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A Numerical Study of Melt Pool Heat Transfer in the IVR of a PWR / En numerisk studie av smältpoolvärmeöverföring i IVR för en PWRZhao, Yuer January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide the thermal condition of melt pool convection by CFD simulation, which is important to the assessment of the invessel melt retention (IVR) strategy widely adopted in Generation III pressurized water reactors (PWRs). As a severe accident mitigation measure, the IVR strategy is realized through external cooling of the lower head of a reactor pressure vessel (RPV). To achieve the coolability and retention of the corium pool in the RPV lower head, the heat flux at the outer surface of the vessel should be less than the critical heat flux (CHF) of boiling around the lower head. Under such condition, the integrity of the RPV is guaranteed by the adequate thickness of the unmelted vessel wall. The thesis work starts from the selection and validation of a turbulence model in the CFD computational tool chosen (Fluent). Afterwards a numerical model is set up for estimation of melt pool heat transfer of a reference PWR with the power capacity of 1000 MWe, including a mesh sensitivity study. Based on the numerical model of a twolayer melt pool, four tasks are carried out to investigate the effects of Zr oxidation ratio, Fe content, and radiation emissivity on heat flux profiles, as well as the focus effect under extreme conditions. Selection and validation of the turbulence model are conducted by comparing the simulation results of different turbulence models with the DNS data on the convection of volumetrically heated fluid layer bounded by rigid isothermal horizontal walls at equal temperature. The internal Rayleigh numbers of the flow reach up to 10e6. The comparison shows a good agreement of the SST k-ω turbulence model results with the DNS data. The simulations with the Zr oxidation ratio of 0, 0.2 and 0.5, correspondingly, the oxide layer of 1.389m, 1.467m and 1.580m, and the metal layer of 0.705m, 0.646m and 0.561m in height, show that, the temperature of the oxide layer will increase with Zr oxidation ratio, while the temperature of the metal layer will decrease resulting in more heat transfer through the oxide layer sidewall and less top radiation. Nevertheless, the effect of the Zr oxidation ratio is not pronounced in the range of 00.5. The simulations with the Fe mass of 22t, 33t and 45t, and respective height of the metal layer of 0.462m, 0.568m and 0.646m, show that, the inner metal layer will significantly increase the temperatures of both the metal layer and the oxide layer. The percentage of heat transfer at the oxide layer sidewall will increase to supplement the reduction of that at the metal layer. The simulations with the radiation emissivity of 0.2, 0.35, 0.45 and 0.7 show that, the emissivity below 0.45 has an impact on heat transfer, and the temperatures and sidewall heat flux of both the oxide layer and the metal layer will increase with decreasing emissivity. The impact is negligible when the emissivity is above 0.45. The simulations under the hypothetically extreme conditions with either an adiabatic top boundary or a very thin metal layer show the focusing effect may occur, i.e., the heat flux through the metal sidewall is larger than that in the oxide layer. But the local high heat flux is flattened by the vessel wall with good heat conductivity. In summary, the simulations demonstrate that, except for the cases under extreme conditions, the heat fluxes of the melt pools in all other cases are significantly lower than the CHF of external cooling of the lower head. Therefore, the safety margin of the IVR strategy of the PWR chosen is seems sufficient. However, due to some limitations (e.g., simplification and assumptions) in the simulation cases and coupling of different influential factors, as indicated by the present study, the precise predictions of heat flux under all scenarios are still difficult. Therefore, the conclusions could not be generalized to the other conditions or other configurations of the molten