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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy Storage System for Wind-Diesel Power System in Remote Locations

Cordeiro, Roberto January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show how much fuel can be saved in a power system based in diesel generators with integrated wind turbine (WDPS – Wind Diesel Power System) when a storage system is integrated. Diesel generator is still the most used power system for remote locations where the conventional grid doesn’t reach and its integration with wind turbine is seen as a natural combination to reduce diesel consumption. However, the wind intermittency brings some challenges that might prevent the necessary diesel savings to the level that justifies the integration with wind turbine. The introduction of a storage system can leverage the wind energy that would otherwise be wasted and use it during periods of high demand.The thesis starts by describing the characteristics of energy storage systems (ESS) and introducing the major ESS technologies: Flywheel, Pumped Hydro, Compressed Air and the four main battery technologies, Lead Acid, Nickel-Based, Lithium-ion and Sodium-Sulphur. The aim of this step it to obtain and compile major ESS parameters to frame then into a chart that will be used as a comparison tool.In the next step, wind-diesel power systems are described and the concept of Wind Penetration is introduced. The ratio between the wind capacity and diesel capacity determines if the wind penetration is low, medium and high and this level has a direct relation to the WDPS complexity. This step also introduces important concepts pertaining to grid load and how they are affected by the wind penetration.Next step shows the development of models for low, medium and high penetration WDPS with and without integrated ESS. Simulations are executed based on these models in order to determine the diesel consumption for each of them. The simulations are done by using reMIND tool.The final step is a comparative study where the most appropriated ESS technology is chosen based on adequacy to the system, system size and location. Once the technology is chosen, the ESS economic viability is determine based on the diesel savings obtained in the previous step.Since this is a general demonstration, no specific data about wind variation and consumer demand was used. The wind variation, which is used as the input for the wind turbine (WT), was obtained from a typical Weibull Distribution which is the kind of distribution that most approximate a wind pattern for long term data collection. The wind variation over time was then randomly generated from this distribution. The consumer load variation is based on a typical residential load curves. Although the load curve was generated randomly, its shape was maintained in conformity with the typical curves.This thesis has demonstrated that ESS integrated to WDPS can actually bring a reasonable reduction in diesel utilization. Even with a wind pattern with a low mean speed (5.31 m/s), the savings obtained was around of 17%.Among all ESS technologies studied, only Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) showed to be a viable technology for a small capacity WDPS. Among the four BESS technologies studied, Lead-Acid presents the highest diesel savings with the lower initial investment and shorter payback time. / O objetivo dessa tese é determinar quanto combustível pode ser economizado quando se integra um sistema de armazenamento de energia (ESS na sigla em Inglês) a um sistema gerador baseado em gerador diesel integrado com turbina eólica (WDPS na sigla em Inglês). Geradores à diesel são largamente utilizados em áreas remotas onde a rede de distribuição de eletricidade não chega, e a integração de geradores à diesel com turbinas eólicas se tornou a combinação usual visando a economia de combustível. No entanto, a intermitência do vento cria alguns desafios que podem inclusive tornar essa integração inviável economicamente. A introdução de ESS à esse sistema visa o aproveitamento da energia que seria desperdiçada para usá-la em periodos de alta demanda.A tese começa descrevendo as características de ESS e suas principais tecnologias: Flyweel, hidroelétrica de bombeamento, ar-comprimido e as quatro principais tecnologias de bateria, Chumbo-Ácido, Níquel, Íon de Lítio e Sódio-Sulfúrico. O objetivo dessa etapa é obter os principais parâmetros de ESS e apresentá-los numa planilha para referência futura.Na etapa seguinte, geradores à diesel são descritos e é introduzido o conceito de Penetração do Vento. A razão entre a capacidade eólica e a capacidade do gerador diesel determina se a penetração é baixa, média ou alta, e esse nível tem uma relação direta com a complexidade do WDPS. Nessa etapa também são introduzidos importantes conceitos sobre demanda numa rede de distribuição de eletricidade e como esta é afetada pela penetração do vento.A etapa seguinte apresenta a modelagem de WDPS com baixa, média e alta penetração, incluindo a integração com ESS. Sobre esses modelos são então executadas simulações buscando determinar o consumo de diesel de cada um. As simulações são feitas usando a ferramenta reMIND.A última etapa é um estudo comparativo para determinar qual tecnologia de ESS é a mais apropriada para WDPS, levando-se em conta sua localização geográfica e capacidade. Uma vez que a escolha tenha sido feita, a viabilidade econômica do ESS é calculada baseado na ecomonia de combustível obtida na etepa anterior.Como esta tese apresenta uma demonstração, não foram utilizados dados reais de variação do vento nem de consumo. A variação do vento foi obtida de uma distribuição Weibull típica, que é a distribuição que mais se aproxima da característica do vento coletada em logo prazo. A variação do vento no tempo foi gerada aleatoriamente baseada nessa distribuição. A curva de consumo é baseada em curvas de consumo residenciais típicas. Embora a curva de consumo tenha sido gerada aleatoriamente, o seu formato foi mantido em conformidade com as curvas típicas.Essa tese demonstrou que ESS integrado à WDPS pode trazer uma economia razoável. Mesmo usando uma distribuição de vento com baixo valor médio (5.3 m/s), a economia obtida foi de 17%.Dentre as tecnologias de ESS pesquisadas, apenas o sistema de armazenamento com bateria (BESS na sigla em Inglês) se mostrou viável para um WDPS com pequena capacidade. Dentre as quatro tecnologias de BESS pesquisadas, Chumbo-Ácido foi a que apresentou a maior economia de diesel com o menor investimento inicial e com o menor tempo de retorno do investimento.

