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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religion and spirituality within the Sikh religion : how counselling psychologists can help

Kaur, Mandeep January 2018 (has links)
This study investigated the spiritual and religious experience of members of the Sikh community with a focus on how such an experience affects their sense of wellbeing. Consequently, the central aim of this study is to explore how Sikhs use religion and spirituality with coping. This was examined by exploring how Sikhs deal with stressful events and how these impacted on their wellbeing. The thesis was comprised of two parts. Study one comprised of the thematic analysis of questionnaires. 56 UK based Sikh participants (23 males and 33 females; age range 17-62) took part. The findings from study one speculated that the older age group appeared more accepting of their religion and spirituality suggesting maybe they are less occupied by a quest to explore their life through religion and spirituality than the 20-30 year old age group. Consequently, study two looked more closely at participants aged between 20-30 year olds to further explore their lived experience. In line with the IPA methodology, a small well-defined opportunity sample of six people (4 males and 2 females) in the Sikh faith, who have been practicing their religion for at least 2-3 years and between the ages of 20-30 were invited to participate in the interviews. Four superordinate themes were found which represented an overall story. The themes were namely, religious and spiritual struggles; religion and spirituality assisting with the development of self and identity; spiritual striving and aids to well-being: religious/spiritual coping. It is hoped that findings from this research will help to inform our understanding of how Sikh client's religious and spiritual beliefs influences their wellbeing as well as incorporating this knowledge into the therapy process to make good clinical judgements. This study will enhance research in counselling psychology with regards to religion and spirituality and mental health specifically with regards to young Sikh's.

Felicidade e significado: um estudo sobre o bem-estar em profissionais da educação do estado de São Paulo / Happiness and meaningfulness: a study on the well-being of professionals of eEducation of the State of São Paulo

Pereira, Douglas da Silveira 19 January 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar a felicidade e o significado atribuídos pelos profissionais da Educação do estado de São Paulo a diferentes domínios da vida. Para isso, esclarecemos através de uma revisão bibliográfica como a felicidade tem sido algo do interesse humano ao longo do tempo. Ressaltamos que o conceito de felicidade difere de acordo com o idioma, cultura e possui uma pluralidade de termos associados em pesquisas. Em um resgate histórico demonstramos que a felicidade consta como um ideal desde as primeiras civilizações ocidentais, recebeu ênfase entre os filósofos gregos, percorreu os séculos, impactou a economia e a criação dos seus índices nas últimas décadas e enseja atualmente o debate no campo da psicologia. A partir disso, abordamos o movimento da Psicologia Positiva, suas origens, propostas, evolução no cenário nacional, equívocos iniciais e desdobramentos do construto de bem-estar. No avanço desses estudos, duas concepções se destacaram: o Bem-Estar Subjetivo e o Bem-Estar Psicológico, alicerçadas nos conceitos filosóficos de hedonia e eudaimonia. Nesse sentido, expomos as propostas emergentes que propõem uma aproximação entre essas linhas filosóficos e uma articulação teórico-metodológica que ofereça uma perspectiva complexa sobre a felicidade. Este estudo se propõe, através de uma revisão temática sobre felicidade e uma compreensão de sua articulação com as concepções de hedonia e eudaimonia, avaliar os níveis de felicidade e significado em diferentes domínios da vida atribuídos pelos profissionais da Educação do estado de São Paulo. Nesse intuito utilizamos uma amostra de 2021 sujeitos, na faixa etária entre 20 e 70 anos, que participaram do processo seletivo para o curso de Especialização em Ética, Valores e Cidadania na Escola realizado pela Universidade de São Paulo. O instrumento utilizado foi o Eudaimonic Hedonic Happiness Inventory (EHHI), formado por perguntas abertas e escalas para a avaliação do nível de felicidade e significado em onze diferentes domínios da vida. Os dados foram coletados presencialmente nas cidades de São Paulo, São Carlos, Ribeirão Preto e Campinas em agosto de 2013. Os resultados mostraram que a família, a saúde e o crescimento pessoal são os domínios da vida com mais evidência em felicidade e significado. Foi possível também perceber que professores próximos ao final da carreira são mais felizes e que os mais jovens possuem menos significado na vida. Por fim, os resultados de significado apresentaram um poder de explicação de 20% do nível de felicidade. Consideramos que a compreensão de como esses profissionais atribuem felicidade e significado aos diversos domínios da vida traz a possibilidade do direcionamento de propostas que visem à promoção de felicidade e bem-estar docente. / The current study aimed at identifying the happiness and meaningfulness attributed to different life domains by professionals of Education of the State of São Paulo. In order to do that, we clarified, through a bibliographical review, how happiness has been something of human interest over time. We emphasized that the concept of happiness differs according to language, culture and it has a plurality of associated terms in research. In a historical review, we have shown that happiness has been an ideal pursued since the earliest Western civilizations, received emphasis by the Greek philosophers, it has gone through the centuries, impacted the economy and the creation of its indexes in the last decades and it currently led to debate in the field of psychology. From this point, we approached the Positive Psychology movement, its origins, proposals, evolution in the national scenario, initial misconceptions and the unfolding of the well-being construct. As these studies advanced, two conceptions stand out: Subjective Well-Being and Psychological Well-Being, based on the philosophical concepts of hedonia and eudaimonia. In this sense, we presented the emerging proposals that set out an approximation between these philosophical lines and a theoretical-methodological articulation that offers a complex perspective on happiness. By means of a theme review on happiness and an understanding of its articulation with the conceptions of hedonia and eudaimonia, this study proposes evaluating the levels of happiness and meaningfulness in different life domains, which were ranked by professionals of the State of São Paulo. To this end, we used a sample of 2.021 individuals between the ages of twenty and seventy, who participated in the selection process for the Specialization Course in Ethics, Values and Citizenship in School conducted by the University of São Paulo. The instrument used was the Eudaimonic Hedonic Happiness Inventory (EHHI), devised by open questions and scales for assessing the level of happiness and meaning in eleven different life domains. The data were collected in person in the cities of São Paulo, São Carlos, Ribeirão Preto and Campinas in August 2013. The results showed that family, health and personal growth are the life domains with more evidence of happiness and meaningfulness. It was also possible to perceive that teachers who were at the end of their careers are happier and younger ones have less meaning in life. Finally, the results of meaningfulness presented a power of explanation of 20% of the level of happiness. We believe that the understanding of how these professionals attribute happiness and meaning to the various life domains brings the possibility of directing proposals that aim to promote happiness and teachers\' well-being.

