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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychometrically Equivalent Bisyllabic Word Lists for Spanish Pediatric Word Recognition Testing

Peterson, Brenda Karina 01 June 2016 (has links)
While recorded speech audiometry materials have been developed in Spanish for adults, currently there are no speech audiometry materials available in Spanish that are suitable for a pediatric population. Thus, the purposes of this study were (a) to analyze Spanish bisyllabic words previously developed for adults to determine the words' appropriateness when testing word recognition scores in native Spanish-speaking children and (b) to compare the logistic regressions results from the Spanish adult data obtained in a previous study with the logistic regressions from Spanish pediatric data obtained in the present study. Using common-use children's dictionaries in the Spanish language, a subset of child-appropriate words was adapted from a set of materials developed for Spanish adults. A total of 129 frequently used bisyllabic words were chosen; the words were split into five lists; four lists contained 26 words and one list contained 25 words; each was digitally recorded by both male and female Spanish talkers. Twenty native Spanish-speaking children with normal hearing between the ages of four and eight years were selected to listen to words to obtain psychometric functions. Each word was presented to the listener at 5 levels of intensity from -5 to 35 dB HL in increments of 10 dB. Custom software was used to control randomization, timing, and presentation of the words. The participants were not familiarized with the words prior to testing. The words received a ranked order based on performance to create lists and half-lists that were equivalent. Logistic regression was used to calculate psychometric functions for the lists and half-lists. Subsequently, a chi-square analysis was completed. The analysis revealed no statistical differences among the lists and half-lists for either male or female talkers. The mean bisyllabic psychometric function slopes for lists and half-lists were 5.0%/dB for the male-talker words and 5.2%/dB for the female-talker words. The 50% threshold for male and female were 16.2 dB HL and 15.5 dB HL, respectively.

Psychometrically Equivalent Arabic Monosyllabic Word Recognition Materials

Robertson, Maida Christine 21 July 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop, digitally record, evaluate, and psychometrically equate a set of Arabic monosyllabic word lists to use in the measurement of the word recognition score. Familiar Arabic monosyllabic words were digitally recorded by a native male talker from Jordan who was judged to have a standard Arabic dialect. Twenty native Arabic participants with normal hearing were used as subjects to determine the percentage of correct word recognition for each word at 10 intensity levels ranging from -5 to 40 dB HL in 5 dB increments. The monosyllabic word data were analyzed using logistic regression. The words producing the steepest psychometric function were included in the final word lists. Four lists of 50 words each were created and eight half-lists (25 words each) were created from the four lists. A Chi-square analysis was performed, revealing no statistical differences among the lists and half-lists. The mean monosyllabic psychometric function slopes at 50% for lists and half-lists were 4.8%/dB.

The Effect of Various Word Treatments on Chinese Vocabulary Comprehension During Multimedia Language Learning

Kim, Jeongwoon 01 July 2015 (has links)
The current study investigated the effect of viewing various types of word definitions-dictionary, glossed, and annotated definitions-on Chinese learners' vocabulary comprehension during video-based language learning. A total of 53 advanced Chinese learner participants were given access to various randomized word definitions while viewing the subtitled videos used in the experiment. Results showed that learners recalled words for which they viewed definitions significantly better after the experiment than before. The viewing of dictionary, glossed, or annotated definitions yielded comparable levels of word comprehension. In situations where learners did not view word definitions; however, word comprehension was not significantly higher on the posttest measures of recall. Attrition occurred whether participants viewed word definitions or not, but it occurred more severely for those words that learners chose not to look up definitions. The more a target word occurred, the better the word was comprehended. Survey results showed that participants preferred dictionary and annotated definitions more than glossed definitions. The results from this study suggest that word treatment is an effective way to comprehend vocabulary. If language learners and teachers lack resources to afford cost-intensive glosses and annotations, they can consider taking advantage of free, automatic online dictionaries, which are as effective as glosses and annotations.