Multiplicative robust and stochastic MPC with application to wind turbine control

Evans, Martin A. January 2014 (has links)
A robust model predictive control algorithm is presented that explicitly handles multiplicative, or parametric, uncertainty in linear discrete models over a finite horizon. The uncertainty in the predicted future states and inputs is bounded by polytopes. The computational cost of running the controller is reduced by calculating matrices offline that provide a means to construct outer approximations to robust constraints to be applied online. The robust algorithm is extended to problems of uncertain models with an allowed probability of violation of constraints. The probabilistic degrees of satisfaction are approximated by one-step ahead sampling, with a greedy solution to the resulting mixed integer problem. An algorithm is given to enlarge a robustly invariant terminal set to exploit the probabilistic constraints. Exponential basis functions are used to create a Robust MPC algorithm for which the predictions are defined over the infinite horizon. The control degrees of freedom are weights that define the bounds on the state and input uncertainty when multiplied by the basis functions. The controller handles multiplicative and additive uncertainty. Robust MPC is applied to the problem of wind turbine control. Rotor speed and tower oscillations are controlled by a low sample rate robust predictive controller. The prediction model has multiplicative and additive uncertainty due to the uncertainty in short-term future wind speeds and in model linearisation. Robust MPC is compared to nominal MPC by means of a high-fidelity numerical simulation of a wind turbine under the two controllers in a wide range of simulated wind conditions.

Etude des effets des charges aérodynamiques sur le comportement dynamique non linéaire des éoliennes à axe vertical / Study of the aerodynamic loads effects on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a vertical axis wind turbine