Effort-Reward-Imbalance inom vården : samvarierar ansträngning-belöning, överengagemang med samarbetsförmåga och trivsel i arbetsgrupper?

Immo, Sara, Tärnblom, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare studier beskriver vikten av samarbete inom hela vårdsektorn för att skapa en patientsäker vård. En jämn arbetsbörda och tillräckligt med personal är också betydelsefullt. Denna studie undersökte balansen ansträngning-belöning, överengagemang och om det samvarierar med samarbetsförmåga och trivsel i arbetsgrupper inom vården. Genom att använda Effort-Reward-Imbalance model mättes balansen ansträngning-belöning samt överengagemang på arbetet. Via enkäter och intervjuer undersöktes även samarbetsförmåga och trivsel. Av totalt 148 enkäter var respondenterna 78 kvinnor, 12 män, och 8 annat. Respondenternas ålder var mellan 26-65 år. Fyra respondenter intervjuades. Studien visade att balansen ansträngning-belöning inte tycks spela någon roll för samarbetsförmågan i arbetsgruppen. Respondenternas subjektiva upplevelse mynnade ut i sex centrala teman. Respondenterna framförde vikten av att arbeta i team, vilket även tidigare forskning visat. Arbetstagare inom vården verkar uppleva ett gott samarbete och trivsel på sina arbetsplatser, vilket är motsatsen till dagens lägesrapporter. Studien ger därför en annan synvinkel på vårdyrket.

Vliv vzdělávání na zdraví pracovníka / The influence of education on employee's health

Dostál, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical part is focused on upbringing and education as health determinants in an individual. It observes upbringing and education as they create conditions for sustaining and support of health and healthy lifestyle. Historical connections and particular educational schools from antiquity up to present day are compared. Current state of affairs at schools in the Czech Republic and abroad is surveyed. Different contemporary perspectives are brought into focus, as well as attitudes in society and ensuing educational goals and competence. The empirical part is based on research designed as questionnaire survey and related analysis. The respondents are divided according to the evaluating criterion: What is your evaluation of the client-worker relationship? Particular responses: a) The worker is advantaged. b) The worker and the client are equally matched. c) The client is advantaged. The responses represent the workers' subjective sense of well-being in the workplace. The groups are then analysed with regard to their education. The survey explores whether respondents self-study, attend one-day or regular training courses, or are not educated at all. Subsequently, the relation between the extent of education and workplace evaluation is assessed. The results indicate connection between the extent...