pools. By discussing the model and simplifications/assumptions adopted in this work, the improvement directions of the numerical model and other perspectives are proposed at the end of the thesis. / Denna avhandling syftar till att tillhandahålla det termiska tillståndet för smältbassängskonvektion genom CFD-simulering, vilket är viktigt för bedömningen av IVR-strategin som allmänt antagits i tryckvattenreaktorer (PWR) i Generation III. Som en åtgärd för att mildra allvarliga olyckor realiseras IVR-strategin genom extern kylning av det nedre huvudet av ett reaktortryckkärl (RPV). För att uppnå kylbarhet och kvarhållning av koriumbassängen i det nedre RPV-huvudet bör värmeflöde vid den yttre ytan av kärlet vara mindre än det kritiska värmeflödet (CHF) som kokar runt det nedre huvudet. Under sådant tillstånd garanteras RPV: s integritet av den osmälta kärlväggens tillräckliga tjocklek. Examensarbetet startar från valet och valideringen av en turbulensmodell i det valda CFD-beräkningsverktyget (Fluent). Därefter sätts en numerisk modell upp för uppskattning av smältbassängens värmeöverföring av en referens PWR med en effektkapacitet på 1000 MWe, inklusive en nätkänslighetsstudie. Baserat på den numeriska modellen för en tvålagers smältbassäng utförs fyra uppgifter för att undersöka effekterna av Zr-oxidationsförhållande, Fe-innehåll och strålningsemissivitet på värmeflödesprofiler, liksom fokuseffekten under extrema förhållanden. Val och validering av turbulensmodellen utförs genom att jämföra simuleringsresultaten för olika turbulensmodeller med DNS-data för konvektionen av volymetriskt uppvärmt fluidskikt avgränsat av styva isoterma horisontella väggar vid lika temperatur. De interna Rayleigh-siffrorna i flödet når upp till 10e6. Jämförelsen visar att SST k-ω turbulensmodellresultaten överensstämmer med DNS-data. Simuleringarna med Zr-oxidationsförhållandet 0, 0,2 och 0,5, motsvarande oxidskiktet på 1,389 m, 1,467 m och 1,580 m, och metallskiktet på 0,705 m, 0,664 m och 0,561 m i höjd, visar att temperaturen av oxidskiktet kommer att öka med Zr-oxidationsförhållandet, medan metallskiktets temperatur kommer att minska vilket resulterar i mer värmeöverföring genom oxidskiktets sidovägg och mindre toppstrålning. Ändå är effekten av Zr-oxidationsförhållandet inte uttalad i intervallet 00,5. Simuleringarna med Fe-massan på 22t, 33t och 45t och respektive höjd av metallskiktet på 0,462m, 0,568m och 0,664m visar att det inre metallskiktet avsevärt kommer att öka temperaturerna för både metallskiktet och oxiden lager. Andelen värmeöverföring vid oxidskiktets sidovägg ökar för att komplettera minskningen av den vid metallskiktet. Simuleringarna med strålningsemissiviteten 0,2, 0,35, 0,45 och 0,7 visar att emissiviteten under 0,45 påverkar värmeöverföringen, och temperaturerna och sidoväggens värmeflöde för både oxidskiktet och metallskiktet kommer att öka med minskande emissivitet. Effekten är försumbar när strålningen är över 0,45. Simuleringarna under de hypotetiskt extrema förhållandena med antingen en adiabatisk övre gräns eller ett mycket tunt metallskikt visar att fokuseringseffekten kan uppstå, dvs. värmeflödet genom metallsidan är större än det i oxidskiktet. Men det lokala höga värmeflödet plattas ut av kärlväggen med god värmeledningsförmåga. Sammanfattningsvis visar simuleringarna att, förutom fall under extrema förhållanden, är värmeflödet från smältpoolerna i alla andra fall betydligt lägre än CHF för extern kylning av nedre huvudet. Därför verkar säkerhetsmarginalen för IVR-strategin för den valda PWR tillräcklig. På grund av vissa begränsningar (t.ex. förenkling och antaganden) i simuleringsfall och koppling av olika inflytelserika faktorer, vilket indikeras av den aktuella studien, är de exakta förutsägelserna av värmeflöde under alla scenarier fortfarande svåra. Därför kunde slutsatserna inte generaliseras till de andra förhållandena eller andra konfigurationer av de smälta poolerna. Genom att diskutera modellen och förenklingar / antaganden som antagits i detta arbete föreslås förbättringsriktningarna för den numeriska modellen och andra perspektiv i slutet av avhandlingen.