Bel Mabrouk, Imen 15 December 2017 (has links)
Ce sujet de thèse s'intéresse à l'étude des effets des charges aérodynamiques sur le comportement dynamique non linéaire d'une éolienne à axe vertical de type Darrieus. Cette dernière présente, comparativement aux autres éoliennes, des profits très importants à exploiter, notamment dans les milieux urbains. Il s'agit d'une technologie fiable caractérisée surtout par son fonctionnement omnidirectionnel ainsi que son adaptation à tout type de vent. Généralement, ces éoliennes, ayant des phénomènes aérodynamiques complexes, sont affectées par des vibrations au niveau de leur système de transmission de puissance. En fait, ces vibrations commencent à se manifester à partir des pales du rotor jusqu'au génératrice. L'écoulement autour de ses pales présente également un fort caractère instationnaire. Cette caractéristique augmente d'avantage les vibrations aérodynamiques, qui sont automatiquement transmise au système d'engrenage d'éolienne. À ce niveau, nous avons développé un code de calcul numérique permettant de simuler la complexité des aspects aérodynamiques instationnaires tout en gardant un compromis entre la fiabilité des prédictions et la rapidité de calcul. Les simulations sont réalisées suivant une méthode de mécanique des fluides numérique (CFD) instationnaire bidimensionnel. Les résultats de simulation comparés avec ceux disponibles dans la littérature sont en bonne concordance, le rendement aérodynamique étant optimisé, qui présente un apport scientifique notable. Cette étude numérique a été l'objectif de l'analyse de l'impact des charges aérodynamiques vis-à-vis le comportement dynamique du système d'engrenage de l'éolienne en régime non-stationnaire. Dans ce contexte, une étude paramétrique a été développée afin d'établir le fonctionnement optimal de l'éolienne, caractérisé par un couple aérodynamique plus performant associé à des niveaux de vibrations dynamiques acceptables. En général, il est difficile d'identifier précisément la réponse dynamique des éoliennes à cause du caractère turbulent et stochastique des charges aérodynamiques. Par conséquent, il est indispensable de tenir en compte la variabilité des paramètres d'entrée pour assurer la robustesse du système étudié. Adoptons l'objectif de dimensionnement robuste. Une méthode d'évaluation basée sur des approches stochastiques, particulièrement la méthode du Chaos Polynomial, est utilisée pour simuler le comportement dynamique non-linéaire du système d'engrenage d'éolienne, en tenant compte des incertitudes. Ces dernières sont au niveau des charges aérodynamiques, inhérentes au calcul des niveaux vibratoires du système d'engrenage. Ce qui implique un apport scientifique important. Les résultats obtenus par l'approximation par Chaos Polynomial démontrent une forte dispersion des charges aérodynamiques aléatoires dans la réponse dynamique du système d'engrenage, contrairement aux études déterministes. Ce qui prouve l'insuffisance de telles études pour une analyse de robustesse. Les résultats mettent également en évidence la forte corrélation entre les phénomènes aérodynamiques complexes et les vibrations dynamiques. Le couplage établi constitue l'originalité de notre travail. / This thesis focuses on the study of the aerodynamic loads effects on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of Darrieus--type vertical axis wind turbine. The latter has received more attention due to its efficiency in urban regions compared to other wind turbines. In fact, the wind flow speed in urban regions continuously changes direction and is extremely turbulent. The inherent characteristics of its omni-directionality make it more suitable to harnessing this kind of flow. It is known that Darrieus wind turbine is characterized by an inherently unsteady aerodynamic behavior and a complex flow around rotor blades. The non-stationary behavior of the mentioned turbine increases vibration. These aerodynamic vibrations are transmitted to the gearing mechanism. We have, firstly, developed a numerical simulation, allowing to simulate the complexity of the unsteady aerodynamic phenomena keeping a compromise between the reliability of prediction and the rapidity of calculation. This numerical simulation has been carried out using a two-dimensional unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. Simulation results compared to those available in the literature are in good agreement. The Darrieus turbine efficiency is also optimized; thus introducing a significant scientific contribution. The latter is the objective of analyzing the aerodynamic load impact in the dynamic behavior of the Darrieus turbine in non-stationary regime. In this context, a parametric study has been developed in order to find optimal functioning of the studied turbine, which is characterized by the most performing aerodynamic torque associated with acceptable levels of dynamic vibration. In general, it is difficult to predict the dynamic response of the wind turbine with a good level of accuracy due to the aerodynamic loads turbulence and uncertain characteristics. It becomes necessary to take into account the uncertainty in the input parameters to ensure the robustness of the Darrieus turbine geared system. In a robustness study objective, the Polynomial Chaos method is adopted to predict the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the gearing system taking into account uncertainties which are associated to the performance coefficient of the input aerodynamic torque. This leads to an important scientific research contribution. The results have shown a large dispersion of the random parameter in the dynamic response of the gearing system compared to the deterministic study. That proves the insufficiency of that study for a robustness analyses. They have also proved that the Polynomial Chaos method is an efficient probabilistic tool for uncertainty propagation. Finally, the new proposed robust mechanical analysis indicates a good capacity to investigate the dynamic behavior of the Darrieus turbine thanks to its superior predictive capabilities in coupling complex aerodynamic phenomena with a mechanical gearing system vibration. Where the originality of such correlation in our work.

Conception, modélisation et contrôle d'un tube anti-roulis multidirectionnel pour une barge offshore portant une éolienne / Design, modelling and control of a multidirectional anti-roll tank for an offshore barge offshore carrying a wind-turbine