Development of conceptual framework and methodology for enhancing long term coping skills to improve psychological and physiological well-being

Dean, Steven January 2015 (has links)
A wealth of information exists on self-regulatory processes that have the potential to generate a population shift in health and well-being, but there are many barriers to progress. This thesis addresses three. The first is a lack of transparency and coherence in terminology surrounding 'stress' and 'well-being'. This was addressed using a taxonomy based on self-regulatory theory to provide a platform for clearer differentiation and enhancement of psychological coping mechanisms. The second is the difficulty illuminating a public deluged with contradictory information. This was addressed by demonstrating a means of generating publicly available, validated instruments of change, through more open, transparent and collaborative research. The third barrier is that information provision alone is not enough to induce sustainable behaviour change. This was addressed by systematically exploring ways of optimising intervention adherence, impact and adaptive habit formation. The research programme consisted of three experimental studies. Study 1 piloted a means of adding depth and ingenuity to efforts to achieve personal daily goals, using an adaptation of Pennebaker's experimental writing paradigm, underpinned by social cognitive theory. Framework analysis of interviews with participants led to the development of a web-based version of the intervention, incorporating elements from dual-processing theory. Study 2 investigated effects of this intervention on self-report measures of psychological well-being in a group of 33 university administrators, assessed at baseline and four follow-up time points over twelve months. Sustained improvements were significant for goal progress, self-efficacy, perceived stress, negative affect, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Study 3 tested the intervention using a randomised controlled trial involving 101 local government administrators. The results for self-report measures further supported and extended the findings of Study 2, whilst additional cortisol assessment proved inconclusive. Overall, the findings demonstrate a viable means of extending self-regulatory knowledge central to the pursuit of psychological and physiological well-being.

Inequalities and destructive decisions : four essays on envy / Inégalités et décisions de destruction : quatre essais sur l'envie

Celse, Jérémy 17 June 2011 (has links)
A travers cette thèse, nous étudions l'envie et explorons l'impact de cette dernière sur le bien-être et le comportement individuel. Cette thèse se compose de quatre chapitres. Dans un premier chapitre, nous définissons l'envie en nous référant à des travaux réalisés en philosophie et en psychologie. Nous concluons que l'envie est une émotion déclenchée par la prise de conscience d'un attribut désiré, possédé par autrui et qui se caractérise par une douloureuse tristesse incluant des sentiments d'hostilité. Ensuite nous élaborons un protocole expérimental dont l'objectif est d'étudier l'impact de l'envie sur le bien-être et sur le comportement individuel. Nous capturons l'envie à travers des méthodes d'évaluation subjective et nous examinons si l'envie incite les sujets à réduire la dotation de leur partenaire malgré le coût personnel induit par la réduction. Nous observons que l'envie est fortement présente mais n'explique pas pourquoi les sujets réduisent la dotation des autres. Les inégalités de dotations mesurées en termes relatifs modulent les décisions des sujets à réduire la dotation d'autrui. Dans le chapitre trois, nous nous intéressons à l'impact de l'effort sur l'envie. Pour cela nous élaborons deux traitements. Dans un traitement, les sujets reçoivent des dotations de manière aléatoire alors que dans l'autre traitement les dotations sont attribuées en fonction de la performance de chaque sujet lors d'une tache effectuée avant l'expérience. Nous trouvons que l'effort n'affecte pas la satisfaction des sujets mais partiellement leur comportement : les sujets ne sont pas plus nombreux a réduire les gains des autres mais ils en réduisent une plus grande partie. Enfin, nous nous intéressons à un type de sujets particulier dans lequel l'envie est susceptible d'être ressentie fortement : les sportifs. Nous concluons que la pratique d'activités sportives pousse les agents à ressentir de l'envie et les incite à entreprendre des actions de réduction. / Throughout this dissertation we aim at identifying envy and investigating its impacts on both individual well-being and behaviour. This dissertation consists of four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the definition of envy by referring to both researches on philosophy and psychology. We convey that envy can be defined as an emotion triggered by the awareness of a desired attribute enjoyed by another person characterised by a painful sadness including feelings of hostility. In the second chapter, we implement an experiment so as to investigate the impact of envy on individual well-being and behaviour. We capture envy through referring to self-report methods and explore whether envy pushes subjects to reduce their opponent's endowment at a personal cost. We observe that envy is highly present but does not explain why subjects reduce others' income. Inequalities between subjects' endowments measured in relative terms modulate subjects' decisions to reduce others' income. In chapter three, we study how effort affects envy and whether the impact of envy on both individual well-being and behaviour is amplified or weakened by effort. To fulfil our purpose, we implement two different conditions. In one condition endowments are randomly attributed to subjects and in the other condition endowments are allocated according to each subject's performance in a task. We observe that effort does not affect subjects' satisfaction and partially their behaviour : subjects do not reduce more often their opponent's endowment but they cut a higher portion of their opponent's endowment when endowments are attributed according to individual effort. In the final chapter, we focus on a specific category of subjects in which envy is ought to be experienced intensively : subjects practicing sport activities. We observe that sport practice pushes subjects to experience envy and exerts them to engage in reduction decisions.

