 0,0978. / [en] Unlike most other rocks, coal is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of organic matter derived from plant debris that accumulated in peat mires during different geological periods. Coal is also an essential economic resource in many countries, having been the main driving force behind the industrial revolution. Coal is still widely used industrially for many different purposes: carbonization and coke production, iron/steel making, thermal coal to generate electricity, liquefaction, and gasification. The utility of the coal is dictated by its properties which are commonly referred to as its rank, type, and grade. Coal composition, in terms of its macerals, and its rank determination are determined manually by a petrographer due to its complex nature. This study aimed to develop an automatic method based on machine learning capable of maceral segmentation at group level followed by a module for rank reflectance determination on petrographic images of coal that can improve the efficiency of this process and decrease operator subjectivity. Firstly, a Mask R-CNN-based architecture deep learning approach was developed to identify and segment the vitrinite maceral group, which is fundamental for rank analysis, as rank is determined by collotelinite reflectance (one of its individual macerals). Secondly, an image processing method was developed to analyze the vitrinite segmented images and determine coal rank by associating the grey values with the reflectance. For the maceral (group) segmentation, five samples were used to train the network, 174 images were used for training, and 86 were used for testing, with the best results obtained for the vitrinite, inertinite, liptinite, and collotelinite models (89.23%, 68.81%, 37.00% and 84.77% F1-score, respectively). Those samples were used alongside another eight samples to determine the rank results utilizing collotelinite reflectance. The samples ranged from 0.97% to 1.8% reflectance. This method should help save time and labor for analysis if implemented into a production model. The root mean square calculated between the proposed method and the reference reflectance values was 0.0978.

Evaluating Clay Mineralogy as a Thermal Maturity Indicator for Upper Devonian Black and Grey Shales and Siltstones within the Ohio Appalachian Basin

Strong, Zachary M. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Formation and preservation of abiotic organic signatures vs. lipid biomarkers—experimental studies in preparation for the ExoMars 2020 mission

Mißbach, Helge 30 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Evolution thermique, circulation de fluide et fracturation associées à la structuration du bassin d’avant-pays sud-pyrénéen / Thermal evolution, fluid flow and fracture development related to the structuration of the south pyrenean foreland basin

Crognier, Nemo 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le bassin de Jaca (Pyrénées espagnoles) est un exemple classique de bassins d’avant pays, où les grandes lignes du remplissage sédimentaire, ainsi que la chronologie des failles ont été très étudiées. Il reste toutefois à mieux comprendre la paléo-hydrologie et l’histoire thermique du bassin, de manière à proposer un modèle de circulation des fluides pendant sa mise en place et sa déformation (Paléocène-Oligocène). Pour ce faire, ce travail propose d’analyser la répartition de la fracturation, d’étudier les conditions de formation des veines syn-tectoniques et de caractériser la maturité de la matière organique sur l’ensemble du paléobassin d’avant-pays de Jaca, des zones internes vers les zones externes.L’analyse pétrographique, géochimique et microthermométrique des veines montre que la grande majorité des fluides minéralisateurs sont à l’équilibre isotopique et thermique avec l’encaissant. Dans le détail, nous avons identifié 2 événements principaux de formation de veines dans la zone interne du bassin (Sierras Interiores), que nous proposons d’associer au fonctionnement des failles majeures dans le socle. Nous suggérons que les fluides circulent le long des niveaux de décollements et sont expulsés sur de courtes distances (< 10 km), au travers des réseaux de fractures, vers le bassin d’avant-pays. Le reste du bassin enregistre principalement des fluides locaux, parfois associés à l’infiltration d’eau météorique. L’analyse des températures d’enfouissement (50°C à 250°C), qui inclut des données de Δ47, montre une organisation N-S relativement homogène depuis les Sierras Interiores (fenêtre à gaz) jusqu’aux Sierras Exteriores (immature), avec des anomalies longitudinales marquées. Les modélisations thermiques 1D sur 9 puits virtuels suggèrent que les températures maximales vers les Sierras Interiores peuvent résulter d’un enfouissement sédimentaire, dont une grande partie est érodée actuellement. Nous proposons que ces parties érodées correspondent à des dépôts tardi-orogéniques conglomératiques déposés à proximité de la zone axiale. Les données suggèrent une répartition non homogène de ces dépôts selon un axe E-W, impliquant des transferts sédimentaires plus complexes qu’habituellement discutés. Au vu de nos résultats et des précédentes études, le modèle paléohydrologique et thermique du bassin de Jaca, et à plus grande échelle, de la chaîne plissée sud-pyrénéenne, est compartimenté à la fois dans l’espace et dans le temps, en lien avec à la propagation latérale et frontale de la déformation, qui contrôle l’ouverture du système. Le modèle paléohydrologique et thermique de la chaîne plissée sud-pyrénéenne constitue donc un potentiel analogue aux chaînes plissées dont le raccourcissement résulte d’une convergence oblique. / The Jaca basin (Spanish Pyrenees) is a classical example of a foreland basin, where the sedimentary filling and the calendar of thrust activation have been extensively studied. It remains to understand the paleohydrology and the thermal history of the basin, so as to provide a fluid flow model related to its formation and deformation (Paleoecene-Oligocene). To do this, this work proposes to analyze the distribution of fracturing, to study the conditions of formation of syn-tectonic veins and to characterize the maturity of organic matter throughout the Jaca foreland basin, from hinterland to external areas.Petrographical, geochemical and microthermometric analysis of veins show that the vast majority of mineralizing fluids are at the isotopic and thermal equilibrium with the host-rock. In detail, we identified two main events of vein precipitation in the inner part of the basin (Sierras Interiores), probably related to major basement thrust activations. We suggest that fluids flow along decollement levels and are expelled over short distances (<10 km), through fracture networks towards the foreland basin. The other part of the basin mainly record local fluids, sometimes associated with the infiltration of meteoric water. Analysis of burial temperatures (50 °C to 250 °C), which includes Δ47 data, shows a relatively homogeneous N-S organization from the Sierras Interiores (gas window) to Sierras Exteriores (immature), with strong longitudinal anomalies. Thermal 1D modelling of 9 virtual wells suggest that the maximum temperatures of Sierras Interiores result from sedimentary accumulation, whose a large amount is now eroded. We propose that this eroded thickness corresponds to late-orogenic conglomeratic deposits near the axial zone. The data suggest an inhomogeneous distribution of the deposits along an E-W axis, involving more complex sedimentary transfers than usually discussed. Given our results and previous studies, the paleohydrological and thermal model of the Jaca basin, and on a larger scale, of the South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, is compartmentalized both in space and in time, in response to the propagation of and oblique deformational front, which controls the opening of the system. The paleohydrological and thermal model of the South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt is therefore a potential analogue to fold and thrust belt including shortening due to an oblique convergence.

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