Coudurier, Christophe 01 December 2017 (has links)
Suite à la mise en place de politiques publiques favorisant les énergies renouvelables, la construction de fermes éoliennes offshore est en plein essor aux quatre coins du monde. Or, la technique de l'éolienne offshore posée, la seule utilisée actuellement, n'est pas viable économiquement dans des eaux trop profondes. Ceci représente un sérieux frein au développement de l'énergie éolienne. Pour cette raison, la communauté scientifique s'intéresse depuis plusieurs années aux éoliennes sur plates-formes flottantes. En eau profonde, cette technologie est intéressante. Mais le fait que l'éolienne ne soit pas encastrée au fond de la mer augmente très significativement les sollicitations mécaniques induites par les vagues.Pour réduire ces sollicitations qui ont de nombreux effets néfastes, différentes approches sont possibles. Essayer de compenser les oscillations « avant-arrière » du mât de l'éolienne en pilotant la force de poussée exercée au niveau du rotor a déjà été écarté dans la littérature. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur l'ajout d'un dispositif de stabilisation interne à la plate-forme, de type Tuned Liquid Column Damper (un tube en U contenant un liquide, TLCD, encore appelé tube anti-roulis), utilisé dans d'autres contextes. Le dispositif que nous proposons est un dispositif actif où les paramètres du TLCD sont ajustés en temps réel, au cours du mouvement induit par les vagues. La mise à jour des paramètres suit une stratégie reposant sur une analyse des interactions entre le TLCD et la plate-forme (appelée ici barge) sur laquelle est installée l'éolienne. Nous avons modélisé le mouvement de la barge seul et son couplage avec le TLCD dans le plan grâce à une approche Lagrangienne. Nous avons étudié les effets des interactions du TLCD avec la barge dans le cas où le coefficient de perte de charge dans le tube était constant. Les limites de cette approche ont été détaillées grâce aux résultats classiques de la littérature sur les oscillateurs mécaniques couplés. Nous nous sommes ensuite concentrés sur une approche active consistant à modifier les caractéristiques du système en temps réel. Nous avons proposé des stratégies de type Linear Quadratic Regulator et de type Model Predictive Control agissant sur le coefficient de perte de charge. Dans un deuxième temps, les simulations nous ont ensuite permis d'écarter la commande MPC dont le rapport performance / complexité n'est pas favorable par rapport à la commande LQR dans ce cas précis.Une étude plus générale du système, en trois dimensions, nous a permis de vérifier que le TLCD classique dans sa version passive ou dans la version active que nous proposions n'est pas du tout robuste à l'incidence de la houle. Nous avons donc imaginé et modélisé des dispositifs inspirés du TLCD mais permettant d'amortir les oscillations de la houle de manière efficace, indépendamment de l'incidence de la houle. Nous avons nommé ces dispositifs TLMCD, pour Tuned Liquid Multiple Columns Damper.Les dispositif que nous proposons sont des systèmes TLMCD actifs. Ils sont conçus d'après les modélisations 3D que nous avons développées et une étude des coûts. Pour ces dispositifs, nous avons aussi détaillé les spécificités de la synthèse des stratégies LQR pour amortir les oscillations de la barge indépendamment de l'incidence de la houle.La performance de ces solutions d'amortissement a finalement été évaluée par simulation pour un large éventail de conditions de houle, couvrant les spécifications d'un “ cahier des charges ” que nous présentons. On observe une réduction des oscillations en roulis de la barge qui peut atteindre un facteur 4 par rapport à l'éolienne flottante sans TLCD. Ces résultats nous montrent que le dispositif TLMCD que nous proposons est un dispositif intéressant pour amortir de manière significative, robuste et économiquement abordable notre système. / Thanks to the recent policies of subsidizing renewables energies, constructions of offshore wind farms are booming all over the world. Yet, fixed-bottom wind turbine technology, the only one currently deployed, are too costly for deep waters. This hinders the development of wind power. This is why the scientific community has an interest in floating wind turbines (FWT). The cost of these wind turbines does not depend much on water depth. But since the wind turbine is not fixed into the seabed, the mechanical stress caused by the waves significatively raises.To reduce these detrimental loads, different approaches can be used. The litterature already discarded the control of the wind thrust applied on the rotor to compensate the "fore-aft" oscillations of the tower. We focused on stabilizing floating wind turbine by means of an attached damping system placed inside the float, it is a Tuned Liquid Column Damper (a U-tube containing a liquid, TLCD, also known as anti-roll tank), used in other areas. The damper we propose is an active system where TLCD parameters are continuously modified. Parameters are updated according to a strategy defined thanks to an analysis of the interactions between TLCD and the float (referred to as barge) supporting the wind turbine. We modelled the coupled dynamics of the barge and the TLCD in the vertical plan using a Lagrangian approach. We studied the motions of the damped system for a constant head-loss coefficient in the TLCD. The limits of this approach were detailed thanks to the classic results in double oscillators literature. Then, we focused on an active approach involving a time varying of the head-loss coefficient. We proposed Linear Quadratic Regulator and Model Predictive Control strategies to determine the head-loss coefficient. At a later stage, simulations enabled us to discard the MPC strategy as its complexity/performance ratio is rather bad compared to the LQR strategy in this particular case.A more general study of the system, in three dimensions, showed us that the TLCD is not robust against wave incidence. Therefore, we imagined and modeled new dampers inspired by the TLCD, which can damp the float effectively, regardless of the wave incidence. We named those dampers Tuned Liquid Multiple Column Damper (TLMCD).The dampers we propose are active TLMCD. Their designs are based on their dynamic properties and a cost study. We also detailed the specificities of LQR design to ensure the best possible robustness against wave incidence.The performance of the proposed TLMCD dampers was assessed through numerical simulations for a wide range of sea conditions. We observe that barge roll can be reduced by a factor of four compared to the undamped FWT. These results show us that the TLMCD we propose is interesting to damp significantly, robustly and economically our FWT.