Not everything that competes means something: evidence for competition among word-forms in a novel-word learning paradigm

Kapnoula, Efthymia Evangelia 01 May 2013 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether learning a meaningless phonological word-form, can affect its ability to compete with other words shortly after it was learned. According to previous experimental work we expected that a semantic referent (Leach & Samuel, 2007), and/or consolidation over a significant amount of time (Gaskell& Dumay, 2003) are necessary for a novel word-form to be able to engage in lateral inhibition with other words. In order to examine this we used the experimental design that was used by Dahan, Magnuson, Tanenhaus and Hogan (2001). Experiment 1 was a replication of the Dahan et al (2001) study. In Experiment 2 we added a condition in which a novel word was now assigned the role of the competitor, by inserting a nonword learning task (that was performed right before the Dahan task). The goal was to see whether any differences would arise between this new novel-word condition and the nonword condition. The results from Experiment 2 were inconclusive due to the stimulus set and this is why we conducted Experiment 3, which was similar to Experiment 2, but had a different stimulus set. The results of Experiment 3 showed that, in contrast to the predictions, a novel word can compete with other words, even if it does not have meaning and, moreover, this happens immediately after training. These findings indicate that 1) a word does not have to be complete (i.e. include semantic information) in order to compete with other words and 2) connections between novel and known words can form faster than what has been suggested.

Sociala medier- en länk mellan producent och konsument

Marjamäki, Tero, Svensson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract Titel: Sociala medier - En länk mellan producent och konsument </p><p>Författare: Tero Marjamäki, Henrik Svensson Handledare: Lars Palm </p><p>Examinator: Lennart Andreasson </p><p>Utbildningssäte: Högskolan i Halmstad Sektion: Hälsa och Samhälle </p><p>Kurs: Medie och kommunikationsvetenskap,61-90p </p><p>Delkurs: C-uppsats, 15p </p><p>År: 2007 </p><p>Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka, utforska och analysera sociala medier, dess innebörd och innehåll Metod: Som kunskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt används ett explorativt förhållningssätt, med abduktion som slutledningsprocess. Kvalitativ metod har tillämpats i studien i form av mailintervjuer </p><p>Slutsatser: Tidigt i arbetet kunde vi uppdaga att det rådde meningsskiljaktigheter vad gällde definitionen och synen på sociala medier. Vissa forskare samt några utav våra respondenter ansåg att sociala medier var någonting fult, nästan förkastligt som inte hör hemma i marknadsföringsvärlden. Medan andra forskare samt ett antal utav våra respondenter ansåg att sociala medier var en länk mellan producent och konsument,2</p><p>sociala medier var arenor för samtal. Några ansåg även att sociala medier var en helt naturlig uppkomst då vanlig reklam inte längre påverkar människor i samma utsträckning som tidigare. Traditionell marknadsföring tenderar att bli omodern. Dock menade nästintill samtliga utav våra respondenter samt ett flertal forskare att sociala medier inte kommer att eliminera traditionell marknadsföring såsom vi ser den idag utan snarare kommer de båda att leva i symbios med varandra. Emellertid måste det traditionella bli underordnat och en del av det sociala (och inte tvärtom), och tillsammans kan helheten bli större än de ingående delarna. Vad gäller frågan om dold/öppen kommunikation och marknadsföring inom sociala medier var nästintill alla av den meningen att man bör eftersträva som producent att vara så öppen som möjligt. Endast någon eller några utav våra respondenter menade att det var beviljat att vara dold som producent inom sociala medier. Det centrala som vi uppdagade i denna uppsats var att det finns två olika sätt att se på sociala medier: del kan man se sociala medier som arenor för samtal, och dels kan man se sociala medier som marknadsföringskanaler. </p><p>Nyckelord: Sociala medier, Word of mouth, Word of mouth marketing, Stealth marketing, Buzz marketing, Viral marketing</p>

Sociala medier- en länk mellan producent och konsument

Marjamäki, Tero, Svensson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Titel: Sociala medier - En länk mellan producent och konsument Författare: Tero Marjamäki, Henrik Svensson Handledare: Lars Palm Examinator: Lennart Andreasson Utbildningssäte: Högskolan i Halmstad Sektion: Hälsa och Samhälle Kurs: Medie och kommunikationsvetenskap,61-90p Delkurs: C-uppsats, 15p År: 2007 Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka, utforska och analysera sociala medier, dess innebörd och innehåll Metod: Som kunskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt används ett explorativt förhållningssätt, med abduktion som slutledningsprocess. Kvalitativ metod har tillämpats i studien i form av mailintervjuer Slutsatser: Tidigt i arbetet kunde vi uppdaga att det rådde meningsskiljaktigheter vad gällde definitionen och synen på sociala medier. Vissa forskare samt några utav våra respondenter ansåg att sociala medier var någonting fult, nästan förkastligt som inte hör hemma i marknadsföringsvärlden. Medan andra forskare samt ett antal utav våra respondenter ansåg att sociala medier var en länk mellan producent och konsument,2 sociala medier var arenor för samtal. Några ansåg även att sociala medier var en helt naturlig uppkomst då vanlig reklam inte längre påverkar människor i samma utsträckning som tidigare. Traditionell marknadsföring tenderar att bli omodern. Dock menade nästintill samtliga utav våra respondenter samt ett flertal forskare att sociala medier inte kommer att eliminera traditionell marknadsföring såsom vi ser den idag utan snarare kommer de båda att leva i symbios med varandra. Emellertid måste det traditionella bli underordnat och en del av det sociala (och inte tvärtom), och tillsammans kan helheten bli större än de ingående delarna. Vad gäller frågan om dold/öppen kommunikation och marknadsföring inom sociala medier var nästintill alla av den meningen att man bör eftersträva som producent att vara så öppen som möjligt. Endast någon eller några utav våra respondenter menade att det var beviljat att vara dold som producent inom sociala medier. Det centrala som vi uppdagade i denna uppsats var att det finns två olika sätt att se på sociala medier: del kan man se sociala medier som arenor för samtal, och dels kan man se sociala medier som marknadsföringskanaler. Nyckelord: Sociala medier, Word of mouth, Word of mouth marketing, Stealth marketing, Buzz marketing, Viral marketing