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Análise e implementação de esquemas de convecção e modelos de turbulência para simulação de escoamentos incompressíveis envolvendo superfícies livres. / Analysis and implementation of convection schemes and turbulence models for simulation of incompressible flows involving free surfaces.Ferreira, Valdemir Garcia 26 September 2001 (has links)
Uma parte significativa dos escoamentos encontrados em aplicações tecnológicas é caracterizada por envolver altos números de Reynolds, principalmente aqueles em regime turbulento e com superfície livre. Obter soluções numéricas representativas para essa classe de problemas é extremamente difícil, devido à natureza não-linear das equações diferenciais parciais envolvidas nos modelos. Conseqüentemente, o tema tem sido uma das principais preocupações da comunidade científica moderna em dinâmica de fluidos computacional. Aproximações de primeira ordem para os termos convectivos são as mais adequadas para amortecer oscilações que estão associadas às aproximações de alta ordem não-limitadas. Todavia, elas introduzem dissipação artificial nas representações discretas comprometendo os resultados numéricos. Para minimizar esse efeito não-físico e, ao mesmo tempo, conseguir aproximações incondicionalmente estáveis, é indispensável adotar uma estratégia que combine aproximações de primeira ordem com as de ordem mais alta e que leve em conta a propagação de informações físicas. Os resultados dessa composição são os esquemas "upwind" limitados de alta ordem. Em geral, espera-se que esses esquemas sejam apropriados para a representação das derivadas convectivas nos modelos de turbulência kappa-varepsilon. No contexto de diferenças finitas, a presente tese dedica-se à solução numérica das equações de Navier-Stokes no regime de números de Reynolds elevados. Em particular, ela contém uma análise de algoritmos monotônicos e antidifusivos e modelos de turbulência kappa-varepsilon para a simulação de escoamentos incompressíveis envolvendo superfícies livres. Esquemas de convecção são implementados nos códigos GENSMAC para proporcionar um tratamento robusto dos termos convectivos nas equações de transporte. Duas versões do modelo kappa-varepsilon de turbulência são implementadas nos códigos GENSMAC, para problems bidimensionais e com simetria radial, para descrever os efeitos da turbulência sobre o escoamento médio. Resultados numéricos de escoamentos com simetria radial são comparados com resultados experimentais e analíticos. Simulações numéricas de problemas tridimensionais complexos são apresentadas para avaliar o desempenho de esquemas "upwind". Finalmente, os modelos de turbulência kappa-varepsilon são utilizados para a simulação de escoamentos confinados e com superfícies livres. / A considerable part of fluid flows encountered in technological applications is characterised by involving high-Reynolds numbers, especially those in turbulent regime and with free-surface. It is extremely difficult to obtain representative numerical solutions for this class of problems, due to the non-linear nature of the partial differential equations involved in the models. Consequently, this subject has been one of main concerns in the modern computational fluid dynamics community. First-order approximation to the convective terms is one of the most appropriate to smooth out oscilations/instabilities which are associated with high-order unlimited approximation. However, it introduces numerical dissipation in the discrete representation jeopardizing the numerical results. In order to minimize this non-physical effect and, at the same time, to obtain unconditionally stable approximation, it is essential to adopt a strategy that combines first and high-order approximations and takes into account the propagation of physical information. The results of this composition are the high-order bounded upwind techniques. In general, it is expected that these algorithms are satisfactory for the representation of the convective derivatives in the kappa-varepsilon turbulence model. In the context of finite-difference, the present thesis deals with the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations at high-Reynolds number regimes. In particular, it contains an analysis of monotonic and anti-difusive convection schemes and kappa-varepsilon turbulence models for the simulation of free-surface fluid flows. Upwinding methods are implemented into the GENSMAC codes to provide a robust treatment of the convective terms in the transport equations. Two versions of the K-Epsilon turbulence model are implemented into the two-dimensional and axisymmetric GENSMAC codes, in order to describe the turbulent effects on the average flow. Numerical results of axisymmetric flows are compared with experimental and analytical results. Numerical simulations of complex three-dimensional problems are presented to assess the performance of high-order bounded upwind schemes. Finally, the K-Epsilon turbulence models are employed in the simulation of confined and free-surface flows.