Suavização de potência da geração eólica utilizando lógica fuzzy e sistema de armazenamento de energia / Fuzzy logic and energy storage system for wind power smoothing

Carvalho, Wilhiam Cesar de 11 April 2019 (has links)
Dentre as diversas fontes de energia renovável que existem atualmente, a energia eólica é a que tem apresentado o maior crescimento nos Sistemas Elétricos de Potência (SEPs). A flutuação de potência da geração eólica, no entanto, tem causado grandes desafios no que diz respeito à Qualidade da Energia Elétrica (QEE) e à operação do SEP. O grande progresso dos Sistemas de Armazenamento de Energia (SAEs), aliado à crescente inserção de geração eólica nos SEPs, tem promovido grande interesse na utilização dos SAEs junto aos aerogeradores. Este trabalho apresenta a utilização de um SAE, conectado ao elo CC do conversor back-to-back do aerogerador, e uma técnica de controle baseada na lógica fuzzy para suavizar as variações da potência de curto prazo da geração eólica. A técnica de controle proposta também é utilizada para gerenciar o Estado de Carga (SOC) do SAE para evitar a condição sobrecarregada e totalmente descarregada. O controle fuzzy é testado e comparado com uma técnica de controle convencional e também com a topologia típica do aerogerador, onde não é utilizado o SAE. As técnicas são avaliadas e comparadas com base em diferentes indicadores numéricos da qualidade da suavização. Um simulador digital em tempo real (RTDSR) é utilizado para realizar as simulações, onde é considerado um aerogerador de 2 MW, um supercapacitor e uma microrrede baseada no benchmark do CIGRÉ de média tensão. Os resultados mostraram que as técnicas de controle do supercapacitor possibilitaram uma adequada suavização de potência da geração eólica e puderam contribuir para a QEE e a operação da microrrede. A técnica inteligente baseada no controlador fuzzy mostrou resultados superiores à técnica convencional e, portanto, apresentou grande potencial para a aplicação. / Among several renewable energy sources existing nowadays, wind energy has presented the largest growth in power systems. The wind power fluctuations, however, has brought great challenges concerning Power Quality (PQ) and power system operation. The great progress of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), together with the increasing penetration of wind power worldwide, has lead to a great interest in the use of ESS in wind energy. This study presents the application of a ESS, connected to the DC link of the backto- back converter of the wind turbine, and a control technique based on fuzzy logic to smooth out the short-term wind power fluctuations. The proposed control technique is also used to manage the State of Charge (SOC) of the ESS to avoid the overcharged and undercharged states. The fuzzy control is tested and compared with a conventional control technique and also with the typical wind turbine topology, where the ESS is not used. The techniques are evaluated and compared based on different quantitative indicators that represent the quality of the power smoothing. Simulations are carried out in the Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDSR), where a 2 MW wind turbine, a supercapacitor and a microgrid system based on the CIGRÉ medium voltage benchmark are considered. The results have shown that the control techniques of the supercapacitor permitted a suitable smoothing of the fluctuating wind power and contributed to the microgrid PQ and operation. The intelligent control technique based on the fuzzy logic has shown superior performance compared to the conventional technique and, therefore, presented great potential for application.

Avaliação da estabilidade de aerogeradores via método direto / Stability assessment of wind turbines via direct method

Sohn, Alexandre Prodossimo 23 April 2019 (has links)
Esta tese trata de dar um passo na direção de revisar o problema de estabilidade transitória e a teoria do método PEBS para incluir em seus fundamentos modelos de fontes alternativas e seus limites operacionais. A conceituação do método direto com restrição é estabelecida via teoria de sistemas dinâmicos restritos e do conceito de região de estabilidade restrita. Particularmente, avalia-se a estabilidade de velocidade das principais configurações de aerogeradores equipados com gerador de indução, considerando como requisito operacional a curva de suportabilidade a afundamentos de tensão, ou curva LVRT. Um sistema dinâmico auxiliar aumentado é desenvolvido para representar a curva LVRT, que é um requisito dependente do tempo, por meio de uma restrição invariante no tempo descrita em termos de uma variável de estado auxiliar. Este sistema auxiliar tem sua região de estabilidade irrestrita igual à região de estabilidade restrita do sistema dinâmico restrito. Os modelos são apresentados na forma de equações algébricas e diferenciais. O problema de estabilidade de velocidade e o problema de violação de limites de tensão são investigados via análises da região de estabilidade do ponto de equilíbrio estável do sistema pós-falta e dos tempos críticos de abertura obtidos para várias perturbações. Os resultados mostram que: i) para distintos limites operacionais e para distintos parâmetros da máquina de indução, as regiões de estabilidade para um dado ponto de equilíbrio podem ser significativamente diferentes, ii) na maioria dos casos analisados, os limites de tensão são violados antes dos aerogeradores perderem a estabilidade de velocidade, o que mostra como é importante considerar limites operacionais nas avaliações de estabilidade via método direto para evitar que o sistema elétrico de potência fique vulnerável e iii) as funções energia desenvolvidas, tanto para avaliar o problema de estabilidade de velocidade, como para avaliar o problema de violação de limites de tensão, são em geral capazes de realizar boas estimativas dos tempos críticos de abertura. Os estudos elaborados nesta tese sobre a avaliação da estabilidade de aerogeradores via método direto, contribuem com aplicações inéditas que podem ser utilizadas nas análises de segurança em tempo real de sistemas elétricos de potência que contemplem fontes alternativas e seus limites operacionais. / This thesis gives a step forward in the direction of reviewing the problem of transient stability and the theory of PEBS method to include models of renewable power plants and their operational limits. The formulation of direct methods with constraint is accomplished by exploring the theory of constrained dynamic systems and the concept of constrained stability region. In particular, the speed stability of the main wind turbine configurations equipped with an induction generator is analyzed, considering the low voltage ride-through requirement, or LVRT curve, as a constraint to the model. An augmented auxiliary dynamical system is developed to represent the time-dependent LVRT constraint as an equivalent time invariant constraint written in terms of an auxiliary state variable. This auxiliary system has its unconstrained stability region equals to the constrained stability region of the constrained dynamic system. The models are described in the form of algebraic and differential equations. The problem of speed stability and the problem of disconnection of wind turbines due to voltage limits violation are investigated via analysis of stability region of the post-fault equilibrium point and critical clearing times obtained for several perturbations. The results show that: i) for different operational limits and for different parameters of the induction machine, the stability regions for a given operating point can be significantly different, ii) in most cases, the violation of the LVRT curve occurs before the speed instability, which reveals the importance of include operational limits in transient stability analysis and in the formulation of direct methods and iii) in most cases, the developed energy functions to evaluate the problem of speed stability and the problem of voltage limits violation, are generally capable of making good estimates of critical clearing times. The developed studies about the transient stability assessment of different models of wind turbines via direct method contribute with applications that can be used in real-time security assessments of power systems that contemplate renewable power plants and their operational limits.

