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Effort-Reward-Imbalance inom vården : samvarierar ansträngning-belöning, överengagemang med samarbetsförmåga och trivsel i arbetsgrupper?Immo, Sara, Tärnblom, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare studier beskriver vikten av samarbete inom hela vårdsektorn för att skapa en patientsäker vård. En jämn arbetsbörda och tillräckligt med personal är också betydelsefullt. Denna studie undersökte balansen ansträngning-belöning, överengagemang och om det samvarierar med samarbetsförmåga och trivsel i arbetsgrupper inom vården. Genom att använda Effort-Reward-Imbalance model mättes balansen ansträngning-belöning samt överengagemang på arbetet. Via enkäter och intervjuer undersöktes även samarbetsförmåga och trivsel. Av totalt 148 enkäter var respondenterna 78 kvinnor, 12 män, och 8 annat. Respondenternas ålder var mellan 26-65 år. Fyra respondenter intervjuades. Studien visade att balansen ansträngning-belöning inte tycks spela någon roll för samarbetsförmågan i arbetsgruppen. Respondenternas subjektiva upplevelse mynnade ut i sex centrala teman. Respondenterna framförde vikten av att arbeta i team, vilket även tidigare forskning visat. Arbetstagare inom vården verkar uppleva ett gott samarbete och trivsel på sina arbetsplatser, vilket är motsatsen till dagens lägesrapporter. Studien ger därför en annan synvinkel på vårdyrket.
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Policy Alternatives to Employment Overwork in JapanMasuyama, Mei 01 January 2019 (has links)
Japanese workers are facing a threat of literal death from working too hard. In 1978, karōshi, defined as death or severe disability from overwork, was added to the Japanese dictionary. Japan is recognized as having one of the worst working conditions in the developed world with awfully long working hours. This thesis deconstructs the underlying psychological, cultural and economic reasons that contribute to the long working hours in Japanese companies. Then, this thesis examines the previous and current efforts by the Japanese, South Korean and German governments to reduce working hours in their countries to prevent the fatal consequences of overwork. It concludes by recommending the Japanese government to continue the research on overtime and death, raise awareness through education and outreach, enforce strict labor laws, and to adopt a method of flexible working hours.
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Because They Need It: Teacher Motivations to do More for StudentsDeShields, JuDonn January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the experiences of teachers being motivated to do more for their students. While the lives and practices of teachers have received significant scholarly attention, to this point the extant literature on teacher motivation and expanded roles is limited. In response to that gap, this study uses a phenomenological design with semi-structure interviews and observations of classrooms to examine the motivations that inspire teachers to go beyond their prescribed roles in service of their students. Additional lines of inquiry examined how these motivations to embody expanded roles for students evolve from pre-service to actual classroom experience. The study also investigated teacher-reported possibilities and limitations of doing more in service of students. Self Determination Theory of Motivation was used as the theoretical framework to guide the methodological design of the study. Results from the study illuminate a symbiotic relationship in which teachers engage in role expansion in order to both meet the needs of their students as well as to have their basic psychological needs of competence, relatedness, and autonomy satisfied. Implications for further research highlight the need to understand how to support and sustain these practices as a mechanism to combat burnout and teacher attrition. / Urban Education
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Skirtingose pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose dirbančių medikų su sveikata susijusio elgesio bei pervargimo palyginimas / Comparison within the primary health care institutions working in the medical health-related behavior and exhaustionŽilienė, Edita 15 January 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo metodai. Profesinio pervargimo sindromui įvertinti buvo naudotas profesinio pervargimo klausimynas medicinos darbuotojams. Sveikatai palankaus elgesio įvertinimui naudotas fizinio aktyvumo, sveikos mitybos, mitybos režimo klausimynai, pateikti sveikatai palankaus elgesio klausimai. Kadangi sveikatai didelę reikšmę turi stresas, kurio medikų darbe yra pakankamai daug, buvo naudojama psichologinės įtampos skalė (Reeder) ir stresogeninių įvykių klausimynas.