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The significance of coherent flow structures for the turbulent mixing in wall-bounded flows / Die Bedeutung kohärenter Strukturen für die turbulente Vermischung in WandgrenzschichtenKähler, Christian Joachim 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise e implementação de esquemas de convecção e modelos de turbulência para simulação de escoamentos incompressíveis envolvendo superfícies livres. / Analysis and implementation of convection schemes and turbulence models for simulation of incompressible flows involving free surfaces.Valdemir Garcia Ferreira 26 September 2001 (has links)
Uma parte significativa dos escoamentos encontrados em aplicações tecnológicas é caracterizada por envolver altos números de Reynolds, principalmente aqueles em regime turbulento e com superfície livre. Obter soluções numéricas representativas para essa classe de problemas é extremamente difícil, devido à natureza não-linear das equações diferenciais parciais envolvidas nos modelos. Conseqüentemente, o tema tem sido uma das principais preocupações da comunidade científica moderna em dinâmica de fluidos computacional. Aproximações de primeira ordem para os termos convectivos são as mais adequadas para amortecer oscilações que estão associadas às aproximações de alta ordem não-limitadas. Todavia, elas introduzem dissipação artificial nas representações discretas comprometendo os resultados numéricos. Para minimizar esse efeito não-físico e, ao mesmo tempo, conseguir aproximações incondicionalmente estáveis, é indispensável adotar uma estratégia que combine aproximações de primeira ordem com as de ordem mais alta e que leve em conta a propagação de informações físicas. Os resultados dessa composição são os esquemas "upwind" limitados de alta ordem. Em geral, espera-se que esses esquemas sejam apropriados para a representação das derivadas convectivas nos modelos de turbulência kappa-varepsilon. No contexto de diferenças finitas, a presente tese dedica-se à solução numérica das equações de Navier-Stokes no regime de números de Reynolds elevados. Em particular, ela contém uma análise de algoritmos monotônicos e antidifusivos e modelos de turbulência kappa-varepsilon para a simulação de escoamentos incompressíveis envolvendo superfícies livres. Esquemas de convecção são implementados nos códigos GENSMAC para proporcionar um tratamento robusto dos termos convectivos nas equações de transporte. Duas versões do modelo kappa-varepsilon de turbulência são implementadas nos códigos GENSMAC, para problems bidimensionais e com simetria radial, para descrever os efeitos da turbulência sobre o escoamento médio. Resultados numéricos de escoamentos com simetria radial são comparados com resultados experimentais e analíticos. Simulações numéricas de problemas tridimensionais complexos são apresentadas para avaliar o desempenho de esquemas "upwind". Finalmente, os modelos de turbulência kappa-varepsilon são utilizados para a simulação de escoamentos confinados e com superfícies livres. / A considerable part of fluid flows encountered in technological applications is characterised by involving high-Reynolds numbers, especially those in turbulent regime and with free-surface. It is extremely difficult to obtain representative numerical solutions for this class of problems, due to the non-linear nature of the partial differential equations involved in the models. Consequently, this subject has been one of main concerns in the modern computational fluid dynamics community. First-order approximation to the convective terms is one of the most appropriate to smooth out oscilations/instabilities which are associated with high-order unlimited approximation. However, it introduces numerical dissipation in the discrete representation jeopardizing the numerical results. In order to minimize this non-physical effect and, at the same time, to obtain unconditionally stable approximation, it is essential to adopt a strategy that combines first and high-order approximations and takes into account the propagation of physical information. The results of this composition are the high-order bounded upwind techniques. In general, it is expected that these algorithms are satisfactory for the representation of the convective derivatives in the kappa-varepsilon turbulence model. In the context of finite-difference, the present thesis deals with the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations at high-Reynolds number regimes. In particular, it contains an analysis of monotonic and anti-difusive convection schemes and kappa-varepsilon turbulence models for the simulation of free-surface fluid flows. Upwinding methods are implemented into the GENSMAC codes to provide a robust treatment of the convective terms in the transport equations. Two versions of the K-Epsilon turbulence model are implemented into the two-dimensional and axisymmetric GENSMAC codes, in order to describe the turbulent effects on the average flow. Numerical results of axisymmetric flows are compared with experimental and analytical results. Numerical simulations of complex three-dimensional problems are presented to assess the performance of high-order bounded upwind schemes. Finally, the K-Epsilon turbulence models are employed in the simulation of confined and free-surface flows.