Control and Model Identification on Renewable Energy Systems / Commande et identification de modèles pour des systèmes d’énergie renouvelables

Jaramillo López, Fernando 26 September 2014 (has links)
La situation compromettante de l'environnement due à la pollution, et les coûts élevés des combustibles fossiles ont engagé des nouvelles politiques et réglementations et ont fortement incité l’augmentation de l’utilisation de nouvelles sources d'énergie renouvelables. De nombreux pays dans le monde ont augmenté de façon importante le développement de ces sources d'énergie. Deux des systèmes d'énergies renouvelables les plus couramment utilisés sont les systèmes éoliens (SE) et les systèmes photovoltaïques (SP). SE convertissent l'énergie du vent en énergie électrique au moyen d'un processus électromécanique et SP convertissent directement l'énergie solaire en énergie électrique au moyen d'un processus semi-conducteur. Ces systèmes présentent de nombreux défis qui doivent être résolus afin de gagner du terrain sur les systèmes d'énergies traditionnelles. L'un de ces défis est d'augmenter l'efficacité du système avec la commande des éléments de puissance. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre le comportement dynamique de ces systèmes et de développer des nouveaux modèles mathématiques et des nouvelles techniques de commande. Ces techniques nécessitent souvent des informations du système qui ne sont pas disponibles --- ou sont trop chères si on devait les mesurer. Pour résoudre ce problème, il est nécessaire de créer des algorithmes qui puissent estimer cette information, cependant, ce n'est pas une tâche facile, car les signaux des sources d'énergie dans SE et SP (c.-à-d. la vitesse du vent, rayonnement solaire, température) entrent dans les modèles mathématiques par une relation non linéaire. Ces algorithmes doivent pouvoir estimer ces signaux --- ou les signaux qui dépendent d’eux--- avec une bonne précision. Aussi, il est nécessaire de concevoir des lois de commande qui opèrent les systèmes à leur point maximum de puissance. Dans ce travail, nous proposons des nouveaux algorithmes d'estimation et des lois de commande qui sont liés à l'augmentation de l'efficacité énergétique dans SE et SP. Des travaux antérieurs liés à l'estimation des signaux mentionnés, les considéraient comme constants. Dans cette thèse, les algorithmes d'estimation proposés considèrent l'état variable des ces signaux. Dans toutes ces nouvelles propositions, la stabilité asymptotique est prouvée en utilisant les théories de Lyapunov. Les lois de commande sont calculées en utilisant les modèles non linéaires des systèmes. En outre, certaines des ces solutions sont étendues au cas général, qui peut être utilisé sur une large classe des systèmes non linéaires. Le premier, est un estimateur de paramètres pour les systèmes non linéaires. Il permet d'estimer les paramètres non linéaires variant dans le temps. La deuxième proposition est la conception d’un schéma pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires adaptatifs qui permet de compenser les incertitudes et les perturbations qui satisfont à la "condition de correspondance". / The compromising situation of the environment due to pollution, and the high costs of the fossil fuels have originated new policies and regulations that have stimulating the interest on alternative energy sources. Many countries around the world have increased in an important way the penetration of these energy sources. Two of the most widely used renewable energy systems are the wind turbines systems (WTS) and the photovoltaic systems (PVS). WTS convert wind energy in electric energy by means of an electromechanical process and PVS convert solar energy directly in electric energy by means of a semiconductive process. These systems show many challenges that need to be solved in order to gain ground to the traditional energy systems. One of these challenges is increase the overall system efficiency by controlling the power conditioning elements. In order to achieve this, is necessary to better understand the dynamic behavior of these systems and develop new mathematical models and new control techniques. These techniques often require system information that is not possible ---or is too expensive--- measure. In order to solve this problem, is necessary to create algorithms that are able to estimate this information, however, this is not an easy task, because the signals of the energy sources in WTS and PVS (i.e., wind speed, irradiance, temperature) enter in the mathematical models in a nonlinear relation. These algorithms have to be able to estimate these signals ---or the signals that depend on them--- with good precision. Also, it is necessary to design control laws that operate the systems at their maximum power point. In this work, we propose novel estimation algorithms and control laws that are related with the increase of the energetic efficiency in WTS and PVS. Previous works related with estimation of the mentioned signals considered them as constants. In this thesis, the proposed estimation algorithms consider the time-varying condition of these signals. In all of these novel propositions, uniform asymptotic stability is proved using Lyapunov theories. The control laws are derived using the overall nonlinear models of the systems. In addition, some of these solutions are extended to the general case, which can be used on a large-class of nonlinear systems. The first one, is a novel parameter estimator for nonlinear systems. It allows to estimate time-varying nonlinear parameters. The second general proposition is a framework for a class of adaptive nonlinear systems that allows to compensate for uncertainties and perturbations that satisfy the matching condition.