Sensory experience to promote well-being a health club design

Jezierski, Amelia C. (Amelia Christina) January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-104). / Potentially, health clubs can be rejuvenating and pleasant places. Unfortunately, many clubs in Boston are merely monotonous rooms stuffed into any available space downtown. Or, they are overwhelming, disorienting facilities sprawled out in suburban locales accessible only by car. The proposed site locates a facility at a T-stop. The health experience can be made more varied yet comprehensive by increasing users' awareness of sensory experiences in their surroundings. Movements, actions are grouped into a section according to what the body senses while engaged in an activity. These associations or common denominators assign particular qualities and characteristics to each section and make them distinguishable and different from one another. These juxtaposed differences provide contrast and variety needed to increase sensory awareness and stimulate the human body and mind. / by Amelia C. Jezierski. / M.Arch.

Inflammatory bowel disease, health and well-being : definitions, identity and experience

Molland, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore the meanings and experience of health and well-being in the lives of individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Taking an auto/biographical approach and utilising in-depth qualitative online interviews, I draw on the experience and narratives of seventeen individuals with IBD, including myself. The three main themes addressed are 'Living with IBD', 'Becoming a Patient', and 'Coping and Control'. I explore how IBD influences individuals' experience of personal relationships, and their medical encounters and treatments. I reflect on how and why these factors arise and the effect they may have upon the disease and its management and on individuals' feelings of well-being more generally. I look at the resulting illness narratives and the impact of IBD on the daily life experience and the identity of the individual. I interrogate existing research and add to it from my analysis. Throughout, the research highlights the importance of acknowledging the impact of biographical disruption on the life experience and identity of individuals along with changing illness narratives. There are implications for future research and for policy, including the time taken to reach diagnosis, the use of IBD guidelines in diagnosis and treatment, and patient control and choice as a contributing factor to influence future guidelines and treatment plans.

Felicidade e significado: um estudo sobre o bem-estar em profissionais da educação do estado de São Paulo / Happiness and meaningfulness: a study on the well-being of professionals of eEducation of the State of São Paulo