Tyrime dalyvavo 131 medicinos darbuotojas. 44 dirbantys greitosios medicinos pagalbos stotyje, 71- poliklinikoje, 36- slaugos ligoninėje. Viso apklaustos 109 moterys ir 22 vyrai. Šiose skirtingose sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose medikų atliekamas darbas skiriasi pagal darbo specifiką pagal patiriamą psichologinę įtampą, todėl atliktu tyrimu buvo norėjome išsiaiškinti ar tai turi reikšmės medikų su sveikata susijusiam elgesiui ir pervargimo sindromui atsirasti.
Rezultatai. Rezultatų analizė parodė, jog greitosios pagalbos stotyje subjektyviai įvertinta sveikata blogesnė nei poliklinikoje dirbančių. Poliklinikoje dirbančių subjektyviai įvertinta sveikata geresnė nei slaugos ligoninėje dirbančių medikų. Taip pat medikai, dirbantys slaugos ligoninėje miega blogiau nei poliklinikoje ir greitosios pagalbos stotyje. Analizuojant sveikatai palankų elgesį gauta, jog greitosios pagalbos stotyje dirbantys medikai rūko ir vartoja alkoholį daugiau nei poliklinikoje bei slaugos ligoninėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research Methods. In order to evaluate medical staff occupational overwork syndrome was used occupational overwork questionnaire. To evaluate favorable health behavior were used questionaries of physical activity, good nutrition, diet, and questions about favorable behavior for health. Because of big importance of stress, which is quite usual in medics work, the psychological tension scale (Reader) and stressors factors questionnaire were used.
The study included 131 medical worker. 44 of them working in emergency medical service, 77 - in clinic, 36 - in nursing-home. Altogether 109 women and 22 men were surveyed. In this different types of hospitals the medical work differs in its specifics and in psychological tension. Due to this difference, we were trying to find out whether it is relevant to the behavior related to health and overwork syndrome of medics.
Results. The analysis of the results showed that the emergency medical service medics subjective assessment of health is worse than the clinic-employed. Clinic medics in a subjective assessment of health is better in than in the nursing-home working medics. Also as medics working in nursing-home is sleeping worse than in clinic and in emergency medical station. In analyzing the health of favorable behavior received that ambulance medics working at the station smoke and consume alcohol more than clinic and nursing-home medical workers. The most physically active medics are working in clinic... [to full text]
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Socialinę pagalbą teikiančių darbuotojų psichofizinės būklės pokyčių ypatumai / Pecularities of psychophysical state changes of social care personnelVizgaitienė, Elvyra 27 February 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama socioedukacinę pagalbą teikiančių darbuotojų psichofizinės būklės pokyčių ypatumai. Tyrime dalyvavo socioedukacinę pagalbą teikiantys darbuotojai – socialiniai pedagogai / socialiniai darbuotojai. Bakalauro darbo objektas – socioedukacinę pagalbą teikiančių darbuotojų patiriamų psichofizinės būklės pokyčių patirtys. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti socioedukacinę pagalbą teikiančių darbuotojų psichofizinės būklės pokyčių ypatumus socioedukacinės pagalbos kontekste. / The final thesis „Pecularities of psychophysical state changes of social care personnel“ studies various peculiarities of psychophysical state changes of social care personnel which they are coping with during their work process. The objective of the thesis is the analysis of psychophysical state changes of social care personnel, which they face during their work, from a problem perspective. The aim of the thesis is to investigate state changes of psychophysical peculiarities of social care personnel in the context of social support. The social care personnel were part of the investigation analyzed in the thesis. The data of the investigation was collected by closed questionnaire and summarized by using descriptive statistics.