Estudo do fluxo de potência de um gerador de indução de dupla alimentação atuando em um sistema de geração eólio-elétrica / Study of variation of power flow of a doubly-fed induction generator acting on a wind power generation system

Jacob, Natália Moreira 03 April 2013 (has links)
A captação de energia eólica tem sido alvo de estudos em todo o mundo nas últimas décadas devido aos incentivos pela busca por geração de energia por meio de fontes alternativas. A configuração mais utilizada atualmente são as turbinas de três pás com eixo horizontal, upwind, operando com velocidade variável com limitação de potência por variação de passo, e utilizando o gerador de indução de dupla alimentação. A operação em velocidade variável com atuação no ângulo de passo permite a máxima captação de energia para as diferentes velocidades de vento, enquanto evita que a turbina ultrapasse o seu valor nominal de potência. O uso de conversores permite o controle das correntes do rotor, variando sua velocidade, e o controle da potência reativa de estator, e a montagem do tipo back-to-back permite que o fluxo de energia do rotor flua para a rede ou da rede. A modelagem matemática do sistema foi toda referenciada no referencial síncrono com notação vetorial e orientação de fluxo de rede, simplificando os modelos matemáticos. Para a montagem dos controladores foi utilizado o método de Controle de Modelo Interno e de Resistência Ativa. A montagem de todo o sistema para simulação foi realizada no Matlab/Simulink, e seu desenvolvimento é mostrado no decorrer do trabalho. Este trabalho analisa o fluxo de energia do sistema, desde a energia captada pelo vento até a energia entregue à rede. Para isso, são feitas análise dos fluxos das potências ativa e reativa do sistema, para fator de potência unitário, indutivo e capacitivo e para os mais recorrentes comportamentos do vento. Também são feitas análises a respeito dos regimes de operação do sistema, definidos a partir da relação entre os fluxos de potência, concluindo que a máquina poderá operar como gerador ou motor, devido principalmente à intensidade da variação do vento. / The use of wind energy has been the subject of studies around the world in recent decades due to the incentives to search for power generation through alternative sources. The most widely used configuration has been the three blades with horizontal axis and upwind turbine, operating in variable speed with power limitation by varying the pitch angle, and using the doubly fed induction generator configuration. The variable speed operation with power limitation enable for maximum energy harvesting for different wind speeds and prevents the turbine exceeds its nominal power. The use of converters allows for control of the rotor currents, varying the speed, and stator reactive power, and assembling type back-to-back allows for the rotor energy flux to flow into and out of the grid. Mathematical modeling of the whole system was referenced in the synchronous reference frame with vector notation and oriented by the grid flux, simplifying the mathematical models. For installation of the drivers, were used the Internal Model Control and Active Damping methods. The assembly of the entire system for simulation was conducted on Matlab / Simulink, and its step to step is shown in this work. This study analyzes the energy flow of the system, from the energy harvest from de wind to the energy delivered to the grid. To reach this, flow analysis of active and reactive power of the system is done, using unity, inductive and capacitive power factor, for the most recurrent wind behaviors. Analysis are made about the operation regimes of the system, defined as the relationship between the power flows, concluding that the machine can operate as a generator or motor, mainly due to the variation of the wind intensity.