Controlling Word-of-Mouth : A qualitative study of the hotel industry in the region of Jönköping

Mård, Andreas, Jonasson, Patrick January 2007 (has links)
Som människa i dagens samhälle blir man, varje dag, exponerad av ett mycket stort antal marknadsföringsbudskap i form av annonser och reklam, ett antal som är omöjligt för en enskild individ att ta in. Företag har därför svårt att nå ut till sina segment utan att spendera stora resurser på sin marknadsföring. Word-of-mouth (WOM) kan beskrivas som det in-formella rykte vilket förmedlas mellan konsumenter och som innehar en större trovärdighet och genomslagskraft än den traditionella marknadsföringen. Om företag skulle kunna på-verka och kontrollera WOM så skulle detta kunna leda till en viss konkurrensfördel. Kun-der inom servicesektorn, som till exempel hotellindustrin, är speciellt påverkade av denna informella information i deras val av hotell och tjänster. Därför har hotellindustrin fungerat som utgångspunkt för denna studie av fenomenet WOM och hur det kan kontrolleras av företagen. Hotellen som ingår i studien är geografisk belägna inom Jönköpingsområdet. Syftet med studien och uppsatsen är att försöka undersöka om och hur WOM är påverkat av de utvalda hotellen i studien och observera de olika metoder som kan har en inverkan på WOM. Metoden för insamlandet av primär data är av kvalitativ natur. Där någon från de utvalda hotellens administrativa personal har blivit intervjuad för att svara på frågor som berör denna studie över fenomenet WOM. Sekundär data har samlats in från relevanta artiklar och böcker för att bidra till en så trovärdig analys som möjligt. Teorin behandlar WOM, service och relationsmarknadsföring. Författarna avslutar med slutsatsen att det finns en medvetenhet hos respondenterna om WOM och dess betydelse för företaget. Det verkar finnas en större medvetenhet av att ak-tivt försöka minimera negativ WOM än att aktivt försöka influera den positiva WOM. Det fanns indikationer på att hotellen på något sätt använder metoder som man tror generera positiv WOM. Problemet verkar vara svårigheten att utvärdera vad som egentligen är skill-naden mellan relationsmarknadsföring och WOM marknadsföring i några av de metoder som hotellen tror kan genera positive WOM. Hotellets storlek/finansiella resurser verkar också ha en viss betydelse för om hotellen säger sig använda eller vara beroende av WOM. Så även om det fanns vissa åtgärder som kan generera positiv WOM så finns det en passiv attityd hos respondenterna mot att man verkligen kan kontrollera det. Men genom att skaf-fa sig större insikt om hur WOM och de nuvarande marknadsmetoder som används hör samman, tror författarna att hotellen kan bli mer effektiva i sin marknadsföring. / Since a normal person of today is exposed to a vast number of marketing messages from conventional marketing methods like advertising campaigns and commercials, the con-sumer will have to make a choice from all these offers conveyed through promotional ef-forts. Word-of-mouth (WOM) is the informal communication about a service or product between consumers. This can be said to serve as a credibility filter for the consumer be-cause of its perceived independence and trustworthiness. Gaining control of WOM from the company’s point of view could create a competitive advantage over competitors in the market place. Service industries, such as the hotel industry, are highly affected by WOM and therefore hotels were chosen in the Jönköping region in order to study the company awareness and ability to control the WOM phenomenon. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if WOM is a factor which is controlled by the hotel firms and to detect and describe how this is done and what kind of the marketing methods that are being used. The method chosen by the authors of the thesis in order to gather primary data was of a qualitative nature were interviews were conducted together with appropriate hotel manag-ers of hotels in the Jönköping region in order to study their view on the WOM phenome-non. Secondary data was collected from relevant theoretical articles and books in order to carry out the analysis of the primary data. The theoretical framework consists of theory concerning WOM, service and relationship marketing. The authors of the thesis conclude that there is awareness among the respondents about the power of WOM and its importance for the business. However, there seem to be a greater consciousness of using actions for minimizing negative WOM than consciously in-fluence the spread of positive WOM. Some actions taken by the hotels are indeed believed to generate positive WOM but there appears to be a thin line between creating relationship and actually influencing the spread of positive WOM, this perhaps due to the problem of the WOM evaluation of the actions taken. Size/financial mean also seem to be important factors on the hotels dependence on WOM the action taken to try to generate positive WOM. Even though some methods were detected that were thought to harness WOM, there is still a rather passive attitude among the respondents towards actually being able to influence WOM to its full extent. By gaining more insights of WOM and the marketing methods currently used, the authors of the thesis believe that hotels studied would become more efficient in their marketing efforts.