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Spousal Problems and Family-To-Work Conflict; Mediating Effects of Time, Relationship, and Financial StrainFettro, Marshal Neal 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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影響高科技研發人員過度工作因素及工作類型之探討郭若蘭, Daphne J. L. Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以Spence和Robbins(1992)工作狂熱建構中的內在驅迫因素和工作樂趣因素為基礎,並加入外在驅迫因素,來探討高科技研發人員過度工作的不同因素對於工作時數以及健康生活工作等層面變項的預測力或關聯性,最後由因素劃分出過度工作者類型,並比較不同類型過度工作者的差異性。本研究採問卷調查法,以249位台灣北部地區的高科技研發人員為樣本以及52位高科技行政人員為工作時數的對照組。研究結果發現:(1)研發人員與全國製造業工作者及高科技行政人員相較下,有顯著的過度工作現象。(2)外在驅迫因素意指源自專業工作環境而迫使個體長時數工作的各影響因素。針對研發人員,包括工作負荷過重、產業特性、組織文化酬賞等外在驅迫因素,以及內在驅迫因素,皆對過度工作具有顯著的預測力。而外在驅迫因素對研發人員過度工作的相對預測力高於內在因素。(3)對於健康生活工作三層面的影響性而言,內在因素中的內在驅迫有廣泛不利於三層面的顯著影響性而屬於健康生活工作的危險因子,內在因素中的工作樂趣則相對地於三層面皆有顯著助益而在三層面居於保護因子的角色;外在驅迫因素中的工作負荷過重,對於生活層面有顯著的不良影響,但對健康和工作沒有顯著影響。(4)辨識出三類型的過度工作研發人員,其中內在驅迫高工作樂趣低的「被驅迫狂」在各層面皆有最不利的行為表現,屬於積極的健康定義下的高危險群,內在驅迫高工作樂趣高的「幹勁狂」則較「被驅迫狂」有顯著較高的生活滿足,內在驅迫普通而工作樂趣高的「幹勁者」雖然長時數工作,但各層面狀況反而有優於全體研發人員平均值的傾向。最後,本研究針對上述研究結果做更深層的探討,並說明在個人層次和組織層次實務上的意涵。 / Two internal factors, “driveness” and “enjoyment of work” from the workaholism model of Spence and Robbins (1992), and “external force” factors were adopted to investigate the phenomenon of excessive work (defined as long hours of working) in the population of high-tech R&D professionals. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of these factors on high-tech R&D professionals’ working habits, as well as on their health and life styles. These factors were used to categorize high-tech R&D professionals further. The results showed (1) R&D professionals worked significantly longer hours than high-tech administrative staff and workers in manufacturing industry. (2) “Work overload”, one external force factor, compared to other factors, predicted best to R&D professionals’ hours of working. Moreover, the amount of variance explained by the external force factors was relatively larger than the internal factors. (3) Driveness was constantly found to be a risk factor for one’s holistic health, whereas the enjoyment of work was found to be a protective factor. The third factor, work overload, influenced one’s health only on one’s social life. (4) Three types of overworkers were identified: the nonenthusiastic workaholics (NWs), the enthusiastic workaholics (EWs), and the enthusiasts (Es). Among these overworkers, the NWs acted most consistently with the indicators of unhealthiness, showing that the NWs may be most vulnerable to health complaints, unsatisfied social life, and inefficient work habits. The EWs, though acted similarly as the NWs, were not as extreme as the NWs and had higher life-satisfaction than the NWs. As for Es, who also worked long hours, their health complains were the least of all workers and they had relatively healthy life styles than the other two kinds of workers. Implications of the internal and external factors on the high-tech R&D professionals, as well as the typology of the overworkers, were discussed.
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Zátěž sociálních pracovníků na dávkách pomoci v hmotné nouzi na příkladu sociální reformy / Strain of social workers dealing with the benefits of help in material deprivation illustrated by the social reformBOČANOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The degree work deals with the issues of psychic and physical strain of social workers who are in charge of the benefits of help in material deprivation. More deeply it describes the social work difficulties and problems connected to performing this profession, especially after the social reform of 01/01/2012. All aspcts of the strain that social workers at the benefits of help in material deprivation can meet, e. g. overwork, burn-out syndrome, growing sickness rate, communication problems, conflicts at work places, agressive clients. Neither prevention nor coping with strain can be omitted. In the background of the degree work the social work before and after the social reform is compared and the consequent proposals for the improvement of the situation of social workers at job centres are introduced.
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