Advances in foundation design and assessment for strategic renewable energy

Dallyn, Paul A. January 2017 (has links)
In order to meet EU legislation on emissions, significant effort is being invested into the development of cost-effective renewable power generation technologies. The two leading technologies are solar and wind power because of their potential for the lowest levelised cost of energy and for showing a growth in installed capacity and technological development. Various research findings have suggested that significant cost savings in the capital expenditure of renewable energy projects can be made through the optimisation of their support foundations, the understanding of which has formed the main goal of the research.

Análise dos limites máximos de inserção de geração eólica em redes de distribuição conforme a variação de tensão de regime permanente / Maximum integration levels of wind power in distribution grids according to steady state voltage variation requerements

Löwenberg, Vanessa Viquetti 12 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:11:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO VANESSAVIQUETTI LOWENBERG.pdf: 2250957 bytes, checksum: 81895e5a2a510f6aea4627b4b6c0d230 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work considers the connection of wind power units to the distribution system, aiming at verifying the maximum power limits that can be connected complying with given connection requirements. The maximum power limits have been characterized in terms of maximum integration levels, to the equivalent capacity in the connection node, and in terms of maximum penetration levels, to the full load power feeder. The steady-state voltage in the distribution system nodes has to comply with a priori given maximum variation limits for all possible wind farm working conditions, supplying from 20 to 100% of its nominal power. The research has been developed in two different distribution feeders: a 5-nodes distribution feeder, connecting the wind farm at four different points and considering three different load levels; a 32-nodes distribution feeder, connecting the wind farm to ten different nodes of the system and also considering three different load levels. The maximum integration and penetration levels of wind power have been evaluated in terms of (i) the connection node characteristics (equivalent X/R ratio impedance and voltage); (ii) the feeder load; (iii) the connection node. The connection of either one or two wind farms has been considered for both feeders, assuming wind farms with equal characteristics. The analysis showed strong influence of the impedance X/R ratio on the maximum wind energy integration and penetration levels. The feeder load influences these levels in a non-linear manner and in some cases also an in inverse way, i.e. the load increasing can either increase or decrease the maximum integration level. The equivalent voltage influence on the maximum wind power integration and penetration was not evident in the performed tests. The feeder structure did influence the levels since, in many cases, the maximum integration and penetration levels of wind power have not been determined by the voltage in the connection node but by the voltage in other feeder s node. In general, the connection of two wind farms showed higher wind energy penetration levels compared to only one wind farm, being more or less expressive according to the connecting node characteristics. / Este trabalho se insere no contexto do estudo da conexão de unidades de geração eólica em sistemas de distribuição no sentido de verificar quais os limites máximos de potência que po- dem ser interligados atendendo a determinados requisitos de conexão. Os limites máximos de potência são caracterizados em termos dos níveis máximos de inserção de geração eólica, relativos à capacidade equivalente vista pelo nó de conexão, e da máxima penetração de geração eólica, relativos à carga instalada no alimentador. Exige-se que a tensão de regime permanente nos nós do alimentador de distribuição atenda a limites máximos pré-estabelecidos de variação para todas as condições operativas possíveis do parque eólico produzindo desde 20% até 100% de sua potência nominal. O estudo foi realizado através de simulação computacional sobre dois alimentadores de distribuição diferentes: um alimentador com 5 nós, conectando o parque eólico em quatro diferentes pontos deste sistema e considerando três níveis diferentes de carregamento; e um alimentador com 32 nós, conectando o parque eólico em dez diferentes pontos deste sistema e considerando também três níveis diferentes de carregamento. Os níveis máximos de inserção e penetração de geração eólica foram analisados em função: (i) das características do nó de conexão (relação X/R da impedância e tensão equivalentes); (ii) do carregamento do alimentador; (iii) do nó de conexão. Para os dois alimentadores foram considerados os casos da conexão de um e de dois parques eólicos, sendo que em todos os casos foram adotados parques eólicos idênticos. As análises realizadas mostraram grande influência da relação X/R da impedância equivalente tanto sobre a inserção quanto a penetração de geração eólica. O carregamento do alimentador influenciou de maneira não linear e também em alguns casos de maneira inversa, significando que o aumento do carregamento pode tanto aumentar quanto reduzir a máxima inserção de geração eólica. A influência da tensão equivalente sobre a inserção e penetração de geração eólica não mostrou-se muito evidente nos testes realizados. A topologia do alimentador teve influência, pois em diversos casos os limites má- ximos de inserção e penetração de geração eólica foram determinados pela tensão em nós do alimentador distintos do nó de conexão do parque. De maneira geral, a conexão de dois parques eólicos mostrou atingir níveis superiores de penetração de geração eólica em comparação a um só parque, podendo ser mais ou menos expressiva conforme a característica dos nós de conexão envolvidos.

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