Douglas da Silveira Pereira 19 January 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar a felicidade e o significado atribuídos pelos profissionais da Educação do estado de São Paulo a diferentes domínios da vida. Para isso, esclarecemos através de uma revisão bibliográfica como a felicidade tem sido algo do interesse humano ao longo do tempo. Ressaltamos que o conceito de felicidade difere de acordo com o idioma, cultura e possui uma pluralidade de termos associados em pesquisas. Em um resgate histórico demonstramos que a felicidade consta como um ideal desde as primeiras civilizações ocidentais, recebeu ênfase entre os filósofos gregos, percorreu os séculos, impactou a economia e a criação dos seus índices nas últimas décadas e enseja atualmente o debate no campo da psicologia. A partir disso, abordamos o movimento da Psicologia Positiva, suas origens, propostas, evolução no cenário nacional, equívocos iniciais e desdobramentos do construto de bem-estar. No avanço desses estudos, duas concepções se destacaram: o Bem-Estar Subjetivo e o Bem-Estar Psicológico, alicerçadas nos conceitos filosóficos de hedonia e eudaimonia. Nesse sentido, expomos as propostas emergentes que propõem uma aproximação entre essas linhas filosóficos e uma articulação teórico-metodológica que ofereça uma perspectiva complexa sobre a felicidade. Este estudo se propõe, através de uma revisão temática sobre felicidade e uma compreensão de sua articulação com as concepções de hedonia e eudaimonia, avaliar os níveis de felicidade e significado em diferentes domínios da vida atribuídos pelos profissionais da Educação do estado de São Paulo. Nesse intuito utilizamos uma amostra de 2021 sujeitos, na faixa etária entre 20 e 70 anos, que participaram do processo seletivo para o curso de Especialização em Ética, Valores e Cidadania na Escola realizado pela Universidade de São Paulo. O instrumento utilizado foi o Eudaimonic Hedonic Happiness Inventory (EHHI), formado por perguntas abertas e escalas para a avaliação do nível de felicidade e significado em onze diferentes domínios da vida. Os dados foram coletados presencialmente nas cidades de São Paulo, São Carlos, Ribeirão Preto e Campinas em agosto de 2013. Os resultados mostraram que a família, a saúde e o crescimento pessoal são os domínios da vida com mais evidência em felicidade e significado. Foi possível também perceber que professores próximos ao final da carreira são mais felizes e que os mais jovens possuem menos significado na vida. Por fim, os resultados de significado apresentaram um poder de explicação de 20% do nível de felicidade. Consideramos que a compreensão de como esses profissionais atribuem felicidade e significado aos diversos domínios da vida traz a possibilidade do direcionamento de propostas que visem à promoção de felicidade e bem-estar docente. / The current study aimed at identifying the happiness and meaningfulness attributed to different life domains by professionals of Education of the State of São Paulo. In order to do that, we clarified, through a bibliographical review, how happiness has been something of human interest over time. We emphasized that the concept of happiness differs according to language, culture and it has a plurality of associated terms in research. In a historical review, we have shown that happiness has been an ideal pursued since the earliest Western civilizations, received emphasis by the Greek philosophers, it has gone through the centuries, impacted the economy and the creation of its indexes in the last decades and it currently led to debate in the field of psychology. From this point, we approached the Positive Psychology movement, its origins, proposals, evolution in the national scenario, initial misconceptions and the unfolding of the well-being construct. As these studies advanced, two conceptions stand out: Subjective Well-Being and Psychological Well-Being, based on the philosophical concepts of hedonia and eudaimonia. In this sense, we presented the emerging proposals that set out an approximation between these philosophical lines and a theoretical-methodological articulation that offers a complex perspective on happiness. By means of a theme review on happiness and an understanding of its articulation with the conceptions of hedonia and eudaimonia, this study proposes evaluating the levels of happiness and meaningfulness in different life domains, which were ranked by professionals of the State of São Paulo. To this end, we used a sample of 2.021 individuals between the ages of twenty and seventy, who participated in the selection process for the Specialization Course in Ethics, Values and Citizenship in School conducted by the University of São Paulo. The instrument used was the Eudaimonic Hedonic Happiness Inventory (EHHI), devised by open questions and scales for assessing the level of happiness and meaning in eleven different life domains. The data were collected in person in the cities of São Paulo, São Carlos, Ribeirão Preto and Campinas in August 2013. The results showed that family, health and personal growth are the life domains with more evidence of happiness and meaningfulness. It was also possible to perceive that teachers who were at the end of their careers are happier and younger ones have less meaning in life. Finally, the results of meaningfulness presented a power of explanation of 20% of the level of happiness. We believe that the understanding of how these professionals attribute happiness and meaning to the various life domains brings the possibility of directing proposals that aim to promote happiness and teachers\' well-being.

Social Media Use and Its Impact on Relationships and Emotions

Christensen, Spencer Palmer 01 June 2018 (has links)
A large majority of the people throughout the world own a smartphone and access social media on a daily basis. Because of this digital attachment, the author sought to understand to what extent this use has impacted the users' emotional well-being and offline interpersonal relationships. A sample size of 627 participants completed a mixed-methods survey consisting of Likert scale and short answer questions regarding social media use, emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships. Results revealed that the more time an individual spent on social media the more likely they were to experience a negative impact on their overall emotional well-being and decreased quality in their relationships. Emotional well-being also mediated the relationship between time spent using social media and the quality of that user's relationships, meaning that the more time a person spent on social media the more likely their emotional well-being declined which then negatively impacted their relationships. The top three responses for negative effects of social media use on emotions were frustration, depression, and social comparison. The top three responses for negative effects of social media use on interpersonal relationships were distraction, irritation, and decreased quality time with their significant other in offline settings. An analysis of these, and other, results, along with relative implications, are discussed.

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