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Aerodynamic Analysis of Conventional and Spherical TiresPakala, Akshay Kumar January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchung der fluiddynamischen Eigenschaften von Strahlströmungen in begrenzten RäumenRingleb, Ansgar 03 April 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Strömungen räumlich begrenzter Strahlen untersucht. Zum einen wurde die Ausströmung eines runden Strahls in ein Rohr betrachtet, der sog. begrenzte Strahl. Zum anderen wurde die Ausströmung von 7 hexagonal angeordneten runden Strahlen in ein Rohr betrachtet, das sog. hexagonale Strahlbündel. Die Motivation zur vorliegenden Arbeit ergab sich aus der Entwicklung von Durchflussmessgeräten, die als Bypassapparaturen ausgeführt sind und stromabwärts des Staudruckkörpers ein Strömungsgebiet mit begrenzten Strahlen aufweisen. Dafür wurden mit Hilfe der Ähnlichkeitstheorie die zugrundeliegenden Kennzahlen bestimmt. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Charakterisierung der instationären bzw. turbulenten Strömungseigenschaften für Reynolds-Zahlen zwischen 1.000 und 20.000. Es wurden die selbstähnlichen Eigenschaften der Strömungen untersucht, wobei sich insbesondere für den begrenzten Strahl wichtige Erkenntnisse ergaben. Für das hexagonale Strahlbündel wurden mit Hilfe der numerischen Strömungssimulation die grundlegenden Eigenschaften des Strömungsfeldes untersucht. Dabei weisen die Geometriekennzahlen einen dominierenden Einfluss auf. So konnten in Abhängigkeit zum Durchmesserverhältnis und Strahlabstand drei Strömungsformen identifiziert und experimentell mittels Laser-Doppler Anemometrie nachgewiesen werden. Eine wesentliche Fragestellung bestand in der Anwendung der numerischen Strömungssimulation, des RANS-Ansatzes und des SST-Turbulenzmodells. Dazu wurde die Anpassung der Modellkoeffizienten untersucht, wobei für den begrenzten Strahl ein allgemein gültiger Satz gefunden wurde. / In the present work flows of spatially limited radiation were investigated. On the one hand, the outflow of a round jet into a pipe was considered, the so-called confined jet. On the other hand, the outflow of 7 hexagonal arranged round jets into a pipe was con-sidered, the so-called hexagonal jet array. The motivation for the present work arose from the development of flowmeters which are designed as bypass apparatures that have a jet array flow downstream of the dynamic pressure body. For this purpose the underlying similarity parameters were determined. Special attention was paid to the cha-racterization of transient and turbulent flow properties for Reynolds numbers between 1,000 and 20,000. The self-similar properties of the flows were investigated with im-portant findings in particular for the confined jet. For the hexagonal jet array the basic properties of the flow field were investigated by using computational fluid dynamics. The geometric similarity parameters have a dominant influence. Thus, depending on the di-ameter ratio and jet distance ratio, three flow patterns could be identified and experimen-tally detected by the use of laser Doppler anemometry. An important question was the application of the computational fluid dynamic method, the RANS approach and the SST turbulence model. For this purpose a generally valid set of model coefficients was found for the confined jet flow.
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