Barking at Emotionally-Laden Words: The Role of Attention

Haskell, Christie Rose Marie January 2013 (has links)
It has long been held that processing at the single word level during reading is automatic. However, research has recently begun to emerge that challenges this view. The literature surrounding the processing of emotion while recognizing printed words is limited, but some findings in the processing of emotion in faces suggest that negative stimuli (especially threat stimuli) promote quick and accurate processing. The purpose of the present experiments is to investigate whether negative emotionally-laden words are afforded priority processing in visual word recognition compared to positive emotionally-laden words. Two experiments are reported that manipulated the lexicality and valence of the target and distractor stimuli (Experiments 1 & 2), the validity of a spatial pre-cue (Experiments 1 & 2), and the presence of a distractor item (Experiment 2). Participants were asked to determine whether the target stimulus spelled a word or not. Response times on valid trials were faster compared to invalid trials, response times to negative emotionally-laden words were slower compared to positive emotionally-laden words, and the presence of a distractor item encouraged better focus on the target stimuli in the absence of any evidence that the valence of the distractor itself was processed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that visual word recognition is not automatic given that processing benefited from the accurate direction of spatial attention. Furthermore, negative emotionally-laden words benefited equally compared to positive emotionally-laden words and therefore provide no evidence of automatic processing.

Motives behind positive electronic Word-of-Mouth on social networking sites : So, why do you "like" that?

Jansson, Christine, Zakharkina, Polina January 2013 (has links)
Consumers are increasingly engaging with brands on social networking sites (SNS) through activities such as sharing, commenting, liking and recommending products or brands to other consumers. These types of recommendations are referred to as electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM) and are proven to have a significant influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions. Previous research has investigated motives for traditional WOM and motives for eWOM on opinion platforms. This study proposes that eWOM on SNSs is a combination of traditional WOM and eWOM on opinion platforms. By using a sample of 154 Swedish Facebook users, this study explores why consumers engage in positive eWOM communication on SNSs. This is done by testing 6 validated motives that are identified in previous research in the new context. The resulting analysis suggests that consumers’ need for social interaction and desire to express positive emotions are the primary drivers behind engagement in positive eWOM communication on SNSs. The findings confirm that eWOM on SNSs contains elements of both traditional WOM and eWOM on opinion platforms and should thus be considered as a unique context where eWOM takes place.

Computing with Granular Words

Hou, Hailong 07 May 2011 (has links)
Computational linguistics is a sub-field of artificial intelligence; it is an interdisciplinary field dealing with statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective. Traditionally, fuzzy logic is used to deal with fuzziness among single linguistic terms in documents. However, linguistic terms may be related to other types of uncertainty. For instance, different users search ‘cheap hotel’ in a search engine, they may need distinct pieces of relevant hidden information such as shopping, transportation, weather, etc. Therefore, this research work focuses on studying granular words and developing new algorithms to process them to deal with uncertainty globally. To precisely describe the granular words, a new structure called Granular Information Hyper Tree (GIHT) is constructed. Furthermore, several technologies are developed to cooperate with computing with granular words in spam filtering and query recommendation. Based on simulation results, the GIHT-Bayesian algorithm can get more accurate spam filtering rate than conventional method Naive Bayesian and SVM; computing with granular word also generates better recommendation results based on users’ assessment when applied it to search engine.

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